HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-19 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LSD99-15: St. Louis Bread Company, pp174 LSD99-16: Mcllroy Bank, pp401 PP99-5: Stonewood, pp99/60 MEMBERS PRESENT Johney Boles Michael Campbell Bob Falk Kevin Lefler Mike Phipps STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Mickey Jackson Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford ACTION TAKEN Must go back to PR Forward to SC Must go back to PR MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF ABSENT Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 2 LSD99-15: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ST. LOUIS BREAD COMPANY, pp174 This item was submitted by Chris Parton of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of the St. Louis Bread Company for property located at the northeast corner of Front Street and Sain Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 0.918 acres. Chris Parton was present on behalf of the request. Staff Recommendation Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Because of the existing trees, the 6 foot wide sidewalk needs to be constructed adjacent to the curb. However, the sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway approaches. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordmater No park land fees are required because this is zoned C-2. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator A signed statement from the property owner of record must accompany the signature of an authorized agent on the project application. A tree preservation plan showing those trees to be preserved is required for this project. All other submittal requirements were adequate. Warrick: I have spoken with Kirk Elsass and I have the property owner of record. Regarding plat requirements, add the layout of adjoining property. Warrick. I need more information on the curb cuts that are located to the south on Sain Street. Flood plain boundaries and master street plan streets must be shown on the vicinity map. The legal description for this property must be a new metes and bound description and a property line adjustment must be filed in order to change the original lot configuration. A name must be added for the owner or whomever is responsible for signing documents to be filed of record. • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 3 Warrick: You need to process a property line adjustment to change the perimeter of the property. We will need a metes and bounds description. Regarding street requirements, Front Street is classified as a collector on the master street plan which requires a total of 70 feet of right of way. Therefore, a dedication of 35 feet from the centerline is required for this project. The number of curb cuts was adequate. Regarding parking requirements, a conditional use request for excess parking was approved by the Planning Commission on April 26, 1999 as CU99-9 allowing a total of 60 spaces. Lot requirements were adequate. Regarding other requirements, wall signage is all that is shown, will there be any other signage? This project is subject to the Design Overlay District requirements. All utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: A free standing sign is permitted. It would have to meet the overly requirements. We will need the elevations of it. It could be no more than 6 feet tall and it could be within 10 feet of the right of way. We need more information on that. You show signs on all 4 building faces. Under the overlay district you are permitted to have signs on the faces of the building along the right of way. Regarding design overlay district requirements, the site design and development standards include a 50 foot setback between the building and the street right of way. One tree is required every 30 feet. More information must be provided on the parking lot lighting. There are signs shown on all sides of the building. Waivers are requested and are necessary for the proposed plan. There is one curb cut per 200 feet of frontage and no curb cuts are within 250 feet of any intersection. No fencing is proposed. There is no pedestrian access provided from the street to the entrance of the structure by way of a designated trail or sidewalk. Site coverage is 78.9% and 25% is required open space and 80% of the open space shall be landscaped. The existing trees along Sain and Front Streets shall remain. The right of way on Front Street must meet the master street plan requirement for a collector street which is minimum 70 feet total requiring 35 feet from the centerline for this project This does not comply with design overlay district requirements. Warrick: If any parking lot lighting is proposed, the height should be 35 feet and they should be shielded and directed downward from any adjacent neighborhoods. You will need to request a waiver from the curb cut requirement. You could move the one on Sain further to the east and it might be a better situation for getting utility vehicles back to your dumpster location. We did not get comments from Solid Waste. Conklin: Was this location chosen because of the tree preservation? • Parton: No. Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 4 Warrick: Pedestrian access should be provided from the street to the entrance of the structure by designated trail or sidewalk. Conklin: What I have seen done before is using striping. Warrick. The building materials will be looked at as a part of commercial design standards. Call out the specific materials on the elevation. The site coverages are different in the overlay district. You have 79% coverage and 75% is the maximum. Is there a way you can work with the adjoining property to do a lot line adjustment. Conklin: You will lose some parking when you show the 25 foot green space. You will have to redesign the parking lot and reorient your building to make it work. This project will have to be redesigned in order to meet the ordinance requirements. As a result, this will need to come back to plat review. In order for this project to go forward, this project will have to come back to plat review on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 All requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 26, 1999. All large scale developments are required under City Ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearing and proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions in order for this to continue in this cycle. Ron Petne, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline to continue to Subdivision Committee on May 26, 1999. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, label the sanitary sewer line and show the water and sewer line sizes. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan does not contain all of the information required by the ordinance. Refer to the attached grading plan checklist and revise plan accordingly. Petrie: I need more information on the retaining wall. How high will that be? Parton: That retaining wall is gone. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 5 Petrie. Add your erosion control. Regarding drainage, the preliminary drainage report was only reviewed for general compliance and cannot be accepted until the following items have been addressed in sufficient detail: This site does not discharge directly into Mud Creek. It appears that Mud Creek is approximately 600 L.F. to 100 L.F. to the north of this site. How many properties does it have to cross before entering Mud Creek? Who owns this property? Do you have permission to discharge this additional storm water onto their property? Should downstream drainage be improved? For the storm water that is proposed to discharge into the adjacent parking lot, what type of drainage system intercepts the runoff? Does runoff from this site presently sheet flow onto this parking lot? If not, why do you assume that you can use their parking lot? The drainage report compares the two discharge points for the pre vs. post developed flow. Does the predeveloped flow currently discharge at these point? If these questions cannot be answered sufficiently, detention must be provided for this site in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual. Petrie: You have this discharging in 2 locations and I don't have enough information on either location to feel comfortable with that. If you can get an agreement with the adjacent property owners to discharge this water through off site improvement and whatever they might require, we can drop the detention requirements. If you can't, we're looking at detention. Regarding minimum erosion controls, the retaining walls are required to be setback 5 feet from the property line. Also, all cuts and fills at 3:1 slopes are required to be setback 5 from the property line. Regarding erosion and sedimentation controls, show the proposed measures to control erosion during construction such as silt fences, hay bales, ditch check, etc. What is the height of the retaining wall? Additional information must be provided where excessive dust may become a problem, a plan for spraying water on heavily travelled areas must be addressed. Also, a time schedule for construction must be submitted and a description of the fill and compaction material must be disclosed. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator A tree preservation plan is required and can be included as a part of the grading plan. Trees are to be preserved along both street rights of way This development falls within the overlay district and the following standards are required: 25 feet of green space between the right of way and parking. Parking is to be screened from the right of way with a minimum 4 foot high planting of shrubs. The parking lot landscaping requirements have not been met. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 6 Utility Comments Conklin. I don't want to get into utility comments because there will be landscaping in the easements. We need to plan this so the utilities can be planned appropriately to achieve the design overlay requirements. Boles: Basically, all the green space is going to be landscaped area Conklin- The ordinance requires a 25 foot buffer. Warrick: Within the 25 feet, 80% of it has to be landscaped abutting the streets. Boles: We will probably request something on the west, south, and east sides. Parton: How wide would that be? Boles: It will depend on the landscaping. Campbell: There are no useable utility easements on this plat. Boles: We would like to have 20 feet. Petrie: Is there an existing utility easement there? Falk: There is telephone. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 7 LSD99-16: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MCILROY BANK AND TRUST, PP401 This item was submitted by Chris Parton of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Mcllroy Bank and Trust for property located at the northeast corner of Wedington Road and Salem Road. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 3.36 acres. Chris Parton was present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Include detail for tree protection fencing and indicate limits of tree protection fencing on the plans. Screening is required along the north boundary due to the residential zoning. A fence is recommended because of the proposed slope along this boundary. The parking lot landscaping requirements have not been met. Parton: The fence goes all the way across. Warrick. That will meet the screening requirements. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveways approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Salem Road is a collector street. This requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot green space between the curb and sidewalk. The green space width needs to be shown on the plat. A contribution will be required for the 6 ft. sidewalk on Wedington Drive. There is anoint venture with the AHTD and the City of Fayetteville to widen Wedington Drive. Rutherford: We ask for $3 a square foot. Warrick: We did a similar assessment with Arkansas National Bank across the street, we'll have to look and see what we did there. Conklin: Do we know how this will be graded to the right of way? Is that an issue? Rutherford: We will have to work it out with the Highway Department. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 8 Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent Street lights are required to be located at every intersection and every 300 feet and they are adequate as shown. No sight distance problems were noted. Show the traffic flow through the teller lanes on the plat. The ADA spaces are adequate as shown. A trip generation is on file in the Planning Division. Warrick: He calculated this based on specialty retail. Do you know what will be in there? Parton: It will be retail. I wouldn't thmk it would be office Warrick: The reason we asked to see the traffic flow is because there is concern with entering this site off of Wedington and being able to make the turn. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No park land fees are due since this is zoned C-2. Dawn Wamck - Development Coordinator All submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, indicate all master street plan streets on the vicinity map. Dimension all rights of way from the centerline. The name of a person must be added to the corporation "owner" information This designee will be the signatory. Who will sign the required easement plat for this project? Regarding street requirements, Wedington Drive is classified as a principal arterial on the master street plan. The required dedication of right of way is 55 feet from the centerline. The plat needs to reflect cross access to the east. Salem Road is classified as a collector street on the master street plan. The required dedication of right of way is 35 feet from the centerline. Warrick: We will need an actual legal description for the 55 feet of right of way on Wedington. That is a state highway, we will have to have our land department prepare a warranty deed. We are looking for cross access to the east. Regarding parking requirements, the square footage and parking calculations are not accurate. Using a ratio of 1 space per 250 square feet, no restaurants may be permitted within this development. Cross access is required per the commercial design standards ordinance. Warrick: If you use the 1 per 250, restaurants will not be permitted. You client needs to Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 9 know that because your client has restaurants in their strip center at their 265 development. Parton: What parking ratio do you use for restaurant? Wan -ick. We'll need to know at least an estimate on square footage for a restaurant. It's 1 per 200. Doing the 20% over, you end up with a ratio of over 200 but that doesn't really accommodate restaurants. Lot requirements were adequate. Screening is required between this development and the R-2 property to the north All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 26 1999 All developers of large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearings. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions Regarding commercial design standards review, the landscaping along Wedington Dr. must be widened to 10 feet. Where will the mechanical and utility equipment be located? This must be screened from the public view. Cross access has not been provided. Warrick: We're okay with the corner on Salem being a little tight. Parton: The mechanical will be roof mounted and it will be screened. Regarding design elements, the adjoining developments include Arkansas National Bank to the west, residential to the north, vacant to the east, and the Farm Bureau to the south. Warrick: Design elements look okay. The Commission may talk to you about this being a boxlike structure but the way that you have the arcades proposed, staff felt like it would not be an issue. Mickey Jackson - Fire Chief An additional hydrant is needed in the island at the rear entrance off Salem Road. If the occupants in the rear section are to be "mercantile" this will require automatic sprinkler protection under the building code Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 10 Ron Petrie - Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All correction and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than May 26 to continue to Subdivision Conunittee. Regarding water, show the proposed meter location and service line. Will this building have a sprinkler system? Fire protection and fire hydrant locations must meet the published criteria or the Fire Chief's request. Show the