HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-19 - Minutes• • • -"'MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, August 19, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO, Rick Evans - Arkansas Western Gas, Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric, and Kevin Lefler -TCA Cable STAFF PRESENT: Tim Conklin, Jim Beavers, Chuck Rutherford, Mickey Jackson, Nancy Dugwyler, and Debra Humphrey Items: LS 98-29.00: LOT SPLIT (ROY & BEULAH FAUBUS) 1918 WEDINGTON DRIVE. LOT 10 OF THE TURNER-FAUBUS ADDITION This item was submitted by Glenn Carter of Carter Engineering on behalf of Roy and Beulah Faubus for property located at 1918 Wedington Drive, Lot 10 of the Turner-Faubus Addition. The property is zoned R -I, Low - Density Residential and R-2, Medium -Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.78 acres. The request is to split the existing lot into two tracts of approximately 0.48 acres and 0.30 acres. Glenn Carter of Carter Engineering appeared on behalf of the applicant. Planning -Dawn Warrick 1. Label adjacent zoning. 2. Add flood plain reference to plat. 3. Dimension all right-of-way from centerline and add street names. 4. Label and dimension all existing (and requested) easements. 5. Label building setbacks (different in R-1 and R-2). 6. Does this right of way reflect AHTD acquisition for the widening project along Wedington Drive. Carter: He stated this project would be included in the widening project along Wedington Drive. 7. Wedington is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan - a total of 110' of right-of-way is necessary; dedication of 55' from centerline is required for this project. 8. Need to know number of units on the R-2 tract in order to determine required bulk and area for the proposed tract 10B. Sidewalk/Trails Coordinator -Chuck Rutherford 1. A 10 foot section of sidewalk needs to be installed at the corner of Wedington Drive and Turner Avenue. Carter: He stated sidewalks were being installed. He inquired if what the AHTD was installing would be adequate. Rutherford: There is a section that does not connect between the new and the old sidewalk. Carter: He would check on the sidewalk installation. 202_ • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -2- Traffic Superintendent -Perry Franklin No comments. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack The existing facilities are overhead on the west side of Turner Street. He inquired if there would be any additional loads. Carter: He stated this was a paper thing to make it a legal split which had been done years ago. There would be no construction on this site. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 No comments. • Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 There is an existing gas line on the east side of Turner Avenue which is a 15' general utility easement. Mr. Conklin stated there would be 38 copies due by Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. • 763 • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -3- LS 98-28.00: LOT SPLIT (WILMA J. BAKER) 1389 FARMER'S AVENUE This item was submitted by Wilma J. Baker for property located at 1389 Farmer's Avenue. The property is zoned R-1, Low -Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.59 acres. The request is to split the existing lot into two tracts of approximately 0.29 acres and 0.30 acres. There was not a representative available at the time of the meeting. Planning -Tim Conklin 1. Label adjacent zoning 2. Add flood plain reference to plat. 3. Label and dimension all existing (and requested) easements. 4. All utilities shall be located underground. Parks and Recreation -Nancy Dugwyler 1. Money in Lieu for one additional lot is $375. Traffic Superintendent -Perry Franklin No comments. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator - Chuck Rutherford Remove the vegetation from the sidewalk along the frontage of this address. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson I . This location is seriously deficient in fire hydrants 2. A long 8" water main running from Hwy 62 all the way to the location with hydrants spaced in accordance with City Ordinance would be required to solve this. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack The existing facilities are overhead on the east side of East Farmer Street. This comes across the road and drops to the existing structure. He requests the building setbacks as shown on sides and rear be changed to building setbacks and utility easements. The front setback is more than necessary and may be changed to 20 feet. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 No comments. 764 Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -4- Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Requests the same easements as SWEPCO. Revisions will be due by Wednesday, August 24, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. Zcss Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -5- LSD 98-25.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (SCHMEIDING) LOTS 1-12. BLOCK 2 OF THE SUNSET ADDITION This item was submitted by Leonard Gabbard of Landtech Engineering on behalf of Schmeiding Enterprises, Inc. for property located in Lots 1-12, Block 2 of the Sunset Addition. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1 13 acres. Mr. Leonard Gabbard with Landtech Engineering appeared on behalf of the applicant. Planning - Dawn Warrick 1. A diskette is a required as a part of a submittal for this type of project - this is due with revisions after Plat Review. 2. Need to know status of Tree Preservation materials submitted - waiver or fee/plan. 3. No fee submitted for grading and drainage review. 4. Label adjacent zoning and show zone change line within this development. 5. Add plat page 521 to title block. 6. Show layout of adjoining property within 300 feet. 7. Add Master Street Plan designations to vicinity map where appropriate. 8. Label and dimension all existing and requested easements. 9. Dimension building setbacks (different from C-2 and R -O). • 10. A setback reduction request must be completed for a C-2 front setback less than 50' (form attached). 11. Curb cut onto 6th Street is not standard - recommend that this be revised to be one 12' aisle entry, 10' landscaped median, 2-12' aisles exit. 12. Some concern with conflicting traffic movements at Mazzio's drive thru lane - increased separation of these lanes may help the situation. 13. Add parking chart to plat showing requirements and provided spaces. 14. Revise the Northeast Parking Lot to show a 15' screened landscaped area between the parking lot and the rights-of-way. 15. Screening is required between this development and any adjacent residential area. Only signage shown in elevations is wall signage - elevations required if additional signage is desired. 16. Trees within landscaped area must be exclusive of right-of-way - need to move these back some. 17. Appears to meet coverage requirements - need site coverage calculations added to plat. 18. Waiver of OHE requirements requested - letter in file with SWEPCO. • Engineering - Jim Beavers 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (August 26 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: 1. Fire protection and hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. 2. The proposed water line under the retaining walls will not be accepted (cannot be maintained). Extend the water line from the south. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -6- Sanitary Sewer: 1. What is the capacity of the existing 6 inch sanitary sewer? What is the proposed discharge from the office building complex? Grading and Drainage: 1. The grading plan does not conform to the requirements of the grading ordinance. Refer to §161.07.A.3.c, §161.08 and he attached checklist taken as a photocopy of §161.08. 2. Cuts are prohibited within 25 feet of the ROW (161.07.A.3.c). This will eliminate the retaining walls to the west. If you are requesting a variance or waiver from the ordinance, then provide a formal request along with the justification for such. 3. Provide a cross-section through the west (which you have), the north and east for the Planning Commissioners at the Subdivision committee meeting. 4. The preliminary drainage is incomplete. Is detention needed? What is the capacity of the existing system? 5. The grading/drainage review fee of $200, due at preliminary, has not yet been paid. Streets: Clarify the proposed improvements to the adjacent streets (Lewis, Venus and Eastern Avenue). It may be necessary for this developer to reconstruct 1/2 (14 feet) of the adjacent City streets. Traffic Superintendent - Perry Franklin 1. A street light is required on all streets if none are located within 300 feet of the development. 2. ADA spaces are OK as shown. 3. A Trip Generation report is attached. Landscape Administrator - Beth Sandeen Information about tree preservation requirements should be available from the Planning Staff. If it is not provided to you by Planning, please contact me or Vicki. (An application form provides a step-by-step procedure). Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator - Chuck Rutherford 1. 6th Street is a Principal Arterial which requires a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 10 ft. greenspace. 2. Lewis Street, Venus Street and Eastern Avenue are local streets. The requirement for these streets are for a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 6 ft. greenspace. Sidewalks shall be continuous through the driveways with the radius lines removed through the sidewalk. 3. All the above needs to be shown on the plat and sidewalks added to the legend. UTILITIES 767 Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -7- SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack 1. As stated there was a letter submitted to Planning Division. The overhead power line on Eastern Avenue has been relocated paid for by the State of Arkansas. It is a major feeder and stated this should not be relocated underground. 2. He inquired where the developer would need points of service. Harrison French appeared before the committee. 3. Mazzio's would require 3 phase because they would have cooking. 4. On the northeast corner of the Auto Parts Looks like there may be a wider green spot and may be a suitable location for a transformer. He would request an easement from Eastern Avenue to cover the power line which would run underground. 5. He noted there is a pole in the radius on the north side of the drive on Eastern Avenue. Request an 10 foot easement from this point to the transformer location. 