HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-11 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LSP 03-1.00: Lot Split (Shackelford, pp 558) Page 28 LSP 03-2.00: Lot Split (Gyles, pp 298) Page 2 LSD 02-30.00: Large Scale Development (Southern View Apartments, pp 519) Page 3 LSD 03-2.00: Large Scale Development (Sloan, pp 399) Page 9 PPL 03-1.00: Page 14 FPL 03-1.00: Page 21 Preliminary Plat (Persimmon Place, pp 438) Final Plat (Heritage East Ph.II, pp 565) STAFF PRESENT Matt Casey Sara Edwards Kim Hesse Renee Thomas Keith Shreve UTILITIES PRESENT Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Glenn Newman, AEP/ SWEPCO Johny Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell ACTION TAKEN Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded STAFF ABSENT Tim Conklin Perry Franklin Danny Farrar Travis Dotson UTILITIES ABSENT Jim Sargent, AEP/SWEPCO Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 2 Edwards: Welcome to the Wednesday, December 11, 2002 meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee. The first item on our agenda is LSP 03-1.00 for Shackelford submitted by Mel Milholland. Is anybody here on behalf of this request? That will be moved to the end of the agenda. LSP 03-2.00: Lot Split (Gyles, pp 298) was submitted by Alan Reid on behalf of Kathy Ann Gyles for property located at 2686 Timberglen Lane. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 4.81 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 2.0 acres and 2.81 acres. Edwards: The next item is LSP 03-2.00 submitted by Alan Reid on behalf of Kathy Ann Gyles for property located at 2680 Timberglen Lane. The property is in the Planning Area and contains 4.81 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 2.0 and 2.81 acres. Alan Reid is here representing the project. There are no comments from Parks. Sidewalks are not required in our Growth Area. From Planning, the only comment is that prior to filing this County approval is required. Engineering has no comments. Utilities? Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Our existing line is on the east side of Timberglen and in order to serve this second lot over here I would need either this north building setback to be a UE or the south, whatever is your preference. You have got an existing barn on the south side so we would need this expanded to a 20' UE in order to get over to this lot to serve it. Edwards: You are asking for that on the north side? Boles: Yes, the north side. That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We are on the south side down here with electric. I would like to see that two acre lot, if we could get a 20' UE across that south side running east and west to meet that other one that goes back to the west there to Timberglen. That is all I have. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: I agree with those easements. Edwards: Thank you. Reid: Thank you. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 3 LSD 02-30.00: Large Scale Development (Southern View Apartments, pp 519) was submitted by Jerry Kelso of Crafton, Tull, & Associates on behalf of Lindsey Management for property located at the northeast corner of Futrall Drive and Old Farmington Road. The property is zoned RMF -18, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential and contains approximately 19.39 acres with 312 units proposed. Edwards: The next item is LSD 02-30.00 for Southern View Apartments. Is anyone here on behalf of this request? This was submitted by Jerry Kelso of Crafton, Tull, & Associates on behalf of Lindsey Management for property located at the northeast corner of Futrall Drive and Old Farmington Road. The property is zoned RMF -18, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential and contains approximately 19.39 acres with 312 units proposed. I will start with Fire. All drive entries and access points should be a minimum width of 21' and I think that we have met that. All hydrants shall be within 300' of all structures. They are recommending one additional hydrant in an area between building 23 and 24. They do have a note about security gates. We are going to prohibit security gates on the project. Parks fees are assessed in the amount of $117,000. That is based on 212 multi -family units. This is set to go to City Council in the near future. Kelso: Edwards: Yes, we were at that agenda session last night and it is on the agenda. Ok, good. From Sidewalks, Futrall is a Collector which requires a 6' sidewalk and a 10' green space. In a multi -family residential zone requires a 6' sidewalk. The green space may be reduced to 5' to allow the sidewalks to be constructed within the right of way. All of these other comments are pretty standard but you can read through them. You do have to have seven bicycle racks. Shreve: Jerry, do you need any information on those detectable warnings? Kelso: If you have got some that would be great. Edwards: From our Landscape Administrator, she does say that dogwoods are not a good species for parking lot islands. A medium sized shade tree is required and she does have a list of species if you need. Trees are required every twelve spaces. Is there anything to add on that Kim? Hesse: No. You have got a number of trees listed on the plat that maybe need to go into the islands. Edwards: For tree preservation? Hesse: Those mitigation numbers will actually go down because of the way you rated the trees. Also, the canopy onsite you will get to drop. For Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 4 Subdivision Committee you will need to delineate what trees are mitigation and which trees are landscape trees. That is all. Edwards: I did get the deeds on the 30' access easement or road. It is as you show on this part and then if you could go ahead and continue that on. I do have deeds on the rest of it. I do understand that you have agreed to submit elevations for buildings one, two, twenty-three, twenty-six and the clubhouse. I think we probably need to talk about changing those up in some of the design and alternating so that they look different. Is that correct? Kelso: Yes. That is something that we have discussed. Edwards: Your parking stalls, you have got them 19.5' and your aisle is 24.5'. Our requirement is 24' for the aisles and 19' for the stalls. Kelso: We have got it drawn right. What they did is they measured to the back of the curb and your requirement is to the face of curb. Edwards: Ok. Do you know what type of lighting you are proposing? Kelso: The same as we do on everything. Edwards: Can you get me some information on the fixtures? Kelso: Yes. Edwards: There is a regulation and I will admit that we haven't been great at enforcing it. I wasn't aware of it. Planning Commission is required to approve all signs. Shiloh West is the most recent one I can think of that has a sign that was not approved by the Planning Commission. We can either submit it now with this Large Scale with the elevations of it and the dimensions of it or we can bring it back to the Planning Commission as an administrative item when you are more certain about what you need. Kelso: We will try to go ahead and do it at this time because that could be easier to get that done at one time. Edwards: As you know, all utilities have to go underground. Gates will be prohibited to limit access to this property. A mix of trees will be required around the pond and Kim has agreed to work with you on that to get a good mixture in there. Do you propose a flag? Kelso: Yes we will. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 5 Edwards: Ok, can you just tell us the size and the location of that? I don't think it will be a problem, we just want some information. Revisions are due December 18th by 10:00 a.m. Engineering? Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: The buildings need to be setback a minimum of 100' from the 100 year water surface elevation. You can get a waiver from that. Kelso: Typically that is what we do. In this situation we went ahead and went with a 4' fence completely around it, 6' fence of course from off the highway. Yes, we would like to see if we can get a waiver for that. Edwards: What we need is all waivers have to be submitted in writing with your justification. Kelso: Ok. Casey: Also, that 6' fence you mentioned is located right on top of our sewer line. It is shown as an 8" on your plans, it is a 21". You need to relocate the fence off of that sewer line. Kelso: How far off that sewer line does it need to be? Casey: A minimum of 5'. I would also like to see a grading plan for the proposed street extension. We kind of touched on this before but I spoke with other staff but the 150' radius for this curve is not something that we can waive. It is the minimum radius for that type of curve so we either have to relocate that curve over onto the property where it will fit within the property or you will have to obtain additional right of way from the adjacent property. Kelso: Ok. If we move it on our property it is going to kill more trees. If that is what is required that is what is required that is what is required. Edwards: You need to watch your setbacks from that too because that is going to be public right of way and I am not sure you've got it right now. Kelso: It is 25' on both of the streets? Casey: Yes. I would also like for you to extend that easement from the northwest corner where the water line ends at the northwest, if you will extend that to the northwest corner along Futrall so adjacent property can connect to it. Kelso: That is probably another 100' or so which isn't that big of a deal. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 6 Casey: Kelso: On the drainage, and I think we have talked about this before, we will need to make sure either that the proposed storm sewer can convey the 100 year storm flows or provisions are made to get the flow into the pond and not let it just overflow out into the right of way. Right. What we plan on doing Matt, just real quick, is we will make this pipe right here sized for a hundred year storm so that coming down to collect it, this one here will be sized for a ten year storm and a hundred year storm will go on the top and go between the buildings so we will make that work. Casey: The rest of my comments are just minor. If you have any questions let me know. Edwards: Jerry, there is a comment that I forgot this morning. From our Traffic Superintendent, all ADA spaces must be located at the nearest access to the entrance of these buildings and must be van accessible spaces. Call Perry Franklin if you have any questions. Kelso: In all of that, and I talked with some of the Lindsey management folks and what they try to do is position the handicapped spaces where there is as much equal distance as they can from the front of the building verses the back of the building. They constantly have handicapped folks wanting to get to the back of the building that want better views and if we put them in the front they have got in trouble for discriminating about that believe it or not. Edwards: Ok, utilities? Glen Newman — AEP/SWEPCO Newman. The south half of this, the future commercial is in SWEPCO's service area. These apartments are in Ozark. However, I do have a single phase line that runs up and goes up to the bus maintenance. Any relocation of that power line will have to be at the developer's expense. That is the only comment I have. Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Kelso: Boles: 1 assume this project will be all electric right Jerry? Yes. I would like to see for future use this 25' building setback and UE extend from the northwest corner of this project all the way to the southwest Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 7 corner. The reason for that is that at the present time we do not have any gas at all on the east side of Futrall Drive from Old Farmington Road all the way to Wedington Drive. Clouser: Didn't we ask for that already on a lot split? Kelso: You got that already. Boles: Ok. Clouser: It is not on here though. Kelso: Part of that 50' is actually easement and then it cuts back and then the rest of it is 25'. There is a line that got left off right through there. Boles: Also, I would need a 6" casing under these two drives on the east side of Futrall for future use. Kelso: Ok. Boles: That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: Jerry, these two streets coming out on Futrall here, I would like to have a 4" on that. This east/west drive entrance goes all the way through. I would like to get a 4" across there. Basically, everything else it is only interior where the UE crosses the streets or the parking lots. Just place a quad. Kelso: Do typically you all come in after the parking lot is laid? Gibson: We have done it both ways. Clouser: We would require conduit anywhere that we are going to cross. Kelso: Last time we left it with as soon as we get our Superintendent on board, he gets with you guys. Gibson: That would be great. Kelso: That usually works our pretty well. Gibson: Yes it does. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 8 Kelso: He has got certain places he wants you all to come into the building and I don't know that. Gibson: A lot of ours depends on the location of those electric transformers. We have to go to the same location. Kelso: What I would like to do is just put a note on the plan that says Job Superintendent will get with Public Utilities. Gibson: That will work real well. If he does that maybe we won't need those. I would still like to see those 4" crossings out here for the future. We may be able to avoid the interior by getting in there before they put the parking lots and streets hopefully. That is all I have. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: There is a possibility that we may be requiring the developer to provide a trench for us or a conduit throughout or we will try to look at possibly going in with the other utilities. Maybe that is something that we can all work out. I am not sure that we can all get into one trench. Kelso: Is that for all commercial or all residential? Clouser: Just about every project unless there is extenuating circumstances. If the Superintendent is going to contact me that is fine because we will need the conduits. Edwards: That is it. Thank you. Kelso: Thank you. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 9 LSD 03-2.00: Large Scale Development (Sloan, pp 399) was submitted by NorthStar Engineering Consultants Inc. on behalf of Charlie Sloan for property owned by Westridge Freewill Baptist Church and located at 4596 Wedington Drive. The property is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential and contains approximately 2.36 acres with six lots proposed. Edwards: The next item is LSD 03-2.00. It was submitted by NorthStar Engineering Consultants Inc. on behalf of Charlie Sloan for property owned by Westridge Freewill Baptist Church and located at 4596 Wedington Drive. The property is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential and contains approximately 2.36 acres with six lots proposed. Ingalls: I am Jason Ingalls with Northstar Engineering. This is Charlie Sloan with me here today. We are going to process this as a Large Scale, not a Preliminary Plat. Edwards: Yes. Starting with Parks, you have been approved for money in lieu of land in the amount of $6,750. That will be due prior to building permit. From Sidewalks, the necessary grading for sidewalks shall be done as part of the street construction. Franciscan Trail is a local street which requires a 6' sidewalk. The sidewalks shall be constructed at the right of way line. Please connect the east end of the new sidewalk with the existing sidewalk. Trinity Drive is a residential cross street which requires a 6' sidewalk. The green space may be reduced to 3' to allow the sidewalk to be constructed and the street to be centered in the right of way. The access ramp on the northeast corner of Trinity and Franciscan should be moved northward to better align with the ramp on the northwest corner. The access ramp on the south side of Franciscan Trail should be removed. Detectable warnings are now required when constructing or altering curb ramps. A 24" wide strip of detectable warning should be installed at the bottom of curb ramps to indicate the transition from the sidewalk to the street. Ingalls: Is that a note that we just need to add on here? Shreve: At the actual time of construction it will be required to be installed. I have got some information on the detectable warnings here that I can give you. It needs to be installed by the contractor or the developer or whatever. Edwards: You also need to have your sidewalk continuous through the driveways and that needs to be changed on the drawing. One bicycle rack is required per our ordinance. From Fire, all drive entries and access points shall be a minimum width of 21'. We are fine with that. Trinity Drive there will be no parking allowed on it and it will be marked as a fire lane. All hydrants shall be within 400' of all structures and he says that is ok. However, they do recommend a cul-de-sac at the end of the street and that is to allow the Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 10 fire truck to tum around. They have a section of state fire code that requires a cul-de-sac or what is called a hammerhead turn around. Sloan: We have talked to him about that and he said that the hammerhead would be fine. Edwards: From our Landscape Administrator, she didn't have a site analysis, analysis report, or tree preservation plan. Therefore, she could not review this project. She recommends denial based on the fact that the plan shows little or no tree preservation and that mitigation is not requested. Keep in mind that the requirement is to save 20% of the site in existing tree canopy and if you cannot, the developer or engineer must defend their reasoning. If mitigation is allowed versus preservation, she is to approve the method of mitigation. In this situation, as a Large Scale Development, she feels that the mitigation should be onsite and there is not enough room with this layout to do so. Ingalls: She has that analysis now. I didn't get it to her in time. I faxed her a copy of our tree preservation plan. Hesse: We need to go out there. Edwards: From Planning, I am asking for a table which indicates lot widths, lengths, and area. That is to verify that it does have the required lot area, frontage, and all of that. Ingalls: I thought that was on there. Edwards: You do have the square footage, if you could just put the dimensions. Add it on here or somewhere that I can verify. Sloan: Since we are doing this as a Large Scale do you want us to take the buildings off? Edwards: No, leave those on there. Adjacent zoning needs to be added. Do you know how tall the buildings are? Sloan: They are one story. Edwards: So less than 20'? Sloan: Right. Edwards: Plat page 399 needs to be added on there. We have a requirement that streets ending in a cul-de-sac be no greater than 500' in length. You have 572', I don't really have a problem with that, there is nowhere for it to go. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 11 It is just going to have to be an official waiver by the Planning Commission. We just need that requested in writing. Also, I am looking for a note regarding the construction of Franciscan Trail. Maybe just something that says Franciscan Trail to be built at the time of Large Scale. That will let the Planning Commission know that that is not existing. Parking lot stalls need to be dimensioned, 9x19 is the requirement unless there is not reasonable area for overhang you can go down to 17'. Is there any parking lot lighting proposed? Sloan: We will have street lights. Edwards: Ok, there is no problem with that. No additional lighting will be on the parking lot. We don't need the signature block. In place we require an easement plat and that is signed off by everybody. Utilities have to go underground, I'm sure you are aware of that. Sidewalks will be installed along side the street. Prior to permit you have to have grading and drainage and easement plats and all improvements will have to be in a surety and that includes the streets, the sidewalks, and the landscaping and any other sewer or water. Revisions are due on December 18th by 10:00 a.m. Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: Jason, I just need you to show all of the grading associated with the propose Franciscan Trail street extension. You showed a portion of it but I need to see the entire length of the street grading shown. Ingalls: Ok. Casey: The sewer line shows going right through the middle of the detention pond and we don't allow sewer in detention ponds so that would need to be relocated around. Sloan: We had done a similar development a couple of years ago where we did go underneath the pond. Casey: The current policy is no sewer in the detention pond of any sort so we need to relocate that around the pond. There is a minimum setback from the 100 -year water surface elevation of the detention pond and the lot six building does not appear to meet that. You need to either adjust the pond or the building to provide that setback. Ingalls: The 100 -year, from the lot line it doesn't but maybe from the water line it does. I will have to look at that. If I have to I will move it, that is not a problem. Like I say, I can shift these buildings over and move that drive. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 12 Casey: The outlet of the detention pond is shown going to a concrete swale and running between two existing lots and out into the street. That is not something that we normally allow. We need some more information about what is out there and where is the nearest storm sewer. Ingalls: What the problem is there is right now the water just ponds in that area. We had talked about a year and a half ago with Ron Petrie at the time and this is the option that we explored. Of course with doing this option we can only let a certain amount out here so we don't flood the street out, which is what I have done with holding the water back in the detention pond. I don't know in answer to your question with the storm sewer, I will get back with you on that. Casey: Normally the swales are allowed just on site when you are discharging out on somebody else's property. We would like to see some more information about options available. I don't know if it is possible but right now it sheet flows across there, if there is someway to simulate that. That might be difficult to do but we try to avoid changing from a sheet flow condition to a point discharge on somebody else's property. We may need to talk about that later then. Have you got a drainage easement between these lots? Ingalls: It is an existing utility easement. There is 15' on both sides. Casey: We need to also obtain a drainage easement then for that area to make that happen. If you have any questions about the remainder of the comments just let me know. Ingalls: Ok. Edwards: Utilities? Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: These units would be served off the existing line on the east property line and it would be placed along the east property line. That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We will also service this off the east side. I would like to see a UE of some type between lots two and three and four and five. I am thinking that we are going to have to go up here in the middle to service these. Would you know where the electric meter is going to be on these? Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 13 Ingalls: There is existing electric meters on the back of these units here. Without any comment from the electric company whether they are going to actually leave those transformers there or not I don't know. Gibson: I mean on the buildings. Sloan: We are thinking about sitting them on the end of the building and on each end. Gibson: If you do that then I can service them. If you do a cluster for instance between lots two and three, there are six units right there, if you put a cluster back on five and eight for each cluster of three then I would need something to come up here and set up so I can service those. If you are going to put the meters back here on the ends it won't be a problem. Interior wiring to the building will be the responsibility of the builder. That is all I have. Sue Clouser- Southwestern Bell Clouser: If you decide to bring the inside wiring out like Larry said then that will be fine. If not, we will need an easement. Gibson: It will be between lots two and three and four and five. Edwards: That is all. Thank you. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 14 PPL 03-1.00: Preliminary Plat (Persimmon Place, pp 438) was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Larry Garriott for property located at the northwest corner of 46th Street and Persimmon Place. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 59.60 acres with 148 lots proposed. Edwards: The next item is PPL 03-1.00 submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Larry Garriott for property located at the northwest corner of 46th Street and Persimmon Place. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 59.60 acres with 148 lots proposed. Let the record reflect that Chris Brackett is here representing the applicant. From Fire, all drives, entries and access ways shall be a minimum width of 21'. They are requesting that the island at the entranceway be removed. I know that the Bill of Assurance requires landscaping within that entry so we have a little bit of a conflict. That is something that we need to work out. I don't know if we can maybe make 21' of pavement on one side of the island? Brackett: I guess I don't understand the reason for 21'. We can those back so they should be able to get around them like any other street. Edwards: Do you know what those are? Brackett: Not off the top of my head but I will ensure that those radiuses and lanes are needed. I guess what I am saying is that if we have to we can even adjust that curb to make sure that it meets that requirement. Edwards: Is that going to require at least 20'? Casey: I don't know. Edwards: What they are doing is state fire code requirements is a minimum of 20' for fire access and so that is what they are requesting. Casey: It only has to be on one side, not both ways. Edwards: Right, one side could be 20' and then the other side can be narrower so we can offset it. Brackett: So we can do like a one in and two out kind of deal with an island in between as long as one side meets 20'? Edwards: Yes. Brackett: We can pull that off. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 15 Edwards: Fire hydrants spacing is ok. City Council has approved a waiver for the use of the land. I have 145 lots at $470 per unit which calculates to $68,150. Tree preservation, she didn't have any comments. Sidewalks, the necessary grading for sidewalks should be done at time of street construction. Two access ramps are required at each street corner, at "T" intersections corresponding ramps should be installed across from the intersecting street. They are asking that the ramp locations shown be modified. Detectable warnings are required when replacing or altering curb ramps. A 24" wide strip of detectable warning should be installed at the bottom of the curb ramp to indicate the transition from the sidewalk to the street. Sidewalk width and green space width as shown in the table are correct. Sidewalks shall be continuous through the drive. Brackett: Ok. Shreve: Chris, what we are asking for on those is the lower ramp at the "T" intersections there. Brackett: You just need one on either side of the entrance that goes across the street? Shreve: Typically, if you look at your four ways you have got two ramps on each radius. Brackett: So I should have a ramp that goes across the street but not on both sides of the "T"? Shreve: Well, we are trying to get both sides. Brackett: We prefer to do just one due to the fact that these ramps, this one would come out in the middle of that lot but we can put one here and one there. Shreve: Also, go ahead and put ramps here on each of these entrances two ramps. That way when the street is improved the sidewalks will already have the ramps in place. Edwards: From Planning, in accordance with the Bill of Assurance Covenants will have to be submitted for review with the Final Plat and will have to be filed with that as well. That was required by the Bill of Assurance that the covenants be done but we don't need them yet. All of the landscaping required by the Bill of Assurance will have to be installed prior to submittal of the Final Plat. We do have a 70' lot width minimum. Label lots 25, 26, 28, 56, and 57 at the 25' building setback. I am asking that a note be placed on the Final Plat which is going to limit access to only interior streets. All subdivision signs must be approved by the Planning Commission. If they plan to propose one then we need to get the appearance of that with the Final Plat. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 16 Brackett: Ok. Edwards: Utilities are required to be placed underground. My understanding is that this overhead electric line is over 12KV so that will remain. We are asking that Flair Street be extended to the south property line and aligned with Broyles Avenue which comes up at the southwest corner of this property. Our reasoning is Broyles will serve as a better collector than 46th Street. 46th Street is sub -standard. Basically, the residents of 46th Street are very much in opposition to increased traffic on a sub -standard street. You can curve it down or you can move the street over. Brackett: I kind of thought that was what the Master Street Plan was for and that is what we followed and designed this subdivision and have gone through an exorbitant amount of money to do this for the owner and this is a major redesign for this subdivision that we are going to have to charge the owner for, not to mention a redesign of that magnitude is probably going to delay this project because I can't do that in a week. Maybe we should meet. Edwards: I completely understand. I would like to do that. Do you know if there are certain times that are good for your developer? I am assuming we have your number in our application and we will get in contact with you. We will try to do that this week for sure. Brackett: Yes, as soon as possible. Edwards: Other than that, Planning Commission shall determine all final offsite improvement assessments. Right now I know that you have discussed with Engineering the proposal to widen Persimmons and 46th Street. When we talk more we can discuss those as well. Like I said, Planning Commission does make the final determination. There are a lot of residents out there complaining about the substandard width of 46th Street all the way to Wedington and that may be an issue that comes up. Brackett: We are showing 14' with curb on Persimmon and 46tH Edwards: Right now, because these are collector streets, I will just go ahead and speak for Matt, he is recommending that instead of 14' 18' of street be constructed. Then again, with all of the things that we are talking about this is all subject to change. That is where we stand right now. Brackett: Just as a policy issue with the city, on past subdivisions that we built collectors it was the owner's responsibility to build a 28' and anything above that was going to be a cost share with the city. Edwards: Inside of the subdivision. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 17 Brackett: Ok, it is completely different. Edwards: Have we looked at any way to bring this back around the detention pond? Is that at all feasible do you think? Brackett: Well, just after I found out about it I looked at it. What that is going to cause is we are going to lose if we just curve it in around we are going to lose at least one, most likely two lots. There is that line that is running there, it is a transmission line. It is more than just 12KV. It is a major line. We are told that anything done to that pole is going to be extremely expensive. I guess my answer is no that I don't have any idea what that is going to cost us to do that. Edwards: Then you know of course when we move this entrance we may get some area there. Brackett: The only problem with that is this is our major volume for this pond and when you start shifting down this, this is very skinny and it is hard to make up that volume that you are getting in this big area this way. I don't really know how far I am going to have to shift that pond over. Edwards: We have basically, I am not sure if you are calling this whole out lot. Brackett: That is lot 48. Edwards: You know that the covenants will have to provide maintenance of those lots. Brackett: Yes. Edwards: A floodplain development permit will be required prior to any work being done in the floodplain. The comments that I forgot to get in here is that all lots are required to have 6,000 sq.ft. of area outside of the 100 -year floodplain and that is buildable area, so what that includes is that you have to exclude the setback area as well in that 6,000 sq.ft. Brackett: I believe we have checked that and we have moved that street. I will double check it to be sure. Edwards: Probably what we will need is a table. Also, I know you have done subdivisions with us before and you may not be aware of us but we do have an ordinance that we have rediscovered and that is § 156.03 (E) that sidewalks must be installed prior to Final Plat approval. Sidewalks will be allowed to be guaranteed by money in a city escrow account only and with a contract that will require total installation by the time that one half of the Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 18 Casey: lots have received permits. The change in that is that we don't allow for a letter of credit or a bond for sidewalks any longer. Revisions are due December 18th. I was going to point out that we were going to recommend 18' from centerline but I think that we have already covered that. I just wanted to say that that is subject to change with how this new alignment works out. You are going to have to extend, there is an existing 8" water line that dead ends to the north maybe 150' or so north of the property, that is your only source in the area so that will need to be extended down to connect at the north entrance along 46th. It is going to have to be extended from the north side of the property. Instead of running the line all the way along the outside of the property you can use this interior and then pick it up and extend it to the water line here. Brackett: Ok, I see. Casey: Yes, all the way to the north entry. Brackett: Dead end it somewhere over here? Casey: Yes, you are required to extend it to the property line and instead of making you have the additional cost of running the line along the street on the outside of those lots you can use what you are proposing to serve those lots and then just