HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-16 - Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, April 16, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack, Ozark Electrick -Mike Phipps, Arkansas Western Gas - Rick Leflar STAFF PRESENT: Jim Beavers, Alett Little, Dawn Warrick, Chuck Rutherford Beth Sandeen, Perry Franklin, Mickey Jackson and Debra Humphrey PP 97-5.10: REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT (SERENITY PLACFI WEST OF SALEMIROAD AND NORTH OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD Submitted by Brian Moore of Engineering Services, Inc. on behalf of Prestige Properties for property located west of Salem Road and north of Mount Comfort Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low -Density Residential and contains approximately 30.97 acres; 116 lots are proposed. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 The sidewalk and greenspace widths are appropriate. Sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. • Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Show street name on plat between Lots 60 and 66 (probably Mystical Drive). Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 At the time of development new staff recommendation was not to accept pond area as greenspace, but the Board recommended to accept applicant's request. Since then there is a new Parks Superintendent and in their review they feel staff's recommendation was appropriate, and therefore, will be revisited at the April 23rd special meeting. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 1. Further discussion is needed concerning Rupple Road on the west side of this development. 2. This project is being processed as a Planned Unit Development which allows for lot sizes smaller than the standard R-1 requirements. This allowance is in exchange for additional greenspace per the Zoning Code section 160.121. *Lots 6 and 92 need to be adjusted to eliminate the flag configuration. 3. All proposed signs must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. All utilities shall be located underground. 4. PUD ordinance requires that 30% (of the total land area) be provided as open space in order to qualify as • a Planned Unit Development. "A minimum of at least 1/2 of the 30% open space shall be contiguous (in contiguous connection). Land within the flood plain (ten-year frequency) and wet land may be counted as (0I • • Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -2- no more than 50% of the useable open space." Section 160.121 (7)(a) ❑ Ms. Little stated the right-of-way would need to be located. She further stated Rupple Road on the west side of this development would needed to be located on the plat and the contribution for 116 lots would be approximately $147,377.00. ❑ Ms. Little noted the lot configuration at the cul-de-sac was not a good configuration and recommended Lot lines be added between 80 and 81 and 79 and 80, and 78 and 79. ❑ There was some discussion concerning the wetlands. Ms. Little stated Josh had looked at it and took the definition of wetlands from the Corps of Engineers. She further stated according to the City code definitions, wetlands included ponds and anything containing water. ❑ Ms. Warrick noted the legal description for the subdivision would have to be per the plat, and in order to process for Subdivision the legal description would need to contain the perimeters for Phase I. She further noted everything that was park land would need to be labeled on the plat page. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Hydrants on Lot lines 106-107 and Lot 115 could be omitted and replaced by a single hydrant on Lot 111 (intersection). Hydrant shown on Lot Lines 19 and 20 would need to be moved to Lot lines 14 and 15. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Please note that some of the comments have changed since the March 18 plat review to reflect the current proposal. 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. The conditions of approval from the September 22, 1997, Planning Commission approval still apply. A copy of the September 22 Planning Commission meeting minutes were supplied at the March 18 plat review. 3. Public access to the wetlands and preserve has been promised. How/where is this access provided? This was a condition added by the Commissioners September 22, 1997. 4. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (April 22 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. 5. Two feeds shall be required (one at each street). Label the proposed water line sizes. A continuous eight inch water line shall be required the old/Lima of Serenity Way. This includes connecting across lots 88-116. All dead end lines should be 8 inch. The looped lines may be 6 or 8 inch. 2. A connection fee of $7,200.00 ($200.00 per acre * 36.0 acres) will be required in accordance with the Salem Road water line extension Ordinance No. 3938 dated November 7, 1995. 3. All tees shall have valves on all three leads. Lines will terminate with a valve, length of pipe and blowoff - not a fire hydrant. • 4. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. Q._ • Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -3- 5. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. 