HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-29 - Minutes• • • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED FP99-9: Woodlands, pp168 LSD99-27: Northpark Place II, pp212 MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell STAFF PRESENT Sara Edwards Kim Hesse Janet Johns Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions MEMBERS ABSENT Johney Boles, Ark Western Michael Campbell, SWEPCO Kevin Lefler, Cox Mike Phipps, Ozarks STAFF ABSENT Tim Conklin Ron Petrie Kim Rogers • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 2 FP99-9: FINAL PLAT WOODLANDS, PP168 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Tom Terminella for property owned by Henry Shreve located at the northwest corner of Howard Nickell Road and Hwy 112. The property is within the Fayetteville planning area and contains approximately 72.09 acres with 10 lots proposed. Dave Jorgensen was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator No comment. Sara Edwards, Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Plat requirements were adequate. Warrick: This matches your preliminary. Regarding street requirements, the preliminary plat condition to indicate the size of the tiles under the drives 1 through 7 from Washington County needs to be reflected on the plat. Warrick: We're requiring that all the conditions of County approval be met as a part of this approval. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. Add the 911 addresses to the plat. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised copies and a revised diskette must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 2000. Developers of all preliminary plat and large scale developments are required to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearings of the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission and proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 3 Ron Petrie, Engineering Dedication of right of way along Arkansas Highway 112 must be done by warranty deed. Warrick: We will need that deed at the time you bring the final plat for signatures. Fire protection by the City will not be available for these lots. Warrick. The developer would need to tell us that they are going to place additional fire hydrants in order for the City to extend fire protection. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator This is outside the city limits where sidewalks are not required. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is in the planning growth area Utility Comments Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell No comment. Warrick: I had a call from Arkansas Western Gas and they request that you contact them for their requirements. This project can be approved at the Subdivision Committee level. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 4 LSD99-27: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT NORTHPARK PLACE PHASE II, PP212 This item was submitted by Geoffrey Bates of Crafton, Tull & Associates on behalf of Danny Smith for property located at 3380 Wimberly Drive. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 1.9 acres. The request is for a 19,700 square foot building with 90 parking spaces. Geoffrey Bates was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator A detailed landscape plan is required prior to building permit issuance. Please submit the landscape plan to the landscape administrator with the building permit application. Review "Off Street Parking Lot Design Requirements " Include tree protection details and notes on the Grading Plan. An additional landscape island and tree is required along the parking to the rear of the building to meet the interior parking lot landscape standards. I support a variance to the 15 foot landscape strip along Futrall and Wimberly Drive under the condition that berms or larger plants are utilized within these areas. Warrick: Interior parking lot landscaping requires no more than 12 parking spaces without providing an island and tree. Kim has provided you with a copy of the checklist for the off street parking. Hesse: Does this fall within the overlay district? Warrick: This has been exempted from the overlay district. We've looked at this project a number of times in the past and ordinances have changed. Sara Edwards, Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, please provide elevations. Provide a completed application and materials for the property line adjustment. Bates: I'll have to check on the property line adjustment. Warrick: I don't think it will be problem, we just need to have that resolved before the Subdivision Committee meeting so there are no outstanding issues. I have talked to Al. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 5 Bates: I think he's finished with it. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 212 to the title block. Show the correct zoning of the surrounding properties. Show the Master Street Plan on the vicinity map. Revise the vicinity map to show the new location of North Hills Blvd. Relocate the dumpster pad which is encroaching into the right of way. Warrick: I'll go through the adjacent zoning with you. On Imaging Partners, it's zoned R -O. Northhills Medicals Park is zoned R -O. Washington Regional, to the south, is zoned A-1. The Smith -Brooks property at the southeast corner is zoned R -O. Across the street is R -O. At the southeast corner, you're showing a proposed dumpster pad for the Smith -Brooks property. That is encroaching in the right of way. Can you look at that see if there's another way to do it? Bates: I have no idea where to put it. There is a power line going straight through there and we can't put it there because it would be under the power line. They don't have enough room between the buildings to put it in the back. Warrick: The cross access is important. Take a look at it and see if there is way. • Otherwise, we'll mention it at Planning Commission and see what they want to do with that. With regard to street requirements, we've talked before about Wimberly. It's classified as a collector which requires an additional 10 feet of right of way to be