HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-29 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday, July 29, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack - SWEPCO, Rick Evans - Arkansas Western Gas, and Mike Phipps - Ozarks Electric STAFF PRESENT: Jim Beavers, Chuck Rutherford, Perry Franklin, Dawn Warrick, Nancy Dugwyler, and Debra Humphrey Items: PLA 98-16.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (KNOTT/DAGGETTI 2623 N. GRFGG AVENUE This item was submitted by Kenneth Knott on behalf of Ed Daggett for property located at 2623 N. Gregg Avenue. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial and C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains approximately 9.74 acres. The request is to change the dimensions of the two existing lots. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: • Solid Waste -Cheryl Zotti No comment or objection. Sidewalks/Trails-Chuck Rutherford No comments. Traffic -Perry Franklin No comments. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 • 1. Request revised legal description. 2. Add flood plain reference to plat. 3. Dimension Gregg Street and Railroad rights of way from centerlines. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 1. In 1991 the City of Fayetteville paid Combs Construction to replace a failed water line with a new 6 inch water main and new fire hydrant (refer to attached drawing) along the edge of the dirt road. The dirt road is shown as both public and private in Engineering's files. The water main was a replacement of an older failed line which provided fire protection and water service to the Daggett property, the Farmer's Daughter restaurant and the residence of Ms. McClelland. • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -2- If the road is private, and if it is applicable for a PLA, then the water line needs to be located and a 20 ft. easement furnished over the water line. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack They request a 10 foot easement and SWEPCO will run the electric underground at no cost to the applicant. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Need to contact for his comments. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 They have existing gas on the west property line and request a 20' utility easement. • Ms. Warrick noted this item can be approved at this level subject to staff and utility comments and revisions. She requests three copies of the revisions prior to the property line adjustment being filed of record. • 196 Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -3- LSD 98-15.20: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (KANTZ PLACE) WEST OF HWY 265 AND NORTH OF HWY 45 This item was submitted by Chris Parton of Crafton, Tull, and Assoc. on behalf of E. J. Ball and Jim Lindsey for property located west of Hwy 265 and north of Hwy 45. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, and contains approximately 15.23 acres. Tom Hopper and Chris Parton with Crafton, Tull and Associates appeared before the commission. They introduced Bill Curwell with Wal-Mart Inc. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Solid/Waste- Cheryl Zotti 1. Does not indicate clear plan/location for solid waste containers. 2. Also, needs to dedicate 2 separate areas for a 6 cubic yard recycling container. Hopper: Indicated he would contact Ms. Zotti to identify the appropriate locations for the solid waste containers. The plans do reflect where Wal -Mart's solid waste container will be located. Sidewalks/Trails-Chuck Rutherford 1. Hwy 265 and Hwy 245 are principal arterials. The requirement is for a minimum 10 foot greenspace with a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk. 2. The local street through the project requires a minimum 6 ft. greenspace with a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk. 3. Sidewalks and greenspace need to be shown on the plan. 4. Sidewalks need to be shown in the legend. 5. The May Technical Plat Review Minutes reflect that the applicant was requested to contact the AHTD regarding any requirements they may have in relation to this development. This requirement still needs to be met. Traffic -Perry Franklin 1. Street lights are required on Hwy 45 and on Hwy 265 if there are none located within 300' of the property. 2. Are all ADA spaces universal spaces (16'-0"wide) 3. Trip generation report attached. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. Diskette in file is for a previous version of the project. This needs to be updated. 2. Elevations only show one of three major structures proposed. All structures must be represented for a complete review of Commercial Design Standards. 3. Label all adjacent zoning. 4. Dimension all rights of way from centerline. 191 Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -4- 5. Both Hwy 45 and Hwy 265 are classified as principle arterials on the Master Street Plan requiring a total of 110' of right of way. 55' from centerline is required for each street for this project. 6. Citizen's Drive shall remain a city street - uniform right of way to be dedicated for this. Need to look at some of the proposed curb cuts - insufficient stacking distances and widths greater than 24'. 7. A conditional use request is required for the number of parking spaces proposed. The application and information for this request must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. 8/3/98. 8. Screening is required between this development and adjacent residential zones. 