HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-13 - Minutes• • .11•101 - MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, May 13, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO, Rick Evans - Arkansas Westem Gas, Andy Calloway - SW Bell, Mike Phipps - Ozark Electric STAFF PRESENT: Jim Beavers, Alett Little, Chuck Rutherford, Beth Sandeen, Mickey Jackson, Nancy Dugwyler, Tim Conklin, Dawn Warrick, and Debra Humphrey Item: Action: LSD 98-19.00 Large Scale Development Fuel Tank LSD 98-18.00: Large Scale Development (Airport Rescue Facility) PLA 98-7.00: Property Line Adjustment (Northwest Engineers) PLA 98-9.00: Property Line Adjustment (Weston Rogers) PLA 98-8.00 Property Line Adjustment (Aaron Allen) FP 98-1.00: Final Plat (Deerfield Place) LSD 98-15.00: Large Scale Development (Kantz Place) PP 98-3.00: Preliminary Plat (West Haven) LS 98-18.00: Lot Split (First Security Bank) LSD 98-16.00: Large Scale Development (First Security Bank) PLA 98-10.00: Property Line Adjustment (Cracker Barrel) LSD 98-14.00: Large Scale Development (Cracker Barrel) LSD 98-19 00 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT FUELING FACILITY 4500 SOUTH SCHOOL STREET Approved Forwarded to Sub.Committee Approved Approved with revisions Approved with revisions Tabled, No rep. present Rejected from process Tabled, No rep. present Forwarded to Sub.Committee Forwarded to Sub.Committee Forwarded to Sub.Committee Forwarded to Sub.Committee This project is for a fuel tank for emergency purposes which is 1,000 gallons. This tank was underground and has been removed and contractors are now in the process of installing an above -ground tank. David Lloyd representing a subcontractor the above-mentioned project, came before the Technical Plat Review. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Ms. Little stated the ordinance states the tank would have to be 50 feet from any important building. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Mr. Jackson stated he has looked this over real carefully and there is nothing wrong with the installation they are proposing and for emergency purposes, the fire station could handle an emergency with all the circumstances existing there. There is not a fire hydrant within 300 feet road travel distance, but a fire hydrant less than 300 feet from where they would set a fire truck meets the intent of the ordinance. The tank would contain diesel as opposed to gas. • Mr. Jackson stated he did not feel the tank being 50 feet from an important building would be an issue because it is a diesel tank and not a gas tank. Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -2- • UTII.ITIES • • SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack inquired where the tank would be in relationship to the new fire substation, and it was noted it would be 3-4 football fields away. Mr. Burrack noted the service would be to the north and west. The connections between the existing utility power and generator power. The applicant stated they would come off an existing panel in the FAA equipment room in the bottom of the tower building and would only require a 120 amp breaker and an existing panel. There would be no new service Mr. Burrack inquired how the developer would separate the existing pad transformer and generator. The developer stated they would not be doing anything with the generator. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 No comments. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 No comments. Ms. Little stated since there were no city or utility concerns this project can be approved at this level. • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -3- LSD 98-18.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (AIRPORT RESCUE FACILITY, PP 795) Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Sidewalks and Trails Coordinator - Chuck Rutherford I . Hwy 71 B is a principal arterial and the requirement is for a minimum of 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum of 10 foot greenspace. 2. An asphalt sidewalk exists adjacent to the curb. This sidewalk is in poor condition and noted perhaps the airport could set up a fund based on a percentage basis for each new project that comes along. The fund could be used to build a new sidewalk. Ms. Little stated the developer would need to determine the cost of the sidewalk and Mr. Rutherford would be glad to review it with them and then assign a pro rata share to the fire station and the other buildings. This would include the entire frontage of the property. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Ms. Sandeen has received a tree ordinance waiver from Garver and Garver which states there are no trees on site dated May 11, 1998. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Should one van accessible ADA space be required? Ms. Little stated there are four spaces provided and the consensus at the In-house Technical Review meeting was there would not be an ADA consideration. If there were an ADA consideration, the developer would have to make accommodations for them. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 There were no comments. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Mr. Beavers stated he had sent the engineer a letter on April 8th and the developer did address those comments regarding the grading, drainage, water and sewer. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated he has previously discussed service with the engineers on this project and there is an existing pad mounted transformer which would beside the drive going to this facility. According to the notes the developer will be providing two 2" conduits for the primary conductor and a pad for the transformer. This would be for a 120 - 240 single phase underground service. All the lighting will be handled by the airport itself. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 The developer would need to meet with Mr. Calloway to determine the point of service and routing of conduit. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 GI Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -4- • The developer is showing the gas meter sitting at the building and there is existing service lust north connecting to it. Under the company's policy there will be another meter set beside the present one. • Ms. Little stated since there are no revisions, they would need to be furnished with 9 additional copies to the planning office and a representative would need to be available for the Subdivision Committee. 9Z • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -5- • PLA 98-7.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (NORTHWEST ENGINEERS, PP 329) 2345 GREEN ACRES ROAD • • Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Ms. Little noted the City has already approved this property line adjustment, but wanted to note there is a 60 foot joint access easement which is being formed as a part of this lot line adjustment and this would be filed with the courthouse by plat. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated he had visited with Kurt Jones earlier concerning the plat which came through the city earlier showing the easement. Mr. Jones stated the easement would not affect what would be done on this project and would not vacated. The easement is a 10 foot wide utility easement which would run on Lot 1 in the east/west direction for approximately 168 feet and then turns south, but the easement on Lot 1 would be 15 foot. Mr. Burrack stated their existing facilities cross the existing easement to the southwest of the building where the transformer is and come across the north side of building and then turn north to IA and 1B. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Show easements on plat. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Show easements on plat. Any relocation of TV Cable facilities will be at owner's expense. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Show the easements on the plat. Ms. Little stated she would prefer the developer provide (I) mylar copy. This project could be approved at this meeting. 93 Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -6- • PLA 98-9.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (WESTON ROGERS, PP 182) 3520 SASSAFRAS ROAD • This project was submitted by the applicant for property located at 3520 Sassafras Road. The property was located in the county and contains approximately 5.79 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 City water is available at the County Road. Please clarify if a service line crosses, or is proposed to cross property lines. UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 . No comments. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Request a complete utility easement parallel to the west property line of Parcel A parallel to Sassafras Road. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 No comments. This item may be approved only after staff comments have been addressed. • gq- Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -7- PLA 98-8.00 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (AARON ALLEN, PP 561) 764 PARIS AVENUE This item was submitted by the applicant for property located at 764 Paris Avenue. The property is zoned R-2, Medium -Density Residential and contains approximately 0.64 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. Gravel drive should end at least 5' from adjoining lot to the north unless the drive is to be shared. 2. Drive shall be paved a min. of 12.5' from the street so that gravel is not thrown into the street by cars exiting this driveway. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 1. Please have the surveyor (ARA) add the existing sanitary sewer to the plat. Our records show an existing 6 -inch sanitary sewer, constructed in 1958, just south of the 15 ft. utility easement. 2. Show how the sanitary sewer service from the house goes to the main. An extension of the main in Paris may, or may not, be needed to serve the house. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated the line shown going diagonally across the corner of the property line is 69 kV transmission line. SWEPCO holds an easement over the entire piece of property as a blanket easement at the present time, which means they can go in and build anywhere on the property. Mr. Burrack stated the new easement is a metes and bounds easement and it would be centered on the line and described at a certain distance from the centerline. He stated they could do this and noted this house does encroach upon the existing easement by 100 feet. Mr. Burrack would except the footprint of the house out of the easement at this time. This may not affect the other lot. Mr. Burrack requests the surveyor provide another plat reflecting the 100 foot easement and excepting the existing footprint of the house in there. In order for the property owner to release the blanket easement, they would just need to provide a description to him and then the Executive Council would have to release the easement which would be filed at the courthouse. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 No comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 No comments. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 There is existing service on Terrace Avenue and also on Rochier Street and service to the new lot would be no problem. Ms. Little informed the applicant that the revisions would have to be made and then the property line adjustment would be approved at this level. • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -8- FP 98-1.00: FINAL PLAT (DEERFIELD PLACE, PP 571) NORTH OF HUNTSVILLE ROAD AND WEST OF MALLY WAGON ROAD This item was submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Gordon Wilkins for property located North of Huntsville road and West of Malty Wagon road. This property is zoned R -O, Residential Office, and R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 12.14 acres with 35 lots. No one was present to represent this item. It was not discussed. This item was tabled to the next meeting. • clfp Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -9- • PROJECT NAME: LSD 98-15.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (KANTZ PLACE. PP 371) WEST OF HWY 265 AND NORTH OF HWY 45 This item was submitted by Crafton, Tull, and Associates on behalf of E. J. Ball and Jim Lindsey for property located west of Hwy 265 and north of Hwy 45. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and contains approximately 15.23 acres. Chris Parton with Crafton, Tull & Associates appeared before the committee. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 1. 20% tree preservation required for C-1 zone. 2. Plan must show `rare" (24" DBH) trees. 3. Plan must show tree protection areas with specification for protection method. 4. Tree protection fencing must be installed and inspected by Landscape Administrator prior to any land disturbance activity. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 1. Hwy 265 and Hwy 45 are principal arterials requiring a minimum 6 ft. Sidewalks with a minimum 10 feet greenspace. 2. The sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. • 3. Driveway approaches shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. 4. All the above needs to be shown on the plat with sidewalks added to that Legend. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 1. Street lights required at 300 foot intervals on Hwy 265 and on Hwy 45. Contact local electrical utility for details. 