HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-24 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LSD99-6: Millsap Center, pp212 LSD99-7: Arthurs, pp406 LSD99-8- Bank of Fayetteville, pp372 MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis Burrack Mike Phipps Kevin Lefler STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Alett Little Ron Petrie Chuck Rutherford Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision MEMBERS ABSENT Southwestern Bell STAFF ABSENT None • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 2 LSD99-6: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MILLSAP CENTER, pp212 This item was submitted by Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Lindsey -Green Properties for property located in Lots 5 and 6 of CMN Business Park. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 3.77 acres. Larry Gregory was present on behalf of the project. Cheryl Zotti. Environmental Affairs Administrator Container location, container pad, number of containers, and screening were all adequate. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Tree preservation and/or replacement percentage was adequate as well as rare tree identification and location statement, locations of utilities, easements, and right of way. Existing and proposed grading, and commercial design standards are also adequate. Parking lot landscaping was inadequate. Comments included - review the revised parking lot ordinance as it references landscaping. When this project was reviewed in 1998, landscaping requirements had been met. This current plan reflects the old requirements. Since the plan has been revised, the city is reviewing this as a new submittal therefore it falls within the guidelines of the revised ordinance. If you have specific questions, please contact her. The only tree that can feasibly be preserved is the tree at the northeast corner of the property. Please revise the plans to indicate this. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The sidewalk is shown being 6 feet wide continuous through the driveways. This meets the requirements The minimum 10 feet green space between the curb and sidewalk needs to be shown on the plat. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Regarding street lights, show what is existing on the plat. No sight distance problems were noted. The ADA spaces were okay as shown. A trip generation report was attached. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator No comments. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 3 Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator The application was complete as submitted. The number of required plat and a diskette was submitted as well as labels of adjoining property owners. The preliminary grading and drainage plan and tree preservation plan were adequate. The color rendering of the main facade and signage were adequate as submitted. Regarding plat requirements, adjacent zoning and adjacent property owners as shown were adequate. The plat page was included. The layout of adjoining property within 300 feet and the vicinity map and flood plain reference as shown were adequate. Contours as shown were adequate. The legal description was adequate and the legend was adequate. The right of way dimensions from the centerline and easement dimensions as well as building setback and project owners and developer as shown were adequate. Please include the names of the owner(s) who are authorized to sign the required easement plat. Regarding street requirements the plat reflected conformance with the Master Street Plan. Right of way dedication and curb cuts were adequate as reflected on the plat. Millsap Road is classified as a collector on the Master Street Plan. A total of 70 feet of right of way is necessary. A dedication of 35 feet from the centerline is required for this project. The two curb cuts are acceptable since the development incorporates two existing lots. Regarding parking requirements, the number and ratio of parking spaces were adequate and the traffic flow patterns were adequate as well. Parking is calculated at 1 space per 275 square feet. This development is proposed to be 50% commercial (1/250 sq. f) and 50% office (1/300 sq.ft.) Cross access is provided to the east (to the Eye Center site). A large drainage ditch to the west is an obstacle for cross access. Regarding lot requirements, the frontage and bulk and area were all adequate. Other requirements included indication and location of signs, written description for any waiver and both were adequate. The proposed signage shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission in terms of commercial design standards. The elevations of the proposed signs are required for this review. All utilities shall be located underground. In order for this project to continue in the current review cycle, 37 copies of the revisions must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 3, 1999. 12 copies of the revised signage elevations are also due. Developers of all preliminary plats and Targe scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners and proof of such notification is required to be submitted with the above revisions. • Note that the final plat will be reviewed for any conflicts in the northwest corner. • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 5 and dust control will be addressed as part of the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief The fire hydrant spacing and locations need improvement. The water main location needs improvement. Add one hydrant on an 8 inch water line in one of the island in the rear parking lot. This building may be required to be sprinklered depending on occupancy, use, and type of construction. Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO The original developers, CMN, provided conduit from the line that's down south to the point that is between the two buildings as shown here. I believe it is stubbed up slightly in front of it. I have talked with some different electrical contractors and advised them that they could tie on to this conduit, take the transformer further to the north so that it is back behind the building in one of those islands. When the electrical contractor is selected, have him get in contact with us and I will go ahead and get the specs that are needed for the conduit and the transformer pad. The size of the building and the use that I am aware of will require a 500kv transformer at this location. Contact me when the voltage has been selected. I had a question on metering and we have checked with the Public Service Commission. If it is 2 stories or less, they will be individually metered for each space. These meter points could be out by the transformer or where ever it needs to be and it can be screened. We'll work with you on that. I think the street lighting is in place. Kevin Lefler. TCA Cable We have service at the back and for future cable or fiber needs we ask that you place us two 2 inch conduits or one 4 inch to some green space out back. We can find a place for that later on. If you want service, get with me and discuss internal wiring. Johney Bowles, Arkansas Western Gas We have an existing 2 inch plastic line adjacent to the north property line within an existing easement. We would just need to meet with someone on site to discuss actual meter locations. Due to the multiple tenants in these buildings, it would be possible to locate these meters at the building if you request that. Further Discussion • Warrick: You will need to contact Southwestern Bell for their comments. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 4 Regarding fire, add a hydrant in the rear parking lot due to the size of the building and provide information as to whether or not the building will be sprinklered. Ron Petrie, Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline of March 3 to continue to in this cycle. Regarding water, fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chiefs request. According to the as built and final plats of CMN Business Park, the existing waterline and easement is shown incorrectly. Please revise the plat accordingly. Sanitary sewer is existing Any conflicts with the proposed grading will be the developer's responsibility to correct. An additional utility easement is needed adjacent to the existing 25 feet utility easement that is located along the northern boundary of this site. This easement should be a minimum of 10 feet from the existing sanitary sewer. Regarding drainage, the report has been reviewed for general compliance and is acceptable as a preliminary report. Additional information will be required before the final report can be accepted. According to the as-builts and final plat, the existing 24 inch RCP is shown incorrectly. Please revise the plat accordingly. The latest FEMA Flood Map should be utilized to determine the location of the 100 year Flood Plain. The proposed new right of way must be dedicated by separate warranty deed not just an easement plat. The preliminary grading plan does not contain all of the required information. Regarding minimum erosion control requirements, a construction entrance or other provision is required to be shown to prevent mud/debris from being tracked onto public streets. The maximum allowable finished grade of the fill slope must be 3:1. Regarding erosion and sedimentation control, measures are required to be shown on the final plans such as silt fences, hay bales, and riprap or energy dissipators at the parking lot discharge points. Additional information such as the time schedule, description of fill material and compaction, • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 6 LSD99-7: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ARTHURS, pp406 This item was submitted by Matt Crafton of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of David Arthurs for property located at 1505 North College Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 2.737 acres. Geoff Bates and David Arthurs was present on behalf of the project. Cheryl Zotti. Environmental Affairs Administrator The container location, the container pad, the number of containers, and the screening were adequate. Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Tree preservation and/or tree replacement percentage was inadequate. Rare tree identification, location and statement were inadequate. Location of the utilities, easements, and rights or way were adequate. The existing and proposed grading were shown adequately. Tree protection specifications and details were inadequate The parking lot landscaping was adequate but the buffer requirements were inadequate. All rare trees, 24 inches DBH or larger shall be located on the plans. This will be required within the limits of construction A buffer is required along the eastern boundary of the development to screen the storage of trucks from North College. A buffer should be considered adjacent to the Veterans Administration Building to the west and possibly along the southern boundary as well. Crafton: The VA doesn't want anything along their fence line. We have talked to them and they don't want anything in this area. Little: In this area, aren't they planning on storing trucks? All outside storage does have to be screened. Arthurs: Our Ryder contract requires us to display the trucks. Little: Those have to be screened. If you were selling them, you would be allowed a display. But, because this is a rental, it is a different category. Why don't you get together a plan for what you want to do and schedule an appointment to come by and talk to us about that. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches, and access ramps shall be construction to Ordinance 4005. An • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 7 inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. A minimum 6 foot sidewalk continuous through the driveway will be required along College Avenue. Also, a minimum 10 foot green space between the curb and sidewalk is required. The sidewalk and green space need to be shown on the plat. