HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-01-30 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN LSP 02-9.00: Lot Split (Bayles, pp 524) Forwarded Page 2 PPL 02-2.00: Preliminary Plat (Clabber Creek Place Subdivision, pp 322) Tabled Page 7 PPL 02-4.00: Preliminary Plat (Ash Acres P.U.D., pp 367) Forwarded Page 16 PPL 02-5.00: Preliminary Plat (Lot 17, CMN Business Park II, Ph I, pp 174/174) Page 28 Forwarded STAFF PRESENT STAFF ABSENT Keith Shreve Kim Hesse Sara Edwards Ron Petrie Renee Thomas Kim Rogers Perry Franklin Dennis Ledbetter Solid Waste UTILITIES PRESENT UTILITIES ABSENT Jim Sargent, SWEPCO Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Johnny Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 2 LSP 02-9.00: Lot Split (Bayles, pp 524) was submitted by Katona Bayles for property located at 431 E. 6th Street. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains approximately 0.44 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of 0.21 acres and 0.23 acres. Edwards: Welcome to the Wednesday, January 30th Technical Plat Review. The first item on the agenda is a lot split submitted by Katona Bayles for property located at 431 E. Sixth Street. The property is zoned R-2 and contains .44 acres. The request is to split into two tracts of .21 and .23 acres. Please come up. What I am handing you is written comments for the revisions that we need done to this plat before we can approve it. The first page is from our Traffic Superintendent, he didn't have any comments. From Sidewalks, the next page, he just says that any new sidewalks will have to meet code section. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. From Planning, we have an error in the legal description for tract B. The calls on the outside of the lot here on the drawing don't match what the wording is on the legal. We need to have him fix that. We also need you to provide adjacent zoning, just put it above this tax parcel and the owners, which is a requirement. He needs to add a vicinity map, show us where in town this is. He needs to dimension the right of ways from centerline. The reason we ask for that is because we have a requirement on lot splits that right of way be dedicated to our standards, which is 25' from centerline. He needs to dimension it and then we are going to have to have some right of way dedication, about 10' on this end and I think it is about 33'. Your legal is going all the way to the street so we are going to clean that up. He is going to change the legal descriptions, which is going to reduce the acreage because you are counting acreage all the way to the middle of the street. Show any easements on your lot and tell us how tall your house is. Bayles: It is a one-story house, probably 22'. Edwards: I just go into some detail about why we need the right of way and that is for our Master Street Plan. Seventh is a local street and Sixth is a historic collector and so that is why we are asking for that. That takes care of everything from Planning. On the last page you have some comments from our Engineering Division and he will go over that for you. Ron Petrie — Staff Engineer Petrie: I'm Ron Petrie with the Engineering Division. My only question, I just wanted to verify your water and sewer service lines. They go up to Sixth Street? Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 3 Bayles: My water and sewer for the house comes from the Sixth. There are houses back on Seventh and I'm sure that there has got to be some water and sewer back there. Petrie: Right, I know it has water and sewer. I just want to make sure that your lines don't go across these. Bayles: No, they go out to Sixth. Petrie: Ok, that is all I have. Edwards: I wanted to add one thing before I go to utilities. There are parks fees due in the amount of $470. Bayles: What? Edwards: Parks fees, anytime you create a new lot. Do you understand or do you want more information? Bayles: I understand. Edwards: Ok, utilities? Jim Sargent — SWEPCO Sargent: We would like to see a utility easement along the streets, both Sixth and Seventh Streets. Bayles: You should have a utility easement along Sixth shouldn't you? You have a power line on my side of the road there. Sargent: It may be on the street right of way, I am not sure if there are utilities out there or not but we would like to show on eon the plat. Conklin: What size? Sargent: We typically ask for 20' so just go ahead and put 20'. Bayles: We've got two pretty big trees inside that easement as well. Sargent: Ok, we wouldn't do anything right now with that. Bayles: I'm selling the place but I kind of feel sorry for the people. Conklin: You guys wouldn't go in there and trim those trees now would you? Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 4 Bayles: It is a pretty pink dogwood. Sargent: If it is not up to primary we wouldn't worry about it. We don't plan to do anything out there. That is all that I have got. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Tim, did you show that on Sixth and Seventh? Bayles: Yes, so you want 20'? Boles: Yes, parallel. We would request the same easements as SWEPCO, a 20' utility easement on the north side of Seventh Street and a 20' utility easement on the south side of Sixth Street. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: Those easements are fine with me and that I all I have. Bayles: If I give a 20' easement everybody is going to be happy. Conklin: That needs to be beyond the new right of way, the 25'. Bayles: Ok, but the new right of way that you want on this plat is my actual property line, this is going to be the street? Conklin: That is going to be the street right of way now. Bayles: Mine is close to the sidewalk? Edwards: I think the right of way is probably going to go beyond the street. Bayles: Well, the right of way for these folks though? Edwards: I'm asking for 25' from centerline because that is what our Master Street Plan calls for. I don't know exactly where the street is within that but that is what our requirement is. It may on Seventh Street, it is just a couple of feet beyond what he shows and then on Sixth, probably about 5'. Bayles: Ok, then you want 20' from the street? Boles: From the edge of the right of way on private property. Bayles: So I am giving up 60', ok, if that is what you need that is what you need. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 5 Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: I agree with the easements. Conklin: They don't like to put their utilities in the right of way anymore. Bayles: I understand that but how long is it before they make Sixth Street a four lane? That is what it is going to start coming down to. Petrie: We couldn't do that in 25' of right of way. Bayles: Well, no. Edwards: The revisions to your survey are due February continue on this cycle. Bayles: Ok, that is no problem. This $470 goes with that? Conklin: Kim, when is the $470 parks fee due? Rogers: Before a building permit. Conklin: For that vacant lot? Rogers: Yes. 6th by 10:00 a.m. to Edwards: He is going to sell it and so whoever buys it and comes in and gets a permit will have to pay it. Rogers: The owner will have to pay for it. Bayles: It is nothing pressing now? Rogers: No. Just before anybody builds on it there will be a $470 fee. Bayles: Ok, I can handle that. Conklin: How are you tracking those? Rogers: Pretty much through your files. When they come in for a building permit they find it. From what I understand, when they come in for a permit whoever does it opens the file and a fee is given there. Conklin: Ok, once in a while we make a mistake. Rogers: Not very often. