HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-16 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, December 16, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building at 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED LS98-43, 44, 45: Duggan, pp137 LSD98-36: Washington Regional Medical Ctr. pp250 PP98-12: CMN Business Park II, Phase II, pp173 MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Rick Evans, Ark Western ACTION TAKEN Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision STAFF PRESENT Jim Beavers Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Alett Little Ron Petrie Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Brent Vinson Dawn Warrick • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 2 LS98-43, 44, 45: LOT SPLITS DUGGAN, PP 137 These lot split requests were submitted by Terrence Duggan for property located at Lot 13 of the Missouri Oaks Subdivision. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains approximately 1.21 acres. The requests are to split the property into four tracts consisting of 0.47 acres, 0.28 acres, 0.24 acres and 0 22 acres respectively. Terry Duggan and Danny Williams were present on behalf of the request. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator No comments. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, Driveway Approaches and Access Ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. This original Lot 13 is part of the Missouri Oaks Subdivision. Cinnamon Way requires a minimum four feet green space with a minimum four feet sidewalk. Zion Road is a collector street which requires a minimum 10 feet green space with a minimum six feet sidewalk. These will be required at the time of development. Duggan: Is Zion was going to be widened in order to avoid installing the sidewalks then having to redo them? Little: It will be widened in the future but not the near future and you will not be able to access Zion. Pulaski Bank has guaranteed the sidewalk along Zion. I don't know if you will be responsible for improvements. Probably only right of way. Warrick. We have the right of way. Williams: I'll be building these for Terry. Will we construct the sidewalk or should we contact Pulaski? Little: Mr. Rutherford will determine that. We have Pulaski Bank's check in the amount • of $11,124 in payment of 702 feet of sidewalk for Zion Road. We expect this to be put in at the • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 3 time Zion Road is improved. Warrick: We're keeping that guarantee. Rutherford: We'll expect the sidewalk at the time Zion is improved. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent No comment. Little: Would you consider shared driveways? Duggan: There is a shared driveway in the middle. There will be three total. Warrick: With the way the drainage is we will need more engineering information. You may not be able to have one of the drives so you may only be able to have two drives. Kim Rogers, Administrative Operations Assistant No comment. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator One of the legal descriptions needs to be revised. Our office will work with you to get that corrected. Label adjacent zoning. Add plat page 137 to title block. Show the subdivision streets on the vicinity map. Add the flood plain reference. Add sidewalks to the legend and plat along Zion and Cinnamon. Add owner information to plat. A maximum of two curb cuts for all lots being created. R-2 zoning requirements can be waived for side yards to permit common walls for townhouses. No minimum lot width is required. Ron Petrie, Staff Engineer All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrects and additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline to continue to subdivision committee. Separate service lines will have to be provided for each new lot. These service lines will not be allowed to cross over adjacent lots. An overall Grading Plan and Drainage Study will be required before a building permit will be issued. Petrie: When the original subdivision was done they only provided one meter setting for water. Each individual lot will have to have service meters provided. It is our understanding that at this time there is an open ditch wandering through the lot. Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 4 Duggan: It follows the lot line. Petrie: We require a drainage plan and a grading plan for the entire tract instead of for the individual lots prior to issuance of grading permit. If it's an open swale, we require flow information to make sure the pad elevations are high enough so there won't be any flooding. We will have to have a preconstruction conference after the plans are approved. Utility Comments Warrick: This is Ozarks Electric territory and you will need to contact them regarding their service requirements. Little: The entrance to the subdivision has a line which is hanging down very low. It was supposed to have been moved up. Rick Evans Arkansas Western Gas They have service at lot 13. We will need to put more services in so get with me before you start building. We're about four weeks behind. Warrick: The cable representative and Southwestern Bell representatives are not present this morning and you will need to contact them and provide the planning office with their sign off sheet. This will be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee and therefore, we need 37 copies of the revised plan by 10:00 a.m. on December 23, 1998. • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 5 LSD98-36: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, PP 250, 211) This large scale development was submitted by Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull, and Associates on behalf of Washington Regional Medical Center for property located north of Appleby Road and west of North Hills Boulevard. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural; C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial and R -O, Residential Office and contains approximately 45.47 acres. Kurt Jones and Jim Tenpenny were present on behalf of the project. Little: What color is your roof'? Tenpenny It will be something complimentary with what is there. Little: We will have to have definite answers. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Additional preservation will be required for this project. I don't feel that enough effort was put toward designing around existing trees. Please confer with Landscape Administrator. A landscape plan is required before I can review the requirements for Parking Lot and Commercial Design Standards landscape requirements. Hesse: I need an inventory of rare trees. Jones: What does the ordinance say regarding how many trees we need to save? Hesse: It's not numbers it's the size of the tree, any tree 24 inches or larger. You have to show me how you are going to save them. Jones: detail. We have a tight site and we don't have unlimited space. We have looked at this in Little: You are going to have to work with Kim as far as getting the trees done and to hear that ones planned to be saved and then it will be in 10 feet of fill or in 10 feet of cut. We just can't accept that. Tenpenny: We are trying to save a century tree. • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 6 Little: I don't believe this can be settled at this level. I believe it will take a separate meeting. We have to look at individual trees. Hesse: You said you have a landscape plan? Jones: No. We have not done a detailed landscape plan. There will be one done. Tenpenny: Landscape Architect James Barnett from Houston, Texas has done nice work around some commercial sites, both indoor and outdoor landscaping. We have used him some time ago, but he is still part of the project and fully intend to utilize him. We added an additional 40 million dollars to the landscape plan in the last six months. We're looking at providing approximately 200 trees back to the site to remove the sterileness of the site if possible. We don't have a lot of trees on site and we want to go back with a lot better plan than what is naturally there. Little: Will he be in any time soon? • Tenpenny: We haven't got to the stage where we will initiate the development of the landscape project at this time. Beavers: Isn't a landscape plan required as a part of large scale development. Hesse: No. The Planning Commission will be looking at your Commercial Design Standards and that will include plantings in the parking lot. Jones: My understanding was that we only had to show a tree preservation plan and the tree plantings that we are proposing in the parking lot to meet the parking lot requirements. Little: This is a tree preservation issue which I think is Kim's point. Let me tell you what's required. The tree preservation plan is required and of course anytime there are landmark trees they have to be marked and she has to make special exemptions if they are to be removed. So you have to have her permission to remove those trees. Jim mentioned the landscape plan. The landscape plan is not a requirement, but if any of the trees or any of the landscaping affect how the building looks from any of the public ways, then they have to be shown as a part of Commercial Design Standards. So, it's almost easier to put them on there. We have been getting the landscape plan. I can understand that you haven't released your professional to work on it. I don't think that is Kim's main issue. Her main issues is we have rare trees that she has a regulation that she has to deal with. • Jones: We are showing the preliminary tree locations in the parking lot. Detailed • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 7 landscape plans are a lot of work to be done at this point. Little: We don't want your detailed landscape plan. We have to have the tree preservation plan and then we have to have your parking lot layout because we're checking regulations on those. Warrick: This doesn't show compliance with Commercial Design Standards for landscaping along rights of way. Jones: Are these not meeting those? Warrick: Your right of way runs from property line to property line and all along those boulevards. You are showing it along the parking lots which is required under the Parking Lot Ordinance. You are not meeting Commercial Design Standards when it calls for one tree per 30 linear feet along all rights of way. Tenpenny: There are two separate sites. Warrick: It is part of the legal description for this property. Little: We ran into this over on the assisted care facility. As long as it is one piece of property at the courthouse, it's one piece of property to us. If you want to do a lot split, we can separate it out. Warrick: We're not dealing with the project area, we're dealing with 45.47 acres The other question that I have is concerning landscaping. Is that the dialysis parking lot close to the proposed new location of Northwest Boulevard? There is a minimum requirement of 5 feet of landscaping with screening in that location. It would have to be heavily screened because that is a reduction. So where these two parking areas abut your right of way, that requirement stands. Jones: Are you looking for detailed landscaping plans along all the right of way at this point or just our assurance that those areas will be landscaped? Little: Do you consider this a detailed landscape plan? Jones: No. Little: This is what we're looking for. Jones: We could come in and show trees every 30 feet. • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 8 Little: That's what we need. Then your landscape architect will have to work toward that if that is what is shown. Beavers: They have to be a certain species where you have the existing water and sewer. Little: What is the definition of a rare tree? Hesse: Anything over 24 inches. Beavers: If they can't furnish the tree preservation information by the time the other revisions are due they should be out of the cycle. Cheryl Zotti - Environmental Affairs Administrator Does not show solid waste services. Will most likely use compactors. Plat still needs to indicate plan for solid waste collection and recycling containers. Little: The current requirements are for a pad large enough for a recycling bin. • Tenpenny: We will have a compactor similar to what we have at our existing facility. We will coordinate with the City. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalk, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance Number 4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. North Hills Blvd. is a collector street which requires a minimum 10 feet green space with a minimum 6 feet sidewalk Futrall Drive and Appleby Road are also collectors and will have the same requirements. However, a portion of Appleby Road may need to have the sidewalk adjacent to the curb because of existing trees and a drainage structure. Little: North Hills Medical Park owes sidewalks for the portion of North Hills Blvd. which they have developed. They are trying to close that development out. They have been working to put those sidewalks in. With the lack of development that is there, if it cannot fit in the present right of way there will a requirement for dedication of right of way. Rutherford: Along Appleby, show the sidewalk extending to the west property line. Jones: The property line is the middle of the creek. • Rutherford: There is room if it is adjacent to the curb. Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 9 Jones: We have it shown within 10 feet. Tenpenny: Is there a walkway across the creek? Rutherford: There is enough room to put the sidewalk there. Little: It there going to be a bridge? Rutherford: It is existing. Little: They should bring the sidewalk up to where you can walk across the bridge. Rutherford: The sidewalk along Futrall may have to be adjacent to the curb because of the grade and drainage problems along there. Warrick: That will need to be shown on the plat, too. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Show locations of the street lights and call the Traffic Division about the street light agreement. The new road alignment looks good and it will eliminate a sight distance problem to the east at the old location for south bound vehicles. ADA parking should be relocated to provide access to the front of the buildings. 20 ADA spaces plus 1 for every 100 over 1000 are required. 1 space in every 8 should be van accessible or all can be universal ADA spaces (11 feet space with 5 feet aisles.) Sight distance problem to the east at the existing North Hills alignment should be resolved. Provide 3 inch PVC under North Hills Blvd. for possible future traffic signal installation (turn up above grade) Traffic Division will install pull boxes. Little: We looked at grading and we need the knoll taken out. Franklin: Who are you working with at North Hills Medical Park? It used to be Barry Herzog. Tenpenny: I represent the POA doing the construction work. Franklin: When this first developed, the City didn't have a street light agreement policy. We have a situation where the street lights are metered and you pay the electric bills and we send you a check. Since that time, we now have an agreement where SWEPCO estimates the usage for each fixture and they bill us a flat rate. You sign an agreement that you own and maintain those fixtures. I would like to get this agreement executed. Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 10 Little: Where are the street lights for North Hills? Franklin: They're in the island. Jones: We will keep them in the middle median. Franklin: We need the specs on those lights so we can determine the rates. Jones: I'm assuming you need street lights along Appleby. Franklin: Yes, along your side of it. Warrick: Every 300 feet and at every intersection. Little: Regarding parking lot lighting, at building permit stage, we would like to have the information on your parking lot lighting so we can have a look and see how many are going in there. We want it well lighted but the neighbors have been complaining about the amount of light spread. Tenpenny: What is your foot candle requirement? Little: We don't have one for parking lots. If you have lighting for an outdoor area, that it cannot spread more than 200 feet into a residential area. Tenpenny: We have 500 candle lights. Little: That's kind of low. But it's not a problem if you choose to continue that. Franklin: For the convenience and the safety of those going to hospital, you might want to consider dropping that one island to the south of Appleby and providing a north bound left turn. Kim Rogers, Administrative Operations Assistant No comments. Hesse: Have we discussed the number of parking spaces? Little: We did not. We did discuss them briefly in some premeetings. Of course our standard is going to be 1 parking space per bed. We're way over that. Warrick: What we've also done is used the clinic space as office space and used the parking Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 11 requirements for that. Little: So the total required is 1,000 and they get 20% over so that's 200 so they're below the 20% over. Warrick: Did we get a disk for this? Jones: No. We will provide that after we make revisions. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Information received for Tree Preservation and Grading/Drainage was inadequate. Please see comments from the Landscape Administrator and Engineering. Add plat pages 250 and 211 to the title block. Add floodplain reference to the plat. There is concern for appropriate sight distance at the entrance/exit to the facility off of Appleby (current location of North Hills Blvd.) Improvements to Appleby need to be discussed. Central loop drive at main entrance needs additional discussion. There is no parking in the area of the main entry. There is no direct access to the patient tower. There is not adequate ADA parking - see Traffic Superintendent's comments. Screening is required between commercial and adjacent residential uses. What signage is proposed? R -O has limited allowances for signs. Label the Overlay District boundaries on plat. All utilities shall