location of the new fire hydrant that the City will be installing Add to the plans the new 18 inch waterline that the City is constructing and the existing utility easement. This waterline should be installed within a month. It appears that this waterline will be constructed under the proposed parking lot. The developers of this property may wish to pay the city to have the waterline backfilled with compacted "hillside" material. The unit price from our contractor for this work is $10.50 per cubic yard of compacted "hillside" material. Provide a cost estimate for the added construction costs if desired by the developer. Parton: If we do wind up with sprinklers, we will show it on the plans. Petrie: The Chief requested a fire hydrant at the northwest comer. Show your proposed meter locations and service line. Add a note for water regarding any conflict with the water line and any proposed storm pipe. If our water line needs to be lowered, you need to let Sid Norbash know that soon. That water line should be in within a month. Regarding sanitary sewer, there will be a fee equivalent to $200 per R-1 lot assessed for the construction of a force main existing from Lift Station No. 7 in the Hamestring Creek Basin. At 28,600 square feet gross commercial building area, the fee is estimated to be $1,716 (per day averages: 60 gallons/1,000 square feet commercial building, 200 gallons/per average residential lot.) Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan does not contain all of the information required by the ordinance. Provision must be made for preventing mud and debris onto city streets. Cut or fill slopes shall have a finished grade no steeper than 33%. Retaining walls and cut and fill slopes are required to be setback a minimum of 5 feet from the property line. It is a requirement to show all proposed erosion control devices to be used during construction such as silt fences, hay bales, ditch checks, sediment ponds, etc. The retaining wall is required to be designed and inspected by a registered professional engineer. Traffic railings will be required. The construction time schedule, a description of fill material and compaction, and dust control must be provided by the engineer or contractor when the construction plans are submitted or at the preconstruction conference. • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 11 Petrie. Label the slopes at 3:1. The requirement is a 5 foot setback for retaining walls. That will affect the location of the retaining wall and the cut and fill on the other side. In general, regarding drainage, provide a 20 foot drainage easement for the proposed storm pipe along the eastern boundary. The remainder of the drainage outside of the street right of way shall be private and privately maintained. Show the new storm sewer that will be constructed as a part of the Highway 16 improvements. The existing 16 foot drainage easement located through the Woodbury Place Subdivision is not large enough for a 36 inch and 24 inch storm pipe. Could the 24 inch pipe be removed and the 36 inch pipe enlarged? Regarding the drainage report, the preliminary report was reviewed for general compliance and cannot be accepted until the following items have been addressed in sufficient detail. Detention cannot be assumed to be installed for the Offsite Area "A2". See Section 5.4.8 of Drainage Criteria Manual. For the detention calculations, provide the inflow hydrography, stage/storage curves, and state/discharge curves. The inflow into the detention hydrographs does not match the peak flows that were calculated using the Rational Method. Also, the maximum discharges from the detention hydrograph do not match the summary of the pre and post development flows. Because the peak flows through Woodbury Place, Walnut Heights, and Walnut Park they will be • affected by the installation of approximately 550 feet of storm pipe instead of the existing flat, grass lined ditches. An analysis must be made through these subdivisions to insure that these improvements will not cause the potential for flooding These calculations should include the open channels and the two culverts under Salem Road and Vasser Street. • Petrie: This is a sensitive area and the houses are built close to the creek. The drainage system was built long ago. There is no guarantee that it can handle it. Keep in mind that the manual states you have to match downstream capacity not pre equal post. Parton: We're not adding anything. We're incorporating detention to our development. We're routing water coming onto the site through the site. Petrie: About 550 feet there is a flat piece covered with grass. This channel slowly goes through that. A big 36 inch pipe would shoot it right down there. That is what we're concerned with. We need to know those effects. Regarding streets, a surcharge of $1,500 per acre is required for Salem Road and Shiloh Drive improvements. At 3.36 acres, the total amount would be $5,040. In accordance with 159.33 E of the Subdivision Regulations requiring/allowing improvements to State Highways, an assessment to be finalized by the Planning Commission will be requested for the Wedington Drive widening project. The widening project is "50/50" state and city and estimated to $2,000,000 (refer to resolution 120-97 dated 12/16/97.) The requested assessment to McIlroy Bank must be approved by the Planning Commission. The suggested amount based upon the traditional one-half of • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 12 standard street will be $16,403.31 (263 feet of road