HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-16 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A regular meeting of the Fayetteville Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday. September 16, 1998. at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS REVIEWED ACTION TAKEN PLA 98-18.00: Property Line Adjustment (Thurlby) Approved LS 98-31.00, 32.00, 33.00: Lot Splits (Bond) Forwarded to Subdivision Committee LS 98-34.00: Lot Splits (Papa) Forwarded to Subdivision Committee LSD 98-28.00: Large Scale Development (Plainview Ave. Fire Station) Tabled LSD 98-29.00: Large Scale Development (Hopkins Retail Center) Forwarded to Subdivision Committee STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Rutherford, Kim Hesse, Perry Franklin, Mickey Jackson, Jim Beavers, Alett Little, Dawn Warrick and Liz Hopson UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO), Andy Calloway (SWBT). Rick Evans (Arkansas Western Gas), and Kevin Lefler (TCA Cable) PLA 98-18.00 Property Line Adtustment (Thurlby) north of Whillock Street, south of Skelton Street, east of Hwy 71 Business This item was submitted by Al Hughes on behalf of the applicant for property located north of Whitlock St., south of Skelton St., and east of Hwy 71 Business. The property is zoned R -I, Low Density Residential and the property to be adjusted contains approximately 5.32 acres. Staff Comments: Warrick: The engineering department comments that per the city's atlas, two-inch water and six-inch sanitary sewer lines are located in Whillock and Skelton. If the property located between Skelton and Whillock is ever further developed, then these lines will need to be extended. Utility Comments: Burrack: SWEPCO will need a 20 foot easement on either side of the Moore property. Little: The 20 foot utility easement will be on the west side. Burrack: Where will the property lines be? Warrick: The 5.32 acres shown will be added to the existing Moore tract. There were no other utility comments. This item was approved with all staff and utility comments. Zzo • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -2- LS 98-31.00, 32.00 & 33.00: Lot Splits (Bond) north of Huntsville Road, west of Roberts Road These items were submitted by Jack Butt of Davis, Cox & Wright on behalf of Paul and Geraldine Bond for property located north of Huntsville Road and west of Roberts Road. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and R -S, Residential Small Lot and contains approximately 6.65 acres The request is to divide the parent tract into a total of four lots for the purpose of estate planning. Jack Butt appeared on behalf of the applicant. Staff Comments: Warrick: The zoning label is incorrect and needs to be changed from R-1 to R -S. The adjacent property owner to the north is the City of Fayetteville (Parks Division). The plat page, 569, needs to be added to the title block. Huntsville Road is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan --110 feet of right of way is necessary; dedication of 55 feet from centerline is required for this project. Beavers: Rutherford: Butt: Warrick: Butt: Rutherford: Butt: Warrick: Butt: The sanitary sewer per the survey does not match our as -built drawings. Please verify the field survey data and provide any information you have on the sanitary sewer as shown on the proposed lot split. Huntsville Road is a principle arterial which requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot greenspace. The sidewalk is required along the frontage of all three addresses. Are the sidewalk requirements necessary right now or when the lots are developed? Is this required as a condition of getting a lot split? What about the greenspace requirements? The sidewalk is placed on the right of way line. Based on street standards, the correct amount of greenspace will be provided for. Is the sidewalk constructed by a private contractor, or does the city build it and wait for reimbursement from the applicant; how does that work? You hire a contractor to build the sidewalk per city standards. Is sidewalk construction a condition of the lot split? The sidewalk must be completed before the deeds are filed If the lot split is approved but the property isn't deeded for fifteen years, can they defer building until the splits are filed? Little: When will the splits be filed? • Butt: The splits will be entered as part of the will, and when the property owners die, the children receiving the property will file the splits. 