HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-13 - MinutesTECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN LSP 02-18.00: Lot Split (Fox, pp 520) Forwarded Page 2 LSD 02-9.00: Large Scale Development (Williams Ford Tractor, pp 286) Forwarded Page 5 LSD 02-10.00: Large Scale Development (University Square, pp 558) Forwarded Page 21 PPL 02-8.00: Preliminary Plat (WRMC Medical Park, pp 250) Forwarded Page 29 STAFF PRESENT STAFF ABSENT Keith Shreve Kim Hesse Sara Edwards Ron Petrie Renee Thomas Kim Rogers Tim Conklin Shelli Rushing Perry Franklin Dennis Ledbetter Solid Waste UTILITIES PRESENT UTILITIES ABSENT Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Glenn Newman, AEP/ SWEPCO Johnny Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 2 LSP 02-18.00: Lot Split (Fox, pp 520) was submitted by Bob Hill of Nickle Hill Group on behalf of Ermal Fox for property located at 1800 W. 6th Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and R-2, Medium Density Residential containing 1.86 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 1.15 acres and 0.71 acres. Edwards: Welcome to the Wednesday, March 13, 2002 meeting of the Technical Plat Review. The first item on the agenda is LSP 02-18.00 submitted by Bob Hill of Nickle Hill Group on behalf of Ermal Fox for property located at 1800 W. 6th Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and R-2, Medium Density Residential containing 1.86 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 1.15 acres and 0.71 acres. Good morning Bob. Hill: Good morning. Edwards: I am going to read everyone's comments with the exception of Engineering. There were no comments from our Traffic Superintendent. Sidewalks will be required at the time of development. Sixth Street is a principal arterial which will require a 6' sidewalk and a 10' greenspace. Mitchell is a local street which will require a 6' sidewalk and a 6' greenspace. From Planning, the rear setback in an R-2 district is 25' and 20' is shown so we need to have that changed. We do require right-of- way dedication on lot splits and Sixth Street is a principal arterial which requires a minimum of 55' from centerline be dedicated. You need to show that on this plat. That is all that I have. Your revisions are due by March 20`h at 10:00 a.m. Engineering may have some comments. Trevor Bowman — Staff Engineer Bowman: Our comment is really, maybe a moot point ,because I understand now that the buildings here are going to be demolished. Hill: The buildings that are shown on this have already been taken down. Bowman: Ok, well our comment was to verify that the water and sewer services, there is water and sewer on Mitchell and there is water and sewer on Sixth and we wanted to make sure that either side wasn't served from the other side's water line or sewer line. If those are already taken down then that shouldn't be an issue unless the service was planned to come across the other piece of property for the new facilities and I wouldn't expect that. Hill: The two buildings on Mitchell I know are going, the one on Sixth Street is in process but I think they are down. Bowman: I drove by there yesterday and I was thinking they were gone. That is all I had. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 3 Edwards: Utilities? Glenn Newman - AEP/SWEPCO Newman: I have facilities on Sixth Street, three phase. I have single phase facilities on Mitchell Street. Depending on what the requirements are, those are the voltages available. Edwards: I don't know if this helps you. Dale Schultz told me he is planning on buying this tract B to put apailments on. He told me sixteen units. Newman: Ok, the single phase will accommodate the residential. If you do something on Sixth Street, it is between Braum's and JD China, depending on what that is, most of the time those would probably require three phase. Hill: It probably would be another restaurant type operation. Newman: If that is the case, we have facilities on the east property line that serves JD China underground from that point so we can arrange to get whatever voltage you want on the east property line. That is all I had. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: I would like for you to show a 20' utility easement on the south side of Mitchell Street within that building setback area. I believe we have an existing service there on the north side of Sixth Street to serve that old existing house. I don't know if that is going to be in the way of your construction or not. You might just get with me and let me know what we need to do with that service. Hill: Ok. That is something that will be addressed at large scale wouldn't it? Edwards: Yes. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We also have existing on Sixth Street and Mitchell so we should be able to service both of those. Hill: Ok. Gibson: That is joint usage with AEP Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 4 Edwards: Sue Clouser with Southwestern Bell just said if any existing facilities need to be moved or relocated it will be at the owner's expense. Edwards: That's it. Hill: Will there be another meeting? Edwards: The next meeting is Subdivision Committee. That is what revisions are due for, that meeting will be on the 28th of March. Hill: Ok, very good. We will have to do the 20`h and the 28`h both? Edwards: The 20`h is when you bring in your revised plats. The 286 is the Subdivision Committee meeting. Hill: Ok, very good. Thank you. Conklin: Thank you. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 5 LSD 02-9.00: Large Scale Development (Williams Ford Tractor, pp 286) was submitted by Tom Hennelly of Jorgensen & Associates Consulting Engineers on behalf of Williams Ford Tractor for property located at 2501 N. Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 11.81 acres with a 15,000 sq.ft. building proposed. Edwards: The next item is LSD 02-9.00 submitted by Tom Hennelly of Jorgensen & Associates Consulting Engineers on behalf of Williams Ford Tractor for property located at 2501 N. Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 11.81 acres with a 15,000 sq.ft. building proposed. I will start with Kim Hesse's comments. Before the Subdivision Committee meeting please indicate the following on the plans: Size of trees at the time of installation, size of species or shrubs. Provide for additional shrubs between parking area and Shiloh and show all shrubs within a planting bed with edging. Also, indicate with a note bow the trees are to be watered, a hose bib within 100' of landscaping is the minimum requirement. I am going to have some more comments when we get to Planning comments. From Parks, of course parks land dedication does not apply to this development. Parks staff recommends that the sidewalk be located on the back side of the right-of- way for future pedestrian opportunity. From Sidewalks, Shiloh is a collector, which requires a 6' sidewalk and a minimum of 10' greenspace. We are requesting that you construct at the right-of-way line. Sidewalks shall be continuous through the driveways with a maximum 2% cross slope and elevated 2% above top of curb. Add sidewalk symbols to the legend. There are two bicycle racks required. My understanding is this is all gravel parking? Hennelley: No, the new parking will be paved. Edwards: It is existing as gravel so really there is not any parking now. Hennelley: There is right here on this existing pavement, it is not striped or anything. Edwards: The bicycle racks kick in with an expansion of 25 spaces so I don't know, do you know how many extra you are adding? Hennelley: A lot. I understand the requirement, it is just that bicycle racks at a tractor dealership just doesn't seem very practical. Conklin: Those are for the tractor salesmen who want to ride their bike here to sale tractors. Hennelley: Yes, we are expanding beyond that. Edwards: You may be able to reduce it to one. I forget where the second one kicks in. Do you know Keith? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 6 Shreve: I believe it is 50, I will have to double check. Edwards: Ok, so you may be able to reduce it to one. Hennelley: I am not sure that I understand. The sidewalk, you want it located on the west side of the right-of-way? Edwards: The back, yes. Shreve: I think you are showing it at the right-of-way line on the drawing now. We are just wanting to confirm that is where we want it. Right at the right-of-way line. Hennelley: That is right where we have it. Shreve: The ordinance says a minimum of 10' greenspace behind the curb but in this location the amount of greenspace is larger, which is back to the right- of-way line. Hennelley: Ok. Shreve: The way you've drawn it is the way we want it. Hennelley: Ok. Conklin: That fiber optic that is shown there, do you know whose fiber optic that is? Hennelley: I don't know if that is a problem building a sidewalk over that. Gibson: It is not ours. It is probably Southwestern Bell's. Conklin: It is underground right? Hennelley: Yes. Conklin: I am sure it is probably fairly deep. Edwards: From Perry, our Traffic Superintendent, streetlights are required every 300' at street intersections and at the end of streets. Are you just not showing any streetlights? Hennelley: There will be, obviously, we need to put them on there. I didn't' know how that configuration would effect the lighting on the parking. Does that make any difference to you Perry? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 7 Franklin: It is difficult there to know where to put them. I would say go back to the south there and sort of calculate every 300'. If one lands close to that driveway you can put it at that driveway. Conklin: This is Ozarks Electric? What kind of streetlight pole are you putting up? Phipps: What type of illumination do you want? Franklin: I would say we would want the same thing we ran up and down the frontage road up in front of Kohl's. The same situation. It is a frontage road. Conklin- It is going to be one of the access points to our Business Research Park. It needs to look nice. Franklin: That frontage road is going to continue all the way around through there. Phipps: That type of light, the developer would have to provide it and install it. We don't have that type of light to put up. Franklin: I am talking about the ones back out on the frontage road up there. Phipps: That is SWEPCO. Franklin: You all don't have anything like that? Phipps: No, we are not in the light business. We just provide power. We have residential lights. They make 50 different kinds of lights, we are only going to carry two. We don't have enough room to carry every type of light they make. Franklin: What you are saying that it is going to just be a wood pole? Phipps: No, I said I could provide a wood pole. I don't think it is going to look good and I don't think you would want it. Conklin: We don't want a wood pole. Franklin: We've got to have something they are going to maintain. Phipps: We recently installed some on 40`h Street in Springdale that are the steel structured poles with the overhang. Hennelley: That is more along the lines of what you are looking at anyway right? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 8 Conklin: Yes. Phipps: We can order those. How many every you need, we will order them but it will be at the full cost of the developer. Conklin: Ok, it would be like a cobra head type? Phipps: Yes. Franklin: Then you will maintain them, the ones you are talking about? Phipps: Yes, if we install anything we will maintain it. Franklin: That would work. Phipps: It looks better than the wood. Conklin: Ok, thanks Mike. I just wanted to clarify that. Edwards: One of your ADA spaces must be van accessible, what that means is you need to put out an 8' space and that is not what you are showing there. Hennelley: I can just make that an 8', they can share that can't they? Edwards: Yes. From our Assistant Fire Marshall, is this new building going to be sprinkled? Hennelley: No, not sprinkled. Edwards: Is there an existing fire hydrant shown on here? Hennelley: There is just south of the south boundary line. Edwards: Trevor, didn't he say the regulation was 500'? Bowman: The water standards are 500'. Hennelley: We should be within that. Bowman: It is as the hose runs. Hennelley: It would have to be to the entrance and around the opening of the fence. Conklin: Ok, that is 430' to the back of the building is another 370'. Bowman: You may need another hydrant. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 9 Hennelley: Ok. Conklin: It kind of makes sense. Bowman: Ron had the same comment. Edwards: From Planning, I do want you to add the Design Overlay District boundary to both the plat and the vicinity map, which you can do, it is going to be 660' from your property line because it is measured from the highway right-of-way, which is this property line. We are having a little bit of trouble determining what is existing on this site and what is proposed. Please get us something showing what we are changing. For the most part, what is existing will kind of be grandfathered in but what is proposed will have to meet our ordinance. Hennelley: Ok, you are talking about everything that is going to be constructed including landscaping? Edwards: Yes. I think that northern entrance is new. I am having trouble telling if this southern entrance is constructed at 40' because 40' is not our regulation for width and what we need to get that into compliance . We did have a problem with the legal description. The drawing and the legal does not match and the point of beginning is incorrect. I would like the building setbacks added. I do want you also to dimension the 25' along the front, which is the greenspace requirement in the design overlay district. I think you have it, I just want you to dimension it. I want you to add your parking stall dimensions, which I think are ok. If that driveway is not existing, I think being gravel, I am not going to count it as existing. Hennelley: Actually that one is paved. Edwards: Ok, that will help me. Is it paved at 40' wide right now? Hennelley: Actually, it is a little bit wider than that. Edwards: Why does it need to be a two way out? Hennelley: The reason we made this as big as it is is because they've got some large trucks coming in with equipment on them. It is difficult for them to get in and out, they are always swinging into the oncoming. That was primarily the reason for that and we can utilize as much of the existing as we can. Edwards: Can we make it 39' so it will meet code? Hennelley: I am sure we could probably swing that. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 10 Edwards: With your parking lot lighting, is anything existing there? Hennelley: There is one light, which will wind up being out in the middle of one of the parking spaces. There will be new lighting. Edwards: Are you showing the new lighting? Hennelley: No, not yet. Edwards: Ok, what are these little Xs on the corners here? Hennelley: Those are the centers of the radiuses. Edwards: Ok. As far as the parking lot lighting, it has to be sodium light fixtures and can not exceed 35' in height. I do want you to go ahead and show the lights on there. Hennelley: Ok. Edwards: They must be shielded and directed downwards. Hennelley: Ok. Edwards: Outdoor storage, from looking at the aerial photo, right now it is existing on the north and south side of the building, is that going to remain? Hennelley: Run that by me again. Edwards: There is storage. Just from looking at the aerial I can't tell, it is probably just tractors, but on the north and south, is that going to remain that way? Hennelley: Yes, that is something I was going to ask you about. I showed this as screened because of what we did for the RSC Large Scale Development. That was in fact, equipment storage. This is less storage than it is like a car lot. Conklin: Display? Hennelley: Yes, it is basically display where they are selling a product. Just like Nelm's is or whoever. I am wondering if in fact, the screening is necessary because of that. Edwards: We would have to make an interpretation if it is outdoor storage or not. Conklin: This is what you are proposing right now without any interpretation by us? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 11 Hennelley: Actually, that is what is shown on the plan but since this plan was submitted we would like to not have that. Conklin- Ok, you want to take that away now that you have shown that to us? Hennelley: Exactly. Conklin: Let me think about that one. I will get with Kim and make a decision later. Edwards: I will just move on. I couldn't tell exactly where the chain link was being removed and where it was going to remain so maybe you could explain that and then also show it better on the drawing as well. Hennelley: Ok. Edwards: The whole front the chain link is going to be removed? Hennelley; Yes, the entire front the chain link will be removed. Edwards: Any of the north and south sides? Hennelley: Not unless we have to because I didn't know how far back that needs to go. Edwards: I understand. Hennelley: That may be a trade off on the screening. Edwards: My thought on that was that chain link is not allowed in the design overlay district so anything that you want to remain within that 660', we will just do as a waiver and that needs to be requested in writing. I don't know right now if I have an opinion on you were just saying chain link will start here and here. They told me this is going to be wrought iron and brick. Part of the design overlay district is that pedestrian access shall be provided from the street to the building so we need to get that on here. Hennelley: Outside of paved? Edwards: I have in the past, let striping serve as a crosswalk across the parking lot but you do need to do a sidewalk out to the sidewalk probably across that landscaped area because you don't want them walking through the driveway and then you could do striping across your parking lot. Hennelley: Ok. That is going to be fenced though. There will be a wrought iron Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 12 fence separating that from the sidewalk. Conklin: We don't want the sidewalk going into the fence without a gate. If you want to make it come around the driveway somehow. Maybe you could do that right here along the side or something. Are you going to have gates on the drives? Hennelley: Yes. You want a sidewalk here and then we can stripe across here? Conklin: Yes. You can find the shortest amount of sidewalk you can build as long as that connects to the front sidewalk somehow, stripe it through your parking lot and connect it over. Who is the architect? Key: I am Jim Key, I am the architect working with Williams Tractor and Jorgensen & Associates on the building that you see before you. It is the owner's proposal that we put our efforts and materials on the front of the existing building, everything that is facing the highway both on the southeast and north sides of the building and totally do a new masonry veneer on the existing structure. That is as opposed to putting