HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-31 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on March 31, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. LSP 04-15.00: (Dickerson, pp 396) Page 2 LSP 04-16.00: (Oxford/Drake, pp 204) Page 8 PPL 04-06.00: (Amber Jane Estates, pp 359) Page 5 STAFF PRESENT Matt Casey Jeremy Pate Suzanne Morgan Renee Thomas UTILITIES PRESENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas ACTION TAKEN Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded STAFF ABSENT Perry Franklin Danny Farrar Travis Dotson Alison Brady Craig Camagey UTILITIES ABSENT Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 2 LSP 04-15.00: Lot Split (Dickerson, pp 396) was submitted by Carole Jackson on behalf of Hazel M. Dickerson for property located at 1272 N. Double Springs Road. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 20.0 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into 3 tracts of 5.0, 10.0 and 5.0 acres respectively. Pate: Good morning. We will start the Technical Plat Review Committee meeting for Wednesday, March 31". We have three items on the agenda this morning. The first of which is LSP 04-15.00 for Dickerson submitted by Carol Jackson which is located on Double Springs Road. Is there a representative present? Jackson: I'm Carol Jackson. Pate: We will go over Planning comments first. There are a number of plat comments that your surveyor will need to address. These are just basic requirements that are on our checklist that were looked over including any adjacent zoning districts and property owners that need to be added. There were a couple that were left off. The plat page also. Double Springs Road in this location is considered a minor arterial and the right of way will need to be dedicated with this Lot Split for that. That will change your building setbacks somewhat. Jackson: What does that mean? Pate: Basically that means that this street here is a minor arterial street and our Master Street Plan for the City of Fayetteville requires that right of way be dedicated anytime a piece of land is split. You will be dedicating to the city a portion of this back this direction. That is required for any Lot Split or development within the City of Fayetteville or the Planning area. Basically, what it is going to do is move these lines back. You will lose some property here. That is for the street. It will need to be 45' from centerline for the road. Jackson: How will that affect where the gas meter is going to be? Pate: It is really just a line. Boles: You won't have to change anything relating to gas meters. Jackson: And the water meter too? Casey: They can remain where they are at. Pate: It is really just moving a line on paper and recording that. Jackson: Just to be aware not to put anything within 45' of that. Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 3 Pate: Right, nothing can be within that right of way and then there is a setback off of that line which is also mentioned here. I put all of those comments here as well. Jackson: Will we need to move this fence in or is that at some point when the road is actually widened? Pate: The fence should be fine as long as it is not in the right of way and it is not 45' from centerline. It can be outside of that right of way. Casey: If it is existing you won't have to move it. Pate: I noticed that there are quite a few structures shown here so I will need to see if there are any others. We just need to make sure that all structures are shown. Have your surveyor include the owner/developer information on the plat, who owns the property, name and address. Of course this is in the Planning area so you will need to go to Washington County planning as well. Jackson: I have spoke with them and they said they would approve what you approve. Pate: Matt, do you have any Engineering comments? Casey: Sewer is not available in this area. Also, we need your surveyor to show the location of the existing septic system. We need to verify that you are not creating a new property line over the top of the septic system. Pate: Utility comments? Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop, Phipps: What I would like is between tracts 1 and 2 where you have the 10' building setback on each side of that property line, just make that a 10' building setback and UE. Jackson: Ok. Phipps: On the east property line running north and south on tracts 1, 2 and 4 that 20' building setback needs to be 20' building setback and UE. We have a large overhead power line, 12.5kV that cuts across the corner of tract 1. That has a 30' utility easement with it. It is 15' each side of the line. Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 4 Johney Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: We just need to make sure that the easement that we are requesting along Double Springs Road is adjacent to the additional right of way that you have to dedicate. The city is asking for additional street right of way so your building setback will move to the east so just include your building setback as a building setback and UE along Double Springs Road. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: Those easements are fine. Jackson: Would you like an easement on the north also? Phipps: You've only got 10' there and a mobile home real close to that. Jackson: Ok, so you're ok with that. You want it between tract one and two and everything to the west and everything to the east, correct? Phipps: Yes. Pate: Those are all of our comments. Revisions are due April 7`h by 10:00 a.m. Jackson: Thank you very much. Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 5 PPL 04-06.00: Preliminary Plat (Amber Jane Estates, pp 359) was submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of PBS of Fayetteville for property located at the SW corner of 51" Avenue and Jess Anderson Road. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 27.78 acres. The request is to allow for the development of a residential subdivision with 28 single family lots. Pate: Item number two is LSP 04-16.00 for Oxford/Drake submitted by Audrey Drake. This property is located on Wagner Road in the planning area. Is the applicant available? We will skip over that one for right now and go to item number three, PPL 04-06.00 for Amber Jane Estates submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of PBS of Fayetteville for property located at the southwest corner of 51" and Jess Anderson Road in the planning area. The first comment that we have is that currently this lot that is shown in the submitted plat has never been through the City of Fayetteville to actually create this lot. There are two parcel numbers there. It looks like in our research of the county records it was split sometime between 2001 and 2003 but it never came through our process. To actually create this configuration with this legal description we will need to do either a property line adjustment if there are two parcels or a lot split to actually create this parcel of land before we can process a Preliminary Plat. That will need to come back through this process as well. If there is anyway to show that documentation if you have something that has been through the city before please get that to me. In looking through all of our plat page files and all of our documentation we have never seen an action to create this lot. That is something that we will need to look at before this goes too much further in the process. I included all of that for your reference. On page two there are a couple of structures existing on lot 19 I believe that will be removed, if you could add a note to that affect. We can't create a lot with structures crossing lot lines. Also, on the stub out to the south we will need to have you guys get with the Transportation Division to get a sign put up. Basically, they have a sign to put up saying that this is a future connection for a street to go through. Perry Franklin would probably be the best person to talk to. This is in the Planning Area so it will need to go through the Washington County Planning Board as well for approval of the subdivision. You have submitted your letters from the County Health Department. I appreciate you submitting those. Prior to the Final Plat of this subdivision of course we will need the actual permit for each of the lots less than an acre and a half. Any proposed utilities need to be underground and all existing lines below 12kV need to be relocated underground. This is adjoining city limits so we will look at full city requirements for that type of thing. That's the bulk of our comments. Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 6 Matt Casey — Staff Eneineer Casey: If you could relocate the temporary turn around across the road and in between lots 12 and 13 that way fire vehicles and also trash trucks won't have as far to back up to be able to turn around. Also, the proposed water lines need to be 8". Also, we will need to see an extension of the water line for Phase II along Jess Anderson Road across lot 27. As Jeremy mentioned, since this is adjacent to city limits our city standards apply so the street improvements will need to meet our minimum street standards. One thing I would note is the pavement section will need to be changed to be a two grid six section instead of a two and seven, except on the cul-de- sac, it can be a three and eight. The Jess Anderson Road north half would be in the county so we would like to see it paved. We will let the county handle that, whatever Celia asks for. From our Floodplain Administrator, indicate the name and date of the 100 -year floodplain study or indicate per FEMA the 100 -year floodplain for creek on the west side of the development and label the name of the creek if available and determine the 100 -year water surface elevation channels within the site and describe easements based on the 100 -year water surface floodplain. The minimum floor elevations are 2' above the 100 -year water surface elevation. Show the floodway if determined and include benchmarks for soil on the plat. If you've got any questions about those comments contact Mike Rozelle in our division and he can visit with you about those. Pate: A couple of Fire Department comments that are in there. I believe they are ok with everything as long as this turn around will meet their standards to be able to turn around there. There is a standard radius for their curves. The temporary turn around will also serve trash and other delivery vehicles as well. The hydrant status 500' is the maximum distance. There is an additional comment that we were made aware of recently. Part of the sewer line extension for the new Waste Water Treatment Plant will be coming through very close to this if not on a portion of this site. We have contacted our Public Works Director and he is going to get that information to us. As soon as we can turn that around we'll get it to you. I'm not sure if it will affect this project but we know that it is very close and we want to make sure that you're aware that right now if there are any easements for that large line. We will try to get as much information to you as we can as soon as we get it. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: We are in the process of relocating that overhead line to that side of 51st Street. If we have to relocate it again for the sewer line it will be at the city's expense. Also, Larry has a plan of how we would like to route through this subdivision. Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 7 Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: I know you said that they were wanting to keep everything in front. I would like to on these three lots right here to be able to go through there and cut the footage off of it for your benefit and ours. I'd like to be able to get a 20' UE between 5 and 6 in the back and then between 8 and 5 in the back and then another one between 9 and 8. Also, a 20' UE on the south side of Lot 1 back out to the road. Also, six 4" conduits from lot 1 and 2 over to 22 and lots 7 and 6 over to 20 and 21. Lots 9 and 8 over to 17 and 16 and then 10 and 11 over to lot 15. Lots 12 and 13 over to 14. On the east side of lots 3 and 12 if you would place a 20' general UE along there and then let it come back out between 12 and 13 back out to the street, 10' on each side. Boles: I need a 4" casing underneath this 18" asphalt drive up here on the north end in that utility easement. It is just a 4" for gas. I think Mike has overhead over there too. Phipps: We had to relocate for the widening that Fairfield had to do for their street here and then the county is going to widen that road so we moved everything through here and upgraded that line to 25kV and we tried to set the poles to pick up this subdivision as we would go through. Pate: Revisions are due April 7 t at 10:00 a.m. We will try to get that sewer line information to you as soon as we can. Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 8 LSP 04-16.00: Lot Split (Oxford/Drake, pp 204) was submitted by Audrey Drake for property located at 3531 Wagner Road. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 4.64 acres. The request is to split the lot into two tracts of 0.75 and 3.89 acres respectively. Pate: We still don't have a representative here for this Lot Split. I typically don't like to review these unless there is someone present but I don't think we have any questions on this one. Boles: Jeremy, are you going to request more right of way on Wagner Road? Morgan: I believe 60' was dedicated with the plat and it is identified as a local street on the Master Street Plan so no additional right of way other than the 50' would be required. Gibson: Is that utility easement adjacent to that right of way? Morgan: It is. This is the first lot split for the parent tract. There are two parcel numbers for the tract however, for tax purposes. The plat is requiring additional owner information as well as adjacent property information and a note that this is in the planning area. The certificate of ownership and dedication will need to be updated to indicate Washington County instead of the City of Fayetteville. The proposed tract 1 driveway is shown as going through both tracts 1 and 2 and will need to be adjusted accordingly, either by a lot line or an access easement through there. They will need to dimension the right of way but it has been dedicated. County approval is required for this Lot Split. That's all of Planning's comments. Matt Casey — Staff Eneineer Casey: Sewer is not available in this area. I need the surveyor to show the location of the existing 4" water line, the existing meters and the existing septic. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop, Phipps: No comment. Johnev Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Technical Plat Review March 31, 2004 Page 9 Gibson: If they adjust this driveway to the north unless I'm missing something, there is a pole sitting there just a little bit to the north of that so if they have to relocate that it will be at the owner/developer's expense. Pate: Meeting is adjourned.