HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-18 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING FROM TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED PLA98-22: Hodde (pp 206) LSD98-32: Keystone Ctr. (pp 289) LSD98-33: Fayetteville Airport (pp 795) LSD98-34: Tune Plaza (pp 252) LSD98-35: Cliffs, Ph II (pp 488) MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO Rick Evans - ArkWestern STAFF PRESENT Jim Beavers Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Alett Little Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Brent Vinson Dawn Warrick ACTION TAKEN Administrative approval Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded subject to engineering cond. Forwarded to Subdivision MEMBERS ABSENT Andy Calloway - SWB Kevin Lefler - TCA Mike Phipps - OzarksElec STAFF ABSENT None 2&7 • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 2 PLA 98-22: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT HODDE (PP 206) NOTE: On the agenda, this appeared as LS98-41. This property line adjustment was submitted by Denis Fleming and Heath Harrison on behalf of James and Mary Hodde for property located east of County Road 894 and south of West Salem Road. The property is in the planning area. The request is to adjust .16 acre tract to the tract to the east from the parent tract of 10 acres Mr. Denis Fleming was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Kim Hesse - Landscape Coordinator Landscape had no comment because the project is in the county. • Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks had no comment since the property is outside the city limits and sidewalks are not required. • Perry Franklin - Traffic Superintendent Traffic had no comments. Dawn Warrick - Development Coordinator Planning requested clarification on the buyer, seller, and owner of the property. Discussion ensued regarding who Mr. Dodge was and Mr. Fleming stated that the legal description of both tracts contained subject the 0.16 acres. Further, Ms. Warrick stated the plat must show both tracts which are being adjusted in their entirety. Mr. Fleming inquired if both tracts needed to be surveyed and Ms. Warrick stated the plat needed to reflect legal descriptions for "parent tract a", "parent tract b", "adjusted tract a", and "adjusted tract b" She noted that the legal descriptions for the Wolfenburgs' tract were inadequate and did not close. Ms. Little stated that Planning would not sign off until the legal descriptions were correct and would close. Ms. Warrick requested a flood plain reference be added to the plat. She also requested that all existing and requested easements be shown and labeled. She asked for notification of approval from Washington County Planning's meeting of 10/20/98. Jim Beavers - City Engineer Mr. Beavers had no comments. Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 3 Utility Comments Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric Mr. Phipps contacted Planning and requested a 20 feet easement along County Road 894 exclusive of the right of way. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Mr. Calloway had no comments. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Mr Evans requested the same easements as requested by Ozarks Electric along County Road 894. Further Discussion Warrick: Once the plat is amended, since this is a property line adjustment, it will be handled administratively. This is the only meeting you have to attend. Planning needs 3 copies which will be checked to see that all the corrections have been shown and then we will sign off. • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 4 LSD98-32: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT KEYSTONE CENTER (PP 289) This large scale development was submitted by David Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates for property located at 124 West Sunbridge Drive. The property is zoned R -O, Residential Office, and contains approximately 1 01 acres. Mr. Chris Brackett was present representing the project. Staff Comments Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator Ms. Zotti had no comments. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator A 15 feet green space is required adjacent to all rights of way, additional green space will be required for this project or a green space waiver needs to be requested. • Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Mr. Rutherford stated that Sunbridge Dr. is a local street having a 50 feet right of way and a 31 feet street. The requirement will be for a minimum 4 feet green space with a minimum 5 feet sidewalk Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Mr. Franklin stated the ADA spaces are fine as shown. (See trip generation information on file in the Planning Office.) Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Ms. Warrick requested that the signage allowance be verified through the sign inspector, Mike McKimmey at 575-8232. Further, she requested an elevation of the free standing sign which is necessary for commercial design standards review. Mr. Brackett stated that it would only be four feet and would say Keystone Center. She stated all utility shall be located underground. Regarding Commercial Design Standards, Ms. Warrick noted that the 15 feet landscaping along the front property lines does not meet requirements and therefore a setback reduction request would need to be completed requesting a reduction from 15 feet to 5 feet. She inquired regarding the screening for the dumpster. She stated the dumpster would require screening on three sides and she requested that the materials to be used need to be called out. She stated that 73% of the