HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-01 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review was held on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LSD99-20: Connolly, pp522 PP99-8: AR Research & Technology Park, Ph I. pp245 MEMBERS PRESENT Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Michael Campbell, SWEPCO Bob Falk, Southwestem Bell Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric STAFF PRESENT Jim Beavers Tim Conklin Gregg Jewsbury Janet Johns Wayne Ledbetter Alett Little Ron Petrie Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forward to SC-w/revisions Forward to SC-w/revisions MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF ABSENT Peny Franklin Kim Hesse Mickey Jackson Kim Rogers Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 2 LSD99-22: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT CONNOLLY, PP522 This item was submitted by Tim Sorey of Sand Creek Engineering on behalf of Connolly Inc. for property located on Highway 62 South, east of Government and west of South. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial and contains approximately 1.079 acres. Tim Sorey was present on behalf of the request. Staff Reports Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005 An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The sidewalk along 6th Street needs to be replaced because of the broken and collapsed condition. Mike Pickens at the AHTD will need to be contacted for a permit. Also, the Sidewalk & Trails Division at the City of Fayetteville will need to be notified for an inspection prior to the concrete pour. Warrick: He didn't mention anything about the location and width of the sidewalk and I'll ask you to get in touch with him. Perry Franklin. Traffic Supenntendent Street names were adequate. Install one 250 watt high pressure sodium light if there is no street Tight within 300 feet of this location. No sight distance problems were noted. A trip generation report is on file in the Planning Division. ADA parking spaces are adequate as shown. The van access aisle must have at least 36 inches to access the sidewalk in front of the ramp at the east end of the building. Sorey: If there is one within 300 feet, then this is okay? Warrick: That's correct. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned I-1 and it does not pertain to the Park Land Ordinance. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 3 Regarding submittal requirements, a diskette is required for this project submittal. Elevations only show the front facade. Elevations of the proposed signage are necessary for review. Warrick: On the elevations, I will need some information showing the east and west sides. Regarding plat requirements, label the zoning for adjacent properties. Label the adjacent property owners. Include a name of the individual with the development company who will sign the easement plat. Add plat page 522 to the title block. Show the layout of adjoining property for 300 feet. Dimension the right of way from the centerline. Warrick: I'm really interested in seeing curb cuts in the vicinity of the project and any major structures. Regarding street requirements, Highway 62 is classified as a principal arterial in this location which required a total of 110 feet of right of way. Dedication of 55 feet from the centerline is required for this project. The number of curb cuts and potential cross access locations shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. • Regarding parking requirements, parking spaces along the east property line need to be extended to the standard length. The 2 curb cuts off of Highway 62 are a concern. Sorey: We'll make those compact spaces regular type spaces. Warrick: At the entry you have 2 striped areas and we would prefer those to be extensions of the landscape area. Sorey: That's how we had it originally, but trying to get a truck in and out, they need that to be able to make the swing. Warrick: Can part of it be landscaped? Maybe a shorter distance? We're trying to protect those parking stalls from incoming traffic. Sorey: I understand. Let me put a truck turning radius on there and see what I can manage and I'll get whatever we can fit in. Conklin: Okay. Warrick: The number of curb cuts will be a Planning Commission decision. • Lot requirements were adequate. • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 4 Screening will be required between this project and any adjacent residential uses. The proposed signs do not meet the setback requirement from the front right of way. Only one sign is permitted for a commercial development such as this one. All new utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: I think you have some residential near one of the corners. Conklin: On your curb cuts, you'll need Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department approval. You'll have to get a permit from them before you can actually construct those. You're showing 25 feet in width. For 1 way in and 1 way out, the standard is 24 feet and you need to revise that. You're loading dock in the back, how high is that going to be? Sorey: It's going to be short so it can be utilized by either a van or a truck. It's not a typical 4.17 foot tall semi -tractor trailer dock. Conklin: Our ordinance requires that anything over 30 inches in height cannot encroach in the setback. Sorey: We have less than 4 feet. How high did you say? Conklin: 2 and a half feet. Sorey: What is the setback? Conklin: It's a 10 foot setback in I-1. You're just barely in it. Warrick: You need to shorten or lower the dock. In order for this project to continue in this review, 37 revised copies of the plat and a diskette are to be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 8, 1999. 