6. Provide a 25 foot utility easement between Lots 13 and 14, or 14 and 15, in the event water and sewer should ever need to be extended at this southwest corner. Sanitary Sewer: 1. Provide a 30 ft. Easement across the entire length of the north property line for a future 12 or 18 inch collector sanitary sewer. Continue this 30 feet easement across the greenspace/park property to the west to allow for the future sanitary sewer. 2. There will be a fee of $200.00 per residential lot assessed this development to go towards improvements in the Hamstring basin. This is consistent with charges to other subdivision in this basin. At 116 lots the fee will be $23,200.00. The fee is due at final plat. 3. The capacity of the lift station at Crystal/Salem requires further evaluation by the developer's engineer. Any additional upgrades due to this proposed development shall be the developer's sole cost. 4. Sanitary sewers shall be extended to the west and south property lines to allow future development. 5. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or off-site manholes. This requires a trail or other surface acceptable to the water/sewer department between Lots 4/5, 34/35 and 65/66. 6. The flood plain is shown - is there floodway on this property? Have you used the most current data? 7. The preliminary report in the format submitted will be accepted for format and will not be required to be revised per Amendment No. 2 to the Drainage Criteria Manual mailed to ES1 on February 5 1998. The final report and calculations shall conform to Amendment No. 2 to the Drainage Criteria Manual including the revised checklist dated March 9, 1998. Streets: 1. Refer to the previous Planning Commission conditions of approval from September 22, 1997, as referenced above. ❑ Mr. Beavers noted corrections would need to be available by tomorrow morning for Subdivision Committee. ❑ Mr Beavers also inquired about a need for a box culvert and applicant stated he did not know at the present time. ❑ Mr. Rutherford stated Lots 47 and 48 indicate "future" sidewalk construction and wanted clarification. Mr. Moore addressed Mr. Rutherford's question, and noted "future" meant widening of the road and since it was confusing he would remove "future" from the drawing. ❑ Ms. Little inquired when the applicant would initiate a letter about the math amendment on the lots located in the flood plain. Applicant stated he did not know and Ms. Little stated the subdivision could not be filed without this letter for our information. 6,3 • • • Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -4- UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 1. Ten foot easement for street lights are requested. 2. In the front, relocation of overhead would have to be put underground because it would be between two substations. The size of the electric line potential is 25 kv, 600 amp. It current is 477, 14,000 volts, 200 amp. 3. On the south end he inquired if the 20' easement would run through the pond, and applicant stated this would be removed. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Need to contact SW Bell Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 1. Line up Lots 38 and 39 conduits to Lots 99 and 100. 2. Along Salem there was 4" main line. With widening of Salem if there was any relocation of this line, it would be at owner's expense. TCA Cable - Rick Leflar Mr. Leflar stated there was aerial service currently on the property. This item would be on agenda for Subdivision Committee, April 15th, and it was requested they bring enough plats 37 copies for distribution and starts at 8:30 a.m. • • Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -5- PP 98-2: PRELIMINARY PLAT (EASTON PARK SUBDIVISION) HWY 45 AND EAST OF BLUR MFSA DRIVE Submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Easton development for property located north of Hwy 45 and east of Blue Mesa Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low -Density Residential and contains approximately 76.72 acres; 169 lots are proposed. Staff Comments: 1. City Drafting had noted that the legal description on the survey does not match the legal on the annexation and this would need to be corrected. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 This development contains a large center island (area with lots 28-39). An island with this type of design makes it impossible for solid waste vehicles to travel if any vehicles are parked on the street. It seems that this island will present turning radius problems for our vehicles. Historically, our vehicles cause significant damage to islands because of turning problems. The developer should contact us and discuss this issue. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Review of FINAL grading plans are required; discussion of timing for placement of tree protection fencing to be held at pre -construction meeting. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 1. Highway 45 is a principal arterial and would require a minimum 6 foot sidewalk. 2. Easton Park Boulevard and Danbury Road are shown as local streets with 50 feet of ROW and 28 ft. streets. 3. The requirement for a local street is for a 6 foot greenspace on each side of the street. 4. The sidewalks on Township Street along Lots 25 and 26 need to be shown to the east property line. 5. Township Street and Newton Blvd. require a 6 ft. greenspace on both sides of the street. 6. Sidewalks need to be shown in the Legend. 7. All of these corrections need to be made on the plat. 8. Define the 10 feet access easement that connects the two parks. 9. Sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 4443472 Ms. Dugwyler stated at time development was brought forth, staff recommendation was not to accept two separate park areas or the pond area as greenspace. The Parks Board did vote to accept two separate park areas but not the pond area. As of Monday, a new park superintendent who agrees with staff recommendation allowing (1) park area, but also questions the appropriateness of accepting land in subdivision due to close of proximity of Crossover park. This issue would be reviewed at special meeting next Thursday to discuss further. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 • 1. According to Engineering Division, grading and drainage submittal is not adequate. 2. Add plat page 295 to title block This project spans two plat pages 334 and 295. This legal description • • • Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -6- does not close. It does not match the legal description for the annexation. 3. Add sidewalks to the legend. 4. Dimension all rights of way from centerlines. 5. All owner names are required to be on the plat - not just the corporation name. 6. Hwy 45 is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan; a total of 110 feet is necessary - 55 feet from centerline is required for this project. 7. The lots should be numbered consecutively by phases so that if later phases are not constructed, lot numbers will still make sense. 8. Are any signs proposed for this development? If so, they must be located on the plat and they must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. 9. All utilities shall be placed underground. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson: 1. Hydrant across from Lot 62 should be moved to corner of Terrytown and Wethersfield Road 2. Hydrant shown on Lot 155 should be on Lot 157. 3. Hydrant should be added on Lot 39 (Intersection). 4. Distance between hydrant on Lot line 34 and Lot lines 16 and 17 cannot exceed 800 ft. 5. Can't tell for sure if that is a hydrant shown on Lot 128, but there needs to be one there. When mentioning boundary marker needed. Concrete boundary marker. Mr Beavers was going to wait until final plat. Solid Waste - Cheryl Zotti: If detention pond required on the end, the Northeast corner would change. Applicant stated they were working on that area. Traffic - Perry Franklin: 1. Street light required at every intersection and end of streets and every 300 feet. 2. Would need 20 feet to get by between Lots 1 and 94. Lanes are only 12 feet wide and the minimum requirement is 20 feet. 3. No minimum requirement for median. It was currently showing 8. Applicant stated on Township showing right-of-way and go for 6 feet greenspace and 8 feet median, they may need to dedicate more row. He then inquired if sidewalks required to be within the street right-of-way. Ms. Warrick stated the safest way would be to put it in the public ROW. City now maintains sidewalks but not on private property. Landscape - Beth Sandeen Review of final grading plans are required. Discussion of timing for placement of tree protection fencing to be held at pre -construction meeting. Need to talk with Beth about another location. h Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -7- Sidewalks - Chuck Rutherford: 1. Highway 45 is a principal arterial and requires a minimum 6 foot sidewalk. 2. Easton Park Boulevard and Danbury Road are shown as local streets with 50 feet of right-of-way and 25 feet streets. 3. The requirement for a local street is for a 6 foot greenspace on each side of the street. The sidewalks on Township Street along Lots 25 and 26 need to be shown to the east property line. 4. Township and Newton Blvd. require a 6 ft. greenspace on both sides of the street. Sidewalks need to be shown in the legend. 5. All of these corrections need to be made on the plat. 6. Define the 10 feet access easement that connects the two parks. 7. Sidewalks should be continuous through driveways. ❑ Mr. Rutherford inquired who would be responsible for maintenance of the sidewalks, and the applicant stated probably POA. ❑ Mr. Rutherford stated needs defining and then they could discuss the service Mr. Rutherford noted the greenspace on Hwy 45 would 10' minimum. Ms. Warrick stated in order to get that need to dedicate additional 5' ROW. Planning - Dawn Warrick: • 1. Add plat page 295 to title block - this spans two plat pages 334 and 295. 2. This legal description does not close. It does not match the legal description for the annexation. 3. Add sidewalks to the legend. 4. Dimension all rights of way from centerlines. 5. All owner names are required to be on the plat - not just the corporate name. 6. Hwy 45 is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan; a total of 110 feet is necessary - 55 feet from centerline is required for this project. 7. The lots should be numbered consecutively by phases so that if later phases are not constructed, lot numbers will still make sense. 8. Are any signs proposed for this development? If so, they must located on the plat and they must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. 9. All utilities shall be placed underground. Fire chief - Mickey Jackson 1. Hydrant across from Lot 62 should be moved to comer of Terrytown and Wethersfield Road. 2. Hydrant shown on Lot 155 should be on Lot 157. 3. Hydrant should be added on Lot 39 (Intersection). 