2. One van -accessible ADA space (8' aisle - 8' space) required for every eight ADA spaces. (30 ADA spaces / 8 = 4 ADA van accessible spaces required) 3. Trip generation report attached Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. A diskette was required upon submittal of this project 2. Label adjacent zoning; add plat page 371 to plat; orient vicinity map to be same direction as plat; label scale on plat; add flood plain reference to plat; dimension all rights of way from centerline. 3. Crossover and Hwy 45 are principle arterials on the Master Street Plan which require 55' from centerline for a total of 110' of right of way. Dimension these streets, dedication may be necessary depending upon what is existing. 4. 423 spaces required - max 508 allowed by ordinance, there is an excess number of accessible spaces. 5. There is a dedicated 60' right of way leading into this tract from Hwy 265 - this is a city street, it shall be continued into the project as such and needs to connect to Hwy 45. 6. When originally platted, this was designated as "Citizens Street" 7. Note - this parcel is currently one lot - the "outlet" shown cannot be separated without going through a lot split or subdivision process. 8. Screening is required between all residential and commercial properties - this is the responsibility of this • project if screening does not already exist. 9. The only signage shown is located on walls. If there is any other proposed signage, it must be shown on this plat and elevations must be provided (12 copies). 10. All utilities shall be located underground. —t1 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -10- Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 It would be preferable to bring the water in off Crossover though this may not be practical due to main being on east side. The line on Mission is weak in fire flow. Mr. Jackson stated if they looped the line off Hwy 265 would they be hooking two different pressure planes together and Mr. Beavers stated it would not. ❑ Mr. Parton noted there is an existing 8" waterline behind First Federal Bank property and are proposing to tie into that existing line. They would prefer not to have to go under Hwy 265 due to all the unities under there. Mr. Jackson stated they would need to go to the site and perform a flow test and the applicant needs to get back with them. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Mr. Beavers stated he does not agree with the drainage report that detention would not need to be provided and to pipe the water under Hwy 265 and put in the Mud Creek tributary. ❑ Mr. Parton stated he had reviewed the plans CEI had filed with the Glenwood Shopping Center and this project's off-site drainage was approximately 25 to 26 minutes and their water would be downstream. Mr Beavers further stated the grading plan which has been provided shows a finished elevation of 93 tying into a 92 and a 1404, and the wall looks to be 13 foot tall. He further stated it would be physically impossible to construct this wall. It was too close to the property line and would not leave enough room to put in the footing. Mr. Beavers stated the sewer and water shows to be too close to the retaining wall which would be a safety issue for those who have to do the repairs. General: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (May 20 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: 1. Two feeds shall be required (one at each street). 2. The water lines shall be located away from the retaining walls. 3. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. 4. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. Sanitary Sewer: 1. All new manholes shall include "rain catchers". 2. Sanitary sewers shall be located away from the retaining walls. 3. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or offsite manholes. 4. Public sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 ft. in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Grading and drainage: 1. What is on the revised plan? 2. What is in the revised report? see comments on the plan sheets. ce Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -11- • 3. Detention may be required. All drainage, out side of public street right-of-way shall be private an privately maintained by the POA, HOA or similar entity. 4. Are improvements needed along or under the highway? Streets: • Is money needed for highway 265? 45? What is on the AHTD preliminary plans? Mr. Beavers stated the slope is too steep and would not meet the requirements of the street standards. Mr Beavers further noted the highway department has plans to widen Hwy 265 which covers this property and therefore, the developer needs to get with the highway department to see if the developer would need to construct the improvements or put up the cash. Mr. Beavers also noted on Hwy 45 the developer would need to get with the highway department. Mr. Beavers stated if this would be redesigned then there would be a requirement for rails on the retaining wall. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack addressed the overhead power line over Citizens Drive which would be in conflict with any grading which would be done. SWEPCO has an underground dip off of one of the poles that feeds the bank off of Citizen's Drive. There are overhead lines on Lot 1 and this is a major feeder line which ties the New Highland Station to the North Station which is 15 kV 900 amp. Ms. Little stared the developer would need to get with Mr. Burrack for the cost of putting the utility lines underground and if the developer does not want to put this underground, they would need to submit a waiver request. ❑ Mr. Parton stated there would be city -rated fire walls on the project. Mr. Burrack stated they could then provide multiple points of service. Easements to get there using the current plat would be hard to come by. Starting on the north side from Hwy 245 they request 20 feet off of the retaining wall going up and following the angles of the retaining wall, going west turning and going back south across this property back to Hwy 45. Mr. Burrrk stated he had some question about the electrical service on the north side of the property line which is buried and if they are going to go up and put in footers, and there is a finished floor elevation of 1496. ❑ Mr_ .Beavers noted if the developer was proposing a 20 foot wall there are no 20 foot cuts allowed in the City. 15 feet would be the maximum and terracing would be allowed. Mr. Burrack stated they may have to bore under Hwy 45 but in order to do this they would require that elevations be provided.. He further stated this large facility would require 3 phase service and will use feed to transformers and around the building with the locations to be determined by the load of each one of the facilities. Therefore he requests a panel schedule or load identification. • Mr. Burrack also asked the City to consider the fact the transformers would be installed in the rear of the building which would be in a building setback off of a residential area. ❑ Ms. Little stated it may be approximately 10 to 15 feet setbacks and this may be allowed. cq • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -12- Mr. Burrack noted on the west side of the subject property approximately going north there appears to be a conflict of transformers, telephone pedestals, and everything on this property shown to be on the next piece of property. Therefore, he requests the easement on the west side from the property line going east be wide enough to cover those existing facilities on the bank. ❑ Mr. Parton stated there was a proposal to put in a drainage swale along the top of the slope which would entail a drainage easement and inquired if this would be in conflict with the utility easement. This would be 40 feet off of the retaining wall. ❑ Mr. Beavers stated 40 feet would put them in to the other property. Mr. Burrack stated the line to the west is a single phase and this could be worked out. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway requested that all existing utility easements be identified on the plat. He further stated on the frontage of the property on Hwy 45 and 265, there was a utility easement dedicated behind the existing right of way which is not shown on the plat. If there are no existing easements behind the proposed right of way then they would request this. Mr. Calloway stated with the retaining wall etc., any relocation of any facilities associated with the dirt work, would be totally and exclusively at the developer's expense. It appears that relocation would need to be further off-site and would not be sure about the vegetation and they would not be responsible for this. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 He will hold his comments until revisions are presented. Also wanted to let the developer be aware of the high pressure gas line on Hwy 265 and they have a lot of problem with building. A previous developer installed a drainage ditch now the gas line has been exposed. He stated that Arkansas Western Gas does have an existing blanket easement on the piece of property. This would be west of the new right of way. Arkansas Western Gas will have to remove this line when the highway is widened. He stated if there was any digging, Arkansas Western Gas would need to be notified prior to any digging. Ms. Little told Mr. Parton that if he pulled the information of Citizen's Bank of 5/30/94 and it reflects 'the utility easements etc., which may be helpful. She further requested the plans be revised and be submitted for a development cycle for 5/18/98 and 6/8/98 or later if necessary. Mr. Beavers recommended Mr. Parton bring his revised drainage plan and meet with him and Ms. Little to review. Mr. Jackson noted if fire walls are in the building, he could not fmd any sprinklers and recommended the developer consider this for future reference. This item was rejected fromthe review process due to the substantial changes required. Resubmittal is required to continue. 100 Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -13- • MI PP 98 3.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT (WEST HAVEN, PP 280) NORTH OF DOUBLE TREE ESTATES AND WEST OF WHEELER ROAD • • This item was submitted by Jorgensen & Assoc. on behalf of Ruth Turner for property located north of Double Tree Estates and west of Wheeler Road. The property is located in the county and contains approximately 52.04 acres with 35 lots proposed. No one was present to represent this item. It was not discussed. This item was tabled to the next Technical Plat Review Meeting. 101 Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -14- LS 98-18.00: LOT SPLIT (FIRST SECURITY BANK, PP 174) • HWY 265 AND HWY 45 • This item was submitted by Crafton, Tull, and Assoc on behalf of First Security Bank for property located at Joyce Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.99 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Two additional trees would be required. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 1. Joyce Boulevard is a principal arterial and a 6 foot sidewalk with 8 feet greenspace already exists and require nothing additional. 2. Sidewalks would need to be continuous through any driveways. 3. Approaches need to be shown as constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. 4. Drawings would need to reflect continuous. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 There is a parks land which is a part of Lot 10 and the lot line has been adjusted from the final plat and the park land needs to be reflected on the south and east side of the subject property. • Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 • 1. Property owner(s) MUST sign project application 2. Label adjacent zoning 3. Add plat page 174 to title block 4. Add flood plain reference to plat 5. Add legal description (metes & bounds) for parent tract 6. Dimension rights of way from center lines 7. All utilities shall be located underground 8. Concerning Commercial Design Standards - Planning staff has reviewed the following site development, construction and appearance design standards and presents the following findings for consideration by the Planning Commission: - All mechanical and utility equip. must be completely screened / Trash enclosure must be screened on three sides - Site coverage calculations are needed to verify #5 - One curb cut is allowed for a lot split. See additional staff comments for Large Scale Development UTILITIES See utility comments for Large Scale Development IGZ Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -15- • LSD 98-16.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (FIRST SECURITY BANK, PP 174) JOYCE STREET This item was submitted by Crafton, Tull, and Associates on behalf of First Security Bank for property located at Joyce Street. The property is zoned CO2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.99 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Two additional trees required for perimeter landscape requirement. Tree preservation is not required. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Joyce Boulevard is a principal arterial. A 5 foot sidewalk with an 8 foot greenspace exists along this property. The sidewalk needs to be shown continuous through the driveways. The approaches need to be shown as constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. The broken places in this existing sidewalk will need to be repaired as a part of this project. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 4443472 Please show park land on plat. • Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. A diskette was required upon submittal of this project. 2. Property owner(s) MUST sign the project application. 3. Photos are not acceptable as the required submittal of color rendered elevations for Commercial Design `Standards review. 