HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-31 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 a.m. on March 31, 1999 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LS99-3.10 Calhoon, pp475 LSD99-9: MNT Investments, pp329 LSD99-10: Marshalltown Tools, pp642 LSD99-11: Marshalltown Tools, pp642 LSD99-12: Razorback Estates, pp287 MEMBERS PRESENT Johney Boles, Ark Western Mike Campbell, SWEPCO Robert Falk, SWB Kevin Lefler, TCA Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin Janet Johns Alett Little Ron Petrie Chuck Rutherford Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forwarded to 4/1 Sub meeting Forwarded to regular Sub meeting Forwarded to regular Sub meeting Forwarded to regular Sub meeting Forwarded to regular Sub meeting MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF ABSENT Perry Franklin Kim Hesse • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 2 LS99-3.10: LOT SPLIT CALHOON, pp475 This item was submitted by Nancy Calhoon for property located at 5817 Tipton Road. The property is in the planning growth area and contains approximately 19.35 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts of approximately 1.54 acres and 17.85 acres. Nancy Calhoon was present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements Cheryl Zotti - Environmental Affairs Administrator No Comments Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator No Comments Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator Sidewalks are not required. This site is outside the city limits. Kim Hesse, Parks Operations Coordinator No Comments Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, the application was complete, the number of required plats was adequate and labels for adjoining property owners were included. Regarding the plat requirements, the adjacent property owners, plat page, layout of adjoining property within 300 feet, the vicinity map, flood plain reference and legal description were all included and adequate. Also, the right of way dimensions, easement dedications and the project owner and developer were included on the plat. Regarding street requirements, Tipton Road (north side of this site) is classified as a collector street on the master street plan and therefore, a total of 70 feet of right of way is necessary. This plat needs to reflect a dedication of 35 feet from the centerline. There is only 30 feet shown on the plat. You need to show an additional 5 feet of right of way along the northem property line. • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 3 This will have to be on the revised plat with any other revisions that are requested. Regarding lot requirements, when and if in the future, this property is annexed into the City, the lot which is being created by this action will not meet the minimum requirements of the A-1, Agricultural zoning district of 2 acres with 200 feet of frontage. Regarding other requirements, county approval will be required. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions must be submitted no later than 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 7 with 37 revised copies. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Are there any existing houses on either of these properties? If so, please show them on the plan along with any septic systems. Calhoon: This is all pasture land. Regarding water, our records show an existing 2 inch water line located on the north side of Dot Tipton Road and ending near the eastern property line. This line needs to be located in order to determine its exact location, ending point, and possible service line locations. Depending on the location of the line and existing services, this line may have to be extended in order to serve both lots. Regarding sanitary sewer, no service is available. Utility Requirements Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas The easements shown are fine. Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable No Comment Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric On the west property line of tract A, is that easement/setback continuous through there? Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 4 Warrick: I believe that is a 10 feet setback. It is not called out as an easement. Phipps: We need a 20 foot utility easement/setback continuous. Warrick: Label that as a 20 foot utility easement and show 10 on each side. Robert Falk SWB Utility easements are adequate. Further Discussion Warrick: Ms. Calhoon, do you have any questions about any request made here? Calhoon: On the 30 foot easement from the center -- Warrick: 35 feet from the centerline. Calhoon: Are you stating that I have to bring in another plat at the next meeting showing that? Warrick: Yes, ma'am. Calhoon: When I brought that in, I asked them to look it over. They turned around and called this gentlemen and he said that if there is anything that needs to be corrected to let him know and he would have it corrected before this meeting. Little: This is the review process. Our office cannot do all the reviews for the other city divisions and utility companies. Our office can look at it and say that it all looks like you have most everything on here but until every other office looks at it, we won't know all the requirements. There are two changes that have to be made. There is an additional 5 feet of right of way. The setback needs to be labeled as "utility easement/setback." Those 2 changes are necessary and we need to forward 37 copies. Warrick: If you look on the third page of the -- Calhoon: I know this isn't your fault. I started this in February and I was down for March 8th. There was a problem with the first surveyor. I hired another surveyor. I put some money down on a trailer to hold it until April 1st because that was when it was going to close. I'm fixing to loose my earnest money. Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 5 Little: Our meeting where this could be approved is April 15th. Calhoon: I had to hire a different surveyor. My dad sold a truck and paid for another survey. Little: This is not the forum to discuss this. We will put this on the agenda for April 1 which is tomorrow. Can your surveyor get these changes made and in here in the morning? Calhoon: I'll go right over there. Can you sign it for me tomorrow. Little: We will take it to the Subdivision Committee and if these changes are on here, we feel like it will be approved. Calhoon: By tomorrow? Little: Yes. Warrick: The meeting tomorrow will be at 8:30 a.m. in the morning. If you can talk to Mr. Reid and get him to make these changes for you, then bring them with you when you come in the morning. We'll need 37 copies and we will distribute them to the Subdivision and City divisions. • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 6 LSD99-9: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MNT INVESTMENTS, pp329 This item was submitted by Patrick McGetrick of McGetrick & McGetrick on behalf of MNT Investments for property located at Lot 21, Block 1 of Colt Square. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.176 acres. Pat McGetrick and Jim Nosari were present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator The container location and pad, number of containers, and screening were all adequate. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator The rare tree identification is adequate; the location of utilities, easements, and right of way is adequate; and, the existing and proposed grading plans are adequate. Regarding landscaping requirements, the buffer and commercial design standards are adequate; however, the parking lot landscaping is insufficient. The plant selection, notes and details look good. The only other requirement is for a fully automated irrigation system or access to hose bibs spaced at a radius of 100 feet. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trail Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. The driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. A minimum 5 foot sidewalk with a minimum 5 feet green space will be required. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway. The curb radius lines need to be removed through the driveway approach. The sidewalk needs to be added to the legend. Kim Rogers, Parks & Recreation No Comment Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, everything was submitted adequately. • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 7 Regarding plat requirements, the adjacent zoning and property owners were adequately shown. Plat page 329 needs to be added to the title block. The layout of adjoining property was shown adequately. Revise the vicinity map to show all street names. The creek is shown as a street and needs to be relabelled. The flood plain reference was included; the contours were included; the legal description was adequate; the legend was adequate; the right of and easement dimensions were adequate; and, the project owner and developer were adequate. Regarding street requirements, the plat was in conformance with the Master Street Plan; and, the right of way dedication was adequate. Only one 24 foot curb cut would be allowed at the maximum. Regarding parking requirements, 26 space are required and the maximum allowable is 32 which is 26 plus the 20% allowable overage. Any parking in excess of 32 requires a conditional use request to be determined by the Planning Commission. McGetrick: If we distinguish that some of the spaces will be overnight storage of vehicle or something like that, rather than parking, will that make a difference? We can probably reduce the number we have. We showed 45 and we can go down to probably 38. But, I need some spaces for overnight storage of vehicles. I didn't know if that would be included in parking. Warrick: It's going to take a conditional use, if you're going to go over the 32 allowable. You will need to provide information regarding your request. McGetrick: Is that same thing, you asked me about? Warrick: The deadline for that is the 5th which would be Monday. If you can turn in your information by then, this won't hold you up. Please verify that with the Planning Department when you get your application. The lot requirements were met. Regarding other requirements, all utilities shall be located underground. Is any signage proposed? McGetrick: No. None at all. Warrick: Will all utilities be located underground? McGetrick: We'll have to relocate the power through there. We will make a note to that affect. • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 8 Warrick: We just want to make sure everybody was aware of that requirement. In order for this project to continue in the review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and elevations. 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 7, 1999. Under City ordinance, this developer must provide proof of notification of hearings to all adjoining property owners which is required to be submitted with the revisions. Regarding Commercial Design Standards, the site development requirements for 15 feet of landscaping along the front property line was met. The requirement for trees planted at 1 per 30 feet in the landscape area was met. All mechanical and utility equipment must be screened. The screening requirement of trash enclosure is okay but staff feels that 8 feet is very tall. The 85% site coverage requirement was met. The design element requirement prohibiting unpainted, concrete precision block walls has been met. The prohibition of "box like" structures requirement has been met. The prohibition of the predominance of metal siding requirement has been met. The prohibition of large, blank, unarticulated wall surfaces has been met. The prohibition of large, out of scale signs with flashy colors has been met. The compatibility and transition between adjoining development is adequate. Warrick: The screening for the trash may not need to be 8 feet tall. Little: We're not going to tell you that you can't do that. You may have 8 feet but 6 feet is adequate as far as we are concerned. McGetrick: We'll go with the 6 feet. Warrick: Regarding the dumpster itself, I would request that you move that further to the south so that there is still back up room for the last two parking spaces. McGetrick: We'll be reducing the parking there. Warrick: Okay. I need a note concerning shared drives and cross access stating that an access easement is being dedicated for future connections to the adjacent property to the east. You have it called out as a proposed access and utility easement. You should remove the proposed. McGetrick: We'll dedicate that. Warrick: It will be a part of your easement plat that is a part of this large scale. • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 9 Little: The Subdivision Committee has the ability to approve the large scale as long as there are no waivers requested. The request for additional parking is considered a waiver and that would make this plat go before the full Planning Commission. It's okay with us either way. We just want you to know in case there was a time consideration for you. McGetrick: We'll get the parking resolved before we bring back revisions. Little: That would be great. Fayetteville requires an easement plat to be filed or we do not issue building permits. At the time the building permit is requested, and easement plat is required. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, both are available to service this site. Regarding drainage, the submitted preliminary drainage information does not comply with the requirements as contained in Section 1.2 of the Drainage Criteria Manual. Specifically, the following needs to be addressed at the preliminary stage: A. The offsite areas that contribute storm water to the site. B. Include the preliminary calculations for the flow entering the site, the flow generated on the site and, the total flow leaving the site. C. If detention is not proposed, then supporting calculations and documentation of the down stream conditions must be provided. Will the flow in the street exceed the maximum allowable spread of runoff in the street? Petrie: You are proposing to discharge this at 2 main locations mainly in the street. I need the calculations showing depth of flow in the street. The city of Fayetteville requires to have an open 8 foot lane. 4 feet on either side for the 10 year storm. I need to see if that is acceptable. If it's not, then, we may require storm drainage. The other discharge point is in this area and there is really nothing to describe where it goes. McGetrick: There is a ditch there now on that side of the property which we have shown on there. • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 10 Petrie: I need to know what is discharging there now and what will be discharged. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading is acceptable as a preliminary plan. However, grading will not be allowed offsite unless written approval is granted by the adjacent property owner. Remove all references to the City of Little Rock in the grading notes. Petrie: The grading plan looks good. On some of your tree lines, your showing them across the property line. We won't allow that. McGetrick: We'll clean that up. Petrie: Also, revise some of your notes. Utility Requirements Michael Campbell - SWEPCO The utility easement shown on the plat appear to be sufficient. The overhead power line crosses the lot will be placed underground. There are coordination issues between ourselves as far as what we are requiring. We have an underground line that feeds an adjacent customer there. McGetrick: It comes off the pole. Campbell: Right. It's not a real problem. We'll just work it out at the time you submit construction plans. Johnev Boles - Ark Western The easements as shown are fine. Kevin Lefler - TCA Will this be placed underground right here? Little: No. It is off their site. Lefler: We have underground service on these poles right now. If that needs to be relocated for any reason which I can't see why it should -- McGetrick: I don't think so. Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 11 Lefler: Relocation would be at the developer's expense. Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell Do we know what type of business is going in here so we can estimate the phone requirements? Little: Normal office. Falk: The easements look adequate. • 4 Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 12 LSD99-10: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MARSHALLTOWN TOOLS This item was submitted by Robert O'Connell and Wayne Jones of McClelland Consulting Engineers on behalf of Marshalltown Tools for property located at 2200 Industrial Drive. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial, and contains approximately 15.34 acres. Wayne Jones, Paul Pinneo, and Robert O'Connell were present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements Cheryl Zottt - Environmental Affairs Administrator Dumpsters are not shown on the plat. Please locate. Jones: We're discussing parking and we'll figure out another place. Little: Please contact the Solid Waste Division at 444-3498, Sara or Willy. • Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator 0 The rare tree identification is adequate. Location of utilities, easements, and right of way is adequate. The existing and proposed grading is adequate. Regarding other requirements, the parking lot landscaping is deficient. You will be required to provide interior landscaping where additional parking is proposed. Please refer to the revised landscaping requirements within the off street parking lot ordinance. You are also required to have access to hose bibs or provide an automated irrigation system to ensure irrigation of proposed landscaping. As detailed within the revisions to the landscaping requirements, the type, size and spacing of trees and shrubs are required to be stated on plans. Jones: They would prefer for the additional landscaping up and down, along this street rather than doing any interior landscaping in the parking lot. Little: That would be a waiver of subdivision requirements. The Planning Commission will have to deal with that. Our Landscape Administrator is not here today. She normally does attend these meetings. She is at a seminar. I would ask that you discuss that with her. Her name is Kim Hesse. Chuck, do you know when Kim will be back? Rutherford: She'll be back tomorrow. Little: Give her a call. If you can come to agreement, it will go much easier at Planning • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 13 Commission. Jones: All right. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator There will not be a sidewalk required along Industrial Drive. The 100 foot wide railroad right of way along the south side of the property needs to be shown as the St. Paul Trail right of way. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No Comment Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Regarding the submittal requirements, everything was adequate including the applicant, number of required plats, a diskette, adjoining property owner labels, preliminary grading and drainage plans, and tree preservation plan. Please refer to comments from Engineering and Landscape Administrator for required additional information. Regarding plat requirements, please label the adjacent zoning, add plat page 642 to the title block, and orient your vicinity map in the same direction as your site plan. All the other requirements such as adjacent property owners, layout of adjoining property within 300 feet, flood plain reference, contours, and legal description were adequate as well as the lends, right of way dimensions from center lines, easement dimensions, building setbacks, and property owner and developer. There were no street requirements. Regarding parking requirements, the number and ratio of parking space and the traffic flow pattern was adequate. Are there 67 employees per shift or 174? Jones: There are 92 people for the first shift in the plant. Little: The first shift is 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.? Jones: Yes. The office has an additional 40 people in that same general time range from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Little: That's 132 total. e Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 14 Jones: Second shift is 42 from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. That's how many are out there right now. Little: So the maximum that you would have on site at a time is 174? You're only providing 161 parking places. Do some people car pool? Jones: There are some that do. There are some spaces available in the parking lot during the day. There not a need for that entire number of 174. Little: We don't want to require you to build too much parking, but we don't want to create a situation where there is not adequate parking. I take it you are trying to correct that. Pinneo. We have additional parking now. Jones: There is possible 174 employees there at one time. Little: That is for the first shift. You are only providing 161 parking spaces that we • know about. I keep reading that there may be more parking. Jones: No. 132 until 3 p.m. including office staff. The office staff is 40. Little: 92 and 40. Jones: Then there is another 42 coming on from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. It's those 42 that there is overlap between the time they arrive and the time the other people leave. Warrick: So you actually have the 132 plus the 42 which you left off. Little: At 2:30 it gets crammed up. Jones: 2:30 to 3:30 it's full. There are typically maybe 10 spaces out there in the parking lot that are not used during the day. Due to car pooling, absenteeism or whatever. We're saying there 161 parking spaces there and there are 13 there. If you look at development criteria, it says that based on the space in the plant and office, there are 100 spaces required and you could increase it by 20% which would be the 120. We're asking from 161 versus the requirement. Little: We are supporting that. We're asking if that is enough? Jones: I think we feel that is enough. We'll look at it and discuss it again to see if there is any other way. There may not need to be all four handicap spaces. We may be able to gain one more space by not having to do all four of those handicap spaces. Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 15 Little: Perry Franklin is our ADA coordinator for parking and he is at a seminar. Jones: We'll look and see. We're still going to go forward with the waiver on the parking. Little: grant. I think we have every reason to support that and it should not be a problem to Pinneo: Are you saying that we need more parking? Little: You need more parking based on the number of employees you have. That doesn't leave any visitor spaces. You're counting on half your people being sick so you have places for people to park. Jones: decide. We need to inventory on a daily basis how many spaces are empty and then Little: If you want 161 parking spaces, we are supporting that. The lot requirements were met. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat, and elevations. 