12 copies of revised color rendered elevations must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m on Wednesday, September 8, 1999. Developers of all large scale development are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming Subdivision and Planning Commission hearings. Ron Petrie, Engineenng • In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 5 review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than September 8, 1999 All work within the Highway 62 right of way must be approved by the AHTD. Regarding grading, add the information included on the Grading Plan Checklist. A final grading plan must be submitted before approval of the construction plans and should include a copy of the Stormwater Management and Drainage Erosion Control Permit. Show the adjacent property owners. Provide the existing soils types according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The proposed cut slopes along the western property line must be setback a minimum of 5 feet from the property line unless approval is given by the adjacent property owner. Petrie: You may have to consider a short retaining wall. Regarding drainage, the preliminary drainage report was reviewed for general compliance and cannot be accepted until all items are submitted in accordance with Section 1.2 of the City of Fayetteville Drainage Criteria Manual. How were the flows calculated? What C or CN factors were used for the flow calculations? Provide supporting data to the flow calculations. If detention is not proposed, then supporting calculations and documentation of downstream conditions must be provided. In order to meet the drainage requirements and not provide detention, a written agreement from the downstream property owner must be provided. This will be made a condition of approval. Petrie: What property does Mr. Hanna own? Sorey: The Hanna property is our entire south line. Actually, I believe it goes on to the east half of our south line to line up with the jog. The water that is coming off here will turn before the warehouse. If we discharged at the leg, it would get to the warehouse. I don't think there is any defined swale along the north side of the warehouse. From what I could see, everything is basically going along the west side of the warehouse and going on to the back. Petrie: I need you to trace what water is going where. The warehouse is right there so you may need to get their approval also. Since there isn't any detention, we're going to have to make sure everybody is aware of what's going on. You specifically mentioned all these curb cuts in the back. Are you sure that's what Mr. Hanna wants? Sorey: To separate the flow, yes. We basically agreed that we wouldn't give a point source discharge or one single drain coming off to create an erosion problem there. I don't know of an easier way to accomplish that. Petrie: This is all going to be paved? • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 6 Sorey: No. It's grass There's going to be a standing curb and then a grass area. Warrick: How tall is the curb? Sorey: I was planning on a 6 to 8 inch curb. I need to run some numbers. Conklin: So, the water sheet flows along the back. Sorey: A good portion of the water is going to be off the road. This will flow toward the end and will get out away from the building. Petrie: It's almost going to act as a detention pond. I want to see how you have calculated those flows so I can compare the pre and post. Warrick. Regarding commercial design standards, I need to see your site coverage calculations. I need information regarding how you're going to screen your utilities. Sorey: I imagine that would be on the roof but I haven't seen anything from the architect. Warrick: Those cannot be visible from the street right of way. If that is not seen on the drawing then we shouldn't see it on the ground. Sorey: It's going to sit down in a hole. Conklin: Did we receive the elevations? Sorey: No. I have informed the architect that you need that. He didn't have time to get them submitted with my plans. Warrick. We have to have those with the other revisions. We will need 12 copies of the elevations. Regarding adjoining property notification, you can provide us with the receipts from certified letters, publish a notice in the paper, or take a plat around for each owner to sign. You have your option on that but proof of notification is due with your revisions. Utility Comments Michael Campbell, SWEPCO We're going to need a 20 foot utility easement to cover that route that you indicate on the plans as being the underground gas, electric, and telephone that runs along the west and south sides. I'm confused on the plat. There is a line on the utility plan that shows the transformer to be on • • • Techmcal Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 7 the west property line. The text may need to be taken off. Sorey: That's the old location and we're going to get it moved over. Campbell: Just coordinate with SWEPCO regarding the load and voltage for this building. The contractor will be responsible for the underground conduit and the transformer pad. Sorey: Would you like a note on the plans to that affect? Campbell: Please. ,IQhney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas Do you have any idea how many potential tenants spaces they are talking about? Sorey: They're talking about 2 right now that I know of. Boles: The easements that Michael requested are sufficient. Sorey: It went from half of it being 1 user and the other half being potentially multi-user but I believe now they just have 2 tenants that they're planning for. Boles: With only 2 tenants, they aren't going to allow us to place the meters at the building. They'll want them along the road frontage. I'll get with you at a later date. Sorey: I'll talk to Mr. Connolly, too, and make sure that if he does break up the second space and have 3, we could put the meters at the building. Boles: We have to go with the worst case scenario because our policy has changed. They have to be classified as multiple for the meters to be located at the buildingg. If I send ajob in with 2 meters, most the time they won't approve it. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell Telephone The easements requested will suffice. I also need a 4 inch PVC from the telephone pedestal back to the point of entry which will probably be at the rear of the building. As soon as you know who your tenants are, I'd like to know so we can determine the size of cable for the building. Kevin Lefler, Cox Cable Warrick: Mr. Lefler faxed in his comments. He stated they have cable along Highway 62. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 8 He requests two 2 inch conduits leading to the building from a predetermined point outside. Any cost of relocating service will be at the owner's or developer's expense. Is there a pole that you're coming off of'? Sorey: Yes. Warrick: Electric, phone, and cable are coming off of that? The service will be underground then? Sorey: Yes. Conklin: Is this a major overhead line along Hwy 265? Campbell: Yes. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 9 PP99-8: PRELIMINARY PLAT ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK, PHASE I, PP245 This item was submitted by Charles Venable on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located west of Highway 112 and I-540 interchange and east of Deane Soloman Road. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial and contains approximately 56.76 acres with 12 lots proposed. Wayne Ledbetter and Alett Little were present on behalf of the project. Staff Reports Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Sidewalks need to be added to the legend. A table showing street names, right of way, street widths, green space widths, and sidewalk widths needs to be added to the plat. The plat should also reflect whether sidewalks will be on 1 or both sides of the street. Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Addressing Market Place cannot be used as a street name. There is an existing street named Market. An altemate name needs to be selected for Circuit Court. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comment since this is zoned I-1 it does not pertain to the Park Land Ordinance. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Market Place must be renamed. We already have a Market Street to the north off of Rolling Hills Drive. Show the street name between lots 22 and 23. Show street light locations. High pressure sodium, downward lighting, street lights are required every 300 feet, at the end of streets, and at intersections. No sight distance problems were noted. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. The project diskette is located in the City Engineering Division. Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 10 Re -orient the vicinity map to be in the same direction as the project on the plat. Dimension all rights of way from the centerline. Adjust the north arrow for the project plat. Regarding street requirements, Shiloh Dr., Deane Solomon Rd., R & T Park Blvd., and Technology Drive are all classified as collector streets on the Master Street Plan requiring a total of 70 feet of right of way each. The Master Street Plan shows Technology extending to intersect Trucker's Dr. and Trucker's extending west across Deane Solomon Rd. These need to be shown on the plat. A portion of this property is within the Design Overlay District. Show the district boundary on the plat. All new utilities shall be located underground All lots within this development shall be required to go through the large scale development approval process. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 8, 1999. Developers of preliminary plats are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners and proof of notification is required with revision submission. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief Install fire hydrants at the entrance to Research & Technology Park Blvd, off Shiloh, on the lot line between lots 1 through 4 and lots 4 and 5, at the intersection of Research & Technology Park Blvd., and Technology Drive, on the east lot line of lot 26, on the lot line between 26 and 25 and lot 25 and 24, and at the intersection of Technology Drive and Deane Solomon Road. Warrick: I understand that Engineering has no comments since they are producing the plat. Utility Comments Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electnc I need a 6 inch schedule 40 crossing on Technology Drive on the west end at Deane Solomon. Warrick: Cable is requesting a two 2 inch conduits. Ledbetter: I need a 4 way? Beavers: A quad with one 6 and three 4's. • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 11 Phipps: We would like a 20 foot utility easement centered with 10 foot on each side of lot 20 and 21, 22 and 19, 19 and 23 -- all the way down that line. Warrick: Do you want it to jog around where 19 and 23 are -- Phipps: Yes. Warrick: Those are shown as setbacks. Beavers: They need to be setbacks and utility easements. Phipps: Could we get a 20 foot easement across Linear Park where we have the fiber optic? Ledbetter: Between 19 and 23 across Linear Park. Phipps: We'll go north on the east side of 23. We'll continue west at lots 1, 4, and 5 with a 20 foot all the way to Shiloh Drive. Also a 20 foot easement on lots 2, 3, and 6 up to Shiloh • Drive. Warrick: Do you have something on Shiloh? Phipps: We have an overhead. We'll need a quad crossing at R & T Park to Shiloh. Ledbetter: Do you have a transverse at the intersection? • Phipps: Yes. I need a 6 inch at the north end of R & T Blvd. at the intersection with Technology Drive. Back to Deane Soloman, the 20 foot easement on the north side of Technology Drive since these are 7 and 8 acre lots, I'd like a 20 foot easement between lots 25 and 24. It's quite a ways back there and the transformer may have to sit back along the lot line somewhere. Conklin: Can we get that at large scale development? Warrick: One thing we're trying to watch out for on this is the potential for lots to be combined prior to development. If there is anything we can do -- Phipps: We could do that at large scale. Warrick: Everything must come through as a large scale. • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 12 Phipps: A 20 foot easement along Technology Drive on that side to Market Place. Warrick: We'll have to dedicate off site easements on the phase I final plat. Phipps: I need the street light locations to get my easements. Warrick: They're going to take them down the center of the boulevard. Phipps: We'll need conduits to them. Are the street lights going to be ours or something they choose to provide. Ledbetter: We'll find that out. Phipps: I could serve from the back like between lots 1 and 4 with a 10 foot easement between them to get to the island there. Conklin: We're trying to avoid those easements between the lots. • Phipps: Right now, the power will be from that back side. • Petrie: Do we need a separate connection for each street light? Can you set the meter somewhere along Shiloh. Phipps: It wouldn't be metered but a source for me to hook up. Petrie: If we did that then we could do the whole thing? Phipps: Yes, and Just run one piece of conduit all the way through the center of the boulevard. Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas Mike's comments take care of us for phase I. Bob Falk. Southwestern Bell Everything looks fine. Kevin Lefler. Cox Cable There is no cable in that area and at the time for future cable and service, two 2 inch conduits • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 13 should be placed for service as the electric company request. Also, we request the developer to get with us in the near future. Phipps: We've got underground power to Southwestern Bell's remote and it's on the east side of lot 11. Add that easement. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.