HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-14 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the plat review committee was held on Wednesday, October 14, 1998 , at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building at 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. JTEMS CONSIDERED LS 98-37: Lot Split (Walker, Batson & Johnson, pp 408) PLA98-19: Property Line Adjustment (Clevenger, pp 436,437) FP98-5: Final Plat (Guinn, pp 296) LS 98-38, 39, 40: Lot Split (Allen, pp 240) PP 98-7: Preliminary Plat (Hawg Heaven, pp 560-561) MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO Rick Evans, Ark Western Gas STAFF PRESENT Tim Conklin and Janet Johns ACTION TAKEN Utility comments taken Need revisions Revisions/on to SC Need revisions Pulled from agenda MEMBERS ABSENT Andy Calloway, SWB Mike Phipps, Ozarks Kevin Lefler, TCA 210 • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 2 LS98-37.00: LOT SPLIT (WALKER, BATSON & JOHNSON, pp 408) 1149 Mission Blvd This lot split request was submitted by Alan Reid on behalf of Pearl Walker, Lena Sue Batson, and Billie Joe Johnson for property located at 1149 Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 1.05 acres. No one was present on behalf of this lot split request. Conklin: I'm going to go ahead and take utility comments on this request. • Burrack: I have no comments. Everything here looks good. It says building setback and utility easement. They have easements all the way around everything. Conklin: Let me back up a little. We're going to request 55 feet from centerline which is going to bring that right of way all the way up to the 25 feet building setback line to the south on • lot B. Burrack: Hasn't the right of way always been there? Conklin: This is based on our Master Street Plan of 110 feet of right of way or 55 feet from centerline. Burrack: We requested a 20 feet utility easement that's closest to the right of way within the building setback included. Conklin: Staff requested 55 feet from the centerline for right of way, a 20 foot utility easement within the 25' setback from the new right of way along Mission Blvd. Is that adequate for Arkansas Western Gas? Evans: Yes. Conklin: The rest of the comments we'll send to the applicant. • 74' • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 3 PLA98-19: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (CLEVENGER, pp 436, 437) 530 North 54th Street This property line adjustment request submitted by Cecil and Jacqueline Clevenger for property located at 530 North 54th Street. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, and contains approximately 5.07 acres. The request is to adjust the property line two acres to the south. Ms. Clevenger was present to address the Committee on the project. Conklin: From our Landscape Administrator there were no comments. From out Traffic Superintendent there were no comments. From Planning, we will need the signatures of the owners of both tracks to be adjusted to be included on the application. So we need the individuals buying the property. Clevenger: I have those. Not here. But it's not on the right kind of paper I don't think. This is what they gave me down at McRoy and McNair. • Conklin: We just need our application signed by both parties. Clevenger: Do I have the application? Conklin: The application was submitted to us Here are the comments from the divisions. What we need is both property owners' signatures on the application that was turned in. Clevenger: I thought I put mine on there. Conklin: Your signature is on there. Clevenger. And I have their signature on another piece of paper here and it wasn't on the paper I needed. Conklin: Their signature just needs to be on this application. Clevenger: Yes. We'll get the signatures on there. Conklin: This application will not proceed without all necessary signatures. This information will have to be forwarded to your surveyor. Some of this information does need to appear on the actual survey. Label adjacent zoning. Label adjacent property owners. Show • layout of adjoining property within 300 feet. Add floodplain reference to plat. Legal descriptions are inadequate. A lot line adjustment must include the original descriptions of each 241 • • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 4 lot of the subject tracts and adjusted descriptions of each tract We should have a total of four legal descnptions. You have the original legal description for the tract that's on 54th and Persimmon. Then you have the original legal description for the property that's to the north. And then we have the new legal description once it's adjusted for this tract and a new legal description for this tract. Show any existing structures that maybe on this property. Clevenger: On our property? Conklin: Yes. Clevenger. The one that we're keeping or the one that's -- Conklin: Both properties. Clevenger: On both. Conklin: What we want to make sure is that the property line aren't going through buildings. The utilities normally require easements so they need