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 6 Conklin: Not very often though. Rogers: Not since I've been here. We have really got some good girls now. Conklin- Ok, we'll make a note on the plat. Bayles: Are we good? Conklin: I think you're good. Bayles: Thank you very much. Conklin: Thank you. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 7 PPL 02-2.00: Preliminary Plat (Clabber Creek Place Subdivision, pp 322) was submitted by Shawki Al-Madoun, PE of Northstar Engineering Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Mathias Properties, Inc. for property located north of Mount Comfort Road and north and west of Holt Middle School. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 36.35 acres with 106 lots proposed. Edwards: The next item is PPL 02-2.00, Clabber Creek Place Subdivision submitted by Shawki Al-Madoun of Northstar Engineering on behalf of Mathias properties for property located north of Mount Comfort and north and west of Holt Middle School. The property is zoned R-1 and contains 36.35 acres with 106 lots proposed. Bender: I am Mike with Northstar Engineering, I will start off with saying that I do agree with your decision to table this until the next Tech Review since we have to change everything anyway. Conklin: Did utilities hear that? We are going to see this again at Plat Review and we are going to go over our comments today because there is a lot of issues with regard to location of streets and right of way and other issues to lot size that will change this plat dramatically. Phipps: So we will bring it back through? Conklin- We are going to bring it back through but since we are here today we are going to go over our comments and you might as well share with Mike Bender of Northstar Engineering what you think you need for this so they can properly show it on their preliminary plat. Bender: Maybe we'll have it all right next time. Edwards: The street names, you need to check with Jim Johnson. Bender: He didn't want Double Tree Road used. Edwards: That is on our Master Street Plan. Bender: Yes, that was the weird thing about it. Edwards: Ok, right now, as the plat is, we are asking for street lights between lots 52 and 53, 75 and 76 and 107 and 108 and this is all on the report for you. We are asking that River Birch Drive and Mount Comfort Road have adequate site distance according to ITE procedures and Perry would like you to contact him about that. From Sidewalks, Rupple Road is a minor arterial which would have a 6' sidewalk and a 10' greenspace on both sides of the street. We are requesting that a 10' wide trail be constructed on the left side of Rupple Road to match the existing trail that goes by Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 8 Holt Middle School. Please construct the sidewalk at the right of way line, which is a 90' right of way, 36' street, 21' of greenspace and a 6' sidewalk on both sides, but we are asking for a trail. Keith Shreve — Sidewalks Shreve: We are asking for a 10' wide trail on the west side. Edwards: So you don't want a sidewalk on both sides? Just a trail? Shreve: Well, the requirement is a 6' sidewalk on both sides and we are asking that the west side be upgraded to a 10'. We still want the 6' on the east side. Some of these comments, the greenspace width and the sidewalk width are based on the Master Street Plan, some of these streets you would be giving the right of way. In that case we are asking that the greenspace be increased and move the sidewalk back to the right of way. That is basically what all of his comments are getting to. Conklin: Ok. Edwards: Double Tree is a collector, 70' of right of way, which requires a 6' sidewalk and a 10' greenspace on both sides. Please construct it at the right of way line. We are going to have to decide on the Master Street Plan what we are going to do. You know the deadline for that again? Bender: Yes. Edwards: Brookside, RiverBirch, Wood Duck are local streets that require a 50' right of way, 4' sidewalk and a 6' greenspace. Edgewater and Waterway are local, 6' greenspace and a 4' sidewalk are required. Mount Comfort is a minor arterial which requires a 6' sidewalk and a 10' greenspace on the north side of the street two access ramps will be required at each radius and the necessary grading for sidewalks shall be done as a part of the street construction. Conklin: Keith, I just want to ask a question to clarify. Who is responsible for the extra 4' of concrete to make the sidewalk 10' on the west side? Shreve: We are asking the developer to voluntarily do that at this point. If he refuses, a 6' is required. We are asking for a voluntary contribution up to a 10'. Conklin: Ok, thank you. Edwards: Two access ramps are required at each street corner at the two intersections a corresponding ramp should be installed across from the Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 9 intersecting street, a 24" strip of detectable warning should be installed at the bottom of the curb when you attempt to make the transition from sidewalk to street. Everything has to meet our current code. One is a new one. That is all. Oh, he is asking for a table with street names and street width right of way with greenspace and sidewalk width added to the plat. Add a sidewalk symbol to the plat at the legend and that is everything from Sidewalks. R-1 zoning has a minimum 8,000 sq.ft. lot so you have got lots 24 through 33 and 37 that are less than that 8,000 minimum. There is no variance for that, you just have to meet it. Every lot that is in the floodplain has to have a minimum of 6,000 sq.ft outside the floodplain. These lots that look close, one through twenty, I want you to list the square footage outside of the floodplain on it. Conklin: Buildable area not including setbacks. Edwards: I am asking for you to show the setbacks on 86, 87 and 88. Your point of beginning is not shown correctly. I want you to show your property lines, project boundary lines, label existing and proposed easements, provide a layout of adjacent properties up to 300'. The detention pond shall be constructed inside the property. I assume that you are going to draw your property line around that? Bender: Yes. Edwards: Provide surrounding zoning. The centerline of the creek shall be more clearly marked. It is pointing but it is off the page. Also, why don't you just put the floodplain in the legend so that is clear. Verify that your typographic information is tied to the state plain coordinates system. Put the plat page on here. We need the phone numbers of adjacent owners and the phone number of the project owner/developer. The right of way on Double Tree, which if that is going to be our master street plan, shall be shown at 70' instead of 50'. Are you requesting no Master Street Plan? Bender: What we are going to be requesting is to locate it north of the creek but not dedicate it at this time but dedicate it at the time of development so it can be worked in. We already know you won't support that one. Edwards: Back to the street names, River Bird and Double Tree will need new names is what Jim said. Show your pavement width and indicate whether they are existing or proposed. You need to add your Master Street Plan to the vicinity map. Indicate the fence as existing or proposed. Do you know if they are planning on a subdivision sign? Bender: Yes they were. Edwards: You did provide a wetland determination to Engineering right? Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 10 Bender: Conklin: Bender: Conklin: Petrie: Conklin - Bender: Edwards: Bender: Edwards: Bender: Edwards: I've got it. He had the preliminary, this is a final. Will you make a copy? Ok. Two copies please. Was this detention pond area included in that study? Is the detention pond in a wetland? No. I haven't really looked at this but are you proposing any filling for the construction of the subdivision? You are for the detention right? In the flood way, no. In the floodplain, yes. Before you can start that you will need a floodplain development permit. Yes. Street lights shall be fully shielded and must not exceed 35' in height. From Parks.. Bender: We are still working on that one. Edwards: Ok. She is asking that you add the location of the wetlands and the floodplain on the floodway and the phone number, which we already requested. It looks like we are still negotiating a trail corridor. Rogers: We are still negotiating that. He did say that there are some wetlands off it and that they are in the floodplain. Edwards: I'm finished, Ron, do you have any comments? Ron Petrie — Staff Engineer Petrie: I didn't provide written comments yet. I will just try to give you the highlights. Water and sewer, just for clarity you can remove all of these service lines shown on the plans. You need to add your fire hydrant, the proposed location so we can review that. The easements, I don't think these are really labeled easements or exactly what they are. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 11 Bender: Anything with boundary easements or any of that I think was turned off or not labeled or something, they are just basically not there. Petrie: Ok. On this lift station, to kind of give you the requirements on that. What we need is the actual land that it sits on deeded to the City of Fayetteville. We need a paved access to the lift station. It means that you will have to have some private access easement or actually require the deeded land, either one. It would have to be a paved access. It has to be fenced. Of course we have to make sure that it is not part of the park property. It requires the installation of a structure. There is a $4,300 fee for installation and purchase of the system. You will get most of these in writing, all of this. I need a fire hydrant within 100' of the station and it would have to be raised above the 100 year water surface elevations. Conklin- Ron, I have a question about the lift station. Would that be designed for excess capacity for this entire 200 acres? Petrie: No. They are not required to. Bender: What is the time frame on the big interceptor line going through there? Is that several years down the road? Petrie: Two to five. Bender: You might want a stub out down there somewhere. Petrie: What I would like you to look at is locating this lift station to the middle as far back to the east as you can. It looks like it is fairly flat going across here so I didn't see any reason why it couldn't. Primarily because we know we are going to have to have a line to eliminate the lift station here at the school. We are just going to come down, make the connection here. We would like this lift station at least located where this is at the south side of the creek, where the interceptor line is going to be at the south side of the creek. If we can get it down here then we don't have to worry about two creek crossings and a future connection. It could in as early as two years and we will wipe this lift station out. Bender: Two years is the earliest? Conklin: So the lift station would go away? Petrie: Yes and everything you spend on it is money down the drain. Bender: If it could happen in that two years that is something to consider. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 12 Petrie: That is very optimistic. I certainly wouldn't count on that, I think you are looking at probably three to four to be more realistic. Bender: That is pretty close. If it was ten years it would be dubious to put the thing in. If we are two or three years out that is something to think about. Conklin: How much does a lift station cost? Bender: By the time you get it fenced and everything else in there, $80,000- $100,000 for everything plus you are going to lose land. It would be in the ballpark of $100,000. Petrie: Where this forced main is shown, we need a 20' easement minimum 10' on both sides of it. I guess, moving on to the streets, we would request that you label your sewer line curb radiuses for the curb. We have a requirement of 100' maximum radius from centerline. There is a requirement that there is 150' minimum between intersections. This one intersection, River Birch, Brookside and Double Tree and River Birch doesn't appear to meet that requirement. I can see two of the streets that you are proposing to be 24' wide, those right of ways can be reduced to 42' and still work with the sidewalk, or 40' and not have the street centered in the right of way. On the intersection with Mount Comfort, we would need to see some site distance at that location to verify that is acceptable. We would want this street coming into Mount Comfort at a 90° angle. I don't think you have got quite that right now. We will have to look at improvements to Mount Comfort Road. That is a very small stretch so that could go either way, that decision has not been made yet. We also have the issues of Rupple Road, assessments for it are yet to be determined. I am working on those numbers. Let me ask you, what is being proposed here is to build a 36' wide street? Bender: We were going to match the inlets that are out there. They have already been constructed when the portion of the school went through. Petrie: Right, more than that has been constructed. That has actually got 3' to 4' of hillside. Bender: Yes, it has got fill in it. The road is bad and it needs to be cleaned off. Petrie: Right, they just put topsoil on the top of the hillside and seeded it but there is hillside. I have to figure out what to do with that. Bender: That is a good little bit that needs to be cleaned off. Petrie: That has got to come into the equation of what we are going to do with Rupple. Certainly, we will take into account that you will be building Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 13 over what would normally be required to get credit for that. That is if what is being proposed is a 36' wide street. There will have to be an assessment for the bridge. I have looked at numbers on that, it is approximately $17,000 for the bridge and I will get you copies of my calculations. Conklin: What is the total cost of the bridge? Petrie: $400,000. On lot 1, speaking of the bridge, we would ask for additional right of way. If lot 1 could be squared off with the other lots and have this pie shape added to the right of way. If we are ever going to build a bridge we will need that right of way. I think that is pretty much all of my comments for now. Bender: I plan on getting with you after the meeting to go over the details. Petrie: That won't be all of my comments, I just want to make sure you understand. I haven't looked at any of the drainage numbers with the pond or through the subdivisions. Conklin- On the streets Ron, before you move on, where is that street going to end on lot one? Bender: That depends, we could take it to the north property line with the bridge at the south end. Petrie: I think it would be a good idea if we ended it after the intersection of Double Tree for the time being. Bender: Just to the radius? Petrie: Yes. Conklin: That is the only question I had. Petrie: Ok, that is all I've got for now. Edwards: Utilities? Mike Phipps — Ozarks Electric Coop. Phipps: At this time I would just ask for a 20' utility easement along the rear lot lines of all the lots. If they butt up and share a common property line 10' on each side. I would also like a 20' utility easement along the west side of Rupple Road. That is all I have. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 14 Conklin: Do you have any overhead facilities out there on this property? Phipps: No. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: The easements Mike requested are fine. Our current facilities now are coming up the east side of Rupple Road to a point about even with Holt Middle School's gas meter that is located on the east side of their building. We would have to tie onto that point and extend north and then cross back into the subdivision. That is all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: That easement that Mike asked for is fine. The only question that I've got is on the east side of 87 to 78 with that sanitary being there, can we get a rear easement there? Bender: You should be able to, it would be on our property. Gibson: Ok, I didn't know how close it was. I knew it was there. Any damage to or relocation to Cox facilities will be at the owner's expense. That is all I have. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: I agree with Mike on the utility easement along the rear lot lines and along Rupple. I've been with my planner and we're not sure yet if we are going to feed from the Rupple end or if we are going to come in from Mount Comfort. If we need any other easements I am not real sure at this time. For right now I agree with Mike and also for the road improvements or whatever, if any of our utilities need to be relocated it will be at the owner/developer's expense. That is all I have. Bender: Do any of the utilities have specific places they want crossings? Boles: I would be afraid to say at this point. Phipps: I would too. We can work that out with the contractor. It is going to come back through. I would like to see the drainage easements because we will have to have those utilities separate from drainage easements. Bender: Ok, we will just bring that up at the next one. I'm sure there will be clots wherever it crosses, probably 6. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 15 Conklin: Mike, in the future once this is approved, I was talking to Ron about this. Construction will be limited off of Mount Comfort and will not be allowed on Rupple. Bender: You can't even get through it with any degree anyway. Conklin: That was my concern, the mud and the shoulder and everything. Bender: That is not a problem. Conklin: Are you going to phase this at all? Bender: No. Conklin- Are there restrictive covenants proposed? Bender: There will be. Phipps: I do have an overhead in there, we will remove that overhead when we put the underground in. Bender: Down there by that trailer on Mount Comfort. Phipps: Right. Kim Rogers — Parks and Recreation Rogers: There are some design changes to the detention pond and I will need your calculations for that pond. Bender: We will provide them. Edwards: Ok, thank you. Our next deadline is Monday for the next plat review. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 16 PPL 02-4.00: Preliminary Plat (Ash Acres P.U.D., pp 367) was submitted by W.B. Rudasill of WBR Engineering on behalf of Rob Stanley for property located south of Ash Street between Gregg Avenue and Woolsey Avenue. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 1.28 acres with six lots proposed. Edwards: The next item is PPL 02-4.00, Ash Acres which is a Planned Unit Development submitted by W.B. Rudasill on behalf of Rob Stanley for property located south of Ash Street between Gregg and Woolsey. The property is zoned R-1 and contains 1.28 acres with six lots proposed. Good morning Bill. Rudasill: Good morning. I am Bill Rudasill. This is a six lot subdivision with one existing house that will be fitting into the subdivision that is right on Ash Street. The rest of it is a Planned Unit Development. We provided the potential footprints for the houses so that you could see that this is just a subdivision. Those footprints may change slightly but just to give you some benefits of how we laid it out and what we were planning. I guess we can go from there. Edwards: Kim Hesse Hesse: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: We will start with comments from our Landscape Administrator. Basically she says that there are several large trees, existing trees that are to be removed at development. The majority of those trees are in poor health, show signs of decay or are structurally hazardous. Do you have anything to add? — Landscape Administrator No, I think you have got it. From Parks, it did go to the Parks Board and they recommended to accept money in lieu of land in the amount of $2,820. Give me that again, they hadn't figured it yet the last I heard. $2,820. Do we know what that is per unit? It is $470. Ok. Street lights are recommended at the Ash and private drive intersection and at the end of the private drive. From Sidewalks, Ash is a local street that requires a 4' sidewalk and a minimum 6' greenspace. Will you have them construct the sidewalk across this drive or not? It is a private drive. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 17 Keith Shreve Shreve: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: Rudasill: Edwards: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: — Sidewalks It is going to go through it, continuous through the driveway. Ok, from Planning, The calls on the deed are different from the drawing calls so you need to go back and check that. The legal description is missing the center section of the property. Is that an access easement running down the middle? They have acquired that since we were out there. Ok, so can you just revise your legal? Yes and I will plat it all in. We have already made the adjustments on additional ground for greenspace and all of that. Ok, you need to add your adjacent zoning, add plat page 367. Ash Street is a local street, which requires 25' from centerline, be dedicated. All utilities shall be placed underground. The project will be required to go all the way to full Planning Commission to receive a density bonus. Right. I had a question. There is that hatched area at the Midwest corner, is that a part of your open space? Yes. Is that included in this calculation down here? Let me just clarify that a little more. Where are your property lines located for the structures? It will be here. These are property lines because your open space can not be counted; it needs to be common area. If you are going to have a property line, you need to have your property line like this and then come across the back. Is that what you have? This is not common area, this is common area. Ok, I have got it. Those are your lot lines and they come across the front? This lot line comes down and goes all the way across the front. Ok, so that is what your lots look like, ok. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 18 Rudasill: There is some tree preservation going on in there but that is not part of the greenspace requirement. Conklin: This is probably not in the staff comments, but just let me advise you and your client needs to be aware of this, there will be some building code requirements with building a structure that close to a property line. You may want to investigate that with regard to firewall construction type if you are within 3' of the property line. It will impact openings and type of construction. Edwards: You said you were going to recalculate your open space but with what you've got now at 1.26 acres, when I calculate 35% I get 19,209.96 and you've got 19,143 sq.ft. so I think you are 60 sq.ft. short on your greenspace. I want you to carefully calculate that and make sure your acreage and if you need to put 1.25 so we can get the right calculations you can do that. Rudasill: Ok. Edwards: Covenants will have to be submitted with the final plat providing for the maintenance of the open space and private drive. Rudasill: Ok. Edwards: That is all that I have. Conklin: I have just a couple of things. This is a preliminary P.U.D., Planned Unit Development. I would like on the planned Ash Acres, Planned Unit Development, preliminary. I want Planned Unit Development in the title and I want Preliminary Plat in the title. So when the public comes in my office they know what we are reviewing. A preliminary P.U.D. plan and I will just go through this really quick. In addition to the subdivision regulations, we need it on the plan, and you may have this but I am just going to go through it just to make sure that it is complete, the estimated number of units for sale or lease, identification of all open space. Proof that the developer has the capacity to maintain open space until accepted by the city or assumed by the P.O.A. Identification of all nonresidential structures, all information related to the establishment, operation and preparation of the P.O.A. and the proposed protective covenants, natural features, any requests for variances, location of parking spaces. That is the information, some of it is probably on here. Do we have the draft of the protective covenants? Rudasill: Not yet. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 19 Conklin: We need that. That is a requirement as a part of the submittal. A P.U.D., in order to get bonus density, at the option of the Planning Commission, following maximum R-1 district or setback area in all districts, open space for up to 71/2 units per acre need 35% open space. Once again, that is at the option of the Planning Commission. That is not by right. We have an ordinance that restricts the number of unrelated people in an R-1 zoning district. You can have a maximum of three unrelated people per single family home. Please make sure your client is aware of that. If he is thinking about four he is going to be in violation and will be getting a letter from us. I just don't want any misunderstandings at this point. Planned Unit Developments can be approved if they achieve more efficient use of land, more efficient use of public facilities, more usable open space through structured roofing and other design techniques. Preservation of appropriate natural or physical features. That is what the Planning Commission is going to look at with regard to should this be approved as a P.U.D. I just want to make sure that we are covering all bases on this and that is all I have. Ron Petrie- Staff Engineer Petrie: Rudasill: Petrie: Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: I think you have my comments. I will skip the general comments. Lets just start with there is an existing house down here, this residence owns this strip? Not anymore. The owner has actually purchased and granted an easement across it. Which owner? Mr. Stanley has bought this strip and granted easement across in return for the future road. Was that strip a separate piece of property? The strip was actually a part of that original piece. They did it without my advice. Did you get a property line adjustment? They have to do that. Ok. We need to talk about this. My question is can we go ahead and do the lot split with the subdivision or will it have to be separate? Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 20 Edwards: You just need to do a property line adjustment. Conklin- We need to do a property line adjustment, we need to figure out how this house exists back here without frontage. It may need a conditional use for a tandem lot. Actually, you could probably make it more conforming because the minimum under a tandem lot is a 25' access easement back there. Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Edwards: Rudasill: Conklin- Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: Edwards: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: It was 15'. That will make it even more conforming so it is probably not a huge issue but I would like to get the paperwork taken care of as a part of this. The property line adjustment, the conditional use for the tandem lot. We have got another conditional use here so I will add that to it. That has to be in at the same time? You might want to check on the conditional use. I am thinking Monday and the property line adjustment, as soon as you can get it in we will do it administratively. Ok. This detached garage with a studio, is that on a separate lot? No, it is part of that. It is intended to be part of that lot with that house. With this house? Yes. Is that another conditional use? Yes. Ok, that conditional use is for the second dwelling unit? Actually the conditional use was for the studio above the garage. Yes, that is what I was trying to figure out. If there is another one for additional, I am just verifying that there is not a different one other than that. Conklin: You will have another one for the tandem lot back here. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 21 Rudasill: Ok. Conklin - Petrie: Rudasill: Ron, we never did discuss the end of the street here and what we might need. We can do that now. The question, of course would be how is this served with the Solid Waste trucks? How are they going to turn around? The intent of the owner is that we will put a receptacle down by the street so they won't even have to pull up in that drive. The current owner in that house at the end of the drive currently places his trash down on Ash. We would put an enclosed fenced area so it wouldn't be obscene to the eye. They would serve just down at the street, they wouldn't even have to pull up in that drive for refuse. Conklin: We will have to talk about that a little. Rudasill: That was the intent. Conklin: These are single family homes and single family lots. We will find something out. Petrie: This waterline can not be located under your underground detention. We will need the offsite easements before we can approve the water and sewer plans. 90° bends will be going to two 45°s or some other type of setups to eliminate the 90° bends. This existing house, getting back to it, does it presently have service lines back down this easement? Rudasill: Yes. Petrie: Those are going to be relocated to this? Rudasill: Yes. Petrie: Both of these lines are shown to go to the property line or beyond the property line which would require an additional 10'. Grading, I don't believe I received a grading permit that has been signed by the owner on this. I have got a permit with no signature unless something else has been submitted. We need the grading shown around the detached garage with studio. We would like to verify that it is not having a grade within this preserved greenspace area. We would also need you to label this as a preliminary grading plan somewhere. Rudasill: Ok. I do have one quick question. The greenspace, we can grade can we not? We can't grade in tree preservation. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 22 Petrie: I don't know the answer to that. Conklin- Ok, we're talking about the open space, you are actually asking for 35% of open space and what are you trying to do in this natural feature we're trying to preserve? Grading or what? Rudasill: Ok, my understanding was that it was greenspace, not a natural preserve. Conklin- The purpose of a P.U.D. is to cluster units and to preserve natural features. I think the intent is to stay away from the open space areas. What kind of grading were you talking about? Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Conklin: Petrie: Rudasill: Conklin: Petrie: Rudasill: Conklin: Rudasill: Petrie: Just if they needed to direct water around that unit they need to put a small swale around it but that is it. It would be right up against the house, within 5' of it. Just enough to direct water. Show me on this plat what you are talking about. Ok, water is coming down the hill like this, when they build this unit here, this water comes to the side and will need to be directed to the street and that is it. There would be a small swale right there in that area. Maybe you should just move this unit over a little. They would be in tree preservation. They are trying to save those trees. That is the point. Ok. Getting into the drainage. Your proposed underground detention needs to be located outside of the street right of way, out of the utility easements. Of course out of tree preservation areas and greenspace. On greenspace, I had called and asked the Planning Department, that is why I positioned it where I did. I was under the understanding that we could do some grading in just the greenspace there. Open space. I know it is just words but for the minutes, it is a Planned Unit Development and we are trying to preserve open space. Right and it will still be open space but it will have underground utilities under it. It is just not my call to make. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 23 Conklin: Show on your plan what you are trying to do and I will look at it and make a decision. Rudasill: Ok. Petrie: On the underground detention, who is going to maintain that thing? Rudasill: The owner would to the best of my knowledge. The P.O.A. Conklin: Ron, you will have more information when Mr. Rudasill provides us the restrictive covenants which outline maintenance. Rudasill: The P.O.A. will maintain that is what is intended or the owner. Petrie: Ok, so if I have a P.O.A. of College kids it is never going to be maintained. I need some more information to be reasonable and to give some type of answer to this. I need to know exactly what is being proposed. Rudasill: Well, college kids; the owner, if he does end up renting the units instead of selling them, his intent to start is to rent them. He is separating them off so that he can sell them if he chooses to. In that instance it would be him alone, if they were rented to college students it would be him. If he does sell them to individuals then the P.O.A. would take effect. Conklin: Address that in your restrictive covenants so we have detailed information. Petrie: I just need some information just to know that it is going to be maintained. That is one reason why I made a few of these comments. I just want to make sure that this can be maintained. The use of a 2" opening for your weir. It needs to have a way to maintenance so you can get down into it. I made a comment that instead of the series of tanks that you are proposing, they do make a box with endcaps, it is just a little package type of deal. It would probably be less expensive to look into that. I have many comments about items that I need added to the drainage report. I have some comments on the calculations. I won't go over all of that here but I will be glad to discuss those with you when you have had a chance to look at them. For the private drive, I want to make sure that you understand that our standards state that private streets are constructed under the Planned Unit Development section of the zoning ordinance or otherwise approved by the City, sub base, base and paving shall meet the applicable requirements of the minimum street standards. The actual construction of that, although the width won't be the same, we still have the same requirements for hillside, subgrade and I would assume that we would have to treat this as a residential street with an 8" section. We need you to label the existing street widths on Ash Street with if it has got curb and Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 24 gutter, go ahead and show that. I think it is curb and gutter and it is plenty wide. Rudasill: Yes. Petrie: Ok, and we talked about the trash. Conklin: On the street, I am going to redo the ordinance for a Planned Unit Development, private streets shall be permitted for only a loop street or a street ending with a cul-de-sac. It says cul-de-sac there. Rudasill: Ok, will we need to provide a variance request? Conklin: For a cul-de-sac? Petrie: I think that trash is a big issue. Conklin- I am really concerned about this idea that all of these people are going to walk with their trash to a dumpster up along Ash Street when we are looking at single family homes. I would want a cul-de-sac. That is my recommendation. Petrie: That is all that I have. Edwards: Ok, utilities? Jim Sargent —SWEPCO Sargent: We have got three poles that you show to be relocated. We will expect the developer to pay for those. Rudasill: That will probably all go under; is that the three poles going up to that house? Sargent: Yes. Rudasill: That will be going underground with everything else. Sargent: Ok, we do have this house and this house that is on the east side, the existing in there, that are overhead that will have to be converted to underground service and also this existing house too. We would expect the developer to pay for converting those to underground. We need some additional easement on the street that you are proposing to put in. Rudasill: Ok. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 25 Sargent: What I was looking at was an additional 10' until you got past the first house and then an additional 15' on down to the end. Rudasill: Ok. Sargent: I show an additional 10' from the street until you got past this first house. That puts you up pretty close to the porch there, then we have an additional 15' on down the street. You've got a few feet there off the edge of the street, not many I am just asking for an additional 15'. Also, a 20' utility easement along Ash Street. We will have to have conduits put in. If that is just to serve this house we won't need an easement. I did show an easement on the east side of the street down the front off of lot six. Any cost associated with the relocation will be at the developer's expense. Boles: Jim, where are you going to cross there to get over to lot six? Sargent: What I had drawn up was putting my transformer between lots three and four and crossing there and coming back to a pedestal. Boles: Are you going to ask for a 4" or anything across the street? Sargent: We would need crossings under all those drives if we aren't in there first and also under the street. That is something that we can work out. I believe that is all that I have got. Johnny Boles- Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Jim, were you intending to cross up in here from lot six? Sargent: Yes. Boles: What size of conduit are you going to be using? Sargent: A 4". Boles: Did you get that Bill? It will probably be a quad to the northwest corner of three and six. Clouser: Are you getting a quad under the driveways too Johnny? I have to get under there. Boles: Personally I would need 4" conduits under all of the drives. I don't know what everyone else would require. What is the current condition of all the drives? Is there a drive there now? Rudasill: It is gravel. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 26 Boles: Rudasill: Boles: Rudasill: Boles: Rudasill: Boles: Larry Gibson Gibson: How wide is that graveled area? About 12'. How much is it going to be expanded? 