be located underground. This LSD is contingent upon rezoning and conditional use requests currently in process. Jones: When we were shifting our parking around, I noticed some of the same things and we have done some additional work on that. We eliminated some handicap and I don't think we replaced them. Warrick: What solutions are you looking for resolution on the loop? Tenpenny: What are you looking for? Warrick: There isn't any parking for the front entrance of the building. People are having to walk a great distance. Tenpenny: We want to maintain access for fire emergencies. We have some requirements for fire that we are concerned about. We have several main entrances. The majority will be walking in from the Women's and Children's Facility. Little: building. That has pretty good access. There isn't really entrance into the three story • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 12 Tenpenny: We need to work on communications between parking lots. This is high priority on our list. Little: If the parking were more grouped around it would be closer in and perhaps the walking distances need to be calculated. I'm concerned about the walking distance to the tower because those are big buildings to walk through to get over. Can there not be an entrance of the tower? Tenpenny• The tower has all the welcome areas and the addressing areas to the public and downstairs we have a reception area and public hearings areas. It works really good once you see the layout of the building. Little: again. Should there be changes past this level, we will have to go through large scale Jones: Would Planning support variances for signs? Warrick: It will take action of the Board of Sign Appeals. This does adjoin the overlay district. Mickey Jackson - Fire Chief The entire complex should be looped with an 8 inch water main being supplied from at least 2 sources. Hydrant spacing intervals should not exceed 600 feet. At least one additional hydrant is needed at entrance to south parking lot of largest building. I couldn't find a fire line entrance to any of the buildings. This entire complex will need to be fully sprinklered. An additional hydrant will need to be located accessible to a pumper and with 100 feet of the fire department connection to the sprinkler system. Another additional hydrant will be needed at the rear of the main hospital building. Jones: We will coordinate those fire hydrants when we do the water line finals. Ron Petrie - Engineering All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline to continue to subdivision committee. The minimum easement (or combination of right of way and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easements contains any other utility. A 20 feet easement need to be shown and dedicated for the portion of the existing waterline in the North Hills Boulevard right of way that is to be abandoned. The new 6 inch waterline along • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 13 Appleby Road should be constructed outside of the right of way with adequate easement. The City may or may not wish to cost share to upgrade this line to a 12 inch as recommended by McGoodwin, Williams & Yates' Master Water Plan. Additional studies might be needed to determine if another water tie-in is needed. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. The design engineer for the internal sprinkler system should review the proposed fire protection line size of 6 inches to determine if this is adequate. Our record show that an existing 2 inch galvanized waterline is located north of the existing house on Appleby Road that connect to a water line in the trailer park. The engineer should contact the Water & Sewer Department before submitting construction plans in order to abandon this line. A new water meter and connection from the new waterline will be required for the existing houses. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wing wall, retaining walls. Also, the waterline should be constructed 10 feet from any retaining wall footing. Provide truck access to all manholes (to maintain and clean the system, per EPC regulations. Generally this had been provided. The manhole located near the main entrance should be moved to the northeast to provide better truck access. Minimum easements (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. Easements should be provided for the existing sanitary sewer located within the North Hills Boulevard right of way that is to be abandoned. Extend the new sanitary sewer to the south and provide a service line to the existing house on Appleby Road. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wing walls, and retaining walls Also, the sewer line should be construction 10 feet from any retaining wall footing. The preliminary grading plan does not contain all of the information required by ordinance Additional information will need to be submitted in order to accept the drainage report. Predevelopment and postdevelopment flows need to be computed at the south side of the bypass for each watershed. Then, the existing box culverts under the bypass need to be examined to determine their capacities. The final drainage design will have to use a runoff coefficient that depicts a fully developed watershed to size the new drainage structures. A Storm water Management, Drainage, and Erosion Control Permit with the appropriate fee is required. What are the existing dimensions of Appleby Road? Appleby Road is designated as a collector street on the Master Street Plan. The Planning Commission should determine if any improvements or cost share is required. The North Hills Boulevard will be relocated at the owner's expense. Under drains should be provided from the landscaped median. A left turning lane should be provided on North Hills Boulevard into the main entrance. Jones: Our preliminary report indicates that detention is not required. We have looked at the possibility of providing detention. The question that came up was whether or not we could use this pond as detention. We definitely will