HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-17 - Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED PP99-14: Woodlands, pp168 LS99-24: Sexton, pp319 PP99-8: Ark. Research & Technology Park, Ph I, pp247 LS99-25: Ark. Research & Technology Park, pp247 LS99-19: Davis, pp180 MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric STAFF PRESENT • Tim Conklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Chuck Rutherford Dawn Warrick • ACTION TAKEN Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions Forward w/revisions MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Lefler, Cox Comm. STAFF ABSENT Perry Franklin Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 2 PP99-14: PRELIMINARY PLAT WOODLANDS, PP168 • • This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Tom Terminella for property owned by Henry Shreve located at the northwest corner of Howard Nickell Road and Hwy. 112. The property is within the Fayetteville planning area and contains approximately 72.09 acres with 10 lots proposed. Dave Jorgensen and Tom Terminella were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse Landscape Administrator No Comment This is outside the city limits where sidewalks are not required. Perry Franldm. Traffic Supenntendent Street names were adequate. Regarding street light locations, one light every 300 feet along Howard Nickell Road and along Highway 112 is recommended. Kim Rogers Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is in the planning growth area. Dawn Wamck. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, the flood plain reference needs to be updated to reflect the new data effective July 21, 1999. Regarding street requirements, Howard Nickell Road is classified as a principal arterial on the Master Street Plan. This plat reflects the requirement of 55 feet of right of way from the centerline. Hwy 112 is also classified as a principal arterial and requires 55 feet of right of way from centerline to be dedicated if it does not already exist. This dimension needs to be shown. The right of way along Highway 112 will have to dedicated by warranty deed since it is on a state highway. Parking requirements do not apply. Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 3 Lot requirements were adequate. The preliminary plat was approved by Washington County Planning Board on November 4, 1999. All conditions of county approval need to be met and included as recommendations for City approval as follows: • • 1. Note the 911 addresses for each lot on the plat. 2. Note the width and surface type of Howard Nickell Road and Hwy. 112 on the plat. 3. Note the size of the tiles to be installed under the drives for lots 1 through 7 and lot 10 on the plat. 4. Provide the appropnate signature blocks on the plat. 5. Show the building setbacks and utility easement on the plat. Warrick: Dave, I want you to discuss the variance on the block length and the situation surrounding that. I talked to Chris Brackett briefly about it. I wanted everybody to understand what happened at the county level and what their recommendation was Jorgensen: At the county meeting, one of the members, at least, thought that there was some rule that applied to this subdivision wherein a maximum block length was required between streets. Evidently after the preliminary plat was approved, this came up and then they voted on the variance request for the block length and it was denied but there was confusion. Sarah Riley talked to the county judge and the judge said it did not apply. Warrick: I don t have that information in here but I will contact Sarah Riley and get sometlung in writing. Conklin: When they say block length, are they talking about the length of the street? Jorgensen: I think it was the length of Howard Nickell. Conklin: We're dealing with 2 existing streets and no proposed streets. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 24. Developers of preliminary plats are required to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission meeting. Proof of notification Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 4 • • is required to be submitted with revisions. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief If fire protection is contracted for, a hydrant needs to be added at the intersectino of Hwy 112 and Howard Nickell Road and every 800 feet maximum to the west on Howard Nickell Road and north on Hwy 112. Warrick: Chief Jackson stated yesterday at In -House Review, that depending on where the houses are placed on these lots because they are so deep, additional hydrants may be necessary. If the structures are set back more than a few hundred feet, the hydrants along the streets wouldn't provide protection. Jorgensen: Is that a recommendation or a requirement? Warrick: That's a reconunendation. Conldin: How is the property planned to be developed? Are you looking at one single family home on each lot? Jorgensen: Yes. Conldin: Do you have covenants that when they sell the property they will not be able to come back in and subdivide? Jorgensen: We don't yet. Terminella: We'll include the requirement that no further division of property will occur for a period of years. Jorgensen: The fire hydrant spacing is a recommendation, not a requirement. Warrick: If you want fire protection it is a requirement. If the residents want to contract for fire protection, provide hydrants. Ron Petrie. Staff Engineer Water, fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published standards or the Fire Chief's request. The existing waterlines as shown appear to match our records. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 5 Sanitary sewer is not available. Washington County will have to approve the individual septic systems for these proposed lots. Grading, drainage, and streets will be regulated by Washington County and/or AHTD. Conklin: Is there a single family home on lot 9? Jorgensen: Those are existing houses right now. One of these days, they will be removed but it might be 6 months or a year or more. Warnck: Is that an existing or proposed utility easement that runs through the house? Jorgensen: That is proposed. Warrick: I don't know if we can plat an easement through a structure. Jorgensen: That's for sure. Okay. Conklin: The 55 feet of right of way will encroach into that structure. • Utility Comments Rick Evans. Arkansas Western Gas We have an existing line along the west side of Highway 412 and also along the north side of the Howard Nickell Road. There's no problem serving these lots The easement shown are fine. That's the only comment I have. Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electnc I have submitted my easement requests. Jorgensen: If we remove the overhead, do you need an easement in that location? Phipps: No. Jorgensen: I'll get with you on some of these other ones. Phipps: The main 3 phase power line along Howard Nickell is a fourteen four line. It will have to remain overhead. • Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 Page 6 Jorgensen: Okay. Phipps: I have no other comment. Bob Falk. Southwestern Bell Will these lots be front fed? Terminella: Where is your existing line? Falk: I'm in the road right of way. Terminella: Lots 1 through 7, we would want to feed off of Howard Nickell and we would run an easement up lots 8, 9, and 10 along with the electric company was what I envisioned. Falk: Okay. Terminella: That should catch them all. Kevin Lefler. Cox Communications Easements as shown are fine. This is not currently in our service area. Conklin: City Council did amend the Master Street Plan last night and eradicated the minor artenal street and that is no longer a requirement of this plat. For the record, if any of these lots development in the future, the city would require local streets to serve future development of this area. Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 7 • LOT SPLIT 99-24: LOT SPLIT SEXTON, PP319 This item was submitted by James L. Buckner on behalf of Ell Dee Sexton for property located at 5415 Wheeler Rd The property is in the Fayetteville planning area and contains approximately 4.00 acres. The request is to split the property into 2 tracts of approximately 2.00 acres each. James Buckner and Ell Dee Sexton were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse Landscape Administrator No Comment Chuck Rutherford Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator This is outside the city limits where sidewalks are not required Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Streetlights are recommended every 300 feet. Provide a better vicinity map. Buckner: Where could I get a better vicinity map? Warrick: We'll help you in the Planning office Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is in the planning growth area. Dawn Wannck. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Add plat page 319 to the title block. Provide a better vicinity map. Is this area covered by the new flood map data dated July 21, 1999? Are the right of way dimensions shown from the centerline or for the entire width? Warrick: The flood information referenced on the map is from the 1991 information. • Please get that updated. Are the right of way dimensions from the centerline? Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 8 • • Buckner. I don't know. Warrick: The road that is shown on the east side of the property running north and south, is in the location of a Master Street Plan street for the City of Fayetteville. It appears that there is approximately 30 feet shown as right of way from centerline. The requirement for a collector street on the Master Street Plan is 35 feet from centerline which will need to be shown and a dedication needs to be made to meet the 35 feet from centerline requirement. It's not named. Sexton: It's a private road. Warrick: I take it that is the one referred to in the county requirements to be pnvately maintained? Sexton: Yes. Street, parking and lot requirements were all adequate. This lot split was approved by Washington County Planning on November 4, 1999. All conditions placed on the project at that time are also recommended as conditions for City approval as follows: 1. Secure a 50 foot easement connecting the lots to the County Road. Reference this easement in the legal description for the property and each tract. Improve the easement with gravel to the specifications outline in County regulations. 3. Pay the Road Department for the purchase and installation of a sign indicating that the road is pnvately maintained. 4. Note on the plat, "NOTICE THIS ROAD IS NOT CONSTRUCTED TO THE COUNTY STANDARD. THE MAINTENANCE OF THE ROAD IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CURRENT AND FUTURE PROPERTY OWNERS. THE ROAD WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR MAINTENANCE BY THE COUNTY UNTIL IT IS CONSTRUCTED TO THE COUNTY STANDARD AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS " 5. File for record a "Private Road Maintenance Disclosure Statement" available from the County Planning Office. 6. Note the 911 addresses on the plat. Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 9 7. Provide the appropriate signature blocks on the plat. • • 8. Have the signature blocks signed and file the plat for record in the Office of the Circuit Clerk. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, please provide 37 revised copies to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 24, 1999. Ron Petne. Engineenng Regarding water, our records show an 8 inch water line along the west side of Wheeler Road. Therefore, water is not available unless a public line is extended from Wheeler Road across Tract A to the north side of Tract B. Warrick: Do you know how the existing house is served now? Sexton: The water meters are at the back corner by the road. Buckner: You have city water now? Sexton: No. We're on a well. Warrick: If City water is requested to serve tract 13, it could not cross tract A. You would have to have some type of easement to run a public line. The regulation stipulates that private service lines can't cross intervening properties. Are there service lines for other developments? Sexton: There are 2 meters which serve 2 houses. Warrick: You'll have to run a private service line. Buckner: Would the expense for extending the line be for the homeowner? Warrick: Yes. Unless you work out something with the seller before hand. Sanitary sewer is not available. Washington County Health Department will have to approve the individual septic system. Confirm that the septic system for the existing house on Tract A is contained solely on Tract A. Warrick: Your surveyor needs to show the septic tank and lateral field on the plat. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 10 Utility Comments Rick Evans. Arkansas Western Crams Easements as shown are fine. We have gas at the corner of this private road. If you want to extend into your property, get with us to check your cost to bring it down there to you. Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electric Easements as shown are fine. We have overhead power on the north side of the property. Contact us for an extension to the lot. Buckner: Can we go underground? Phipps: Sure. Bob Falk. Southwestern Bell Easements are fine. Get with us and we'll bury a drop back in there. • Kevin Lefler. Cox Communication Easements are fine as shown. This is not currently in our service area. • Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 Page 11 PP99-8: PRELIMINARY PLAT ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK, PHASE I, PP247 This item was submitted by Charles Venable on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located west of the Highway 112 and I-540 interchange and east of Deane Soloman Road. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial and contains approximately 289.28 acres with 15 lots proposed. Charles Venable, Wayne Ledbetter, and Alett Little were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Jim Johnson. 911 Coordinator The street shown as Internet should be "Drive" or "Way." Commerce is not an acceptable name. This should have "Place" or "Court" for a suffix. Parkway and Data should be combined. It is one street. Use "Drive" or "Crossing" as a suffix. Kim Hesse Landscape Administrator Individual rare or landmark trees are to be identified within the area of construction. If there are no rare trees existing in the limits of construction, a note stating so is required. Indicate tree protection fencing limits on the grading plan and include notes and details for tree protection. Please submit the grading plan to the Landscape Administrator for review. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005 An inspection is required pnor to the concrete pour. Dnveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Technology Blvd., Terminal Way, Internet Ave., Data Circle, eCommerce Lane, and Truckers Drive are shown as having 6 foot sidewalks with a 10 foot green space between the curb and sidewalk on both sides of the street. Shiloh Drive and Deane Solomon Road are collector streets which require a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot green space. Moore Lane is a local street which requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 foot green space. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Should Data Circle be changed to Parkway since they are aligned with each other? Show street light locations every 300 feet, at intersections, and at culdesacs. Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 12 • • Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned commercial. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Commercial Design Standards will require that a unified design theme be set for this development. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 247 to the title block. Add the master street plan to the vicinity map. The legal descriptions need to be revised for the parent tract and phase I. The setback information needs to be revised to reflect 50 feet from street right of way when adjoining agricultural or residential districts, 25 feet from street right of way when adjoining commercial, industrial, or public/institutional districts, 50 feet from the side property line when adjoining agricultural or residential districts, 10 feet from the side property line when adjoining commercial, industrial, or public/institutional districts, and 10 feet from the rear property line when adjoining commercial, industrial, or public/institutional districts. Regarding street requirements, the Master Street Plan collector extends to Trucker's Drive in a future phase. Curb cuts shall be limited to interior streets and shall conform to design overlay district requirements. Parking and lot requirements were adequate. Screening will be addressed at the time of large scale development for each lot All new utilities shall be located underground. Will there be any entrance or other identification type signs for this development? If so, show them on the plat. A waiver is being requested for sidewalks along Shiloh Drive. Much of this property is located within the design overlay district. Warrick: I understand a waiver has been requested for the sidewalks along Shiloh Drive. Venable: At this time, yes. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 24, 1999. Developers of preliminary plats are required by ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming meetings of the Subdivision and Planning Commission meetings. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 Page 13 Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief The hydrant spacing shall not exceed 600 feet between hydrants. Avoid placing hydrants at the end of culdesacs. Move them to the lot line before the culdesac. Hydrants are preferred at street intersections where feasible. Warrick: I think Mickey gave Wayne a plat of what he wanted out there, yesterday. Ledbetter: There were a couple he didn't see. We'll get them cleared up Warrick: Access will be restricted to interior streets for all lots when developed. Utility Comments Jack Evans. Arkansas Western Gas On lots this size for commercial buildings, we can only serve it in the front. Is there any problem with doing that? We had really rather serve it in the front. We need 20 feet of the 25 foot building setback along all road right of ways to be utility easements. I need some more crossings. I'll start on the south end at the intersection of Internet and Parkway. I need one on the east side of that intersection. At the intersection of Technology and Parkway on the east side, I need a crossing. Also, on the east side of Terminal Way and Commerce. Also, at Deane Solomon Road and Internet Avenue, I'll need a crossing there at this time. You have crossings on most of the rest of them. We can use them. I can't see one at the intersection of Technology and Terminal on the north side and I'll need one there. We'll work with you on the location of the meters when you get started. Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electnc I request the same crossings at the gas company. On Linear Park or actually Technology Blvd., we have a crossing to Terminal Way. There is an easement running through Linear Park to the crossing but I don't see where it goes after we cross there. Did the easement continue on? Is it the fiber optic that Southwestern Bell has? Ledbetter: No. We expected you might possibly do that. The only easement extending from that point is on the west side. Phipps: So, we have one on the west side of Terminal Way. Ledbetter: We anticipated you might want one there. You may want to change that. Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 14 Phipps: We will need a utility easement to each of the street lights. Warrick: You need a 10 foot for those. Falk: Are you front feeding this? Phipps: We can go either way. Bob Falk. Southwestern Bell It looks like it's covered. If we have any customer that's going to want direct fiber, they need to contact me. • Venable: They just installed a new fiber line along the freeway. Falk: That's not us It's AT&T. These customers will have copper cable going mto them unless we have a contract with them that designates they want fiber. The copper will be fed by fiber at the hub out there. Anything as far as direct to the customer, we have to have a contract. When I cable this, I will try to set it up for future fiber by using conduit and I can pull fiber back in later on. It's not an easy process to get fiber to the customer. I will have to have direct contact with the customer and have a contract signed before we can sit down. Little: As we identify customers, we'll have to get them into contact with you. We already have two and they'll be contacting you. Falk: I realize this is a technology park but even with that, probably only 1 out of 10 customers will want a fiber link. I'll set up with conduit and hand holds so I can pull fiber at a later time. Little: Okay. I'll have them get in contact with you. Venable: I think we'll want to serve power and phone from the rear. Conklin: If it's served from the front, what would be seen? Would the pedestals be right up against the street? Phipps: We have easements to the back. Ledbetter: I have easements dedicated in the back. We've got 30 foot utility easements shown. We will take these comments and if you need extra easements or don't like the ones we have, we will delete that but we did a preliminary easement tracking already. We've covered Technical Plat Review • November 17, 1999 Page 15 • • most of the bases. Phipps: I won't set any transformers in the front I may have to use the front easement to get to the back. Ledbetter: I think I'm going to do a 6 and three 4's on every crossing. Falk: copper. Telephone will need 2 conduits on each crossing. One for fiber and one for Ledbetter: You wouldn't want to put the fiber in with the copper and use a bigger conduit? Falk: No. Ledbetter: I have a 6 and four 4's on the crossings. Kevin Lefler. Cox Communications Easements appear to be adequate but they need to be labeled. We request the same easements and considerations as the electric company. We request conduit crossings at all intersections. Currently, there is no cable in this area. If cable is desired, have the developer contact me. Conklin: Are the utility companies aware that phase I has been modified. It now goes to Parkway Drive and lots 4, 27, 34, 35, 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, and 15. Ledbetter: I'll shade it. We're cutting some of the peripheral off. Basically, the crossings are still inside this. We will extend utilities to Deane Solomon but we're cutting some of the lots out at this time. Falk: When are you going to be at final grade out there? Ledbetter: In the summer or early fall. You're talking about working construction? Falk: I'm talking about being able to get the utilities in there. Ledbetter: That will be in the fall. Venable: We can't do this until we get the wet lands thing resolved. Falk: If you've got customers going in there next year, you'll have to do a little bit. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 16 Ledbetter: You probably noticed the lot split. We have one splitting off. • • Venable: There could be another one or two in the same area. This is somethtng we'll have to work out. Falk: I need to know what type of cable and when to get the service to these customers. Conklin: We have a lot split on lot 1 and they plan to come through large scale development soon. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 Page 17 LS99-25: LOT SPLIT ARKANSAS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK, PP247 This item was submitted by Charles Venable on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located west of the Highway 112 and I-540 interchange and east of Deane Soloman Road. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial and contains approximately 289.28 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts containing 2.5 acres and 286.76 acres. Charles Venable, Wayne Ledbetter, and Alett Little were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Tree preservation requirements will be addressed during review of proposed development within the limits of the lot split. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The sidewalks will be required at the time of development. Little: We're asking for a waiver on Shiloh Will they have to put the sidewalks in? Warrick: I think we're talking about Technology. Conklin: The City will build them with the streets. They are building all the infrastructure. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned industrial. Pawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Label adjacent zoning and property owners. Add plat page 247 to the title block. Show the master street plan on the vicinity map. Revise legal descriptions. Dimension the right of way of Shiloh from the centerline. Regarding street requirements, show the right of way of Shiloh as a collector street with 35 feet from the centerline required. Access to lot 1 shall be from Technology Blvd. A temporary Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 18 access shall be provided from Shiloh for the purpose of construction while other roads are being built. Screening and signage will be addressed at the time of large scale development. This lot is within the Design Overlay District. All new utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division, no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 24, 1999. Utility Comments Rick Evans. Arkansas Western Gas No problem with the easements at all We may need to come through another part of this subdivision to get to this point. We need to make sure we have all the easements in place. Little: Are you saying we need to go ahead and file the easements? Evans: The only thing we have in there comes off of Deane Solomon Road right now. • Warrick: You could file an easement plat for the whole area. Little: That's a good idea. Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electnc No comment. )3ob Falk. Southwestern Bell We'll have to have easements to get back there. I have to get back to the fiber optic station and that will have to be at final grade back to that point. That's all I've got. • Conklin: They plan on keeping lot 1 as part of the subdivision. The owners will have to sign off on the final plat as a landowner. Warrick: That keeps it under the covenants. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 19 LS99-19: LOT SPLIT DAVIS, PP180 • • This item was submitted by Leigh and Candra Davis for property owned by located south of Howard Porter Road and southwest of Gulley Road. The property is located in the planning growth area and contains approximately 5 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts containing 4 acres and 1 acre. Leigh Davis was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Warrick: This item is being added. This property is located in the county. This is east of Highway 265. We request a better vicinity map when you get the revisions on there. They do have approval from the county and that was processed a while back. There is an existing house on the 5 acre tract. There won't be any tree preservation or sidewalks since this project is in the county. There are no requirements for parks fees because the project is in the county. Conklin: This is designated as a local street on the Master Street Plan so there is no Master Street Plan classification. Warrick: The right of way is existing. Is this the entire right of way or the right of way from the center line? Provide information on plat regarding whether the line is the edge of the nght of way or the center line of the street. It doesn't look like there were any requirements at the county level. We need a revised legal description. We found some errors and our office has been in contact with Mr. Blew to try and get that revised. The last contact we had from the surveyor was on October 19th. Conklin: There is a single family house on the property. We need the septic system and leach field on the plat. We need to know that is contained on the property The county does condition their approval on a perc test for septic systems to make sure the lot is large enough. Utility Comments Rick Evans Arkansas Western Gas I don't know if we have service this far north on the east side of Gulley Road. We have a couple of meters by the trailer house and the other feeds John Taylor's house. We served the Sweetser's house from the south. They are not tied together. We have a main line which is west of you and hits about 700 feet south of where this come in. Give us a call at 582-6831. Technical Plat Review November 17, 1999 • Page 20 Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electnc The easements shown are fine. No other comment. J3ob Falk. Southwestern Bell Easements are fine. • • Warrick: Our cable representative is not here this morning. I will give you contact information. We will look for the information to be shown on the plat and the revisions are due one week from today and we'll need 37 copies. Meeting adjourned 10:30 a.m.