4. Label adjacent zoning; Show all master street plan streets on vicinity map; 5. Add flood plain reference to plat; Dimension all rights of way from center lines; Need to add a name to the plat for property owner - President or CEO would be fine 6. Generally one curb cut is allowed for a commercial lot. If a one way entry is allowed, the aisle can only be 12' [flax. 7. Excessive parking requires a conditional use permit from Planning Commission. The developer noted the subject property contains floor area is around 7,000 sf and would be two-story, therefore, it would total 14,000 sf. Ms. Little stated calculation is based on 1 space/300 sf. 8. Justification for this request must be submitted with revisions after Plat Review 9. All signage must comply with the City sign ordinance. 10. Written description of parking request is required. 11. All utilities shall be placed underground. 12. Concerning Commercial Design Standards: Planning staff has reviewed the following site development, construction and appearance design standards and presents the following findings for consideration by the Planning Commission: - No utility / mechanical equip is shown - this must all be completely screened from the public view. - No provisions are shown for trash dumpsters - these must be screened on 3 sides when located. - Site coverage calculations are needed to determine compliance with #5 above - These elevations only show one portion of this development - this style will drive the theme for the whole development. however all must be shown at this time. 133 • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -16- - Structure is a large rectangular box with the exception of two entry porticos and a punch out on the rear of the building. Adjoining development includes: AR Nat. Bank, First Federal Bank, Mcllroy Plaza, Crossroads Village, a gas station/convenient store/fast food restaurant, and multifamily dwellings Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (May 20 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. 3. Fire protection and hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. 4. All new manholes shall include "rain catchers". 5. Could proposed mh 1 be eliminated? 6. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or offsite manholes. 7. Public sewer easements shall be a minimum 20 ft. width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. 8. The grading plan does not comply with the ordinance requirements for a preliminary grading plan. Refer to the attached checklist taken from a photocopy of the ordinance Section 161.08. 9. The preliminary drainage report needs to include the information required by the criteria manual - amendment no. 2. Add this information including specific data to justify the absence of detention. 10. The swale design is subject to further review. The swale may need to be revised at the existing sanitary • sewer away from the manhole. The swale lining will be determined based upon the velocity calculations. UTILITIES • SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack has discussed this project with several engineers and contractors. The service requested is 3 phase. The nearest 3 phase available would be the Lindsey building. They will change out the transformer and make it a feed -through. From that point the developer will have to provide SWEPCO with 4" conduits to a point on the southwest corner and a transformer pad. Due to the city ordinance, this same point will continue on to serve the underground part of Lot 10. There is an existing overhead single phase line crossing the drainage that hits the northwest comer of Lot 10A, goes one span to the north - dips underground - and goes up and feeds the new Lindsey Management building single phase. Mr. Burrack requests an easement be included offsite but included on existing easements up to a point where the existing transformer for the Lindsey company is. At that point there is no easement from the transformer location to the other existing easements. Street Lighting was mentioned and he would get with Perry Franklin and this may need to be addressed. They request a copy of the schedule for the panel so they can size the transformer needed. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway along the southeast property line 366.17 feet put a 10 foot utility easement either side of the property line for a total of 20 feet or take it all off the one side. The same thing along the other side 251 foot of the southwest property line. Klett Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -17- • There is an existing buried cable parallel to Joyce Street on the south side off the frontage and it contains both copper and fiber optic and if those facilities would need to be relocated it would be at developer's expense. • • Request a 4" conduit placed in the utility easement where the drive is coming in off the east. They will probably come down the existing easement on the west side where the power company will be setting their lines and joint use could be proposed. Our requirement is for a minimum of 2 conduits and depending upon the number of lines they would anticipate the developer needs to get with Mr. Calloway. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 There is an existing 4" line and any driveway cuts they would need to be notified ahead of time to make sure the line is aligned. Anything deeper would be at developer's expense. Any meter relocation will be on the property line on the northeast corner of the property and requests a gas load on the building. Ms. Little stated 37 revision copies would be required by 10:00 Wednesday, May 20, 1998. 105 Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -18- • PLA 98-10.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (CRACKER BARREL, PP 559) • • This item was submitted by CEI Engineering Assoc. on behalf of Cracker Barrel for property located at Lot of Major Addition. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, and contains approximately 2.32 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. Add plat page 559 to title block 2. Vicinity map must show all MSP streets and be oriented in same direction as plat 3. Add project owner / developer name to plat 4. This project is located within the overlay district - any proposed signs must be shown in elevations (incl. monument signs) 5. Construction of street which was originally all on this lot (the lot for Cracker Barrel) will be the responsibility of this development - see LSD review comments 6. Relocation of right of way is contingent upon approval of vacation request 7. All utilities shall be located underground. See additional comments from staff on Large Scale Development. UTILITIES See utility comments for Large Scale Development ie Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -19- • LSD 98-14.