6. He requests an easement from Eastern to the north side of the office building. 7. If the developer would be cutting and building retaining walls, they would need to work with SWEPCO regarding the easements. Conklin: He stated building setbacks would be 25 feet along west 6th Street, 25 feet along Lewis Avenue, and Eastern, then it changes to R -O zoning which would be a 30 foot setback. 8. He requests a 15 foot easement around the perimeter of the property. 9. Contact them with the information with the loads for the transformers. 10. Anything interior to this plat will be underground. Conklin: He stated the transformers would need to be screened and requested the developer show the screening on the plat information. This could include fencing, landscaping, berm, etc. 11. He requests to maintain 3 feet around the transformer. Screening could be a foot outside this. 12. There is a 1200 amp on Eastern Street. 13. He clarified that City Inspections there will be one point of service for the utilities. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 They have aerial service in this location. If they would have to go underground, this would be at developer's expense. He requested the developer place 2" conduits under the parking in order to place the cable. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. He requests the same easement around the perimeter of the development. 2. There is an existing easement on the west side of Eastern Avenue on the south side of Venus Street. Any relocation would be at owner's expense. 3. At the Auto Parts store needs a line extension consisting of a 4" casing to the auto parts store. 4. Will meet with the mechanical contractor for the loads on the building. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -8- There are 37 copies of revisions requested by Wednesday, August 26, 1998. Estimates for Planning Commission should be available on Wednesday, August 26, 1998. 20c • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -9- LSD 98-26.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (HANNA) NORTHEAST CORNER OF BORICK DRIVE AND ARMSTRONG DRIVE This item was submitted by Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Burt Hanna for property located at Lot 16 of Fayetteville Industrial Park (the northeast corner of Borick Drive and Armstrong Drive). The property is zoned 1-2, General Industrial and contains approximately 46.74 acres. Kurt Jones with Crafton, Tull and Associates, appeared on behalf of the applicant. Planning - Dawn Warrick 1. Engineering data delivered directly to Engineering Division per representative. Commercial Design Standards do not apply to warehouse structures in Industrial zones. 2. Add flood plain reference to plat. 3. Locate any proposed signage on plat. 4. Move hydrant at southeast corner of building south to rear entrance off Borick Drive. 5. Add hydrant near Northeast corner of rear warehouse. 6. Add hydrant near Northeast corner of front warehouse. 7. We will maintain some flexibility with other hydrant locations to assure there is one within 100 feet of the Fire Department Sprinkler connection, but this won't require any additional hydrants. Jones: He stated they were working with the sprinkler company and will meet the requested requirements. Engineering -Jim Beavers 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (August 26 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: 1. Fire protection and hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. 2. Existing 12 inch on Armstrong and 8 inch on Borick. Sanitary Sewer: Existing 12 inch generally as shown to the east/northeast. Grading and Drainage: 1. Acceptable as a preliminary report. Additional information including the following will be required for the final report: a. A 404 permit from the USACOE. Based upon my discussions with the USACOE, a copy furnished to Geoffrey Bates, a 404 permit will be required. • 2. Determination of the 100 yr WSE based upon fully -developed upstream conditions and the proposed channel relocation and building floor elevations adjusted accordingly. 2t0 • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -10- 3. Compliance with all provisions of the ordinance and criteria. Streets: Clarify what specifically is proposed for Borick. Jones: The developer's understanding is that the developer would be required to build this proposed street. Beavers: He stated Mr. Allen was currently working in this area, and the developer needs to verify this information regarding Borick Drive. Traffic Superintendent- Perry Franklin I. Street lights are required every 300', at the intersection, and at the end of the street on Armstrong and Borick if not already installed. 2. At least two spaces must be van -accessible. 3. Trip generation report attached. Sidewalk/Trails Coordinator - Chuck Rutherford 1. Armstrong Drive is a minor arterial street which requires a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 10 • ft. greenspace. 2. Borick Drive is a Local Street and the requirement is for a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 6 ft. greenspace. 3. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveways. All of the above needs to be shown on the plat. • Landscape Administrator - Beth Sandeen 1. Please provide on plan: a. Tree protection method and specification b. Statement re: "rare" trees. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack 1. He applied 4 watts per sf and came up with 30 volts Kva which is larger than any transformer they currently have. Jones: He stated the buildings would be connected. 2. He stated by code is allowed more than one point of service due to distance, load, and some exceptions. This would have to be worked out between SWEPCO and City Inspections regarding service on the building. Without knowing where the points of service would be, it would be useless to request any easements. 2� � • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -11- Jones: He inquired if Mr. Burrack would request easements to the point of service. He stated a contract between the underground service and service contracts do allow SWEPCO to occupy the whole piece of property, therefore, he would not request an easement. He inquired if it would only be used only as warehousing. Jones: He responded it would be used for manufacturing and warehousing. Mr. Burrack stated there would be a significant break in cost if the mechanical contractor would do their own distribution past the primary meter. With this being in the industrial park, there is no requirement for overhead being placed underground. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Request installing 2" conduit under the parking area for future service if needed. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. We have an existing 4" high pressure steel north of Borick Drive going down Superior. 2. At the SW/comer of Borick and Armstrong the plat reflects Superior Industries and should be labeled the Arkansas Western Gas facility. Jones: He stated the plat would be changed to reflect this information. Conklin: He wanted to clarify if Mr. Allen was only asphalting Borick Drive, the developer would be required to bring the drive up to street standards to include curb and guttering to match what is currently out there. The requested revisions are 38 copies due by Wednesday, August 26, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. Z • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -12- PP 98-7.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT (HAWG HEAVEN) ROCHIER HEIGHTS ADDITION This item was submitted by Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of Adams Construction for property located in part of the Rochier Heights Addition. The property is zoned R-2, Medium -Density Residential, and contains approximately 15.25 acres with 25 lots proposed. Kurt Jones with Crafton, Tull and Associates was present on behalf of the applicant. Planning - Dawn Warrick 1. Engineering data delivered directly to Engineering Division per representative. 2. Add flood plain reference to plat. 3. Dimension all easements and setbacks. 4. Need information on Rochier - existing right of way and condition. 5. Assessments may be necessary for substandard streets in the area which provide access to this development. 6. Need a 28' local street planned in this development. 7. A written request for a waiver is required for any OHE that the applicant does not plan to place underground - what Kv is the OHE through the project - is it exempt? Need more information. 8. All existing and proposed utilities shall be placed underground. • Engineering -Jim Beavers Beavers: He noted the Master Street Plan allows 24 foot street for 300-500 vehicles per day. Per Mr. Franklin's report, this development would be more than 500 vehicles per day. 1. There are too many issues to be resolved to allow this proposed lot to go forward to the subdivision committee. Therefore, I request that the plat be tabled at plat review. 2. The infrastructure in this area is weak and off-site improvements will be requested. a. The existing dead end 6 inch water line is not adequate to supply the development. Provide pressure and fireflow calculations to document if a dead end 8 inch, or dead end 10 inch line will be required, or if a looped 8 inch line will be required from this development back to the existing 12 inch water line at 6th street b. The streets leading to this property (Rose, Paris, Rochier) are too narrow, substandard and lack adequate drainage. Off-site assessments will be determined by the Planning Commission. Staff will recommend that this developer be required to upgrade Paris from 6th Street to Rochier, and then Rochier to City Standards for a 28 ft. Street. c. The plan refers to off-site sanitary sewer. Where and how? Provide specific information on your proposal. All off-site sanitary sewer will be required to be truck -accessible. This may include this developer building roads to service the off-site sanitary sewer. 