9. Joint signage for this entire development needs to be discussed and elevations provided. 10. Conditional use application must be submitted for parking in excess of 20% over code requirement. 11. All utilities on this site shall be placed underground. Burrack: He noted all the overhead electric along Hwy 265 is in an existing private easement. 12. Applicant is required to notify all adjoining property owners of the following public hearings for this project. 13. Proof of notification and all requested revisions (from this meeting as well as from the May 13, 1998, Plat Review meeting) must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, 8/5/98. 14. This project is be allowed 1 standing and 1 pole sign. The developer will need to determine how they would provide signage for the other tenants of the shopping center. Hopper: Indicated they would request the following variances: 1. Variance from the 24' street standard. 2. Radius and tangent request for driveway. 3. Curb cut from the standard required. 4. Placement of utility underground on State Hwy 265. Hopper: The grade for the driveway is 10% and then it flattens out to 3-4%. The developer would install a stop sign at the first entrance into the parking area for the shopping center. The developer will present a conditional use for the parking in excess of 20% of the required parking allotment per the ordinance. The deadline on the conditional use application is set for Monday, August 3, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. in order to be heard at the Planning Commission for August 10, 1998. Commercial Design Standards: 1. Cross access is needed to the area of this site that is not currently proposed for development. 2. Need to identify landscaping which is to accomplish items 1 and 2 on plat. 3. All utility equipment and trash dumpsters shall be screened on three sides - these need to be located on plat. 4. In order to fully review for CDS, additional information is required. All of the proposed structures must be represented and joint signage addressed for this project. 5. Variance request for excess parking. 6. Any roof -mounted equipment will need to be screened from public right of way. The applicant will provide staff with some prospectus of proposed screening of the roof -mounted equipment. 197_ • • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -5- Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson Water main should be "looped" off 8" main on Mission. A third hydrant is needed in front of the building to meet spacing requirement. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (August 5 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. 3. The proposed plan is crowded Refer to the comments furnished by the utilities at the May 13 plat review. SWEPCO in particular needed easement and space for transformers. If the franchised utilities need additional easements, or easements which are not in the proposed slopes and retaining walls, to the extent that the buildings shift to the south and east, then the plat shall be redrawn and resubmitted to plat review - not to subdivision committee - to allow the utilities to review the changes. Hopper: He noted that the retaining wall on the plat page was in error. Plat would be revised and retaining wall would be removed. Water: 1. Two feeds shall be required, one at Hwy 45 and one at Hwy 265. This comment is repeated from the May comments. 2. The water lines shall be located away from the grading slopes and the retaining walls. Generally the site is too crowded to the north and west. The water (and sanitary sewer) must be located away from and out from under the proposed 3:1 slopes, retaining walls and buildings. When I met with Tom Hopper and Chris Parton last month they agreed to revise the design to show this. 3. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Wider easements shall be required if the easement contains any other utility. 4. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chief's request. 5. There is a conflict with the 8 inch water line and the proposed retaining wall west of the existing bank. Sanitary Sewer: 1. The sanitary sewer shall be located away from, and out from under the proposed graded slopes and retaining walls. • 2. The sanitary sewer is shown too close to the building near the NE of the building scales 5 to 6 feet - the 193 Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -6- minimum shall be 10 feet from the outside of the foundation. 3. In general the site appears too crowded with respect to water and sanitary sewer. Adequate room must be allowed for future safe and cost effective maintenance. 4. All new manholes shall include "rain catchers". 5. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or offsite manholes. 6. Public sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 ft. in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Easements shall also be widened if any other utility is located within the easement. 7. Clarify what is proposed for the existing sanitary (to be relocated) near the sw of the project. Grading: 1. All retaining walls in excess of 2'-6" shall have safety rails which meet the more stringent of the load and dimension requirements of AASHTO or SBCCI depending upon the specific wall and location. 2. Provide a cross section through the proposed grading and retaining wall at the north/northwest, at the proposed retaining walls west of the existing bank at the proposed 3:1 slope west of the new building (these are needed to better understand the grading and utility and waster/sewer location requirements). Additional cross-sections may be needed - discuss at plat review. 