HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-30 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, September 30, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building , 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN LS98-35.00: Lot Split (Jim & Laura Higgins, pp 475) Forwarded to Subdivision LSD98-30.00: Large Scale Development (Harvey, pp 601) Forwarded to Subdivision LS98-36.00: Lot Split (Vantage Sq. Post Office, pp 175) Forwarded to Subdivision (10/1) Discussion of Glenwood easements None UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Rick Evans, and Andy Calloway. STAFF PRESENT: Dawn Warrick, Alett Little, Jim Beavers, Kim Hesse, Perry Franklin, and Janet Johns. LS 98-35.00: LOT SPRIT (JIM & LAURA HIGGINS, PP 475) 5605 DOT TIPTON ROAD The lot split was submitted by Anthony Bowling and Ellen Sue Hunter on behalf of Jim and Laura Higgins for property located in the county on 5605 Dot Tipton Road. The property is in the county and contains approximately 3.34 acres. The request is for a 1.50 acre tract and a 1.92 acre tract. No representative for the lot split was present but comments from utility representatives and staff were taken for the record. The following comments were presented: STAFF COMMENTS Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator No Comment Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator This property is outside the city limits and sidewalks are not required. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Include county road name, Dot Tipton Road be shown on the plat. Current plat reflects county road 639. Zz l Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 2 Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator Include flood plain reference and all existing and requested easements needed to be labeled. Include statement on the plat that the building setbacks on the plat reflect the county requirements and not the city requirements. Jim Beavers, P.E., Engineering The existing 2 inch water line extends approximately 900 feet west of county road 649. Volume and pressure may be less than desired. Fire protection is not available. The office of the Arkansas Health Department must approve the septic systems for these lots UTILITY COMMENTS Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO This is in Ozarks Electric territory and their representative is not present. Andy Calloway, SWB Requested the building setback be changed to reflect building setbackand utility easement for the perimeters on both lots. Rick Evans, Ark Western Requested same as Southwestern Bell. • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 3 LSD 98-30.00: Large Scale Development (Harvey, pp 601) 2100 SOUTH SCHOOL This items was submitted by Mountain Mechanical Contractors on behalf of Gary Harvey for property located at 2100 South School Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 2.27 acres. David Norman and Gary Harvey were present to represent the project. The following comments were presented. STAFF COMMENTS Cheryl Zotti, Solid Waste Division Plat needs to reflect solid waste containers or dumpsters. Plat should indicate a pad large enough for two containers, 6 cubic yards in size, one for garbage and the other for recycling. Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator Protective fencing will be required around the drip line of the existing trees that are to remain. Show the location of protective fencing on the grading plan and include a detail for tree protection fencing. No utility trenching will be allowed within the drip line of the trees to be preserved. Protective fencing may also be required along the north and east property lines. These boundary lines border residential uses and screening is required If the existing trees can be preserved, no additional landscaping or screening will be needed. Information was provided on protection fencing detail as well as the application for preservation plan requirements. Discussion ensued regarding the preservation plan and Mr. Norman stated a plan had been sent and fee had been paid. Warrick stated she had the documents and would forward a copy of the Tree Preservation Application and Plan Requirements including percentages. Mr. Harvey inquired if the protective fencing was for protection during construction and Mr. Norman stated that was orange construction fencing. Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Street lights are required at 22nd Street and Hwy 71B, and every 300' along 22nd Street if not already existing. Further, he requested that the ADA parking space must be van accessible (8' space and 8' aisle). To preserve the curb line, the driveway island should have some straight curb and an example drawing was given to Mr. Norman. • Discussion ensued regarding protection of the tree in the center of the entry drive. Mr. Norman stated the tree would be protected from being damaged and if the tree became damaged or died, a Z3( Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 4 new tree would be planted in replacement. Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator Sidewalks, driveway approaches and access ramps should be constructed to Ordinance #4005, Section 98.67, City of Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances. An inspection is required prior to the concrete pour. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The existing asphalt sidewalk along South School Ave. is in satisfactory condition and without safety hazards. A retaining wall exists along the back edge of the sidewalk This does not allow for a new sidewalk with green space. The requirement here is for the existing sidewalk to be cleaned of all vegetation and soil buildup. Discussion ensued regarding improvements to 22nd Street. Mr. Rutherford stated he had agreed for a Bill of Assurance to be provided for the sidewalks Dawn Warrick, Development Coordinator For landscaping and engineering requirements refer to written comments above. For Commercial Design Standards, elevations must be submitted and since there was no file copy of the elevation, a proper review had not be done. Commercial Design Standards do apply. Discussion ensued regarding the elevations. Mr. Norman stated he submitted three copies. Ms. Warrick stated the correct number of elevations was 12 and that there were not any copies in the file. Ms. Warrick stated the requirement was for 12 color rendered elevations. Plat requirements include labeling of the adjacent zoning and Master Street Plan designation and proposed Master Street Plan Street shown on the vicinity map. Further, right of way dimensions from center line should be reflected. Also, all existing and requested easements need to be labeled and dimensioned. Street requirements - 22nd Street is classified as a minor arterial on the Master Street Plan. The total right of way necessary is 90 feet and therefore, 45 feet from centerline is required to be noted on the plat. Intense discussion ensued regarding 22nd street which was not being developed in concurrence with this project. Mr. Norman stated they would dedicate the right of way and Ms. Little stated the plat needed to reflect right of way dedication. The setback for the project is either 50 feet or 25 feet if landscaped. Any proposed landscaping should be shown on the plan. In connection with the Master Street Plan and regarding Highway 71B or South School is principal arterial and the requirement there is 55 feet of right of way from the centerline and the plat should reflect the dimension. zsZ • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 5 Curb cut requirements - curb cut reflected on the plat is too large to exit onto a minor arterial which is what 22nd Street is classified as The maximum curb cut is 24 feet. Discussion ensued regarding the curb cut. Ms. Little stated the only issue of improvement to 22nd Street had been before the Planning Commission and it was agreed that a Bill of Assurance was be provided for street improvement at that time. Intense discussion ensued regarding the Master Street Plan requirements for 22nd Street and setback requirements. Mr. Harvey agreed to add the right of way and decrease the entrance to the dock to a 24 feet curb cut. Parking requirements - 18 spaces are required. Two are required for the warehouse space and sixteen are required for the office space. Discussion ensued regarding the three spaces by the dock area. Other requirements - Screening must be required to the north and east and could be accommodated by the existing vegetation. Mr. Harvey stated the sign would be on the building. Ms. Little requested that the elevation reflect the location of the sign. No waiver request has been submitted. All utilities should be located underground. Discussion ensued regarding the location of the existing services. Discussion ensued regarding the street lights in front. Ms. Little stated a Bill of Assurance could be provided for any street lights required from improved intersection of 22nd Street and Highway 71B or South School. Mr. Burrack stated he thought those were already in place. Ms. Little stated a Bill of Assurance would be adequate for any street lights required as a result of improvements to 22nd Street. Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief The plat should reflect an 8 inch line running east from South School on 22nd Street; installation of fire hydrant at east entrance to parking lot at this development. Jim Beavers P.E., Engineering The plat should reflect an 8 inch line along Highway 71B or South School and the existing 4 inch water line along 22nd Street. Discussion ensued regarding the Bill of Assurance. Ms. Little stated if would need to be amended due to other issues needing to be included with the draft agreement. • Regarding the right of way for 22nd Street, the current plat reflects 20 feet and City records reflect 40 feet of right of way. Discussion ensued regarding the survey. Mr. Beavers stated that Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 6 if the utilities required perimeter easement then the current layout would be affected. Pursuant to Section 166.07 of the Unified Development Ordinance, the developer should contact the AHTD and confirm any requirements for improvement to Highway 71B. UTILITY COMMENTS Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO SWEPCO requests that when plans are made