HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-08 MinutesCity of Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Task Force Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 8, 2006 City Administration Building, Room 326 Members Present: Kyle Cook, Shaune Colwell, Jay Davidson, Karan Freeman, Jennifer Hazelrigs, Sam LaFoy, Scott Mashburn Public / Staff: Terry Gulley, Chuck Rutherford, Carolyn Smith Sam LaFoy made a motion to approve the December 2005 meeting minutes. A second was made and the motion passed. Jay Davidson reported that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has requested a halt in trail construction while they review, research and gather input from the community. Concerns included the newly constructed paved trails co -existing with current trails and the environmental effects. Terry Gulley reiterated the purpose of the Trail Development Project and the goal of providing a viable mode of transportation for people of all ages and abilities, while preserving the City's natural assets. Shaune Colwell raised the question, "Do we have to pave as much trail as we are currently paving? Will this delay the paving of other trails?" Terry Gulley responded that very little of the total trail construction time is actually spent on the paving. There is a lot of existing right-of-way in Fayetteville, but it isn't all connected. The big push will be to acquire the additional land necessary to lengthen the existing trail segments. The paving will be done whenever possible and will not slow down the trail construction progress. Shaune Colwell asked about the Lake Fayetteville Trail and mentioned that some people prefer a natural trail surface rather than asphalt pavement. Terry Gulley explained that the paved trail sections will be separate and shouldn't interfere with the existing trail. The existence of foliage will provide even more shielding between the two trails, which will allow people to enjoy the specific area that they choose to use. Scott Mashburn reported that surveying has begun for the widening of Highway 265, which begins in Fayetteville and ends in Springdale. He would like to encourage the Sidewalk and Trails Task Force to become involved in the upcoming decisions with relation to this project. Jennifer Hazelrigs asked about the open Trails Coordinator position. Terry Gulley reported that, to date, one application has been received. Scull Creek Trail access was discussed and the Task Force members were informed that this trail could wind through the existing culverts under Appleby Rd. and the Fulbright expressway. The trail could begin near Van Asche Dr., extending north and eventually tie into West Mud Creek Trail. Jennifer Hazelrigs asked about the quality of the City's new trails, now that they are being constructed in-house. Terry Gulley said that the standards currently being used are the same standards that were used two years ago. The Transportation Division complies with the same specifications and codes that the City requires from private contractors. Terry Gulley gave an update on trail construction. Combs Park Trail was completed today. Signage, markings and bollards will be installed on each end. The construction cost for this trail was $24.00 per linear foot. The actual cost was a significant decrease from the original estimate of $60.00 per linear foot. Depending on the individual trail and its unique features, the cost of construction for our in-house projects has ranged from $24.00 per linear foot to $45.00 per linear foot, thus far. The second section of Crowne Trail will be funded with $111,000.00 provided by the developer and will be constructed in-house by the Transportation Division. Jennifer Hazelrigs observed that the parking area at the Boys and Girls Club is cracking badly and questioned whether it could be due to the absence of base. This trail was built in conjunction with the Boys and Girls Club; however it should have been built to the same standards as other City trails. Scott Mashburn raised a concern regarding the limited access to Combs Park Trail. He feels it is a beautiful trail, but has noticed a lot of four wheeler activity in the area and is concerned about "mudders". Terry Gulley said that the presence of the new Water & Sewer Operations Center has been helpful and hopes that it will continue to have a calming effect. Terry suggested that trail users park on the street, near the Water & Sewer facility, rather than on either end of the trail. Terry Gulley gave an update on sidewalk construction. The Transportation Division is replacing cracked sidewalks connecting Willow Ave. to Washington Ave. and Maple St. to Lafayette St. Sam LaFoy stated that the speed table on Maple St. is wonderful and inquired as to the necessary procedure to request a speed table near Wilson Park. Terry Gulley suggested that the surrounding neighborhoods get together to request a speed study. The City will be glad to conduct such a study to determine if a speed table would be appropriate for the particular neighborhood. Karan Freeman said that she also likes the speed tables and has noticed a difference on Sang Ave., since the installation of a speed table on that street. Sidewalk & Trails Task Force Feb '06 Meeting Minutes 3/7/2006 Jennifer Hazelrigs noticed that much of the traffic that previously used Maple St. has now moved to Lafayette St. Terry Gulley said that this result could be expected, since Lafayette St. is a major street. When the City conducts a study, it will encompass an entire area, to avoid causing problems in other surrounding areas. Scott Mashburn led a discussion to promote a springtime Lake Wilson clean-up. Scott explained that the 2005 clean-up was a large success. It made people proud of the area and has since noticed many more people using it. Lake Wilson is a beautiful place, with abundant wildlife and trails for biking and horses. Scott encouraged the Sidewalk and Trails Task Force members to inform the public about the area because of its beauty. This could be achieved through notifications in the newspaper, the City's list-serv, website, and also through the City's Neighborhood Coordinator. Scott asked if anyone would be interested in another clean-up and it was decided that everyone would check their calendars for an available date sometime during the first half of April. Sam LaFoy wanted to know if the trail would be reblazed in the near future. Scott Mashburn volunteered to reblaze the new trail section and would like to follow-up to ensure that it is maintained. Karan Freeman commented that a clean-up type of activity, on a quarterly basis, would encourage involvement from the community. The focus could be on areas with low usage. Since people tend to do things out of habit, the clean-up could introduce citizens to new places in the City. Terry Gulley distributed the City of Fayetteville Alternative Transportation and Trail Master Plan to the Task Force members. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm. Sidewalk & Trails Task Force Feb '06 Meeting Minutes 3/7/2006