not use the pond. We would provide separate detention if necessary. • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 14 Little: We need that before Planning Commission. Jones: Appleby is a city standard street with curb and gutter. Beavers: The Master Street Plan shows it as a collector. Jones: It doesn't meet the collector requirements. Beavers. So, it doesn't meet the standard. Little: Is it 14 feet wide from centerline? Jones: Yes. Little: How wide is it from centerline? Jones: 31 feet back to back. • Little: So it's 15.5 from centerline. That's the information we need to give to the Planning Commission and we'll have to look at it again. If it's not in good shape, we will expect you improve it and if it's meeting a standard city street, there won't be an additional assessment to you. Beavers: No. If it's shown on the Master Street Plan as the collector then we require a collector unless the City Council wants to waive it. Little: We're getting the right of way. Jones: On the Assisted Care, we were only required to do a city standard street which at the time was 28 feet and the City agreed to pay the difference to have that upgraded to a collector. Is this not the same situation? Little: That's correct. That is what we did in Serenity Place. Normally, you build a 28 feet street and the City pays any over if we go ahead and improve it at that point. Are you remembering one different than that? Beavers. We've been doing on that new streets. But, anything that was contiguous was not done that way. • Little: We've been Just having them improve it. I think you're right. I remember • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 15 Missouri Oaks was widened out and that's been a while back, but I do remember that Missouri Oaks gotten widened out at the developer's expense. I see what the difference is. Thank you. When it is a brand new street, we don't make you build anything but a half of a standard city street. If it's one that's already there and you're getting to take advantage of, we just ask the developer to pay for whatever it takes to get it to the city standard. Beavers. If that is contrary to ordinances, then we need to revise our ordinances. Little: The ordinance says the Planning Commission assigns fair share. Jones: We'll just wait to see what the Planning Commission determines and go from there. Little: We need an estimate to upgrade this street to collector status from whatever is there now so that the Planning Commission can decide. It may mean taking out the curb and putting it back. It's kind of a function of how much right of way is there and what's on the other side, too. We might just take money but the Planning Commission has to make that decision. Utility Comments Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO A single phase line comes out and stops on the west side of the existing house and we cross the road Chuck made a reference to Futrall Drive and that is a part of controlled access and the State Highway Department says no pedestrians. I don't think we need any sidewalks there. If there are sidewalks, how does the City handle lighting on that? Little: We had this question regarding another project and there is no lighting there. Franklin: We can't get power out there. Little: But there is sidewalk. Burrack: Then we are required to have lighting out there and that's within the State and we would have many problems trying to coordinate anything doing that. Little: We have had this situation before and Kurt was the engineer for that. He remembers that we put the sidewalk in the right of way but I remember that it was not lighted. So if you get a permit from the Highway Department to put the sidewalk in the right of way but • it is not lighted. • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 16 Jones: This one is going to be a little different. I don't know physically if we can get it in the right of way. There is some significant drainage. We might be able to push it up and go along with the curb. They may have a problem putting sidewalk in that area if it is designated as no pedestrians. I'll contact Joe Shipman at the Highway Department and I'll have an answer. Burrack: We're looking at making a loop system feeding one part of it off of North Hills were I have an access and rebuilding a circuit on Appleby to give the main service point. Has a decision been made whether you wish to have primary meter where you own your facility. Tenpenny: We haven't discussed that in detail. I think we'll be doing that this week. Burrack: That would change the easement requirements. Will there be an easement plat filed? Jones: Prior to getting a building permit. Burrack: I can wait on easement until that part then if it's their ownership. The point of service we originally talked about was going to be on the west side of the property of the old house. I would ask that point be maintained due to the terrain. We may have to ask the Planning Commission if we could have a portion of this in the air. Jones: There will be some grading in that area. Burrack: There is an existing pole. We don't want to go underground through that ravine for fear it might wash out. The other point of service is along Monte Painter. You'll have a loop feed. Little: Could you put it under the sidewalk? Burrack: We're talking a primary meter measuring 8 feet long, 7 feet high, 9 feet front. I would have to have a very large area to set this on. I'm talking about the facilities in conjunction with the underground have to have a flat place to set. It would take a 20 square foot pad on the side of a slope like this and it's not going to work. Jones: You recommend that we ask for a waiver? Burrack: On that portion of the line where the slope is real bad. Do you wish to maintain the present type of lighting fixture on Appleby? • Tenpenny: What's there is fine. Standard fixtures on Appleby and the same type fixtures that • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 17 existing on North Hills. Burrack: I'll get an estimate together on those. Rick Evans - Arkansas Western Gas I have the existing lines that feed the old house. We'll just find a way to run it to that pole or look at relocating the service that exists. We dead end at Appleby but we're looking at bringing in a 3 inch line. I like for you to show a 20 feet easement along Appleby Road Little: That 15 feet is going to affect the landscape area. We may need to put it back under the parking. Jones: On the other side of the landscape strip? Evans: main lines. We already have a line in it. When we did the medical park, we moved all our Jones: Will that have to be relocated when we widen the right of way? Little: They can be in our right of way. Evans: On the old Northwest Blvd., you have an existing 25 feet all the way around it. I need to you to just ahead and extend that which will be for future use. Further Discussion Warrick: Southwest Bell and TCA Cable representatives are not present so it will be your responsibility to contact them and provide sign off sheets to the Planning Office Little: Right now, we need more drainage work. We need additional tree work. This needs to be accomplished by Wednesday and if you can get it then we will stay in process. Warrick: We need 37 revised copies by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 23. You need to be able to call out colors and materials for Commercial Design Standards. Little: park. The green awning will tie in with the remainder of the buildings in the medical • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 18 PP98-12: PRELIMINARY PLAT CMN BUSINESS PARK II, PHASE II, PP 173,174 This preliminary plat was submitted by Mel Milholland of Milholland Engineering on behalf of CMN Properties for property located south and west of Northwest Arkansas Mall. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and R -O, Residential Office, and contains approximately 78.28 acres with 6 lots proposed. Mel Milholland, Guy Washburn, and Micki Harrington were present on behalf of the project. Beavers. Can we clarify the record? The Planning Commission denied the preliminary plat for phase I. The City Council over ruled the Planning Commission and approved that. Do all the conditions that would have applied to Planning Commission approval of phase I apply to the City Council's approval? Milholland: The 17? There modifications on those two items plus I think there were two added and I think Alett and Mickey have been working on those. • Little: We have a letter with all the minutes to Micki and then we've had one more conversation since then and it was about right of way widths. I have a memo on that and I will provide you copies of that. Harrington: We've had trouble with the title company knowing exactly what they are. I have tried to get together with one list for each property and we can go forward with the same. I put the street things in it and everything will be all in one place. Beavers: My concern was all the issues, not any one in particular. It is my understanding the location of the trail would be north of the floodway lane. Since the bridge was a cost share the city was going to help you select the engineer. Milholland: We are negotiating with one now. I feel like we need to go ahead and stake the street out and cross section it which is done and we're almost through with the plans. Beavers: They took a lot of the money out of the budget and moved that several years into the future. Milholland: It was my understanding they included $300,000 for this year and $300,000 for next year. Beavers: $300,000 for 1999 for the street. There is another $400,000 in the next couple of • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 19 years for the bridge. Little: Jim, you said that you would be waiting to see what Mel was going to do on the street plan. Is that comment directed at selecting the engineer for the project for the bridge? Beavers: And the cost share. Milholland: Charlie and I have agreed that the subgrade and the bridge could be done all at one time then we would come back and do the base, curb and guttering, and sidewalk and the paving in another year. Little: So what you're waiting then on is plans and cost estimates. How does he do plans if we have to select an engineer. Milholland: I'm providing plans for the street with a profile of the land. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Please revise tree protection detail to require construction fencing versus flagging. I would also request that any tree to be removed be indicated on the list of identified trees. Thanks for locating all trees on site. Individual large scale developments will be required to submit tree preservation plans. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance #4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The greenspace and sidewalk widths meet the standard. They are listed under general proposed construction notes IV A, B and C. Rutherford: You will need to mark on the Phase I plans and show the trail location. There was a comment during Phase I that Nancy and I were not qualified to designate where the trail goes. I don't think an engineer is qualified to say where the trail goes either. The comment on the location where the bridge goes along with that. What you were going to do was have the trail along the north side then cross at the bridge and continue the trail on the south side Milholland: We walked this out and at that time there was discussion whether to go along with the sewer line and the easements on the north boundary or follow the north boundary of the floodway and cross over east of Mall Lane extension and continue on the south side of the • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 20 floodway across what is now Lot 17 and tie back in under the bridge. The south side of the bridge is the only place you can go under. Little: We're looking for 20 feet on the north and 20 feet on the south and then we could get on the sewer line. Milholland: Chuck and I thought the best thing to do was to build a trail bridge. Little: No. We aren't building another