to know where the structure are located on this property. We don't want an easement or something going through a structure. Clevenger. This is where we get hay --dust a field. So, there's no building on the property. Conklin: Our Engineer, Jim Beavers, has no comments on this project. Is this in SWEPCO's or Ozarks'? Burrack: Ozarks. Conklin: You will need to contact Ozarks Electric and determine what easements they made need. Also, contact TCA Cable and Southwestern Bell. Clevenger: Can I have one of these (indicating the survey and in house review comments) to give to them (indicating the utility companies.) Conklin: We've already distributed the survey to them. Just contact them or have your surveyor contact them and find out what easements they may need. Evans: Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas. Probably what everybody wants is a 20 feet easement along 54th and W. Persimmon Street. Z4 • • • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 5 Conklin: The 20 feet utility easement is outside the right of way. There is an existing 25 feet right of way from center line of the street. Your surveyor needs to show a 20 feet utility easement along Persimmon and 54th Street. Discussion ensued regarding the surveyor and how he would know to revise the plat. Clevenger: I just wonder how long it's going to take me to complete the deal. Conklin: Since this is a property line adjustment, I believe it can be approved administratively. You're basically on your own time frame. As soon as these revisions are complete and turned into our office and we verify they are complete then we can go ahead. Clevenger: And that would be for the surveyor to do? Conklin: It's up to your surveyor to make these revisions and get them to us for us to review to make sure the corrections have been made and then we can go ahead and approve the property line adjustment and stamp your deeds to be recorded over at the county. If you have any questions, give us a call and we'll be more than happy to assist you. Burrack: They do send a copy of this to all utilities. This is an Ozarks Electric territory. I'm the SWEPCO guy so I scratched out my name and you canjust take this over to them. Clevenger: Should I take this to them? Conklin: It's up to you and whatever agreement you have with your surveyor. Burrack: You can carry it around yourself or have your surveyor do it. Either way. Conklin: It's up to you. Burrack: But they really should be contacted before your file it. Clevenger: If I contact them myself, what should I say to them? Conklin: You just need to indicate that you have a property line adjustment; that the property lines are going to be adjusted to transfer 2 acres to your neighbor to the north and at this time you are asking them to review it for any additional utility easements that may be necessary to serve this development. Burrack: I wrote down that utility easement, 20 feet, down at the bottom of the plat of • • • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 6 survey I gave you and that is what the gas company asked for and if it's agreeable with all these other people, you're all done with utilities then. Your surveyor will need to provide the legal descriptions ofthe original tracts. There's quite a bit of more information that needs to be on this for it to be approved. Conklin: That packet of information I handed to you has the items that need to be revised and just give that to him and have him call if he needs our assistance. Clevenger: Thank you. 215 • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 7 FP98-5.00 FINAL PLAT (GUINN, pp 296) North of Hwy 45 and East of Co. Road 83 This final plat was submitted by Don Phillips on behalf of C.L. Guinn for property located north of Highway 45 and east of Co. Road 83. The property is in the planning area and contains approximately 5 acres with 4 lots proposed. Mr. Guinn was present on behalf of the final plat approval request. Conklin: Landscape Administrator, Kim Hesse, had no comments. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator, Chuck Rutherford, had no comments. Traffic Superintendent, Perry Franklin, had no comments. Planning had no comments. Burrack: This is Ozarks. It does state in here that all building setbacks are also utility and drainage easements. Is there any problem with the City having utility and drainage easement together? • Conklin: The City usually wants them separate. Burrack: They want them separate and I'm just kind of poking my nose in. Conklin: Where is that easement on this plat? Burrack: It's a statement -- also utility and drainage easements. I thought Jim wanted those separate. You might want to question that. Conklin: We'll question that. Evans: I don't have any problems with it. We've already got service. Conklin: Cheryl Zotti our Solid Waste Division Coordinator, has stated that if trash pickup is going to be provided for these lots that a cul-de-sac will have to be developed at the end of the private drive. It is my understanding that you currently do not use the