site would be utilized with this project. Additionally, she again requested elevations on the free standing sign. She noted that the landscaping shown on the plat must match that shown on the elevation and vice versa. Zzo • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 5 Jim Beavers, Engineering In general, Mr. Beavers stated that all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria and plat approval is not approval of public improvements. Regarding water, Mr. Beavers requested that the meters be moved to the street right of way and have the service lines under the parking lot. He requested a minimum easement or combination of right of way and easements of 20 feet. He noted that wider easements shall be required if the easements contains any other utility. He stated that fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. He stated he would like and additional meeting with Mr. Brackett because due to time constraints he had not completed a thorough review. Regarding sanitary sewer, Mr. Beavers noted that it was existing per the plat. Regarding grading and drainage, Mr Beavers noted that he would accept same as preliminary and it will be subject to further review at the time constructions plans are submitted. Utility Comments Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Mr. Burrack stated that on the north side of the entire plat there were some underground service lines. Further, he stated he had a piece of switch gear which needed conduit and pad for the transformer in the middle. He stated he would confer with Mr. Keating. He stated the easement were acceptable if the City has no objections with the sewer in the middle and that creates a need for certain clearances. Further he stated he may an additional 5 feet. Ms. Little stated that she thought 10 feet separation was required and asked the Mr. Brackett to check with Jim. Regarding digging, Mr. Burrack stated they have 12 kv underground and requested that they call Arkansas One Call to locate all lines. Mr. Burrack request two 4 inch conduit and a crossing at Keystone but it does not turn. He stated the street lights were existing. Rick Evans Arkansas Western Gas Mr Evans stated he also had a line to the north and there is also a line that runs between lots 2 and 4. He stated there was existing service down Sunbridge Drive. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated that SWB had requested a 20 feet perimeter easement which could be split 10 feet and 10 feet. She stated here was 25 on the south and on the west and split 10 and 10 on the east She stated that SWB required conduit from the property line to the building and the routing needs to be coordinated. Zz1 • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 6 Kevin Lefler, TCA Ms. Warrick requested that Mr. Brackett contact TCA for their requirements. Further Discussion Warrick: Requested 37 revised copies no later than 10 a.m. on November 25. She requested 12 revised elevations and 12 sign elevations. ZZZ • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 7 LSD98-33: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT FAYETTEVILLE AIRPORT (PP 795) This large scale development was submitted by Dale Frederich on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located at 4500 South School Avenue. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial, and contains approximately 525.4 acres. Mr. Steven Jeffus with Garver Engineers was present on behalf of the project. Staff Comment Kim Hesse - Landscape Administrator Ms. Hesse had no comments. Chuck Rutherford - Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Mr. Rutherford stated sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps shall be constructed to Ordinance 4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances. And inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland • Cement Concrete. Mr. Rutherford noted that Highway 71B is a principal arterial. The requirement is for a minimum 6 feet sidewalk and a minimum 10 feet green space An asphalt sidewalk exists adjacent to the curb. This asphalt sidewalk is in poor condition. Perhaps the airport could set up a fund based on a percentage basis of each new project that comes forward at the airport. The set aside fund could be used to build the sidewalk at the airport. Ms. Warrick stated this had been addressed at a prior meeting. Mr. Jeffus stated that the last time he spoke with anyone was Steve Davis and he said he would work with the airport on that. Ms. Warrick stated that basically someone needed to take the initiative to get some agreements going. Ms Little stated that the airport is set up differently than the City but this was a project that planning did approve of. She inquired if there was any idea of the total length of the frontage in question. She stated that figure would be required and then an incremental number must be derived to assess from. Further, she stated that did need to stay in the Airport Fund. • Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Mr. Franklin had no comments. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Ms. Warrick stated that the submittal requirements were inadequate and requested that they refer to the Engineering and Landscape comments for compliance. She asked that the plat reference plat page 795 to the title block. She requested that the requested and existing easements be labeled and dimensioned. She requested the setback from the east property line be shown. 