22 l • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -3- Little: If the splits are not occurring now, the need for the sidewalk is not occurring now. If the splits are filed at the time the will is probated, that would be the appropriate time for sidewalk construction. Beavers: Williams Jenkins needs to be contacted. The sanitary sewer shown does not match the records. Engineering needs clarification on that point. Little: On the 40 foot area, it needs to be dedicated as right of way. It allows the property to be developed at a future time. Butt: Little: Utility Confluents: Evans: There is no present plan to develop the property. The area still needs to be dedicated for right of way. His records indicate a 50 foot easement for the gas line, and he would like it indicated on the plat. Lefler: When the splits occur, the right of way line will shift. Will there still be a utility easement? Warrick: There will still be 10 feet of easement. There were no other utility comments. The items were forwarded to the Subdivision Committee meeting scheduled for October 1, 1998. The applicant is requested to make the corrections discussed and submit 37 copies with revisions of the project before the 10:00 a.m. deadline on September 23, 1998. Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -4- LS 98-34.00: Lot Split (Papa) south of West Sixth Street, west of Razorback Road This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Carl Papa for property located south of West Sixth Street and west of Razorback Road. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial and contains approximately 9.57 acres. Tom Hennelly appeared on behalf of the applicant Staff Comments: Rutherford: Razorback Road is a principle arterial which requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk and a minimum 10 feet greenspace. The sidewalk for lot B is required for the lot split. The sidewalk for lot A will be required at the time of development. The sidewalk for lot B shall be continuous through the driveway as this area is now broken and in an unsafe walking condition. Warrick: Utility Comments: Razorback Road is a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan and requires 55 feet from centerline dedication if it does not currently exist. Plat page 560 needs to be added to the title block. Master Street Plan designations need to be noted on the vicinity map. Include the dimension right of way from centerline, and label building setbacks. Any new commercial development shall be subject to Large Scale Development review process, Commercial Design Standards, and the Underground Utilities ordinance. Burrack: Their needs are served already, and he will defer comments until tract A comes back through the process. Calloway: He recalls that tract B already had a dedicated easement parallel to Razorback Road, which is indicated differently on the plans and needs correction. He would also request a 20 foot perimeter easement on tract A. Evans: The 20 foot perimeter easement requested by SWBT will meet his needs. Wan -ick: She has a question about the distance between the parking lot and the south property line. That area needs to be dimensioned and must be at least 5 feet. The item was forwarded to the Subdivision Committee meeting scheduled for October 1, 1998. The applicant is requested to make the corrections discussed and submit 37 copies with revisions of the project before the 10:00 a.m. deadline on September 23, 1998. • -z3 Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -5- LSD 98-28.00: Large Scale Development (Plainview Avenue Fire Station) south of Millsap Road and west of Plainview Avenue This item was submitted by Wes Burgess of Wittenburg, Delony & Davidson on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located south of Millsap Rd. and west of Plainview Ave. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 1 acre. Wes Burgess appeared on behalf of the applicant. Staff Comments: Warrick: Street lights are required on Plainview every 300 feet and at intersections. The 6 foot sidewalk and 6 foot greenspace need to be shown. The radius lines need to be removed through the sidewalks on all pages. Sidewalks need to be continuous through the driveway. Sidewalks need to be added to the legend. The Solid Waste division requests that the plat should show dedicated space for the pads for solid waste containers. Minimum size should be 2 cubic yards which can be accessed by city collection vehicles. Additionally, those pads need to be screened on 3 sides. The existing tree canopy of all trees 6 inches DBH (diameter at breast height) or larger needs to be shown on the plans. Trees 24 inches DBH or larger (defined as rare trees) need to be surveyed identified and shown on the plans including rare trees 100 feet beyond the boundary of the site. Tree preservation may be required but requirements cannot be determined until this information is provided. Planning requirements include the addition of plat page 213 to the title block, addition of flood plain reference to the plat, and an addition of a legend. All utilities shall be located underground. Jackson: He would like to review the need for cross access to the hospital property to the west and defer a decision until later. Beavers: This item needs to be pulled from the agenda until the proper grading and drainage information is supplied. Franklin: There needs to be a street light located before resubmittal of this project. Utility Comments: Burrack: He will prepare an estimate for placing the existing overhead lines underground. There is a problem with the transformer on a slope, and something will have to be done to make sure that structure