for 22nd Street that they be informed in order to plan for any necessary relocation. SWEPCO will use the proposed right of way for 22nd Street. The proposed right of way along the south side will interfere with the existing brick building and the proposed right of way on the north side only leave about 6 inches at the east end of it. Discussion ensued regarding the plat and right of way along the north side Ms. Little stated that since there was no development planned for that area at present no right of way dedication was requested. Rick Evans, Arkansas Westem Gas He stated they had existing 1/4"line along the south side of the road. He requested use of the 20 feet easement on both sides and also along Highway 71B. Discussion ensued regarding the right of way dog. Andy Callaway, Southwestern Bell Mr. Callaway requested same easements as power and gas. Ms. Warrick requested 37 revised plats by October 7, 1998, by 10 a.m. She further requested the disk be revised and relinquished same to Mr. Norman. Ms. Warrick requested 12 color rendered elevations for the Subdivision Committee and other Planning Commissioners. Ms. Little stated in lieu of that one large color rendering and the black and white copies would be adequate. Ms. Warrick requested that the adjacent property owners be notified and proof of notification be submitted to the Planning Department by Subdivision Meeting. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 7 LS 98-36.00: LOT SPLIT (VANTAGE SQUARE POST OFFICE, pp 175) NORTH OF JOYCE & WEST OF PARK VIEW DRIVE The lot split request was submitted by Kirk Elsass of Lindsey and Associates, Inc. on behalf of Vantage Square Joint Venture for property located north of Joyce Street and west of Park View Drive. The property is zoned R -O, Residential Office, and the proposed split will create an 8 51 acre tract. Kirk Elsass was present on behalf of the project. He stated that J.C. Rucker was the designer and Ms. Warrick stated he should get with Mr. Rucker regarding the requirements below. STAFF COMMENTS Chuck Rutherford, Sidewalk and Trail Coordinator The requirement along Joyce Boulevard is for a 10 feet trail. Vantage Avenue is a collector street and it requires a minimum 6 feet sidewalk with a minimum 10 feet green space. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the post office would provide those requirements. Ms. Warrick requested that the sidewalks be constructed at the lot split level or some type of assurance that same would be done. Further discussion ensued regarding the event leading up to the post office contract. Mr. Elsass stated that Lindsey has executed the contract to purchase. He stated there was no offer and acceptance agreement. Mr. Elsass stated the post office would not execute an offer and acceptance unless and until the lot split was approved. Mr. Elsass further stated that they would close on the property prior to large scale development which is unusual because that holds up your sale. Ms. Warrick stated they were not required by law to do the large scale development because they are a higher government agency than the City. Ms. Little stated that they had indicated that they would. In Mr. Elsass' and J.C.'s contact with Larry Brooks and Winston Guithrie representing the United States Post Office, they stated that they intended to fully cooperate with the City. Discussion ensued regarding the three separate legals. Mr. Elsass stated he was not sure whether the post office would deed the triangular shaped property and Ms. Little requested that the legals would be left as they are and if for some reason the post office doesn't take possession of that section it can be dedicated with a lot line adjustment. More discussion ensued regarding whether or not the budget included monies for sidewalk and road construction. Mr. Beavers asked that the matter be clarified and either the post office construct the sidewalk and contribute to the box culvert or the lot split be condition upon Vantage Square making those contributions. Mr. Elsass stated the contract reflected that the post office would pay for the street and sidewalk. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 8 Kim Hesse, Landscape Administrator No Comment Perry Franklin, Traffic Superintendent Street light are required every 300 feet from the existing pole on the east side of the property. Underground installations are required. Further he recommended that to 10% contribution in the amount of $6500 be held in escrow for future traffic signal installation if MUTCD warrants for a signal are met at Vantage and Joyce. Mr. Elsass stated the post office had agreed to provide that signal. Dawn T. Warrick, Development Coordinator Planning requested labeling of the adjacent zoning and property owners, adding plat page 175 to the title block, show layout of adjoining property (lot lines, curb cuts, etc.). They request that the vicinity map be added to the plat which shows all existing and proposed streets including Vantage and the floodplain. They request that the description for 3-B in the right of way description for dedication but for the time being it can be left as is per the above discussion. They request dimension