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 7, 1999. All large scale developments are required under City ordinance to provide proof of notification of public hearing to all adjoinging property owners and same must be submitted with revisions. Jones: How can we do that? Little: You can either put a notice in the paper. You can have all the adjoining property owners sign a plat that you then file with us. Or, you can send certified letters to each adjoining property owner. Warrick: They need to know the dates and times of the public hearings. That is Subdivision and Planning Commission meetings. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 16 review at the time construction plans are submitted. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, both are available and extensions will not be necessary. Regarding drainage, the submitted preliminary drainage information does not comply with the requirements as contained in Section 1.2 of the Drainage Criteria Manual. Specifically, the following needs to be addressed: A. Include the preliminary calculations for the flow entering the site, the flow generated on the site, and the total flow leaving the site. B. If detention is not proposed, then supporting calculations and documentation of down stream conditions must be provided. Will the flow in the street exceed the maximum allowable spread of runoff in the street? Petrie. I'm concerned only in the area where the new parking is going to be. I'm not necessarily talking about information for the whole site but mainly the new parking area You have any existing small pipe. You need to look at it and make sure no improvements will be necessary. I'd like for you to address that a little bit more. Jones: What I initially was trying to do was give you the additional flow that is coming off from the grass area versus the paved area. I will do that. It is not a problem. As far as the grading of that site, it is pretty much going to match the existing contours. It will be very limited adjustment there. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan is incomplete and cannot be accepted as a preliminary plan. Submit a revised preliminary grading plan with the following: the proposed contour lines are required to be shown on the preliminary grading plan. Petrie: The specific requirements to be shown are included in the check list which I gave you. That should be pretty clear what is needed. If you have a question on exactly why I need them, feel free to call me. The following items will be required on the construction plan or at the preconstruction conference: a time schedule estimating the expected starting and completion date; description of the fill or compaction materials; and, dust control. Utility Requirements Michael Campbell - SWEPCO Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 17 This facility is currently served underground with a pad mounted transformer. The arrangements appear to be sufficient. If you have any additional load requirements, please get in touch with me and we'll make arrangements to upgrade our services. Pinneo: You have no concerns with easement? Campbell: No. Pinneo: I've been concerned since the railroad left. We had an agreement with the railroad and I have been in contact with Jill Goddard. She is the one working on the trails and I'm just concerned that we still have the easement in that area. Little: Is this an off site easement? Pinneo: Yes. Jones: It's an easement across the railroad right of way to the power pole on the south side of the old railroad right of way. Little: Why don't you talk to Jill and find out what it would take for the City to grant you an easement over to there. It's better for this to be straightened out. Pinneo: There was an existing easement with Burlington Northern Railroad. Since I last talked to Jill, Robert found the easement with Burlington Northern and she was interested in us getting something in writing that would help her in what she was doing. Little: They will draw them up. All you need us to do is sign it over to you and get it filed so there is not a question about it. Pinneo: I'm going to go do that. Little: Since you're using an off site easement to serve this, you do need to note it. Johney Boles - Arkansas Western Gas No Comment Jones: Since that is a major gas transmission line in there. Is there a specific distance if we install trees along there that we need to setback? Boles: We would request a 15 feet away from those lines. to i• • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 18 Jones: Is there 1 or 2 down in front of that location? Boles: There are 2. Jones: There were only 2 which were located. Boles: I'll follow up on that for you. Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable No Comment Bob Falk - SWB Is this going to increase the telephone requirements in this building? Jones: No. Falk: There is a fiber optic cable. I hate to see anybody's get cut because you would probably ask us to put it back together if it does. Jones: Little: That's on there. That's the first fiber optic cable we ever saw. • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 19 LSD99-11: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MARSHALLTOWN TOOLS -DISTRIBUTION CENTER, pp643 This item was submitted by Robert O'Connell and Wayne Jones of McClelland Consulting Engineers on behalf of Marshalltown Tools for property located at 2364 Armstrong Drive. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial, and contains approximately 28.88 acres Staff Requirements Cheryl Zotti - Environmental Affairs Administrator Dumpster need to located and shown. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Tree preservation and replacement was not required. Rate tree identification, location, and statement was adequate. The location of utilities, easements, and rights of way were adequate as shown. The existing and proposed grading was adequate as shown. Tree protection was not required. The parking lot landscaping was inadequate but the buffer requirements and commercial design standards was complied with. You will be required to provide interior landscaping where additional parking is proposed. Please refer to the revised landscaping requirements within the off street parking lot ordinance. You are also required to have access to hose bibs or provide an automated irrigation system to ensure irrigation of proposed landscaping. As detailed within the revisions to the landscaping requirements, the type, size and spacing of tress and shrubs are required to be stated on the plans. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator A minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot green space will be required along Armstrong Avenue. If any alteration is done on the existing approaches, the sidewalk shall be continuous through the approach. The 100 foot wide railroad and utility easement needs to be labeled the St. Paul Trail right of way. Jones: That cannot be done unless the City acquires the right of way. Little: Who is the current owner? Jones: Marshalltown. Little: That needs to be noted. • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 20 Jones: Well, the property line goes to the south side of the easement. It's noted, I think. Little: I'll accept that. Marshalltown thinks that they own the entire 100 feet? Jones: Yes, according to their legal description and plat. The railroad only went about 100 feet east of Armstrong Road and it stopped at that point. Then it was an easement for future extension if ever needed. If the railroad ever needed to serve another industry somewhere to the east, then they would use the easement. The property is owned by Marshalltown. Little: So, it was only an easement. It was never fee title owned by the railroad. Jones: No. Little: You do, of course, understand what we are trying to do. We're trying to put a trail