HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-29 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN LSP 02-32.00: Lot Split (Smith, pp 328) Forwarded Page 2 LSP 02-33.00: Lot Split (Kelly, pp 180) Forwarded Page 10 LSD 02-15.00: Large Scale Development (NWA Pathology Assoc., pp 212) Page 16 LSD 02-16.00: Large Scale Development (Arena Village #3, pp 521) Page 19 STAFF PRESENT Sara Edwards Matt Casey Renee Thomas Kim Hesse Keith Shreve UTILITIES PRESENT Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Glenn Newman, AEP/ SWEPCO Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Forwarded Forwarded STAFF ABSENT Fire Department Solid Waste Kim Rogers Perry Franklin UTILITIES ABSENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Johnny Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 2 LSD 02-15.00: Large Scale Development (NWA Pathology Assoc., pp 212) was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of NWA Pathology Assoc. for property located north of Longview Drive. The property is zoned R -O, Residential Office and contains approximately 2.76 acres with two building proposed. Edwards: Welcome to the Wednesday May 15, 2002 meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee. We don't have any representatives here for the first two lot splits so I am going to skip to number six on the agenda, which is Northwest Arkansas Pathology Large Scale Development submitted by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Northwest Arkansas Pathology for property located north of Longview. The property is zoned R -O and contains 2.76 acres with two buildings proposed. Starting with our Sidewalk Division, a 6' sidewalk is already existing along Longview which meets the requirements. New driveway approaches, sidewalks, or access ramps will have to meet the U.D.O. Three bicycle racks are required per Ordinance 4293. No comments from Parks. From Solid Waste, the Solid Waste and Recycling Division supports this request with no recommended changes. They did ask the width of the generator because they want to make sure the dumpster will fit in this pad area. They need at least 12' for their dumpster. You need to make sure that they get that but no wider than 13'. They have got some special pad requirements for depth of concrete and that type of thing that I included in there for you. From our Traffic Superintendent, street lights are required every 300' at intersections and at the end of streets. He has already been contacted about the streetlight locations, they are pretty new with the subdivision correct? Jorgensen: Yes, they are working on that. Edwards: The north building requires one ADA van accessible parking space and you can move one of those from the front row into the back. What is that building going to be used for do you know? Jorgensen: Lab analysis and that kind of stuff. Shireman: That north building is going to be primarily for long term storage. There may be some lab work in there. Edwards: For files or for medical samples? Shireman: It will be a conditioned space, they have certain slides and things that have to be maintained at a controlled temperature in humid conditions so it will be a high quality storage building. There is the possibility that they may have an autopsy room in there, I am not sure about that yet. They also run these courier cars. In inclement weather we may just have an overhead door where they come in and park cars in there at night so they don't get Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 3 iced in and things like that. It is kind of a multi-purpose building, not fully defined I guess. Edwards: Ok, for tree preservation, mitigation trees may not be used to fulfill landscape requirements from other development ordinances. Currently 23 of the mitigation trees are shown in areas where landscape trees are to be placed. Please present a revised plan showing which trees are mitigation trees and which fulfill landscaping requirements. Hesse: Do you understand that Dave? The only reason I made that last statement is because they don't have a mitigation form and I don't have a summary. Jorgensen: Right. I will get with you on that so I can get it straightened out. Edwards: Landscape shrubs are to range from three to five gallon in size at installation. The note indicates that one gallon shrubs are proposed. Revise plan to indicate how plants and trees are to be irrigated. Final landscape plan to include notes and details for landscape installation prior to building permit approval. From Planning, we understand that they are not in a hurry to close on this property and thus we allowed them to go through the process. It will be subject to all Preliminary and Final Plat requirements for Brookstone. The property may not be sold until the Final Plat is recorded and no permits will be issued until the Final Plat is approved. You're ok with that? Shireman: Edwards: We're ok with that. Right now the Preliminary Plat is scheduled for tomorrow's Subdivision. It will be going to Planning Commission the in two Mondays and then they have to put in their improvements and then they bring the Final Plat forward. The time frame really depends on their engineering, how fast they get their improvements in. My understanding is a sewer line and their streetlights. Dave, I just wanted to make sure that you verify that the property shown here matches the lot proposed for the new subdivision. If the lot line is not exactly the same then we are going to require the Targe scale to come through again so watch that. We talked about the generator. Add plat page 212. The rear setback in an R -O zone is 25', you need to get that changed. We are requesting that the driveway be aligned with the development across Longview Street. We do have long term plans of Longview continuing out to College. Jorgensen: What is that now? I don't understand that. Edwards: You are showing the driveway across Longview on the south, I want that to be aligned with this driveway to reduce traffic conflicts on Longview. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 4 Shireman: Edwards: Shireman: Edwards: Shireman: Edwards: Shireman: Edwards: Shireman: Edwards: Shireman: Jorgensen: Shireman: Edwards: Jorgensen: Can we talk about that? Why do you feel it shouldn't be aligned? Part of our reason for selecting this site is, Washington Regional gave us choice of sites on this property, and when you come up Longview there is about 15' or 16' of rise from this driveway to this driveway and we've got a two story building and the basic design premises we enter both levels at grade. We've got a 16' floor elevation separation between these two buildings. This allows us to bring this drive in on the high side. If we come down here that drops our drive at a lower elevation and I don't know, Dave might have to do some serious looking to see how this affects us. Can we make that call without going back and looking at it? How much do you think this will affect us? Is this an absolute requirement? Is this something that we can talk about? You can request a variance from that. We will look at that and see if we can make it work but it may not do what we need to do. For the looks of your building? Or our grades. For your grading at the street. The further we go down this way it puts us down hill you see. This drive is further down hill than this drive is. For sight distance? Sight distance is much better here but primarily it has to do with the grading of the parking lot related to the front door of the building. It may work, I don't know. Do you see any problems there that I'm not seeing? We will just have to look at it and then get with you Sara. We will have to look at it and see. If we can make it work, we will. If we can't make you satisfied then we'll request a variance, does that sound alright? Yes, that is fine with me. Driveways are limited to 27' in width. Is that also a variance request, is that possible? Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 5 Edwards: Yes, you just need to rational for why you think you need additional pavement. Shireman: We've got the drive wide primarily because of courier traffic. They run these cars in and out a lot. A lot of this site selection had to do with inclement weather too. These couriers will enter and exit on the lower drive, all the lab is on the lower level and all the business is on the other level. Edwards: You're talking about car traffic though. Shireman: At the same time we have car traffic you see, they also could have delivery traffic in there at the same time. We can't stand traffic congestion at that corner. Jorgensen: We will get with you on that and the location of the drive. Edwards: Do you know what type of parking lot lighting is proposed? Shireman: We are definitely going to have good parking lot lighting, it is not laid out. It is a nice project and we will have lighting. Edwards: What they are looking for is fully shielded lighting. Shireman: We will comply with that. Edwards: All utilities shall be placed underground, that is pretty standard. We also have a requirement of cross access. Is there a grade problem with cross access Dave? Jorgensen: What she is talking about there Ken is putting a driveway off of ours to the east and to the west probably wouldn't be good since you would have to put in a bridge right there. Shireman: You're requesting cross access? Edwards: Yes, it is a requirement of our commercial design standards. You might be able to explain what kind of business you have. Is it something that people adjacent, that might develop adjacent might need to cut across to you? Shireman: This is the case, the pathology people, their business is up on the upper level. It is not like a doctor's office, they don't have patients. There is very little patient traffic, very little incoming traffic. The couriers are constantly in and out. They service all of Northwest Arkansas so these cars are going to doctors offices, hospitals and they also, these doctors, Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 6 currently they have nine pathologists in this clinic but at any one time there is probably only going to be three of these pathologists in this clinic. These couriers also take samples and reports wherever these doctors have to be. They are constantly picking up at the lab and delivering and picking up at the lab and going to the doctors and back and forth so there is a lot of traffic on that lower level road. The upper level road there is very little traffic. There is very little traffic on this driveway because this is going to be primarily parking for the business office, which is on the upper level. The business office will be on the upper level and the lab will be on the lower level. 