HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-27 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 9:00 a.m in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, AR 72701. ITEMS CONSIDERED LSD97-20.1 Wedington Place, pp 401 LSD99-2 Town Center, pp 523 LSD99-3 Allied Storage, pp 601 MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO Rick Evans - Arkansas Western Gas Kevin Lefler - TCA Cable STAFF PRESENT Jim Beavers Kevin Crosson Kim Hesse Mickey Jackson Janet Johns Alett Little Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Charles Venable Brent Vinson Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision Forward to Subdivision MEMBERS ABSENT David Chance STAFF ABSENT None • • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 2 LSD97-20.1: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT WEDINGTON PLACE, pp 401 This large scale development was submitted by Bruce Adams for property located at lot 4 of the Wedington Place addition. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains approximately 7.733 acres. Bruce Adams and Robert Brown were present on behalf of the project Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator The tree preservation and/or replacement percentage was adequate. The rare tree identification and location statement was adequate. The location of utilities, easements, and rights of way were adequate. The ordinance requires that a landscape plan be included that indicates the species of all plants, size of each species at the time of installation, spacing requirements of each plant, and the type of edging and mulch to be used within the planting beds. All plantings must be within a specified planting bed. Notes or details must be included that indicate the need to amend the soil within the planting beds. Indicate location of hose bibs or automated irrigation system (a note alone is not acceptable.) Please review the revised parking lot ordinance as it refers to landscaping along the perimeter and within the interior of the parking lot. You will need 2 additional trees within the parking area, and additional trees with shrubs between the parking lot and the right of way of Steamboat Drive and Colorado Drive. A buffer is needed along the north property line. Brown: The only thing I'm unsure of is the irrigation note. I did make a note. Hesse: When he applies for a building permit, I'll sign off on it. Brown: An irrigation plan would be part of the package. So, that's nothing I really need to worry about right now. Hesse: examples. As long as I have it by building permit issuance. I can provide you with some Warrick: I did pull the preliminary plat for the revision of Wedington Place Subdivision that is currently being constructed and Lot 4 was originally a part of Lot 3 and being created through that preliminary plat. My understanding is that we will require a lot split to take Lot 4 out of that so that it can be looked at as an individual entity and we will need to final the preliminary plat for Wedington Place to get this underway. Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 3 Little: When will the final plat we available? Adams: Upon completion of the street on the west side. Brown: That's my understanding. Once we have completed all improvements such as streets, the last of our utilities, and the originally planned improvements, the only changes will be in the property lines. Little: Timing wise will it be better to do a lot split and create Lot 4 or will it be better to go ahead and do the final plat? Either way will get us there. Without a final plat, we don't have a Lot 4. Warrick: This large scale approval will be contingent upon one of those two options occurring. Beavers: The problem I have is you will not be able to get a final plat until your improvements are accepted yet this development fills in a detention pond that you just built. That will have to be worked out before you can get that final plat. Adams: The detention pond? Beavers. Yes. For the overall development. Adams: Obviously new detention is a part of this project. We can figure all the required detention into the two ponds that we have Beavers: Are you going through the lot split process? I'm not saying you physically have to construct them. This issues will have to be resolved. Maybe a bond put up. We'll have to work something out on that. Adams: It makes sense construction wise to do them as we do the project. Brown: The priority as far as my contract with Clary is to make sure there is no delay in the whole subdivision. Which ever procedure we take, we need to make sure that is completed and you come back with a mylar. I want to make sure whatever procedure we take that there is no delay in Clary recording the plat. Warrick: It sounds like the final plat would be more eminent and more important to have finished. That would be the cleaner way to do this. • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 4 Beavers: I didn't hear a date. Are you talking about within the month or three months? Adams: It should be on the next agenda or two. Brown: The timing was really the weather holding up finishing the street. Little: They started them but they are not complete. Warrick: We'll move on with the expectation that the final plat will create the lot. Willie Newman - Solid Waste Provide 4 dumpsters per building for a total of 8 dumpsters on site. Adams: Is there a formula for the number of units and number of dumpsters? Warrick: Yes. One of the reasons that this is such a large number is because they have • some recycling bins and that is probably why they seem excessive. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator • Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to ordinance An inspection isrequiredprior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. Colorado Drive and Steamboat Drive are local streets. The requirement is for a minimum 6 feet sidewalk with a minimum 6 feet green space between the curb and sidewalk. The sidewalk and green space width need to be shown on the plat. The curb radius lines in the sidewalk at the driveway approaches need to be removed. Adams: These walks as they are a part of the street improvement are shown. I didn't put any specific attention notes or anything to them because they aren't really a part of this project. Rutherford: The widths and green space need to be shown just as it is on the other plat. Warrick: Just call out those widths. Adams: They are shown as they are on the construction drawings and the plan drawings for the street improvements in the subdivision. They are not being built by this project. Rutherford: I'm just asking you to put the green space width and the sidewalk width and move the radius lines out of the sidewalk. • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 5 Warrick: Are they going to be guaranteed or built as a part of the final plat? Adams: I believe they are going to build them. