HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-28 - MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, October 28, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. Agenda Items FP98-6: Final Plat (Bois d'Arc, pp442) PLA98-20: Property Line Add (Ellen Smith, pp445) PLA98-21: Property Line Add (Schaefer, pp255) PP98-10: Preliminary Plat (Robinwood Est, pp 298) LSD98-31: Large Scale Dev (Lindsey -Green, pp212) LSD98-28.10: Large Scale Dev (Plainview Ave. Fire Sta., pp213) Members Present Mike Evans, Ark Western Kevin Lefler, TCA Mike Phipps, Ozarks Action Taken Revisions -on to Subdivision Administrative approval Administrative approval Out of process -info missing Revisions -on to Subdivision Revisions -on to Subdivision Members Absent Staff Present Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Andy Calloway, SWB Jim Beavers Perry Franklin Kim Hesse Janet Johns Alett Little Kim Rogers Chuck Rutherford Brent Vinson Dawn Warrick Staff Absent Mickey Jackson Cheryl Zotti • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 2 FP98-6.00: FINAL PLAT (BOIS D'ARC SUBDIVISION, PP 442) E OF SANG AND S OF CLEVELAND The final plat for Bois d'Arc Subdivision was submitted by Julian and Jane Archer for property located east of Sang Avenue and south of Cleveland Street. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 19.60 acres with 19 lots proposed. Present representing the final plat was Ron Petrie from Milholland Engineers. Staff Requirements Kim Hesse Landscape Administrator Stated that prior to signing the Final Plat, she would need to meet with the owners or contractors concerning dead or dying trees within the right of way. All tress that have died will need to be removed prior to the acceptance of the right of way by the City. All trees noted in letter from Prior landscape administrator will be the responsibility of the owners. Mr. Beavers stated he would not sign the final plat until the tree issues were resolved and moved out of the right of way. • Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator The sidewalks have been constructed and inspected. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent No comments. Kim Rogers. Administrative Operative Asst. for Park Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted to accept money in lieu on November 6, 1995, for 19 units @ $300 for a total of $5,700. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator for Planning Stated the City would only enforce a 25' front setback in the R-1 zone. Covenants should enforce the additional setback and a draft copy was on file with the Planning Department. The plat should reflect the entrance wall or fence. The plat must show addresses for each lot and Mr. 0-1 Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 3 Petrie should contact Jim Johnson, 911 Addressing Coordinator. Lastly, the signature block needs to be corrected to reflect Landscape Administrator instead of Secretary. Jim Beavers, City Engineer The final inspection for the subdivision has been held and the developer is working on the punch list items. We must also review the covenants to see how the POA will be able to maintain the drainage facilities. The newly planted trees must be removed because they are in the right of way and easement containing water and sewer mains. He suggested that the new trees either be removed and replanted on private property or that the property owners' association make the street private drives requiring the property owners' association to maintain them. He requested that the swales and drainage ditches (maintained by the POA) be shown on the plat. He stated that prior to final plat signing all the above items must be resolved. He stated the punch list item and final inspection notes must be completed and approved by the City. In accordance with the Grading Ordinance all disturbed area shall be revegetated. As -built drawings, construction cost data and maintenance bonds must be provided to Engineering Department. The survey requirements and concrete monuments should be checked by Jim Petty. Utility Requirements Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas - The easements as shown were fine. No other comments. Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable No comments. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Dawn Warrick stated Andy had contacted her and had no comments. Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Was not present. The applicant should contact SWEPCO for their requirements. Action Taken The final plat would be forwarded to Subdivision if the above revisions were made and the Planning Office received 37 revised copies and a revised diskette before 10:00 a.m.Wednesday, • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 4 November 4, 1998. • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 5 PLA98-20: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (pp422) ELLEN SMITH This request was submitted by Constance G. Clark of Davis, Cox and Wright on behalf of Ellen Smith for property located at 824 Park Avenue. The property is zoned, R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.29 acres. The request is to adjust the north property line by 5 30 feet to the north. Ms. Clark was present on behalf of this request. Staff Requirements Kim Rogers, Administrative Operations Asst. for Parks and Recreation No`parks fees are due: Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator for Planning BA98-29 also applies to this request and will be further addressed at the meeting of the Board Adjustments on November 2, 1998. The neighbors agree to adjust the lot line to move the stricture off of it, however, the adjustment will not accommodate all the required setbacks. The structure will still be non -conforming until approval from the Board of Adjustments. The plat must be revised to reflect the adjacent zoning of R-1. Label all existing and requested easements. Label building setbacks from proposed property lines. Jim Beavers P.E. Engineering No comments... Utility Requirements Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas No comments. Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable No comments. • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 6 Andy Calloway. Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated that Andy had contacted her and stated that he had no comments. Dennis Burrack. SWEPCO Ms. Warrick stated that Dennis had contacted her and stated that he had no comments. Action Taken Ms. Warrick stated this was to be completed administratively and the applicant was on their own time frame to get the revisions completed and provide the Planning Office with 3 revised copies. • • ?S5 • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 7 PLA98-21: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (PP255) SCHAEFER This request was submitted by Brian Irwin of Heritage Title on behalf of Mark A. Schaefer for property located at 3212 Summershade Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.29 acres. The request is to adjust a 321.12 square foot area from lot 37 to lot 36. Dave Jorgenson was present for another project and since he had completed this survey he stated he would -make the applicant aware of what needs to be done. Staff Requirements Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent No comments. Kim Rogers, Administrative Operations Asst. for Parks and Recreation No park fees were assessed. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator for Planning Department Planning requested that the adjacent zoning be labeled as well as adjacent property owners. Add plat page 255 to title block and add vicinity map and flood plain reference as plat notes. Jim Beavers P.E. Engineering Engineering noted there are existing drainage problems in the area resulting from adjustment due to the grading and the construction of fencing which prevent flow in the drainage ditches between lot 35 and 37. Beavers stated there had been complaints and the Engineer and Public Works Director had been on site in 1997. He stated the final plat did not dedicate a drainage easement but a utility easement. Therefore, the City position is that drainage problem is private and should be resolved between the neighbors and developer. Utility Requirements Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas No comments. ayo Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 8 Mike Phipps. Ozarks Electric No comment. Kevin Lefler, TCA No comment. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated she had been contacted and there were no comments. Action Taken - Ms Warrick requested 3 revised copies. She stated that this would be approved administratively and that the applicant was on their own time frame. Ma Z57 • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 9 PP98-10: PRELIMINARY PLAT, PP 298 ROBINWOOD ESTATES This project was submitted by Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of RNS Enterprises for property located south of Highway 45 and west of Fox Trail Road. The property is in the planning area and contains approximately 33.55 acres with 17 lots proposed. Dave Jorgensen was present on behalf of the project. Staff Requirements Cheryl Zotti. Environmental Affairs Administrator Ms. Zotti requested the turning radius of the cul de sac be revised to a minimum of 40 feet. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk & Trail Coordinator Mr. Rutherford had no comments since the project was outside the City. Perry Franklin. Traffic Superintendent Mr. Franklin requested that the street names be approved by the 911 coordinate, Jim Johnson - Further, he recommended that street lights be spaced every 300 feet at cul de sacs and intersections. Kim Rogers Administrative Operations Asst. for Park and Recreation Ms. Rogers stated there was no park fee assessment. Dawn Warrick. Development Coordinator for Planning Department Ms. Warrick stated the project cannot proceed without the property owner's signature on the application. Further she requested that plat page 298 be added to the title block. She requested that the flood plain boundaries and Master Street Plan rights of ways be added to the vicinity map. Additionally, she requested that the plat and vicinity map show more configuration of adjoining properties so the Commission could more easily locate the subject piece of property. She requested that the right of ways be dimensioned from the centerline. She requested that the building setbacks reflecting the County's requirements be labeled. She stated the developer listed on the plat is not the property owner and both the property owner and the developer must be noted on the plat. Ms. Warrick reflected that the access easement be clarified to include who Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 10 owns the easement and if it is filed for record. Further she stated this was the only way in or out of the development. Ms. Little requested a file marked copy of the easement deed for the file so that the record would be complete. Ms Warrick stated the Master Street Plan requirements needed to be reflected on the vicinity map and she expressed concern that this property appears to be greatly affected by the proposed Eastern Bypass route. She also stated that additional information on the adjoining properties needed to provided in order to discuss connectivity issues. Ms. Warrick stated that the lots must meet county requirements in regard to bulk and area but that the project had been approved on September 3, 1998 by the Washington County Planning Board and confirmation of that approval had been provided by letter on file. She stated a written request for a waiver of cul de sac length is required. Jim Beavers. P.E. Engineering Mr. Beavers requested that requirements under Section 159.31 and 159.32 - Suburban Subdivisions be referred to in designing and constructing this project. He stated the final design should be in compliance with the City's latest design criteria. He stated that review of plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. He requested a copy of all reports and calculations required by the County such as the final traffic and street designs and a final drainage report. With regard to water, he requested they refer to the City's as -built No. 868 by MW&Y 7/27/98 which shows the new 12 inch water line on the south side of Highway 45 east. He stated the County may require a split encasement placed around the new 12 inch water line per their road policy. He stated the City may also require the encasement if deemed necessary