is on an 8'x9' level area. Also, the transformer needs to be relocated to a more accessible area, possibly in the area to the west. In reference to the street crossing, he requests two 4 inch PVC lines under the street from right of way to right of way. This allows the utility to tie into the line in case the street gets built before he can access the site. This action requires coordination now. Calloway: There are off-site easements which are not shown on this plat, nor are adjacent lot lines shown. He thinks there is a junction point at the northwest corner of the property, and there needs to be verification on that issue before resubmittal. Z24 Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -6- Beavers: Burgess: Evans: Lefler: The retaining wall in the area shown would greatly limit the site. They are not happy with the location of the retaining wall and will work on that issue. The gas meter is shown at the building, but the utility shows it at the north property line. The retaining wall will be an issue for him as well. They will need one 4 inch connection and can utilize the one provided for the power company. He has concerns about a small mechanical room located in the center of the building but can resolve that issue with the developer before resubmittal. This item was tabled pending resubmittal with the corrections made as noted. 775 Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -7- LSD 98-29.00: Large Scale Development (Hopkins Retail Center) southwest corner of Wedington Drive and Garland Avenue This item was submitted by Steve Hesse of Engineering Design Associates on behalf of Mike Hopkins for property located at the southwest corner of Wedington Drive and Garland Ave. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and contains approximately 1.27 acres. Steve Hesse, Mike Anderson and Mike Hopkins appeared in support of the project. Staff Comments: Franklin: He has called the Arkansas Highway Department and spoken with Brian Powell. an inspector. He would like to meet with the developer to discuss the drive that comes onto Wedington, at the northwest corner of the property. The Highway Department is about to complete that project and is concerned about interfering with the current development. Rutherford: Kim Hesse: Jackson: Garland Avenue and Wedington Drive are principle arterials. The requirement is 6 foot sidewalks. The existing 4 foot sidewalk along Garland Avenue is in unsafe condition. The developer will need to replace the sidewalk from the point where the Highway Department has stopped to the south property line on Garland Avenue. The sidewalk needs to be continuous through the driveways. The radius lines need to be removed through the sidewalk at the driveways. The developer needs to work closely with the Highway Department. Twenty-seven percent of tree replacement is required by ordinance. Sixty-seven percent of this site was covered by tree canopy in 1995. Those trees, including a rare 31 inch oak were removed from the site prior to a proposed development. Several trees were to be preserved based on the previous development plans. With the removal of these trees, the square foot percentage of "canopy area required" for a Neighborhood Commercial site was below the minimum. Since the removal of trees occurred within five years of this development review, the replacement canopy required must be increased by 10% of total canopy per ordinance. The ordinance requires "canopy area replacement" of 20 % plus 6.7% additional canopy area replacement for the previous removal of trees. The 17 trees shown on the plan will meet the replacement requirements if these trees are specified as large shade trees. The one tree that is indicated on the plans as a tree to be preserved is too close to the proposed retaining wall to be adequately preserved. The landscaping shown on the plans does not meet the off-street parking lot requirement or the Commercial Design Standards. One tree is required for every 30 linear feet along the front property line, and 3 shrubs for every 40 linear feet of parking lot frontage. Buffer requirements are also inadequate between the proposed development and the R -O zoned property to the south. A view obscuring fence or wall vegetation is required along the south property line. Add a fire hydrant at the northwest entrance to the project off Wedington and at the southeast entrance at Garland. It is believed that the water lines for both these hydrants will have to be extended from Wedington Drive, and the lines will have to be 8 inches. 