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (CRACKER BARREL. PP 559) LOT 2 MAJOR ADDITION This item was submitted by CEI Engineering Assoc on behalf of Cracker Barrel for property located at Lot 2 of Major Addition. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, and contains approximately 2.32 acres Rick Rogers with CEI Engineering, Jerry Eckert with CEI Engineering, and Mac Reppert with Cracker Barrel appeared before the committee. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 1. Perimeter trees have been dispersed around site property lines to north and south due to location of existing water line. This is acceptable and avoids conflict with water line. 2. Tree protection fencing must be installed and inspected by Landscape Administrator prior to any land disturbance activity. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 1. Futrall Drive is a collector street requiring a minimum 6 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 10 foot greenspace. These widths need to be shown on the plans. 2. The junction box shall be removed from the sidewalk. 3. Sidewalks should be free of obstructions. • 4. The driveway approaches need to be shown as constructed of Portland Cement Concrete. 5. The requirement for the proposed Local Street is to have a minimum 6 foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 foot greenspace. • Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 1. Standard street lights required at 300 foot intervals on Futrail. Contact local electrical utility for details. 2. ADA spaces OK as shown. 3. Show required parking vs. parking shown. 4. Trip Generation attached to report. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. Need name of a person for owner/developer on the plat - did the owner sign the application? 2. 24' max curb cut (west and north need to be revised) 3. Please explain the location of the curb cut to the south. ❑ Ms. Little stated the City was not charging for half of the street. She stated since the developer is moving the whole street over, therefore the street would have to constructed. This can be concurrent with the development of the site. The bond would include the street along with grading, drainage, water/sewer etc. ❑ The developer stated grading would be resolved when the street is put in and as far as the location of the stub street he did not feel this should be located any closer to Futrall due to stacking which would the underlying reason for putting it where it was at the present time. 4. 48 spaces are required by ordinance (1/200 s.f.) - 58 are allowed with the 20% addn. ❑ The developer submitted a letter stating a waiver to the Planning commission for a waiver. 167 Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -20- • 5. Any spaces requested over 58 must be determined by Planning Commission - a written request for excess parking is needed - What is restaurant, what is retail?- retail parking is 1/250 s.f. ❑ Mr. Reppert discussed the needs of the restaurant in regard to the typical traffic load and the corporate minimum number of parking spaces needed to open a new franchise. 6. Drive aisles throughout shall be a max. of 24' - if one way, they need to be marked and any one way aisles shall be no greater than 15'. 7. Staff questions the flow of traffic for buses - these spaces do not appear to be in the best location. ❑ Ms. Warrick inquired why the buses were located where they were and that might be a problem. ❑ Developer stated the reasons was due to it keeps from blocking the visibility to the building from the interstate. The buses would be routed into a certain direction to avoid any traffic problem. 8. Screening required per CDS and DOD - see additional review comments- attached 9. Written request required for excess parking has been received. 10. Is that a sign in the SW corner of the site - an elevation is required O The owner stated they have a person that handles the signs and this person would be the person who would address this and he would convey this information to that person. 11. All utilities shall be located underground. It was noted that the dumpster is built like the building and contains a masonry wall and is shelled with board and • the chain link would be woven with brown aluminum slatting and would look good. O On trash day the manager would be required to open the gate to allow trash pickup. Ms. Warrick stated the Design Overlay District ordinance allowed for a maximum of 75% site coverage. According to the design elements unpainted precision block walls would be to avoid square box structures and with the exception of the parapets, this would be definitely be a square box project and the Planning Commission might address this issue. Large blank unarticulated wall surfaces were apparent on three sides and the Planning Commission may address this issue. Adjoining developments include hotel and vacant property. The overlay district review stated that the setback from the right of way for the building with parking between the building and the right of way is 50' and this requirement is being met. Greenspace requirement of 25 feet adjacent to the right of way is meeting the requirement. ❑ The owner stated the revisions that were requested by staff had been made. Parking lot requirements for landscaping is being met. Exterior appearance - elevations have been provided but we also request information on the materials being used. • ❑ The owner stated this would be a steel structure with board and batton which conforms to the regulations. Composition of the graph is western cedar, 3" x 3/4 running 16 inches off center. The owner would provide this information. (08 • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -21- Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Add a hydrant at entrance to parking lot off Futrall and an additional one would be required in the parking lot near the rear of the building. The developer stated they had met yesterday and according to their recommendations and there would be one by the sprinkler. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 4443418 Comments from May 8, 1998: 1. According to CEI, I am to receive a revised grading and drainage plan at approximately 5 pm today. 2. Based upon telephone conversations with CEI they will address the grading and drainage concerns by changing their plan from rerouting the open channel to constructing box culverts in the same approximate location as the existing channel. 3. The revised grading plan and drainage report will (should) answer the comments from my May 8th review. 4. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). 5. Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Comments from May 12, 1998: Mr Beavers stated on May 8 the requirements there was a checklist of the grading ordinance which was required and needs to be on the plan when revisions are submitted by 10:00 a.m. May 20, 1998, or the project would not go forward. 