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent The ADA spaces as shown are adequate. Trip generation reports were provided. Warrick: There are two separate trip generation reports. The first one is based on this being a senior housing complex. The second one is based standard apartment development. The numbers are almost double when you go from senior to standard units. You need to explain that this is expected to be senior housing. We need to know more in case a variance needs to be requested. Adams: The application has been made with senior housing specified and there is a point structure and priority is given to the senior housing and it is the intent of this application to remain senior housing facility. When this first came through we had opted to do the parking lot • with landscaping and the variance went through at that time. The application with ADCO which this is contingent upon is for senior housing. • Little: Is this going to be phased construction? Adams: Yes. There will be 2 buildings with 72 units each. We will be recording separate debt instruments. We will be looking at this as two separate pieces. Phase I will be the eastern portion of the property to be submitted under their tax credit program Little: Is there a chance that these two buildings will ever be sold separately? Adams: There is a possibility. Little: Should we create two lots? Adams: The intent and the agreement with ADCO is we have an extended compliance period and typically on a tax credit project that gets a long holding period, we're looking at 20 years plus. Typically these are not sold. Little: What we run into with the financial institutions and we certainly do not require a lot split for financing but the financial institutions are very particular about the legal descriptions that they have for the land and the mortgage. We have had lot splits before in order to create the area that they want to have If it's going to be legally described and secured as two separate • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 6 properties, it might be best if we create a 4A and a 4B. Warrick: That can be handled on the final plat. We need to make to make sure in that instance that the setback requirements are met for each lot line. Little: In R-2, it is a 25 feet rear setback but you have two frontages so you only have two sides left. Side setback requirement is 8 feet. Warrick: Anything that is approved at this time is valid only for one calendar year. Little: Are you expecting to do the east half or the west half first? Brown: The east half first. Warrick: I would think that the requirement in that situation would be that the drive be brought through so you have two points of access. • Kim Rogers - Park and Recreation • This proposal came through the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on August 4, 1997. The PRAB recommended money in lieu of land. City Council approved a waiver from Ordinance 3793 to also accept money in lieu through Resolution 77-97 on August 19, 1997. The park land fee is 144 multi family units at $300 per unit for a total of $43,200. Brown: Will we pay the parks fees prior to the issuance of the building permit? Little: For the ones you are building. Brown: So if I'm doing them in phases, I can split it. Warrick: There is a note that the formula is updated every two years and there could be a change in those numbers. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The completed application was adequate. The number of required plats is adequate. A diskette was submitted for the project. Labels for the adjoining property owners were submitted. The Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan was adequate. The tree preservation plan was adequate. Note that this was originally submitted as the Summitt Development was for 132 units and the current proposal is for 144 units. Adjacent zoning needs to be labeled. Add plat page 401 to the • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 7 title block. 911 needs information as to the location of the office(s) for addressing purposes. The internal drive may need to be named. Add the flood plain reference to the plat. Dimension all right of way from the centerline. Provide the height of structures to determine if additional setbacks are required. Compliance with the Master Street Plan was adequate. Right of way dedication was adequate. Provide cross access to the commercial property to the south. Parking for standard apartment complex is 1 space per bedroom. A variance has been requested and must be heard and determined by the Planning Commission. Staff can only support such a variance for elderly housing as was the original proposal for this development. Cross access as noted above is needed in regard to traffic flow patterns. Screening is required between all residential and commercial properties. Please provide information on any proposed signage. Parking waiver request is included as a note on the submitted project plat. All utilities shall be located underground. Warrick: Where will the offices be within your structure? Brown: The offices in the building are located near the entrance by the elevators. • Warrick. With the offices being centrally located in the building, you will need to name the -private drive for addressing purposes. You can get in contact with 911 for addressing and approval of your street name. Talking about names, this whole subdivision was originally called Wedington Place. This is being processed as the Wedington Place Apartment Complex. That precludes the entire subdivision from being able to say they are Wedington Place on a sign out -front. We may need to talk more about that. You -and the overall developer may want to discuss the naming of the different projects as well. • Little: I think the whole thing could be called Wedington Place, but these would need to be called Wedington Place Apartments or Residents. Check on that find out what the overall development will be using. Brown: It's Wedington Place Addition. It's already on record. Little: Right. Now Bruce has filed and has a limited liability corporation under Wedington Place and that is actually the name. Just work together on that. Brown: The standard building height in this zone is what? Little: 20. Anything over 20 requires additional setback. Brown: We have another 20 feet of additional setback. • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 8 Warrick: Be sure your cross access stubs to the property line so whoever develops that section south of you can hook up. What signage is proposed? Brown: We wanted to discuss that. Warrick: A unified sign is required for the entire subdivision and if you are propose one on site other than wall signage, we have to have that on the plan. Brown: I do need to create some identification Just to clarify the property and locate it during the lease operation. Warrick. We will need to look back and see what the staff requirement was for the preliminary plat and take that and go from there. Brown: We would like some type of small monument with a ground light to shine on the name and address. Little: Under 4 square feet? Brown: Let's figure out a size and get a proposal. Little: You might want to consider directional arrows in the island as well. Warrick: Your revisions are due by 10:00 a.m. on February 3, 1999. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Fire hydrant spacing needs improvement. Fire hydrant locations also need improvement. The water main sizing, looping, and location are adequate. Add a hydrant in front of each Porte Cochere. The hydrant between the buildings at the front may be omitted. Add a hydrant in the nearest parking lot island to each rear (north) entry. "Proposed standard fire hydrant" lettering shown but no hydrant is drawn in at Colorado Drive and the front drive through of complex. This entire complex should be sprinklered unless of Type I or Type II construction. Brown: We will be sprinklering even if it's not required. Beavers: If it is sprinklered there needs to be an additional hydrant within 100 feet of the fire department connection. Jackson: If they put the connection at one the hydrants we have shown, they wouldn't have Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 9 to add another one. The connections have to accessible from a drive. A pumper has to be able to drive up to them so you will want to put them on the front. Ron Petrie - Engineering All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted All correction and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than February 3, 1999. The minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. A 20 feet easement needs to be shown for the new 8 inch water line that loops across the site. Show the easements that were required along Colorado Drive and Steamboat Drive at the time of preliminary plat approval Fire protection and fire hydrant location shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. Add the fire protection lines to the plan. The design engineer for the internal sprinkler system will have to design the size of the fire protection line. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wingwalls, and retaining walls. The water line can not be constructed closer than 10 feet from any building footing. There will be a fee of $67.00 per unit assessed this development to go toward improvements in the Hamstring basin. This is consistent with the charge of $200.00 per residential lot as charged to other subdivision in this basin. At 144 units, the fee will be $9,648. If you desire, you may submit projected flow calculations to document a different ratio. The ratio was estimated to be 222/703 = .32, rounded to 0.33. Provide trackaccessto all manholes. Minimum easement widths for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. A 20 feet easement should be added to the plan for all sanitary sewer lines. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wingwalls, and retaining walls. Also, the sewer line can not be constructed closer than 10 feet from any building footing. The preliminary grading plan does not contain all the information required by the ordinance. Regarding cuts and setbacks from the edge of easements, where no utilities are present in an easement, or where utilities are planned to be relocated, and where such action is approved by all utilities, then easements may fall within a cut or fill section. Regarding erosion and sedimentation control, add to the plans what is being proposed for revegetation of the slopes and on other disturbed areas. Identify the soil types according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Regarding treatment of slopes and benches, add to the plans what is being proposed for revegetation of the slope and other disturbed areas. At the time of the preconstruction conference you need to supply a time schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization measures. Also, a description of quantity in cubic yards, source, and composition of imported fill material and compaction specifications and also include the quantity in cubic yard and destination of • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 10 excavation materials to be removed from the site. Please add to the plans what your proposal for preserving the natural vegetation and description for revegetation or other permanent erosion control strategy. At the preconstruction conference, to alleviate any potential dust problem, the property should be sprayed with water. Petrie. I haven't given the phasing much thought but you will be required to put all the water and sewer in. Also, for the preliminary drainage, you need to study the overall thing. When it comes in for construction, we will need to consider what will be built now and what will be built in the future. Brown: All the dirt work would be done at once. It would be pretty inefficient not to do that. All the detention will be in place for the first phase of construction. Petrie: You will be adding some storm sewer for parking lots at a later date. That will need to be addressed at that time. Brown: Anything that would make sense to construct at the first phase is included and we • will do the detention, too. Petrie: The primary concern regarding easements falling within a cut or fill section are those along the north and the easement along Steamboat Drive. You have shown you are planning on cutting the area where we have an existing water main. That is not acceptable You -will need to replace that line. If nothing else is in that easement, I would like for you to state that on the plat in a note. • Brown: Your saying we need to lower the water line. Petrie: Or provide different grading that won't disturb it. You have to maintain the 36 inches of cover. Little: There is a waterline partially in the north easement. Is there a waterline in Steamboat as well? Brown: Yes. Little: We know this. Beavers. The City Council has revised the grading ordinance since the last time DCI did a project. You need to come downstairs and pick up a revised copy. • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 11 Petrie: They did a relatively good job. As for drainage, the entire development has always in the past been required at preliminary to have the post development equal to the pre development. The preliminary drainage report that you submitted does not show that. It shows that you are increasing the flow from 1 8.2cfs to 44.3cfs. We need some additional information for your preliminary drainage report. Also, on the detention pond, it states: "The detention pond design shall be the final design in sufficient detail to establish a final depth location and detail requirements to justify or approve the application of detention." What was submitted in the report was some old detention pond calculations from the March 5, 1998 report. In that report it states that the 6.29 acres of the Summit Apartments have been excluded from the calculations. Brown: There was detention on their site and some detention that was adjacent to it on the balance of the development. Petrie: In the report, you were trying to prove that what you are filling in on the existing pond you are providing to the rear. That is not acceptable. We