frontage x 14 feet width x $4,455 per square foot.) Please note that the widening of Wedington is for existing and future traffic demands. The developer's engineer can provide traffic projections for a "rational nexus" approach (see 159.33 A.3) which could document a difference and probably a much smaller requirement. This information should be furnished by May 26 for consideration by the Subdivision Committee. Note that it is the Planning Commission who has the authority for the final requirement, if any. All work within the Highway 16 right of way must be coordinated with the AHTD and their future improvements to this highway. Show the existing right of way and the portion that will be dedicated. Utility Comments Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric We've got a 50 foot piece between Wedington Place and this development. Warrick: There is one intervening property and it is currently vacant. • Phipps: This is going to require 3 phase power. We have a 3 phase open end line that you show through there. I will need an easement along the front. There is probably an existing utility easement. Parton: It will be reduced with the right of way dedication. We will make sure that the easement remains 25 feet. Phipps: Where do they want the transformer located? Parton: I need to get with the owner on that. Phipps: I have 3 phase out front that I can get in that existing easement and then go to the south side of the building. In the back, I'm going to need 20 feet on the east property line. I've only got single phase now going to Woodbury and Salem. Parton: 20 feet on this project. Phipps: Yes. Where ever we locate the transformer, we will need a 20 foot easement. Parton: There is a 20 foot utility easement in that area • Phipps: At the east entrance on Highway 16, we need a utility crossing in there. I'll need a 6 inch. • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 13 Boles: I'll need a 4 inch crossing. Parton: We'll need 4 crossings. Phipps: What size lights will be needed on 16? To they want large metal pole lights? Warrick. It's the standard metal pole. Phipps: It'll be 250 watt to get the illumination. Those type of lights run about $2,000 a piece. Parton: They need multiple electric meters. Phipps: We can bank them on the building. We have a bench mark elevation on this power pole. Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable • This building 1, is it going to be one unit in there or will it be separate meters, do you know? • Parton: They need separate. Lefler. We will follow the power in. I need a 4 inch crossing to building 1 and we will ask for the same easements. When you get the meter location or the transformer location, contact me becuase we'll need a 2 inch conduit from there into the building Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas I spoke with Bill Brandt from our office this morning. He's been working with the Highway Department on relocating our existing facilities on the north side of Wedington. It is my understanding that the gas company has secured an additional 30 foot of private right of way adjacent to the new right of way line. Check with Bill Brandt. We'll have 2 lines there. A high pressure 120 pound line and also a 3 or a 4 inch intermediate pressure line. We're in the process of relocating those facilities now. How many tenants in this building? Parton: 24. Bob Falk Southwestern Bell We are also in the process of relocating. I will need two 4 inch pipes, one going into the building and one going into the bank building. They need to be in the same proximity as the power. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 14 PP99-5: PRELIMINARY PLAT STONEWOOD SUBDIVISION, PP 99/60 This item was submitted by Glenn Carter on behalf of Mark Foster for property located at 4786 North Crossover Road. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, and contains approximately 57.23 acres with 119 lots proposed. A request is in process to rezone the property to R -O, Residential office, and R-1, Low Density Residential. Glenn Carter and Kevin Hodges were present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Warrick: The rezoning request was approved by the City Council on May 18, 1999. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator The rare trees are to be identified and the DBH indicated on the plans. Canopy ratios on the existing trees are required. Detail is to be revised. Please contact me for notes and other changes. The limits of tree protection are required to be shown on the plans. Jim Johnson. 911 Addressing Please contact 911 regarding the street names which have been selected. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The green space width between the curb and sidewalk needs to be included under the street information. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Street light locations are adequate as shown. If street lights are not standard utility fixtures an agreement will need to be executed. According to ITE trip generation numbers, a 24 foot street is not adequate for the traffic volume. Carter: Whatever you want, that is what we'll do. The 28 foot streets were discussed earlier and Ms. Little said that it increased vehicle speed so we went back and to 40 foot right of way and 24 foot street. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 15 Warrick: The traffic generation report was based on all this property being single family so the trip generation would actually be increased for the commercial/office area His recommendation was based on the street standards which were adopted in 1996. A local street with 50 foot right of way is designed to carry less than 4,000 vehicles per day and the residential street with 40 foot right of way is designed to carry 300 to 500 vehicles per day. What we would like to do is for some of them to be increased and the residential streets to remain at 40 feet. The ones that could maintain the 40 foot right of way as shown would be Stone View Drive, Stonington Drive, Stone Briar Lane, and the cul de sac on Shadow Wood Lane. Franklin: Our trip generation reports are derived from ITE tables which are published every 3 years. They make counts all over the United States. They put it into software and you fill in the variables with the number of single family dwelling houses and it gives you the trip generation. Right now, they figure on 8 or 9 trips per single household. I also have a question about the sight distance. I can't tell exactly where the drive comes out on the hill up there. It's critical to have proper sight distance at the top of that hill. I imagine the Planning Commission will want the sight distance. If you need assistance, I can help you with that. Carter: I have done that using ASHTO tables. If you have another method, I would like to see it. We have looked at that. We tried to get right at the very peak so you would have the maximum sight distance both ways and we will do that calculation. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator This is located in the northeast park quadrant Please add to the plat that the green space will be maintained by the developer, owner, or the P.O.A. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board voted on May 3, 1999 to accept money in lieu of land because the developer was including a park within the subdivision. When the plat was submitted, it was noted that was not the case. As a result, a special meeting of the Board was held on May 17, 1999 and again the Board voted to accept money in lieu of land dedication in the amount of $44,625 for 119 units at $375 per unit. A waiver has been requested and the City Council will hear the request at the June 1, 1999 meeting. The fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with Ordinance 159.30. Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every two years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval, unless it is approved at the Subdivision level. Rogers: I'm not sure this can go forward with City Council approval of the waiver because the park land will have to be shown. Carter: We were informed this would be discussed at the City Council agenda session. We would like to proceed with this if we could. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 16 Conklin: Normally, we don't do that. The ordinance states that developments with 100 or more unit or 40 acres or more a park is mandatory. This needs to come back to Plat Review on June 2, 1999. Warrick: By that time, you should have all of your revisions done and hopefully we will only be talking about parks. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator The submittal requirements were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, label the adjacent zoning and add plat pages 60 and 99 to the title block. Label the appropriate building setbacks for R-1 and R -O lots. Add the name of the owner to the plat. Warrick: Those parcels to the east are in the county. Please label them. The building setbacks are different for R -O than for R-1 and that needs to be indicated on the plat. Are the dashed lines easements or setbacks? Carter: They are setbacks. I think we turned that layer off. Warrick: Turn that layer back on. In the R -O section, the minimum setback is 30 feet from the right of way which is contingent upon there not being parking between the building and the right of way. If there is parking, there is a 50 foot setback. Carter. Can we put that in a note because we don't know what will happen. Conklin: I don't see a problem. Warrick: I want to see the setback on the lot with the existing structure. Are you going to keep it? Carter. We're proposing to keep it. Warrick. Will it be a residential unit or an office unit? Carter: It's an office Warrick. We need to check and see if there is enough area on that particular lot so that parking can be provided for that office based on 1 parking space for every 300 square feet. That needs to be taken into account as you are setting up your lot lines so in the future, we don't have • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 17 to make adjustments. Conklin: I'm concerned about the lot sizes that you've platted since your planning on offices Carter: We talked to the developer about that and told him it was going to tight when you get to large scale. Conklin: We're going to be looking for perimeter landscaping. There are a lot of issues involved. They will be small offices and small parking lots. Warrick: I see the developer name, but I need to put the owner's name on the plat. Is the deal closed at this point? Is Mr. Foster the owner? Carter: It's under contract and it's not closed. Regarding street requirements, a temporary cul de sac needs to be extended to the eastern property line for future connectivity. Parking requirements were adequate. Regarding lot requirements, lots located in the flood plain areas must be 1 acre in size or have a minimum of 6,000 square feet of available area free of flood plain. On the R -O lot with the existing structure, it needs to be large enough to provide necessary parking and meet all requirements for commercial development. Screening is required between the commercial and residential development. All utilities shall be located underground. What is in the 100 foot utility easement along the east property line? Each R -O lot must go through the large scale development review process if developed commercially. Carter: The utility easement is existing above ground SWEPCO line. Conklin: That is over 34.5kv. Warrick: That is exempt from the underground ordinance. Carter: The developer doesn't understand what the R -O lot has to come back through large scale. • Warrick. The preliminary plat deals with the lot configuration and not the actual development of the site. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 18 Conklin: Large scale approval deals with structure location, parking, cross access, and commercial design standards. Carter: This is less than 1 acre. Does that have any bearing? Conklin: We will recommend to the Planning Commission that this plat only be approved with the condition that the R -O lots come back through as a large scales. They have done that in the past. Any time we have commercial or office development, we want to look at cross access between the structures. I'm sure Mr. Foster has an idea what he wants the entrance to his subdivision to look like. This project must come back to the Plat Review on June 2. The developer of all preliminary plats are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owner of the upcoming public hearings. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with the revisions in order for this project to proceed to the Subdivision meeting. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief No fire hydrants were shown. The plat need to reflect a looped water system with a minimum of two supply points. Hydrants are required at Hearth Stone Avenue and Shadow Wood Lane at lot 3; Hearth Stone Avenue and Stoney Brook Lane at lot 56; between lots 85 and 58 at Water Stone Drive; Water Stone Drive and Iveydale Lane at lot 90; Shadow Wood and Grey Stone at lot 10; Grey Stone and Stoney Brook at Lot 39; Grey Stone & Stone Briar at Lot 50; Stone Briar Lane at Lot 31, Stoney Brook and Stonington at lot 65; and, between lots 93 and 94. Jackson: Which ones are the R -O lots? Conklin: Lots 1 through 14. Petrie: For the two loop system, Jim Beavers and I looked at changing the one line to a 12 inch. Jackson: That is Engineering's call and we'll go along with that. Ron Petrie, Staff Engineer In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than May 26, in order to continue in the process. • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 19 Regarding water, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Steel encasement will be required under the box culverts and wingwalls. Extend the waterline to the subdivision boundary on Water Stone Drive, Hearth Stone Avenue, and Grey Stone Drive. Provide a utility easement for a possible future waterline extension to the north on the west side of Lot 14. Label the proposed water line sizes and show gate valves on all Leads from tees and crosses. It is typical that 2 separate connections are required for the water supply to large subdivisions. However, due to the unique location of this proposed subdivision, one connection can be accepted but the water line must be 12 inches. The offsite utility easement for this proposed water line connection will have to be a condition of approval of this plat. The off site easement must be a minimum of 20 feet and must be obtained from the off site property owner(s) before construction plans can be approved. The water line must be connected at the intersection of Grey Stone Avenue and Stone Briar Lane in order to create a looped system. Eliminate as many fittings as possible by straightening the waterline west of lot 45 and 46, west of lot 12, and south of lots 67 and 68. Also, eliminate the acute angle for the water line between lots 25 and 26 by adding two 45 degree bends. If requested by the Water and Sewer Superintendent, provisions to provide for future irrigation lines for services that cross streets should be provided. Regarding sanitary sewer, provide truck access to all manholes to maintain and clean the system. Per EPA regulations, all manholes shall be truck accessible. Truck access must be provided for the manhole located north of lot 57. The proposed lift station must be designed to allow for upgrades for future development. The property will have to be deeded to the City. Access onto Highway 265 must be provided. The 100 year water surface elevation must be determined and the lift station built at a minimum of one foot above this elevation. The design and appurtenances must be approved by Paul Hawkins at OMI. The minimum easement width for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility or if the depth of the sanitary sewer is greater than 10 feet. Several areas will required additional utility easements such as north of lot 62 and 64 and north of lots 34 and 36. Add utility easement for the sanitary sewer between lot 81 and 119, lots 55 and 56, lots 47 and 48, lots 70 and 71, lots 77 and 76 and along Shadow Wood Lane. Utility easements and drainage easements are required to be separate. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wingwalls. Contact Paul Hawkins at OMI to insure that the existing lift station on Gregg Avenue has the extra capacity for these additional lots. The off site utility easement for this proposed force main connection will have to be a condition of approval of this plat. The off site easement must be a minimum of 20 feet and must be obtained from the off site property owner before construction plans can be approved. It must • also be located outside the existing highway right of way where future highway widening will not cause future relocation. Extend the sewer lines to the subdivision boundary on Water Stone • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 20 Drive, Hearth Stone Avenue, and Grey Stone Drive. All manholes must have "rain catchers." Regarding grading, erosion control must be provided. The following items were not reviewed because the contour lines were not shown: finished grade, maximum length of cut or fill slope, existing topography, setback requirements for cut or fill slopes, cuts, fills, disturbed land areas, and specific measure for control of runoff and sedimentation during construction Are any retaining walls proposed? Grading plans are required to be no smaller than 1 inch equal to 50 feet. Show all proposed grades with solid line contours. Following are items to be submitted with the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference: time schedule of construction, description of quantity, source, and composition of imported fill material and compaction specification. Also, note the quantity and destination of excavation materials to be removed from the site. Where excessive dust may become a problem, a plan for spraying water on heavily traveled dirt areas needs to be addressed. Regarding drainage, show and label all drainage easement. In general, all drainage easements should be separate from utility easements and be 20 feet in width All swales not located in public street right of way shall be private and privately maintained by the POA, HOA, or similar entity. The AHTD must approve the proposed discharge point in the Highway 265 right of way. If they do not approve it, detention must be provided. The preliminary drainage report that was submitted was only reviewed for general compliance with preliminary requirements and cannot be approved until the following items are addressed in sufficient detail: the total flow leaving the site for the pre and post development conditions; in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual, "If detention is not proposed, then supporting calculations and documentation of downstream conditions must be provided." This should include the effects of this development on the peak discharge in the existing creek to the south and the box culvert capacity calculations. If the post development flow is greater than the pre developed flow that discharges onto the Rosalee and Edward Ivey Trust property, detention will have to be provided unless an agreement with the property owners is provided. The runoff coefficients that are utilized for the rational method flow calculations must conform to Table 2.1.a or Table 2.1.b. of the Drainage Criteria Manual. In accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual, a multiplier is required to be used when the rational method is utilized in calculating flows greater than a 10 year frequency. Regarding streets, most of these proposed streets will be classified as a local street not a residential street. The street widths, right of way widths, sidewalks and green space must be revised to meet these standards. Extend the right of way to the eastern subdivision boundary for the stub out streets. All work within the Highway 265 right of way must be approved by the AHTD. What are the lane dimensions for the entrances? In accordance with Section 3-2 of the Minimum Street Standards, the minimum street centerline radius is 150 feet. If this cannot be met, eyebrow cul de sac could be an option. Is the site distance for the entrance adequate? Clyde Randall has requested the state plan coordinates on the subdivision boundary and • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 21 dimension of all street rights of way. Utility Comments Warrick. This will come back before you and it might be better to reserve comments until that time. Boles: What is the proposed wall through here? Carter: It's a screening wall It will be a decorative concrete fence similar to the one you see adjacent to Skillern Road at Savannah Phase III. Boles: Is it at the rear of those lots? Carter: Yes. Boles: How do they plan on us serving these lots? Carter. We need to talk about that. Phipps: We could serve them from the street but the transformer and everything will set in the front. Conklin: Could there be easements on both sides? Boles: From the cost standpoint, as far as the gas company is concemed, it will double your footage if you can't serve it from the rear The developer needs to take that into consideration. Phipps: Same way with us. Boles: I prefer not to have the wall there. Warrick: They have to have something. Either a wall or vegetation. Phipps: We will serve it from the street if that wall is there. Conklin: The meters would be by the houses, right? Boles: No. They will be along the street. Basically, the customer is wanting to run his own gas line. They would have to maintain it, too. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 22 Carter: the back? Boles: Could you service the R -O from the front and service the R-1 behind the wall in We can work out the details later. The wall is a problem. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 19, 1999 Page 23 OTHER BUSINESS Warrick. I have the mylars for the final plat for Wedington Place that I would like for you to review and sign off if they adequately reflect your expectations.