HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-15 - Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN LSD99-26: Weingarten Realty, pp407 PP99-15: Appleby Estates, pp250 LS99-31: AR Research & Technology Park, pp247 Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Johney Boles Michael Campbell Bob Falk Rick Evans Kevin Lefler STAFF PRESENT STAFF ABSENT Tim Conklin Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Ron Petrie Chuck Rutherford Dawn Warrick • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 2 LSD99-26: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT WEINGARTEN REALTY INVESTORS, PP407 This item was submitted by David Norman of McClelland Consulting Engineers on behalf of Weingarten Realty Investors for property located at Evelyn Hills Shopping Center. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 15.29 acres. David Norman was present on behalf of the request. Staff Recommendations Warrick: What this entails is redevelopment of part of the structure of the Montgomery Wards. The large scale is for a new proposed retail with 13,200 square feet. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator The standards listed on the plans "Landscaping Within Projects Limit" has incorrect information. Please refer to the current ordinance. Two additional trees will be required within the proposed changes to the interior parking area. Commercial Design Standards require a 15 foot green space adjacent to the right of way of College Ave. Trees are to be planted along this green space at 30 foot intervals. Warrick: One thing we need in order to go further is information on parking within the project limits. We need to know parking for the entire development with the square footage for the entire development so we can verify that they are within the range of what is required for the overall shopping center with this change. Also, with regard to that, what Kim referred to with the 15 feet of landscaping along the front property line is we are looking for this to become a landscape area The parking in front of the new development isn't in compliance with the current ordinance. Norman: You don't allow parking up front? Warrick: This is within the 15 foot required green space. Conklin: You have to have 15 feet of landscaping along the front property line for new development. Warrick. That is based on the Master Street Plan right of way. It pushes that right of way line back. • Norman. Can I invoke that 5 foot green space? • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 3 Warrick: That is not an option anymore. We eliminated that early this year or late last year. We'll work with you on what we have to do get that up to code. We need to be sure that you maintain the numbers that you need for parking overall. Norman: We'll have to cut the size of the building to do that. Warrick: Some of that is shared. Conklin: I have the authority to reduce your parking requirements down in order to comply with landscaping. We just need to figure out how many spaces. Warrick. Before you go cutting the building down, let us know what your numbers are and we'll see what we can do. Norman: We applied for a waiver. Warrick. You applied for a waiver of the tree preservation ordinance. Kim, they applied for a waiver of tree preservation and there are no trees in the development area. They also paid a fee. We can talk about that after this meeting but there is a possibility that you may get a refund of that fee. Norman: That waiver letter included 3 or 4 things. I tried to word it to include the landscaping strips out in front and the sides as well. Warrick: We'll review that after this meeting and get with you. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. College Avenue is a principal arterial requiring a minimum of 6 foot sidewalks. The curb and gutter at the northwest driveway approach needs to be removed through the sidewalk. The sidewalk needs to be added to the legend. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent No comment. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 4 No comment since this is zoned C-2. Dawn T. Warrick, Associate Planner Regarding submittal requirements, everything was adequate but additional elevation information is necessary for a complete review of compliance with Commercial Design Standards. Warrick. What we have, from what I can tell, is the elevation of the building facing the interior. What we don't have is the western elevation. Is there a connection between these two? Norman: No. This is a retaining wall. Wan -ick: Are the concrete steps new? Norman. No. They're a part of the existing structure. All of that is coming out and there's a fairly tall retaining wall to make the transition. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 407 to the title block and update the flood reference • to reflect the current data which was effective July 21, 1999. • Regarding street requirements, are both curb cuts existing? These cuts do not meet City standards. The right of way dedication along Hwy 71 is 55 feet from the centerline and must be dedicated by warranty deed. Warrick: The curb cut at the far north property line, is that an entrance only? You have an entrance arrow. Norman: Yes. It's a little wider now and we're asking for 30 foot. That's another reason I was asking for a waiver on the landscaping strips. They'll be bringing trucks in and out of there. Warrick: I noticed that it was wider than the standards. The Planning Commission will have to determine that. Franklin: How are trucks going to access the truck ramp? Norman: With the waiver request there is a sheet that shows a diagram of how they will have to come in. They will come in off College and turn into the strip at the west of the building and back down the alley up to the ramp. I've shown the track of the truck wheels which is explaining why we need the 30 feet. Franklin: That's not a good situation. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 5 Norman. We tried to bring them in from the rear but there's no way for them to get in there either. Warrick: So they have to pull into the ramp area and then back up. Norman: Coming from the north and trying to turn in is why we need the 30 foot. That's the only way to do it. It's really tight. Warrick: I've got that information here and I'll make sure it gets distributed to staff Norman: We're doing the best we can to keep from backing up traffic and also from having to make them swing wide. Regarding parking requirements, please provide the overall parking calculations for the entire shopping center. The total number of spaces is needed to determine if the requirements have been met. Lot requirements were adequate. All new utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: What is the status of utilities currently? What's existing? Norman: Electric comes in from the north. Warrick. Overhead? Norman: Yes. I'm noting all that to be demolished. They want all that to come out and then come off the back of the building. Warrick: Do you have any problems with that Mike? Campbell: No. Conklin: Will it come off the back and go underground? Norman: I think there's an existing overhead. Campbell: We have overhead line along the north and east property line of the building and we serve everything back there overhead. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 6 Norman: The service exists. We're just demolishing. Warrick. What about the new building? How will it be served? Campbell: Off the overhead line we need to put a pad mount transformer in or an underground junction box at the base of the pole. The service itself will be underground. Someone talked to us about the service to the Montgomery Ward building that you are going to remodel. We're looking at relocating that back at the northeast comer of the building. It's served off the same platform station that we had. Norman: I'll have the electrical engineers work that out. Campbell: We have facilities on the back side to serve either overhead or underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22, 1999. Developers of large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearings of the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than December 22 in order for this to continue to the Subdivision Committee. Regarding water, the existing 6 inch private line on the north side of the proposed building is too small for domestic services and fire protection according to the city waterline standards. Petrie: We wouldn't allow a 6 inch to be constructed so at this time, we are going to request that it be tied in to the existing 6 inch and create a loop since it will be used for both domestic and fire protection. Norman: That 6 inch line is a service line? Petrie: You're using it as a private main because you've got both meters coming off of it and you have fire protection coming off of it. It's a service line that we have allowed and we will • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 7 continue to allow it to be a private main. The main itself will be owned by the shopping center. Therefore, connect this line to the existing 6 inch water to the south to create a looped system or provide a new 8 inch water line to the public water line. The existing water line and all new water lines will be privately owned and maintained. The meter and appurtenances will be owned and maintained by the City. In order to utilize the existing 6 inch line for domestic service to the new building, the gate valve in College Avenue will have to be operational and may include adjustment to the existing valve box. Will this new building have a sprinkler system? Fire protection and fire hydrant locations must meed the published criteria or the Fire Chief's request. All new water lines located under box culverts and retaining walls must be steel encased. Petrie: The age of the lines makes it imperative that it gets tied in. You don't want replacement, you just want to tie it. You have the option to replace it with an 8 inch line or tie it in and make the loop. I assume the retail building won't be sprinklered. You show the fire hydrant along College and you have the option to relocate that. Norman: If we move the line, I will probably relocate the hydrant to the other side. Mickey and I talked about putting it there but if we go ahead and loop the 6 inch or install an 8 inch, we'll probably move it over across the street. Petrie: In our meeting yesterday, he recommended that. He also requested a fire hydrant 100 feet from the fire department connection. Our records show the existing sanitary sewer to be cut and nobody knows what that means. Plan on connecting your service lines directly into that manhole. Norman: Is that cut and blocked or something? Petrie: I don't know. Nobody knows. Norman: I'm trying to figure out how the bank is served. Petne: We don't have a recorded utility easement for that service so we'll need a 20 foot easement. Regarding sewer, the existing sanitary sewer line along the north boundary is shown to be "cut" on the Engineering records. Therefore, tie the proposed sewer service line directly into the existing manhole to the east. A 20 foot utility easement must be dedicated for this existing sewer line. Norman: Is that a platted alley? • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 8 Warrick: I don't remember seeing that. Petrie: The right of way for Highway 71 will have to dedicated by warranty deed because it's a state highway. All work within that right of way will have to have highway department approval. Regarding grading and drainage, because