HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-17 - Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on March 17, 1999, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111, of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LS99-5: Smith, pp595 LS99-6: Burton, pp254 FP99-1: Wedington Place, pp401 FP99-2: Altus Addition, pp258 Easement Plat for Glenwood Shopping Ctr. MEMBERS PRESENT Johney Bowles, Arkansas Western Gas Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Bob Fox, Southwestern Bell Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin Janet Johns Alett Little Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision Needs revisions & signoff MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Lefler, TCA STAFF ABSENT • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 2 LS99-5: LOT SPLIT SMITH, PP595 This item was submitted by Alan Reid on behalf of Greta Smith for property located at 1755 South Hoot Owl Lane. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, and contains approximately 5.19 acres. The request is to split the property into tracts containing approximately 0.79 acres and 4.50 acres. Alan Reid was present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements: Cheryl Zotti - Solid Waste The)cul de sac was adequate and street width was also adequate. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator No comments. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005, Section 98.67. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Further, there will be no sidewalk requirement for this lot split. The asphalt pavements ends at the beginning of these two properties and at that point it becomes a gravel driveway. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No comments. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The application was complete as submitted and there were the required number of plats along with adjoining property owners labels. Adjacent property owners as shown were adequate. The plat plage, vicinity map and floodplain reference were all adequate. The right of way dimensions from centerline were shown along with the easement dimensions. Label the adjacent zoning and zoning for the subject property. The building setbacks shown reflect R-1 district requirements. This is zoned A-1 and the appropriate setbacks need to be • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 3 shown. A 25 feet dedication of right of way long the eastern property line is necessary to provide frontage for these two lots What this does in addition to providing a means for street connection in the future if we ever decide to build a street over the mountain. Reid: We can continue the 25 feet straight on down through her whole property. She can still have this access easement? Little: Right. Warrick. There were no parking requirements In order for the smaller lot to be conforming, a change in zoning designation is required. The lot cannot meet the bulk and area restrictions for the A-1 district that it is currently located in. The only other option would be a variance which must be determined by the Board of Adjustments. Staff would support a rezoning request. Would it be possible for tract 1 to be reconfigured to be 2 acres') Little: It's either reconfigure or rezone. It's $325 to petition for zoning plus the time so • we thought she might want to make it a 2 acre lot with 250 feet of frontage. • Reid: I don't think she could get the 250 feet without putting it close to where her driveway is. Little: We could do that with Board of Adjustments which is a $25 fee and they meet the first Monday of each month. Reid: I will have to talk to her. Warrick: In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 1999 Utility Requirements: Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable Same easements and conditions as electric company. TCA will follow the same route as electric. Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO There is existing service coming up on each side of this already. The easements and rights of • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 4 way are sufficient. Bob Fox - Southwestern Bell The existing easements are sufficient for telephone. Johney Bowles - Arkansas Western Gas The easements as shown are fine. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 5 LS99-6: LOT SPLIT BURTON, pp254 This item was submitted by Mike Burton for property located at 2831 Strawberry Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.64 acres. The request is to divide the property into two tracts containing approximately 0.29 acres and 0.35 acres. Chris Brackett of Jorgensen and Associates was present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements: Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator This is in the northeast park quadrant, and is zoned R-1. The billing address is Mike Burton, 3822 Chesapeake Street, Springdale, Arkansas 72762. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has agreed to accept money in lieu of land dedication in the amount of $375 This fee will be due before issuance of a building permit. The owner is responsible for the park land fee. Cheryl Zotti - Solid Waste The cul de sac and street width are adequate for solid waste pick up. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator No comments. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005 §98.67. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. A sidewalk will be required through the driveway at time of development. Brackett: The sidewalk is shown but it won't be constructed. Kim Rogers - Parks Coordinator • This lot split is in the northeast quadrant and is zoned R-1. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has elected to accept $375 in lieu of a land dedication which will be due prior to issuance • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 6 of the building permit. The original owner is responsible for the park fees on the lot split. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The submittal requirements for the application were complete including the required number of plats, and adjoining property owners labels. The plat requirements including adjacent zoning, adjacent property owners, layout of adjoining property, vicinity map, right of way dimensions, easement dimension, and project owner and developer were adequate. Plat page 254 should be added to the title block. The floodplain reference needs to added to the plat. Include all setback dimension for each lot zoned R-1. Brackett: Including the side and rear setbacks? Warrick: There are structures on there and we need to be sure they don't encroach. The street requirements conform to the Master Street Plan. The right of way shown for Strawberry Drive does not match the City's plat pages information which show a varying right of way width along this street. The plan must be revised to show accurate right of way dimensions and a dedication is required along the eastern property line to provide the necessary 50 feet right of way in this location In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat and 37 revised copies must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 1999. Ron Petrie - Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water: 1. To avoid confusion, the new water meter should be located to the west of the existing water meter, unless the new water meter will be connected to the existing service line. 2. Our records show that the existing 6 inch waterline is located on the west side of Strawberry Drive and does not cross over the street as shown on this plat. 3. Provide an additional utility easement for the water and/or sewer line. The minimum • distance from the edge of the waterline to the easement is required to be 10 feet. A wider easement will be required if the easement contains other utilities. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 7 Sanitary Sewer: Who will build the new 8 inch sewer line? If the Water & Sewer Department has committed to build this extension, the applicant needs to submit this commitment in writing before the Subdivision Committee meeting. A cost share amount may also be required to be provided by the applicant's engineer for this meeting. The existing house and new residence will have to be connected to the public sewer line. Petrie. For the record, I am requesting that you contact David Jurgens and get a cash contribution for the sewer line extension before the Subdivision Committee meeting. 2. It appears that an additional utility easement will be needed for the sanitary sewer extension across Lot 9, Block 2, of the Strawberry Hills Subdivision. Other: 1. The right of way for Strawberry Drive does not match the final plat. • 2. Depending on the width of the actual existing right of way for Strawberry Drive, additional right of way may be need to be dedicated. • Utility Requirements: Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable We require the same easements and conditions as the electric company as we will follow their route. Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO The intent is to build another home. Brackett: Correct. Burrack: What are the building setbacks going to be on this? Warrick: It will be 25 feet from the street right of way. 8 feet side setbacks and a 20 foot rear setback. Burrack: I would request that the 8 foot be a utility easement and 10 feet of the 20 foot setback be a utility easement. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 8 Warrick: The 8 feet on the east or the west of the new lot? Burrack: Try to get by those trees. Is there some way to do that? Which side would be better? Little: The west is clear. Burrack: Let's do it there. This is an area that I don't believe has been platted as far as city plat goes and so there is really nothing in there as far as easement. It's Just property lines. If anything does happen we would just like to be able to get through there. Brackett: Was it 10 feet on the south property line? Little: Yes, and 8 on the west. Brackett: Is that on the new tract or on the entire tract. We may be -- Burrack: We maybe a little tight back there. Going by the house will be just whatever it is. Brackett: Okay. Warrick: Chris, you notice that the setbacks are going to change on the existing lot because it is a corner lot. The south setback line will be 8 and for the new it's 20 because of the corner condition. Little: You can't make a 10 foot easement along there. We can make an 8. Burrack: Turn the 8 into an 8 foot easement. Little: Okay. Conklin: That may get a piece of that house. Little: Even with an 8? Burrack: It will be close. Move to whatever it is will be fine. Little: It is going to be important that we locate the easement separate from where the house overhangs it because if this house ever sells and they do any kind of survey, if it's an easement, we have to vacate the easement. Let's just make sure. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 9 Bob Fox - Southwestern Bell We can utilize the same easements. Johney Bowles - Arkansas Western Gas Chris, I would like to increase this 10 foot utility easement on the north property line of tract A and B to 15 feet and I would like that continued down the east property line of tract A also. Brackett: Okay. 15 feet. Bowles: I have an old existing line. Actually it's installed in street right of way and eventually it will need to be replaced and we would move that back on private property at that time. Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 10 FP99-1: FINAL PLAT WEDINGTON PLACE, pp 401 This item was submitted by Robert Brown of Development Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Clary Development Corporation for property located in Wedington Place Addition, Phase II. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 29.998 acres with 8 lots proposed. Roger Trotter was present on behalf of the applicant. Staff Recommendations Cheryl Zotti - Solid Waste No comments. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator No comments. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trail Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to ordinance An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The 6 foot sidewalks are required for this project with a minimum 6 foot green space along Steamboat Drive and Colorado Drive. The sidewalks shall be continuous through the driveways. Little: We had a question about whether all the sidewalks were going to be constructed as a part of this plat or were part of them going to be postponed? Trotter: They are going to be guaranteed. Warrick: We have a situation with Lot 4 A and B. There is a large scale that has been approved for that lot. The final plat requires that all of the sidewalks be guaranteed for the entire subdivision. Trotter: Correct. Little: Good. Your note says that you will guarantee the sidewalks and street lights. We don't allow street lights to be guaranteed. Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 11 Warrick: You need to install them before you file the final plat. Trotter: How fast can you do that? Burrack: I will initiate a discussion with Perry and I will get with you on that. We have no power to serve it until we go in and serve some of these developments. I can put them in the ground and you could make the payment and then when service is available, we can do that. Little: We have accepted when they've made the payment before. We'll take that. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No comments. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The plat needs to be checked for required setbacks where zoning district changes from C-2 to R- 2. Additional right of way along Wedington Drive will be required to meet the Master Street Plan at the time that development of Lot 2 occurs. Add the statement, "No additional curb cuts shall be permitted along Wedington Drive." Signage shall be per previous Planning Commission decision. The addresses for each lot need to be added. Contact Jim Johnson for this information. The waiver previously approved for single pole (OHE) at southeast corner of site. All other utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycles, all requested revisions and additional information must be added to the plat, elevations, and diskette with 37 revised copies submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 1999. We need to talk about lot 4A and lot 4B. Because there is a pending large scale development, we are confused as to why the configuration is shown differently than the configuration of the large scale development. Trotter: We also have a large scale approved for the way it's platted here. Little: That is not valid. Trotter: We still go back to that plan. We would have to go back through the large scale. Little: You don't have any approval for the old way. Warrick: You have an approval for lots 4A and 4B with the lot line being at the zone • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 12 change line which is not requested on the plat in front of us. Trotter: To clarify it the best way I know how -- they wanted to proceed with a final plat that was approved as the preliminary plat because the large scale which was approved is not a 100% deal yet. Warrick: We don't want to file a final plat with a lot configuration that we know is not accurate although it has been approved. Little: Once this final plat is filed, this is the record of those lots. We would like to change this as few times as possible. This is our third time to change it. We want to make as few changes to this as necessary. The more changes, the more confused the property records become. We are not inclined to send this forward until we have the ability to answer which way you want this. We have to have an answer by next Wednesday. Trotter: So, you need to know that this is -- Warrick: If this is going to be filed this way, then the large scale which was approved for Wedington Place Apartments is not on a real lot A waiver was previously approved for overhead electric which provided that one pole would remain on site and everything else would go underground. Steamboat Drive was dedicated as a public street so the note stating it is private needs to be removed. The same for Tahoe The right of way on this plat is fine Trotter: Is Tahoe -- Little: All the drives are public so removed any note that provides for private drives. Warrick: I had a question concerning the northernmost piece of Colorado Drive. You have an area where the sidewalk takes the corner and intersects with Timberline Drive and it is not covered under right of way. What is the condition at that location? Is that an easement or has right of way been purchased? Trotter: I don't know. This is the first time that question has come up. Little: No, it's not. Warrick: We have talked about this in the past. We need to know what the condition is at that corner. I can't imagine that the sidewalk is built on private property without some type of agreement. Trotter: It's not built. They're working on grading right now. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 13 Little: We're not certain that it is able to be dedicated as right of way by this owner. Conklin: I had a question on the setbacks at Lot 3R and Lot 8, the line that is going north and south, do you consider that as a rear setback? Warrick: Yes. It's C-2. There is 10 on each side, I believe. Conklin: Then along the north, did you address that already? Little: No, we didn't. Warrick: Show 20 on either side of the property line between Lot 8 and Lot 3R. On the property line between Lot 8 and Lots 4A and 4B, show 15. On Lot 5, the 20 feet existing utility easement is also the setback. Little: This has a variance approved from the Board of Adjustments. Ron Petrie - Engineering In general, the final inspection for the subdivision has been held and the developer is working on the punch list items. Regarding water and sewer, add a note to the final plat that a lot assessment will be charged to Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 at the time these lots are developed for a sanitary sewer force main to be constructed in the Hamestring Creek Basin. The assessment will be based upon a fee equivalent to $200.00 per R-1 zoned lot. Show the 8 inch water main extension that was constructed to Lot 5. The sanitary sewer extension that is shown to be constructed to Lot 5 does not match the approved construction plans. If the sanitary sewer was not constructed as shown on this plat, a revised set of constructions plans must be submitted to the Engineering Division and this extension must be constructed. If approved by the Subdivision Committee, this extension may be bonded in order for Engineering to sign -off on the final plat. A portion of the sanitary sewer on Lot 4 A & 4B will have to be relocated and the easement vacated in order for the approved large scale development to be constructed on this lot. Regarding drainage, add a note to the final plat that states that all drainage outside of public street right of way, including the detention ponds will be private and privately maintained by the owner. Show these generalized swales, ditches, and detention ponds on the final plat. Show a 20 foot drainage easement for all the storm pipes. Provide a minimum 10 feet drainage easement within the detention pond connecting the tributary pipes and the discharge system. Also, provide a private drainage easement that encompasses the entire detention pond. A portion of these easements may have to be vacated if and when Lot 4A and 4B develop. Clarify the drainage that • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 14 was constructed along the north end of Colorado Drive. There seems to be some discrepancy in what is shown and what was approved on the construction plans. Also, provide easements as requested. Regarding streets, add a note to the final plat that states that access to Wedington Road is prohibited from Lots 1R, 2, 6, and 7. An assessment of $50,956.29 was made by the Planning Commission for the Wedington Road Widening Project and is due at the time of final plat approval An assessment of $45,060.00 was made by the Planning Commission for improvements to Salem Road and Shiloh Drive and is due at the time of final plat approval. Right of way dedication by separate warranty deed from Highway 16. Prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat the following is required: a. Resolution of the comments listed above. b. All items noted on the punch list and final inspection notes must be completed and approved by the City. c. In accordance with the Grading Ordinance all disturbed areas shall be revegetated. d. As built drawings, construction cost data and maintenance bonds must be provided to the Engineering Department. e. The survey requirements and concrete monuments should be checked by Jim Petty. Trotter: Why do we have to provide a deed for right of way? Little: That comes from our Land Department. Since Highway 16 is a state highway, they are the ones requesting a warranty deed. They will not accept these plats. Trotter: What do we need to dedicate? Warrick: You need a legal description of the 5 feet of additional land to be dedicated. Utility Recommendations Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable Easements are fine as shown. We request an additional easements as required for service. Relocation of the aerial cable facilities will be at the owner's expense. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 15 Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO Warrick: There was an existing overhead electric line along the eastern property line. Has that been placed underground? Burrack: It has not been placed underground at this time. Warrick: There is cable on those poles, too. Is that correct? Burrack: This is the proposed plan to place these facilities underground. Warrick: Is there a time frame on this? Burrack: I have no time frame. A hard estimate has not been made and this has been changing for how many years? Warrick: A few. Burrack: An estimate of cost is going to be between $75,000 and $100,000. It's dust an estimate based upon previous installations. This work order drawing and materials can be inventoried very soon and the work could progress -- 2 months or 3 months -- if it is requested. Warrick: That was a requirement of the preliminary plat and that is something that has to be done prior to the approval of this final plat. That may hold you up. Burrack: With contributions or money in lieu of to fit our schedule, would be acceptable. Warrick: As long as Planning Commission approves it. I think the Subdivision or Planning Commission needs to approve that. Burrack: If you will note that in the record, we would support it. Burrack: Easements on the south end are as requested from previous reviews. The lots on the north end, 4A and 4B, we have no easements going east and west. Those were shown on a couple of previous preliminary plats. Trotter: Where? Burrack: Going across here on the lot line -- we aren't sure where they are any more Which ever configuration this plat ends up being filed with, I would like to have 20 feet on the south side of whatever line there is going across there. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 16 Little: We already have 15 feet going across here, so just increase that to 20. Burrack: 15 feet for setback? Little: Setback between R-2 and C-2. This becomes a utility easement and a setback. Burrack: Where it joins the easement coming from the west on the south side of the original Lot 3, and going down between Lot 3R and Lot 8, we want 10 feet on each side of that lot line going north and south. Little: We have a 20 feet setback there. 