90% of the traffic is going to take place on that lower level driveway and that is one that is very critical to us. If you have got a guy coming in a delivery truck, an 18 wheeler, they do get some cases of slides that are delivered on fairly large trucks at times. It is not often but it does happen so we've got to be able to accommodate that. The traffic on that lower level road is a major concern to us. Jorgensen: Why don't I get with you later on this. Shireman: We just need to sit down and talk about it. There is nothing here that we can't work out. Edwards: Also, there were no elevations submitted for the second building and we do have to review all buildings for commercial design standards so I do need that. I didn't see any signage submitted either. We need both wall signage and produce any other signage planned. Jorgensen: We'll get you a copy. Edwards: Ok, that is all that I have. From the Fire Marshall, the second building is required to be sprinkled. He is recommending a free standing fire department connection and a hydrant is required within 100'. He is also recommending a second hydrant on the east side of the building. Shireman: He is requiring the second building to be sprinkled? Edwards: The large building will have to be sprinkled. That is all I have. Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: You submitted enough information that I went ahead and did a final and preliminary. The only comments I have is the building needs to be setback 20' from the high water mark. It looks like it might not meet that. Also, the hundred year water surface elevation needs to be determined for this channel adjacent to the property. The subdivision's plan shows a different line than you do here on this plan. It actually shows it crossing over on the corner of the property. We need to determine that. I believe Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 7 U.S. Infrastructure is doing that anyway. You don't have to duplicate work but you might get with them or if you would rather do your own that is fine. The discharge from the detention basin into this channel will need an offsite drainage easement. I have got some miscellaneous comments for the grading plan and for the drainage. If you have any questions about those I will be glad to go over them with you. Jorgensen: Ok. Edwards: Utilities? Glenn Sargent — AEP/SWEPCO Sargent: When this went through the subdivision, the power from this lot is coming from a power line that is further north of here and there will be conduits installed from that power line up to this lot along the utility easement so that is where your source of power will come from. Jorgensen: Does that come from the northeast corner here Jim? Sargent: No, it is kind of in the middle. Jorgensen: Where the sewer line is going to be. Shireman: I know there is overhead power line along Millsap through there. Sargent: That is correct but it will be underground all the way from that overhead. Shireman: You will run that underground and then you'll set a pad mount transformer at that point or will you run that primary or are the owners going to pay for that primary? Sargent: What we typically do is have the developer put in the conduit, two 4" conduits and we will put in the conductors and transformers. Shireman: Is that in conjunction with the subdivision y'all are doing, providing power to this lot? Sargent: When it went through subdivision we requested them to put in two 4" conduits from the overhead power line up to this lot line. Shireman: That is part of the subdivision then. Sargent: I don't know if they are put in yet or not. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 8 Shireman: So we could assume maybe that we would have the primary at that point and there would be a transformer at that point do you think? Sargent: There probably wouldn't be a transformer at that point. Shireman: We could pick up primary. Sargent: We would run conduits from that location on around to the transformer location. Shireman: But if we want to we can set a pad mount transformer on our site somewhere so you would just extend that primary then. Sargent: That is correct. That is how we will serve that. We will need to decide if we need two transformers, one for each of your buildings or how we will need to handle that. I also would like to ask for an easement along the front of your property. We have got to put in some streetlights in there so we have to have a 20' easement along the road frontage. That is all I have. Jorgensen: Kim we've got our trees and shrubbery. Hesse: They'll be placed underneath. Jorgensen: It's alright? Hesse: We've been doing that. Jorgensen: A 20' easement parallel along? Hesse: Those aren't the mitigation trees. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: At the time of that split that Jim is talking about, we also asked for a 4" from that back easement to this location. I would like to see ours sweep up approximately 6' from where the electric sweeps up. That will give them enough room to set their junction box, transformers, or whatever so we won't be in their way. On that location there in the rear to this back building, this 2,400 sq.ft. building, I would ask for a 2" from that location to this building. We will provide our own trans around to the two story building over here from where it resets the electric transformer. I would also like to ask for a 2" from that location into the equipment room of this building, to the phone room or equipment room or whatever. Jorgensen: Jim you are planning on us providing the conduit in that utility easement along that north line and then... Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 9 Sargent: Jorgensen: Gibson: Jorgensen: Sargent: Edwards: Sargent: Jorgensen: Sargent: Shireman: Sargent: Gibson: Jorgensen: Gibson: And then a leach line to wherever the transformer location will be. And that would be alright for you too? That is fine. We don't necessarily call for a conduit, we can come in and do our own. But you need a conduit Jim? Yes. You required that as part of the subdivision? Part of the subdivision was to get to this lot and then this will be service to them. The service to us is not required by the subdivision right? That is correct. Two 4" to that transformer. Yes. I would like to see it from that transformer location, approximately 6' from SWEPCO, just sweep us up right there and take us into the equipment room. As long as we've got about 3 sq.ft. there on the wall somewhere. You don't need conduit. No, not all the way around. This one should be provided to here and then a 2" from that location to this building and then from the transformer location about 6' or so from one side or the other, sweep a 2" from there into the equipment room of this two story building. We want to be in the same location but we don't want to crowd them. That is all I have. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 10 LSD 02-16.00: Large Scale Development (Arena Village #3, pp 521) was submitted by Mandy Bunch, PE of EB Landworks, Inc. on behalf of Arthur Trumbo for property located in the 1100 block W. 6th Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 3.44 acres with a 9,200 sq.ft. building proposed. Edwards: I will start with our Landscape Administrator comments, a preliminary landscape plan is required for Planning Commission review and the final landscape plan is required prior to issuance of the building permit. From Solid Waste, they have no comments, no comments from Parks. There is a sidewalk requirement, a 6' sidewalk and a minimum 10' greenspace along Sixth Street and then two bicycle racks are required per ordinance 4293. That's it. Bunch: Keith, I know this is a little strange but Chuck and I got out there and walked the entire thing together and we looked at this option of going down below those trees and I don't know if he has had anymore thoughts about that. Shreve: I asked him about that yesterday and he just wants it shown as you have it as an option. Maybe when construction starts he will get with you at that point. Bunch: I'm glad you're here. I was out here Saturday and it looked like there were some markings in fluorescent orange paint. I don't know if the Highway Department did it or what but it looked like they were wanting to put in ramps or repair that sidewalk out there, I don't know if that will effect us. Shreve: The State Highway Department has a contract. They are coming through and doing some repair work on access ramps at street intersections. Bunch: Will that effect us at all? Do you think we should contact them? Shreve: It probably will effect the existing ramps there. If you want to get with them it might be a good idea. They are working out in Farmington now and headed our way. Bunch: Chuck had requested that their strip be removed. They will probably be pretty interested. I will have to talk to them anyway about the driveway approach. Shreve: A little coordination there would probably be a good thing. Bunch: Ok, thanks. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 11 Edwards: From our Traffic Superintendent, the ADA spaces should be located toward the center of the building to provide access to all the shops. From the Fire Marshall, his name is Danny Ferrar his number is on his comments. I am not entirely clear on what he is trying to say. From Planning, we have a maximum parking requirement and it is 20% over the required which comes to 110. I don't think that is a problem because I know the Taco Place is out there, which is a restaurant which you can space out at 1:200 and there is the travel agency there which counts as sales which you can break out at 1:200. I think just changing your calculations a little bit it would work out. Bunch: Ok. Edwards: Do you know if there is any new signage proposed on this? Bunch: I am sure there will be signage for the individual tenants. Can they apply at that time? There is no way of knowing who it is. Edwards: Probably what you will need to have done is just show the area for the signage and that will be fine. Do you know if they are going to apply a monument sign? Bunch: My understanding, I think there is an existing pylon and I assumed that is all they could have so I didn't show anymore proposed. Edwards: Ok. Is there overhead electric on this site? Newman. Along Indian Trail on the north side of Indian Trail. Edwards: Is it big? Newman: 12.5 KV. Edwards: That is fine. All the new utilities will have to be underground. All utility equipment shall be screened, that includes transformers and meters, etc. Indian Trail is a public street. I know this has periphet going up in front. Those utilities need to be shown on the elevations in the rear. Bunch: Is that fence line along the back adequate for screening? Edwards: For the screening requirement I think so. For the architectural facade, I think the metal is going to be a problem. Tim and I are going to go out there and look at it and see what we're going to recommend. I was out there last night, there is really not as much vegetation as I thought there was. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 12 Bunch: I went out there after we had talked. Edwards: We will make a recommendation on that after today. Bunch: Would there have to be some sort of treatment above maybe? Edwards: It will be Planning Commission's final determination. That is all that I have. Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: I went ahead and reviewed this as a final, you submitted enough information. I need a copy of the drainage easement that you call out on the plans to the south. Your triple channels down your detention basin that extend the concrete channels down the slope of the detention pond to those channels. Bunch: It will converge into one across the majority of that. Casey: The pipe that you show to be extended from the south side of the building is angled to the south. Looking at the contours, it looks like it is discharging into a low area and it is not following the current path. Would it be better to let it go ahead and flow the way it is now, extending the pipe in that same general direction? Bunch: The problem I have, I don't know if you have had a chance to look at it out there. The existing driveway slopes fairly drastically beyond the slope without a curb and what we were trying to do, because of the detention requirement now as well as leave that drive behind the building at a more reasonable 1% level, especially since it is real narrow and there are utilities back there as well. The curb there can catch that building and pavement runoff and carry it down to the pond. If I leave it where it is, what we'll have to do is extend the pipe in line, is that what you want to see? Because the issue is that whole property back behind there is a big slue, it is real low lying, accepts drainage from that entire area. There is some property up along Razorback that the city owns that drains through there through a pipe under into that low lying area. Casey: My concern is that there will be standing water out there. It looked like there was an existing channel, at least according to the contours, along the property line. I just want to make sure the water gets down to the detention basin. Bunch: Those contours in there I got off of City statements as well. Maybe we can get some more detailed information and explain that better or we can just extend the pipe in line would that be ok? Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 13 Casey: I have a few extra comments on the grading and drainage report. Edwards: What exactly are we doing on the .40 acre piece? Are we grading it? Bunch: That is the one directly to the south? No, we are not grading on it. We are grading up to it and putting that pipe in there and that is why we have shown the grading. Edwards: But nothing is being done on it? Bunch: No. We were trying to leave all that vegetation and everything, we didn't want to do anything that we didn't have to do back there for fear we would disturb the drainage, something is working back there. Edwards: Ok, utilities? Glenn Newman: AEP/ SWEPCO Newman: As I said, we have a three phase line that runs along the north side of Indian Trail. This electric source that you have drawn in here as overhead, it is probably going to be inadequate for service to this building so we may need an easement, will need an easement across from the south from Indian Trail to the location of the source for this new building. Like you said, I don't think there is a lot of vegetation in there. Bunch: Will it be underground? Newman: If it is underground what I will do is give you a point of service right there on Indian Trail and let you go underground from there on independent soil and let you go underground to that piece of property. If we do that then it will be yours and you won't have an easement, whichever. Bunch: You are going to put a pole mount transformer out on Indian Trail. Newman: Go underground with it and then at that point it will be your conductor and conduit to the building. I noticed the note on here that says meter pack by SWEPCO. We have the individual meters but we do not have the pack. Owner can provide it. It will give you one point of service anyway. Other than that, that is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We are joint usage on that overhead electric line there with AEP. We run the same direction east and west there on the north side of Indian Trail. If you would, I would like to see a note on your prints that that is a high Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 14 count fiber optic line that feeds the University of Arkansas. That is a pretty important line. I don't want that disturbed. To service the building all we need is from the closest AEP pole, we have distribution on all of this, from the closest AEP pole to a location on the back of the building within 3' of the electric meter, a 2" conduit would work for us. Bunch: Are you on that existing pole