bridge. We're going under your bridge or get up on your bridge to get to the top part. There should be 20 feet to Mall on the south side and there should be 20 feet on the north side of Mall on the north side of the floodway. That's all we're asking for. The reason is because we will either cross under their bridge or we get up on the bridge to make that crossing. We are not building a separate trail bridge and this is much more efficient. The reason it need to be on the plat now side because when these lots are sold they need to know that they are responsible for that. Rutherford: I'm not sure a trail can be put there because of the grade. • Little: Don't engineer us out of getting this trail connection. If it takes more than 20 feet, you give us more than 20 feet. If it's adjacent to the floodway and we can't get there, then we have to fill it in. Milholland: Probably whoever develops this land would fill it in anyway. We're talking about the north side of Lot 17 and the south side of Lot 12. Rutherford: That might not be the most desirable place to put a trail or if it can even exist there. Milholland: There will be some channeling here for the bridge. Rutherford: If we have right of way designated on both sides then there isn't any problem. Milholland: I will show this as the preferable location and maybe work out some type of deal where this is graded properly and tied to Lot 17. Little: Each of these lots will come back through large scale and you will have a better indication of grade. Burrack: All the lots in behind Home Depot are in the flood plain. All of it will be filled. • When we put conduits in there, I want to be sure where you were going to put some of this if you • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 21 were doing a lot of grade work. At this point, Lot 12 and Lot 18 are unusable. A good share of Lot 13 is unusable without fill. I specifically need some conduit in this area Milholland: We designed these as large tracts so that they will come back under large scale for approval. A lot of these will have parking or truck service in the back. Little: No. They will have a presence to the floodway. They will have a presense to the trails. We're going to orient buildings to the trail. The whole of trail development is so that they are a development feature. That's our only chance to have a river walk Milholland: I'll show it where Planning wants it with a note stating that the location is up for discussion as long as the trail is functional. Beavers: It's my understanding that all the streets in Phase II will be built at one time. It won't be lot by lot. Milholland: Our plans are to do build the streets as shown. Under General Purpose Construction Notes, Item 3 (c) - Steele Boulevard east to Mall Lane Avenue, 3 lanes. We do propose to build this. Little: This note applies to this plat. The other plat, we have only the developer of that lot responsible for building it. The note on the Phase II plat does not apply to the Phase I. Milholland: We could coordinate that. Little: Add to the plat that the construction of Shiloh Drive on Lot 7 of Phase I will be constructed as a condition of approval for Phase II. Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent Street lighting is required every 300 feet, at intersections and at the end of streets. Little: On street names, the correct name for "Mall Lane Avenue" is "Mall Avenue". Also in the collector designation remove the phrase "per Master Street Plan" along Shiloh because we show sidewalks on both sides. We have agreed to sidewalks only on the north side of Shiloh Identify the right of way that is shown in Phase I. Van Ashe needs to be labeled 70. Shiloh needs to be labelled 70 except west of Steele. It wouldn't hurt to put those names in there either. I notice that Van Ashe to the west has fallen off so get that back on showing 110 feet of right of way and Steele north of the creek has fallen off so get that back on. It would be helpful if these lot numbers would be shown in shaded. • • • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 22 Kim Rogers - Administrative Operations Assistant No comment. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Overall design theme must be approved by Planning Commission prior to consideration of the first requested large scale development for the entire subdivision (all phases.) Zoning in this tract changes from C-2 to R -O and zoning must be designated on the plat. The different zoning districts will have different setback requirements which must also be shown. Master Street Plan connections are not all addressed. You specifically need to discuss the proposed flyover. Additional connections and/or public streets may be required as these lots develop in order to ensure safe and efficient flow of traffic. Screening will be addressed at the time of large scale development. Screening is required between C-2 and R -O uses. Part of this property is with the Design Overlay District. This is designated on the plat. Three waivers have been requested and are outlined on the plat in writing. All utilities will be located underground. Designate the 100 year flood plain on the vicinity map. Warrick: Note #13 needs to be changed to reflect that the design theme must be approved by Planning Commission prior to the first large scale development for all phases. Your plat needs to show which zoning designations. The note is not adequate. The zoning designations are by legal description not by the lot lines. Little: Everything on the east will be discussed for compliance with the Master Street Plan. You are not matching the Master Street Plan so there will be discussion about the extension of Shiloh and the fly over. I need Mel to schedule a meeting with Charlie Venable, Jim Beavers, Ron Petrie, and me regarding the city's position. Beavers. That's fine. Little: It would be nice if we could do it before Subdivision because you know the Planning Commissioners are going to talk about that. We need to know what the City is likely to request. Otherwise, I don't think we have much choice but to reserve that right of way. Ron Petrie - Engineering All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public Improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline to continue to subdivision committee. A minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easements contains any other utility. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 23 standards or the Fire Chief's request. Add to the plans the size of water lines that are being proposed. Steel encasements will be required under box culverts, wingwalls and retaining walls. Also, the waterline should be construction 10 feet from any retaining wall footing. Provide truck access to all manholes (to maintain and clean the system per EPA regulations.) The individual lot developers will be required to provide access to existing and new manholes. Minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for sanitary sewer lines shall be 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. Sanitary sewer to Lot 17 should be added to the plans. The existing sanitary sewer piers in Mud Creek will need to be reinforced during this phase of construction. Steel encasement will be required under box culverts, wingwall, and retaining walls. Also, the sewer line should be constructed 10 feet from any retaining wall footing. Additional erosion control devises should be added to the Preliminary Grading Plan. Corps of Engineers' approval will be required before any work is begun in the floodplain, floodway, or any wetlands contained on the site. The final drainage design will probably require additional inlets and drainage pipes. The City of Fayetteville will not provide maintenance to the proposed channel. A note on the final plat will be required with a private drainage easement shown on the plan. All bridge calculations will be submitted to the Engineering Department for review. Per the developer's agreement during Phase I approval, Mud Creek will not be rechannelized. The Planning Commission should determine if the street widths as shown on the plans are adequate for this development. Petrie: Are using 8 inch water lines? Milholland: I think that's what is over there. Petrie: I couldn't find any sanitary sewer to Lot 17. Milholland: I forgot to put it on there. Petrie: I had a talk with Dave Jurgens and he noticed that the piers are about to fail. This will need to be fixed by the pnvate developer. It's for the channel and his stance has been that the City not maintain any private channels. Little: The owners of the lots will have to maintain the channel or there will have to be a property owners association. Petrie: We will maintain around the bridges. Beavers. The City of Fayetteville will not maintain any drainage that is not in the street • right of way. I think with the changes in the EPA regulations we will be forced to change this • Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 24 right of way. I think with the changes in the EPA regulations we will be forced to change this policy maybe as early as 1999. Little: We do want designated drainage easements. We need it for building permit purposes to keep people from filling in and building on it. Petrie: These are not drainage easements, they are open channels. Milholland: I would like to add to Item #3, per the developer's agreement in Phase I, the Mud Creek will not be channelized as amended by Planning Commission and City Council. Utility Comments Rick Evans - Arkansas Western Gas Since these will all come back for large scale, my only comment is that I have service along the east side with a high pressure main line that has a 50 feet easement. 1 will get you a copy of that easement. We have a blanket easement on all this property at one time. It's 25 feet off set on either side of the pipe. Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO I have a concern about lots 12 and 18 regarding fill. If they are going to be useable, how much fill are we going to have and how will that impact my services. Milholland: The building pad will have to be raised up by 3.5 to 4 feet. We're cross sectioning it right now. Burrack: The piece that is behind the Home Depot is 5.5 feet above existing grade and if everything is filled through there at that depth, we will have to do some work. So, I would like to discuss this at large scale. Milholland: The parking lot doesn't have to be raised out of the flood plain but the building does. We won't fill the whole lot. Little: The street has to connect. Burrack: I had to put a dip in to serve the Home Depot. Little: You won't have to put in service until after the street is in. He's going to have to have some service to put the street lights along the streets. •'. Minutes of a meeting of Plat Review Committee December 16, 1998 Page 25 Burrack: That will be in the right of way. Milholland: I have a 20 feet utility easement on either side. Burrack: I'm worried about the actual elevations. We're just looking at normal street lights or are we looking more for the type that is on Joyce. Little: 300 feet. We want the type of lights that are on Joyce, we dust want them to be spaced to Milholland: If the developer wants to put in some thing different, we would work out paying the overage. Burrack: Have Perry get with me on that. Milholland: Do you need any conduit? Burrack: You've got quads showing on the plat I don't see where there would be any additional need at this time. A quad would let electric, telephone and TV get through to any one of these lots. When the individual lots come through, there may be some special applications for each lot. It's our intention to serve the lots on the south side coming along Van Ashe. Little: On your legal description you need to tie into at least two state plane monuments. Milholland: We tied into three of them. Warrick: Southwestern Bell and TCA Cable are not present today so we need you to get with them and bring us their sign off sheets. You need to provide 37 revised copies by 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 23.