HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-02 - Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat was held on June 2, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LS D -15.1: St. Louis Bread Co. pp174 PP99-5.1: Stonewood Subdivision pp99/60 LS99-11: Larson, pp367 LSD96-18.1: Creekside Plaza, pp566 LS99-12: Schmitt, pp298 LSD -17: Spring Creek, pp174 LSD98-12.1: Trichell Medical Office, pp212 MEMBERS PRESENT Michael Campbell - SWEPCO Rick Evans - ArkWestem Bob Falk - SWB Kevin Lefler - TCA Mike Phipps - Ozarks STAFF PRESENT Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Mickey Jackson Janet Johns Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Dawn Wan -ick ACTION TAKEN Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision Approved (utility review only) Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF ABSENT Tim Conklin • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 2 LSD -15.1: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ST. LOUIS BREAD COMPANY, PP 174 This item was submitted by Chris Parton of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of the St. Louis Bread Company for property located at the northeast corner of Front Street and Sain Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 0.918 acres. Chris Parton was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator A tree preservation plan is required and can be included as a part of the grading plan. Trees within street rights of way are to be preserved. Change the grading to reflect that no ground disturbance is present within the drip line of the existing trees. The existing Sycamore tree is rare and to be preserved as well. This development is to meet all off street parking lot and commercial design requirements. Provide 15 feet landscaped area between the right of way and the parking area. Parking is to be screened from the right of way with minimum 4 feet high planting of shrubs. Some method of irrigation is required for landscaping in parking areas. A detailed landscape plan is due for my review prior to building permit approval. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to ordinance. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Because of the existing trees, the 6 foot sidewalk will need to be constructed adjacent to the curb. However, it needs to be constructed behind the approach through the driveways and shown on the plat. The above conditions shall apply to Front Street and Sain Street. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent A street light will be required at the corner of Sain and Front streets. 3 ADA spaces are required for 60 parking spaces and one of those must be van accessible. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No monies or dedications are required of this commercial development. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 3 Submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, show the flood plain boundaries and master street plan streets on the vicinity map. The legal description for this property must be a new metes and bounds description. A property line adjustment must be filed in order to change the original lot configuration. Regarding street requirements, Front Street is classified as a collector on the master street plan which requires a total of 70 feet of right of way. A dedication of 35 feet from the centerline is required for this project. Regarding parking requirements, a conditional use request for excess parking allowing 60 total parking spaces was approved by the Planning Commission as CU99-9 at the April 26, 1999 meeting. Parking must be revised to accommodate the required green space. Lot requirements were adequate. A pole sign has been called out on the plan. Only monument sign elevations were included in the file. This project has been exempted from Design Overlay District requirements. All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat. 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999. Warrick: The location for your trash and recycling dumpster, is it screened with a fence on three sides? Parton: Yes. Warrick: Call that out so we know what happens. Conceming the cross access to the east, would it be possible to have some type of island or some type of protection for that last parking space? Parton: Yes. Ron Petrie - Engineering Petrie: My same drainage comments from last time still apply. You need to have that addressed before Subdivision Committee. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 4 In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline to continue to Subdivision Committee on June 9, 1999. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan is acceptable A final grading plan must be submitted before approval of the construction plans. Regarding drainage, the preliminary drainage report was only reviewed for general compliance and cannot be accepted until the following items have been addressed in sufficient detail. This site does not discharge directly into Mud Creek. It appears that Mud Creek is approximately 600 L.F - 1000 L.F. to the north of this site. How many properties does it have to cross before entering Mud Creek? Who owns this property? Do you have permission to discharge this additional storm water onto their property? Should downstream drainage be improved? For the storm water that is proposed to discharge into the adjacent parking lot, what type of drainage system intercepts the run off? Does run off from this site presently sheet flow onto this parking lot? If not, why do you assume that you can use their parking lot? The drainage report compares the two discharge points for the pre vs. post development flows. Does the pre developed flow currently discharge at these points? If these questions cannot be answered sufficiently, detention must be provided for this site in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual. Petrie: My only other comments is about the trees along the front in the drainage area. We discussed this yesterday. You are planning on saving those trees. Your grading plan doesn't reflect that. Parton: We're doing very minimal grading in that area. Petrie: We're putting the sidewalk against the curb to save those trees. If you can't save those trees, we want the sidewalk back where it is supposed to be. Utility Comments Michael Campbell - SWEPCO We have an existing power line just to the north of this particular tract of land that serves Vantage Square that we are intending to extend back to the south onto this site and provide power. I need a 20 foot utility easement in the rear setback dedicated for utility access. When you know your load and voltage and proposed service location, give us a call and we will work out the details for that. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 5 Rick Evans - ArkWestem We need the same easement as SWEPCO. We will work on the meter locations when they are determined. Kevin Lefler - TCA We'll follow the power in and we will need a 4 inch conduit where ever their meter is at the building to where ever you bring them out. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell The existing underground telephone cable that is shown on the east side is fiber optic cable. Take caution with that. The gas company wants to stay with the phone service. Make a call to One Call before any construction is done out there and if there need to be any adjustments, they need to call. I also need a 4 inch conduit at the same place as cable. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 6 PP99-5.1: PRELIMINARY PLAT STONEWOOD SUBDIVISION, PP99/60 This item was submitted by Kevin Hodges on behalf of Mark Foster for property located at 4786 North Crossover Road The property is zoned R-0, Residential Office, and R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 57.23 acres with 119 lots proposed. Kevin Hodges was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator This project is in the northeast park quadrant. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board previously voted on May 3, 1999 to accept money in lieu of land because the developer was going to provide a park within the subdivision. When I received the In -House and Technical Plat Review information, we realized that this was not the case. The developer had decided to turn the proposed subdivision park land into lots. Therefore, the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board held a special meeting on May 17, 1999 and still voted to accept money in lieu of land in the amount of $44,625. Park staff requested a waiver of Ordinance 3793 from the City Council and this was approved at the June 1, 1999 City Council meeting. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with Ordinance 159.30(k). Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every 2 years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval, unless it is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Hodges: We were approved at City Council last night and we will pay for park land instead of making a donation. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Identify the rare trees and indicate the DBH on the plans. Canopy ratios on the existing trees are required Show the limits of tree protection on the plans. Hodges: We will revise our grading plans. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches, and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Highway 265 is a principal arterial requiring a minimum of 10 feet • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 7 of green space with a minimum 6 foot sidewalk. The minimum green space width for the 28 foot local street is 6 feet and for the 24 foot residential street it is 5 feet. Under the heading "street information" the distinction needs to be made for sidewalks on one side or sidewalks on both sides of the street. The green space needs to be shown on the plat and sidewalks need to be added to the legend. Warrick: Show sidewalks along Highway 265. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent Provide sight distance calculations for the access on Highway 265. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, add plat pages 60 and 99 to the title block and add the name of the owner to the plat. Regarding street requirements, what is the proposed construction for the temporary cul de sac? Show asphalt to the property line. Curbing will be determined at construction phase. Hodges: We wanted to do the cul de sac in SB2 at this time. Then asphalt as the next development goes into affect. Up to the utility line would be asphalt then the remainder would be SB2. If we have to asphalt it we will. Petrie: You are required to extend the street to the property line. We would like to see this asphalt to the property line. You could look at temporary curb or no curb, but the street itself needs to be asphalt. Hodges: That is what we will do then. Petrie: In some locations we may not need a temporary cul de sac. Hodges: Could we just stub it? Petrie: Yes This is fairly close to an intersection and Hearth Stone will need one but the two bottom ones -- Parking requirements were adequate. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 8 Regarding lot requirements, lots located in the flood plains areas must be 1 acre in size or have a minimum of 6,000 square feet of available area free of flood plain. The R-0 lot with the existing structure needs to be large enough to provide necessary parking and meet all requirements for commercial development if this structure is to remain. Hodges: We're still doing our studies. Warrick: Those may have to be adjusted. Did you do anything further about the R -O lot (lot 7) to make sure it could actually accommodate parking? Hodges: We looked at that and drew all the setbacks. I wasn't in on the conversation. Warrick: We are concerned about it. We want to avoid doing a lot line adjustment for a brand new lot. Regarding other requirements, screening is required between the commercial and residential development. All utilities shall be located underground. Each R -O lot must go through the large scale development review process if developed commercially. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999. Developers of all preliminary plat and required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearing. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with the revisions or this project will not proceed. Ron Petrie, Engineering Petrie: We have the same comments as last time and you do know that they still apply. In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All correction and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline of June 9 in order to continue. Regarding water, a minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for waterline shall be 20 feet. Wider easement shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Steel encasement will be required under box culvert, wing walls, etc. Extend the waterline to the subdivision boundary on Water Stone Drive, Hearth • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 9 • Stone Avenue, and Grey Stone Drive. Provide a utility easement for a possible future water line extension to the north on the west side of lot 14. Label the proposed waterline sizes and show gate valves on all leads from tees and crosses. It is typical that 2 separate connections are required for the water supply to large subdivisions. However, due to the unique location of this proposed subdivision, one connection can be accepted, but, the water line must be 12 inches. The offsite utility easement for this proposed waterline connection will have to be a condition of approval of this plat. The offsite easement must be a minimum of 20 feet and must be obtained from the offsite property owners before construction plans can be approved. The waterline must be connected at the intersection of Grey Stone Avenue and Stone Briar Lane in order to create a "looped" system. Eliminate as many fittings as possible by straightening the waterline west of lots 45 and 46, west of lot 12, and south of lots 67 and 68. Also, eliminate the acute angle for the waterline between lots 25 and 26 by adding two 45 degree bends. If requested by the Water & Sewer Superintendent, provisions to provide for future irrigation lines for services that cross streets should be provided. Regarding sanitary sewer, provide truck access to all manholes to maintain and clean the system. Per EPA regulations, all manholes shall be truck accessible. Truck access must be provided for the manhole located north of lot 57. The following criteria must be met for the proposed lift station: design same to allow for future upgrades, the property will have to be deeded to the City; provide access to Highway 265; the 100 year water surface elevation must be determined and the lift station built at a minimum of one foot above this elevation; and, the design and appurtenances must be approved by Paul Hawkins at OMI. A minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility or if the depth of the sanitary sewer is greater than 10 feet. Several areas will require additional utility easement such as north of lots 62 through 64 and north of lots 34 through 36, etc. Add utility easement for the sanitary sewer between lot 81 and 119, lots 55 and 56, lots 47 and 48, Lots 70 and 71, lot 77 and 76, and along Shadow Wood Lane. Utility easements and drainage easements are required to be separate. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wing walls, etc. Contact Paul Hawkins at OMI to insure that the existing lift station on Gregg Avenue has the extra capacity for these additional lots. The offsite utility easement for this proposed force main connection will have to be a condition of approval of this plat. The offsite easement must be a minimum of 20 feet and must be obtained from the offsite property owner before construction plans can be approved. It must also be located outside the existing highway right of way where future highway widening will not cause future relocation. Extend the sewer line to the subdivision boundary on Water Stone Drive, Hearth Stone Avenue, an Grey Stone Drive. All manholes must have "rain catchers." • Regarding grading, additional items are needed on the preliminary grading plan to comply with the grading ordinance. Proposed placement of the erosion control item are required to be shown • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 10 including mud abatement entrance during construction for the finished grade, erosion and sedimentation control. The following items were either incomplete or could not be reviewed because the proposed contours were not shown: Cut and fill of slope length, existing topography and setback requirements, land disturbance, grade designation, cuts and fills and runoff and sedimentation measures. Are there any proposed retaining walls? Show all proposed grades with solid line contours on the site plan. Grading plans are required to be no smaller than 1 inch = 50 feet. A time schedule, description of fill material and compaction information, and dust control measures are required to be provided by the engineer or contractor on the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference. Regarding drainage, show and label all drainage easements. In general, all drainage easements should be separate from utility easements and be 20 feet in width. All swales not located in public street right of way shall be private and privately maintained by the property owners association, home owners association or similar entity. The AHTD must approve the proposed discharge point in the Highway 265 right of way. If not, detention must be provided. The preliminary drainage report that was submitted was only reviewed for general compliance with preliminary requirements and cannot be approved until the following items are addressed in sufficient detail: the total flows leaving the site for the pre and post development conditions; in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual, "If detention is not proposed, then supporting calculations and documentation of downstream conditions must be provided" and should include the effect of this development on the peak discharge in the existing creek to the south and the box culvert capacity calculations; if the post developed flow is greater than the pre developed flow that discharges onto the Rosalee and Edward Ivey Trust property, detention will have to be provided unless an agreement with the property owner is provided; the runoff coefficient that are utilized for the rational method flow calculations must conform to Table 2.1.a or Table 2.1.b. of the Drainage Criteria Manual; and, in accordance with the Manual, a multiplier is required to be used when the rational method is utilized in calculating flows greater than a 10 year frequency. Hodges: I have some questions about using the multiplier for the 10 year frequency. Petrie: We can discuss that and the other comments before you turn in your report. If these comments aren't addressed, I'll have no choice but to pull this off the next Subdivision Committee meeting. Regarding streets, most of these proposed streets will be classified as a local street not a residential street. The street widths, right of way widths, sidewalks and green space must be revised to meet these standards. Extend the right of way to the eastern subdivision boundary for the stub out streets All work within the Highway 265 right of way must be approved by the AHTD. What are the lane dimensions for the entrances? In accordance with Section 3-2 of the Minimum Street Standards, the minimum street centerline radius is 150 feet. If this cannot be met, eyebrow cul de sac could be an option. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 11 Clyde Randall has requested that the State Plane Coordinates for 2 point of the subdivision boundary be required and dimension all street right of ways. Utility Comments Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric On the street lights, I will need a 10 foot easement on lots 13 and 14, 18 and 19, 67 and 68, 46 and 47, 105 and 106, 87 and 86. On these comers, I will need the easement in front. Make that 20 foot setback and utility easement. You have lights in the islands. You will need to bring a 1 inch conduit from that island out to the property. I will need a 10 foot easement at lot 33 and 34 and 99 and 98. The proposed sewer lift station needs to be single phase or we will charge you to bring 3 phase to it. Rick Evans - ArkWestern Show the easements we asked for last time. I need to emphasize that we have a 10 inch main line along Highway 265 and any relocation of that will be at the developers expense. Kevin Lefler - TCA Same comments as Ozarks and ArkWestern. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell We need the easements shown on the plat as rear easements and 5 crossings. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 12 LS99-11: LOT SPLIT LARSON, PP367 This item was submitted by Julia M. Larson for property located at 231 West Ash Street. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.90 acres. The request is to split the property into 2 tracts of approximately 0.32 acres and 0.58 acres. Julia Larson was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator No Comment Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalk will not be required because of the location of existing trees and utilities. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent No Comment Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator This project is located in the northwest park quadrant. The park land fee for this lot split is $375. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with Ordinance 159.30(k). Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every two years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval, unless it is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. This action is contingent upon approval of the conditional use request for a tandem lot. Plat requirements were adequate. Label adjacent zoning. Setbacks for tandem lot must be 25 feet from the right of way and 20 feet from all property lines. Street requirements were adequate. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 13 No parking is required. All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions an additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999. Ron Petrie - Engineering Regarding water, our records show there is only an existing I '/2 inch water line feeding this area. This water line is located along the south side of Ash Street and it loops from Gregg Avenue to Sycamore Street. A pressure test will be made at the meter for Lot 1. Depending on the results, the 1 '/2 inch line may have to be tied to an existing 2 1/4 inch water line located on the north side of Ash Street and the west side of Woolsey Avenue in order to provide enough pressure for an additional residence. All design and construction would have to be at the developer's expense. Regarding sanitary sewer is available along Ash Street. • Utility Comments Michael Campbell - SWEPCO The 31.75 feet, is that an access easement to the back? We need a 15 foot utility easement coming off of Ash Street adjacent to the east boundary so that when we have to provide service to the tandem, we'll have a method to get back there. Rick Evans ArkWestem Same easement at SWEPCO. Show the utilities along Ash Street that go across the east boundary. Kevin Lefler, TCA Same easement on the east side. We'll follow the power in. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 14 LSD96-18.1: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT CREEKSIDE PLAZA, PP566 This item was submitted by Kevin Hodges of Carter & Hodges, PA for property located at the northeast corner of Highways 16 and 265. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 2.724 acres. Kevin Hodges was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Warrick: This is presented for plat review only. Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Landscaping within parking areas and adjacent to the right of way is to stay consistent with previously approved design. If changes are to be proposed, please contact me for review. There were no provisions for tree protection with the previous design. if possible, protect rare trees along the eastern boundary. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Highway 265 and Highway 16 are principal arterials requiring a minimum of 10 feet of green space with a minimum 6 foot sidewalk. The sidewalk needs to be shown continuous through the driveway and sidewalks need to be added to the legend. Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Street lights are required every 300 feet. Hodges: I have checked with the Highway Department and what we are showing on the plat is the configuration they are working from. I have submitted for driveway permits and I have one more plan for discharging the water along the east and north property lines into their drainage. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief • A hydrant should be installed in the parking lot island at the center of the project. Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 15 Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No Comment Utility Comments Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric I need a 20 foot perimeter easement. Hodges: What we are planning on utilizing instead of putting in a retaining wall around the perimeter as previously designed, we are incorporating a retaining wall and a drop inlet at the northeast corner. They are routing the water through two 4 by 4 double barrels over to the west and straight down to the creek. The area that is draining down to that drop inlet is developed and clogs through the two 90 degree bends. We're changing that to an open channel flow. On the slopes of the channel where it's 3 to 1 or greater, we using concrete blocks that fit together to stabilize the slope. We're putting in a concrete swale along the eastern property line. A portion of the swale is going to be in that utility easement. We want to make sure the utility companies don't have a problem with that. The plan reflects details. Our overhead on the south side of 16. You will have to bore across 16 and we'll need a 6 inch conduit. The secondary located on the west side won't handle the load Warrick: This project was approved in June of 1996. The underground utility ordinance was approved in October of that year We want as much as possible to be located underground but if you need a pole to get primary service over there, it is allowed. Mike Evans - ArkWestem We have a line out on 265 and we'll run it around the building in the 20 foot utility easement. Get with me on the number of meters and number of tenants. We'll work with you. Kevin Lefler - TCA Along the 20 foot easement that Ozark asked for on 16, I suspect we'll need a crossing at the driveway. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell On Highway 16 at the proposed drive that you have going in there, we're going to need a 4 inch conduit to cross there. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 16 LS99-12: LOT SPLIT SCHMITT, PP298 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Robert Schmitt of RNS Enterprises for property located south of Highway 45 and east of Greenhaw Lane. Chris Brackett was present on behalf of the project. Warrick. This was formerly brought forward as Robinwood Estates. Staff Recommendation Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator No Comment Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator This is outside the city limits. Therefore sidewalks are not required. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent No Comment Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Hydrants should be installed at the corner of Highway 45 and the proposed street along the east side of the property and between lots 3 and 4 beside the proposed street. The second hydrant will require a 6 inch water line. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The submittal requirements were adequately met. Add plat page 28 to the title block. The street requirements were adequately met. Traffic flow patterns were adequate. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 17 In order for this project to continue in the review cycle, all requested revisions must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies of the project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 9, 1999. Ron Petrie - Engineering All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Regarding water, in accordance with the city's water line specifications, the waterline is required to be an 8 inch diameter and extended to the subdivision property boundary. Sanitary sewer is not available. Utility Comments Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric We have an existing overhead power line that runs along 45. We have an existing 60 foot access and utility easement along the drive. We need a 20 foot utility easement at the back lot line to the west all the way down. Rick Evans - ArkWestem We have a line along the south side of 45. We either come in the back side along the west in the easement that Ozarks asked for or along the east. Kevin Lefler - TCA We have service on the highway and we'll go in the utility easement. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell What is the name of the street and the address? Warrick: Check with Jim Johnson, 911 Coordinator, on that. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 18 LSD99-17: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT SPRING CREEK CENTRE, PP174 This item was submitted by Roger Trotter of Development Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Developers Diversified for property located in lots 3A and 4R of Spring Park Subdivision. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 5.488 acres. Roger Trotter was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Please note the method of irrigation on the plans. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator The 6 foot sidewalk has been constructed. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent Install stop signs on the exits to Mall Ave. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No Comment Mickey Jackson - Fire Chief An additional hydrant is needed in the landscape area on the north side of the entrance off Mall Ave. If sprinkler connections are to be on the rear walls of the proposed building, another hydrant will be needed in the rear Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, add plat page 174 to the title block. Add the flood plain certification. Include the name of the CEO, President of DDRC or whomever is authorized to sign the easement plat. A 25 foot building setback is based on the setback reduction option and is only permitted when additional landscaping is provided with no parking between the building • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 19 and street right of way. Regarding street requirements, this project will make use of existing curb cuts as shown on the plat. Regarding parking, the existing parking is adequate and a shared parking agreement exists for the entire area. Lot requirements were adequate. All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised copies of the project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999. Proof of notification must be submitted along with those revisions. Ron Petrie - Engineering Water and sanitary sewer has been provided. The grading and drainage that has been previously approved will not be significantly altered. Therefore, the previous Engineering Department approvals will remain valid with the same conditions. Utility Comments Michael Campbell - SWEPCO This is all being attached right to the Home Depot Building. What arrangements have you made for providing power to the addition? Are you going to come off the existing electrical service? Contact us with your load requirements and to determine whether or not a fire wall is required. Rick Evans - ArkWestern We had the existing square footage served. You new addition will be served off the existing gas line on the south side of the property. If we cut to run all the way up the building, we will install it and you will have to replace the concrete that we take out. Kevin Lefler, TCA • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 20 We will come off the south end where the poles are. If you cut the concrete for gas, we want a 4 inch conduit in there to each building. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell Do you know what's going in this building? Warrick: There is an additional retail space. We have an existing terminal in the 32,000 square foot building. If it is going to be in the construction way, I need to know as soon as possible so we can get that cable cut off and get some cable in. I need a 4 inch conduit coming back to the south. For the 25,000 square foot building, I will need a 4 inch conduit into it. Warrick: The compactor that you show in the loading dock area, that will need to be screened. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 21 LSD98-12.1: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT TRICHELL MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING, PP212 This item was submitted by Hannah McNeill of Wischmeyer Architect on behalf of John A. Griffen for property located in lot 14 of CMN Business Park. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.9 acres. Kurt Jones, Hannah McNeill, and John Martin were present on behalf of the project. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator A detailed landscape and irrigation plan are due for review prior to approval of the building permit. Commercial Design Standards require a full 15 feet of landscaped green space between the parking and the right of way. This pertains to the landscaped area along Millsap Rd. Please provide a copy of the construction plans prior to grading permit approval. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Millsap Road is a collector street requiring a minimum 10 feet of green space with a minimum 6 foot sidewalk. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveways. The curb lines need to be removed through the sidewalk. No metal grates are allowed. Jones: Can we elevate the sidewalk to get over the grade? We can work something out. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent A street light is required every 300 feet on Millsap. Van accessible spaces must be 8 foot stall and 8 foot aisle or 11 foot stall and 8 foot aisle. I don't like the planters protruding in the stall because they prevent the vehicle from pulling completely into the space. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No Comment Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Submittal requirements were met adequately. Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 22 Plat requirements were adequately met. Regarding streets, Millsap Dr. is classified as a collector on the Master Street Plan requiring dedication of 35 feet of right of way from the centerline. Regarding parking stalls which are designed with 17 feet length allowing 2 feet overhang can not be used where retaining walls prohibit vehicle overhang. Look at using some compact spaces. 35% of the total can be compact spaces with 7.5 feet by 17 feet. 15 feet of landscaping between the parking and the right of way is required under Commercial Design Standards. Campbell: I have a problem with landscaping the rear of the property. We have main feed of 12 kv circuit that runs through there. It's overhead and off site of this property but I does run along that property line. We would appreciate it if you could stay as far away from that line as possible. Additional information on proposed signage including an elevation is required. All utilities shall be underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 9, 1999. All developers of large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearings and proof of said notification is required to be submitted with the revisions. Ron Petrie - Engineering In general, the Engineering Department review for this project is not a preliminary review but a final review of the construction plans. Regarding water, provide details for the proposed Millsap Dr. bore. The location of the new fire hydrant must be approved by the Fire Chief. Move the meter location near the entrance and just to the south of the sidewalk. Revise the typical water line bedding detail as follows: add a tracer wire; and, the back fill of compacted base is also required under parking lots and driveways per part C.3 of the city's water line specifications and revise the note accordingly. Regarding sanitary sewer, it appears from the grading plan that the existing manhole ring and lid will have to be adjusted. Provide a detail for this construction. Regarding grading, in accordance with Section 169.06 C.d. of the grading ordinance, "the required setback of retaining walls, cut slopes, and fill slopes from the edge of easements shall be • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review June 2, 1999 Page 23 5 feet. Where no utilities are present in an easement or where utilities are planned to be relocated, and where such action is approved by all utilities, then easements may fall within a cut or fill section." Regarding drainage, draw the flume and curb cut to scale. The drainage report was reviewed for general compliance and can be accepted as a final report. Utility Comments Michael Campbell - SWEPCO The plans show a proposed pad mounted transformer on the south property line undemeath one of the proposed trees. We actually have a transformer as shown on the east property line that is set up to serve several of these lots out of one location. Unless you can convince me otherwise, your service will come from that transformer. I also need your load and voltage calculations. I still have concerns about the trees locating at close proximity. Rick Evans. ArkWestem I have lines on the south and east property lines up to lot 16. Any relocation of lines will be at the owner's expense. Martin: The intent is to have 4 tenants in there with separate meters. Kevin Lefler - TCA We'll go in with electric. I need a 4 inch conduit at the east side if we go from there. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell You are showing two 2 inch conduits at the telephone pedestal at the south side I need two 4 inch conduits. If you will grading where the telephone facilities are located on the south side, that will be at your expense. I need to be notified as soon as possible.