extend it along Persimmon. I know you are probably already aware of the capacity concerns of the sanitary sewer for the Hamestring Creek lift station. We are working right now to come up with some solutions for that. The Health Department approval may be difficult to get at this time. I do want to point out, this will need to be put on the Final Plat, this property is located within a sewer improvement district that was established a long time ago but when the property taxes are to be paid for these lots they will pay that assessment then. Edwards: Is it a one time or a yearly? Brackett: I believe it is yearly. We just need to find out who we need to speak with involving what each property owner is going to need to pay for this. Casey: It is not a big deal, we just want to point that out so that the lot owners are not surprised when they go to pay their taxes. Brackett: Ok. Casey: I mentioned to you this morning the preliminary route for the large forced main that is going to go to the treatment plant is right through the middle of the property. It lines up, I have sent OSI a copy of your plat for Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 19 suggestions and they are going to look at alternatives and I am just waiting for some information from them. I don't know if a different route is feasible or if this route is our only choice, what we need then and what we will need as far as easement widths and locations and things. We are working on that. That is something that we discovered late last week and we are trying to get all of the information we need for you. I talked to Dave about this. You have got a large amount of water that you are planning to pick up and discharge into Owl Creek. The 100 -year flow is over 300 CFS, I just want to make sure that you have considered the size of that culvert that is going to need to carry that. Brackett: It is going to be a box. Casey: Ok, so your client is aware that it is going to be a large structure. Have you looked at, I know it would probably eat into the number of your lots but conveying it on through? Brackett: The problem with conveying it on through is with the way we have it designed now we do not have let it offsite, it goes into our pond and that affects the size of our pond. Whereas, if we were to try to go through then we have a large structure box probably that we are going to have to get additional storm drainage to connect to it, under, over, along with sanitary sewer it is going to be a nightmare. Really, this is the most feasible way to go and still isolate this site. If we don't isolate this site this pond is going to have to be gigantic. Casey: If you can get an offsite drainage easement a channel would work. I don't know how that would work out cost wise. Brackett: We haven't designed that of course, it is just going to go this way is all we know right now. Casey: Have you talked to this property owner about that? It looks like the piece of the pond is on their property, is that something that they use? Brackett: I have spoke to that gentleman. That pond is not dry, it is just kind of marshy and they don't use it. My understanding is that this property owner is having problems with that water going through this property and they would be extremely happy if that water is routed away from their property. Casey: I would like to see something in writing granting permission to reroute that water. Maybe not at this stage but definitely during construction just to put in our files because that is going to alter the flow onto their property. Most of the time that is a good thing if you are taking it away. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 20 Brackett: I have spoke with them and that will not be a problem. Casey: That is all I have got. Edwards: Utilities? Johns Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Good morning Chris. It looks like one through forty-seven looks like front lot service. I guess the first thing we will look at is casings. We will need 4" quad crossings. Do you want me to call these out or do you just want to look at what we have got marked? Brackett: It is probably easier to get it from you. All utilities and applicant agree on easements by marking plat. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: We may require the developer to provide a trench for us for our cable placing. That is something new that Southwestern Bell is starting to require. I need to try to go in with a trench with other utilities or go into a trench provided for us. Brackett: Ok. Is that all? Edwards: That is it, I will call you this afternoon. Brackett: Thank you. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 21 FPL 03-1.00: Final Plat (Heritage East Ph.II, pp 565) was submitted by Landtech Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Palmco Properties for property located north of 15th and east of Curtis Avenue. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains approximately 11.4 acres with 40 lots proposed. Edwards: The next item on the agenda is FPL 03-1.00 submitted by Landtech Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Palmco Properties for property located north of 15th and east of Curtis Avenue. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains approximately 11.4 acres with 40 lots proposed. Starting with Parks, 40 lots at $470 per unit is $18,800 for Parks fees. She has also requested that single-family units be added on the plat next to the 40 units because our parks fees change based on the use. From Sidewalks, we do need a note added to the Final Plat that all retaining walls shall be set back a minimum of 2' from the right of way and the retaining wall construction shall be on the building permit and have the approval of the City Engineer. From Fire, hydrants look good. He is asking about space in between the structure but I will tell him that the minimum is 16' required. From Planning, from a review of the Preliminary Plat requirements there was a safety fence required to be installed along the detention pond, is that in? Gabbard: Actually, they are in the process of getting it put in. Jimmy Boyd and I talked about this yesterday and we got a post from Modern Fence that we brought by Planning and you and me and Kim met. Edwards: It has been a while. Gabbard: Yes, but we are in the process of getting that. Edwards: What I guess we will do is before we sign the Final Plat we will go out and look at it. Gabbard: I was talking to Mark Jordan yesterday and I am trying to schedule everybody to run a final on this by the 29th or so. Subdivision Committee is on the 2nd. If it doesn't pass then we will go another two weeks. Edwards: Do you think that there is any reason it won't pass? Gabbard: It is looking like they can do it but if it doesn't it doesn't. Edwards: Ok. Add plat page 555 to the plat, that is our referencing system. Gabbard: Is that ok up there? Edwards: Yes, that will be fine. I also need a floodplain reference stating that this property is not in the floodplain. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 22 Edwards: Also, we do require that all of the building setbacks be shown on the plat including the side and the rear. That is primarily for permitting after people purchase the lots. Curtis, I see where you have a 50' right of way. I need the centerline dimensioned at it, and that is a requirement for all of our streets. Gabbard: Over here Sara? Edwards: Yes. Addresses have to be on the plat. You can get those from Jim Johnson in our GIS Division. Are the streetlights in? Gabbard: No, they are not in yet. Edwards: What we require is that proof of payment for streetlights be submitted. We are looking for a receipt. Gabbard: We have paid for those, I will get a copy of that. Edwards: Sidewalks aren't in yet? Gabbard: No. Edwards: We need a guarantee for sidewalks prior to filing the Final Plat. Because you did come through Preliminary before our new policy change we will allow a Letter of Credit or a bond, I would prefer cash in escrow though. Access shall be limited to interior streets only and we are looking for a note to be placed on the plat to say that so that they don't try to access Curtis. As we talked about the Preliminary Plat, we are going to be limited to single-family residential. I do need a copy of the sample covenants to be submitted with this next submittal and those are going to have to be filed prior to the Final Plat and we will review those so that they look ok. Revisions are due December 18th by 10:00 a.m. Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: Leonard, do you know off the top of your head if the 100 -year flow is contained within that concrete channel? Gabbard: Between the lots? Casey: Yes. Gabbard: No it is not. The concrete channel was a trickle channel. Casey: Ok, we need that to show. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 23 Gabbard: It is in a swale, the trickle is to keep water from standing there. Casey: We need to show the 100 -year water surface elevation at each of those lots then. Gabbard: Ok. Casey: We also need a 20' drainage easement through the detention pond to the outlet centered on the trickle channel and the pipe. Have you got a note on there about the maintenance of the detention pond? Gabbard: No, I don't have one. Casey: We need to define that responsibility on there. Gabbard: Is that a responsibility that the city wants no part of correct? Casey: Correct. I couldn't find on our plans, is there an offsite easement for this drainage or was it grading only? Gabbard: It was grading only because that pipe stops in the right of way. I had to get two letters from property owners to be able to work on that because we did have it clear off that right of way. Casey: I couldn't remember if we had required an easement there or not. Gabbard: There was none required and I think it stops right there. Casey: There is an underground telephone line shown. Gabbard: It is gone. Edwards: We just need to take that off of there. Clouser: They may have done some temporary feeds for these houses so it is going to be difficult with these easements in here with what is existing already. Gabbard: Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15 we have got, correct me if I'm wrong, can I include my high water setback with the lot? That line that I have got going back there that 20'HW and SC that is right there on the west side of the pond, I could extend my lot lines back and that would help me with my setback. That would put my setback 25' and that would be 5'? That would really help a lot and then I could call that a utility easement as well. I could call that a 25' setback and utility easement if that would work with you gentlemen. The fence is a question too. If we do that detention in Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 24 that, do I need to pull the fence? How would you like to see that fence pushed on up to the setback line or pull it on into it? Gibson: I would say 12 through 15 more to the pond to the east. Gabbard: So move the fence closer to the east? Gibson: That is what I would say. Casey: I would rather have it there than out on the lot. Gabbard: I would like that if you would let me do that. Gibson: What kind of fence are you talking about? Gabbard: It is a wood fence, it is a pretty nice fence, it is about a $10,000 fence. Gibson: It would keep from fencing in any of our pedestals. Gabbard: Thank you, that really clears up some stuff. Casey: That is all I have got and like Sara said, the final inspection needs to be done before Subdivision. Gabbard: I guess we will see where the weather puts us and what is has done and if it is not ready then we will just go the next one. Johns Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Leonard, the only real comment that I have is related to what you just addressed on lots 12, 13, 14, and 15 and also at the rear of these lots you have a 100' power line easement. Am I understanding correctly that the utility easement that is dedicated is the eastern most 25' of that? Gabbard: That is correct. That has already been clone before we even started this thing. That easement was in place. Boles: That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: I really don't have any comments. It has been a little while since I've been down there. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 25 Gabbard: Actually, we have the base down, if the weather cooperates and is 45 and rising then Thursday we will be paving, we will be putting down our binder cords. Gibson: There are three lots, 21 through 24 that you could extend down to your detention pond. What kind of drain is that? Is that a trickle drain? Gabbard: It is a trickle drain, it is only about 2' or 3' wide and it would be real easy to crunch under or just dig under. Gibson: Those are the only comments that I have got. When I was there it was so muddy that I couldn't look in there and see that. That is all I have. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: Is there an offsite utility easement over on this side to the east here? Gabbard: Yes, there is in the other subdivision. Clouser: Do you know what size it is? Gibson: I bet it is a 15' or a 20'. Clouser: You guys are comfortable with this easement? Gibson: Yes. Clouser: Are you going to be requiring us to move our lines, are you going to pull them through here? Gabbard: No, this is a 100' easement for SWEPCO so we don't intend on doing anything to that there. Clouser: Ok, if there are any relocations back there it will be at the owner/developer's expense. Southwestern Bell is requiring the developer to provide us with conduits with pull strings. If you can make sure that the Superintendent gets with me right away to provide a trench. It will take us 30 days to get the cable ordered and the job out. Gabbard: Nobody is going to be moving in until we get the Final Plat and all of that. Clouser: That will avoid us having to lay cable once the sod goes in and everything else. Gabbard: I do have a question. In the northwest corner of this