213 • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -13- Jones: He noted there was a sewer line which runs back through the property and the developer anticipates some off-site sewer. Beavers: He stated for the off-site sewer they would need to pave it for maintenance. d. The proposed street grades do not comply with the street standards and are not acceptable. The intersection grades appear to vary from 10 to 14 percent. The maximum allowable for the first 100 feet is 4 percent. The maximum grade allowed for any segment is 15% not to exceed a length of 300 feet. Jones: He stated he may request a waiver for this requirement. Beavers: He stated a waiver may be requested. It would be up to Planning Commission to make the determination. e. The proposed 24 ft. street width does not meet the standards. A 28 ft. street will be required. The MSP defined the 24 ft. street for a 300-500 vehicles per day. The trip generations for this property, including lot 18, exceed 500 vpd. f. The drainage report and the preliminary plan conflict. The plan indicates two detention areas. The report, which needs further review, states that detention is not required. You used HEC -1 where other methods may be more applicable (HEC -1 may give differentials too low for this small of a site). Additional information is required for all downstream drainage and conveyance. Detention may be required to protect the adjacent downstream properties. If you still suggest that detention is not necessary, then what downstream improvements by the developer do you propose? Jones: He stated the report stated the detention may be required and have identified two areas for possible detention if deemed necessary by the City. Beavers: Jones: He asked that the developer review how the water would run from this site. The majority of the runoff water would basically run off to the railroad. He stated this site is hard to design in drainage basins because it is at the top of the hill and does not have any well- defined discharge points from the site. The developer looked at the overall drainage patterns in the area and does not know any other way to do this. Beavers: He stated the criteria manual one of the items required is flows generated on-site needs to be shown. Jones: He stated the runoff would not leave the site at any defined point. He stated the post -developed flows should be directed to well-defined discharge points. Traffic Superintendent - Perry Franklin 1. Where does Hawg Heaven Drive end and Hawg Heaven circle begin? • 2. 3. Street lighting not shown. One required every 300 feet at intersections and at the end of the streets. Trip Generation report is attached. Z4- Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -14- Landscape Administrator - Beth Sandeen I . Please provide on plan: A. Tree protection method and specifications B. Statement regarding "rare" trees. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson 1. Place hydrants on Lot lines 1-2 and 6-7 and at entrance to Hawg Heaven Court and Hawg Heaven Place cul-de-sacs. 2. It would be preferable to supply water to this addition from two different sources if available. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator 1. 4 ft. sidewalks with a minimum 6 ft. greenspace needs to be added to Rochier Street and Paris Avenue. 2. A 4 ft. sidewalk needs to be shown on Hawg Heaven Court. 3. The sidewalk shall wrap the cul-de-sac on Hawg Heaven Court and Hawg Heaven Place. A minimum 5 ft. greenspace needs to be shown on all Hawg Heaven streets. Rutherford: He stated if Mr. Jones has to change the street to a 28 foot street, then sidewalks would be required on both sides of the streets and the greenspace would change from 5 foot to 6 foot. 911 Coordinator - Jim Johnson The street names chosen for this subdivision need to be changed. Hawg Heaven can be used for only one street. Parks and Recreation - Nancy Dugwyler 48 units @ $300 per unit = $14,400 money in lieu of land dedication for parks land. PRAB voted to accept money in lieu. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack 1. The easement overhead is a 69 Kv transmission line and is exempt by ordinance. 2. There is an existing line which runs from the Greenland to the Fayetteville Powerhouse substation. 3. The use of the easement as shown is okay with SWEPCO. 4. Propose to feed this property from the front underground pad -mounted rather than from the back of the property line. 5. Request the building setback in front designated as a utility easement. 6. Lighting would be per specs of Perry Franklin. 7. Installed cost of the lights would be $1,157.00 each. 8. 25 foot utility easement along each street in front would be required. 9. There are no street crossings requested at this time. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 255 Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -15- Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Requests the same easements as SWEPCO. They do not have aerial cable on this site. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. He requests the same easements that SWEPCO requests. 2. On Hawg Heaven Court he request the easements be shown underneath the 20 foot. 3. Will work on the crossings at the next meeting. Conklin: He asked about the greenspace noted on the plat and whether it would be maintained or is if it was part of a lot. Jones: He stated the greenspace would be removed and make them separate lots 22 and 25. He requested the applicant come back to the next plat review meeting with the revisions as noted. • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -16- PP 98-8.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT (PINE VALLEY V) NORTH OF WILDWOOD DRIVE AND WEST OF SHILOH DRIVE This item was submitted by Kurt Jones of Crafton, Tull and Associates on behalf of BMP Development for property located north of Wildwood Drive and west of Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains approximately 5 acres with 6 lots proposed. Kurt Jones with Crafton, Tull and Associates appeared on behalf of the applicant. Landscape Administrator - Beth Sandeen Please provide on plan tree preservation method and specification. Parks and Recreation - Nancy Dugwyler 14 units at $300/unit = $4,200 money in lieu of land dedication. PRAB voted to accept money in lieu. Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator - Chuck Rutherford 1. Wildwood Drive is a Local Street which requires a minimum 4 foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 ft. greenspace. The sidewalk and greenspace need to be shown on the plat and the sidewalk needs to be added to the Legend. Rutherford: He stated in Pine Valley there is a sidewalk in Phase III that has not been completed. There are sidewalks missing in all the subdivisions that Mr. Beavers has listed. Traffic Superintendent- Perry Franklin No comments. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson May require additional hydrants on Lot Line 1-2 and on Lot 6, depending on how buildings are set on these lots. Fire code requires that no point on any building be more than 500 feet road travel distance from a hydrant. Sidewalks & Trails Coordinator - Chuck Rutherford 1. Wildwood Drive is a Local Street which requires a minimum 4 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 6 ft. greenspace. 2. The sidewalk and greenspace need to be shown on the plat and the sidewalk needs to be added to the legend. Planning - Dawn Warrick 1. Engineering data delivered directly to Engineering Division per representative. 2. Diskette for this project must accompany revisions after Plat Review. Z.7 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -17- 3. Add flood plain reference to plat. 4. Each lot should be limited to one shared curb cut due to the narrow lot widths (1-5) and the limited access for lot 6. 5. All existing and proposed utilities shall be located underground. Engineering - Jim Beavers 1. The sanitary sewer is subject to additional review at the time construction plans are submitted. Minimum easement will be 20 feet. Wider easements if necessary to provide a 1:1 trench slope. 2. Is the flood plain based upon the latest data available at the City? 3. Due to the flood plain, formal grading permits shall be required for each lot in accordance with the grading ordinance (Physical Alteration of Land). Note this on the fmal plat. Jones: He will address the drainage report with a letter for their record. Concerning Mark Marouess and outstanding debts/issues: 1. Marquess owes the City of Fayetteville $10,000 for drainage improvements per the approval of Hidden Lakes in December, 1994. 2. Marquess owns the City of Fayetteville $10,000 for Stubblefield Road per the approval of Brookhaven in May, 1994. 3. Marquess has been invoiced (since 1995) for these items ($20,000) and has not paid these debts. 4. There is a hold on the building permits in Hidden Lakes and Pine Valley Phase IV due to expired guarantees for sidewalk construction. 5. I had been told by Sharon Langley, before she left, that Marquess still owed the City a considerable sum for Salem Road/Bridge assessments per the approvals of subdivisions in that area. 6. The approval of Brookhaven Subdivision (May 23, 1994) included a condition of approval which stated "the construction of Millsap Drive connection part way with a cash contribution for the balance of the connection because of the significant grade change at that point." The cash contribution for the "balance of the connection" from Brookhaven west to Millsap was not defined and should be resolved. Beavers: There needs to be some clarification regarding this item. The limits of this connection, and "balance" must be determined. Street costs are generally $190 per linear foot and the bridge or box culvert, will generally be $45 to $65 per square foot. 7. Marquess (his employee) has allowed the dumping of fill (asphalt and trench disposal) on lots, 19, 20 and 21 at the corner of Broadview and Old Wire Road which violates the grading ordinance. A no dumping sign has since been posted. The lot must also be brought into compliance with the grading ordinance. 8. I request that the preliminary plat for Pine Valley Phase V be tabled at Plat Review until all outstanding issues with Marquess are brought current. If this is not appropriate, then I request that the subdivision committee deny the preliminary plat until all outstanding issues are brought current. Jones: He requested that this item go forward and bring these items to the applicant's attention and allow the Subdivision Committee to make the decision. Zi8 Technical Plat Review Minutes August 19, 1998 Page -18- Dugwyler: She stated the Parks also has some items that will not need to be addressed and will bring those comments for Subdivision Committee. UTILITIES OZARKS ELECTRIC - Mike Phipps He gave his comments to Mr. Jones. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Same comments as Arkansas Western Gas. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. On the south side of Lot 1 through Lot 6 the 25 building setback needs to be made into a utility easement. • 2. There is an existing line in this location. Any relocation of this line would be at owner's expense. The revisions are requested by Wednesday, August 26, 1998, at 10:00 a.m., and staff needs 38 copies. • 219