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent The ADA parking spaces as shown are adequate. One access from Memorial, which is a private drive, is recommended. Kim Rogers. Parks Operations Coordinator The use of Gregory Park is prohibited for storing building supplies, trash, and debris and under City ordinance violations are subject to a penalty of not more than $500. Provide construction fencing along the park boundaries. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator Regarding submittal requirements, the application was complete as submitted; the number of required plats were adequate and a diskette was submitted. The adjoining property owner labels were submitted and the preliminary grading and drainage report was adequate. Tree preservation plan and color renderings of the main facade and signage were submitted. Regarding plat requirements, adjacent zoning, property owners, plat page, adjoining property within 300 feet were all adequate. The vicinity map, contours, and legend were all adequate. The right of way and easement dimensions were adequate as well as building setbacks. The property owners and developer were shown on the plat. The flood plain statement should be checked for accuracy. The plat did conform to the Master Street Plan. Staff cannot support the proposed connection to College Avenue. This is a dangerous location already and additional traffic conflicts must be avoided. Regarding parking requirements, the number and ratio of spaces was adequate. All traffic movements need to access Memorial Drive. The lot requirements including frontage and bulk and area requirements were adequate. Screening is required for all outdoor storage. This includes the rental truck storage area All proposed signage need to be shown on the plan and on the elevations. Please provide this information. All utilities will be located underground. Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 8 Please provide 37 revised copies of the plat and 12 revised color rendered sign elevations by 10:00 a.m., March 3, 1999. All preliminary plat and large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners and proof of notification is required to be submitted with the above revisions. Ron Petrie. Engineering In general, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Regarding water and sanitary sewer, the fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standard or the Fire Chief's request. Add the existing water line and sanitary sewer along North College Avenue and show where the service lines to this development will be located. Regarding drainage, the report has been reviewed for general compliance and cannot be accepted until the following items are addressed: 1. What is the offsite runoff that enters the site? 2. How will this runoff get through the site? 3. At what points will this runoff and the runoff that is generated onsite be discharged from the site? 4. Address an appropriate way of transporting the runoff to the existing storm sewer system along North College. Discharging the storm water at a concentrated point onto an adjacent property owner without their permission cannot be accepted. Discharging this runoff onto College Avenue will not be accepted by the City or the State. If this cannot be addressed sufficiently, detention will be required. 5. The drainage area and flow for the onsite area is required to be calculated separately. A post -development runoff coefficient of 0.65 is too low for the onsite area. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan does not contain all the required information. Erosion control must be provided at the entrance or other provisions are required to be shown to prevent mud/debris from being tracked onto public streets. The finished grade will allow a maximum fill or cut slope to be 3:1. Setback requirement from a property line to a retaining wall is 5 feet. A waiver will be required from the Planning Commission. Staff will not support this waiver unless approval is granted by the adjacent property owners. Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 9 Items to be provided by the contractor or engineer on the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference include a construction time schedule, description of the fill material or compaction, dust control, and a soils engineering study. Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO How are you going to street address this? You're coming off of a private drive. Arthurs: We were given 1505 N. College. Warrick: Will you verify that 1505 is still acceptible with Jim Johnson and let Dennis know so he can set you up? Burrack: We have existing overhead facilities that are on the north side of your property and goes back between that and the furniture store that is directly north. Those facilities are on your property although they do serve both lots. According to the city ordinance, this will have to go underground and I will prepare an estimate of cost to do that. At that point, we will also be able to serve your proposed buildings in the back. How are you going to take care of that grade that's going on the north side that is going back through the proposed building? Can you cut into that? We're going just about where the drive that no longer exists and we were going to go back to the proposed building or do something back there. Without the grade work being done, we're not going to do that road in there. How steep is that? Bates: It's almost 1:1. It's pretty steep. Burrack: I'll have you ask the city to look at that. There are no facilities on the furniture store's property. They are being served from poles that are on this property. Little: the back. They are having to put theirs underground as a condition of a building addition to Burrack: We were just going to put a pedestal down at the base of this existing pole that is on this property. Then their's will be taken care of. I don't know how to get from this point back up to this proposed development without the grade work being done. Bates: Can we have one pole on top of the hill and then go underground from there? Burrack: You already have a pole on top of the hill. Little: What size line are we talking about? • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 11 LSD99-8: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF FAYETTEVILLE, pp372 This item was submitted by Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of the Bank of Fayetteville for property located in Lot 7, Block 1 of the Glenwood Shopping Center at the southeast corner of Mission Boulevard and Crossover Road intersection. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 0.87 acres. Chris Brackett and Shahin Riahi were present on behalf of the project. Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator The container location, container pad, number of containers and screening were all adequate. Brackett: There is a possibility that we will share a dumpster with the adjoining business. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator The tree preservation and/or replacement percentage is adequate. Rare tree identification, location or statement is adequate. The locations of utilities, easements, rights or way and the existing and proposed grading are adequate. The tree protection specifications and details are inadequate. Include tree protection fencing detail on grading and utility plans. The parking lot landscaping is inadequate. Add a continuous planting of low shrubs between parking lot and private drive. The landscaping notes reflect some of the old parking lot requirements. Please revise these notes. The revised parking lot landscaping ordinance requires irrigation, planting beds, and detailed information concerning proposed plants, mulch, etc. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator The sidewalks at Glenwood Shopping Center have been constructed. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent No comments. Kim Rogers, Parks Operations Coordinator No comments. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 10 Burrack: Service. Little: You can ask for a waiver but you have to go before the full Planning Commission. Burrack: I'll just have to figure a way to get up there. We may just have to set up a bore. Bates: Is that going to be expensive? Burrack: Not that bad. I'll work something out for you. The total building space is 2800 feet and there's nothing special. Are you going to have any compressors or anything that will require more than single phase? When you select your electrical contractor, have him get in touch with SWEPCO engineering. Kevin Lefler. TCA Cable Depending on what you do with the aerial, which it sounds like it will go underground, any of that cost will be at the developer's expense. • Little: If you can go ahead and put that underground this can be approved at the Subdivision level but if you have to ask for the waiver, it has to go on to the Planning Commission. Johney Bowls, Arkansas Westem Gas Our existing line is on the west side of College and it feeds from the south to the north and dead ends at the furniture store. The actual meter location since this is part of this property is going to go on the west side of College. You need to get with me on the load. Further Discussion Warrick: You need to contact the Southwestern Bell rep. He couldn't make it today. • • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 12 Regarding submittal requirements, the application, number of plats, diskette, adjoining property owner labels, preliminary grading and drainage plan and rendered elevations of the main facade and signage were adequate as submitted. A fee waiver form was submitted for Tree Preservation. Regarding plat requirements, adjacent property owners, plat page, layout of property within 300 feet, vicinity map, flood plain reference, contours, legal description and legend were all adequate. Please label the adjacent zoning. Also update the status of easement(s) for this lot and this overall development. A 25 foot setback reduction or a form for additional screening is required. Add the name of the owner to the plat Incorporate the new screening and landscaping requirements along the right of way. Complete the setback reduction form. All utilities will be located underground. 37 revised copies are required by 10:00 a.m., March 3, 1999. Developers of all preliminary plat and large scale developments are required by City ordinance to provide notification to all adjoining property owners and proof of notification is required no later than revisions. Ron Petrie, Engineering Generally, all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than March 3, 1999. Regarding water and sewer, fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. All costs associated with the relocation of the water and sewer will be borne by the developer of this property. Regarding drainage, the report has been reviewed for general compliance and is acceptable as a preliminary report. The off site drainage improvements have been completed by the Glenwood Shopping Center. Regarding grading, the preliminary grading plan is acceptable as a preliminary plan. Several item will have to addressed as follows: 1. A construction entrance or other provisions are required to be shown to prevent mud/debris from being tracked onto public streets. 2. Retaining walls must be setback 5 feet from easement lines unless approval is • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 13 provided by all utility companies to allow the retaining walls closer or within the easement. 3. Fill shall not be placed on existing slope with a slope steeper than 15% unless keyed into steps in the existing grade and thoroughly stabilized by mechanical compaction. 