back behind? Gibson: Yes Ma'am. Bunch: So we can run a 2" conduit from there and you will pull 3' from the electric. Gibson: Just 3' from the electric meter so we can get a ground. That is all I have. Dwight Miner — Southwestern Bell Miner: Are you showing that we have a phone mount in front of this? Bunch: I have a pedestal out there and it looks like it runs through the existing driveway. Miner: I am not sure if that is just a drop pedestal or whatever. Is this a 20' UE back here also or is there an easement back there? Bunch: I suppose there could be one. I don't know that there is one anywhere else out there. Miner: Probably what we need you to do is get in touch with Sue and find out for sure where she wants to feed this from and then we will need two pipes to the building for our use. Bunch: Two 4"? Miner: Yes. We need when they wire these we need all of these to come out to one location. We are not going to put something behind in eight different places. Bunch: All the interior wiring will come out in one place. Miner: We just need to be whichever side the TV is not on so we can get a ground off of power. Hunnicut: Do you come off of Indian Trail? Miner: She will have to look at that and tell you. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 15 Hunnicut: They are all together back there. Miner: Hopefully we are and we can just come right there. We would rather not have a bunch of 90s getting out in front there if we can keep from it. That is all I have. Edwards: Revisions are due June 5th by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 16 LSP 02-32.00: Lot Split (Smith, pp 328) was submitted by Jim Smith for property located at 89 W. Colt Square. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 0.54 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 0.26 acres and 0.28 acres. Edwards: The next item is LSP 02-32.00 submitted by Jim Smith for property located at 89 N. Colt Square. The property is zoned C-2 and contains .54 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of .26 and .28 acres. Jim, do you want to come up here? There are very few comments. We are requesting some minor revisions to the survey before we can approve it and that is what I am going to go over with you. Basically from Parks and Recreation there is no comment. From Sidewalks there is no comment. From Traffic there is no comment The only requirement for Planning is we are requesting that you show the parking area to be used for both of the lots and the shared parking. I see your access easement. Smith: There is no problem. We were planning on putting that on the deed. Edwards: Just show that and it will be fine. Smith: We have a utility easement there for the sewer and all the utilities. Edwards: That is his department so Matt. Smith: Right there at the northeast corner of that lot there was a water meter there, I didn't know if we could tie the water on to run to that back lot or not. Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: You need to stay within the utility easement. One of my comments was to show the existing waterline and to show the water and sewer services so there is not any conflicts as long as they are within the easement. Smith: Ok. Edwards: Utilities, do you have anything? Jim Sargent — AEP/SWEPCO Sargent: I would like to see if you can put a utility easement on the north side of that lot 10C. We have service that go to Tangles that goes across into that lot there. Smith: On C? Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 17 Sargent: On the north side of C, we have a pole back there at that comer and underground service goes to Tangles across there so we would like to have a 10' UE along the north side of that lot 10C. Smith: There is some type of easement there now if I'm not mistaken in between those two buildings. On that lot nine, how wide is that there, about a 10' easement there now right? Sargent: I am not sure if there is an easement in there or not. Smith: Where that building is on that lot nine there is an easement through there, you've got a telephone pole there is what you're saying now? Sargent: The electric pole is back at the northwest corner of lot 10C. Smith: Ok. Sargent: We've got a pedestal where it comes down the pole there and it comes out of that to Tangles. Smith: Right, I saw that. There is like a fiber optic line that runs there. Sargent: That wouldn't be ours. We need that 10' easement there. Smith: I am thinking there is an easement there already. You want it on paper. Sargent: We need something on paper, yes. That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: I agree with that easement. If there is not one there we need one and if there is one just show it. We service it basically the same way. That is all I have. Dwight Miner — Southwestern Bell Miner: Anything we have to move in your way will be at your expense. We will need that easement through there shown. That property to the north, what I am wondering is if it is just a 10' easement is that going to be room for everybody to get down through there, gas, electric, cable and phone. Are we going to need 10' each side of that line so we would end up with a 20 footer? Sargent: Our facilities are already in there. We don't intend to add anymore in there. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 18 Gibson: So are we. Smith: You are in there too as far as I know. You've got a pedestal right here at the corner of this building. Miner: It may not be big enough to feed these is what I am saying. We may have to put another one in there. If that is the case, it won't be a problem if y' all will bring pipes out from your buildings to our easement. Smith: When we get ready to build will you have somebody come over and tell us? Miner: Just call us when you get ready to build. Edwards: Jim, you have to talk to your surveyor, get him to revise this by June 5th at 10:00 a.m. Subdivision Committee is June 13th at 8:30 a.m. Smith: Ok. Edwards: Ok, that's it, thank you. Miner: You can get with Sue Clouser, her number is 442-3107. We will be glad to come out. Smith: No problem, we want to know how to do it right Thank y'all. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 19 LSP 02-33.00: Lot Split (Kelly, pp 180) was submitted by Milholland Company on behalf of Gerald & Leona Kelly for property located on Gulley Road. The property is in the Growth Area and contains approximately 5.94 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 3.0 acres and 2.94 acres. Edwards: The last item is LSP 02-33.00 submitted by Milholland on behalf of Gerald and Leona Kelley for property located on Gulley Road. The property is in the Growth Area and contains 5.94 acres. The request is to split into split into 3.00 and 2.94 acres. There are no comments from Traffic, no comments from Parks, no comments from Sidewalks. However, I have a lot of comments from Planning. First of all, this is the third split from the original parent tract therefore, this is the final lot split allowed on the property which I think everyone is aware of. All future requests are required to go through the subdivision process. I think you put a note on here. I just want to make sure that the buyers know. Go ahead and add a note. Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: We can put that in there, just put a note that no more lot splits are allowed. Right. Secondly, tract A does not have 75' of frontage on an approved public street so a waiver will have to be requested from that which requires Planning Commission approval. I am in support of that waiver because no additional traffic will be added to the private drive, the new lot will access the road. This and the other waiver, which we will talk about in a second. Add plat page 180 to the survey. Gulley is a collector on the Master Street Plan, which requires 45' from centerline be dedicated to Washington County so I am just looking if 40' exists just put 40' right of way dedication by this plat and get a dedication block added. I have attached what it looks like, which is what we are doing on the lot splits now. Just so that it is clear that it is being dedicated. The bigger problem is that we have got a minor arterial street running down the section line which is a 90' right of way that is required to be dedicated by ordinance. Basically from looking at my aerial photos, it runs right in front of the house. On our Master Street Plan there is a minor arterial street proposed that runs right in front of their house that is coming off this section line. That is a requirement of all lot splits that the right-of-way be dedicated. The only way to seek a waiver from this is you have to go through the Planning Commission and on to the City Council who have to approve that not be dedicated. At this point in time for this split to go through? We are in support of not dedicating that at this time but the ordinance requires Council approval so that is going to delay them by quite a bit. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 20 Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Milholland: Can we put that 90' wherever we want it? It could be right over here to the backside of the property. If they want to move it to the backside we can probably do a 45' and a 45' from the neighbor from the neighbor. Whatever it is will have to be approved by the Planning Commission and the Council right? No, if they dedicate the right-of-way then it doesn't have to. Ok, l will make a note here. If dedication is 45 on the rear or 90 along the line no Council, but will Planning Commission have to approve it? Yes, they will because of the waiver of the street frontage. That is going to be a surprise to them I am sure. Until I got your survey and could look at it I actually didn't realize that it went all the way back there so I didn't warn them about it. You might want to have them, they need to request a waiver of the street frontage in writing with some sort of rational for the frontage on the public street, which is what we require. For the Master Street Plan? Yes, a waiver for that and then another waiver for the frontage on a public street, they only have frontage on the private drive. Do I have to ask for that if they move it? If they move it, no. So 45' dedicated. This waiver we're asking are you talking about up here or back here? Up here for this because it is a private drive and they won't have enough frontage on a public street. Ok, and staff does support that? Yes. After you get through us you will have to go through the County. That is all that I have, Matt? You are saying three stages of approval, Subdivision can approve it? Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 21 Edwards: It has to go to Planning Commission because of this private drive. Milholland: We go to Planning Commission before we go to county though. Edwards: Right. Milholland: This 35', what you are saying is you have no record of dedication here? Edwards: The property line is going to the centerline of our road, that is what I am trying to stop and get that actually dedicated right of way. Milholland: That was county road and that was dedicated. Edwards: I am looking for dimensioned 35' to be dedicated by this plat and put the dedication block on there. Milholland: Does that go to the city? Edwards: To the County. I included in there the language that we want and if you want me to email it just let me know. Milholland: Ok. Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: I just need you to show the existing waterlines. There is a 2" and an 18" across the road. Milholland: It's across the road? Casey: The 18" is across the road and the 2" is adjacent to the property. I am also showing that there is a 25' waterline easement that is not shown from our GIS website. I also need the site location of the existing house and the septic location. Milholland: I don't think there is a house in this area. Edwards: I am almost positive she lives back there. Milholland: I never asked that question. Casey: We need to know where the septic system is. Milholland: You want the house back there shown? Casey: Yes. Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 22 Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Casey: Edwards: Casey: Milholland: Casey: Milholland: Casey: Milholland: Casey: Edwards: Milholland: Edwards: Casey: Edwards: Sometimes Ron will take a letter stating that the septic system is all on that tract. If you are going to charge her extra to put the house on there, just get us a letter saying the house and the septic system is on the existing tract. That is all you need? Yes, that will work. I need to know if the house is connected to the waterline. Does the house have public water or a well? If so, you need to show the surface line location of that. You are saying that if this house has city water you want to have a way to get there. Can anyone in the city tell me where the meter is? Public service. We don't want the service line crossing the other property so detection of the public waterline might be necessary. If they have a private line down through here or something like that. You just need to show where it's at. What would constitute the detection of a public water line? I'm not sure, I will have to get with Jim Beavers. Typically a water service line can not cross private property. Sometimes they can extent the lot to cover it so that it is on property or other times we have to run a public line back through here. Could they do a private easement if they wanted to? No, we can't do private easements. It probably comes up this road anyway. Hopefully we won't have to do that, I just wanted to let you know that it is a possibility. Revisions are due June 5th by 10:00 a.m. Milholland: How many copies? Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 23 Edwards: 37 copies. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: Milholland: Gibson: Milholland: Gibson: Milholland: Gibson: If we have to relocate anything, which I don't think is going to be an issue, it is going to be at their expense. I would like to see some kind of an easement going back there. I am looking right here, is that a 30' easement on the south side of that property? Yes, there is a 30' easement adjacent to the south side of this property. It goes all the way from the road right here down to back here. That will probably be fine. They have a 30' over here that goes into this property back here too. 30' access, ok. As long as we have got some type of easement, especially off of Gulley going back into these properties, that is the main thing. I know this over here is an easement. I know it is an access, I'm not sure if it is utility. Ok, that is all I have. Dwight Miner — Southwestern Bell Miner: Milholland: Gibson: Edwards: Miner: Milholland: If this is a general UE, this 30' back through here will probably work us if they get this changed to a private we could probably come back here for service. If we have to move anything it will be at the owner's expense. I just had a question up here on this front, if this was going to be 35' road right of way, do we get any utility easement back behind that so we're out of the county? I think it would be appropriate to ask for one. There is Ozark Electric out there. I would almost bet you there is one there, I don't know that. Do you want a 20'? Yes. I think it would be appropriate if it is needed. That pole hits on down here and back across, I know you've got an easement there, there's no question Technical Plat Review May 29, 2002 Page 24 Miner: Milholland: Gibson: Milholland: Edwards: but if there is additional easement here we would give it to you. Is everyone else satisfied? We are trying to stay off the county and the Highway Department is getting real bad about letting us in right of way. I will put you 15' in there. They are not going to be building a house that close anyway, setbacks are 25' anyway in the County. It's going to be two lots. They are going to build a house there I'm sure. This is a pretty old house here. Meeting adjourned.