have to have the whole subdivision because that was what was provided in this existing detention pond. More likely, you are going to have to increase the size of that detention pond to the south on lot 3. Little: Is the best way for him to address that is to submit a new drainage report for the - entire subdivision. - Petrie: That has to be part of the submittal. This will impact Lot 3. I'm sure you want to let Mr. Clary be aware of that All drainage outside of the public street right of way including the detention ponds will be private and privately maintained by the owner. Beavers: We do not have this in our written standards, we had this stated in the plat review record, but, all of your manholes need to have rain catchers which are plastic or lead at the top of the manhole. Utility Comments Denise Burrack - SWEPCO This is substantially different that the other apartment plat that was sent through and I have not been able to talk with your electrical designer. I would propose that if you are going to do this in two stages that we have two different transformer locations. You will require 3 phase to run the elevators and we also require the full load that will be present. The most logical way to get in to Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 12 serve this would be from facilities on Steamboat and going across the south side of the two buildings. I not sure where that location could be. If your elevators are going to be fairly close up to the south front of the buildings, you have an inset on the apartment building on the east side that is just east of where the entrance is going to be. We could get something in that area. It looks large enough by the clearances that we would need. Then you would go to the building on the west side, it would be at the same location. Little: Is your pad 6 x 6? Burrack: It will be 9 x 9. Brown: What is the height? Burrack: The transformer is about 51/4 feet tall and about 7 feet x 8 feet. Brown: That's going to look real pretty. Burrack: You have no access. With the drainage we could not get one of our big cranes or trucks or anything in the back. Brown: I'm just asking that for landscaping purposes so we can screen them. Little: How close does it have to be to the elevator? - - Burrack: It could be 5 miles away but it depends on the size of the wire. The closer you wire to the load centers, the better off you would be on it. Brown: What about down at the ends? Little: That's right by the entrance. Burrack: We can't access it. Brown: We'll sure think about that and provide the pad site. Give me specs on a sleeve if we decide to go under the structure. Burrack: It would have to be steel encased conduit a minimum of 4 inches. The transformer pad would need to be 9 x 9 concrete reinforced. I need the name of your electric design people or they can contact me. You can do an easement where ever. If we're all by ourselves, we need 10 feet plus additional distance around the transformer pad. These will have Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 13 to be a minimum of 5 feet off of a combustible surface. A minimum of 10 feet from any air intakes, windows, or door. Screening, you can do what you want to. We need to have access to the face of the transformer that we can open the doors. I didn't see any lighting in the parking lot. Are planning to have the lighting feed off of the house meters? Or has this been addressed at all? Little: We have a residential neighborhood just to your north and the parking lot is located on the north side This lighting needs to be kept to a minimum and shielded and directed down toward the parking lot. Rick Evans - Arkansas Western Gas We can either serve from the north or the south side. We'll need to get with you or the contractor on the load on the buildings. We need to know if you want to be set up on a single meter or multi meters. It's according to how you want to break it down. We need a load on the building. Brown: There is a 20 feet easement on the north. Evans: We'll work with you on that. Kevin Lefler - TCA We'll follow the powerin. Any conduits you have to place for them, then we ask for the same ones. I guess that will be worked out later on. Will these be separately metered? Brown: No. They'll be multi metered. Lefler: As far as the building plan on the inside, I guess we can get with somebody later on. Brown: We have a mechanical room and we will bring the multi meters. Further Discussion Warrick: On the street lighting, there is a street light at the southernmost drive and we suggest that you move that to the north and place it halfway in between the two drives on the west side so it will accommodate both of them. Also, you need to contact Southwestern Bell. LSD99-2: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT TOWN CENTER, pp523 • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 14 This project was submitted by Richard Alderman of WD&D Architects on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located south of Mountain Street, west of East Avenue, north of Rock Street and east of Block Street. The property is zoned C-4, Downtown Commercial, and contains approximately 1.11 acres. Richard Alderman was present on behalf of the project and acknowledged that there were several A & P Commissioners present. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Rare tree identification was adequate. Location of utilities, easements, and rights of way were adequate. The existing and proposed grading as shown was adequate. Commercial design standards information was inadequate. Based on Commercial Design Standards and the wishes of the City Council, additional trees shall be planted along all facades of the building. Please address the discussion of narrowing Block Street and East Avenue to provide a green strip for street tree plantings. Consider planters along the perimeter of each level of the parking deck to allow plant material to be visible from the street and to provide something to soften the harshness of the concrete. It is my understanding that the gardens within the plaza area will be addressed by Susan Ferrall in conjunction with the square gardens. Please meet with Susan as the project progresses. Irrigation, however, must be considered for the plaza area at this time. Little: - She has in her comments, as we discussed yesterday, the drawings are not --matching. We need to have them match and revised to reflect these planting areas. One thing that was talked about was the variance on the street but we don't know the resolution of that at this time. We are needing that information. Alderman: That was in there for reference from the earlier drawings. Basically, the reason that I did not show it on here is that we showed the streets as we understand them to be 32 feet wide. At 38 feet wide, they don't give us enough room. We need some clarification from the appropriate person. Little: I have not been a part of the meetings. Beavers: Mr. Venable and myself met and we discussed narrowing the streets. I thought we agreed to