4. The proposed retaining walls will have to be designed and inspected by a registered professional engineer. Safety railing will be required 5. The construction time schedule and description of fill material and compaction will be required on the construction plans or at the preconstruction conference. Discussion of Glenwood Shopping Center Easement Plat Warrick: I would like for you to provide an update on the status of the easements for this lot as well as the overall development. If you can tell us that now, great. If you can find out for us. Brackett: What I understood from the city was that an easement plat for the overall development has not been filed and that this large scale would file an easement plat with this dedicating the easements on this property. Warrick: What we need is an overall easement plat for the entire development. But, that is not your responsibility. Little: These easement are not real. Burrack: I have signed documents stating that these easements as shown on here signed by myself and Mr. Cozart and witnessed on file in my office Little: That was good of you to get that. I imagine if others had known the situation, they might have gotten the same thing. Brackett: We're not trying to get away with anything on this. Little: We'll have to have an easement plat before you get your building permit. Brackett: We're trying to accommodate everything that is in there. The only thing that was actually in here that is further over though is water and sewer and we're relocating both of those. Now, if there is anything that is needed, we're more than happy to accommodate anything. Burrack: My documents only cover my installation. Brackett: As a matter of clarification, no one knows what we have here. • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 14 Little: The easement plat has never been filed. Bowles: So there are no easement. Little: Right. Brackett: We want to work with you to get this lot taken care of. Warrick: We're going to get this lot taken care of. We'll have an easement plat for this lot prior to building permit and so that will reflect any changes that will be made for relocation of that water and sewer and any additional easements for this lot. Beyond that, we are still looking for the developer to help clear up the rest of the development. Brackett: The Bank of Fayetteville has already purchased this lot. Riahi: I have contacted the developer and he is willing to do anything to accomodate this plan. He has seen the plan. He approves it. • Little: Is he willing to file a corrected easement plat? That is what we have been needing for 9 months. • Brackett: That puts us in a bad position. We can't really force him to comply. Little: I think everyone needs to mention it to him every time you see him. Bowles: I will assure you that I will get into my part of it. Riahi: I think the owner is willing to talk to the developer. Little: I don't think we want to put you in that position. You could say that it came up again at the meeting. Burrack: The Bank of Fayetteville is the customer and under my rules I have to serve them. Little: That's how we're feeling at this point. I'm sorry this is such a big mess. Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO I will have to rearrange some of the stuff we had planned. This whole development was laid out about three years ago. This is the completion of one of the 3 phase underground loops that are being put in there. This puts a big hickey in part of it. So we will have to discuss this with the • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 15 owner. If you incorporate anything that the Highway Department may be doing in here with the widening -- Brackett: We talked to the Highway Department and they said that the improvements do not reach this far east. I do have a plan so we're not actually within their improvements as far as the widening. Burrack: There are some plans contingent to that Highway 265. One of our project engineers out of Shreveport is doing this work down here and I'm going to have to put some self supporting concrete structures and one of them is going to be fairly close to the corner here. That intersection is not square. It's very strange and in order to accomodate the Highway Department's widening plans, we don't have room to use guy wire so it will be self supporting. That will be at the southwest corner. There will also be one setting at the northwest corner. There will be one setting on the north side of 45 where it crosses over to the service station and it also comes back and we haven't gotten this one worked out yet. Telephone does have a large vault setting there. We've been in contact with Floyd Hornaday, who is doing the plans and Joe Qualls at Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. Brackett: They originally had a 50 foot right of way and we're allocating an additional 5 feet. Burrack: We will have to have conduit that goes to the east and goes back up to serve this area somehow before you do any improvements on this. The developer was supposed to have supplied this with utilities. I have 4 transformers sitting there with no place to go to. Brackett: Is there anyway to give you an easement on our south line and have it run down the south and then go up along this private drive? Burrack: Would you give any thought to putting that transformer on the south side of your building and giving us an easement that goes across the parking area. Then, we could go back along the drive. Riahi: That would not be a problem for the transformer location. The additional cost from transformer to the building -- Burrack: We could put that transformer any place in this area. Right now it is some distance from the building. Riahi: I don't think that would be a problem. • Little: That sounds like a good solution. • • • Minutes of Technical Plat Review February 24, 1999 Page 16 Kevin Lefler. TCA Cable Our service is along 45. To take a feed into there, we would have to pull a line across there. We will need two 2 inch or one 4 inch conduit from the pole to the mechanical room. Johney Bowles - Arkansas Western Gas We have a line in there now that's about 15 feet deep. We need to make sure the line gets bedded property. We don't want anything on top of it. We'll work with you on that. If the necessity arises for this line to be relocated, I would make an attempt to go back to the developer to absorb that cost. I will do everything I can within the next week or so to get that easement problem corrected. Further Discussion Warrick: You need to check with the Southwestern Bell representative. Brackett: I have met with him on site.