City of Fayetteville sanitation. However, in the future, if you do a cul-de-sac it would have to be built to meet our standards for a truck to be able to turn around. Guinn: I'll comment that it is my intention to eventually build a cul-de-sac there. • Conklin: I don't have any other comments. I'll have to contact you since there were no revisions and I'll let you know how many copies well need to forward this on to our Subdivision 246 • • • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 8 Committee. Guinn: And that's on the 29th right? Conklin: Yes. The 29th at 8:30 in the morning. Guinn: Do you know when those copies have to be submitted? Conklin: The copies have to be submitted by 10 a.m. on October 21st. I'm not sure since there are no revisions if you need to submit revised copies? I'll let you know. Guinn: Very. good. Thank you. Z4 7 • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 9 LS98-38, 39, 40: LOT SPLIT (ALLEN, pp 240) Mt. Comfort and Weir Road This lot split request was submitted by Jeff Allen for property located at Mt. Comfort and Weir Road. The property is in the planning area and contains approximately 84.76 acres. The request is to split the property into 4 tracts of approximately 25.30 acres, 21.01 acres, 19 81 acres, and 18.64 acres each. Mr. Allen was present in support of the lot split. Conklin: Our landscape administrator has no comment. This is outside the City limits. Sidewalk and trails coordinator, Chuck Rutherford, has no comment. Perry Franklin said he needs a location map. What we're looking for is a vicinity map showing where this is located. Also on that vicinity map we need to have the floodplain shown on your subdivision on this. Allen: I've got that out in the truck right now. • Conklin: You Just need a floodplain reference if there is no floodplain on this piece of property. Alan Reid has the standard language that he uses to put on the survey. Allen: I've got the floodplain reference on a survey he did but it's about two years old. Conklin: It needs to be shown on this plat. For the planning office, label adjacent property owners on the plat and add plat page 240 in the title block. Add a floodplain reference to place. The legal descriptions need to be revised. They must include a legal for the perimeter of the entire tract. The proposed right of way on the east sides of lot 2 and 4 needs to shift so there's a dedication all along the east side of lot 4 extending to Weir and Mt. Comfort. What we are requesting is this right of way dedication to be 60 feet. From our engineering division, we need a legal for the parent tract. The county will have to approve all septic systems. There is a 4 inch water line at Weir Road and you need to also check with the Wheeler Water District. Allen: I've got the development plan out in the truck now from two years ago. It has everything that you've asked for except the 60 feet. They had it on file in the planning department. Dawn had it. So, I don't know who else to give it to I guess. Conklin: We Just need the information shown on this plat. Allen: It can't be on two separate ones? • Conklin: It needs to be on the plat that will be filed. We need all this information we are • Minutes of a regular meeting of Technical Plat Review October 14, 1998 Page 10 requesting to be shown on this plat. Because of the size of the parcels, this can be approved administratively so it going to be up to you and your surveyor to provide us the revisions. Allen: Once I get with Alan and get a full legal and the flood plain certification put on this plat and the right of way adjustment and add some stuff to the title block, then what? Conklin: Submit three copies to our office. Is this Ozarks' again? Burrack: It is Ozarks. I think I'll defer over to Arkansas Western Gas on this. Evans: Rick Evans, Arkansas Westem Gas. These utility easements along the roads are fine. You are showing a gas line running through lot 3A and lot 3B. That's an 8 inch high pressure line. Some property to the south of here had a blanket easement on it. You may want to check and find out what to do. That's that big line that runs across the country going north from Fort Smith. Conklin: This is not your gas line? Who's gas line is it? • Evans. Arkla. I think it's called Noram out of Fort Smith. Conklin: It's a distribution line? Evans. Feeder line. Everything out there has a blanket easement on it. Allen: Mine is 60 feet. Evans. I'm not sure how big it is. • Conklin: I request that you show that easement on that lot whatever dimension it may be. Because houses will be built on those lots in the future and we want to make sure they're not on that easement. Where's this gas line coming from and going to? Evans: It comes from down in the river basin and goes all the way to Neosho. Conklin: I would request that your surveyor get with TCA cable and Southwestem Bell and Ozark Electric to discuss what easements will be needed for this development. Those easements need to be shown on this plat. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Z49