in which we are hoping will eventually be used by some of the industrial park employees to get around down there. We have several developments that tie into it and several things that go along with that trail. In that case, disregarding the St. Paul Trail indication comment. Chuck, is that okay? Jones: I think Marshalltown would request that they be allowed to enter a bill of assurance for the installation of sidewalk along Armstrong Avenue. If they have not been able to find anything in their records from the past large scale development back in '88 when there were some renovations of the building done and even when Hanke Brothers built the facility back in '77, there were sidewalks required at those points in time. There may be a bill of assurance from in the past for those sidewalks. Little: You're thinking that the Bill of Assurance says -- Jones: That they will install sidewalks at the call of the City whenever they are needed or when sidewalks are installed in the industrial park. In addition to that, there is limited drainage along Armstrong Avenue. There are some places there are curb and gutter with side ditches behind the curb and gutter from Pump Station Road. Then, the water comes from the ditch, flows over the curb out into the street. Then, past the north entrance there, the street is actually at a zero grade. It is flat and there is no curb and it drains off to the side. Then it gets into an open ditch. There is a pipe that comes under Pump Station Road and discharges and gets into the ditch and then it flows over the curb before it gets to the north entrance. At this point, the curb ends. The grade of the street is flat. It is cross drainage into the ditch. In those situations, it would make the sidewalk installation very difficult with the drainage situation. I don't know if Chuck has had a chance to look at that. Little: There are comments both from Engineering and Sidewalk and Trails on this. I • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 21 think we probably need to go on through comments and then maybe look at this all together at the end. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No Comment Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, a complete application was submitted with the correct number of plat, a diskette, adjoining property owner labels, preliminary grading and drainage, tree preservation and color rendered elevations. Please refer to individual comments from Engineering and Landscape Administrator for additional information. Regarding plat requirements, adjacent zoning as shown was inadequate, the adjacent property owners as shown were adequate; plat page 642 must be added to the title block, adjoining property within 300 feet was laid out adequately, and the vicinity map needs to be oriented the same direction as the site plan. The floodplain reference, contours, and legal descriptions were adequate as submitted. The legend, right of way dimensions, easement dimensions, building setbacks, and project owner/developer were adequate as shown. Warrick: What is the purpose of the new warehouse facility? Jones: Just warehousing of finished product prior to shipping. They will warehouse the product and they will fill order and take it to the shipping and wrapping department for shipment. It's basically a high bay, 22 feet top of rack warehouse facility. Little: Will you be acquiring new equipment to use in the warehouse? Pinneo: Yes. Little: Front end loaders? Pinneo: We'll be using cherry pickers. We'll also have turret trucks, too. Little: No conveyor belts or anything like that? Pinneo: They will be running conveyor belts through the facility? • Little: Any other equipment? • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 22 Pinneo: We will have carousels for partial cases. That will be in our current facility. The bulk storage will be in the new facility and the partial cases will remain in the old facility where they will be gathered up and wrapped up and shipped. There were no street requirements. Regarding parking requirements, there are 91 spaces needed during the 1st shift which is 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are 40 spaces needed for the office employees from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are 42 spaces needed for the 2nd shift which is 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. This is a total of 174 on site spaces needed at the maximum. The lot requirements were adequate as shown. There were no other requirements from planning. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 copies of the revised project must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 7, 1999. Developers of all large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners of the upcoming public hearings. Proof of said notification is required to be submitted with revisions. Mickey Jackson - Fire Chief The private water line to the west line of the new building needs to be extended and one hydrant needs to be added. The building needs to be fully sprinklered. Ron Petrie - Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided not later than Wednesday, April 7, 1999. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, both are available and no extensions will be necessary. Regarding drainage, because the increase in peak flows are insignificant and the flows will enter directly into the 10 year flood plain or the existing channel, the drainage calculations can be accepted as preliminary. Additional information may be required for the final submittal. Contact Tim Conklin, Flood Plain Administrator, to make certain that the latest flood plain data is shown • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 23 on this plan. Regarding streets, curb and gutter needs to be added to Armstrong Road with storm drainage for a small portion located between the existing driveways. This area presently pond water and will be required to be corrected during this phase of construction. Jones: Petrie: How are you going to drain a street at a flat grade? It's not draining now. As an engineer, you the one that needs to tell us that. Jones: We will request that it be a waiver. We wish to leave Armstrong Road as it is now. The only thing that could be done is to make sure that the earth and grass along the edge of the road be maintained so that the water gets off of there. Little: You can request a waiver. In requesting a waiver, you have to give adequate information so that our Engineering Division can respond to that and say whether they support that waiver or they don't support that waiver. The Planning Commission will make the decision. Provide information about the grade and what is there now and what would be required to correct it along with cost information. Petrie: Cost is not really a factor. Jones: It is a factor I could see it if we were going to be doing something along the roadway and or driveways. When we are using the existing drive and pavement that is on site -- Petrie: Along roads that need improvements we request them at this time. Little: That is the standard procedure. Jones: I know that American Airfield across the street has curb over there. Whether that functions as it's supposed to, I don't know. Petrie: As one who drives that road everyday, it drains on that side. Jones: I know that there were several places on Armstrong Avenue when it was built that it was built with flat grade with cross slope drainage. That is the reason curb and gutters were not installed at that point in time. I looked at the original plans and that was what was there. That could become a very costly situation of trying to drain a flat zero slope street along the edge of the curb. Little: That is the information you have to furnish to our Engineers so that the