HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-04-14 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LS99-8: Shoemaker, pp242 PP99-4: Summersby, pp410 FP99-3: Charleston Place, pp370 MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Ron Petrie Chuck Rutherford Janet Strain Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Lefler, TCA STAFF ABSENT Janet Johns • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 2 LS99-8: LOT SPLIT SHOEMAKER, pp242 This item was submitted by Jo Ann Wilkins on behalf of Rebecca Shoemaker for property located at 4797 West Weir Road The property is in the planning growth area and contains approximately 10 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts of approximately 2 acres and 8 acres. Jo Aim Wilkins was present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No Comment Cheryl Zotti. Environmental Affairs Administrator No Comment Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator No Comment Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks are not required. This project is outside the city limits. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent No Comment Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator The completed application was submitted with the required number of plats and adjoining property owner labels. The plats adequately reflected the adjacent property owners and property layout within 300 feet, vicinity map, floodplain reference, legal description, adequate right of way dimensions from centerline, and adequate easement dimensions Add plat page 242 to the title block. The rear setback for the 8 acre tract must be taken from the new right of way line based upon the dedication required to meet the City's Master Street Plan. I notice here there is a 35 foot reservation for future road. That is actually required to be right of way dedication. That • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 3 will move the rear lot line to the north about 35 feet and then the setback will taken from there. Wilkins: The people from whom we are purchasing this had an access on the west side of the property. They wanted to close that and have an access on the east side. Warrick: That is no problem. It's not the greatest configuration as far as lot layout It will be remedied to some extent when this road is created on the south lot line because that is part of the City's Master Street Plan. There will be a collector street in that location. That will help give them more adequate frontage. Street requirements are right of way at the southernmost property line must be dedicated at this time. There were no parking requirements. Lot requirements were adequate for frontage and bulk and area. Other requirements included county approval In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 21, 1999. Wilkins. I have a document regarding the septic from Washington County Health. They're not going to build on it. They are just adding to the acreage they have. Warrick: This is actually going to an adjoining property owner. Which one? Wilkins: McCowsky. Warrick: The 8 acres is going to the people on the west. Wilkins: They are going to have a separate deed and everything on the front. Ron Petrie. Engmeenng Regarding water, our records indicate an existing 4 inch waterline located along Weir Road. Regarding sanitary sewer, no public sanitary sewer is available. The plat needs to reflect the existing septic system for the existing mobile home to show that it is entirely contained upon that lot. The properly line should not be located closer than 10 feet from the existing septic system. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 4 Utility Comments Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric Please contact Ozarks Electric for their easement requirements. Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas The easements as shown are fine. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell If they update the plat to show the easement away from the proposed right of way line it should be okay. Further Committee Discussion Warrick: In order for this lot split to be approved, it does need to continue to our • Subdivision Committee. • • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 5 PP99-4: PRELIMINARY PLAT SUMMERSBY SUBDIVISION, pp410 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Mark Foster for property located west of Crossover Road, south of Meandering Way and north of Ridgely Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 40.18 acres with 52 Lots proposed. Chris Bracket was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Ron Petne. Staff Engineer In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information is required to be provided no later than April 21 to continue to subdivision committee. Regarding water, the minimum easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. Fire protection and hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wingwalls. Depending on the location of the proposed new 8 inch water line along Ridgely Drive, a utility easement may be needed from David and Bernice Hamer. Regarding sanitary sewer, provide truck access to all manholes to maintain and clean the system. Per EPA regulations, all manholes shall be truck accessible. Generally, this has been provided. A note should be added on the plat and also incorporated into the protective covenants that prevents any lot owner to block access along the existing 8 inch sanitary sewer easement to insure access at all time. The minimum easement widths for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility or if the depth of the sanitary sewer is greater than 10 feet. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts and wingwalls. The acquisition of the easement on the Lewis property for the sanitary sewer and drainage extensions will be a condition of approval. All manholes must have "rain catchers." Brackett: We are negotiating the sale of the Lewis property. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 6 Petrie: Brackett. Are you buying the entire tract? That's a possibility. I know that would make everyone -happy. Burrack: Someone was in my office and they were discussing coming down from Meandering Way and making some lots of the Lewis property. Brackett: We drew something up for Mr. Lewis. Regarding grading, additional items are needed on the preliminary grading plan to comply with the grading ordinance. Provisions to keep mud and debris such as gravel off of public streets are required to be shown on the plat. The plat must reflect a truck wash area. Regarding cut or fill on slopes, the maximum allowable cut and fill is 3:1. Add the proposed cut and fill slope to the plan. Also, provide calculations that were used to determine the average slope for this subdivision. Additional information for the time schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization measures must be included on the constructions plans or at the preconstruction conference. Also, a description of quantity (in cubic yards), source, and composition of fill material and compaction specifications. Also, note the quantity (in cubic yards) and destination of excavation materials to be removed from the site. Regarding drainage, the Capital Improvement Project for the Boardwalk Subdivision and Manor Drive Drainage Improvements has not been advertised for bid. As of today, the estimated bid opening for this project is in early May of this year The City Council has budgeted $200,000 for these improvements and the Consulting Engineer for this project has submitted a cost estimate of $334,000. Therefore, it is likely that additional funds and a condemnation for a drainage easement will have to be requested and approved from the City Council in order for this project to proceed to construct. If the Council approves the construction costs and other necessary items in order for the Boardwalk/Manor Drive Drainage Project to proceed to the construction stage, offsite contribution from the developer of the Summersby Subdivision will be requested in accordance with City Ordinance 159.33, "Required Offsite Improvements, Subdivision Regulation" of the City Code. An estimate for the contribution has been received by the Engineering Department from Jorgensen & Associates in the amount of $42,512.73 based upon a rational nexus of the drainage areas. Engineering will recommend that the actual contribution amount be based upon a percentage of the actual accepted bid amount. If the Council chooses not to proceed with the construction of the drainage improvements to the Boardwalk/Manor Drive area, the developer of this site has the following options in accordance with the Stormwater Management, Drainage and Erosion Control Ordinance: building the offsite improvements at his own expense, or providing detention so as to match downstream capacity, or • delaying the project until the City is able or willing to share in the offsite costs. If the developer chooses to provide detention so as to match downstream capacities, it will be recommended that • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 7 this plat approval, if granted by the Planning Commission, be made void and another plat be submitted that reflects the change in lot configuration and in the location/size of any proposed detention pond. All swales not located in public street right of way shall be private and privately maintained by the property owners association, home owners association, or similar entity. The drainage easement located between lot 23 and 24 and north of lots 39, 40, 52 and 1 should be increased to a minimum of 15 feet in width. Also, additional drainage easements must be provided in several areas along the proposed streets where the storm sewer will be located outside of the right of way. Label the existing culvert under Manor Drive as an existing 24 inch by 54 inch metal pipe to be replaced with a new 54 inch RCP as a part of the Fayetteville Capital Improvement Project. Regarding the preliminary drainage report, this was reviewed for general compliance with preliminary requirements. A more detailed review will be done when the construction plans are submitted. In order to compare the pre versus post development flows, the method of subdividing the drainage areas must be analyzed in the same manner. Provide information on whether or not the storm pipes will be designed for the 100 year frequency rainfall event and describe where and how the overflow will be discharged. Several of the flows that were used by Jorgensen & Associates to analyze the proposed box culvert do not agree with the flows that were used by the Consulting Engineer for the design. Provide information regarding hot he increase in flow volume and/or peak from this development will effect the existing pond that is maintained by the Park Place property owners association. Also, provide information as to whether or not the existing spillway will be sufficient or will improvements be necessary. Regarding other requirements, the proposed improvements to the Hamer's existing driveway can not be approved without their permission since the work will be done on their private property. The driveway ramp may have to be widened in order to provide direct access onto Summersby Drive for both existing drives All water crossings will be 2 inch lines with value and valve box assemblies if required by Dave Jurgens, the water and sewer maintenance superintendent Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Regarding tree preservation and replacement and rare identification and location statement, additional rare trees do exist within the development. Please set a meeting with me concerning location of some of these trees on your plan and additional notes for tree preservation detail. The location of utilities easement and right of way are adequate. The existing and proposed grading as shown is adequate. No other landscaping is required. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator • Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be construction to Ordinance 4005 An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 8 Portland Cement Concrete. The streets within this subdivision are shown as local street having a 50 foot right of way. This requires a minimum 4 foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 foot green space. A 4 foot sidewalk will also be required on the east side of Summersby Street along Lot 20 of Boardwalk Phase I This will provide a sidewalk connection to Meandering Way. Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator The cul de sac and street widths are adequate for waste collection. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent E Amberwood or W. Amberwood should be given another name. We discourage the use of directionals in street names because in a 911 situation sometimes they might not be given. Plat should reflect the name of the stub between Lots 3 and 4. Also, the plat should reflect a clear demarcation of where Summersby ends and Ridgely begins. Street light location were adequate after the light at lot 12 and 13 moved to between lot 11 and 12. No sight distance problems were noted. Brackett. The reason we didn't name the stub between lots 3 and 4 was the same reason that wasn't name in Boardwalk. We don't know who is going to develop this Warrick: It would be appropriate for that stub out to be named at this time. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator This development is in the southeast park quadrant and the billing address is included on the plat. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board agreed to accept money in lieu of land dedication for 52 units at $375 per unit for a total of $19,500 This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with Ordinance 159.30. Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every two years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval, unless it is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator The submittal requirements were adequate and included a complete application, required number of plats, diskette, adjoining property owner labels, preliminary grading and drainage plan, tree preservation information and color rendered elevations. Plat requirements were adequate and included adjacent zoning, adjacent property owners, plat page, layout of adjoining property within 300 feet, vicinity map, floodplain reference, contours, legal description and legend. Also, right of way dimensions from centerlines, easement dimensions, building setback, and Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 9 owner/developer information were adequately included on the plat. Regarding street requirements, the plat adequately reflected conformance with the Master Street Plan. Right of way dedication and curb cuts were adequate. The long cul de sacs will require a waiver of the Subdivision regulation which must be approved by the Planning Commission. Staff requests the applicant pursue alternate configurations that may lessen the length of these dead end street due to safety concerns. There were no parking requirements. The lot frontages and bulk and area were adequate. Other requirements include the aforementioned written waiver request All utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: The two long cul de sacs will require a waiver from subdivision regulations because cul de sac cannot be longer than 500 feet. Provide a written request for that. Brackett: We feel the platted design is safer but if the Planning Commission requires something else, we will address that. Warrick. If that cul de sac remains, you will need to widen the radius for the ladder truck. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 revised plats must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 2, 1999. Developers of all preliminary plats are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming Subdivision meeting on April 29 and Planning Commission meeting on May 10, 1999. Proof of notification is required to be submitted with revisions. Mickey Jackson. Fire Chief Fire hydrant spacing was adequate. Dead end mains should be 8 inch. The hydrant located between lots 21 and 22 should be moved to between lots 19 and 20. The hydrant between lots 51 and 52 should be moved to between lots 49 and 50. Brackett: Everything in here is 8 inch. Utility Comments Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO On the fire hydrant, doesn't Mickey have a required distance between facilities? Check with him on that. The access drive between 1 and 52 and over on the north side of lot 39, it's getting crowded to get our facilities in there and if they are going to be driving a truck back there -- • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 10 Brackett. It's a pick up truck. Beavers: It is a 2 ton truck with a water trailer and other equipment for power wash That is why Jurgens has been insisting on some type of improved surface to get that back there. We are requesting an improved base with sod over it. Burrack: The one on lot 39 is fine but the one at lot 1 will have to do something if we are in that easement. I haven't made a design on it yet. On the east side of lot 1, you are showing the easement as a drainage easement on the east side and utility easement on the west side but you close the easement. It shows that I don't have the ability to run across the drainage easement. Brackett: I will make the easement across lot 1 and 2 as 20 foot drainage and utility easement. Burrack: Any place where there is a street light shown on the street, put an easement back to the back lot line where ever it is. Most of them on here do not and that is where our service would be coming from. 5 on each side will be fine. The intersection of Summersby and Ridgely has an existing pole line that comes down Ridgely and goes back on the property and behind Ms Bassett's house. We can work out something to get that relocated but there maybe some costs on that which will be bore by the developer. Just east of Ms. Bassett's house and the drainage area, how big is that swale? Brackett: There will not be the water that is going through