HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-27 - Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review committee was held on October 27, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LS99-22: Freeman, pp221 PP99-11: McMillin Estates, pp441 FP99-7: Zion Valley, pp136 PP99-12: Pine Valley, Ph V, 363 FP99-8: Covington Park, Ph I11, pp295 PP99-13: Stoneridge aka Copper Creek, pp100 LSD99-25: 3R & 8 Wedington P1, pp401 MEMBERS PRESENT Johney Boles • Michael Campbell Kevin Lefler Mike Phipps • STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward MEMBERS ABSENT Bob Falk STAFF ABSENT Perry Franklin Mickey Jackson • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 2 LS99-22: LOT SPLIT FREEMAN, PP221 This item was submitted by Robert Wallace of Wallace Land Surveying on behalf of Mark Freeman for property located at 3275 N. Sassafras Hill Rd. The property is in the planning growth area and contains approximately 8.76 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts of approximately 0.83 acres and 7.93 acres. Robert Wallace was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse Landscape Administrator No Comment Willie Newman. Waste Reduction Coordinator No Comment Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trail Coordinator This is outside the city limits where sidewalks are not required. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent No Comment Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator There are no parks fees since this is in the planning growth area. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 221 to the title block. Street requirements were adequate. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. • This lot split was approved by Washington County Planning on October 11, 1999. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 3 additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Ron Petrie. Engineering Our records show a 6 inch water line along the west side of Sassafras Hill Road. Show the existing line and associated easement(s). Provide an additional utility easement if the existing easement or right of way is less than 10 feet from the water line. Petrie: Do you know where the water line is? Wallace: No, not exactly. Petrie. When they located the other utilities they should have marked that. Have that water line located so we know we don't need additional easements. Sanitary sewer is not available. Washington County Health Department will have to approve the • individual septic system. • Utility Comments Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electric We have an existing 30 foot utility easement for the overhead power line running north and south on Sassafras Road. That is 15 feet on each side. Petrie: Then don't worry about the water line. Warrick: Since that is shown, it should cover the water. Phipps: I want a 20 foot easement along the north property line. Warrick: Of tract 1 or tract 2? Phipps: The whole tract from Sassafras and running west. Show the 20 foot rear setback as a utility easement. Kevin Lefler. Cox Cable No Comment • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 4 Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas No Comment Warrick: The Southwestern Bell representative is not present and we will ask that you contact him. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 5 PP99-13: PRELIMINARY PLAT COPPER CREEK SUBDIVISION, P13100 formerly known as STONERIDGE SUBDIVISION, PP100 This item was submitted by Brian Moore on behalf of Gary Brandon Enterprises for property located at east of Highway 265 and north of Zion Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 35 acres with 85 lots proposed Brian Moore and Gary Brandon were present on behalf of the request. Warrick: We will be looking for a new name for this subdivision with the revised submission. This property is east of the Stonewood Subdivision This property was recently annexed into the City and was then rezoned. Staff Comments Kim Hesse. Landscape Coordinator A tree preservation fee is required for this development. Indicate tree protection fencing limits on the grading plan and include notes and details for tree protection. Please meet with the Landscape Administrator prior to the final construction drawings to discuss additional tree preservation. Warrick: Did you tum in an application? Moore: Yes. Warrick: I believe 1 saw that. No problem. Jim Johnson. 9-1-1 Addressing The name "Stoneridge" should not be used as Fayetteville has a Stonebridge Subdivision and street. Onyx, Jade, Sapphire, and Topaz are also existing streets in other developments. Please contact 9-1-1 addressing to coordinate new name choices. Willie Newman. Solid Waste All requirements were adequate. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 6 Call 911 coordinator, Jim Johnson at 575-8380 for street name approval. Show street lights every 300 feet (nearest lot line), at intersections and at the end of streets. If street lights are not standard, Ozark light fixtures, a street light agreement will need to be executed. Call Perry Franklin at 575-8228. No sight distance problems were noted. A trip generation report is on file. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005 An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Add the sidewalk symbol to the legend. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator This subdivision is formerly known as Brandon Subdivision and is located in the northeast park quadrant and is zoned R-1. The billing address is Gary Brandon Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 21, Springdale, AR 72765, (501) 751-7254. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended accepting partial money and land dedication on September 8, 1999. At this time, the park land dedication of 1 57 acres for 62.8 units plus a balance of $8,325 for the remaining 22.2 units for a total of 85 units will be due upon Final Plat approval. Warrick: They are proposing to update the park fees very soon, so be prepared for this amount to change. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with UDO 166.03K. Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every 2 years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Final Plat approval by the Planning Commission unless it is approved at the Subdivision Conunittee level. Owner, Gary Brandon, stated that the would have the utility line removed on the proposed 1.57 acre City Park land. This will be a requirement of acceptance. Please denote "Proposed Park Land" as "City Park Land" on the plat at this time. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, see additional comments from Engineering and Landscape Administrator. Regarding plat requirements, the legal must be tied to state plane coordinates in at least 2 places. Show the flood plain reference to reflect the current FIRM map dated July 21, 1999. Dimension all rights of way from centerline. The owner of record who signed the application as the owner is different than the owner reflected on the plat. Regarding street requirements, we need to discuss the possible configuration changes to the street layout. Hearthstone should continue to the eastern property line without interruption. Has right of way been obtained for the proposed connection to Zion? What is the possibility of a north/south • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 7 street? Parking requirements were adequate. Regarding lot requirements, is there adequate frontage for lot 76? Verify and show the dimension of the culdesac lots to have 70 foot of frontage at the 25 foot setback line. Are entrance signs proposed? Is so, locate them on this plat. All utilities shall be located underground. Conklin: We need to discuss configuration of the streets. With regard to your access from Zion Road, has the easement been vacated for a future road? Moore: No. That is an easement from when Zamberletti owned it and it was sold. Conklin: Right now, you are proposing to use a portion of it. I'm concerned about that access because it doesn't allow any direct way to get to adjoining property once it is developed in the future. I would prefer a more direct street connection. In the future, this area of Fayetteville will develop especially with these 2 subdivisions going in and utilities being available in this area of Zion Road. This will become one of the major streets. Moore: What if we take this access off? Conklin: I would be opposed to that. You need direct access to Zion. Moore: Not at this time because you have 2 points of access. Conklin: You have access to Hwy 265 but no direct access to Zion Road. Zion Road is gravel at a point and running east. I think overall circulation would be better served if you had a more direct route through your subdivision other than winding back around. Warrick: Do you have any agreement with other properties for access? Moore: No, we don't. We might not be able to get access. Warrick: You've shown an access and we assumed you had agreement. Conklin: It shows road within the 60 foot easement to the south. That was confusing. Warrick: If you propose something now and it's not constructed, you'll have to come back. Conklin. Does this property have frontage on Zion Road right of way? • Moore: No. Conklin: So, the only way to get into your property is to utilize the easement from the • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 8 corner. This is something we need to look at. When this gets to Subdivision Committee, I'm going to bring up my concern about no direct access and they will have to make the decision. I feel like Zion Road in this area will develop and people living in this subdivision would want to travel in this direction. Moore: I don't think they will. The reason is you have 2 direct access points to the west going directly to Highway 265 and that is where they are going to want to go. Conklin: I'm talking about the future. I was out there yesterday and it's pretty much undeveloped with cows walking around. When we have additional development in this area, there may be a reason for people to travel south and we will have precluded any direct access. That's how I look at it. Currently there are farms in this area Moore: Your main street will be Highway 265. Warrick: It's going to be exceedingly harder to turn left on Highway 265 from your accesses without a light. Conklin: Your proposed accesses are fine for now but I am concerned about having access to Zion Road in the future. Right now this is substandard with the one lane bridge and the narrow width of it. In the future, that street will have to meet our City standards. Warrick: Where you have Jasper Lane located currently to the property line, we would like the right of way to be stubbed out so that in the future that street could be connected depending on what happens to the south Conklin: We don't want to limit access to that area either. If they did build a street back to the south, additional lots could be developed. Warrick: I need to ask about your frontage on lot 76. Conklin: You can bring the right of way down on the culdesac. Moore: Can I increase the setback on that lot? Conklin: We have not allowed others to do that in the past. Warrick: We have questions about the setbacks on culdesacs, especially the tighter ones like 21 and 22. If you would, please, dimension the setback lines so we can verify that they meet the requirements. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 9 Moore: Okay. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies of the project submitted to the Planning Division not later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Developers of all preliminary plats are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearings. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions or this project cannot proceed. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief Move the hydrant shown between lots 1 and 2 to the lot line between lots 2 and 3. The hydrants shown between Tots 77 and 78 should be moved to between lots 78 and 79. The hydrant shown between lots 61 and 62 should be moved to between lots 64 and 65. The hydrant shown between lots 21 and 22 should be moved to between lots 18 and 19. Check the water main size and line looping with engineering. Are supply points on lot 56 and 67 a correct observation on my part? Ron Petrie, Engineenng In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than November 3 in order for this to continue in the current review cycle. Regarding water, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. Provide additional easements for the water line on the "Private Park Area" and on the north side of Lot 67. Provide an additional 20 foot utility easement between lots 1 and 2 for future water and/or sewer extensions to the east. Show the water line on the north side of Lots 68 and 69. Also, extend the water line to serve lot 76. The water line should connect to the existing 12 inch water line on the south side of County Road 92. Also, our records show an existing 6 inch water line in the off site roadway easement. Please add these waterlines to the plat. Label the proposed water line sizes. In general, the water lines should be 8 inches in size. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the publtshed water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wing walls. If requested by the Water & Sewer Superintendent, provisions for future irrigation lines for services that cross streets should be provided which include a 2 inch service line and 2 inch gate valve. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 10 Petrie. Show the 12 inch water line and show the connection to it. We also show an existing 6 inch water line in the existing road way. You don't have to locate it but you need to be aware of it because you're going to have to work around it. It's an old AC pipe. You don't need to connect to it. You need to leave it alone. You'll need to work out irrigation with Dave Jurgens. If he requests, you'll need to provide a 2 inch service line instead of the standard 3/4 inch going across the street with a 2 inch gate valve. Regarding sanitary sewer, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility or if the sewer line depth is greater than 10 feet. It appears that additional easements will be needed for the sanitary sewer line on the north side of lots 76 and 85 and on the south side of lots 61 and 75. Extend the sanitary sewer to the subdivision boundaries at the Sapphire Drive stub out; at the Stoneridge Drive stub out; and, to the east side of lot 52. Contact Paul Hawkins at OMI to determine if the existing lift stations and force main have the capacity to add these lots. Provide truck access to all manholes to maintain and clean the system per EPA regulations. The backyard manhole south of lots 26 and 27 will have to be accessible by truck which could include a gravel drive or other suitable surface. The proposed lift station that will be constructed in conjunction with the Stonewood Subdivision may have to be upgraded for these lots. Any costs associated with this upgrade will be at the developer's expense. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wing walls. Petrie. I have not received any plans for Stonewood Subdivision, yet. I've been told any day now. We're late in the game to get changes to it at this time. Regarding grading, a few additional items are required to be added to the preliminary grading plan. The proposed placement of the erosion control items is required to be shown including a mud abatement entrance during construction. Temporary sediment ponds should be utilized during construction. It appears that several of these lots will be filled in order to make them buildable. These fills should be shown on the preliminary grading plan. On the construction plan or prior to the preconstruction conference, provide a description of fill and compaction materials described in cubic yards and identify the composition. Petrie. Have you paid the fee? I don't have a copy. Have you submitted the application? Moore: I'll call you if I haven't. Regarding drainage, the minimum drainage easement size is 20 feet in width with the pipe or swale centered. The easement should be wider if it contains more than 1 pipe or if it contains other utilities. The drainage easements and utility easements are required to be separate. All pipes, open swale and channels, lakes, or detention ponds outside the street right of way are private and privately maintained by the property owner's association or similar entity. Will the • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 11 existing pond remain? Will it have fluctuating volume controls? If so, a waiver request must be made by the developer from the 100 foot setback requirement as found in Section 5.4.3 of the City Drainage Criteria Manual. The preliminary drainage report was only reviewed for general compliance for preliminary submittal. This report cannot be accepted until item 6 is addressed in sufficient detail. Your report states: "we proposed to take approximately 11 acres of water to that point also. It is anticipated that we will pay the City for any upgrades needed due to the excess runoff." It should be clearly noted that the City will not and cannot force the downstream developer to redesign, relocate, and enlarge their storm system in order for this developer to avoid detention on the south side of this development. The City assumes no responsibility in this matter because this is a private matter between 2 adjacent property owners. Therefore, in order for this project to continue the following must be done: A. Provide detention for the runoff that presently discharges to the south or provide a written agreement with the developer of Stonewood Subdivision that these additional flows will be taken into account in their design. This agreement should discuss both proposed discharge points at Water Stone Drive and Hearth Stone Drive. B. If this additional acreage is allowed to be transported through Stonewood Subdivision, how does this effect the peak flows in the unnamed Lake Fayetteville tributary? C. Provide a comparison of the post -developed flows at the present discharge points with the proposed discharge points. Petrie: Will the pond remain? Moore: Yes. Petrie: If that is the case, you need a waiver request. There a 100 foot setback requirement. There is a major problem in the drainage report. These 11 acres are not being drained that way presently. Basically, this is your problem. We require that you plan for a full build out upstream from what presently drains there. If you can't get an agreement with Foster, the developer of Stonewood, you'll have to provide detention to the south. If you have detention, you'll have to change lot configuration and everything else. This can't move on to Subdivision until we have this worked out. • Conklin: You'll have to come back through if there are any changes in street configuration. Petrie: If you can work something out to divert the flow through Stonewood, we would • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 12 also ask that you provide us information on the peak flow in the large creek. The developers of Stonewood had to do that and you would need to provide that to us, too. You're diverting flows into different water sheds. We need to know the effect. Provide a comparison of the post development flow at the present discharge point with the proposed discharged points. I'm mainly concerned about what you're diverting and where you're discharging. Regarding streets, the curve "E" does not meet the minimum centerline radius requirement of 150 feet. Several of the proposed streets may be reduced to residential street standards which is 24 feet in width with 40 feet right of way including Jade Lane, Jasper Lane, Topaz Drive south of Hearth Stone Drive, and Stoneridge Drive to the west of Sapphire Drive. Will any of the street grades at intersections be greater than 4%? If so, a waiver request must be requested from Section 3-3 of the Minimum Street Standards. In accordance with the ordinance, and to be consistent with other developments, staff will request that the Planning Commission determine the requirement for a developer contribution for off site improvements to Zion Road from this site to Highway 265. Zion Road is presently a 17 foot wide paved street with a 14 foot one-way concrete bridge. Engineering will try to provide a recommended amount by the Subdivision Committee meeting. Petrie: Are the street grades at intersection over 4%? Moore: I'm not sure. I'll check. Petrie: On the grading plans, it appears that way. Keep in mind that is the minimum street requirement. Less than minimum street requirements require a waiver. Moore: How do you determine the off site improvement? Petrie: We plan on placing traffic counters to determine the existing traffic on Zion Road. Then we have to make a determination on what additional traffic is going to be generated from this development. Moore: Is it based on the 5 people out there or the 5,000 who will be out there. Petrie: Under the ordinance, it is done by rational nexus method which would include all the traffic after construction. These comments concerning streets, drainage, water, and sewer are on the assumption that these utilities and facilities will be available for connection from the previously approved Stonewood • Subdivision If for any reason that subdivision fails to be completed and these connections cannot be made, additional comments would be necessary. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 13 Conklin: We will not accept a final plat without that development preceding you through the final plat process. It's important that there is coordination between you and the adjoining developer to the west. Utility Comments jvlike Phipps. Ozarks Electnc I need a quad crossing at the end of Topaz Drive in the culdesac. I need a quad crossing at the end of Jasper Lane. Also, along Waterstone Drive at the southeast corner of 53 to the northeast corner of 52, we need a crossing. On the crossing from 47 to 46, I need a 6 inch. I need a 6 inch from 41 to the south Park Area. I need a 6 inch from 41 and 42 to 67 and 66. I need a 15 foot utility easement between 41 and 42. I need another 15 foot utility easement between 46 and 45. Moore: What I'm trying to do on that is save those trees and I offset the easement from the property line. It is a 15 foot easement but it's really 30 feet to the edge of the easement from the west property. Does that make sense? Phipps: I'm talking about the easement between 41 and 42. Johney is that all right? Boles: I think we need 20. We need 4 to 5 foot separation. Conklin: Do the utilities understand that the back easement is not on the back property line? There space between the back property line and the utility easement. Phipps: I need a 10 foot utility easement for all street lights. We need you to locate those. The crossings need to be 42 inches deep. Kevin Lefler. Cox Communications I need quad crossing from 7 and 8 to 33 and 34 and a crossing from 34 and 35 to 81 and 80. All these crossings need to be quad and I think we need the easements to be 20 foot. Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas I did some research and our plat records show Zion Estates has been piped. I'm going to give you a copy of what we have. Our existing facilities are going to go through the middle of lot 61, 62, and 71. We have a 3 inch high pressure line on the south side of Zion Road and if you would, show that on your plat. What you're showing at the intersection is a gas meter and that is a double main line settings it's converting gas pressure from 120 pounds to 30 pounds. It's not a gas meter. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 14 Warrick: Ron and I did some research yesterday and we found Zion Estates Subdivision and as best as we tell, they came through preliminary plat, actually did some of the construction, and never finaled it. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 15 PP99-I1: PRELIMINARY PLAT MCMILLIN ESTATES, PP441 This item was submitted by Steve Hesse of Engineering Design Associates on behalf of TFJ Nominee Trust for property located at the southeast corner of Wedington Drive and I-540. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 27.48 acres with 9 lots proposed. Steve Hesse was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Individual rare or landmark trees are to be identified in the area of construction. If there are no rare trees existing in the limits of construction, a note stating so is required. Tree replacement will be addressed during the development of the individual commercial lots. Jim Johnson.-1—L&djixnss xt A name should be selected for the street through this project. Please contact 9-1-1 Addressing to coordinate the name choice so as not to duplicate existing street names. Willie Newman. Solid Waste Street width was adequate. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005 An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. A 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to the curb exists along Wedington Drive. Futrall Drive is a collector street which requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot green space. This needs to be shown on the plat. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Contact the 911 Coordinator, Jim Johnson, at 575-8380 for street name approval. Street lights are required at intersections and every 300 feet. No sight distance problems were noted. Be advised that Futrall Drive is a one way street north bound. Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 16 Warrick: Hesse: I don't know if McMillin is appropriate but he might accept that as a street name. I think that is what we had last time but I can't remember. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No parks fee since this is zoned C-2. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 441 to the title block. Add a flood plain reference to the plat from the current FIRM maps dated July 21, 1999. Show the required setbacks for each lot. Add the owner information including the name, address, telephone, etc. A certification block is not required for preliminary plat. Regarding street requirements, the curb cut locations for each lot will be reviewed at the time of large scale development. Cross access between lots will be expected. Futrall Drive is a collector street. Please verify that there is at least 35 feet of right of way from the centerline of Futrall Drive. Is a connection possible to the south? Design Overlay District requires a minimum 250 feet from the intersection to the curb cut. Add a note to the plat that the access to Wedington and Shiloh needs to be limited. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. Are any subdivision signs proposed? If so, locate them on the plat. Much of this property is located within the Design Overlay District as indicated on the plat. All new utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Developers or preliminary plat are required by ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the public hearings of the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions. Ron Petrie Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than November 3 in order to continue to the Subdivision Committee. Regarding water, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet with the waterline centered. Wider easements shall be required if the • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 17 easement contains any other utility. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wing walls. Gate valves are required on all leads at tee and cross fittings. Increase the water line size to 8 inches for all lines. Revise the construction note. It is recommended the PVC DR -14 is used in lieu of ductile iron. If ductile iron is used it must be polyethylene encased. Provision for future irrigation lines for services that cross streets should be provided which include a 2 inch service main and 2 inch gate valve. The existing water line along Wedington Drive will have to be lowered or encasement provided if 36 inches of cover cannot be maintained. Extend the 8 inch water line along Futrall Drive to the south subdivision boundary. Regarding sanitary sewer, a minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanctuary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility or if the depth of the sanitary sewer is greater than 10 feet. The proposed route along Wedington Drive is not feasible due to the grade and the lack of cover over the pipe. It may be possible to connect to a sewer line located north of Wedington Drive. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wing walls. Contact Paul Hawkins at OMI to insure that the existing lift stations have the extra capacity for these additional lots. All manholes must have "rain catchers." Hesse: I have talked to Paul Hawkins and he said there was capacity. Regarding grading, additional items are needed in order to accept the preliminary grading plan. Provide a signed copy of the storm water, drainage, and erosion control permit application sheet along with the appropriate review fee. The engineer is responsible for designing adequate erosion control, not the contractor. Also, a construction entrance must be provided during construction to minimize the amount of mud and debris tracked onto the public streets. Label the proposed cut and fill slopes. Construction time schedule, description of fill and compaction material, and dust control measures must be provided by the engineer or contractor on the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference. Regarding drainage, in general all drainage easements should be separate from utility easements and be 20 feet in width. All swales and pipes not located in public street right of way shall be private and privately maintained by the POA, HOA, or similar entity. Clarify who will own lot 10. Contact the Corp of Engineers regarding the need for a 404 permit or other permit that might be required for this proposed construction. The preliminary drainage report that was submitted was only reviewed for general compliance with preliminary requirements and cannot be approved until the following items are addressed in sufficient detail: A. Because the majority of the off site watershed is undeveloped at this time, provide • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 18 additional calculations and hydrographs for the effects of this run off on the existing peak discharges. B. Provide a copy of the watershed on a USGS topographical map to confirm the watershed boundaries. Petrie: If lot 10 is not buildable put a note on the plat. The final drainage report must determine the 100 year water surface elevation for all flows, including over the culverts, between lots, in the streets, and in the channels. The rerouting of the drainage within the AHTD right of way requires approval from the AHTD prior to acceptance of the plan by the City. The items listed in the August 19, 1999 letter by FEMA must be completed and a letter of map revision accepted by FEMA. Regarding streets, the proposed intersection with Futrall Drive should be revised to intersect at 90 degrees. Label the centerline curve data. The minimum street standards requires a minimum of a 150 feet centerline radius Contact AHTD to confirm that this is not a controlled access drive and that the location of this intersection is feasible. Utility Comments Michael Campbell. SWEPCO I have an existing 20 foot easement running north and south on lot 8 and 9. I'll need a 20 foot utility easement on lot 9. Provide a quad crossing to lot 7 and center the easement on the lot line of 4 and 6. I need a quad crossing from lot 1 to lot 2 running north. We'll coordinate services at large scale development. Any relocation costs will be at the owner's expense. Kevin Lefler. TCA Cable I request the same easements and crossing as SWEPCO. Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas I'm feeding this with a 4 inch plastic line. Any relocation will be at the developer's expense. This is a 30 pound line. Warrick: The Bob Falk, the Southwestern Bell representative is not present and we would ask that you contact him. The right of way on Wedington is 55 from the centerline and that needs to be dedicated by Warranty Deed. The Commercial Design Standards have been set and you should contact the owner for that information. The unifying theme has an eyebrow feature. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 19 FP99-7: FINAL PLAT ZION VALLEY, PP136 This item was submitted Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull & Associates on behalf of Lenk Development for property located south of Zion Road. The property is zoned R-2, medium Density Residential and contains approximately 27.72 acres with 100 condominium units proposed. Karl Thiel was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Tree replacement was a requirement of the approved preliminary plat. A cash bond or letter of credit for proposed trees amounting to a canopy coverage of 98,500 sf is required prior to acceptance of Final Plat. The appropriate signature block for the Landscape Administrator is required on the Final Plat document. Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Addressing Show the street name Zion Valley Dr. from the north entrance at Zion Road south on the east side of the project to the south end of the east culdesac. The west side of the loop should be shown as Meadow View Drive. Vantage should be Drive and Stearns is Street. Willie Newman, Solid Waste No Comment Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails The sidewalks required have been completed. However, there is some sidewalk that has been broken at the northeast comer of Zion Valley Drive. Sidewalks need to be shown in the legend. The sidewalks and greenspace between the curb and the sidewalk need to be shown. Also, the widths of the sidewalks and greensapce need to be shown. Certificate of Approval of Sidewalks needs to be added to the plat. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Show the interior approved street names as private drives. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 20 Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator This project is in the northeast park quadrant and the billing address is Zion Valley, Jack Torre, 108 E. Emma St., Springdale, AR 72765. Please indicate UDO 166.03K in the Title Block area for Parks & Recreation when adding the title block information. The Parks and Recreation Board recommended accepting money in lieu of land. A waiver was requested through the City Council and was approved by Resolution 38-96. Parks fees in the amount of $24,960 was received on July 28, 1998 representing 104 multi units at $240 each. Since park land ordinance fees are due at Final Plat, an additional $5,040 will be due before signing off on the mylar. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with UDO 166.03K. Also, Ordinance 4068 required the formula base to be updated every 2 years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual multi unit fee for 1999 is $300 each multiplied by 100 units = $30,000. $24,960 paid leaves a balance of $5,050. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, the application must be signed by the owner of record unless a letter from the owner is submitted stating that an agent is authorized to sign on his behalf. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 136 to the title block. Include the panel number and effective date for flood certification. Add the property owner/developer information to the plat. Street requirements were adequate. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. Locate the entrance feature/sign on the plat. Add addresses for each unit. Contact Jim Johnson, 911 Addressing for this information. Use the correct certification block for this final plat. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all revisions must be made and 37 revised copies submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief Add a fire hydrant between the building on lots 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 just north of building 17 and between buildings 64 and 65. Ron Petrie. Eneineenng In general, it appears that several items were not included in the signature block. Is it necessary that the phase lines be shown on this final plat? Regarding water and sanitary sewer, show the offsite sewer easement at the southeast corner and label same. Also, place the instrument number of the recorded easement. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 21 Regarding drainage, add a note to the final plat that all open channels, ditches, detention ponds, and storm pipes located outside the City right of way is privately owner and will be privately maintained. Provide a chart with the finished floor elevations and show 2 or 3 benchmarks on the plat for reference during the house construction. Utility Comments Warrick: Our Southwestern Bell representative is not present and we would ask that you contact him. Mike Phipps Ozarks Electric We'll plan on serving these lots from the front. We need you to stake the centerline of the existing easement. Kevin Lefler, Cox Communications Easements as shown are fine. Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas Easements as shown are fine. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 22 PP99-12: PRELIMINARY PLAT PINE VALLEY, PHASE V, PP363 This item was submitted by Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull & Associates on behalf of BMP Development for property located north of Wildwood Drive and west of Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains approximately 5 acres with 6 lots proposed. Chris Parton and Rick Kershaw were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Willie Newman. Solid Waste No Comment Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The 6 foot greenspace between the curb and sidewalk needs to be shown. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent No Comment Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator This is located in the northwest park quadrant and the billing address is BMP Development, Rick Kershaw, 3065 N. College, #146, Fayetteville, AR 72703, 750-1168. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board recommended accepting money in lieu of land in the amount of $4,200. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with UDO 166.03K. Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula based to be updated every 2 years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will determined on the date of Final Plat Planning Commission approval unless it is approved at the Final Subdivision Committee level. However, before Parks staff will approve the easement between lots 83 and 84 must be provided at Pinecrest Subdivision and the gazebo roof and ramp must be completed within Craft Park at High Lake Subdivision. • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 23 Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Plat requirements were adequate. Regarding street requirements, a shared access easement needs to be identified on the plat. Due to the narrow lot configuration, shared driveways are requested to reduce the number of curb cuts and potential traffic conflicts. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this plat to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions must be submitted by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Developers of preliminary plats are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the Subdivision and Planning Commission meetings and proof of said notification is required when revisions are submitted. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than November 3 in order to continue to the Subdivision Committee. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, is there an existing utility easement on the west side of lot 1 in Phase I that is owned by Ronald & Barbara Johnson? If so, add or label that. Also, label the line on the north side of this lot. There is a $200 per R-1 residential lot assessment to new development in the Hamestring Creek Basin. The assessment is for the construction of a force main existing from lift station number 7. (14 residential units x $200/unit = $2,800.) All manholes must have rain catchers. Regarding grading, due to the flood plain and the grade of the lots, a formal grading permit must be obtained for each lot in accordance with Physical Alteration of Land Ordinance. Note this on the final plat. An assessment of $240 per residential unit for improvements to Salem Road and Shiloh Drive and is due at the time of final plat approval. (14 residential units x $240/unit = $3,360) Have all of the items been paid or constructed that BMP & RESCOM were responsible to complete? It is my understanding that the cash contribution for the balance of the Millsap Drive in the Brookhaven Subdivision has yet to be paid. Provide a cost estimate for review by Engineering. • • .00 • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 24 Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator If any grading or other disturbance is required for the development of this subdivision with the limits of tree canopy, tree preservation is required and shall be shown on the construction plans. A tree preservation fee is required for all preliminary plats. Utility Comments Jvhke Phipps Ozarks Electric We will have to serve this from the front. Kevin Lefler, Cox Communications No comment. Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas No comment. Warrick: The representative from Southwestern Bell, Bob Falk, is not present today and we ask that you contact him. • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 25 FP99-8: FINAL PLAT COVINGTON PARK , PH II, PP295 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Covington Park Development, Inc. for property located north of Blue Mesa Drive. The property is zoned R- 1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 14.65 acres with 33 lots proposed. Dave Jorgensen was present on behalf of the request. Staff Comment Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Prior to acceptance of the final plat, I request a resolution concerning the following rare trees that exist within utility easements: a 42 inch twin oak between lots 92 and 106 and a 40 inch sycamore between lots 100 and 101. Willie Newman. Solid Waste No Comment Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. A sidewalk symbol needs to be added to the legend. The right of way where the sidewalks and greenspace are located needs to be graded in some locations to meet the requirements of both the street and sidewalk standards. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Township Street should be Township Road. Street light locations were adequate. No sight distance problems were noted. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator This is located in the northeast park quadrant and the billing address is Covington Park Dev, Inc., Don Cozart and Rob Lewis, 2709 North Drake Street, Fayetteville, AR 72703. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended accepting partial land and money on April 23, 1998. The City Council approved this by Resolution 1458-98. A total of 2.25 acres of park land was accepted in Phase I and banked 0.15 acres which is a credit of 6 lots. This leaves a total balance • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 26 of 27 units unpaid at a balance of $10,125. This fee is based on the present park land formula which is updated every 2 years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined at the date of approval by the Planning Commission unless this is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, dimension all right of way from centerline. Refer to Engineering and utility comments regarding easements. Street requirements were adequate. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this plat to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions must be submitted by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Ron Petrie. Engineering In general, the final inspection for this subdivision will have to be completed before the project can be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee. Lots 116 through 118 were not shown on the preliminary plat nor on the construction plans. Were water and sewer services provided for these lots? Jorgensen: They are in the process of being provided service. Regarding easements, the easement on the south side of lot 105 should be a drainage easement. The easement on the south side of lot 116 should also be a drainage easement to match phase I. Add drainage easements through the pond and on the east side of lot 118 as necessary Add a 20 foot utility easement between Tots 96 and 97. The easement between lots 97 and 98 should be a drainage easement. What is the distance from the storm pipe to the edge of the easement? Is this easement required to be wider? Show the off site easements north of lot 97 and label the recorded instrument numbers. Regarding drainage, show the minimum finished floor elevations for the future houses on lots 97, 98, 116, 117, and 118. The phase line on Covington Park Blvd. should be extended to the south side of lot 118. Prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat the following are required resolution of the comments listed above; completion of all items listed on the punch list and final inspection notes; all disturbed areas shall be revegetated; as built drawing, construction cost data, and maintenance bonds must be provided; and, the survey requirements and concrete monuments should be checked by Jim Petty. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 27 Petrie: We have to have the final inspection before it can be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee. Any time frame on that? Jorgensen: We've had good weather and they're moving right along. They're getting ready to lay curb and gutter in some places. They have a tremendous amount to do. Warrick: Check your spacing on the certification block. It has shifted. I need to put you on notice that the connection to Highway 45 is a requirement of the preliminary plat and it must be constructed within 24 months of the preliminary plat approval Jorgensen: They have started portions of it. Utility Comments Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electric Regarding the tree at 92 and 106, we discussed moving service to the south side of 91 and 97. That is what the 20 foot utility easement is for. I'Il stop there and trench to 92 and 96 and call that a secondary pedestal. I'm coming from the south to the north to 91 and then we'll go back east between 108 and 107. We'll take the crossing there. Warrick: Can we eliminate the easement between 92 and 106? Phipps: Yes. Just north of that property pin, I need to set a pedestal. Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas I will be feeding from the south to the north and I could put a double service just across that property line. Is there adequate area? Hesse: Yes, if you don't do trenching. Boles: The utility crossings have already been installed. Phipps: They don't have any pavement down. They could still cut one in. Jorgensen: Is the easement between 92 and 106 going to be wide enough? Boles: I don't want to be pinched in there. Jorgensen: Are you going to have a transformer setting there? • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 28 Phipps: I'll have a secondary pedestal and I'll be 24 inches deep. Boles: I'll have a secondary pedestal and a gas meter. Kevin Lefler. Cox Communications Same easements as requested. Warrick. Contact Bob Falk at Southwestem Bell for his requirements. Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 29 LSD99-25: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT 3R & 8 WEDINGTON PLACE, PP401 This item was submitted by Roger Trotter of Roger Trotter Development Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Clary Development Corp. for property located at lots 3R and 8 of Wedington Place. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 11.79 acres. Roger Trotter and Jeff Maxwell were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse. Landscape Administratol Final landscape plan is required prior to acceptance of building permit. Please refer to Off Street Parking Ordinance for requirements. Specifically provide notes and details for appropriate planting bed preparation and plant installation. Jim Johnson. 9-1-1 Addressing Street names should be selected for the east to west drive through this project. Willie Newman. Solid Waste No Comment Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The sidewalk and greenspace are shown as required a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 foot greenspace. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Move the street light to the corner of Tahoe and adjust the other street light halfway between Colorado and Tahoe. No sight distance problems were noted. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned commercial. • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 30 Dawn Wamck. Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, refer to the Engineering and Landscape Administrator comments. Elevations are not labeled. Regarding plat requirements, update the flood certification to reflect the most current FIRM maps dated July 21, 1999. Regarding street requirements, variances are required for distances between curb cuts in the Design Overlay District which are less than 200 feet. Staff does not support the request for a 30 foot access drive and aisles. Parking requirements were adequate. Lot requirements were adequate. Elevations for proposed signs are required for Commercial Design Standards review. Design Overlay District has been shown on the plat. All utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: We've looked at increasing the drive way width for areas where cross access was tight, but you have a straight shot getting vehicles in and out of the service area. We don't feel 30 is justified. Conklin: Can you explain why you want the 30 feet? Maxwell: Just for ease of traffic movement and less congestion. Warrick. A wider street will make people go faster. Conklin: You can request it. My understanding is you want to make sure your traffic and vehicles are located in the lanes they're suppose to be. The wider the curb cut you have, the more potential you have for people not going where they're supposed to be. You have people drifting or 3 people trying to get out. Our standards do provide for left and right exit lanes with one lane entrance if you want to widen it that way. In order for this plat to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions must be submitted by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 1999. Developers of large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the Subdivision and Planning Commission meetings and proof of said notification is required when revisions are submitted. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief Add 1 hydrant at the front entrance to lot 3R off Steamboat Drive for the 10,400 square foot retail building. Ron Petrie. Engineering Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 31 In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information is required to be provided by November 3, 1999. Regarding water, the minimum easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. The easement on the north side of the strip center should be 20 feet. The easement on the south side of the strip center should be widened so that the water line is a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the easement. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Add the fire protection lines to the plan. The design engineer for the internal sprinkler system will have to design the size of the fire protection line. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wing walls, and retaining walls. The water line cannot be constructed closer than 10 feet from any building footing. Regarding sanitary sewer, there is a fee equivalent to $200 per R-1 residential lot assessment for the construction of a force main exiting from lift station 7 in the Hamestring Creek basin. At 88,750 square feet of gross commercial building area, the fee is estimated to be $5,325. Minimum easement for sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer line centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be provided if the easement contains any other utility or if the sewer line is deeper than 10 feet. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wing walls, and retaining walls. Provide "rain catchers" for all new manholes. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan does not contain all the information required. Label the proposed side slopes of the detention ponds. The proposed detention pond side slopes must be located outside the existing utility easement that contains the existing sewer lines. Because of the height of the proposed retaining wall, it is required to be designed and inspected by a registered engineering. Safety railing must also be provided. Show all of the proposed grading outside the parking lots. Provide a construction time schedule, describe the fill and compaction material, provide dust control and runoff control measures on the construction plans or at the time of the preconstruction conference. Show setbacks from the edge of the easement. Where no utilities are present or where utilities are planned to be relocated, and where such action is approved by all utilities, easements may fall within cut and fill section. The primary concern is the existing sewer line north of the detention pond. Regarding drainage, per the Drainage Criteria Manual, the dry detention ponds are required to be sodded with concrete trickle channels. Do not include the entire detention pond in the easement. The preliminary drainage report was only reviewed for general compliance. All drainage outside of the public right of way shall be private and privately maintained. Please note this on the plat and all future plats including the easement plat. The new drainage easement on the east side of • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 32 Colorado Drive should be labeled private. The proposed vacation of the easements must be approved by the City Council prior to construction. Consider including the easements to be vacated on Lots 4A and 4B when these vacations are brought forward. Utility Comments Michael Campbell. SWEPCO I have a concern about the utility easement located in the rear of these buildings. They really aren't useable for the installation of facilities back there. They're in the driveway. Petrie: That was just for this water line. Campbell: We need 20 feet of useable space out of driveways, etc for us to install our utilities back there. The only other solution is to install it in the parking lot in greenspaces. Trotter: That would be fine but in the area by the grocery store, it's tight back there because of the detention. Campbell: Our proposed route was to loop everything in the rear of the building. If there is some reason we can't get a useable easement in the back, you're point of service will be either in the parking lot or along Colorado Drive. You would have to run secondary from that point to all 4 of the buildings. That's an expensive proposition for the developer. Petrie. There is an existing 20 foot easement on the north side of this lot. Campbell: We would have to take the services through or around the detention pond. We could go through the pavement. We have a pad mount transformer which is a 9x9 box. Trotter: The bottom line is you need a loop and we'll work that out. Campbell: Will these buildings have fire walls? It's required by code. Trotter: Yes. Campbell: There are restrictions on how many transformers we can set. We'll work out the details. There are 7 crossings we need to have installed underneath the street on the west and east side. That accounts for 3 on each side. We need 4 inch quad conduit schedule 40. The 7th one will be from the Bank of Fayetteville, Lot 2 to the retail building in the parking lot. Also, a crossing from lot 2 back to the west. • • • Plat Review Minutes October 27, 1999 Page 33 Kevin Lefler Cox Cable Same comments as SWEPCO. Will these buildings come back as Targe scales? Warrick: This is your Targe scale development. Lefler: I'm not sure. Trotter: Let me know. We'll put them where you need them. ,Tohney Boles Arkansas Western Cias No comment. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.