3. The grading conflicts with the water/sewer/utilities. Refer to comments above. Drainage: 1. The preliminary drainage report is incomplete. Refer specifically to pages I-2 and I-3 of the drainage criteria manual as amended February 6, 1998. 1.2.4. General schematic - The report references additional drainage pipe which is not shown on the plan. What is the condition of the channel at the proposed release? The final report must address velocities, energy dissipation ... 1.2.5. Provide the offsite, onsite and combined flows as specified in this paragraph. Provide these in summary table - do not simply reference HEC -1 printouts. 1.2.6. The "timing of the peaks" used to justify the absence of detention is not accepted. Provide before and after hydrographs at a mutually acceptable location downstream of the proposed additional cross drainage. 2. Note that the final drainage report must determine the 100 -yr WSE for all flows, including over the culverts, in the parking lots, the street, in channels.... Refer to the manual. The final drainage system must be designed to accommodate the Q10 in pipe and the Q100 in pipes and/or pipe plus defined (91 • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -7- overland flow. 3. All proposed drainage along or across AHTD Hwy 265 and/or Hwy 45 requires approval from the AHTD prior to acceptance of the final plan by the City. Streets: 1. Is the access a street? A private street? A "drive -way" The Planning Commission will need to define the access. If the access is a street, then it shall comply with the Street Standards. 2. Contact the AHTD to coordinate with the proposed improvements to Hwy 265 and Hwy 45. The AHTD is projecting a spring 1999 construction start. UTILITIES SWEPCO-Dennis Burrack 1. Service will be from the northwest and southeast corners of the property. 2. The developer may need to provide fire walls to meet the City's requirements. 3. Requests a 15 foot utility easement. 4. Space adjacent to the building is not large enough for transformer which would be a 500 Kv amp and • requires a 5' minimum setback from the building. If transformer is larger than 500 Kv, this would require a 10' clearance from the building. 5. Alternative placement of transformers would be to elevate the transformer. This would require the developer to provide transformer pads and conduits. 7. The utility poles along Hwy 265 will not be placed underground and would allow service for the street lights requested. 8. Interior lighting will have to be determined at the time tenants occupy the building. 9. He will provide a cost estimate to the developer for the overhead electric on Hwy 265. • SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact Mr. Calloway for his comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Need to contact Mr. Lefler for his comments. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. Requests the same 15' utility easement provided to SWEPCO. 2. They will work with the developer to set the meter locations when they determine the load requirements. 3. There is an existing 25' wide easement on the west side of the property. He requests another 25' easement on the west side of the present high pressure gas line. The developer was asked to bring his revisions by Wednesday, August 5, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. in order to proceed to Subdivision Committee. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -8- PP 98-6.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT BARRINGTON PARKE SUBDIVISION. PHASE ID EAST OF HWY 45 AND SOUTH OF FOX HUNTER ROAD This item was submitted by Mel Milholland Engineering for property located east of Hwy 45 and south of Fox Hunter Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 27.40 acres with 49 lots proposed. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Solid/Waste- Cheryl Zotti 1. Applicant needs to install cul-de-sacs in locations where streets "dead end", example: Appears Caston Drive dead ends at lots 32 and 33. 2. Cul-de-sacs need a 40' turning radius. Beavers: Staff will make a recommendation to not allow this cul-de-sac. Milholland: He stated the cul-de-sac was approved during Phase I. He had not heard anything negative about the cul-de-sac. Warrick: Staff's alternative recommendation to Planning Commission would be to require Hartford Drive to access Fox Hunter Road. Milholland: This would be a bad situation from a traffic standpoint because this is a steep grade and the sight distance may not be adequate. He stated they had added Madison Drive and Caston Drive as additional access to this subdivision. He felt there would be a safety issue if they required the connection the road from Hartford to Fox Hunter Street. Warrick: There is a total of 137 lots in this subdivision. There is one current access for the 137 lots until Madison or Caston Drive is developed. Beavers: He noted the City is now allowing public streets to be graveled for a period of two years in order to discourage cut -through traffic. Rutherford: He stated the other reason is because some subdivisions will be completed in phases. Milholland: He stated the fewer accesses there are on a collector street - the safer the street would be. Warrick: She stated Fox Hunter Road was not a collector street. She also noted other concerns with the cul-de-sac. She stated the City would review the possibility of laying gravel at the Madison stub out in order to allow some connectivity. However, until this happens there is only one access for phase II. -l' • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -9- Landscape-Beth Sandeen Guarantee for replacement trees is required if the trees are not installed before approval of final plat. Guarantee amount is $6,000 for 30 sugar maples - 2" caliper. Sidewalks/Trails-Chuck Rutherford 1. All the streets in this subdivision are local streets. The requirement for a local street is a minimum 4 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 6 ft. greenspace on both sides of the streets. 