173 • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 8 Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Chief Jackson requested that a hydrant be added approximately 400 to 500 feet east of the existing hydrant located in such a way as to be usable for a proposed hanger and an existing hanger south of the proposed hanger. Mr. Beavers elaborated stating the two hydrants were needed and he suggested locations. Jim Beavers, Engineering Mr Beavers noted that all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. He required that all corrections and additions must be submitted prior to the Subdivision Committee deadline. Regarding water, Mr. Beavers inquired how the hanger would be served with water? He noted the plat shows existing meters but not a main. He stated that if there was not a line within 100 feet of the lift station one would be need to be added. He stated that would mean either extending the line to the property line at Arthur Miller. Ms. Little inquired if that would be a 6 inch line and Mr. Beavers concurred. He requested a minimum easement or combination of right of way and easements widths for water lines of 20 feet. Additionally he stated a wider easement would be required if the easement contains any other utility. He stated that fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards of the Fire Chief's request. He added that this appears to require a new hydrant at the proposed hanger. He noted that sanitary sewer was existing and noted on the plat. Regarding Drainage and Grading he referred to a letter from Garver dated Nov. 9, 1998. (Please see engineering for a file copy of this letter.) Utility Comments Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Mr. Burrack stated there was an existing transformer that is closer to the EFA tower and there is also service for the sewer lift station on the other side. He stated he spoke to Dale and he requested only one meter even if you build more. I can increase the size of the service on either side. He requested that they apprise him of their decision. He stated they were existing and he would upgrade if needed. Ms. Little inquired if they were underground and Mr. Burrack stated they were. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Mr. Evans stated there was one hanger with gas and if they wanted gas service that Arkansas Western would need to be contacted. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated she had no comments from Southwestern Bell. Z74 • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 9 Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable Ms. Warrick stated that is they needed cable to contact TCA. Discussion Warrick. We need 37 revised copies by 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, November 25. Z/s • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 10 LSD98-34: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT TUNE PLAZA (PP 252) This large scale development was submitted by Jim Key of Garver Engineers on behalf of Tune & Tune Investments for property located at 2908 North College Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.97 acres. Steven Jeffus, Jim Key, and Morgan Hooker were present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Coordinator Mr. Johnson stated that the project will require at least two separate addresses. He requested that he be contacted at 575-8380 or Room 110 of the City Administration Building. Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator Ms. Zotti asked that she be contacted regarding container placement and number of containers on the site. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Ms. Hesse commented that the grading for the proposed building prohibits tree protection along the southeast portion of the site. She stated the remaining tree protection would meet the 15 % requirement established for canopy preservation within C-2 zoning. If utility easement will be along north property line, tree preservation will not be possible. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Mr. Rutherford stated College Avenue is a principal arterial which required a minimum 10 feet green space with a minimum 6 feet sidewalk. The radius curb lines need to be removed through the sidewalk. The sidewalk needs to be added to the legend and the green space width must be shown. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Chief Jackson noted that the hydrant spacing needed improvement as well as increasing the size of the main and providing for looping of the line. Specifically, he requested that a hydrant be installed on an 8 inch main on the east side of College Avenue near the main entrance to the subject property. Mr. Beavers stated the location of the water and sewer lines on the current plat will not be allowed. Further he stated there was an existing 6 inch which is 4 feet east of the curb in North College. He stated the developer would need to obtain the necessary permits from AHTD to hook on that line with an 8 inch and serve the property. Mr. Jeffus inquired if the 6 inch line was below the street. Mr. Beavers confirmed it was. • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 11 Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Mr. Franklin pointed out that the ADA parking spaces at the Sonic have problems. Both of the spaces shown do not appear to be legal spaces with proper access aisles. Mr Franklin stated they would have to figure out a way to get proper ADA space access. One of them has to be a van accessible space. Mr. Jeffus inquired if that was just on the Sonic? Mr. Franklin stated the other appear to be adequate. Mr. Franklin stated the traffic flow around that Sonic and where the ADA spaces are located was not a good idea. He stated he was unclear on what the cross hatching was on space 21. If that's a ramp, it can't land in the ramp to get up on the sidewalk. And the one on the other end is in the flow of traffic and there is no aisle or ramp shown. He stated that area could be 8 feet and 5 feet, but the other one is 8 feet and 8 feet. He stated one of them had to be 8 feet by 9 feet. Mr. Jeffus inquired is both ADA spaces were required and Mr. Franklin said that if there are 25 or more spaces serving that Sonic then the requirement was for two. Ms. Little noted that they could save space by putting them together. Mr. Franklin expressed concern about people coming from the drive through and turning to go out and the location of the ADA spaces. Mr. Franklin stated he had included information regarding trip generation and the currently proposed uses would significantly increase the number of cars from it's prior use. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Ms. Warrick requested 15 copies of the Landscape and Tree Preservation Plans for staff and the Planning Commission. She requested that the adjacent zoning be labeled and that plat page 252 be included in the title block. She requested that the curb cuts be dimension and each part of the landscaped median be dimension and increased in length to better control traffic movement. She stated the cross access needed to be further addressed. Mr. Jeffus stated that if the time came to provide cross access they would take out the compact parking spaces. She also stated that there was existing overhead utilities and service needed to be discussed. She also noted that the applicant needed to fill out the setback reduction request for landscaping/screening reduction from 15 feet to 5 feet. Regarding Commercial Design Standards Review, Ms. Warrick requested additional information on the mechanical and dumpster screening. Mr. Jeffus stated the dumpster would be a wood fence. Mr. Hooker stated the mechanical would be roof top for all facilities. Ms. Warrick stated that the parapets would need to wrap around the sides. Mr. Burrack stated that if any conduits were included for SWEPCO to the back building, they will have to be 36 inches deep and if this is a concrete pad, he doesn't have a problem with that. She also requested site coverage calculations. Concerning design elements for commercial structures, Ms. Warrick inquired regarding the north and south elevations of the retail center. Mr. Key stated that it was intended to be metal siding. Ms. Little stated that would be a problem and suggested brick. Mr. Key stated that after considering the cost comparisons they would decide whether to go with gray brick and red accent or drivet. Ms. Warrick inquired regarding the columns She stated she recognized that this was a prototype. Mr. Key stated those were lights of red acrylic pylons designed as soda straws. Mr. Hooker stated that it was a mandatory retrofit for all new Sonics. 277 • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 12 Mr. Key provided pictures. Ms. Little stated those would be very difficult to get approved. Ms. Warrick stated that brick columns might be more appropriate. Jim Beavers, Engineering In general, Mr. Beavers stated that all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Further, he stated all work within the AHTD right of way requires approval from the AHTD. Mr. Beavers stated that the deadline for corrections and revision is November 25. He added that corrections were necessary involving relocations of cuts, retaining walls, utilities, utility easements and building locations and he recommended that the project come back to technical plat review. Regarding water, Mr. Beavers stated the proposed one inch water main is not acceptable and neither are the proposed meter locations. Further, he stated that an 8 inch dead end main coming from the 6 inch line on the west side of 71B is required to provide flows for a fire hydrant in this development. He advised that the minimum easement width for water lines shall be 20 feet and wider easements shall be required if the easements contains any other utility. Further, the easements must be usable and coordinated with the setbacks required in the Grading Ordinance. Mr. Beavers suggested that the water main be located near the middle of the proposed development. Regarding sanitary sewer, Mr. Beavers stated the proposed layout on the south property line is unacceptable. The minimum easement width for sanity sewer lines is 20 feet with the sanitary sewer centered. The minimum distance from the edge of the sanitary sewer line to the easement will be 10 feet. Mr. Beavers stated for maintenance the manholes must be truck accessible and the main should be located near the center of the proposed development. He stated 6 inch lines are not acceptable. The minimum line size is 8 inch. Regarding grading, Mr. Beavers stated the preliminary grading plan does not contain the required information. Further he stated the setback for the retaining walls must comply with 169.06.C.4.c. He stated 10 feet walls were the maximum. He suggested that the cut be pushed to the southeast and northwest to provide setbacks to the proposed utility easements. Mr. Beavers pointed out that the cut exceeds that allowed by ordinance without terracing Additionally, he stated the final plan must include supporting geotechnical information. Regarding drainage, Mr Beavers stated the preliminary drainage report was incomplete. Further, Mr Beavers expressed concern regarding the flows and where the existing system goes. He requested the capacity of the system. He stated that Joe Shipman would need to approve the drainage system. Mr. Beavers stated the review fee had not been paid. z78 • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 13 