a full masonry veneer on our proposed new building that sets to the rear and is less noticeable from the street. We are hoping that that would dress up the front of the building which was discussed with the city over the last 12-18 months that we've been working on the project. I approached Sara before we submitted this to make sure that would be the most reasonable approach. One thing we had considered was putting more of the emphasis of new materials on the other building and not do anything to the existing structure or perhaps just a wayans coat to the existing structure. The comments were that obviously parking and the vehicle use around the building would obscure the wayans coat and leave only metal showing to the highway. It is not our intent to do anything to the existing building other than to make it attach to our new structure for the expanded shop area. We are looking at basically a 15,000 sq.ft. shop addition. We are going to have a couple of bathrooms and some offices. Conklin: Thanks Jim. Key: It is pretty straight forward, we are intending to dress the building up significantly. Conklin: Right now it is a metal building up front and in the end it will be a building that has been covered with brick veneer. Key: We are proposing two wall signs, one for both of their major entrances. One on the south facing the building and one to the east. The current standard of the overlay district is one wall sign permitted. The way this building is positioned, he has got several signs that are visible from the I- Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 13 540 interstate. I don't know if it is something that has been discussed but we have anticipated that the city would require during the development that we move the existing pole sign that is there. The owners would like to leave it if it is not an issue. They have got several flags there and their existing sign that is located on the front. If we were to leave that on we could remove one of the wall signs. Edwards: Are you saying that we could trade a wall sign, you'd be willing to trade that? Key: A wall sign for a pole mounted sign? Edwards: Yes. Key: I have informed the owners that with my experience in the past that monument signs have replaced pole signs. I don't know if that was something that was discussed before I got here this morning. Edwards: No. Key: We would be willing to trade you a sign for a sign. Edwards: Ok. With that you will need to request a waiver for the use of metal siding in the design overlay district because it strictly states that no metal siding shall be used and we are in support of that. You also need to request the waiver for the additional wall sign and it sounds like we are going to be in support of that. Hennelley: You are going to be in support of the waiver? Edwards: Yes. We just need every waiver that I have talked about in writing. I think that that is all that I have. Trevor Bowman- Staff Engineer Bowman: You've got Ron's comments? Hennelley: Yes. Bowman: A lot of it is pretty straight forward. We have already mentioned the fire hydrant issue that we need to take a look at. Setbacks on those fill slopes around the detention pond need to be moved at least 5' from the property line unless you get written approval from the adjacent property owner. Also, we mentioned the clarification of what is existing and proposed and I particularly need the parking lot, what is the existing gravel structure. On that detention pond, is there an existing ditch? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 14 Hennelley: There is an existing ditch along Moore Lane that runs to the north and then piped underneath out into what would be the Technology Park area. That land over there. Bowman: Ok, I think you need to show that. He had a question on the curb numbers you used there in the different parts of the yard. Hennelley: Those are different soil types. Bowman. Ok. He says that possibly, depending on your revised calculations, might have to have a detention pond on the southern part. If you have any questions you can give Ron a call. Hennelley: Ok. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: I think our existing service serving the existing building is up on Moore Lane. I think around this 90° curve in this general vicinity. We will probably serve the new proposed building from that location. I just need future load information to see if an upgrade is necessary. Hennelley: Ok. Boles: Is this detention pond that you are showing, is that existing or proposed? Hennelley: It is proposed and really, basically all we are doing is building a berm on the existing ground to provide enough volume. There is really no grading per say, that goes on back here. There is just a berm that is built. We will probably, with the surface that comes in, and Mike, this will include you also because they've got overhead service now that comes in from that corner. We will need to bring it up, put a transformer, come underground and probably we will need to reroute that service. I am sure that will be at the owner's expense, but the same way up the property line and to the building so that we don't get into the berm on the pond. Is there any problem with that? Boles: That is fine. I need an easement on that north property line, 20'. Hennelley: Ok, you too Mike? Phipps: I have an existing power line there so there should be a 30' easement there now. It is not a recorded easement though so lets just go 20'. Edwards: You have a power line on the north side, overhead, how big is it? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 15 Phipps: It is a three phase line and it is not on this property, it is on the other side. Conklin: How high is that berm? Hennelley: It is basically 2'. Conklin. Ok. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: Tom, I would like a 20' UE along that north parking area right here tying into this easement all the way down and to that new building, just turn it 90°. I need six 4" across each entrance but I would like them west of that existing 8" waterline so that I don't get between it and that fiber optic. Hennelley: Ok. Phipps: To get those lights I am going to have to put underground through there. Hennelley: Ok. I don't know if there will be a problem with this or not but would there be the possibility of coming off that way with a 20' over to the building? Phipps: Around that berm? Hennelley: Yes, east of the berm. Phipps: It is going to get a little more expensive though. I have to dig here anyway. Hennelley: It is not that big of a deal. Phipps: It is going to cost him a lot more. It would be cheaper on him if I can come here in this existing easement and then go this way instead of having two running through there. Hennelley: Ok. Phipps: I would like a 20' along this south property line. Hennelley: What was that for? Phipps: For a future feed if I want to get over here to Razorback Road. I don't know what kind of setback you have there from that property line. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 16 Hennelley: I will need to check on it. We are not proposing anything down there. We had something on RSC, I will need to find out what that was. Phipps: We can just combine it as utilities and setback. Hennelley: Ok, I'm sure it is 20'. Phipps: You've got some trees proposed here, these twelve white pines. Can we move those south any? They are right in that power line. Hennelley: Actually the power line is on the north. Phipps: As long as we stay like 15' off the center of the power line. Some day they are going to get up in there I know. Hennelley: Hopefully they won't be. Phipps: This is landscaping in front that we've got in this easement here? Hennelley: Yes. Phipps: If I'm not there at the time you landscape, depending on when you do it, we may have to boar underneath that. Hennelley: I probably will hold off landscaping until you get done. Phipps: That would be a good idea. Hennelley: Ok. Conklin: What are you doing on Shiloh? Phipps: That will be to serve the streetlights down here. Conklin: Ok, I thought maybe you were doing some other underground loop or something out there. Phipps: No, I just wanted to get across the front of it and continue on down someday. If I can get in before you landscape it we won't have to boar. Hennelley: Sure, that won't be any problem. Phipps: That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 17 Gibson: We don't have anything on this property. These easements up here to come up into it and to get to this is fine with me. That is basically all I have. Conklin- Do we not have Cox out at our Research Business Park? Gibson: Not yet, that is what I was just telling him. This 20' UE coming up here is more than likely going to be the way we get to it off of Moore Road or possibly on the north side of Moore Road to get back into that park. It is not in there right now, that is probably what would get it up there quicker than this would. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Edwards: From Sue Clouser with Southwestern Bell, if any existing facilities need to be moved it will be at the owner or developer's expense. She does want you to call her, Sue Clouser at 442-3107 Edwards: I told you I was going to talk about landscaping and I skipped it so I'm going to go back. Although the commercial design standards allow for a grouping of trees, the design overlay district does not allow for that option, the 25% grouping. I am requesting that you go ahead and space those trees at 30' intervals with the continuous planting of shrubs. The reason for that is in the design overlay district all parking lots are required to be screened. I am looking to get those screened well. While we were looking, we realize Moore Lane comes right adjacent to this property back here, which makes this a front. Is there any possibility of adding a larger burm and landscaping to help screen that metal sidewall? Hennelley: How about we just plant river birch on the west side? Edwards: Kim, do you think that will serve as screening? Hesse: You are trying to screen the parking lot? Conklin: No, the back of the building. The back of the building is a front of the building from Moore Lane right there. Hesse: It probably will. Hennelley: What is the requirement on those, 30'? Edwards: There is a 25' greenspace required. Hennelley: I mean spacing, every 30'? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 18 Conklin: Kim, what does it take to screen? Edwards: We are trying to get the metal sidewall screened. Hesse: The requirement on the trees is not a screening requirement. Conklin: I know, but how close do River birch have to be planted to screen? Edwards: We are trying to screen this metal sidewall with some sort of planting from Moore Lane so that they will be more likely to get that metal wall approved. Hesse: River birch doesn't have very good canopy. Conklin: Ok, well then we need to choose different trees. Hesse: What is the distance between the road and the building? Conklin: It is 200'. Hesse: It is going to be best if I just drive out there. Conklin: Ok. Hesse: I need to look at the topography and get back with you. Hennelley: Ok. The landscaping along here is... Edwards: That is the design overlay district, which requires a 25' greenspace. Phipps: What size are these pin oaks? Conklin: What pin oaks? Phipps: Here. Conklin: I think they are 2" caliper, right Kim? Phipps: What is the depth they initially plant them at? Hesse: If they are 2" caliper they are probably no more than 18" deep. Phipps: Ok. Hesse: Do you have underground there? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 19 Phipps: I will have. I just wondered what kind of depth they were going to go. Hennelley: Going back to this 30' spacing, that is really going to be an enormous detriment to their business. Edwards: And all businesses. Hennelley: Not necessarily, but for them to have to space these for the first 5-10 years, it is not going to be a problem, but after that all you are going to see is a bank of trees and if any car lot had to do that it would be detrimental. Conklin: Ok. Edwards: Could you do it in front of the parking lot and maybe group them away from display areas? Hennelley: Can we confine most of them? I left some of this open for that same purpose, for display. Conklin- Where are you having display at? Hennelley: In these open parts. Conklin: In the landscaping? Edwards: You have to have that 25' greenspace as landscaped area. They can't display in that. Hennelley: Ok. We can move some of the trees that are grouped through here with the shrubs? Edwards: Yes. Conklin: We will support a waiver on the display areas, I understand that. Landers still has a 25' greenspace, they just don't have trees in front of it. They had it landscaped to the side of their display areas but they are not parking cars in that 25' greenspace. To be consistent if we are comparing vehicles and tractors. Hennelley: Ok, I understand. Edwards Just as a note, where they are putting the tractors, is it grass? Hennelley: It is more gravel and dirt than anything else. Edwards: We are not increasing that, that is all going to stay the way it is now? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 20 Hennelley: Yes, we are actually reducing the amount of gravel and dirt. Edwards: Ok, I think that is all that we have. Conklin: Are there any big U.S. flags? Hennelley: Not that I know of. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 21 LSD 02-10.00: Large Scale Development (University Square, pp 558) was submitted by Erin Rushing of CEI Engineering on behalf of Narendra Krushiker for property located at 2614 W. 6th Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 4.42 acres. Edwards: The next item is LSD 02-10.00 submitted by Erin Rushing of CEI Engineering on behalf of Narendra Krushiker for property located at 2614 W. 6`h Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 4.42 acres. We have limited file space and you have very thick plans, I would appreciate whatever you could combine. We can leave the topography out next time and if you could combine maybe grading with trees or whatever you can do, we like to get it all on two plans. Your vicinity map, and some of the stuff on the front page, just stick it on the site plan. Starting with Sidewalks, Shiloh Drive is a collector, which requires a 6' sidewalk and 10' of greenspace. We do recommend that the sidewalk be constructed along the right-of-way line on Shiloh. You said mainly along the north side of the driveway Keith? Shreve: We are looking at, where you are proposing building the new parking lot on the north side of your property here, you've got approximately 212' of frontage along Shiloh Drive. We are asking for a sidewalk to be constructed on the right-of-way line of Shiloh Drive, to the northeast comer of your property. Conklin: How far does that go? Can you come and point it out to us? Shreve: Through the driveway. Conklin: Through the drive to this point, is this where we're at, like I drew it on here, is that what you want? Shreve: Right here at this point there is another triangular piece of property that comes in here to this point. When I read this, this property would actually be touching Shiloh. The driveway stops here so we are asking for a 6' sidewalk from this point to this point. It will take a little work. However, they want to back it up. It can be along this curb line here, we can work that out but we would want it continuous through the driveway. It may take an offsite visit to actually lay this out. He may want to come in, you can put it on your property if you like, just make an easement for it. Rushing: Do you have a greenspace requirement? Shreve: We require a minimum 10' behind the curb but in this case we want to increase that back to this right-of-way line in case of new construction and service. On this existing hotel, they have one that kind of deadends here. Unfortunately that utility pole was in the design. At some point if you Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 22 want to meet on the site we can do that. Rushing: Ok, we are trying to avoid the trees. There is this bank here. Shreve: Right, we are just asking for you to stop here. Since you are not doing any changes to the driveway approaches on Sixth then we won't require that sidewalk. Edwards: Parks is recommending that the sidewalk be located at the back side of the right-of-way for future pedestrian opportunities. We have gone over that. From the Fire Marshall, he says the retail store one is sprinkled and he needs a fire hydrant within 100' of the riser. Rushing: Ok, there is an existing hydrant at the back corner of that, right here. Conklin: Do you know where the riser is? Rushing: I have no idea. It is probably in that general location if I had to guess. Edwards: He wanted to know if the existing retail store 2, if when it was remodeled will it be sprinkled as well? Rushing: To my knowledge, it is not necessarily going to be remodeled, it is just a face lift. I think a lot of the same tenants are going to be there, with the exception of Marvin's IGA obviously. Edwards: From our Traffic Superintendent, 8 ADA spaces are required for this development. We need 2 in the rear parking lot and 6 in the front, 7 are shown. You need one additional one. He is recommending showing an additional van accessible space at the front of building 1. He would recommend showing one standard and one van accessible space sharing one eight foot aisle at each location. Perry Franklin — Traffic Superintendent Franklin: You are showing three here and you really only need two. You are showing three there and you really only need two. The ideal situation would be this right here, one aisle and an 8' and an 8' and the same situation right there. You just want to have two here, two here, two there and two there, all identical. Rushing: Do we need two here for 1,400 sq.ft.? Franklin: It has nothing to do with square feet, it has to do with how many parking spaces you have in there. I gave you the chart and the calculations for that. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 23 Edwards: From Planning, I am asking for a site coverage note. This is in the overlay district which says that buildings and surface may not exceed 75% of the site. I am not sure if that is going to be ok or not. Sixth Street is a principal arterial which requires 55' from centerline be dedicated. The curb cuts are existing and so I am not going to evaluate the widths or anything on that. It looks like we probably have enough right-of-way here but not here. Rushing: Ok, so you need 50 additional feet? Edwards: Yes. What we are requiring is 50% of the existing buildings, 50% of the existing site improvements must also be brought up to current standards. Along with the addition of landscape islands proposed within the existing parking lot, we wish to request that additional improvements be along the right-of-way of 6th Street to meet that 50% upgrade. Commercial Design Standards, Overlay District Standards and parking Lot Standards all require a landscape buffer along surrounding rights of way. For this reason and due to the fact that additional right of way must be dedicated at this time, we request that you remove the 16 parking spaces shown adjacent to Sixth Street and replace them with a landscape bed consisting of trees spaced at 30' intervals and a continuous planting of shrubs. This landscape bed consisting of trees spaced at 30' intervals and a continuous planting of shrubs. This landscape bed consisting of trees spaced at 30' intervals and a continuous planting of shrubs. This buffer, along with the proposed landscape islands, will meet the 50% upgrade to the existing parking lot. Rushing: Kim and I talked about this. We are not doing 50% of improvements. We are only doing 25% of improvements to the actual estimated value of the property. Does that still apply? Conklin: Would the right-of-way being dedicated go into the spaces? What we were looking at was trying to upgrade that. Is that a major problem for the owner? Rushing: If we lose 16 spaces? Conklin: You are already striping these areas. Rushing: I haven't talked to them about it. Conklin: If you could talk to them. Edwards: You are over. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 24 Rushing: Edwards: Rushing: Conklin: Edwards: Conklin - Rushing: Conklin: Rushing: If we reduce 16 are we still over? Yes. Let me talk to them. I know all they really wanted to do was seal coat that and restripe it. He is unaware of having to get that out and landscape so let me talk to him. Ok. As part of the design overlay district 25' of landscape area is required between the front property lines and any pavement. Because this is all existing, I wasn't going to address over here but back here, we don't have that. We want the cross access so what I would like from you is a waiver requesting to provide cross access instead of that 25' of greenspace. The location of that is based on trying to line it up with this aisle right? Right. There is a curb cut there and an apron, I can remove that. It logically lines up right there. We are all in support of that. Have you talked with the hotel? It is the same owner. It can't hurt his situation any at all. Trevor Bowman- Staff Engineer Bowman: Rushing: Conklin: Rushing: Bowman: There are a few things on the grading plan that need to be addressed and you should have our checklist attached to the comments that we gave you. The other stuff has to do with the drainage report. We would like you to consider using a rational method instead of SCS because it is such a small site. It also, the total area for predevelopment still has to be taken into account for post development flows. You have got a piece that is not paved here that really didn't get taken into account in the post development flows. Which part is that? This little piece right here. There is some gravel there but we are taking that gravel out. Well, I am just looking at the total area that was taken into account for predevelopment flows comes around something like this. This area here didn't get taken into account for the flows for post development. All that was done was basically for the parking lot. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 25 Rushing: Right. Bowman: That basically caused the flows to go down but once you add these in the flows may actually go up. Pretty much if we've gone to the velocity of site specific detention to everything, even on small things too, the flows go up. You will want to take a look at that and see. Rushing: Ok. Bowman: This flow here will still eventually get down to this discharge point. Rushing: Actually, this will go this way, this will come out over here. Bowman: It comes across so there is a culvert being installed right here and then does it come down to here, or come across this over here? Rushing: Right. Bowman. Eventually though these two flows get back together right here so that is where we would want to see. Rushing: Ok. Conklin: I am just curious. You are charging them for this existing gravel as part of their post development flow, is that what you are saying? Bowman: Yes, because there still will be a flow there. Conklin: But it was existing prior to the ordinance. Bowman: They have to take into account the whole site, predevelopment and post development so the total flows leaving the site. Conklin: This is considered predevelopment though right? Bowman: That is considered predevelopment. Conklin: Ok, I don't want to waste everybody's time. Bowman Ok, if you have any questions just give me a call. Edwards: Utilities? Glenn Newman — AEP/SWEPCO Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 26 Newman: Can we get an easement along the west property line 10'? I know those buildings are less than 15' off the property line. We have a three phase line that runs north from Hwy. 62 and then this is a streetlight out to this Shiloh Drive. We have overhead that runs across the parking lot and if we could get a 10' utility easement along the north property line to get power back to it. I am sure Perry will want to keep that streetlight. Do we have any idea how many tenants in store one? Rushing: Really we do not know exactly what the tenant count is going to be. It is based on whatever that need is and whoever wants to occupy that building. We really have no idea. Newman: The reason I ask that, currently it is served from overhead transformer station kind of right there in the middle of the building and that is three phase 208. What I am trying to say is that we will need to declare what voltage if we go with this one transformer it will be all or none as far as a voltage availability. Relocation of the facilities will be at the owner/developer's expense when we relocate that. The developer will provide ditch and conduit and a concrete pad to set the transformer on. If you want to, you can yell at me if you want to put that in your drawing. Hesse: 1s there not a utility easement already there? Don't you have overhead through there now? Rushing: 1 thought it was a private line myself'. Newman: It is our line but I don't know. Hesse; The reason that I am asking is because if we add trees. Are you taking underground for this? Newman: No. Hesse: So there is really no change? Newman: No change in that, the only change that I can see that is proposed is to eliminate the overhead behind the building and go with a pad mount transformer to serve this particular store. It shows it to go to a pad mounted transformer right there. It would be underground. We can remove that pole and then go underground from this line which will be 20' of underground to what you are proposing. Hesse: Ok. Rushing: So you wanted 15' on the back on the west side? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 27 Newman: That building scales to about 12' or 13'. We will need a 20' out on Hwy. 62 along the front. That is all that I have. You say the tenants in store two are going to stay? Rushing: As far as I know, they are going to stay there. Newman: So we won't have to modify any of that. That is all served from overhead facilities and overhead conductors going to the building so we won't have to modify that any. That is all I had. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Aaron, is that gas line on the north side of building one going to need to be relocated? Rushing: I really don't know. I am not sure what it is. I don't know if it is a private line. Boles: No, that is our line. Rushing: It is probably your call then. Boles: What type of additions are you proposing to the back of the building? Rushing: It is mainly just rock. The footprint won't change. We will add the sidewalk out front. Boles: We prefer to leave it there if we can. Rushing: We should make it deeper if we can. Right now it is a dock area and we are going to bring the grade up to finished floor. Boles: Ok, that is all I have. Rushing: Basically it is just an improvement to the exterior of the building. If we can leave that, that is your preference? Boles: We can serve all the future tenants off that line. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We also have an existing overhead line on the north and south on the west side of the property. We are on the AEP pole, we are joint usage. The only thing I can see to get the underground services to this building would be to come off this existing AEP pole right here with a 36" sweep and a 2" PVC to within 3' of the electric meter in the back and sweep it up. Other Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 28 than that, any relocation or damage to Cox facilities will be at the owner's expense. That is all I have. Edwards: Is there any new parking lot lighting going in there? Rushing: We haven't proposed it. Do we need it? Conklin- It is up to your client. Typically retail has lighting. Rushing: I will mention that. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Edwards: Sue Clouser from Southwestern Bell, she says she has a lot of questions and would like you to call her, 442-3107. That is all I have. Do you have any questions? Rushing: Not that I can think of. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 29 PPL 02-8.00: Preliminary Plat (WRMC Medical Park, pp 250) was submitted by Terry Carpenter of US Infrastructure, Inc. on behalf of Washington Regional Medical System for property located on North Hills Boulevard. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and R -O, Residential Office containing approximately 10.49 acres with 4 lots proposed. Edwards: The final item on our agenda is PPL 02-8.00 submitted by Terry Carpenter of US Infrastructure, Inc. on behalf of Washington Regional Medical System for property located on North Hills Boulevard. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and R -O, Residential Office containing approximately 10.49 acres with 4 lots proposed. I will start with Kim Hesse's comments for your tree preservation plan. It looks like there are 15% and 20% required to be preserved. There is 1.67 acres that is existing tree canopy, 15.2% of this site. Will that all be preserved under that? Hesse: Conklin: Nierengarten: Hesse: N ierengarten: Hesse: N ierengarten: Hesse: Nierengarten: Hesse: What my statement is that most of the trees that were left out there were required. When we subdivide this they will have to be in separate easements. I see that tract A, you have to save all the trees on tract A. Basically that is part of Washington Regional's preservation. All of the trees on tract A would have to be put into an easement at the time of this final plat. Meaning, they couldn't develop in that. Any potential development of tract A is going to be limited because trees are in the middle of the lot. Right. What I have got to do is determine exactly where that line would revert to their preservation. Is it possible that we could change what they preserved as a separate area on their site somewhere? I know that they have got some. Everything they have is preserved and they still didn't meet the requirements. Is it possible then that we can go back and say that they would contribute to the tree fund then if they were under the requirements? We can, but that is a council decision. Oh, ok. The thing is, let me point out where I'm pretty sure was required for preservation, right beside the lot. I think that somewhere in here Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 30 Nierengarten: Hesse: Nierengarten: Hesse: preservation starts and this was part of it, I am not sure if all of this was part of it. This is what really effects you. Ok, so you think these two here? Those were all required for preservation. They are not as subject to development because they are on the back. Here you are right down the middle. This is not a part of this and this is not. I am just concerned about this tract. Regardless, you need to show these in a tree preservation area at the time of final plat. We need to write a protective easement along here? Right. If you are proposing to get rid of these you will have to mitigate those. Nierengarten: Can we not do like we did before and say we're not going to take any of the trees now but at the time of development we will mitigate for 20%? Hesse: Conklin: Nierengarten: Hesse: Nierengarten: Hesse: There will be a statement somewhere in your final plat that says lot 2. That is your decision. Can these trees count as preservation for the hospital and these lots or are they going to be required to come up with 20? The hospital was required to save those trees when it went through. At this point they are a part of the preserved plan for WRMC so any removal will have to be approved by the council. Ok, all the way to the City Council. Ok, so you are going to research that and get back to me? Yes. Nierengarten: Ok, I appreciate it. Edwards: No comments from our Traffic Superintendent. From our Fire Marshall, he is requesting additional hydrants, tract D, a hydrant on the southeast corner. Tract A, a hydrant on the middle of the lot on North Hills. These are my interpretations. Tract B, the southeast corner of the tract and tract C the southeast corner. Nierengarten: Ok. When he says the middle he means along the road? Edwards: I think so. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 31 Conklin- It seems odd that there are no fire hydrants for North Hills Medical Park across the street. Edwards: Do you think maybe he is just not showing them? Conklin: I might want to go out there. I have a hard time believing that there are not hydrants along North Hills Blvd. or Monte Painter. Nierengarten: That does seem odd. Basically all of the preexisting stuff reflects the city atlas. Maybe they were built and just not put on there when they did the road. Conklin- Sure. Bowman: There is not a waterline through there so there wouldn't be one. Conklin: I am saying up here. It seems like you would have a fire hydrant up there in that area somewhere. Edwards: The Assistant Fire Marshall is Danny Farrar. Nierengarten: There is one right there. Conklin: It probably is still too far. Bowman: You may want to get with him and see if those meet his criteria. Nierengarten: Ok. Edwards: From sidewalks, tracts A and D, Appleby Road and North Hills are collector streets which require a 6' sidewalk and a 10' greenspace. A sidewalk is existing along North Hills but not along Appleby. Nierengarten: Ok, so we need that. Conklin: Just on tract D? Keith, didn't Washington Regional Medical Center put some out there? Shreve: They are not constructed yet along Appleby. Conklin: Ok. Shreve: I just want to make sure that it doesn't get lost there on the corner of tract A. Washington Regional is supposedly going to build them but we want to make sure it gets there on that corner. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 32 Nierengarten: Shreve: Conklin: Shreve: Conklin: Shreve: Nierengarten: Shreve: Nierengarten: Shreve: Conklin: Shreve: N ierengarten: Shreve: Conklin: Shreve: Edwards: Are they constructed all the way along North Hills yet? North Hills, I know tract A, and tract B, and on tract C there are no sidewalks along North Hills and Futrall. That was waived for that internal sidewalk right? Yes, but we would like to get it this time if at all possible. I know Washington Regional brought a sidewalk internal across their property so it was waived previously. But you are recommending a sidewalk on Futrall now and on North Hills? We would like a sidewalk along tract C for North Hills and Futrall. For North Hills and Futrall? Yes, since it is going to be considered as a separate property. That sidewalk would just dead-end then at the west end of tract D? At the corner. I don't make any comments on sidewalks. If it was constructed it would dead end. Is there any sidewalk that comes down Futrall on the Washington Regional campus that that could connect to? There probably would still be a little gap between the two sidewalks that could possibly be closed in the future. I don't know how far down Futrall comes to the east, I know it comes a ways. That may be what that easement is for, I don't know. I don't think it crosses that drainage ditch. The drainage ditch is floodway. It is not just something that you can just throw a pipe in. Right, there is still going to be a gap between those in the future but if we could get that little piece it would help. You called this North Hills Medical Park. This is an actual subdivision, it needs a subdivision name. We called it Washington Regional Medical Center Medical Park. If they prefer something else, that is fine with us. It just needs to be named something that we don't have another subdivision Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 33 name. The subdivision must include the entire parent tract as well as the three tracts described in the application. Therefore, the acreage and parcel numbers should be revised on the application as well as you need to show the entire Washington Regional site and the approved large scale. This is all one subdivision, the boundary, this is the whole site and we also want the large scale in three so that we can make sure that this isn't taking out anything that was approved as a part of the large scale. I am pretty sure it is ok. Conklin: You really are creating the lot for Washington Regional. That is why I looked over at Keith because it is going to become part of the subdivision. You and Chuck need to discuss this issue. Nierengarten: When you said the acreage and parcel numbers needed to be revised? Edwards: On your application you've got 10.49 acres, which is the acreage of all of these tracts but it doesn't include this piece. My next comment would be that you need to label it lot 1,2,3,etc. Washington Regional should have a lot number. Nierengarten: You don't like the letters for lots? Edwards: No. Conklin: What is this being split from? Edwards: This is the same parcel number. Nierengarten: When they built the road they just built the road right through the middle of this property and it has never been broken off. It was all part of the North Hills Medical Park plat. Conklin: It was broken off when they dedicated the right-of-way of the street to the city. The street has been dedicated right? Nierengarten: Yes. Conklin: Ok, that is fine. I will take my criticism from Commissioners for subdividing property across streets for one subdivision. I don't know what else to do. Edwards: That is going to give it a lot and a subdivision name. Conklin: That is fine. Edwards: In your vicinity map you need to go ahead and shade the entire Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 34 Edwards: Conklin: Nierengarten: Gibson: Nierengarten: Edwards: N ierengarten: Edwards: Conklin: N ierengarten: Edwards: Conklin: Edwards: Washington Regional property so we know where it is. In your floodplain, you have referenced an old floodplain map. There is a newer map. It is 84D, which was dated July 21, 1999 and the boundary on the plat should show a floodway and 100 year floodplain pursuant to new map. You are showing the wrong floodplain. It was zoned a zone A and not it is a zone E and it is quite a bit larger. You need to look at