HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-28 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on April 28, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. LSP 04-1055: Lot Split (PBS/Nottenkamper, pp 359) Page 2 LSP 04-1053: Lot Split (Meadowlands, pp 400) Page 4 LSD 04-1052: (Kershner Business Centre, pp 173) Page 5 STAFF PRESENT Jeremy Pate Suzanne Morgan Renee Thomas Craig Camagey UTILITIES PRESENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Larry Gibson, Cox Communications ACTION TAKEN Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded STAFF ABSENT Danny Farrar Travis Dotson Rebecca Ohman Matt Casey UTILITIES ABSENT Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 2 LSP 04-1053: Lot Split (Meadowlands, pp 400) was submitted by Buckley Blew on behalf of S. Khajehnajafi for property located north of the intersection of Wedington Drive and lying east and west of Meadowlands Drive. The property is zoned R -O, Residential Office, and contains approximately 5.31 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 2.54 and 2.59 acres withl.22 acres dedicated for R.O.W. (LSP04-19.00) Pate: Ok, we will start the Technical Plat Review Committee meeting for Wednesday, April 28, 2004. We have five items on the agenda but two of them are actually going to be off. One is off permanently, the other one will probably be heard on the next round. The Lot Split for Parnell will be off and the Concurrent Plat for Twin Springs Estates which is on Double Springs Road will probably be heard at the next round so if you could keep your plats for that one. Item one is LSP 02-1053 for Meadowlands Drive submitted by Buckley Blew for property located north of Wedington Drive on either side of Meadowlands Drive. Morgan: We will go over Planning comments. This parcel is currently divided by 50' of right of way along Meadowlands Drive and was platted with the Willow Springs Phase I subdivision. The parcel number for this property is not shown on the County parcel map submitted with the application. Please identify where the parcel is located or supply the Planning Division with an additional map that identifies the subject property. Please clearly identify the zoning on here. I believe you did mention it up here but please put it on this tract. Change the plat page number to 400 not 402. Identify the existing and proposed right of way along all rights of way. GIS has some comments that they've included in here. Revisions will need to reflect those comments. Also, if you could include the R -O zoning district setback requirements on here. Please be aware that if two property lines are along street right of way, they are front property lines and will require compliance to the front setback. The two remaining property lines shall comply with the side setback requirements. The required setbacks shall be determined at the time of development. Additionally, I don't know if there are any structures on these tots. Any right of way along Wedington Drive needs to be dedicated by a Warranty Deed. Those are Planning comments. I will go over Engineering comments as well. He says show the location of the existing water main on the west side of the property and sewer will need to be extended to tract three. Parks fees will be calculated at the time of development. Utilities? Phipps: If we could make that 15' side setback a setback and UE. Any relocation of the existing facilities will be at the developer's expense. That's all I have. Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 3 Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We've got an underground trunk line that runs under this UE right here that goes up and feeds this subdivision. If you would just note that on those prints. The electric is overhead right here but because of a clearance issue from the power to the ground we went underground out here with our trunk line. I agree with Mike, change these building setbacks to building setbacks and UE's. That's all I have. Morgan: That should clear up any setbacks. Revisions are due May 5"' by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 4 LSP 04-1055: Lot Split (PBS/Nottenkamper, pp 359) was submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Bill Nottenkamper of PBS Development, Inc. for property located at the SW corner of Jess Anderson Road and Sunshine Road. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 35.62 acres. The request is to split the subject property into two tracts of 27.78 and 7.85 acres respectively. Pate: Item number two is LSP 02-1055 for Nottenkamper/PBS/ Amber Jane submitted by Dave Jorgensen. The property is located at the corner of Jess Anderson Road and Sunshine Road. There are not a whole lot of comments. Really there are just some labels and clarification. Add a label for Jess Anderson Road here if you would. Everything surrounding is in the county except for this piece so just include that RSF-4 zoning district right there. Of course, as you know, this plat will need to be approved by the Subdivision Committee and filed prior to the construction plans being released for the Preliminary Plat that was just recently approved. Just to let you know, that this does all need to occur before that can be released. The timing will need to work out. If you could include the building setbacks on the overall tract just per the County's requirements. Of course this will need to be approved by the Washington County Planner as well. Matt didn't have any comment with regard to Engineering. We reviewed most of it with the Preliminary Plat anyway. This is just a housekeeping item to create the actual tract of land that we are processing this overall Preliminary Plat on. Are there any additional utility comments? Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: No comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We got all of our easements with the Preliminary Plat. Pate: Revisions are due May 5`h by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page S LSD 04-1052: Large Scale Development (Kershner Business Centre, pp 173) was submitted by James Koch of CEI, Engineering on behalf of Travis Kershner for property located at the SE corner of Steele Blvd and Van Asche Drive. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.19 acres. The request is to approve the development of a 17,747 sq.ft. office building with 59 parking spaces proposed. (LSD04-15.00) Pate: Item five, the last item for today is LSD 02-1052 for Kershner Business Center submitted by James Koch for property located at the southeast corner of Steele Blvd. and Van Asche Drive. I believe you know we need to see a letter of authorization from the property owner for you to act on this property. Koch: He may have closed on it this week. Pate: If that is the case we just need a copy of the deed transaction for our files. Of course with the revisions before Subdivision Committee this will need to have a material sample board showing the materials on the building and calling those materials out. Usually a smaller board is ok. Plat comments here, label the adjacent property. This plat page is 173. Any easements that the utility companies request will need to be shown on the plat. If you could also label the building height. Koch: It is probably on the color elevations from the architect. Pate: Also, a breakdown of the use. A maximum of 85% can be covered by impervious surface. I have a comment that two bicycle racks are required. If you could just revise the note on the plat to say two bike racks. There are some comments in here from Solid Waste about the dumpster location and size. I believe Craig had some comments too. I think it would probably be a better place if it were located over here if at all possible along this drive. I'm not sure if that is possible. Koch: That is not our property, that's why we didn't put it over there. Pate: The reason being, one of the comments was the width is not sufficient to get the dumpster in. They have to have a 12' wide enclosure. The biggest concern that we have is that this is directly facing onto Van Asche Drive and one of our Commercial Design Standards is with regard to dumpster enclosures. The open side does not need to be facing onto public right of way. We would prefer it to be in another location so if you can investigate that. Koch: Sure. What do you think about possibly reorienting this this way so that the opening is facing the drive aisle? They can access it this way and exit in this manner. I know that would certainly cut the opening back. Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 6 Pate: There are not a whole lot of other places on the actual site property. Koch: I would have really liked to place it closer to the building but that wasn't possible with the different cabinets and things that are on that corner. Pate: I think that is possible. Craig, do you have any comments about that? Camagey: Is there any opportunity in this southwest corner as far as negotiation with the adjacent property owner? Koch: I know that they did allow for two curb cuts. Possibly we can make the concession since we are not pursuing the second curb cut to place the dumpster over there. I will certainly ask the question because I think it would be a better location. Pate: This does kind of serve as a service drive back here for deliveries. Koch: Absolutely. Just as a back up plan would this be something that we could orient a little bit differently. Carnagey: If you could dimension it and figure it out, that would be preferable for it not to be facing on Van Asche. Ideally the southwest corner is the preferable location. Pate: Of course that enclosure does need to be the same materials as the building to be complimentary to and compatible with the proposed building. Also, as far as the Mayor's and the City's anti -litter campaign we are requesting that you put pedestrian trash receptacles at the entrances of the structure. Include a note on the plat stating that all parking lot lighting will be a maximum of 35' in height, full cut off fixtures, etc. The monument sign that you have located, with your revisions if you could have your architect show us what the sign is going to look like there so the Planning Commission can determine if it is appropriate. Matt had no comments regarding Engineering. Craie Carnagey — Landscape Administrator Carnagey: A lot of my comments are some of the check list items that really pertain to the clarity of the drawing. I'm having a little problem reading it. With regard to tree preservation, you have this future pavilion and walking path in here. If you would just place a note that any future proposal for landscape development within the existing easement will require approval from the Landscape Administrator so we can clear any issues up. That's on my comment sheet as well. There may be questions about what you intend on doing in that area. Personally I would be all for some Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 7 enhancement work but I just think the Commission will want to have some sort of a guarantee that it will be done appropriately. If you could just put that in there I would appreciate it. Koch: Really, something else that I would like to discuss on that with you is the maintenance and upkeep of it. He is wanting to maintain it and use it. I'm not sure exactly what would take place there. That is probably something