Additionally, Mr. Beavers stated that along the north side of the parking lot a safety/guardrail would be required. Mr. Jeffus inquired if they could make the corrections would they be allowed the chance to continue in cycle on to Subdivision. Mr. Beavers stated he would not recommend the project going forward. Utility Comments Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Mr. Burrack stated he met on site with Mr. Hooker and discussed a number of things. He stated there was an existing underground fed pad mount transformer that is serving the Panda Restaurant. Service for the Sonic can come from that. It is 120 208 3 phase. He stated he would change that transformer out to a feed through and can feed back to a point on the southeast corner and provide service to the proposed building or offices. We looked at it and I went back to the office and went over it a little bit closer. You're saying that the building stem wall is going to be the retaining wall on about half of the building. There is really no way for me to get back there. All metering will have to be on the south end of that office building. That may help as far as easement. He stated he looked at the existing overhead service that going back in there and it showing in the middle of the new proposed building so that will all have to be taken out. The customer that is to the north does have a service coming off of a pole that is on the north property line above. I will have to get back to serve that pole and the two buildings that are served from it back in there. He requested an additional easement back into the parking lot. Without knowing how your rework is going to look, it's hard to ask for specific easements. If the building is going to be moved forward, I would ask for an additional 5 feet be given from the Highway right of way going east to the face of the building. Mr. Burrack stated it appeared the lighting would be provided by the customer and will be coming off the house meters. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Regarding service, he stated that if they could service on the south side, they might be able to do away with the easement behind. He requested a 20 feet easement along Highway 71 east of the new right of way. He stated he had existing service which would have to be removed. He requested that when they take that building down he would need to know in advance. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated that SWB had an existing easement and they asked that they also get coordinated regarding the existing service. He requested that conduit be laid for the new structures. • Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable Ms. Warrick stated that they need to contact TCA regarding service if necessary. 9 • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 14 Discussion Ms. Warrick requested 37 revised copies by November 25, 1998 and if that was not possible, then the next material deadline was December 7 for Plat Review meeting of December 16. Mr. Beavers stated he would need his requested revisions by Monday, November 23, 1998, if they wanted to continue in this cycle. Ms. Warrick requested 12 copies of revised elevations by Wednesday, November 25. Z85 • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 15 LSD98-35: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT THE CLIFFS, PHASE II (PP 488) This large scale development was submitted by Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of William G. Underwood for property located at Cliffs Boulevard and Highway 265. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 34.54 acres. Mr. Jerry Kelso and Mr. Bill Underwood were present on behalf of the project. Staff Comments Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Mr. Rutherford commented that Happy Hollow Rd. and Cliff Blvd. are Collector Street. This requires a minimum 10 feet greenspace with a minimum 6 feet sidewalk on both sides of the street. Cliffs blvd. is shown having a 20 feet median with a 24 ft. street on each side and 4 feet sidewalks adjacent to the curb. This adds up to 76 feet shown in an 80 feet right of way. If the 10 feet greenspace and 6 feet sidewalks are required for the boulevard, 100 feet of right of way will be needed. a Collector Street required 70 feet of right of way. The unnamed public street is shown as a local street having 50 feet of right of way. This requires a minimum 6 feet green space with a minimum 4 feet sidewalks on both sides of the street All sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways with the curb radius lines removed within the sidewalk Mr. Kelso stated that the sidewalks were adjacent to the curb was due to the cross slopes especially when we get on Happy Hollow Road where we're limited with right of way. Mr. Rutherford responded that the one on Happy Hollow Road wouldn't require greenspace per the street standard. Mr. Kelso pointed out that he will have to get more right of way from the church. Ms. Little added that if it is a question of not having enough right of way, this is greenspace so we could use part of that because we have to be careful not to punish the developer. Mr. Kelso stated that particular are is tight because of the cross slope. Mr. Rutherford commented stated that the area along Highway 265 would need to show how it ties into the subject project. Additionally, he stated a contribution will be assessed for Phase I and Phase II along Highway 265. Ms. Little stated they could provide a Bill of Assurance. Mr. Rutherford stated the sidewalks needed to be continuous and he discussed the configuration with Mr. Hopper. Kim Rogers, Parks Administrative Operations Asst. Ms. Rogers commented that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board on June 7, 1993, recommended money in lieu of land. The park land fee is $64,800 for the development of Phase II. Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Addressing Coordinator • Mr. Johnson requested that the developer contact him regarding street names. Z8I • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 16 Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator Ms. Zotti conunented that the containers servicing units 30, 31 & 32 are angled/positioned in wrong direction. She requested that the vehicle be allowed a straight approach traveling north. Additionally, Ms. Zotti stated the containers need to be repositioned at unit 21 and 22, and unit 18, 19, and 20 to allow a straight approach from the east She requested that more space be dedicated for three more 6 cubic yard contains to allow for recycling program within the complex. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Ms. Hesse requested more information at the time of construction. She stated that tree protection fencing should be indicated on construction grading plans along with a detail for tree protection fencing Additional tree protection may be deemed necessary as construction begins and individual trees are located. Particulars will be discussed during preconstruction meetings with city staff. She further requested statements on rare trees and tree protection specs. Mr. Hopper stated the tree protection acreage were included on page 2 but he would prepare a sheet. Ms. Hesse stated that could be done at construction time. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Mr. Franklin requested that the developer check with Jim Johnson on name for new public streets. Secondly he stated that street lights were required every 300 feet at public street intersections and cul de sac on new public street, Happy Hollow, and on both side of Cliff Blvd. If street lights are non standard, an agreement between the City and developer may be required. Mr. Hopper stated they would show the street lights. Mr. Underwood stated they were wrought iron. Mr. Franklin stated that if they are non standard street lights, there is an agreement stating who owns them, who maintains them which must be executed. Mr. Franklin stated the City would pay the electric bills for the ones along the public streets. Further, Mr. Franklin stated the ADA spaces appear to be universal spaces (11 feet space with 5 feet aisle) which eliminates the need for van accessible spaces. He stated he had attached a trip generation report (see file.) Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Ms. Warrick requested that plat age 488 be added to the title block. Further, she stated that the right of way needed to be dimensioned from the centerline. She also requested all existing and requested easements to be dimensioned. Regarding street requirements, she stated that a contribution of one half of Happy Hollow extension adjacent to this project is required as a part of this phase of development for the section north of Cliffs. Ms. Little added that they could put up the money and it would be refunded when they completed the road construction. Regarding parking requirements, Ms Warrick noted that there are areas within the parking lots with more than 10 spaces which are not broken up by landscaping and she requested that the developer contact the landscape administrator regarding this issue. Mr. Hopper stated that they had put the landscaping islands between the buildings. Ms. Little requested that they get approval from the landscape administrator on that regard. Ms. Warrick inquired as to the total number of parking • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 17 spaces and Mr. Hopper stated the parking was based on one space per bedroom. Ms. Warrick stated that all utilities shall be located underground. Further, she stated that during discussions at In House Plat Review, a waiver request was required for the intersection due to the grade and another waiver on the distance between the water feature and the structure. She stated those needed to be written up for the Planning Commission to consider. Mr. Beavers stated the waiver at the intersection was due to the grade exceeding 4%. Mr. Hooper inquired if they could make it work a waiver would not be necessary. Ms. Warrick stated this was a planned unit development and the Planning Commission must make the determination to grant a density bonus. She stated the ordinance has changed since Phase I and a density bonus is not a given. She requested that the plan reflect the green space. Mr. Hooper provided copies (see file.) Utility Comments Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Mr. Burrack stated there was existing facilities. He stated the territory line between SWEPCO and Ozarks Electric runs through the existing building 13. He stated the Ozarks would need to be contacted regarding service. Ms. Warrick stated Mr. Phipps would contact them regarding where he needed easements. Mr. Burrack stated they were underground and they had a piece of ,switch gear that can feed the new phase He stated his pole line ends dust north of the existing building 13. He stated they would relocate that at the edge of the apartments. Mr. Burrack stated the easements as platted were fine. Mr. Burrack stated that due to the grade at some of the building locations there was a possibility that they would have to pour a pad and serve from the front. Mr. Hopper stated they would work on that. Regarding street lighting, Mr. Burrack stated there were some energy only rates (75 watt high pressure sodium, 100 watt high pressure sodium or 250 watt high pressure sodium) they could work with if the developer would provide the fixtures and do the maintenance through the property owners association. He stated the City was requiring high pressure. Mr. Franklin stated that when an agreement was worked out, the City would take over paying the electric on all lights except the ones on private drives. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Mr. Evans stated there were high pressure lines on the south side of 23, 24, and 25 which would require coordination when they came in to do their grading. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated that from contact with Mr. Calloway he had no comments that this time. When the time came to install service they would need to get with SWB and coordinate the crossing. • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 18 Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable Ms. Warrick stated that no representative was present today and the developer would need to contact them regarding their comments. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief Chief Jackson requested that the hydrant north of Building 20 needs to be omitted. He requested that the hydrant north of Building 19 be moved west to the southwest corner of Building 20. He requested that a hydrant be added in front of or near Building 24. He requested that the hydrant shown between Buildings 26 and 27 be moved to an area between Building 27 and Building 28. Additionally, he request the hydrant shown near Building 33 should be moved to north edge of Building 32. Jim Beavers, Engineering Mr. Beavers stated that all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Further, he stated that plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. He stated the all work within AHTD right of way requires approval from the AHTD. Additionally, he stated all corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline to continue to Subdivision Committee on November 25. Regarding water, Mr. Beavers stated that the minimum easement of combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. He stated that wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. He stated that fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. He requested that the developer provide provisions for a future loop to the north at the west/northwest but added that this maybe done in the next phase. He requested steel encasement under box culvert, and wingwalls. Regarding sanitary sewer, he requested that truck access be provided to all manholes per EPA regulations. Specifically, Mr. Beavers noted the manhole at Buildings 30 and 32 must be accessible. He requested a minimum easement of 20 feet for sewer line and the line must be centered within the easement. Additionally, he stated that if other lines would be in the easement that a wider easement would be required. Additionally, he requested steel encasement under box culverts and wingwalls. Regarding grading, Mr. Beavers stated the preliminary grading plan does not contain all of the information required by the ordinance and he requested that the final plan must contain geotechnical information. Regarding drainage, Mr. Beavers stated the preliminary drainage report was not acceptable. He stated the SCS curve numbers used do not comply with the requirements of our manual and the • • • Minutes of meeting of Plat Review November 18, 1998 Page 19 referenced "C" values do not comply. Mr. Beavers requested a revised drainage report with all information as required including detention calculations by November 25 at 10:00 a.m. or the project will not be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee. He stated that for buildings within 100 feet of lakes or ponds a waiver request is necessary. Regarding streets, Mr. Beavers inquired as to the dimensions of the proposed boulevard. He request a formal cost estimate and formal agreement to proceed with the proposed cost sharing which will have to be taken before City Council. Ms. Little added that we the cost share amount would be required before Planning Commission. Mr. Beavers stated a waiver request would be required because of the slope at Building 34. He stated it would be necessary to coordinate the proposed public street intersection at Hwy 265 with the AHTD plans for the widening of Hwy 265. He stated that if the boulevard would be provided with private irrigation then under drains would need to be provided with the median. Mr. Beavers requested that the public street to the north show the highway improvements there. Mr. Underwood stated the AHTD would provide the cut and Mr. Hopper stated it was his understanding that they would also provide a turning lane. Regarding Highway 265 widening, he requested that they provide easements as necessary for the water and sanitary sewer relocations and he added that would required further review and coordination. He requested right of way for the widening of Highway 265 per the AHTD latest design and he added that this may have already been provided. In accordance with the ordinances, and to be consistent with other developments, staff will request that the Planning Commission determine the requirement for a developer contribution to the widening of Highway 265. Discussion ensued regarding the City purchasing the right of way or whether or not the State would be purchasing the right of way. Regarding the proposed signal, Mr. Beavers stated he did not feel that one was needed and he added that Mr. Franklin had not mentioned one either. Further Discussion Warrick: She requested 37 revised copies by Wednesday at 10 a.m. and returned the disk for revision.