there now. What we plan on doing is intersecting the water that is coming off the Broad View Subdivision and run that through our property and discharge it into what is already there. We are not proposing changes to what is running north/south. Burrack: Across those lots where you are showing that concrete swale, I would like to have an easement on the north side of the swale if possible. The swale goes right up against that sewer line that is existing in there and also that drainage which is solid rock in the bottom in there and it would be kind of tough for us to do anything with that. If I could get to the north side, I'm not sure who would want to go in there. I'm going to try to work with the rest of the people south of this development to convert their overhead service into underground service but it would have to be at their convenience and I will need to get some possible crosses after I get that worked out. Petrie: The electric is off site on this project. Burrack: If that doesn't work, I will have to feed back into their property, go back up an existing pole and over to their house. The primary line will be taken out. Going back east to lot 12, 11, and 10 it shows the sewer line in the middle of that easement. Is it in the middle? • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 11 Brackett. We shot the manholes that is exactly where it's at. Burrack: It gets narrow at the bottom of lot 12. Where we're coming off, if we had an easement on the north side of your concrete on 13 and take that to the east edge of lot 13 and drop down and I would ask for an additional 5 feet to make that 30 foot all the way around and we can stay on the north side of that. Over to lot 10 and 8, we need that extended to Lot 9 and that's it. Up to the north side of lot 39 and back to the sewer access, that is showing a 20 foot utility easement with a 10 foot drainage easement on the lot side of it with that drive going down through the middle of it will get us crowded if they are going to put a drive back through there. Brackett: We prefer to have it this way but if there is not enough room -- we'll be more than happy to work with you if this turns out to be a problem, we will give you what you need. I can make that a 50 foot drainage easement. Burrack: If these are not SWEPCO street lights, you will have to go through the same thing with Perry and work out an agreement and there are certain types that we can work with. Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas I need a 4 inch casing between lot 32 crossing Summersby. Need the property line between 46 and 47. I need something between lot 8 and 7 also crossing Summersby. Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell I need a 4 inch pipe across the proposed street. I need a 4 inch pipe across this street and a 4 inch on Summersby. Kevin Lefler. TCA Cable Warrick: Kevin isn't here. You will need to contact him for his requirements. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 12 FP99-3: FINAL PLAT CHARLESTON PLACE SUBDIVISION, pp370 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Greg House for property located east of Old Wire Road and south of Elmwood Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 12.84 acres with 51 lots proposed. Tom Hennelly was present on behalf of the project. Jim Johnson, 911 Addressing Amber Drive connects to Hackberry Dr. at the east end of this project. There are two houses addressed off Hackberry at this time. Hackberry should be changed to Amber Drive. Cheryl Zotti Environmental Affairs Administrator Street widths are adequate for waste collection. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Regarding street lights, if they are not standard street lights, a street light agreement will need to be executed between the City and the property owner association or developer and incorporated into the covenants of the subdivision. No sight distance problems were noted. Move the street light from lot 51 to the west at the intersection. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator This project is located in the southeast park quadrant. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board agreed to accept money in lieu of land dedication for 51 units at $375 per unit for a total of $19,125. This fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with Ordinance 159.30. Ordinance 4068 requires the formula based to be updated every two years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval unless it is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Provide the address and phone number of the developer. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator The final inspection must be completed before the Subdivision Committee which is April 29. Hennelly: We have started paving and one half of Amber is done. I have talked to Engineering and approached them about bonding for anything that is not complete. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 13 The submittal requirements were adequate for completed application, required number of plat, diskette, and adjoining property owner label. Timing of this submittal may be premature. The final inspection must have been completed prior to the Subdivision Committee meeting on April 29, 1999 in order for this project to remain in this review cycle. A final copy of the covenants and street Tight agreement for the PUD must be submitted with revisions from Plat Review. Regarding plat requirements, the vicinity map, floodplain reference, legal description, and legend were adequate. Right of way dimensions for centerline and building setbacks were adequately indicated. Add plat page 370 to the title block. See Engineering Division comments for easement changes. Add the name and address of the developer and owner to the plat. Regarding street requirements, conformance to the Master Street Plan, right of way dedication and curb cut number and location were all adequate. No parking requirements are applicable. The lot requirements were adequate for frontage and bulk and area. Regarding other requirements, indicate and locate all signs All utilities shall be located underground. Add addresses for each lot to the plat. Contact Jim Johnson, 911 Coordinator for addressing. Add a note to the plat that all greenspace shall be privately maintained by the property owners association. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and diskette and 37 copies of the revised plat must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 21, 1999. Check on greenspace calculations to determine of the easements were excluded. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Warrick: I will read the memo I received from Chief Jackson: "After reviewing the final plat submitted for Charleston Place and have gone to the site and looked at the houses that have been started at the west end of the project. I am very concerned about the layout of this subdivision and the close spacing of large houses, with fire hydrant spacing barely meeting the minimum standard. Realizing it may be late in the process, I recommend that an additional hydrant be added at the paved alley between Tots 29 and 30. The final plat shows an existing water main there, facilitating the installation of this recommended hydrant. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 14 Given what I've learned in the last couple of days about this project, I feel the additional hydrant is a necessity. Although I won't be at the plat review meeting on April 14, when this will be discussed, I'd be happy to work with you and/or the developer to try to get this extra hydrant included..." Hennelley: I doubt this will be a problem. Add a hydrant at the paved alley between lot 29 and 30. Ron Petne, Enameenng In general, the final inspection for this subdivision has not been held as of April 13, 1999. Water, sewer, and streets with the exception of the final pavement has been constructed. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, the minimum easement widths shall be 20 feet with the utilities centered. Several easements will need to be revised in order to meet this requirement. The alleys that will provide truck access to the sanitary sewer manholes will need to be installed or a guarantee provided to insure construction. The guarantee should cover the subgrade and subbase not the pavement. Regarding drainage, revise the note on the final plat to read that "All three detention ponds and open ditches, channels, and swales located within this project will be private maintained." Label these swales, ditches, and channels on the final plat. Revise the drainage easements for the detention ponds that provide a minimum 20 feet drainage easement through the detention pond connecting the tributary pipes and the discharge system. Provide a drainage easement for future maintenance and access to the box culvert under Amber Drive for the upstream and downstream ends of the structure. Prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat the following is required: resolution of the comments listed above. All items noted on the punch list and final inspection notes must be completed and approved by the City. In accordance with the Grading Ordinance all disturbed areas shall be revegetated. As -built drawings, construction cost data and maintenance bonds must be provided to the Engineering Department. The survey requirements and concrete monument should be checked by Jim Petty. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Tree preservation and replacement was adequate. Rare tree identification and location is adequate. Location of utilities, easements and rights of way were adequate. Be sure that tree protection fencing remains in place until alleys are paved. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 15 Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches, and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005 An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Amber Drive is a local street having a 50 foot right of way with 4 foot sidewalks and a 4 foot greenspace on both sides of the street. Cypress Lane is residential street with the alley having a 35 feet right of way with a 4 foot sidewalk and a 4 foot greenspace. This project began the plat review process during the summer of 1996. These were the requirements at that time. Add sidewalks and alleys to the legend. Would you explain the walking trail as far as surface? Hennelley: It was primarily intended for a privately maintained path constructed from pea gravel just for the residents. Utility Comments Dennis Burrack. SWEPCO Our facilities are already in. Regarding street lights, everything you do from the pedestal service will have be under NEC code and inspected by the City. When it comes off our pedestal after a certain distance you have to come back up and have protection on the wire. The quad crossing that you are showing over on the east side between lots 1 and 2, I thought on the original plat that there was an easement between 1 and 2. Please check the original drawing and if there was one include it on this plat. If there was not one, we can work it out. If the City is going to assume the billing for the street light and it is not going to be metered, there are certain types of energy only rates that we have filed and they are rather restrictive so before you put any of these in, contact us so these rates can be figured out. Johney Boles. Arkansas Western Gas I don't have any knowledge of the gas lighting issue. I will check on it and call you. Bob Falk. SWB This is a difficult job to proceed and try to engineer and get their facilities in when it's not final platted and you are requiring changes. There were a lot of changes made that is affecting our design. One is the trail that turns into an alley. When you have an alley or street and is accessible by traffic, your pedestals are in harms way. I know SWEPCO is in there. Kevin Lefler, TCA • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review April 14, 1999 Page 16 Warrick: They are not present today, so you will need to contact them regarding their comments.