of the right of way from the centerline and labeling and dimension of all existing and proposed easements. They request labeling of setbacks and adding the owner's name to the plat. Staff requests the right of way for Vantage to accommodate a street that will match what has already been built to the north off Zion. Discussion ensued regarding the existing width of right of way along Zion and what is required for a collector street. Joyce Boulevard is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan which requires a total of 110' of right of way - 55' from centerline is required for this request. Mr. Beavers requested an easement for the existing sewer line. Ms. Little requested that Mr. Elsass make the right of way dedication 90 feet and then contact her to ascertain whether that would be adequate. Ms. Warrick stated the other concern with the Master Street Plan was concerning Stearns Street and Ms. Little stated that since they owned property up above there that would not be a problem. Discussion ensued regarding adjacent zoning. Mr. Elsass stated the adjoining properties were C- 2 and R -O. Ms. Warrick stated all utilities are located underground. Ms. Warrick stated the tract contained 2 acres and would require Subdivision Committee • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 9 approval. Ms. Little acknowledged this was not an administrative lot split due to the size of the proposed tracts. Ms. Little stated this lot split could be added on to the Subdivision Committee agenda on October 1, 1998. Jim Beavers P.E., Engineering The engineer for the post office (J.C. Rucker of the Phillip Leraris Company) informed that the post office is prohibited by law from dedicating right of way or making off-site improvements. Therefore, any requirements to be assessed by the Planning Commission, such as the right of way and construction for Vantage, including a box culvert, should be discussed at the time of the lot split. If the post office is constructing the approximately 165 feet of Vantage then this construction should be clarified. If the post office is not constructing the sidewalk then Vantage Square should be responsible. A determination of whether lot 3B will be dedicated as greenspace or right of way needs to be made. Determination needs to be made on whether or not the 36 inch water line is within the easement and Mr. Elsass should contact engineering and arrangement for on site visit with the consultant, engineering and water and sewer. Mr. Beavers reserved further comments for the large scale development process. UTILITY COMMENTS Mr. Burrack stated this was in Ozarks Electric territory. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not service was underground. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas Ark Western accepted the easements as shown and no other comment. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Southwestern requested a 20 feet utility easement around the north and west side of lot 3 and no other comments. Discussion ensued regarding the sale of the property. Zs' • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 10 DISCUSSION OF EASEMENTS AT GLENWOOD SHOPPING CENTER (AKA CROSSROADS VILLAGE Ms. Warrick opened the discussion stating there had been several complaints about whether easements had been filed or not. Ms. Little presented the plat as it appeared in large scale development process and discussion ensued regarding the locations of underground utility services. Mr. Calloway stated Southwestern Bell had purchased an easement which was never shown on the plat. Mr. Pete Estes was present representing the Bank of Fayetteville. Ms. Little presented an easement plat which was never filed and therefore the easements that were supposed to have been created that were not created. As a result, Ms. Little stated lots had been sold without the buyers being aware of the easements. • Mr. Estes stated the records do not reflect any easements. • Discussion ensued regarding a 73 feet easement. Discussion ensued regarding a filed lot split which only showed one specific easement in the subject area which is a 10 feet Southwestern Bell easement. Ms. Little requested discussion of what was in the area which was supposed to be a dedicated easement. The utility representatives were unable to state for sure what was there. After discussion Ms Little stated there was a 16.5 feet telephone easement was of record, a 15 feet gas easement of record, and a 25 feet water and sewer easement of record along Highway 45. Ms. Little presented the as built plat. Discussion ensued. Discussion ensued regarding moving the utilities. Ms. Little stated Mr. Estes needed to talk to Jim Beavers specifically in reference to the existing sewer line. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas suggested that Mr. Estes call Arkansas One Call at 1-800- 482-8998 and request that they mark the utility lines. Intense discussion ensued regarding Southwestern Bell recourse actions. Intense discussion ensued regarding recourse actions for all utility providers. Zs3 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 30, 1998 Page 11 Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.