at the final design. He stated valves and bends would be reviewed at the final design stage. He stated the proposed fire hydrants must have a minimum flow of 500 gpm and must be approved by the Fire Chief. He stated that unless specifically waived by a letter from the Fire Chief and other approval authority, a formal contract is required with the City of Fayetteville and a rural Fire Department. He stated the septic would need to be approved by the County and State and Ms. Warrick noted copies of the approval documents were on file. Regarding grading and drainage, Mr. Beavers requested that the developer needed to verify that downstream property would not be negatively affected. Further he stated that the City would not be responsible to approve the facility or accept it for maintenance and he was of the opinion that the County's drainage requirements along with the legal rights of the downstream property should apply. Regarding the streets, he stated the County would review and approve the street widths and pavement sections. 2599 • • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 11 Utility Requirements Rick Evans, Arkansas Western ('as Mr. Evans inquired if the easement was an access easement or was it owned. He stated they would provide service from the front and requested the following crossings: From Lot 1 to Lots 4 and 5; from Lot 2 to Lots 6 and 7; from Lot 17 to Lot 8; from Lot 17 to Lots 9 and 10; and, from Lot 17 to Lots 9 and 12. Mike Phipps, Ozarks Electric Mr. Phipps stated they would go with the crossing requested by Arkansas Western Gas. Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable Mr. Leflar inquired regarding the stub out and stated they would go with the crossing previously requested. Andv Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated that Mr. Calloway had contact her and requested a 20 feet access easement. _ Action Taken Ms. Warrick stated there was Master Street Plan conflict and that Mr. Jorgensen should schedule a meeting with staff and Bob Schmidt for further discussion. Ms. Little stated the whole design may need to be changed and based on the fact that the application submitted was incomplete the plat would be out of process pending completion of the application. She stated this plat would come back to this committee for further review. 0 265 • • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 12 LSD98-31: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (pp 212) LINDSEY-GREEN DEVELOPMENT This project was submitted by Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Lindsey -Green Properties for property located in Lots 5 and 6 of CMN Business Park. The property is zoned C- 2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 3.77 acres. Chris Parton was present on behalf of the project. Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator Ms. Zotti requested that the plat reflect dedicated spaces for solid waste and recycling services. Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk and Trail Coordinator Mr. Rutherford stated that Millsap Road is a collector street which requires a minimum 10 feet greenspace and a minimum 6 feet sidewalk. The greenspace and width need to be shown on the plat and the sidewalks should be shown continuous through the driveway and all curbing to be removed through the sidewalks Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent - Mr. Franklin required that street lights should be shown every 300 feet is not existing. He stated the ADA parking spaces as shown were adequate. Kim Rogers, Administrative Operations Asst for Parks and Recreation No fees were assessed for this project. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Ms. Warrick requested the right of ways be dimensioned from the centerline. Further she requested that the "proposed" be removed from the dedication note on the plat. Ms. Warrick stated that staff would only support a maximum of 2 curb cuts for this two lot development. Parking spaces shown are adequate and reflect an average of the required parking ratio for the proposed use. Further she stated the cross access to the east would be required She requested that all utilities should be located underground. Ms. Warrick requested that the adjoining property owners be rechecked. Regarding Commercial Design Standards Review, she stated a 15 feet landscaped area exclusive of right of way must be provided along the entire frontage. She noted that no information had been provided concerning placement and screening of mechanical • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 13 and utility equipment. She inquired as to the material proposed for screening the dumpster. Ms. Little stated the elevations that were submitted were inaccurate and must be revised to reflect what will be built and it must be site specific. She requested the spelling of Millsap be corrected. She stated the project would be out of process until the elevations were corrected. Ms. Warrick requested the flood plain determination be rechecked. City plats shown flood plain in the northwest corner. She stated that water and fire hydrants were not shown and she questioned whether or not the structures would be sprinklered. Ms. Warrick requested an elevation of the monument sign. Further she noted that the current proposed location of the monument sign may require a variance from the Board of Adjustment and Sign Appeals. Jim Beavers; P.E. Engineering Mr. Beavers stated that all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all proposed improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Regarding water, he stated that the proposed meter locations were subject to approval from Don Osbum. The meters may be required to be placed at the street. This also depends upon the fire protection needs and requirements. Further he stated the minimum easement or combination of right of way and easement widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. He stated fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chiefs request. Regarding sewer, he stated that service was existing and any conflicts with the proposed grading will be the developer's responsibility to correct. Regarding drainage, he stated the report labeled as final did not meet the requirements for preliminary or final drainage