2z4 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -8- Beavers: Warrick: There is no water in that vicinity. The developer will have to bore under the new part of Wedington, an expensive venture. The closest line from the subdivision is inadequate. There is a 6 inch line from Hall Avenue, but it will be a long extension. The adjacent zoning needs to be labeled. The zoning the developers show is C- 2; it is actually a C-1 designation but will still support the proposed development. Plat page 443 needs to be added to the title block; the vicinity map needs to reflect the master street plan designations specific to Garland and Wedington, principle arterials. There needs to be a label and dimension on easements and right of way from centerline. The dimension on the west side of the property indicates a 40 foot alley, but planning department records indicate a 20 foot alley. Anderson: The surveyor found that the portion to the west is an easement, and the portion to the east was deeded to the city, which changed their western property boundary. Warrick: Street requirements need to look at cross access, potentially to the south. Parking layout review indicates that the parallel spaces won't work; eliminate those spaces. Look at the numbers of parking spaces --the developer is allowed 30% compact spaces. As to the issue of traffic flow, the bank drive-thru is a conflict. In order to go through the drive-thru, the cars would have to loop around the entire site, enter from Garland, or turn around in front of other cars. The Planning Department feels that this will be a problem. The drive-thru could potentially be relocated, but there needs to be resolution on this issue. Screening is required between commercial and residential property. Signage needs to be shown in the elevations. There is no indication of a free-standing sign. If there is one, elevations and dimensions will be required. Utilities will need to be placed underground. Regarding Commercial Design Standards review, the utilities need screening from public view, and the location will need to be shown. Are the utilities ground mounted or roof mounted? The trash dumpster needs to be screened on 3 sides. There needs to be a site coverage calculation, building plus pavement combined with a maximum of 85%. Cross -access information will need to be provided, with a stub out to the south property line. The metal siding on the south and west elevations needs to be minimized. Anything visible from the public right of way will be scrutinized by the Planning Commission, and the commissioners are opposed to metal. Beavers: All designs are subject to further review at the time of construction. Water is not available on Garland. It is on the north end of Wedington. There is a 6 inch line to the west at Hall. The developer can determine the connection. Engineering would prefer a looped 6 inch connection, but a dead-end 8 inch connection would work. The fire hydrant and sanitary sewer need to be shown on the plat. Please provide cross sections for grading through the proposed retaining walls. The new grading ordinance goes into effect in two days, so the developers need to acquaint themselves with the new ordinance. Check conflicts with utility easements. Show the drainage by schematic. There is no summary of flows according to off-site and on-site individually as well as combinations. The retaining wall will need a rail. The developer will need to contact the Highway Department to coordinate improvements to both Garland and Wedington, which 227 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes September 16, 1998 Page -9- Jackson: Franklin: Utility Comments: Burrack: are state highways. The Highway Department may ask for a contribution toward the widening of Garland and Wedington. Hydrant locations need to be shown. There needs to be lighting shown. Has the developer worked with an electrical engineer? With a 10 foot retaining wall, the developer will have to place utility easements within the wall. The existing alley shown on the west side can be used as a utility easement. The developer will have to provide him with conduit of sleeves. He asks that the developer provide him with two 4 inch conduits on the northwest corner of the property or on the west side of the drive that the Highway Department shows. They will have to have access to the western side of the project. He has a question about the retaining wall as it relates to utility easements and will refer to the new grading ordinance. Calloway: Hispoint of service is going to be the northwest corner. He needs two 4 inch conduits, and he will consider using the same lines for power and phone. He has questions about where to locate the existing power pole. Evans: The closest gas line is on Hall Street, and he has questions about how to run the line to the building. Lefler: The cable accesses the site on overhead poles. He is willing to consider running the same lines as power and phone, but that can be coordinated before the next meeting. Warrick: There is a problem with an entrance drive off Garland where there is discussion of cross access in that location. One option is to provide a shared drive with an access easement from the adjoining property owner. Anderson: He would like to maintain this cycle of meetings if at all possible and will work on making the necessary corrections. This item will await further review. If corrections can be made in time, this item will be forwarded to Subdivision Committee on October 1, 1998. If corrections cannot be made, this item will be put into holding until revisions are submitted.