20 feet total centered on the lot line. Burrack: General utility easement 20 feet in length. Trotter: Will that be a 20 foot utility easement going east and west as well? Burrack: Yes. I think it should be all outside of the drainage. I don't believe the City wants us in the drainage. Little: No, we don't. Burrack: The easement that is between Lot 4B and Lot 8 is a little bit confusing compared to where we were originally. It's showing utility easement on the north side and south side of that property line plus there is also drainage going through there. I'm not exactly clear where this easement should be. It's centered on the sewer line. It's showing the sewer line man hole taps and stuff are square on the property line. I would request that easement for utilities be dropped down south of sewer or drainage easement so we have a separate easement that would tie in with the easement going north and south between Lot 8 and Lot 3R and going east and west below the new Lot 4A. We need to tie that across there somehow instead of being mixed in. We just need to drop south along the side. Little: You have a conflict with the 20 foot drainage easement, so you have to give another 20 feet for utilities. Burrack: It's confusing. Over here they do have a utility easement of 20 feet that is dedicated and centered on the line. Then down here they also have 20 feet that is dedicated for the sewer taps and the sewer line. Little: The sewer line is in the utility easement. The drainage easement is separate than the utility easement. You have a total of 40 but they are two separate easements. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 17 Petrie: next to it. You could make that a 15 feet drainage easement since there's another easement Little: Reduce the 20 foot drainage to a 15 feet drainage. You're only dedicating an additional 5 feet because what was drainage now becomes utilities. Burrack: In the northeast corner, how has that street actually been constructed? I have been on site to look at that and it looks to me that it doesn't come up and just dead end up against those lots the way you are showing. It's got a curve and goes towards the Giles Addition. Warrick: Turns to the east? Does Steamboat stub out to the lot line? Trotter: Yes. Burrack: Is it Just stubbed and stopped? The last time I was there it looked as though they were driving through going back over to that road to the Giles Addition. Trotter. I didn't know that. I've never noticed any traffic through there. Are you talking about this end? Burrack: The northeast corner. Little: Over by the apartments. Trotter: It Just goes up there and dead ends into some trees and a fence. Burrack: Okay. Is that a normal way to end a street? Warrick: For this one, yes. It's not normal. Burrack: The reason I'm asking is I'm going to have some of my facilities -- in order to go underground -- in this area. I have easements at the end of this stub street and I'm going to set $10,000 worth of gear right there. Little: Just set them as far to the west as you can within the street right of way. Warrick: It has to go to the east. There is no other way to connect to anything else. Conklin: I see what you're talking about It's odd how the utilities are in the right of way. • Little: How wide an area are you talking about? Are you talking 20x20? Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 18 Burrack: Pretty close to it. Little: Take the northwest 20x20 feet and put your stuff in there and it will be all right. Burrack: I think I also have easement on the north side of that property line up there behind it. Warrick: You do. Burrack: I just want to know or get clarified on the how the street in there would go. Warrick: Locate as far west as you can locate. We need the lines of the utility easement to stop at the right of way line. Conklin: That's what I'm thinking. Burrack: It would be redundant to put it there but it doesn't hurt anything. The next item is street lighting. Perry and I had discussed some lighting against Wedington Drive. That is still a little bit up in the air as to how were going to do that. Clary had previously been billed for, I believe, 4 lights and there should be a letter floating around to that effect. I don't know if the deal is actually closed or not. I will get back with him on that. I have been talking to Jeff Maxwell on that. I had talked with Perry Franklin on the lighting on the west side going up to Colorado. I thought the last time we did that, we were going to move the lighting to the opposite side of the road Warrick: I thought it was going to be on the west and directed toward the development. Burrack: Well, maybe it was on the other side and we moved it back. Warrick: We moved it to the side where it would shine away from them. That was the idea. Burrack: I knew there was something about the lights. I will get with Perry on that and get an estimate together for the installation costs. Phipps: We were going to do it. We're right there. Burrack: We will have to discuss this with Perry. Warrick. We need to know what, if anything, is resolved and what we need to look for as far as agreements and payments before we can sign off. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 19 Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric Phipps: I wanted to bring up the existing overhead 3 phase we have on the west side of Colorado Drive. Warrick: Is it west of this property line? Phipps: It's right on the property line. Some poles are west. Some poles come east. I think what we talked about earlier was relocating that underground when Mcllroy Bank develops their piece. We've already had to relocate some anchors for Colorado Drive. I just wanted to say that anything else you end up doing in there, we will have to charge for. We're not getting any revenue off of it at all. Little: Are you overhead behind Lot 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1? Phipps: All the way through there. Little: We could postpone that until we do the first lot up on Wedington but we won't • ever get that back there underground. That would be about half of the property. I thought that when we last talked about this, we decided those lines were on the property to the west. But we haven't talked anymore about it. Trotter: I'm not sure they are. Nobody knows right now. Phipps: On the preliminary plat, it had that line on it. Little: We had the poles on there. Mike, what would be the chances of when the Bank or whatever develops up there, where does that go or what does that serve? Phipps: It serves all of Walnut Grove Subdivision. Little: Which is underground? Phipps: Yes. The overhead feeds that underground. Little: My only question is if the Bank pays for their portion, who would pay for that other portion? It isn't going to make sense to put it underground for 300 feet. Phipps: 300 feet up to Lot 5. • Little: That doesn't make sense to me. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 20 Phipps: there. Basically, that's what would happen. Walnut Grove has been developed and it's Burrack: To complicate it, he's cutting across this lot instead of coming straight up the side If the bank builds -- Phipps: Little: Phipps: going. Little: Phipps: Little: • Phipps: • Burrack: mile away. Phipps: Right, we have to move. Let's leave it at that. Also with the highway going in, I can't do anything until I see where they're They're working. If you have any questions, call them. We have. We'll postpone it. The street lights where they are at -- It's our service territory but they are 3 feet from his power. Our power is 1/4 of a I have no problem doing that. I think the agreement was made before. Yes. Little: His lights are all under ground. There are no street lights. There is this other line that is a different company that is going to the north that is serving other things and it is going to stay over head Phipps: Warrick: Little: It won't be overhead except for two lots. It will be underground. We'll wind up this the poles? You two should trade. Bob Fox - Southwestern Bell Easements look sufficient. Johney Bowles - Arkansas Western Gas • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 21 I believe that Dennis addressed all my concerns related to Lot 4B and Lot 4A. Trotter: I noticed the sleeves are not shown. Are they suppose to be on this final plat? Petrie: Yes. Trotter: I don't know what happened to them. Little: As one other engineer told me, they are there. They are just invisible. Burrack: The layer was shut off. I have another plat showing them all. Warrick: We need some answers and we need some revisions. Bring this back to us a week from today with 37 copies and all requested information and we will forward you on to Subdivision Committee. Burrack: How do you wish the contribution to be addressed? Dollar amount to them with a copy to you? Little: Yes. That would be great. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 22 P99-2: FINAL PLAT ALTUS ADDITION, pp 258 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Robert Schmitt of RNS Enterprises for property located north of Highway 45 and east of Altus Road. The property is in the planning growth area and contains approximately 7.01 acres with 4 lots proposed. Chris Brackett was present on behalf of the project. Staff Recommendations Cheryl Zotti - Solid Waste When the City is responsible for waste collection, an adequate turn around must be provided. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator • No comments. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trail Coordinator Sidewalks are not required. This project is outside the city limits. Kim Rogers - Parks Operations Coordinator No comment. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, all items submitted were adequate. Regarding plat requirements, everything was adequate as submitted. Regarding street requirements, everything was adequate as submitted. Regarding parking, all requirements were adequate as submitted. Regarding lot requirements, plat as submitted was adequate. • Add addresses to the final plat. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 23 Ron Petrie - Engineering No comment. Utility Requirements Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable No comments. Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric We don't have any power close enough to this development that I could get an easement to it without having to go to another property owner. I will try to get Mr. Wilkins to the north and get off that. If I can't get off him. I'm going to have to bore Altus Drive to get over there to get underground. I would like an easement between Lots 1 and 3 down the property line. Show 20 feet and if I come that way from Mr. Wilkins, I will use that easement. If I don't, we can vacate it later. Warrick: That probably corresponds with your setbacks. Brackett: I don't have a problem with that. Phipps: We need one running north and south. I don't have any further comments until I see how we're going to get in there. If there are a lot of trees, we Just can't get through there. Bob Fox - Southwestern Bell Easements will be sufficient for us. Johney Bowles - Arkansas Western Gas All easements shown are fine. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 24 EASEMENT PLAT - GLENWOOD SHOPPING CENTER Warrick: We have one more item for the utilities to talk about. This is the easement plat that has been brought in for Glenwood Shopping Center. Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO The plat that is laying in front of me, I believe is the same plat that we have with the exception of Lot 7 taken out of it. The only addition that I wanted on the original plat was where we had to relocate slightly to get north of the wall at McDonalds. I'm not sure if the easement is shown on here. It was drawn originally and would have covered it. McDonald's was requested to build the wall at a different time from conduit installation and we did go north of that wall. That needs to be covered. Little: Is it going to be possible to show that without showing the wall? Burrack: I think the wall was build on the property line. There was an additional access easement as shown. Behind that is a 10 foot telephone easement. I believe we are right at the edge of that telephone easement. Warrick: That would be within the access easement. Little: Is it north or south of the telephone easement. Burrack: I think it's south but without actually being drawn or depicted on this, I wouldn't want to say for sure. Warrick: What it looks like is you have your lot line and then the vacant space and the 10 foot telephone easement. You need a wider utility easement in that area to cover existing lines. Burrack: There's nothing in there so I don't think it would be any problem to turn that into an easement. I have been working with Dave Jorgensen and the Bank of Fayetteville people on Lot 7. I have this worked out to my satisfaction. It will be changed unless they already have incorporated the changes that I met with Dave and his people. What we asked for was to get 10 feet on the south side of Lot 7 going to the east and taking 10 feet on the east side approximately half way across Lot 7 and stop to where it would line up with the access easement which we were going to cross and get into the hatched easement that goes over to Lot 6. Warrick: The 10 feet running north on the east side of Lot 7 is exclusive of the access easement. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 25 Burrack: Yes. Warrick: Then it is going to cross over the access easement to the east into the other easement. Little: So you have to do a little connection on Lot 6? Burrack: I think that there has been a connection on -- Warrick: It looks like we have a small gap. You need to add that in there. How wide is that, do you know? Burrack: That distance can't be much over 15 to 30 feet. Little: Can we talk about the easement on Lot 6, Block 1? What is this and who's in it. Burrack: That's an access drive easement for Lot 6. • Ezell: This is the driveway coming up Highway 45. On the large scale, the building is in this location. This easement would give you electric, water, sewer. • Little: Does everything come off that? Ezell: That's where the road is. Little: You can go under the road. Ezell: That's how they planned it was all of it to come right through the easement. Burrack: My transformer was designed to set right here. Warrick: That really needs to be shown on this. Burrack: This call is correct at 31.93 and the easement is 15 and that means 16.93 feet would be here. Investigate Just turning this into easement. If that doesn't work, at that time, we will go back and although there are some problems with the Bank of Fayetteville's layout, they are coming up to get around, I believe, a large tree and that means we cannot go right out this way. We will have to go around. Little: Let's talk about Lot 7. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 26 Bowles: Dennis, do you know what's being proposed for the western edge of Lot 7 as far as an easement? Ezell: What did we have existing? Was it 37? Burrack: 73 feet going through there and that didn't happen. This has never been filed. The Bank of Fayetteville bought it and put an easement across it per their plat. I was uncomfortable trying to put the transformer down where they had it shown and after plat review, they are now being fed out of a transformer from a building that's being built to the south of them. They will not have a transformer on their property All I will have is an easement to go around them. Little: That's this one you just described. Bowles: So, Dave is taking care of Lot 7. Little: There is that and also, SWEPCO already has facilities in an area over here that is not covered so we have to add that on. Bob Fox - Southwestern Bell We have an existing man hole that is part of Lot 7. They had dug some retaining walls around it. I talked to them and told them I needed a 7 foot radius from the center of the manhole. Warrick: We'll have to look for that when they bring the easement plat specifically for Lot 7. That is something that we need to keep in mind and make sure that they provide. Burrack: That is part of the reason I didn't want to have our transformer back down in there because there is just physically not enough room. Little: Please look at this very closely. We are going to file this. We want to make sure that any facilities that you have in are covered by these easements. Ezell: it -- After we revise this, does it have to go to the meeting a week from today or does Little: This is for utilities. Warrick: It needs to be revised. • Little: We have got to get this straightened out or we have got to shut that job down out • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review March 17, 1999 Page 27 there. That is how bad this is. We've got to have it. Ezell: When I leave here, CEI will change that and that's why I want to know. Can I approach these utility companies to get them to sign off on it and get it done with. Little: Absolutely I ask the utility companies to be very careful looking it over and making sure their existing facilities are covered. Burrack: We need to know what we're signing. Ron Petrie - Engineering Engineering has not had a chance to review this. Little: So City Water and Sewer has got to be located and do their check. Okay? Arkansas Western Gas satisfied? Bowles: I'm satisfied. Little: We need to make you aware that some of the lots have now been sold. So the owner of the subdivision cannot sign Each individual lot owner has to sign under ownership. Everyone with an interest in the entire thing is going to have to sign. Warrick: You're going to need more places to sign. Meeting adjourned.