HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-08 MinutesMembers present: Public/Staff: City of Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trail Task Force Minutes Wednesday, March 8, 2006 City Administration Building, Room 326 Kyle Cook, Karan Freeman, Shaune Colwell, Scott Mashburn, Sam Lafoy Terry Gulley, Matt Mihalevich, Ron Petrie, Carolyn Smith, Chuck Rutherford, Laura Kelly, Paul LeBlanc Meeting called to order by Kyle Cook at 5:35 p.m. Sam Lafoy made a motion to approve the February minutes. A second was given by Scott Mashburn and the motion passed. Ron Petrie, City Engineer, introduced the new Trail Coordinator, Matt Mihalevich. Matt is a graduate from the University of Arkansas and completed his thesis in Springfield, Missouri. Matt spent three years in Tulsa, Oklahoma working in their trails program and is passionate about Fayetteville's Sidewalk & Trails Task Force. Terry Gulley gave an update on trail construction. Half of the dirt work has been completed on Crowne Trail, from Beechwood Avenue to Razorback Road. Crowne Trail will have a fifty -foot bridge installed over Town Branch upon completion. The trail section will be completed first then the bridge will be installed. The steel will rust naturally providing a protective shield from the elements. Frisco Trail, between the Nadine Baum Center and Flying Burrito, will begin construction as soon as the utility poles are moved. Scull Creek Trail along the hospital property will hopefully be approved by City Council at its next meeting. Terry Gulley gave an update on sidewalk construction. Washington Avenue from Lafayette Street to Maple Street will be finished in two weeks. The sidewalk was in very bad shape with several trip hazards along this route. Some of the concrete being removed dates back as far as a century. A section of sidewalk along Mountain Street has been replaced and upgraded with brick borders to match Dickson Street. The next project will be along Harold Street to Stubblefield Road. Later in the year Sheryl Avenue will receive new sidewalk. Kyle Cook asked about plans to narrow that street. Terry Gulley replied there are no plans at this time. Scott Mashburn led the discussion on a date for the Lake Wilson spring clean-up. The clean-up will be Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, 2006 from 9:00 to 1:00, followed by a sack lunch. Kyle Cook volunteered to help with the press release. Sam Lafoy voiced concern that the trail needs to be reblazed before the clean-up. The sign is missing at the beginning of the trail and Matt Mihalevich said he could make a new sign. Shaune Colwell gave an update on Lake Sequoyah Trail construction. Shaune provided an aerial handout showing the trail and the next project which is the loop off of Kingfishers Trail. The Boy Scouts have worked on this section of trail which is now complete with signage. The next phase is a multiple -use loop by the dam, off of Kingfishers Trail. When the entire trail is finished it will span a total of 7 miles. Scott Mashburn stated that if the trail were opened up for equestrian use, there would be several more volunteers to help. Other Business: Kyle Cook stated that since a cut -through for pedestrians, between Elm Street and Popular Street, has been closed, that an alternative route needs to be provided. Ron Petrie replied that the City is working with the property owner in hopes of eventually building a sidewalk along the side of the newly constructed house. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.