2. The greenspace needs to be shown on the plat. Milholland: He would request a waiver to construct the 4' sidewalk with 6' greenspace. Rutherford: He stated nobody has requested a waiver for this requirement before. He has received comments from several citizens inquiring as to why the City is only building sidewalks on one side of the street and not both sides. The City Council passed the ordinance requiring sidewalks on both sides of the road in 1996. Savannah Estates was approved with sidewalks on one side of the street. Phase III and IV of Savannah Estates were approved with sidewalks on both sides. • He noted when Phase II is approved, inspections will be required prior to the concrete being poured for the sidewalks. Milholland: He inquired if the sidewalks would need to be installed during construction. Warrick: She stated it could be guaranteed prior to final approval at 150%. Beavers: The sidewalks would need to be built within 270 days and an extension granted by the City. Warrick: She noted there is one sidewalk which was proposed on Phase I leading from Brigham Park. These two sidewalks would also be requested to be guaranteed along with the Phase 1I sidewalks. This is the section between Lots 84/85 and 70/71. Rutherford: Staff's requirements is that the sidewalk be built when the last adjoining lot is developed. The same requirement would be for lots 122/123 in Phase 11. Traffic -Perry Franklin The cul-de-sac at the corner of Chadwick and Hartford is not a good design. We have one like this at the corner of Megan and Stirrup. People living in the corner lots think they have the right of way which causes a dangerous situation for through traffic. They also complain about people coming in their driveways to turn around. Parks and Recreation -Nancy Dugwyler Green space dedication requirement met with purchase of park land from Harley Brigham. • Warrick: She inquired if Mr. Milholland knew the status of the plans for the Property Association Park. 197 • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -10- Milholland: He was told by the Property Association that they were in the process of ordering the equipment. Warrick: She suggested that Mr. Milholland have some information regarding the Property Association park and the status prior to Subdivision Meeting. Rutherford: He stated Kevin Crosson, Public Works Director, asked that this issue regarding the Property Association be resolved Milholland: He wanted to clarify what the POA has promised is not relevant to the approval of the development. This is a legal matter between the property owners and the POA. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. 25' utility easement along west boundary is greater than required 20' building setback. This easement must be reduced to 20' maximum. Warrick: She noted the developer is proposing a 10' drainage and utility easement along the front where the water/sewer would be served She inquired what was the purpose for the 25' utility easement on the rear of the property. Phipps: He noted there was a 25' utility easement on the rear of the southern property lines in order to •preserve the trees located on the properties. Milholland: He stated he has always maintained 25' utility easements to the rear of his development. These lots were deep enough to allow for a 25' utility easement. • Warrick: She stated the code of ordinances requires a 20' setback. Milholland: He stated the developer would maintain their 25' setback as reflected on the plat. Warrick: She if the developer kept the 25' rear setback this would be a building permit issuance problem based on the codes. It would be easier if the plat would meet the setback requirements. She stated the City would not enforce these setbacks. City would enforce the R-1 setback per the ordinance. Therefore, she would recommend to the Planning Commissioners to reduce the 25' setback to 20' setback. Milholland: He understands the City's position and the code requirement was less than 25'. However, in the past when they requested additional... . Warrick: She stated the developer was taking additional 5' off these lots for (4) trees and 2,500 feet of area and she was in opposition to this proposal. Milholland: He asked what difference would it make to Ms. Warrick since he was exceeding the minimum setback requirement. Warrick: She stated the developer was taking more property for land than she felt necessary. 198 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -11- Milholland: He inquired why it would bother her. Warrick: Because we would be looking out for the property owners and the City's interest. Milholland: He stated the easement issue should be up to the person purchasing the property. 2. City will not enforce setbacks greater than what is required by ordinance - covenants are not enforced by the City. 3. Proposed Hartford Drive shall be extended to the north to connect to Fox Hunter. This subdivision currently provides only one means of access. Staff believes that further connectivity is needed. 