subdivision, probably on lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 between, in that existing power line easement there is Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 26 top soil that has been stock piled that it's intended use was to be used back on the lots for shaping and doing all of that. There is not going to be a problem at final with that topsoil still remaining there? It is not going to be in the way of our finished grading and pads, it is just there to be utilized later. I thought about that yesterday when I was looking at it. Casey: They stockpiled it during this construction? Gabbard: Yes, one of the things we said is that we didn't want any material taken offsite in our construction so I had them stockpile the top soil. It is right in this area and I told them to use it back on the lots when they do their final grading before they sod. Edwards: So you are talking after the houses go in? Gabbard: Yes. Casey: Let me check on that for you. I am not sure how that has been addressed in the past. Gabbard: Usually there is not a place to put material but with this big 100' easement out there and it is not very close to the line. Boles: We are experiencing multiple problems in all subdivisions, not in this particular application, but they are taking all of the top soil and shoving it in utility easements and then when we get there, there is five dump truck loads of top soil. That is not going to apply here. I don't know what we can do to solve that problem but we need to address it. Edwards: Can they not sell those lots with the top soil on them? Gabbard: True, but you don't need it until they finish the house. It would be not very good logistics to buy the lot and throw the top soil on it and then build, that is just not logical. Edwards: I know, but what if someone wants lot two and they have got all of that top soil? Gabbard: The fact is that all the topsoil is in this easement. Edwards: That's true but say they wanted to close on it with the topsoil still there and they don't want your topsoil on top of them. Gabbard: He is selling the entire subdivision to one person who is going to build the houses with the understanding that on these lots, they can build a house on lot one, two, three, and four, but he understood that that topsoil would be Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 27 utilized as this was going. That was an agreement they made between themselves. I just didn't want to get down to final and then find out we have to get that dirt moved so I just wanted to lay it on the table and deal with it. Gibson: Sometimes that can cause a clearance violation and/or hazard for us. Johny is right, I have seen them push it back and cover the easement so you can't even get through there. Boles: I have delayed projects 3-6 weeks waiting on developers to move their topsoil. I don't know what we can do about that but it definitely needs to be addressed in the future. Edwards: Ok, I don't know how to stop it. Casey: Leonard, what is the water line located to the north side? Gabbard: We were avoiding some pine trees in there. To avoid any conflict we went to the north side, we came out on the west side of Nelson to the north side of Fairlane and then shot eastwardly on the north side of Fairlane until we could cross down and make our tap. Casey: Show that location. Edwards: Ok, thank you. Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 28 LSP 03-1.00: Lot Split (Shackelford, pp 558) was submitted by Mel Milholland of Milholland Company on behalf of Tom Shackelford for property located at 2975 Old Farmington Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 1.32 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 0.68 acres and 0.64 acres. Edwards: The last item is LSP 03-1.00 submitted on behalf of Tom Shackelford for property located at 2935 Old Farmington. It is zoned R-1 and contains 1.32 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of .68 and .64 acres. Sidewalks are not required for lot splits but will be required at the time of development. Parks fees are due in the amount of $470. Those can be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit if not sooner. Neither tract "A" or tract "B" close with the legal description so you will need to get that. Old Farmington is a collector on the Master Street Plan, it is required 35' from centerline be dedicated. You will have to change your legal descriptions and move everything back according to that. Also, you will need to add a dedication block to the plat. If you don't have that I can email that to you. There is a required dedication block that says "We hereby dedicate to the City of Fayetteville all right of way and utility easements as shown on this plat." That way it will be officially dedicated to the city. Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: It is the same as a subdivision isn't it? Possibly, I don't remember. The original survey was not done by us but we have gone back out and reshot it so I am sure we will have something that will close. Ok, revisions are due December 18th by 10:00. That is all that I have. Engineering? Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: Milholland: Edwards: We need the sanitary sewer installed prior to finalizing the lot split. Ok, after it is approved at Subdivision he needs to have all of the improvements in? Exactly, before he can sell this lot. Utilities? Glenn Newman — AEP/SWEPCO Newman: Mel, do we need to have that building setback a UE depending on where they build on tract "B" that would cover it. My facilities that I am going to have to serve this on, this is already developed, my facilities are on the Technical Plat Review December 11, 2002 Page 29 north side of Old Farmington Road. We can come across and just make that building setback between the two lots an easement and we can get to anything that is constructed on it. Milholland: Does everybody else want one there? Is 16' enough for everybody? Gibson: I don't know if 16' will be enough with everybody underground in there. Boles: Mine is in the front so I won't be in there. Clouser: I don't foresee using it either but I would like to have that option. Gibson: 16' will be enough. Milholland: The owner is just going to build another residential house. We can make that a utility easement also. Boles: I would like an easement along Old Farmington Road. Milholland: She has already added 10 '/z' to that, that will make it 35', do I put the easement on before I align it? Boles: I would like it after. What are you going to have left there? Clouser: Could we just do a building setback and utility easement? Boles: I can get by with 15' but I prefer 20' if it is available. Milholland: 15' will do? I have a 15' from the front, 35' from centerline right of way which will be further back than that and then I have an 8' combined setback and utility easement on the common boundary on each side of the property line where the split is? Edwards: That is correct. Revisions are due December 18th by 10:00 a.m.