that. Alderman: The comment that I remember was we couldn't get any more narrow than the street to the west or Block Street. That street is already at 38 feet. We really can't get any more narrow than that. East Street is 42 feet which gave us 4 feet and presented us with 2 feet of extra sidewalk • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 15 Little: Dimension the streets for us so we know what the right of way or pavement surface is. The question whether or not we are changing the widths of East Street or Block Street? Alderman: East Street will be decreased 2 feet in width. Little: And that is for? Alderman: Sidewalk or however we can use it. At this point, all we've got room for is sidewalk. We requested from the City the ability to make the streets the minimum so that we could put as much landscaping in as we could. I guess we haven't been able to determine what the exact minimum needs to be. Little: The Planning Commission can't deal with this until they know what they're getting and we can't have these photos as a part of their presentation package. If there is not going to be planting there, we can show them. I have a concern about what the City Council thinks that it is getting. Alderman: I'm not sure if the Council has ever focused on trees along the street in the record. Little: I been to enough meetings to know that they think they're getting trees along the street. I remember Len Schaper saying several things about that. I'm confused. Alderman: What we have are the drawings done by the original group with a streetscape proposal which is now being rethought. This was the City's original proposal for a streetscape plan which envisioned a narrow street for a place to plant trees. Little: What does engineering understand about the widths of the streets? Venable: As I remember I think that Block would be 42 feet. That would leave 16 feet for parking on each side. It would narrow down to a 22 feet drive. We need a 6 feet sidewalk. East street is 42 feet. Alderman: Actually Block is narrower than that because the Municipal Court development extended out into the street too far based on the center of the right of way. Little: This question has to be answered before Subdivision Committee. They have to • know what is going on with the street. • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 16 Alderman: We will get a definite answer. It appears to us that 38 feet is the minimum width of either one of the two streets. We would put as much planting on our side as we could. Little: 38 feet is the minimum. That is 8 feet of parking with the 16 feet and that gets us down to a 22 feet drive. We can either have parking or we can have plantings but we cannot have both. Alderman: We will have the dimensions on here and we will clarify. We couldn't get everything on one sheet. Little: I think that might be a good idea simply because it would help to soften the building and I was present at enough discussions to know that they were expecting some plantings. Alderman: After we get the entrances and the exits out of these, which are going to impact a number of parking places that are there anyway I think we're talking about 6 to 7 parking spaces. Will I need some type of written response regarding the landscaping? Little: We need a written statement from whoever makes that decision. Crosson: I nominate Charlie to make that decision. - Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. This project will require all new curb and gutter on Mountain St., Eave Ave., Rock St. and Block St. All new sidewalk will be required. A minimum width would be 6 feet for East Avenue, Rock Street and Block Street. The minimum width will be 12 feet for Mountain St. Sidewalks shall be continuous through all driveways. Rutherford: We talked about this at yesterday's meeting. Alderman: This affects my budget. This is the City's property and a leased area. We intended to make improvements as required. This is a significant amount of sidewalk that is not in the budget for this project. I'm not sure how to go forward. Does the City have another funding source to help us? Venable: We can help two ways. One is to take it out of our sidewalk account. Or another • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 17 is that we simply build it ourselves. One thing I think we have to wait on at Mountain Street is to determine what's going to be done with the Downtown Dickson Street Improvement. I don't know anything about that right now. Warrick: The best way to show it on the plan at this point time is to taper those back. Alderman: We are meeting the existing sidewalk line. We're trying to stay away from the gutter boxes because they've been recently constructed and we don't want to damage them. Do you want us to replace those? We wanted to keep the tops of the existing boxes in place. We would then put all new sidewalk meeting those. Little: We thought the area you are showing as gutter was sidewalk. Alderman. • We have mentioned irrigation in the front. Little: We will need a revised landscape comment after we comment on the streets. Hesse: I talked to Susan and the irrigation is going to be tied into the drip irrigation system in places All that was put in piece by piece and it's old. Alderman: Basically, we're talking about an elevated slab with parking underneath. We have the possibility of worrying about freezing. I'm wondering if there is a way to install a system we can connect to that is in place that can be drained out during winter weather. I'm worried that we aren't going to have enough depth to leave a live sprinkler system. Hesse: That is what we have on the square right now. Alderman: As we develop our final planting requirements with Susan, do we resubmit that? Little: You don't need anything further at this point. That's a design during construction phase. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent Street lights are required to be spaced every 300 feet and at intersections. Pull boxes and conduits need to be installed for future development. Can 220 spaces be installed using standard parking lot dimensions? • Alderman: I did provide Perry with a set of plans and I think we're pretty close on that. I told him that I would have him some plans in the final submittal showing the layout. • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 18 Franklin: I feel comfortable we can work with them on plans for all three floors. Alderman: Those plans are on another sheet. Franklin: We talked about the 31 spaces and the posts. The drawing doesn't show it like it's suppose to be. Little: Are they standard street lights? Alderman: I would assume that if you're going to do new streetscaping on Dickson and if this is all meant to be connected, potentially you're going to get a different pole design of some kind. Will we know what they are going to do? Franklin: At this time, we just need to get underground with conduit and pole boxes in places. Then we're ready to match whatever. Little: Put the locations on this plan. Alderman: The building is so close to the street, can they be wall mounted? I have intended to have our entrance lights on the building at the entrances to the parking deck and separately from that have the pole lights for the general illumination. It is our understanding that what we are going to have is the location of them and it is undetermined what type so we aren't providing -them at this time. Little: No. The decision has not been made that you are not providing the cost for the poles. We will discuss that. Warrick: You will be providing the wall lighting. Franklin: If they choose to use the non standard fixtures then SWEPCO is not going to maintain. Then, there is a big issue that has to be resolved about who in the future will maintain those. Kim Rogers - Parks & Recreation No comment. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The application as submitted was adequate. The number of required plats, diskette, adjoining • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 19 property owner labels, preliminary grading and drainage plan, tree preservation plan and color rendered elevations were all adequate. Please refer to specific division comments for grading, drainage, and tree preservation requirements. Adjacent property owners, layout of adjoining property, vicinity map, floodplain reference, contours, and the legend were all adequate. Correctly label all adjacent zoning (R-4 should be C-4). Add plat page 523 to title block. Dimension all right of way from the centerline. Compliance with the master street plan, right of way dedication, and curb cut (number and location) were all adequate. The traffic flow pattern was adequate. Previous agreements/approval from Planning Commission and City Council have determined the number of required parking spaces to be 220 with 31 remaining under the plaza level in the area of the existing parking lot. Please address signage proposed, as it must be located on the plat if freestanding or on the proposed elevations if on the building. All utilities shall be located underground. Alderman: If they wanted to bring in adjacent parking spaces, we could go through the process for shared parking? Little: You can bring us shared parking or pay us $100 per spot. You brought us shared • parking the first time so you would have to make that request and go to the Planning Commission • Alderman: You should make the Planning Commission aware of that in your presentation. Warrick: What about proposed signage for the structure? Alderman: We would want to say something at the entrances and we will also need an in and out directional sign. On the parking deck, we will have to have some clearance signs that would hang. Little: Informational signs are not what we're talking about. Just the names of the building and where they will be and how large they will be. Alderman: We don't intend to have large signs. We would like to have wall mounted signage in the front. Do I need to note that and give some sizes? Little: You need to include a drawing of the proposed signs. Alderman: There is a fence type situation that will all be gone. There will be a painted type area and then the landscape. At the head of the stairs, we will connect. We will try to connect where there is a patio area. Where you see the smaller lines is more of a low divider so there can be plantings in here. Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 20 Little: Those are about 24 inches tall. A 24 inch tall sign is not that effective. Alderman: It more of having something up here that gives you some idea. Little: What is the height? Alderman: 24 to 36 inches. Within that range. Little: If you decide to put that in dust show what it is. Warrick: We need you to identify where on your elevations that you are putting those identification type signs. Little: We need to know not exactly what's going to be on the sign but we need dimensions of the sign, the location of the sign, and any posting of the sign. Alderman: Since these are already printed up, is it possible for me to give that as a written • description? Little: No. But it is possible for you to bring us one big one of these that shows it. Alderman: And the copies can go in the packet? Mickey Jackson - Fire Chief Add one hydrant. Alderman: We show that basically coming in right here. Technical difficulty - recording equipment malfunction Alderman: The normally acceptable is 6, 8, or 7. We had planned for 7. We would like to limit the bigger vans to that lower level. UTILITY COMMENTS Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO • I have previously met with Mike Green and other dignitaries from Green Anderson and thoroughly discussed what we can or can't do over here. We have an overhead line bisecting that • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 21 parking lot with a platform transformer station spanning the alley. This will disappear. I have made estimates of what our loads are in the existing buildings and have worked with Mike and his people as far as the existing loads go. We have also worked out a spot to provide space for our pad mounted transformers. It's on the second page. These will be on the existing alley level. It is my understanding that the alley clearance going across there is going to be approximately 14 feet. Is that correct? Alderman: Yes. Burrack: This will allow us to reach in and pick those transformers up and do anything we need to with them. The new building that is going to require 277/480 per design. Right? Alderman: Right. Burrack: The existing facilities that are there, the Bradbury Building is 122/08 so I will need to have two transformers at this location. They can be feed through transformers as we discussed. The feed will come from Rock Street and will have to be coordinated with conduits underneath the new sidewalk. Little: It's going under Rock Street? Burrack: Under Rock under the south side of Rock under the new sidewalk on Block turning into the structure. We would have no problem with that. The only problem that I do have with all of this would be the location of metering that is going to be on the existing buildings. I don't know if we've discussed or figured out where we could leave that or how much room there is going to be off of the back of the Bradbury building to actually put a meter in without having a truck or a semi going by and wiping it off the side of the building. Those points may have to be relocated around a corner somewhere. Alderman: There is still about a 3 feet spot between. Burrack: Is it curved or railed or something? Alderman: We are taking out curb. Burrack: That would be fine. Alderman: There is a grassed area that is there where they have stoops and things and we would intend to leave all that in the same space. There are columns that come down here but you would be able to get straight access in there. • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 22 Burrack: That was one thing I wasn't quite clear of. We were discussing the actual electric loads and not the actual buildings. We do need protection on that metering and that will