that the group would want to explore with you possibly after we got the structure and the parking area permitted for development. Carnagey: If you could just make a note to that extent so it is clear. The majority of my comments on the landscape plan are just clearing some of the drawing issues up. On the western edge along Steele Blvd. there are several trees that will need to be placed in there that aren't there right now. Also, the sidewalk that runs perpendicular is coming through a tree island. We are going to need a tree there so we will need to relocate that sidewalk to a more appropriate space. Jeremy already covered the dumpster location. Another idea I would encourage is to look into the use of berms for the landscape beds. Aesthetically it is a little bit nicer. If you could get whoever is working on that in your office to get into contact with us. Other than that, I think that's pretty much it. The rest are kind of basic checklist items. Koch: Who interprets the language for that tree easement? After reading that easement it seemed like it allowed certain uses in there similar to what Target did. They did have some impact within that easement with utilities and construction of the drive aisle and that was part of the reason why you saw the initial submittal with a parking area and drive aisle going into that. Who would ultimately be the person who would respond to that? Camagey: City Council. The language of the easement related to this site is a little bit different than our current language. I think the current language is a little bit more explicit and this one is a little more vague but I think it still does have that City Council gives the ultimate approval. Koch: So, if at some point in time in the future this guy wants to come back and add a few parking spaces in there and wanted to explore that how would we explore that? Camagey: I think it is just going to need to be some sort of enhancement proposal, an enhancement/mitigation proposal. We will definitely need to see a plan and some details in talking about maintenance and that sort of thing. We will need to bring it back to the City Council. Koch: Would I present that plan to you initially and then you would recommend that it goes to City Council directly and it wouldn't have to go through the Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 8 Technical, Subdivision and Planning Commission? Camagey: No, it would go directly to City Council. I know we talked about this in the past. Anything that you do present I want to make sure I'm very comfortable with before I make a request to City Council. Koch: So do I. How would his maintenance of this easement take place with respect to the trees that are in very poor health right there? Does the city need to monitor the removal of those? Camagey: We would just want to make sure that whoever you use is certified with the city or preferably, the International Society of Horticulture. Personally I think this space can use some extra maintenance and care and some enhancement work. There is no reason to let a bunch of trees die and go down hill. Again, it is a sensitive location too so we'll need to be aware of that, be careful and look at each plan. Koch: These guys chose this location because of some of those things and he just wants to be able to use it and maintain it like it was his back yard. That is a really nice place to have an office over there. In fact, I think he has pretty much got everybody leased on it. I will get with you on these other items. Pate: Utilities? Jim Sargent — SWEPCO Sargent: James, we wilt need to figure out a transformer location. I know this trench shows underground electric coming from over here. There is a tap cabinet there but there is not a transformer over there. Koch: Certainly in this area of the site or would it be wanted on the corner? Sargent: It can be about anywhere. We just need to sit it some place. We will need an easement from the tap cabinet on the Target property down here close to that drive and then there is one up here. We can come from either one of those but we will need a transformer location and easement to get there. I will need some load and voltage information when you get that. That's all I have. We can come from either corner and the owner will have to provide the conduit from the transformer pad to that tap cabinet. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: James, there is an underground fiber optic and a copper line in this easement right here just on the south side of Van Asche running east and west. The copper turns south right here and the fiber turns north. It is on Technical Plat Review April 28, 2004 Page 9 the east side of Steele Blvd. so if you would note those on your prints. They need to be really careful around that fiber line. Your easements are fine. You've got those labeled. Item 26A they've got it labeled underground telephone and TV if you could just separate those conduits to give a 4" for us and I don't know what the phone company wants. Koch: On the copper line is there anything else I need to call that? Gibson: You can label it Copper CATV and also the fiber line. Separate those conduits out. I don't know what phone is going to want. They usually ask for two. I just need one 4" in that corner location of the building. If they would contact me on this there is some other stuff we need to do on the inside of that building as far as getting from one end to the other. That's all I have. Pate: Contact the other utilities on your own. Revisions are due May 5a' at 10:00 a.m. Don't forget that Subdivision Committee meetings are now on Fridays instead of Thursdays. If there is nothing else, we are adjourned.