Planning • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 24 Commission can make their decision. Engineering will respond to that and make a recommendation to the Commission. What I am telling you is that if you are convincing enough, that we should deviate from our normal procedure, you may receive a staff recommendation. From what I'm hearing right now, I don't think that you will receive a staff recommendation for that so you are probably going to be asking for a straight out waiver. Petrie: is. I would like to see the survey shots on that to make sure it is as flat as you say it Jones: I'm not sure that there are any. The owner provided the information we have. Little: That is not impossible to get. Jones: It's not impossible to get. The other thing is this situation has been here for 28 years. Little: You must bring it up to standard. I don't know if we need to talk about this much more at this table. At this point, we have a request from Engineering that they need additional information. One of the things that he has asked for and one of the things that we are going to ask for is some grade information there. He says he needs survey shots. You can take that at face value. Jones: There were some done but not in that particular area. There was not anticipated need for improvements out there that we envisioned. Little: The reason I said earlier on Chuck's information about the sidewalk over there is these 2 things are going hand in hand. I can tell you that Planning Commission has also been very supportive of getting the sidewalks in and I know that you got a bill of assurance and you may wish to continue to bring up the bill of assurance. Whatever the date on that was, I think you need to realize from another perspective is you have already received a put off one time and you have had the benefit of the site without it and that it may be time to do that. They may be willing to accept a bill of assurance. Those are the kinds of things that you have to ask about. Those 2 items. They are very interrelated. I would address them as one, if I were you. Rutherford: We don't accept bills of assurance for sidewalks anymore. Little: We stopped that about 3 years ago Simply because if the person is not willing to put them in when they are doing the work, they are not willing to put them in 5 or 10 years later. It doesn't work. Rutherford: While we're on the right of way for St. Paul Trail, is it possible to put that • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 25 comment on the 149 feet that you are showing? Jones: Yes. Pinneo: If you want me to put a sidewalk in shouldn't there be some kind of coordination as to what the trail is going to look like? It might be a sidewalk going no where. Little: The standard for our sidewalks are that it is within our right of way so that standard will dictate where this sidewalk is placed. Pinneo: I'm concerned that if we put a sidewalk in and we have a trail coming through that will have to meet up with our sidewalk. The last time I talked to Jill Goddard, she didn't indicate what kind of trail it would be. Warrick: That is because Chuck is our sidewalk and trail coordinator. Pinneo: I think there was the point of connecting the sidewalk to the trail. That would happen at that -- Little: The sidewalk is at a 3% grade to the street? Rutherford: Not greater than a 2% grade. Little: The trail has to come to the street anyway. That is where we are crossing. Jones: The sidewalk has to be on the street right of way? Can it be on private property? Rutherford: It can be on private property. Jones: The sidewalk and where it's located in regard to the side ditches along Armstrong Road is a problem. Little: Regarding sidewalks on private property, the City has tort immunity so any accidents that occur on sidewalks within right of way, the City assumes the responsibility for. If the sidewalk is no private property, the private property owner assumes the liability should any happen. Jones: a 6 foot sidewalk -- would the owner dedicate an additional 6 feet of right of way? • Little: They could if they want to. We have done that a couple of times. On maintenance for those that end up on private property, does the City maintain those? • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 26 Rutherford: Our ordinance doesn't really address it that specific. It just says the City is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk. The City changed that in the spring of '97. The City does have a standard on what needs to be built. Inspection is required. Jones: Okay. If it's on private property, does it still need to fall toward the street or can if fall with natural -- Rutherford: Without curb and gutter there, we typically like it to fall toward the street. We typically like it to be against where the curb would be. That protects the property when the water is drained from the driveways. We have several pieces which we have changed because of that. We can work with whatever grades we're given to make the sidewalk work. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan is incomplete and cannot be accepted as a preliminary plan. Please submit the following: a. Existing grade shall be shown with dashed line contours and proposed grades with solid line contours. Contour intervals shall be a maximum of 2 feet. Spot elevations shall be indicated. B. All cuts and fills, including height and slope, shall be clearly shown on the plan. The following additional information will be required on the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference: a. a time schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequent and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization measures. B. Description of quantity (in cubic yards), source, and composition of imported fill material and compaction specifications. Also, note the quantity in cub yards and destination of excavation materials to be removed from the site. C. Where excessive dust may become a problem, a plan for spraying water on heavily traveled dirt areas shall be addressed. Utility Requirements Michael Campbell - SWEPCO • We currently serve this facility at the northwest corner with a pad mount underground transformer. The only comment I would have was when you know exactly what your additional • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 27 load requirements are going to be, give us a call and we'll evaluate our current transformer capacity. We may need to change that transformer out for a larger one. Johney Boles - Arkansas Western Gas No Comment Kevin Lefler - TCA No Comment Bob Falk - Southwestern Bell No Comment • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 28 LSD99-12: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT RAZORBACK ESTATES, pp 287 This item was submitted by Jerry Kelso of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Lindsey Management Company for property located on McConnell Avenue east of Highway 71 Bypass. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains approximately 22.38 acres. Jerry Kelso was present on behalf of the applicant. Staff Requirements Jim Johnson, 911 Coordinator The private drives through this project need street names. Please contact the coordinator for approval of the street names. Cheryl Zotti. Environmental Affairs Administrator The container location, pad, number, and screening were all adequate. Refer to the Development Coordinator's comments. Little: Any place there is a back up area, the aisle must be perpendicular. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator The tree preservation plan was adequate. The rare tree statement was adequate. The location of utilities, easements, and right of ways were adequate. The tree protection specifications and details were inadequate. The parking lot landscaping was inadequate. The buffer requirements were met adequately. The commercial design standards were met adequately. Please refer to revised landscaping requirements within the off street parking lot ordinance. The revised parking lot landscaping ordinance requires some form of irrigation, planting beds, and detailed information concerning proposed plants, mulch, etc. As detailed within the revisions to the landscaping requirements, the type, size and spacing of trees and shrubs are to be stated on the plans. Tree protection fencing and details are to be shown on grading plan. I appreciate your effort to preserve the large trees. Good fob. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator • The park is in the NE park quadrant. Money in the amount of $68,400 for 228 units at $300 per unit was accepted in lieu of land dedication. City Council approved a waiver of Parks Ordinance • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 29 3793 through Resolution #44-99 on March 23, 1999. This Resolution allows us to accept money in lieu of land. The fee is based upon the present park land formula in accordance with Ordinance 159.30 (k). Also, Ordinance 4068 requires the formula base to be updated every two years to the current average market price. Therefore, the actual park land fee will be determined on the date of Planning Commission approval, unless it is approved at the Subdivision Committee level. Dawn T. Warrick, Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, the application was complete at submittal with the required number or plats, diskette, adjoining property owner labels, preliminary grading and drainage report, and tree preservation plan. Refer to comments from Engineering and Landscape Administrator for additional information. Regarding plat requirements, the adjacent zoning needs to be indicated on the plat. The adjacent property owners were indicated on the plat. Plat page 287 needs to be added to the plat. The layout of adjoining property within 300 feet was indicated on the plat. The vicinity map needs to be more legible. Include a flood plain reference statement on the plat. The contours were adequately indicated on the plat. The legal description and legend were correctly indicated on the plat. Regarding street requirements, the plat was in conformance with the Master Street Plan. Sufficient right of way was indicated. The width of the northernmost curb may not exceed 24 feet. Little: Dimension that on your plan. Regarding parking requirements, the number and ratio of parking spaces were adequate and shall meet the standard of 9 x 19 with 24 feet drive aisles. The traffic flow pattern was adequate. Where dumpsters are located at the end of parking areas, there must still be a backup space for vehicles. You might move the dumpsters back some. Little: Narrow those to 24 feet on your plan. Warrick: On the areas where you have overhang, you can reduce your parking space length to 17 feet by providing a 2 foot overhang where you have vacant land. The lot requirements for frontage and bulk and area were adequate. Regarding other requirements, all signs were indicates and located. All utilities shall be located underground. AAO facilities and office require Conditional Use approval by the Planning • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 30 Commission as they are not uses by right in the R-2 zoning district. They will also be required to meet the City's Commercial Design Standards ordinance. Warrick: We will need you to provide elevations along with the conditional use application. Kelso: They aren't in a hurry to do that. We might want to phase it. Little: You need to put a phase line on there. Understand that if it is not approved at this point it will come back later through another large scale. Warrick: You need to provide more screening for the utility pads and dumpster. Little: Correct the spelling of Commerce Avenue on the vicinity map. Warrick: Is there a way you could combine meter locations? Kelso: We come right off the water line in the past. What we have done in the past is put them in one spot. They are water meters. Little: Don't worry about it. If you could move them closer together it would be better for the meter readers. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all required revisions and additional information must be added to the plat. 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 7, 1999. All large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners indicating the public hearings for Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission. Proof of notification is required to be submitted with revisions. This project will not proceed to the next review level without proof of notification. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trail Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. McConnell Avenue is a collector street requiring a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 feet green space between the curb and sidewalk. The sidewalk needs to be added to the legend. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria Review for plat approval is • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 31 not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. The legal description does not close but there is a question to the property location of the property within the 40 acre call out. Please contact Clyde Randall for revisions. Regarding water, the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet with the water line centered within the easement. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. In all cases, the minimum distance from the utility to the easement line shall be 10 feet. Revise the plan accordingly. It appears that additional main line gate valves will be needed in order to isolate more areas. This will be reviewed in greater detail when the construction plans are submitted. Petrie: feet. You may need more easements. There are several places where there is only 5 Regarding sanitary sewer, provide truck access to all manholes to maintain and clean the system per EPC regulations. All manholes shall be truck accessible. Generally this has been provided except for the manholes located to the north of Units 2 through 6. Contact Paul Hawkins at OMI to determine if improvements will be needed to the existing pump station located on Gregg Avenue near the Mud Creek Bridge in order to serve these proposed apartments. Petrie: Jim Beavers requested that you contact OMI. This will be a fairly standard request on these large projects. Regarding grading, the preliminary plan does not contain all the information required by the ordinance. Provision to keep soil/mud or debris off of public streets during construction is required to be addressed. Also, temporary erosion control measures such as baled straw, silt fences, ditch checks, etc are required to be shown on the grading plan. The maximum allowable slope is 3:1. The following items will be required on the construction plan or at the preconstruction conference: a time schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates and the development sequence and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization measures. The description of quantity (in cubic yards), source, and composition of imported fill material and compaction specifications. Also, note the quantity (in cubic yards) and destination of excavation materials to be removed from the site. Provide specifications of measures to control runoff and sedimentation during construction indicating what will be used such as straw bales, silt dams, brush check dams, lateral hillside ditches, catch basins, etc. Where excessive dust may become a problem, a plan for spraying water on