dedicated. Staff would support a request not to dedicate additional right of way. The way that our ordinance reads with regard to the Master Street Plan is that if it is not dedicated, the City Council has to approve that. Once this goes before Planning Commission and the project is approved, we would forward a request to the Council to make a determination on the right of way issue. It might take a little bit longer. I think that is the only way we would be able to fit everything on site that you are proposing. • Parking requirements were adequate. Warrick: You are within the range. You are allowed 91 spaces and you're proposing 90, so that works. Clinics and doctor's offices require 10% to be handicap accessible and that would require 5 and you are providing 6 so you are within that range as well. C-2 zoning regulations require a building setback of 50 feet. This has been met with the current plan. Signs need to be indicated and located on the preliminary plat. All new utilities need to be located underground. Warrick. Signs need to be shown on the elevations as well. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 6 In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 2000. Developers of large scale developments are required by ordinance to provide notification of the upcoming meetings of the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission and proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information is required to be provided no later than the standard deadline of January 5 to continue to the Subdivision Committee. Regarding water and sewer, will the building have a sprinkler system? If so, show that on the plans. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations must meet the published criteria or the Fire Chief's request. All proposed trees must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the existing waterlines. Bates: I don't have any knowledge of whether or not they intend to sprinkler. Warrick: If you would, find out. That is also a question from the Fire Chief. Regarding grading, the grading is acceptable as a final plan. Prior to beginning any grading on the site, a preconstruction conference will be required. Contact Sid Norbash to schedule this meeting. Regarding drainage, provide calculations to determine if the spread of flow on Millsap Road will exceed the permissible spread as outline in the City Drainage Criteria Manual after development. Bates: Do I have to get a variance for the setback? Warrick: For 7 feet of landscaping? I think that has been addressed. It is a variance. Staff is supporting the variance. That is something that the Planning Commission as a whole will have to determine. Bates: Do I need to provide you with a written request? Warrick: No. We have recognized it and called it out. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 7 Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Place a hydrant at each entrance to the parking area. Consider the advantages of sprinkler protection for large occupancy. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned C-2. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Millsap Road is a collector street which requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot green space. The sidewalk width and green space width need to be shown on both Wimberly Drive and Millsap Road. The curb and gutter needs to be removed through the sidewalk at both driveway approaches. The curb and gutter shall begin on each side of the sidewalk. Rutherford: On Wimberly, the existing green space is 4 feet and the sidewalk is 6. So, it's 10 feet to the back of the sidewalk. You need to have that on the plat. That is existing. There is a section that is adjacent to the curb. You need a green space between the curb and the sidewalk and that should be 4 feet. On both of the driveway approaches, remove the curb and gutter line through the sidewalk. We need to talk about the meandering on Millsap. Bates: They did that for aesthetics. He thought it would look prettier. Rutherford: I'm not going to disagree with that. The only thing is that the ordinance says the green space shall be 10 feet. Warrick: What does that do for accessibility purposes when it's meandering like that? Rutherford: There are 2 thoughts on that. Some interpret that ADA sidewalks should be from point A to point B. There is reason to meander if the topography and landscape dictate that. The visually impaired have canes to find the edge of the sidewalk and that is why we require the grove through the driveway. If you're going to do the meandering, the narrowest point would need to be 10 feet. Bates: That would pretty much make it straight if you require that. That's fine with me. It's easier. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review December 29, 1999 Page 8 Rutherford: In 1996, the City Council adopted the standards Because of the hierarchy of the streets and the speed and amount of traffic, it was determined that green space was needed to provide safety for pedestrians. Bates: That's easy to fix. What about the existing one on Millsap Road? Is that 4 feet? Rutherford: You'll just tie into whatever is there. I didn't measure to see what it was. It depends on when it was built. Utility Comments Kevin Lefler, Cox Cable Request same easements and considerations as the electric company. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell Is this going to be a multi tenant building? Bates: Yes. Falk: Do you know where the power entrance is coming in? How do you plan on bringing power in? Bates: Somewhere in the back is all I know Falk: Are they going to want outside meters or will it come inside the building? Bates: I'm sure they will be outside. Falk: I'll need 2 conduits. I'm only putting 1 terminal on the building that will be adjacent to the power. I'll also need to get with you on the new, multi tenant building regulations. The owner/developer has some choices to make. You need to determine the power entrance first and we'll meet with you on site to determine where we'll serve. Warrick: You'll need to contact the other utilities. Meeting adjourned at 9:29 a.m.