1. There are no adjacent property owners on the plat. 2. Distinguish the areas with the cut and fill. Just note if there will be no cut for Planning Commission. 3. Request soil types. 4. Reserves the right to review all improvements when resubmitted for Planning commission approval. He will have to take time to make sure that the channel will work with the 24" water line and sanitary sewer and there is also a manhole to be addressed. 5. Need to show on utility plans the 24" waterline that continues across the property. 6. Regarding the variance on the drainage does not apply at this concept stage. There may be a concrete wall to be considered since the creek is being rechanneled. ❑ The developer stated they are using 3:1 slopes to get down to existing grade and inquired if there would be an objection to filling this portion down to the creek. They would be installing an junction box on the existing pipe and bringing into the new box and would fill this area which would make the site more attractive. ❑ Mr Beavers stated he had no objection to this but the highway department would have to approve this. ❑ Mr. Beavers stated the main obstacle to re-routing the creek would be destroying the 4" waterline and this would not be allowed. ❑ The developer stated engineering solutions would increase 1/4 million dollars to the project. Down the road what will happen the best solution would be either approved or disapproved and they are not sure if this would be approved He stated if there is an ordinance that would cause the problem and they would be able to request a variance, they would look at this as an option. ❑ Mr. Beavers stated his opinion as a professional engineer there would be very hard time making the hydraulics work according to the plan Also he stated there was grading within the right of way. ❑ Mr Beavers stated if something different was designed by the developer's engineer and if the highway department approves then the city would approve. Basically, the developer shows releasing the highway department drainage basically uncontrolled which would be uncontrolled across the right of way and this property and that would not be acceptable. ❑ Mr. Beavers stated the drainage report is not acceptable for final design and the drainage manual requires to look upstream basins for development and this was not identified in the report. (0I • • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -22- • ❑ The box culvert is not correct and all he has found is a manage equation. ❑ Need to provide inlet and outlet controls. Those culverts will be twice as big as they are shown. ❑ Make sure no large trees are planted over an existing 24" waterline. General: *From May 8, 1998 Comments: There are many outstanding issues concerning grading, drainage, water and sanitary sewer which should be resolved prior to the proposed development going to technical plat review. The drainage report is incomplete. The preliminary grading plan is incomplete. The grading and drainage plan appears to have disregarded the City's existing 24 inch water transmission line and the City's 15 inch sanitary sewer. The proposal will require additional calculations and substantive plan changes prior to presentation to SDC. The calculations, design and changes cannot reasonably be prepared and reviewed in the time period between plat review and Subdivision Committee. Therefore, for the reasons expressed above, and as further detailed below, please remove this item from the plat review agenda and inform the applicant. The plans need to be site-specific on the plat and Planning Commission would not approve without this requirement. Water: 1. The plan does not show the 24 inch water line as this line extends north to south across the property roughly 20 feet east of the AHTD ROW. 2. We will not allow any cuts, swales or other detrimental grading within the easement for the 24 inch water line. The as -built indicates the top of the line is approximately 3.5 feet under existing ground. 3. We will not allow the new drainage channel along or under/over the 24 inch water line as proposed for the sw area. 4. If the fire chief desires an additional fire hydrant for this development the new line shall be 8 inch diameter. Sanitary sewer: 1. Our atlas shows the western line abandoned where you propose to route the 6 inch service line. 2. The off-site grading to the northwest will not work with the existing 15 inch sanitary sewer. You propose grading for a new drainage channel at elevation 1241. The existing 15 inch sanitary sewer line invert is 1241.4 +/-. Easements: 1. When an acceptable plan is presented, all water and sanitary sewer easements must be a minimum of 20 feet in width. Drainage: 1. The preliminary drainage report does not contain the required information. Refer specifically to page 1-2 of the manual as amended February 6, 1998. The amendment was mailed to CEI in Bentonville. Additionally, CEI has prepared an acceptable LSD this past month (Arkansas National Bank) and is thus aware of the requirements. A preliminary drainage report complete with the required information will be required prior to plat [10 • Technical Plat Review Minutes Mav 13, 1998 Page -23- review. 2. The proposed drainage plan, with rerouting the existing drainage channel/creek around the site, onto AHTD right-of-way, over and along a sanitary sewer, along and over the 24 inch water line and onto new City street ROW is not acceptable. 3. The City (contact Tim Conklin, Flood plain Administrator 575-8264) has received data from the Corps of Engineers which established both a flood way and flood water surface elevations across this lot. The City is enforcing the new data. Any proposed deviations must be approved by FEMA and/or the Corps of Engineers. Acceptance from the FEMA or the COE as applicable is required prior to approval of a final grading plan. 4. Any rerouting of drainage onto the AHTD requires approval from the AHTD prior to acceptance of the plan by the City. Further, this conflict with the City's grading ordinance (see number 2 below) would need to be resolved. The proposal to move and rededicate the 50 feet City ROW and to then render the ROW basically unusable by building a sale as shown in the ROW is not acceptable. 6. Any proposed open channel flows must follow the Drainage Criteria Manual. Refer specifically to chapter 9 for bend radius, water surface elevation requirements, 7. The effects of any proposed rerouting must be demonstrated in the preliminary report. This will probably require an HEC-1,2/RAS analysis. Further you must demonstrate how you could bend the flows without excessive erosion, backwater and water elevations. • The proposed channel bend in the proposed ROW could become a large hole which the City (citizens) would have to maintain/repair. 