heavily traveled dirt areas shall be addressed. • Regarding drainage, the preliminary report was only reviewed for general compliance. a more detailed review will be made when the construction plans are submitted. Engineering will not • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 32 approve the proposed rerouting of the storm water to the Highway 71 Bypass ditch as indicated unless written approval is received from the AHTD. All drainage including the detention pond within this development will be private and privately maintained. Add a note to the plans that reflect this statement. a public drainage easement may be required through this development for future development located to the south of this property. For building within 100 feet of a permanent lake or pond, a waiver request from your firm is required and approval must be granted by the Planning Commission. Petrie. You can get that information off of the Washington County Soil Survey Map. You're putting a lot of storm drainage to a different water shed. I have a problem with that but if the Highway department doesn't then it's fine. We will require a waiver for the pond and its location and proximity to the apartments. It is a waiver from the drainage ordinance. Warrick: You need to write a letter. Regarding streets, McConnell Avenue is classified as a collector street. The section of street adjacent to this site must be improved and widened to 18 feet. Indicate same on the preliminary plan. In accordance with the ordinances, and to be consistent with other developments, staff will request the Planning Commission determine the requirement for a developer contribution to the offsite improvements to McConnell Avenue and Drake Street from this site to Highway 112. These improvements would include the McConnell/Drake Street intersection which appears unsafe for the additional traffic and a possible traffic light at the Drake Street/Highway 112 intersection. Engineering will try to provide a recommended amount by the Subdivision Committee meeting. Petrie: site. We will request improvement for one half of McConnell Avenue adjacent to this Kelso: Do we have the option of giving money in lieu of building it? Little: You can ask. If you give money, then we have to keep up with it. The applicant believes that it trades the responsibility to the City. Kelso: We done several street projects and when you have of the street built and the other half is not. It makes more sense to come in there and do the whole street. Little: We take what we can get in small increments. It's not a perfect system. The other side belongs to the University and we're not likely to get any of that. Kelso: That's fine. • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 33 Petrie: Staff is also requesting contribution for improvement to the road north of this. Also, we would like a possible street right on Drake and Highway 112. We'll put something together. Kelso: Please break that down. Petrie: Perry Franklin will provide the traffic numbers. Utility Requirements Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable To provide service, we will have to come all the way from Gregg Street. There is no cable near here. Internally, we will go with Ozarks power. We ask for the same thing as Ozarks as far as crossings and easements and points of entry into the buildings. Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric • We have an existing underground 3 phase line on the west side of this project following that right of way fence. We need a 15 foot easement with that. • Kelso: When was this put in? Phipps: Actually, that's a bad line we're not using it but we still have the easement for it. We may have to rebuild it for this project. Where do you want the transformers for the apartments? All the easements are out front. Kelso: We normally go to the back. We will provide you with easements back there. Let me know your route and we'll give you an easement where you need one. Phipps: What you have now are 25 foot easements in the front. TCA is coming with us. We would need a 20 foot easement around the backs of these. Falk: The pedestals are actually on the sides of these buildings. We will need easements to connect to the pedestals. Johney Boles - Arkansas Western Gas No Comments Little: These are total electric apartments. • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 34 Phipps: Are you providing lights? Kelso: He normally does and I'll show those on there. Phipps: At the north side of the property, you have a notation indicating combination trash and recycling bins. We'll need a 20 foot easement over to Building 12. Also coming out to the 14 inch oak on the west side of the property you have a notation, continue that easement and cross your drive with three 4 inch conduits. Falk: I need 2. Kelso: We give you seven 4 inch conduits. Phipps: By the apartment club house drive, I need two 4 inch conduits. Kelso: We'll just make that an easement Phipps: At the entrance, we need 7 there. We need a 20 foot easement to tie into the • existing 20 foot easement. • Kelso: You want to circle around or dead end? Phipps: Circle. Will this be single phase? Kelso: I don't know yet. Phipps: If they use 3 phase air conditioners up there, we will have a problem. Kelso: I'll relay that to the owner. Phipps: The lights along McConnell -- Little: They'll be every 300 feet and at every entrance. Phipps: We will need a 10 foot easement where the 20 foot easement stops so I can get to the comer with the street light. Just swap the easements in the front to the back and give me a route through there. Don't dead end it. Kelso: The City wants all their water and sewer at the front and the rest of the utilities are in back. We'll need easements on both sides. • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 35 Phipps: If I come from Southwestern Bell to the northwest part of the property then I will rebury the underground from the fair grounds to the southeast part. We'll abandon this easement when we get that done so you won't have anything through there for 500 feet. We'll have to get all this together before we can do it. Little: What is the arrangement with Lindsey and the cable company? Lefler: You may recall that we used to provide them a feed and they took care of it. That is not the case any more. We handle all of it. Little: fee? On existing apartments as related to franchise fees, are we receiving our franchise Lefler: Absolutely. Phipps. When you get the easements change and we set this up, I can give you a cost on this project then. • Bob Falk, Southwestern Bell Is the basketball arena going to need phone service? Dose the club house need phone service? Kelso: The club house will. I would imagine there would be phones basketball arena. Falk: We need easement continuing into those places, too. Kelso: Do you know where you want it? Falk: I doubt the club house will want front service? Put it where ever you want to see a pedestal. The transformer will be 4 feet high. Warrick. It will have to meet setbacks. Little: He already has to screen the trash. You should put it there. Move the fire hydrant over. Phipps: Is the football field lighted? Kelso: I don't know. • Phipps: Let's remember that the AAO information is probably going to be designated as a • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 36 phase and you will look at that again later. Warrick: It will come back large scale. Kelso: it for now. They aren't in a big hurry to do it. They are going to do the dirt work and that is • • • Minutes of Plat Review March 31, 1999 Page 37 Other Business Beavers: We have a new engineer, Paul Libertini. He started work for us on Monday and I would like to introduce hint You will be seeing him at plat review assisting Ron.