22' wide. Will it be paved? Yes. Ok. That is all I have. — Cox Communications Sue Clouser — Bill, if you are going to make that a quad there between three and four going to six that will be fine. I would also ask you for a 4" under each one of these driveways to give us a way to get under it. On Ash Street there running east and west where you've got that overhead electric line marked, if you would on your final plat, we are joint use with SWEPCO Electric there and we are also on that overhead. Anything that has to be moved up there we will have to move too and that will be at the owner's expense. That is all that I have right now. Southwestern Bell Clouser: Boles: Rudasill: Boles: Rudasill: Boles: I will need the 4" conduits also. I will also need the crossing over to lot six. If we have any utilities that need to be relocated it will also be at the owner/developer's expense. I have one other quick question if I may. This detached garage with the studio, is it going to be served off the same service as the house on lot six? I haven't really discussed that with him. Are they going to require separate service? There is a good possibility they will. If they are going to require separate service for this attached studio I am going to need another crossing down here to that studio. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 27 Conklin: Bill, typically on a public street the cul-de-sac radius is 40'. If you can provide a turning analysis that would show something less that would work based on the need to get vehicles down in there that would be fine. Edwards: Ok, thank you. Rudasill: They are due back when? Edwards: Wednesday, February 6th at 10:00 a.m. Rudasill: Conditional use is due then as well? Edwards: Yes. Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 28 PPL 02-5.00: Preliminary Plat (Lot 17, CMN Business Park II, Phase I, pp 173/174) was submitted by Christopher Rogers, P.E. of CEI Engineering Associates on behalf of Marjorie Brooks and Nanchar, Inc. for property located between Mall Avenue and 71B and north of Fulbright Expressway. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 21.55 acres with five lots proposed. Edwards: The final item on the agenda is PPL 02-5.00 for lot 17 of CMN II, Phase I submitted by Chris Rogers of CEI on behalf of Marjorie Brooks and Nanchar for property located between Mall Ave. and 71B and north Fulbright Expressway. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 21.55 acres with five lots proposed. Good morning. Slider: Good morning, I am Andrew Slider sitting in for Chris Rogers, he stayed home with his child today. Basically what we are proposing there is just an extension of Van Asche Drive. The original lot 17 was these five additional lots for future development. At this point I am unsure of exactly what those lots are going to become. I don't think the owners have decided yet. Edwards: Alright, starting with our Traffic Superintendent, he is requesting a 4" scheduled 40 PVC across Van Asche at the intersection with Mall Lane for a future traffic signal if needed. He said install 90° sweep elbows and bring them above grade and the Traffic Division will install pull boxes. From our Sidewalk and Trails, if Van Asche is designed as a local street a 6' sidewalk and a 6' greenspace on both sides will be required. 52' of right of way will be needed. If additional right of way is provided we recommend the sidewalk be constructed at the edge of the right of way to maximize the greenspace. Necessary grading for sidewalks shall be done as a part of the street construction. Two access ramps will be required at each street corner and a 24" strip of detectable warning should be installed at the bottom of the curb to indicate the transition from the sidewalk to the street. New sidewalk driveway approaches or access ramp shall meet Unified Development Ordinance §171.13. When those projects come in they will come through large scale but the driveway approaches will be Portland Cement Concrete and the sidewalk will be continuous through the drive. I don't know if you are going to try to build the sidewalk as a part of this? Slider: Edwards: Yes. From Planning, I want you to add Plat Page 173 and 174 somewhere in the title block. I need a floodplain reference added. You should look back to the lot split because I remember having you guys add it on that. The floodplain, floodway line types, add those to the legend. I would like for Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 29 you in several places, maybe you have and I just didn't see it in here, but dimension the right of way width for Van Asche. I know it is chancing but do it in a couple of spots. Your revisions are due February 6" by 10:00 a.m. Parks is requesting a shaded area for the multi use trail dedication. They would like to discuss the flared end section of the pipe that needs to be extended past the northwest side of the trail easement between Ron Petrie and Steve Hatfield who is our Trails Coordinator. Rogers: When I am saying shaded area I mean on the plat, not shaded. Unless, of course, you want to add trees. Ron Petrie — Staff Engineer Petrie: I am going to skip over the general comments and the water and sewer. One comment, make sure the water line is extended to Lot 17D, I think it is a few feet short. I just want to make sure the meter can get on that lot. You aren't actually proposing to install meters at this time are you? Slider: Not right now. I think those are going to come at each lot when they are developed. Petrie: Ok, that makes sense. Sewer, just a request to label some of these easements and I think the sewer in the back of lot 17D and label the width. Call out what they are if it is a 20' utility easement, just label that. I had some of the items that I needed on the grading plan. If you can label your proposed flows. I didn't find a copy of the grading or drainage permit. I don't think I asked Planning whether they had a copy, do you know if that was submitted? Slider: I don't think we have actually submitted that. Edwards: No, I haven't received that either. I don't show that the fee has been paid either. Petrie: We need the grading permit and fee submitted before Subdivision. We need the soil type added to the grading plan, method of treatment of proposed flows and disturbed areas. Those are the items that I need at this point for the preliminary grading plan. Also, I need you to label this as a preliminary grading plan in addition to the other. Drainage, do you know at this time who is going to maintain this detention pond? Will it be the actual property owners or property owner's association? Slider: I am not sure of who is going to maintain that. Petrie: Ok, we will need that clear on the final plat so it is not something that we need now other than to state that the city will not need to maintain it. Of Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 30 course we have the requirement from the final plat of CMN Business Park about hiring the environmental specialist to examine the effects of the 404 permit. I need the, and you briefly discussed the addition of the best management practice for the storm sewer, I would like some additional information of what you are proposing in that pond or some ideas. I don't want to lock you into something right now but I would like to have some examples of what could be proposed. I have got a list here on number five on items I need for a preliminary drainage report. A lot of the other large scales that CEI worked on and CMN, they were large scales so I didn't really need a full preliminary drainage report but because this is not a large scale I have to have those seven items as called out in § 1.2. I need some flows. I won't go through all of it but they are right out of the drainage manual, the