work. Alderman: I think City has a connection on the corner where we plan to house the festivals and things and we may be relocating that up to the plaza level at a different location. We can work that out. Burrack: That transformer station does feed east and west down to the Bracey Building at the southwest corner. There are some meter points shown. That would also have to be incorporated into the design of the parking deck or relocated. The City also has a meter point. Those metering points would have to be relocated. All of the refeed from our transformer to the existing buildings would have to be under Mike's guidance. Our Jurisdiction stops at the secondary lugs of the transformers and from that point on it will have to be private individuals that will be doing this so this will be an expense that you would have to bear on the relocation. Little: All the refeeds to the existing meters is at developers expense? Burrack: Yes. We continue to the east with a single phase line and I believe telephone and TV, one or both, maybe on that line that goes to the east so you will have to work with them when we take this out. We have a feed coming underground that goes up beside the federal building and I have some switch gear I can come out of at that point to feed all of the buildings over on the east that are being fed off this existing overhead line so I can take all of the overhead line out but I'm not speaking for telephone or TV when it comes time to take the pole line out. You'll have to work that individually. We have worked out all of the load on all of the buildings. Did you get a copy of our meter reports of all the individual meter reports in there? I may have given that to Steven. You can figure out your loading on that. I'll make sure he's got that information. Under the sidewalk and under the building, what kind of conflicts are we going to be in with water, sewer, gas, etc.? Alderman: As best we know today, we don't see a lot of conflicts connecting storm drain from above through that area Most of the rest of our utilities are -- Burrack: That was what my information was but I needed to double check so we could maintain our code clearance. When we turn and go in under the building, are there going to be any load bearing spaces setting on us? Alderman: We intend to have the dumpsters -- Burrack: Any place that is load bearing on us, I would request that it goes in steel conduit and do a load check to make sure we don't crush anything in there. That Just goes back to • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 23 building code. Alderman: Do you want steel on that or PVC. Burrack: PVC and concrete or whatever the building code would do on that. That will be up to the architectural people on that as far as load and building code. These are field transformers. They will be down underneath. The transformer faces will have to face to the north so that we can open up the doors and work on the transformers with hot sticks. Hot sticks need 10 feet of clearance in front of them in order to work. We should make sure that when the pads are poured the orientation is correct. Alderman: We have ten feet of clearance here because we have the service lane. Burrack: There is plenty of room in there. If you want to put a chain link fence, it just has to be something we can open up. Alderman: What size of doors would you need to have? Hollow metal is what we intend to put on there. I wouldn't want to have anything open. I would want that to be concrete wall with hollow metal doors and frames giving you that access. Burrack: Above the hollow metal door, in order to access and load those transformers in and out, we would need a removable section that goes up to 14 feet so that we can stick a boom in there and pick this stuff up. Little: Are we talking 7 plus 14 or 14 total. Burrack: It's 14 total clearance on that alley. We just need something that would go up to that height so that we could get a boom over and reach in there and take it out. Alderman: How much width do you need in front of each one of the transformers to be able to get your equipment in? Burrack: A minimum of 9 feet. Alderman: A 9 feet wide by 14 feet opening closed up however. Burrack: The bottom part of it could be just a regular door height but above that something that could be removed. We can work on it to remove it but it has to be something removable rather than permanent concrete. We need you to provide an additional spare conduit from the pole to this location. I would suggest it but it is not required. I have worked with Mike on that • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 24 already. On the lighting, and I've been talking with some of the Dickson Street people, that is up in the air. If we're available, come and talk to us and we'll see what happens. If you end up buying your own and installing, we're going to have to have metering points and or flat rate points as we've done in some subdivisions. We can work this out. Rick Evans - Ark Western You're showing our existing gas line and that's a 6 inch line. This is a low pressure system, 4 oz., so we cannot get service to this building at this time. We need to have more pressure and we'll get back with you. You're showing the existing line and relocating it. The relocation of this line will be at the owner's expense and we'll work with you on that. We are looking at some different options on this and maybe taking this totally out of the alley, but, we're not sure how we can do that. We're looking at different areas. Alderman: We would like to get as much of it out of the alley as possible. Evans. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but we have to look at some different ways to tie in to other lines. Alderman: We want to work with you to try and get it out of there. It is our intention and we've tried to show what we thought was the worst situation possible for this area. • Evans: The only thing we have on that if we do end up doing something, then the existing gas meters will have to relocated. We will need the total gas load on the building and what your anticipated load is. We'll work with you on line sizing and meter location. We need to see what size meter we can put in. Alderman: We don't have a heavy total gas load. The roof top mechanical units will comprise it. We don't have a major cooking kitchen. Evans: If we find out anything else, I'll let you know what we've got going. Kevin Lefler - TCA We don't really know what your needs are. I guess we will propose to serve off of Rock Street in some manner. We need contents. Is there a mechanical building? Alderman: There will be an electrical mechanical area Lefler: We'll come off the pole with the electric. We could bring conduit and not have to • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 25 go all the way around. I would suggest two 4 inch coax and one maybe for a future 5 inch. I don't know what the needs are. I suggest we meet later and not take everybody's time here and then go from here. If we need to relocate we can discuss those. It shouldn't be a problem. Warrick: Southwest Bell is not here today. You will need to contact them as early as possible. Other Staff Comments Little: We need to be sure that you have adequate parapet walls to screen any roof mounted equipment. Alderman: This portion of the building is the tall portion. Little: How tall are the units? Alderman: I don't know how tall they are yet. • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 26 LSD99-3: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ALLIED STORAGE, pp 601 This project was submitted by Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Allied Storage for property located at 15th Street across from Walker Park. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial, and contains approximately 14.98 acres. Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator The tree preservation plan was adequate as well as the rare tree identification, location of utilities, easements, and right of ways, and existing and proposed grading. The limits of the silt fencing can act as tree protection in this situation. Since the silt fencing is directly adjacent to the limits of grading, there shall be no activity outside the limits of silt fencing. Please make sure that the developer and contractor are aware of this limit of construction. Screening was an issue when this storage facility was initially approved by the planning commission. Records show that the former Landscape Administrator, Beth Sandeen, had spoken with Carl Carpenter and had relayed to him that any shrubs planted along the right of way were to screen the development. The shrubs selected are too small to meet any screening requirement. The screening requirement is still an issue and will need to be addressed with the approval of the large scale development. Little: We have talked to you about that. Have you talked to him? Jones: I don't know if I've mentioned it to them. I do know that it's the same on going deal. They're not willing to screen their buildings for security purposes. That is just something we have to see how it goes. I did mention it to them actually. I don't know what they have worked out. Are you wanting to see something that is completely view obscuring? Hesse: Pretty close to it. Warrick: The code reads it should be 6 feet tall and view obscuring. Jones: Is that for all industrial developments? Warrick: It's an ordinance the specifically applies to mini storage. Little: Any outside storage. Jones: I'll relay that to the owner. • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 27 Warrick: We're just looking at the existing and proposed to be shown someway. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The sidewalks are existing. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent No comment. Kim Rogers - Parks and Recreation No comment. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator The application as submitted was complete and the required number of plats were adequate. A diskette was submitted and adjoining property owners' labels were submitted. A preliminary grading and drainage plan was submitted. A tree preservation plan was submitted as well as color rendered drawings of the main facade and signage. Please refer to specific division comments for grading, drainage, and tree preservation requirements. No elevations were required for this addition as it is not visible from the public way due to intervening structures. Adjacent property owners, plat page, layout of adjoining property with 300 feet, vicinity map, floodplain reference, contours, and legend were all adequate. The easement dimensions, building setback, and project owner/developer were all adequate. Please label the adjacent zoning and dimension all right of way from the centerline. Conformance with the Master Street Plan was adequate as were the curb cuts. Traffic flow patterns were adequate. The lot frontage, and bulk and area requirements were adequate. Original requirements for screening apply All utilities shall be located underground. Mickey Jackson - Fire Chief The hydrant spacing and location needs improvement. The water main location needs improvement. Extend the 8 inch water main to the northeast comer area of the new building and add a fire hydrant there. Ron Petrie - Engineenng • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 28 All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chiefs request. Can access be provided to the existing manholes to the west of the site? The grading plan is acceptable. Regarding fills, as confirmed in the letter from Crafton, Tull & Associates dated 1/20/99, the City will require density tests on material previously placed All additional fill is to be compacted in 8 inch lifts and compacted to 95% using the standard proctor method. Additional information which needs to be submitted at the preconstruction conference includes the time schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization measures as well as the description of quantity (in cubic yard), source, and composition of imported fill material and compaction specifications. Also, note the quantity (in cubic yard) and destination of excavation materials to be removed from the site. Where there is excessive dust, a plan for spraying with water on heavily traveled dirt areas shall be addressed as part of the preconstruction conference. If available, show FEMA's 100- year Water Surface Elevation. The preliminary drainage report is acceptable. I want to comment on the fence. That is not existing at this time and the water department will require a gate. Jones: They have been working with Dave Jurgens because of those sewer lines back there and they will provide Dave with a gate. They don't want a gate for security reasons. They have reached an agreement with Dave that if he needs to get in there for some reason and they are not available to let him in through the front gate -- Petrie. Can he get through? Jones: Yes. You will be able to access all those manholes through the front gate. Warrick: This is a straight shot. Petrie: You have a creek there. If you fence that, there is no way to get back to them. Have you talked to Dave Jurgens? Jones: We'll work that out with him. We'll reach some kind of acceptable solution with Dave. Dave's been involved with this deal because he has raised a manhole out there We'll either provide a gate but they do have some security issues. We'II work something out with Dave. That's no problem. Regarding the FEMA 100 year water elevations, the only ones are along with main creek but we will add those. They had some elevation contours on the main creek. • • • Minutes of a Meeting of Technical Plat Review January 27, 1999 Page 29 Petrie: I want to make sure your finished floors are adequately raised. UTILITY COMMENTS Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO This has already been served. I don't think he needs anything additional. If we do, we could get down the east side some place. I don't think he really needs anything additional If they do, ask them to give me a call.