8. I agree in principal that detention should not be required for this site. Your preliminary report must provide hydro graphs and or peak flow data to prove this (refer to the criteria manual). 9. Minimum pipe size per the City of Fayetteville criteria manual is 18 inch. 10. For the future, fmal, drainage plan and report - All improvements. including the drainage culverts, pipes ... must meet the design requirements of the criteria manual. This will include inlet/outlet control calculations for all culverts including pipes, inlet calculations, open channel design... Grading: 1. Refer to the enclosed checklist taken as a copy from the grading ordinance. All items required by ordinance for a preliminary grading plan are required. The grading ordinance prohibits all cuts within 25 feet of public right-of-way (161.07.A.3.c.). This will prohibit the cuts for the new swale within/along the AHTD ROW and within/along the relocated 50 ft. City ROW. 3. The offsite grading to the northwest harms the existing sanitary sewer. 4. The grading within the water line easement, the grading along and over the 24 inch water line is not acceptable. • 5. The grading ordinance generally limits grading to 3H: IV. The drainage manual limits earthen channels to 3:1. Therefore the channels, if and when approved, must not be steeper than 3:1 unless concreted or other approved hard lining. If lines to allow the proposed 2:1 slopes then appropriate fences and/or rails will be required. • • Technical Plat Review Minutes May 13, 1998 Page -24- Streets: 1. The Planning Commission will probably request that you provide cross access to the south and construct all, or a portion of, an east -west street within the 50 ft. ROW. As noted above, the proposed grading and drainage within the proposed 50 ft. ROW is unacceptable. This basically renders the ROW unfeasible for a future street. 3. The proposed 3 lane drive off of Futrall does not comply with the City's ordinance (3 - 12 ft. lanes and one 10 ft. median/island). 4. The existing 50 ft. street ROW must be formally vacated by the City Council prior to approval of any construction plans. O Mr. Conklin stated that this property was zone A flood plain and he had visited with FEMA concernign it. The developer can re-route the creek and apply to FEMA for a letter of map revision which is a $3,750 application fee to revise the panel. The developer stated you would only apply for a letter of map revision if you were raising water elevations and was this information correct. ❑ Mr. Conklin stated no due to the fact the developer is actually re-routing the creek and modifying it in zone A, and if it was zoned A-E, then an additional letter of map revision. Since it is zoned A the developer can go ahead and construct it and then apply. The map should reflect it is all being contained within the box culvert and this would be a requirement to this revision. ❑ Mr. Beavers stated when the developer states the water level is not being raised, there are no calculations to verify this. ❑ Mr. Beavers indicated where the service line coming into a sewer this sewer has been abandoned. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 He has received a letter from the developer. 2. The location of the transformer is fine. Screening around the transformer cannot be any closer than 3 foot and would require sufficient air to cool it since it is an air-cool transformer. 3. A gate would be required on the front facing the transformer which would be sufficient to open up completely the transformer. 4. The developer is showing electrical power going north and out to the west. The nearest electrical service is Windsor Suites. There is a transformer there and would cross the proposed city street overhead and dip at a point. They had envisioned at the time building a future overhead service from that point, but due to the city ordinances this is no longer an option. 5. They would require 4" conduits up to the pole going down and across to the northeast corner of this development and from that point crossing over. 6. They request from the transformer location to a point of access. 7. They request two 4" from this point. 8. Need a transformer pad at the location according to their specifications. 9. Take it up at the secondary location. • 10. There are failed rates they will install wire up to 250 feet from the property line and there would be no excess cable cost. 11. Request a load. The transformer would be 500 kV or less and they have transformer pad specifications that split at 500 or 750 and above. 12. Mr. Burrack will have a fault available and can provide to the engineers within a week. 1\L Technical Plat Review Minutes Mav 13, 1998 Page -25- • 13. On the original Large scale which went through for this development there were some proposed street lighting. This would also be on the frontage road off the property. 14. There will be an up -front charge for the street lights. The cost would be approximately S1,000 per lights which includes the poles, lamps, etc. 15. All materials which would be used are stock items. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 1. Same requests for the same easements. 2. He has met with David Wright and request a minimum of two 2" conduits into the building and there will no problem with service. 3. The developer stated there will be a need for 6 or 7 telephones. Some of the communications would take place via satellite on the roof. 4. A 4x4 3/4" ply service board with a #6 ground common to power company. 5. If any vendor equipment they may want to require a 4x8. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. The only gas line is north of the motel and would be looking to run along the highway. 2. They have not received a pressure. 3. Where the developer is showing a proposed gas meter and would set out next the road, run their own private line to the building, and a pressure regulator would be installed at the building and 5 pounds is the most they could serve. 4. There is a 15 foot utility easement and they are requesting a 24 foot easement parallel and adjacent to the 15 foot utility easement. 5. Request a 24" casing if they do not get before construction is started. Ms. Warrick noted the file has Mr. Bhatka as the property owner and request the information of whose name will be on the easement plat. The developer stated they would not want it filed until it is closed. There will probably a simultaneous filing with the Cracker Barrel and the developer will provide the additional information. This item was forwarded to the Subdivision Committee. Revisions were requested no later than 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, 1998. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:38 a.m. 113