of the existing buildings and pavement and the minimal amount of grading, the drainage and grading as shown are acceptable as preliminary. Regarding streets, the right of way must be dedicated by warranty deed because this is a state highway. All work within the Highway 71B right of way must be approved by AHTD. Willie Newman, Waste Reduction Coordinator No comment. Utility Comments Kevin Lefler, Cox Communications We have aerial cable on and along this development. There is no problem serving this development. Cox Communications will follow the electric company Any costs to relocated cable for construction or if the underground ordinance applies it will be at the developer's expense. Please call me for the exact placement of conduits or in house wiring. Michael Campbell, SWEPCO We have an overhead, main, 3 phase line that runs along the north and the east property line of this building. The line has been in there for a long time and I couldn't find any record of a utility easement so if we could get that dedicated as a 20 foot utility easement to cover us we would appreciate that. We intend to remove the platform station that is in there now for the overhead service. The permanent service can come either overhead or underground from the back line. It sounds like underground is what we prefer. If the loads are such that we are going to need a pad mount transformer, there is not really a good location back there based on your parking and such. We'll need to work on a location for that to occur for both buildings. We could place it under the overhead line at the back along that easement. That is something we need to work out when we know what the loads and voltages to the buildings are going to be. Norman: The line that you are referring to for an easement, is that the one that runs along the east property line or the north? Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 9 Campbell: The north. Norman: We'll have to look at that. I'm not sure that is on this property. I'm not sure the whole stretch is our property. I think it is on the northeast corner. Campbell: That and along the section that gets back to the east property line and running south. Norman. So, you want half an easement there on that property line. Campbell: That will fine with me. You need to have your electrical engineer to coordinate with us and get the electric information. We'll figure out a spot for a transformer. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell I'm assuming there is overhead telephone service going into the building and it's going to have to come down, also. It's at the same location. Norman: Yes, sir. Falk: I'll need somebody to coordinate with me to get that done. If they are going to be doing a lot of remodeling in there, they need to get that done right away because the same pairs that go in there go elsewhere. Norman. The phone comes across the platform service for a large part of the shopping center. Falk: It circles all around. I need somebody to get with me. I'll need conduit for new service. I'll also need conduit for the new building. Norman: For conduit the best place to come across will be behind in the alley where we're doing the electrical as well. Falk: Do we know who's going to move into these buildings? Norman: Half of this one will be taken up by Ozark Natural Foods. I don't know who else is moving in. I was told it was shell space until they sell it all. I don't know. There was talk about a restaurant. That would blow the parking numbers. Warrick: That would be another large scale development. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 10 Falk: We were contacted a number of times by the Golden Corral. Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Are you anticipating this service location here for the main? Norman: We're going to be putting in a ramp and there was some talk about maybe routing it around. Boles: I don't know if that is necessary. If we have to relocate, it will be at the developer's expense. We will need a 4 inch sleeve. Conklin: What about the aisle width? Norman. That's an architectural feature. He wants to be able to sweep that out for the entrance. Warrick: That's actually something architectural and not on the ground? Norman: That entrance kind of sticks out. I'm providing 24 feet which is required Warrick: We have had a lot of conversation about aisle width. Conklin: The Planning Commission doesn't like excessive aisle width and as staff, our recommendation is 24 feet. Norman: We'll have to cut the building off. Conklin: Just build a large sidewalk. Norman: So we have more concrete instead of asphalt? Conklin: Or landscape it. Norman: We could have it landscaped. Rutherford: To replace the sidewalk along College, you will need to contact Mike Pickens at the highway department in Fort Smith. Warrick: I know that your firm is not doing the architectural design. If you would, just relay the information to the architect that we are going to need additional information. One thing • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 11 that the Planning Commission is going to want to see is how the new building ties in with elements on the existing structures including colors and materials. I know that they are trying to improve the look of the center. We want to see how they are tying in whether it's with materials or colors or whatever. Norman: We will need an elevation on the new facade. Warrick: On the stand alone, we need to the south, north, and west elevations. Conklin: On the north elevation, do not plan on just a smooth face concrete block wall. Warrick: That would be visible from the highway right of way. Norman: So all 4 sides will have to be addressed. • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 12 PP99-15: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLEBY ESTATES, PP250 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Bleaux Barnes for property located south of Appleby Road and west of Appleby Apartments. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 8.08 acres with 18 lots proposed. Chris Brackett and Bleaux Barnes were present on behalf of the request. Staff Recommendation Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Additional trees are to be located within the limits of construction. Contact the Landscape Administrator for specific locations. The 50 inch elm shall be designated for protection. Please indicate fencing at the drip line and adjust grading to avoid disturbance within the drip line of the tree. Two hackberry trees, located south of the 36 inch elm, shall be located and tree protection indicated on the grading plan All trees within the lawn area of the existing house shall be designated for protection during the demolition of the existing drive. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The proposed culdesac street is shown as a local street requiring a minimum 4 feet sidewalk with a minimum 6 foot green space on both sides of the street. Appleby Road is a collector street, requiring a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot green space. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Regarding the street names, please contact the 911 Coordinator, Jim Johnson, for street names. Street light locations were adequate. No sight distance problems were noted. A trip generation report is on file in the Planning Division. Warrick: I didn't have a chance to speak with him yesterday but in looking at the vicinity map, 1 think it is reasonable to think that this will be Dorchester Drive. Verify that with Mr. Johnson. • Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 13 This subdivision is in the northwest park quadrant and the billing address is Bleaux Barnes & Sam Mathias, 1772 West Sunset, Springdale, AR 72762, 750-9100. The Parks & Recreation Board met on December I, 1999 and voted to accept money in lieu of land in the amount of $7,990 for 17 units at $470 per unit. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with U.D.O. 166.03K. Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every 2 years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval, unless it is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Dawn Warrick, Associate Planner Submittal requirements were adequate. Plat requirements were adequate. Check the side setbacks for the existing home. There must be 8 feet from the overhangs to the property lines. Regarding street requirements, access for lots 1 and 18 shall be restricted to the interior street. No driveways shall access off Appleby Road. The existing gravel drive shall be removed once construction is completed on the new street which will provide access to the house. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. Are any entrance signs proposed? If so, they need to be located on the plat. All utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: Go ahead and label the side setbacks for the existing house. I'm worried about the south side because it's kind of close. Are they measured from the overhang? Brackett: Yes. The overhang is shown. Brackett: Entrance signs really haven't been worked out quite yet. Warrick: It would be nice to have the locations on the plat. Brackett: There is a steep bank there and as we grade it we will have to look at it and tell where it would feasible to put one. That's actually what we've been waiting for. The drive will be at 4 percent. Barnes. There will be a request for signage and whether it will be west or east of the entry will depend on the grade. Warrick: The right of way at the end of the culdesac needs to follow the right of way around the bulb of the culdesac along the outer edge of the sidewalk This will be a future street extension. We've talked about that and we have to go ahead and bubble it out. It will affect the setbacks. There may be problem on lot 9. • Conklin: Are you proposing that the street be built on private property? • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 14 Brackett: We could bubble it out around the curb and not go out as far as the sidewalk. If you go out an additional 10 foot it would compromise building anything on lot 9. The sewer is existing and it can't be moved. Barnes. With the shape and size that we have now, we're kind of limited to what size home we're able to build. Warrick: They have 55 feet in width after you bulb the culdesac. It needs to follow the right of way around the bulb of the culdesac along the outer edge of the sidewalk and also a sign posted at the very end of the culdesac that states it is stubbed out for future street extension. Perry has the information for those signs and can take care of that. It looks like the right of way follows it and I remember that we talked about that and I think we need you to go ahead and bubble it out because it will have to built at such time it is extended. It won't cause a problem on lot 10 but it does make lot 9 pretty small. Hesse: Could you modify the culdesac? Brackett: That's possible. Warrick: We were looking at it and we don't know if you would really want to place the sidewalk on the private property. There is a liability issue with that. Brackett: We'll do one or the other. The elevation is pretty drastic as it falls toward the creek. Conklin: As a compromise, other developers have gone to the board of adjustment in order to get the house on the lot and they have requested a variance to reduce the front setback. I can't guarantee you they will grant the variance but that is a possibility. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22, 1999. Developers of all preliminary plats are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming Subdivision and Planning Commission meetings and proof of said notification is required with revision submittals. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief • Move the hydrant from the lot line of 10 and 11 over to the lot line of 11 and 12. Move the hydrant from lot line 17 and 18 to the entrance of the development at the intersection of Appleby • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 15 Road. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline which is December 22 in order for this to continue. Regarding water, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility An 8 inch or 12 inch water line is planned to be constructed on the north side of Appleby Road as a part of the WRMC construction. Your proposed 8 inch water line should be planned to connect to this future water line. The water line shown along Appleby Road can be removed if fire hydrants are not required by the Fire Chief. The off site water line in the Quail Creek Subdivision must be constructed 10 feet from the existing building footing. Additional easements may have to be acquired. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Steel encasement is required under box culverts and wing walls. Brackett: Do you have a plan showing where that water line is? Petrie. It's being reviewed. 1 don't have a final location for it yet. Just plan on crossing it and snaking it. Brackett: Will it be at the same location that he brought that hydrant there to the end of the entrance? We're going directly north to tie in the tap. Petrie: Possibly. You've got that culvert and head wall and you'll have to work around that. Where ever you can get it across. Somewhere in that location would be fine. Regarding sanitary sewer, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility or if the sewer line depth is greater than 10 feet. Provide truck access to all manholes to maintain and clean the system per EPA regulations. The off site manholes will have to be accessible by truck which could include a gravel drive or other suitable surface. If the existing gravel drive is planned to remain and provide access, add a note to the plat that states this drive must remain accessible at all times. Fences will be prohibited from crossing the drive. Verify that the existing house will be connected to the public sewer. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wing walls. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 16 Petrie: Regarding the truck access to the manholes, I heard you say you would take the driveway out. You don't necessarily need it through lots 1 through 3. Brackett: That would keep us from having to build an additional drive off of this street to the back. We could leave the drive in to access the manholes. Conklin: Does that mean that there would be fences crossing the drive? Petrie: drive. That's one of my comments. Fences will have to be prohibited from crossing the Brackett: I doubt many people would try to cross it because once you get on the other side of the drive, it drops off to nothing. No one will fence down the side of the ravine. It shouldn't be a problem. Conklin: Keep in mind that if you do leave that road there that most likely once there are houses there the property owners will want to use it. Sometimes they've had some problems. Brackett: Is there something we could do at the entrance of the existing drive? Petrie: I'm not sure what's there now. If you could possibly put in a standard curb and gutter there so they would have to jump the curb and gutter to get to it, that would prevent a lot of people from using it but still give us the access. It also needs to be noted on the plat that it is not access to the lots and that it can't be blocked. If that is what you choose to do, I don't have a problem with it. Is the existing house planned to be connected to the sewer? Barnes: It is. Yes. Brackett: It is existing right now. Petrie: It will have to be relocated. Brackett: We'll have to relocate the service so it stays on the lot. Petrie: How is this house being served by water? Barnes: There is a meter that ties in off of Quail. We'll get a new meter. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan is acceptable. A final grading plan is required to be submitted and approved prior to beginning construction. Provide the Storm Water Management, Drainage and Erosion Control Permit Application with the appropriate review fee. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 17 Regarding drainage, the drainage easement on the south side of Lot 9 should be enlarged to be 15 feet in width. All pipes, open swales and channels outside of the street right of way are private and will be privately maintained by the POA, I-IOA, or similar entity. The preliminary drainage report was reviewed for general compliance and is acceptable as a preliminary report. A final drainage report is required to be submitted and approved. Petrie: The drainage easement on lot 9 needs to be 15 feet minimum. You may want to consider making that 20 foot easement on lots 8 and 9 a 25 foot easement and you could do away with that utility easement. Regarding streets, the right of way at the culdesac should be enlarged to encompass all of the street and the sidewalks. Willie Newman, Waste Reduction Coordinator No comment. Utility Recommendations Kevin Lefler, Cox Communications The easements as shown are fine. We request one 4 inch conduit in the easement under the culdesac between lots 9 and 10. We also request any other easements and considerations of the electric company. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell Telephone If you are going to leave the road in there, are these houses going to be fed from the street or from the rear easement? Barnes. I would hope from the rear easement. Falk: If you have a road going through the utility easement and it takes up 90 percent of the easement, you aren't going to have room for the utilities in there. Warrick: It's a gravel drive. It's not paved. Falk: But, we'll have pedestals for above ground closures. Boles: We need an easement outside of that gravel drive. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 18 Barnes: Could you work in the eastern part of that easement and lay the easement out in such a way to keep the utilities in the eastern part of that drive? Falk: The easement could start at the drive and go east. Petrie: You have a 10 foot drive and a 20 foot utility easement. Brackett: We will leave the easement as it is and we will add additional. We could align it a little to the east which could be done fairly easily. Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas I have existing facilities in Quail Creek Subdivision and I'm showing on my records a service stub out that comes out onto lot 12. Is that the service to the existing house? Barnes: That is correct. Boles: We'll need to relocate that and serve it behind lot 6 so we need to coordinate that. There might be some quads on the end of this culdesac at the south edge. If not, we'll need 4, schedule 40 pvc, under that. Falk: Do you know how the phone service is going to the house? Barnes. 1 do not. Falk: If there is any cable hook on Appleby, it will need to be located and you'll have to get with me on getting that lowered to come down the road. Warrick: There are overhead lines on the north side of Appleby. We don't have comments from the electric company, so you will need to contact them to get their comments. Franklin: Are you showing a street light in the culdesac? Brackett: Yes, there is a light in the right of way on the north side where the culdesac starts turning. Warrick: Should we get a guarantee for that section of sidewalk? Rutherford: I don't see why not. We've done that on other projects. Brackett: We could build it down the hill and to the creek. However you want that worked • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 19 out. It's not a major issue. Rutherford: I'll go out and look at it and we'll work something out. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 20 LS99-31: LOT SPLIT ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK, PP247 This item was submitted by Wayne Ledbetter on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located at lot 35 of Arkansas Research & Technology Park fronting Moore Lane near Shiloh Drive and Moore Lane intersection. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial and contains approximately 286.78 acres. The request is to split the property into 2 tracts containing 2.84 acres and 283.94 acres. Wayne Ledbetter was present on behalf of the request. Staff Recommendations Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Tree preservation requirements will be addressed during review of the proposed development within the limits of the lot split. Willie Newman, Waste Reduction Coordinator No comment. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The sidewalk will be constructed at the time the City of Fayetteville develops the infrastructure for the Research and Technology Park. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent No comment. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned I-1. Dawn Warrick, Associate Planner Submittal requirement were adequate. Plat requirements were adequate. Label the adjacent • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 21 zoning and show the master street plan on the vicinity map. Warrick: Update the information in the top left hand corner. You have phase one, 14 industrial lots. It should be 10 lots. Regarding street requirements, access to the lot shall be from Internet Drive only once it is constructed. A temporary access shall be provided from Moore Lane for the purpose of construction while other roads are being built. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. Screening and signage will be addressed at the time of large scale development. This lot is within the Design Overlay District. All new utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22, 1999. Utility Recommendation Kevin Lefler Cox Communications Easements appear to be in but need to be labeled. We request the same easements and considerations as the electric company. Provide conduit crossings at every street location. There is currently no cable in this area. The developer should contact me as soon as possible. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell Telephone Who is buying this lot? Ledbetter: CMSI. Warrick: Management Systems, Inc. They're currently across the bypass in Point Circle. We will have a large scale and the comments that were made for the phase 1 preliminary plat that we saw at the last plat review have been accommodated and processed. Falk: I haven't had anybody contact me about needing fiber out there. • Ledbetter: They haven't gone through large scale. The other lot split was just finalized. • • • Minutes of Plat Review December 15, 1999 Page 22 They are adjacent to your station. Falk: I still need them to contact us That's good. When we size the fibers coming out of there we'll size them for the ultimate because we don't want to take individual cable back to the hut for each customer. We'll put it all under one sheath. Do we have an address for this other than lot 35. Ledbetter: Do I need to keep you abreast of what I find out? Falk: Try to keep me abreast on service dates. I'm in the dark on that. Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas I don't have any comments. Michael Campbell, SWEPCO I don't have any comments. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.