4. Applicant has requested a waiver of street standards regarding sidewalk placement. Staff does not support this request (see comments from Sidewalk & Trails Company). 5. All utilities shall be located underground. 6. All improvements must be constructed prior to requesting Final Plat approval. Only the final layer of pavement, sidewalks and landscaping may be guaranteed at the time of Final Plat. 7. Applicant is to notify all adjoining property owners of the following public hearings for this project. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson I. Hydrants in Phase I are inadequate due to sizes of houses built. There is a 600 foot maximum spacing should be used in Phase 11 with hydrants on lot lines 133-132, 127-126, 121-120, and intersection of Hartford Drive and Caston Drive. 2. 6" looped main okay, if approved by water/engineering, but it looks to me like it should be 8" with an additional supply point. The houses in this subdivision have the potential for multi -occupancy fires requiring large GPM flows to control. Engineering -Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (August 5 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: 1. Per the City's published criteria, stub out the water and sanitary sewer to the west property lines along the stub out streets. Milholland: He will check the grades of the areas indicated in order to make sure this would be allowable. 2. The easements shown are too small ( the 10 ft. and 16 ft. easements). Provide a minimum of 20 feet total easement or combination easement and ROW for the water line with a minimum of 10 feet on each side of the line. 3. Valves shall be required on all three sides of the main tees. Valves shall be required 20 to 40 feet 199 • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -12- interior to the termination of the lines. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations shall meet the more stringent of the published water standards or the Fire Chiefs request. 5. Water standards say all dead end lines shall be 8". Developer is showing 6". The whole subdivision is already fed by a 6". Sanitary Sewer: 1. Show all three existing sanitary sewer lines which are within the 40 ft. easement. Milholland: Will utilize the as-builts to show easements. 2. All new manholes shall include "rain catchers". 3. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or offsite manholes. 4. Sanitary sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 ft. in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Easements shall also be widened if any other utility is located within the easement. • 5. Per existing published City criteria, stub the sanitary sewer (and the water) to the property line to the west at the street stubouts. • Grading: 1. Preliminary plan is acceptable subject to additional drainage information (see below). 2. Temporary sediment ponds "may" be necessary. Drainage: 1. The preliminary drainage report is good but the section concerning detention, or lack thereof, is incomplete. This subdivision is near the top of the basin and detention should generally be provided. Detention was not required in phase one (due to absence of ordinance and the adjacent undeveloped City property) and may, or may not be necessary in phase two. Provide additional information concerning the effect on the City property downstream, the crossing under Highway 45 and the accumulative effect downstream. Streets: 1. The proposed loop street offset from the NW corner appears to be an unnecessary safety hazard and to violate the minimum street standards. • Technical Plat Review Minutes July 29, 1998 Page -13- UTILITIES Ozarks Electric -Mike Phipps 1. There is an underground 3 phase line at Fox Hunter. If they would have to lower the line to accommodate the new street, it would be at developer's expense. 2. Quad Crossings on Madison and Caston Drive need to be 36" or more deep subgrade with 4"lines. 3. Request a 10' easement instead of a 16' easement for the streetlights. Milholland: He stated the building setback is 8'. Warrick: If someone misses their setback and required a variance, and if there is an 8' easement, then this person would have to obtain a vacation of the easement. If Mr. Milholland could reduce the easement to 10' then this would allow the property owner 3' additional room. 4. Ozarks would charge $2.50/ft for the trench - $.75/ft conduit - and street Tight trenching $1.25/ft. He stated the $2.50/ft and $.75/ft is 100% reimbursable if a house is built on every lot and a meter is set within one year. After one year it would be refundable in proportion up to 5 years. 5. On the southern property line the electric company would need at least a 10 foot cleared path in order to move the backhoe through. • Milholland: He stated he would add a note to the developer to install conduits in order to preserve the tree. This will be added to the plat. • SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact for their comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Need to contact for their comments. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. Easements shown are fine. 2. Have an existing gas line along Fox Hunter and if it has to be removed, it would be at owner's expense. 3. On the south half of project (Lots 28-32), will be served in the front due to the slope and to preserve the trees. Proof of notification and all requested revisions must be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 5, 1998. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m.