flows that I need. Rift raft, or any other type of erosion control or energy dissipation system is needed. We need something other than rift raft. Just a thought on this detention pond, we need private drainage easements. We have some method that somebody is not going to come wipe it out or something like that. That is just something for you to think of before we have a final plat. The street widths, I am really not sure what is being proposed on street widths. The only thing that is shown on the plat is the widths of the storm pipes. Slider: I think what we started out proposing there was the 36 and then taking it down to 28 near the cul-de-sac area. We can label that on there. Petrie: Please do that. This pipe says 42', that is 36', that may be the centers of the manholes, I am not sure exactly what that is. Are you tapering from here all the way to here? Slider: No, we are actually tapering right around where that curve is and then right after that curve is when we go down to 28'. Petrie: Ok, we would really just need the 36' just enough to get some stacking for a left turn lane. It seems kind of far into the property. I don't think I have a problem with that. That is just maybe a little more street in here than we need. I believe you are proposing an island in the middle of that cul-de- sac, we would ask you to remove that or we will have to do it in two years when 40 people complain. That is all I have. Do you have any questions? Edwards: I did need to mention that you need to ask for a waiver for a cul-de-sac greater than 500 feet long or a street ending in a cul-de-sac that is over 500 feet long. Conklin: I know this is not your project but let me just ask this question. The length of the cul-de-sac, it looks like the cul-de-sac could be reduced in length and still provide frontage for lot 17D but maybe there is some other Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 31 thinking there. You have all this frontage just for one lot, you could pull it back to here. Slider: That can be considered, if we do that can we drop the waiver? Conklin- You are still going to have a waiver but I was just curious, building that much street. That is fine, I just don't understand why you would build a street longer than what you need unless there is a reason why you need all that frontage on lot 17D. That is just an observation I'm making. I had a question for Kim. How does this fit in with CMN II, Phase II tree preservation and is this starting from scratch with regard to tree preservation and if so, what option are they using? Hesse: I don't know. Slider: I guess I'm confused. Hesse: I met with Chris about that yesterday or the day before and I don't think they've come back with the decision yet. Rogers: They haven't done all the calculations. They are going to submit a letter to Kim Hesse on that. Conklin- It is up to you Kim, to decide what option they can use. Hesse: Right. Conklin: It sounds like the new tree ordinance applies to this? Hesse: Yes, this subdivision and this lot. Conklin: Have they turned in their site evaluation form? Hesse: They have but I am waiting on a report and I am also waiting on a decision on how they are going to preserve, whether they preserve now for all of the lots and, if so, we will have that in the easement plat. It will kind of basically be the same as this deed restricted area although they will need more than that. There is not a lot of canopy there. It will come out beyond the deed restricted area. Conklin: Just for the record, just like we looked at other development, since this is a new application, a new preliminary plat, we are looking at a new tree preservation plan and we are not referring back to CMN II, Phase II tree preservation plan if these trees were shown for preservation. We are looking at this as a new application, just so the public and the public record is clear on that. It is a new application. We are evaluating these Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 32 trees based on the new tree ordinance. Thanks. On the overlay district there are driveway separation requirements from intersections. I would like you to label those on the plat. With regard to lot 17A, the street shown in front of that, if this street is going to be built in conjunction with the Olive Garden, I probably don't want this shown on there, but if Olive Garden is building a curb cut, I want their curb cut shown on your plat to state existing curb cut to be relocated and then show the relocation with that curb cut on there and that driveway. That is all that I have. Jim Sargent- SWEPCO Sargent: Does the utility easement continue on around the cul-de-sac? I can't really tell if it did on here. Slider: Yes, we were actually proposing that to go around. Sargent: Ok, I just wanted to make sure that we had that. We have electric facilities on the northwest corner of lot 17F. We should have facilities on 17A for Olive Garden. Lot 17 B and C we would expect to go from that facility there on Olive Garden, we will need two conduits installed along Van Asche up to the comer of lot 17D. For lots 17F and 17E we will need two conduits installed from our switch gear out there on the northwest corner along that rear utility easement around to the east side of lot 17E. I would also like to ask for utility easements, 10' on each side between lots 17C and 17B. Slider: Parallel to the property line? Sargent: Yes, parallel to that property line there between 17E and 17D. I see there are a couple of street lights proposed. We would expect the developer to pay for the cost to install those. That is all I have got. Slider: What size are the conduits? Sargent: Two 4". We need those buried according to our standards, which is 48" below the final elevation. Johnny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: I am going to need a 4" crossing from the southwest corner of 17F to the northwest corner of 17B across the street there. Also, I think there is a proposed drive for Olive Garden coming off of Van Asche, we will need a casing under that driveway. I would need a 4" crossing from the property line of 17E and 17F over to lot 17C crossing Van Asche again. I would really like to stress the depth issue on the casings, 48" is adequate. I know for the Target project and the Kohl's project, all of the casings that we Technical Plat Review January 30, 2002 Page 33 were uncovering were buried at a depth of 10'. That is very dangerous to try to utilize those casings. We finally abandoned the one that was installed for Target and had to boar on our own. Ten foot is a little excessive for us. That is all I have. Sue Clouser — Southwestern Bell Clouser: I will need a 4" conduit across Van Asche and any driveways that are cut into any of these lots on either side, I am going to need a 4" conduit under them, including Olive Garden. Please give me a 4" where you go with gas from between E and F over to C. If we have any sustained utilities there that need to be moved, it will be at the owner or developer's expense. That is all I have. Conklin- I would like to suggest, it is something to think about, possibly dedicating an easement for pedestrian trail access. When we have these beautiful office buildings out there people can get to the trail without having to walk all the way out to Mall Ave. Slider: You are saying something from out here to where the cul-de-sac is? Conklin: Yes, we are spending a couple of million out there for trails. It would be nice to make it as accessible as possible. What do you think Keith? Shreve: I think it would be a good idea. Conklin: I am just trying to make sure that people have the opportunity to exercise.