reports. He requested revisions and resubmittal prior to November 4 deadline. He stated the report must determine the 100 year WSE for the adjacent channel and the finished floor elevations must be two feet above the WSE He stated a drainage report was performed by Milholland and McClelland for overall and adjacent development and that this developer may want to contact the above mentioned parties. Regarding streets, Mr. Beavers stated they were existing but the proposed new right of way must be dedicated by separate warranty deed, not just an easement plat. Kim Hesse. Landscape Administrator Ms. Hesse stated the grading plat failed to show adequate tree protection fencing and appropriate detail. Tree along the east property line cannot be preserved with the proposed grading unless a retaining wall is proposed for the east property line. Arrangements should be made with the Z67 • • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 14 adjacent property owner concerning the replacement of those trees. A 15 feet landscaping area is required adjacent to the right of way per the commercial design standards requirement instead of the 10 feet average depth as shown. Additional trees will be required within the park area. Utility Requirements Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Mr. Evans stated the plat needed to reflect the location of the dumpster pad and that same must not be within the easement. He requested that Mr. Lindsey contact them regarding the number of meters. He stated the easement shown were fine. Kevin Lefler, TCA Cable • Restated cable service was existing. He requested conduit for future cable and fiber optic in the same location as SWEPCO. - Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Ms. Warrick stated Mr. Calloway did not have any comments regarding this project and further she stated that the developer would need to contact SWEPCO regarding their requirements. Action Taken - Ms. Little stated revisions would be due by Wednesday, November 4 at 10:00 and if the revisions and submittal were still incomplete the project would be out of process. Ms. Warrick stated they would need to submit proof of notification to adjoining property owners. • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 15 LSD98.28-10 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (pp213) PLAINVIEW AVE. FIRE STATION This project was submitted by Wes Burgess of Wittenburg, Delony & Davidson on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located south of Millsap Rd. and west of Plainview Ave. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 1 acre Staff Requirements Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Ms Hesse requested that tree protection fencing be shown on the grading plan. Further she stated that some screening would be required along the west property line between zones C-2 and A-1. She requested that a different type of shrub be considered and that landscaping should be as close to the property line as possible. Ms:Little suggested that the barbed wire fence be removed and replaced with something like • Open block. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator • Mr. Rutherford requested the plat reflect 6 feet minimum greenspace and 6 feet minimum - -- sidewalks be shown on the plat. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Mr. Franklin stated street lights would be required every 300 feet along Plainview. Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Ms. Warrick stated that the plat needed to reflect the flood plain reference. She requested that utilities should be located underground as per the lot split requirement. Ms. Warrick stated that cross access would be unnecessary because of the traffic flow that the fire trucks would have to make. Ms. Little stated cross access must be decided by the Planning Commission but staff would recommend that no access be provided. • Ms. Warrick noted that adjoining developments include John Cole's Single Tree Plaza and Proctor & Gamble. She requested that the street name be included on the plat. z'4 • • Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 16 Jim Beavers. P.E.. Engineering In general, Mr. Beavers stated that all designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria and that review of the plat is approval of public improvements which are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. He stated all corrections and additions were required to be provided by November 4, 1998 in order to continue in process. Regarding water, Mr. Beavers stated that meter locations would be subject to approval of Don Osburn and the fire protection requirements. He stated the minimum easement width would be 20 feet unless other utilities would be located in them and that would require additional widths. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. He stated the City would provide the water main on Plainview. Regarding sewer, he further stated the City would provide the main along Plainview. Regarding the grading and drainage, he stated the preliminary plat was acceptable but was subject to further review at the time construction plans were submitted. He stated the 12 inch culvert referenced in the report weeds to meet the City's minimum standard of 18 inches. Regarding streets, he stated they were under construction. Kini Rogers. Administrative Operations Asst for Park and Recreation Ms. Rogers noted that no park fees were required. Discussion ensued regarding the curb cuts and the turning radius required for the trucks as well as the amount of paving. Utility Requirements Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas He stated there was an existing 2 inch line which would need to be relocation. UJe requested the load of the building and stated that the dumpster pad needed to be removed from the easement. JCevin Lefler. TCA Cable He stated that they would require future cable or fiber optics that two 2 inch conduits be provided along the power route. Action Taken. 37 revised plats and 12 revised elevations were required by November 4, 1998 before 10:00 a.m. • Further, staff requested proof of notification of adjoining property owners. 2.5 Minutes of a meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 28, 1998 Page 17 Meeting adjourned at 10:45. Mm 7G