that. It is a large floodway. The main would go right up into this area. You weren't able to get any of the plans from Crafton Tull? No, they were moving. I was trying to get plans from them as they were busy packing up. They are moving by 1-540 in Rogers. I did get some stuff from Washington Regional. I think I probably do have their large scale now. I do have a new floodplain map if you need to look at it. Ok, I should have it. Like I said, the legal description is inadequate and should be for the entire tract, including the hospital. Tract D has an error in the legal description. Right-of-way should be dimensioned from centerline. It looks like you kind of have some of it. North Hills is real light, Appleby is real light, you might have adequate right-of-way there. Futrall, I don't see a dimension. Typically it is from the highway. You have got a note of your building setbacks. Setbacks are different for each zoning district. It looks like tract C and most of tract B are in C-2, which is a 50' front and a 20' rear, 0' sides. This one would have two front and two sides. This one is going to have a front and two sides and a rear. The note there is for the R -O zoning? Actually it is for A-1, I think you have taken that from another project. R- 0 is 30' in the front. You may have to check on that. It is 30' in the front without parking, with parking it is 50'. I am not sure on the back and the sides are 10'. I also want you to show the zoning line, that needs to be added to the plat. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 35 Nierengarten: Do you want that to reflect the old centerline? The road was basically the line. Conklin- Sure. Edwards: I need you to verify that the remaining Washington Regional hospital site will meet site coverage requirements of the Design Overlay District after this subdivision. That requirement is 25% open space and I do want a note added that says site coverage for lot 5, as we are going to call it, is whatever percentage. Nierengarten: Where can I find the site coverage requirements for the Design Overlay District, are those in the U.D.O.? Edwards: Yes. They are in with the zoning. There is a special zoning district called the Design Overlay District. I was going to say, this property is in the Design Overlay District. Therefore, the number of curb cuts are limited. They are limited to one curb cut per 200' of street frontage and 200' from any intersection. What that does is it pretty much takes a curb cut for tract C along North Hills completely out. They are not going to be able to have a curb cut. Tract B will be able to have one curb cut. What I am asking for is an access easement from Washington Regional's driveway to let these tracts of land use their driveway for access. Nierengarten: Ok. Edwards: Tract A will be allowed one curb cut. This is all explained in there. Tracts A, B and D will each get one curb cut and tract C will not get a curb cut on North Hills. It might be possible to look at one on Futrall, but probably not with the floodplain there. I ran some calculations. There was an assessment for traffic signals for Washington Regional and it was calculated by the project engineer. They did a submittal based on the number of trips per day. We have gone out, and our most recent traffic count was around 6,000 vehicles per day. When I added what the engineer had projected for the hospital and what our software projects for these tracts it comes out to like 23% of the existing traffic out there. It will be a 23% increase and with a traffic signal costing $80,000, 23% of that $80,000 is $18,099.24. Conklin: Where is that traffic signal at Sara? Edwards: This is for the traffic signal at Futrall and Gregg. Secondly, we have heard that a traffic signal will be requested from the intersection of North Hills and Futrall. This will be at the expense of the hospital because the need will be entirely generated by the hospital. The Highway Department does Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 36 have warrants that have to be met for the traffic signal to be installed. Perry, will we install that? Franklin: That is something I will have to talk to them about. Edwards: Ok. He apparently has to talk about who is going to be responsible for installation but it will at the hospital's cost if that is requested. Conklin: Perry, what is the traffic signal at Futrall and Gregg planned for? Franklin: It is in the process. Conklin: For the Summer? To be installed prior to Washington Regional opening up in August? Franklin: l hope. We are trying to work all of these at the same time. Conklin: One at Appleby and one at Shiloh too? Franklin: Shiloh, Appleby and Sunbridge. It will look like a Christmas tree going up there. Conklin: All four this Summer? Franklin: That is what our plan is. We are going to try to do it. Conklin: Do we have permits? Franklin: We have verbal from the Highway Department that they have all been approved. Conklin: Shiloh and Gregg is not State highway right there? Franklin: Shiloh is and Gregg is to beyond the interchange right-of-way. Beyond that Shiloh is about 100' and then itis back further. Conklin: Then Gregg is City street 100' north there. Franklin: We are working with the State Highway Depai lment to try to improve it all. We have been given a verbal approval. We are working on it. Things have been ordered, trees have been cleared out of the way, we're working on it. Conklin: I saw that by Pack Rat. We didn't access Washington Regional for Appleby and Gregg? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 37 Franklin: Conklin: Edwards: Conklin: Edwards: Conklin: Franklin: Conklin: That is where we are spending their Regional money from the first assessment. This will be causing additional traffic being generated because these new Tots were not considered in that first round. We had money in escrow that Mr. Jones came up with this formula and agreed with the Planning Commission. We have, I don't know how much it is but that is all being spent on this Appleby Road. That is at the wish of the hospital because of their employee parking lot that has a high priority. I was just curious why we weren't assessing these lots. I can explain that for you. It was our interpretation when Washington Regional came through that yes, they needed a light at Appleby and we needed a light at Gregg but the traffic would be split between the two. You mean Futrall and Appleby? Yes. The traffic would be split between the two so what we took was we took the total number of traffic generated and applied it to one signal instead of applying it to both and assessing half and half so we assessed them the one assessment for the total number of trips. Ok. If you will remember Tim, that was changed again a small amount by the addition of a fifth 79227 and it was reassessed again. I remember, I did the calculation. Nierengarten: When is this amount due? Edwards: Nierengarten: Edwards: Conklin: It will be due prior to signing the final plat. Is that negotiable at all? Are we on the barter system here? We use a rational nexus calculation. If you think that you can use a rational nexus calculation that would serve this better, I don't want you to change these Washington Regional projections because that is what we originally assessed. If you think some sort of rational nexus calculation that you can figure better that we can agree with, possibly that number could change. You can submit something if you think three is a better calculation but lets stick with the numbers that the Commission approved for Washington Regional. Nierengarten: Right. But this number 2,047, if l could come up with a better number for Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 38 that. Conklin: That is ITE. Edwards: This is an ITE trip generation. Conklin: That is pretty standard. I could hire Ernie Peters or another traffic consultant, they use the ITE trip generation rates. I am not aware of any other formula. Franklin: The only other numbers that Ernie gets are from his history. The trip generation software has the option that you can change those variables but you would have to have your own, like if he has worked with lots of hospitals and has data bases that show that a hospital that he has been working with is different. See, they have studied, they update those every three years when they look at hospitals. That is where those numbers come from. He is using the same software we are using so I doubt if you are going to get very far with changing those numbers. Edwards: Let me say I was pretty liberal because the C-2 can go a lot of different things besides office, which office isn't a huge trip generator as compared to like retail shopping. I went ahead and did it all as office park, which keep in mind you may be able to calculate part of it as retail. It is hard to say just with the zoning in place because a lot of things could go in there. Franklin: Lot C you could put a Krispy Kream donut shop in there and add 5,000 trips a day. Edwards: That is all that I have. Trevor Bowman — Staff Engineer Bowman: First I will say Ron reviewed this and so I am not as familiar with it as he is but there appears to be a place here where we need some easement from the water line. It is on tract B from what he is showing. There is a little triangle here that we may need some more on. Nierengarten: Ok, we need an easement along that water line. Bowman: Another thing, tract A, I am wondering if sanitary sewer might need to be extended to that lot. We are looking at the topography there and where the sewer is in relation to the lot. That is something that needs to be looked at. I am seeing the sewer to the north there along Monte Painter. There is kind of a diagonal but then the topography is such that it might be hard to serve it off that. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 39 Nierengarten: Bowman: Nierengarten: Bowman: Nierengarten: Bowman: Nierengarten: Bowman: Nierengarten: Bowman: Nierengarten: Bowman: N ierengarten: Bowman: It might be best to bring it down along the creek? Possibly so take a look at that and see how that is going to work. That may need to be changed. Ron is aware of a water line that crosses North Hills right there at Appleby. It is not shown on our records on our atlas pages and stuff but that waterline had to be lowered when North Hills came in and be aware that there is a waterline. He is not sure if it is an 8" or a 6" and he is not sure how far it goes out onto the southern edge of tract A either. Do you know where it goes? He has it drawn from the south side of tract D crossing the road and then he thinks it stops somewhere on the southern edge of tract A. Itis still in use though? I believe so because it was just lowered at the new North Hills Blvd. intersection with Appleby Road. Do you want me to label it 8"? Check with Ron and see what he would like you to do. You might want to call the Water and Sewer Depaituient and see if they can actually locate it. That way you will have a better idea of where it ends and stuff. Ok. He wants you to verify that there is not any grading going on at this point. Lay a note that says no grading? Right. Thus, you don't need a grading plan. I put that in a statement, in the drainage report that I submitted. Ok. He may still want it shown on this sheet too. Why don't you touch base with him and see. He also had the comment about the old floodplain map. He wants you to know that detention will be required according to the lots as they develop. Nierengarten: Right. Bowman: One of the things, your table on the plans here. He said that we have got, in our drainage manual we have multipliers to be used with the different storm events. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 40 Nierengarten: Did I not use those? Bowman: Edwards: Jim Sargent — Sargent: Gibson: Sargent: Gibson: He said you didn't use those. You can check that table and update it as needed with the multiplier. That is all that I have. Utilities? AEP/ SWEPCO We have no power on any of these lots except tract A. That is just two phases there so if they want three phase service we would have to come from somewhere else. We do have three phase just south on Appleby Road, tract D. We also have three phase east of North Hills on Futrall. Those are going to be the two spots looking at coming through with power. We will need utility easements along North Hills and Appleby, a 20' utility easement. There is an existing 25' there isn't there Jim? I don't know if that is coming as an easement. It should be. Nierengarten: That needs to be a UE along there, and then where did you say you need the other one at? Sargent: Nierengarten: Sargent: Conklin: Sargent: Conklin: Conklin: On tracts A and D along Appleby. We will also need an easement along the east side of tract D. Ok. There is a 30' building setback right now. We need a utility easement in there. What I am looking at doing is if I can extend that overhead line down Appleby then I will need to be over there. Also, we will bring service overhead, if the developer wants underground then he needs to furnish some conduit and ditching for that. What do you mean serve it overhead? Have an overhead line down Appleby and overhead over to North Hills. We don't allow overhead lines for new development. This is a new subdivision so it needs to be underground. You can go overhead to tract D with one pole but it needs to come underground. I just can't imagine that we would want, even if it was Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 41 allowed, that you would want overhead lines. I know North Hills Medical Park put everything underground there even without the ordinance 20 years ago. Plan on underground. How long has the medical park been out there, North Hills? Phipps: At least 10 years. Bowman- I graduated in 1990 and it was out there then. Nierengarten: We need conduit all the way along North Hills? Sargent: It would go all the way from down Appleby and all the way up North Hills. What we would do is come up and have a switch gear to serve these lots over here as they develop then we would tap into those. It needs to be a tapping cabinet or a switchgear. Conklin- The electrical for North Hills across the street, that is not in the proper location to tie into that? Sargent: There is something over here on Monte Painter that may be an option that we could come from there underground. Conklin: I was just curious. I was aware that there was something over here. Sargent: There is. It would involve boaring under more fields. Conklin: They are going to develop up there anyway right? Sargent: Of course, that is a possibility that that is another point that we can go to. Conklin: Ok. Hesse: Is there another option Jim? This is where your power comes, across this line and you would bring it from here on up? Sargent: Yes, we would bring it overhead up to here and then we would go underground. Hesse: So you wouldn't necessarily need an easement then? Sargent: We would have to have some room back here, but we wouldn't go up the full length of it. Hesse: Ok, maybe go up 20'? Sargent: If you would say 50' on this side and stop there. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 42 Conklin- How are you serving this rehab center? Sargent: It is served from some underground that is back up in here. Conklin: That couldn't be tied in, I'm just curious. Sargent: No. This is all part of a loop in here and we do have a switchgear here that it could come out of or I believe there is a pull box here that we could come out of on Monte Painter. Conklin: That is a pretty major intersection right there with everything going on. We are talking about guide wires and everything else right there. I just encourage to avoid a big pole with guide wires and a bunch of equipment right there at that street. Especially since this is a single family home to the east right here. All of the sudden they've got a pole right in their yard. Bowman: It is not in their yard, it is in the easement. Conklin- Thank you Trevor. I was talking about is there a way to serve this and is there a way where to do it underground where you don't have to put a pole with guide wires near this person's yard when they pull in and their kids are playing. Sargent: We can talk about different options of where to come from on this to get that worked out. Conklin: Ok. Nierengarten: Ok. Sargent: That is all that I have. Larry Gibson- Cox Communications Gibson: On the west side of North Hills Blvd., on Futrall to Appleby. Is that where you asked for that 20'? I think there is a 25' there. Nierengarten: There is an easement along there. Gibson: If it is a 25' then just leave it 25'. We will come from this location to get in there that runs south and north of Futrall on the west side of North Hills Blvd. We would be servicing these lots somewhere in there. I may be missing it but is there a utility easement on the north side of lot C? Did I miss something there? Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 43 Nierengarten: Gibson: Nierengarten: Gibson: It doesn't look like it. I would like a 20' along the north side of lot C. Ok. I am sure there is a street, it is not marked and I don't know. There has got to be a setback, a 25' greenspace. I think that is about all I've got. We will deal with these lots as large scales and distribution from there. Everything that we have in there so far is underground. That is all that I have. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Gibson: Conklin: Gibson: Conklin: Gibson: Edwards: Nierengarten: Edwards: Nierengarten: Edwards: Nierengarten: Conklin: Johnny Boles from Arkansas Western Gas wanted me to ask you, and since he has pointed it out I am kind of curious too. What is that notch right there? That is not a gap in the easement is it? It looks like right-of-way for the drainage easement. I just wanted to make sure. I thought maybe he came from the south and stopped and then came from the north and stopped. You have a franchise agreement with the City of Fayetteville that you can be in their right-of-way. That is a monthly deal. That is all I had. Are there any questions? Probably. There is so much right now I can't think of anything specific. I do want to say on this traffic count, I figured it on acreage and there is an option of square footage but I have no idea what kind of square footage buildings would go in there. What is interesting to me is the fact that you've got 1,120 vehicles per day on a hospital. When I ran the hospital I came up with higher. The engineer for the hospital came up with good numbers. Be careful you don't change that number. This is for the signal at the intersection at Appleby? No, Futrall and Gregg. Technical Plat Review March 13, 2002 Page 44 Nierengarten: Ok. Is there any word of when we are going to go to the Subdivision Committee meeting for the other preliminary plat? Conklin- That has been left up to the City Attorney. Kit Williams, 575-8313. Nierengarten: Thank you. Conklin: I told him to let me know when he has worked it out. Edwards: Revisions are due the 20`h by 10:00 a.m.