4. Distance between hydrant on Lot Line 34 and Lot lines 16-17 cannot exceed 800 feet and cannot tell for sure if a hydrant is located on Lot 128, but there needs to be one there. Engineering - Jim Beavers: General: • 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. • Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -8- 2. All corrections and/or correct additional information, including the grading and drainage plan and report as negotiated by the applicant's attorney and the Asst. PW Director, shall be provided no later than the standard deadline of 10:00 a.m. April 22, 1998 for the project to continue to subdivision committee. 3. If the detention facilities requested in my April 1 letter to your firm are provided then the lot and street layout will change and the number of lots will be reduced. 4. Lots 33-35 may be unbuildable as they contain a major drainage way. These lots cannot be graded and filled in by the developer and/or builders. Any regrading or filling of portions of these lots will be a part of this design and construction. 5. Clarify the Parks Board requirement that the detention pond not be allowed within the Park property. 6. (From Clyde Randall) The legal description does not close. Closing error = 31.86' N78d42'S1"E. 7. (From Clyde Randall) The subdivision legal does not match the legal description of the annexation ordinance no. 4073. Water: 1. Two feeds to Highway 45 are requested, one as shown and a second connection into Timbercrest (if utility easement is available). 2. Do not connect the water line to Savannah, Brookbury, Township extension or any other location except • Highway 45. 3. All tees shall have valves on all three leads. 4. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. 5. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. Sanitary Sewer: 1. The capacity of the lift station at Timbercrest requires further evaluation by the developer's engineer. Any additional upgrades due to this proposed development shall be the developer's sole cost. Provide a preliminary estimate of capacity requirements for the Subdivision Committee meeting. 2. Sanitary sewers shall be extended to the north, east and west in locations to be determined to allow for future development. (Refer to Don Bunn's criteria letter of 6-3-94). 3. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or offsite manholes. This requires a trail or other surface acceptable to the water/sewer department. 4. Per your agreement with David Jurgens, all manholes shall use "rain catchers". 5. Public sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 ft. in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. 6. Sanitary sewers will not be allowed in any pond, associated berm or drainage swale/channel. The sanitary sewer must be located to allow trenching without conflicts with drainage. • Grading and drainage: 1. The preliminary grading plan did not meet the requirements of Ordinance 3551, Physical Alteration of Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -9- Land. Per the agreement by others you have until 10:00 am April 22, 1998 to correct this. 2. The preliminary drainage plan and report requires corrections and additions. Per the agreement by others you have until 10:00 am April 22, 1998 to provide this. 3. Refer to my letter of April 1, 1998 to your firm for preliminary drainage comments. 4. New swales, when requested or required, shall have concrete bottoms and either concrete or sodded sides as determined in the final design and review process. 5. The Planning Commission must determine if structures may be constructed within 100 feet of the permanent ponds (refer to chapter 5 of the drainage manual). This may affect lots 14 -17. 6. The maintenance of the detention ponds requires easements and an all weather access to the pond and outlet works. Further requirements for maintenance will be provided when a design is submitted. 7. All "back yard" drainage and all swales not located in public street right-of-way shall be private and privately maintained by the POA, HOA or similar entity. Streets: 1. The layout is subject to change depending upon the grading plan and drainage report. • 2. The Table needs to be corrected to reflect 48' b -to -b for Township and Newton). 3. All boulevard streets and other islands shall have trench drains in each island or other landscaped area within the street • 4. All islands and boulevards shall be privately maintained by the POA, HOA or similar entity. There will be additional water tank on Highway 45 added. Ms. Sandeen stated the median minimum should be 5' wide. Mr. Beavers stated depending on drainage report pond would probably move to lot 55, would depend on the report and subject to change. Mr. Beavers also requested a proposed layout of Township. Some citizens called and they requested this for Subdivision meeting. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack L 100 ` easement on west side of property This is a private restrictive easement which include there would be no ponds on it. Any gates, fences or other would have to be approved by Southwest Transmission Department in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Any fences built will be gated for access at anytime. This is the main transmission feed moving from Springdale to Fayetteville and stubs in and feeds Ozarks Electric which feeds other areas, and if it were to go down they would need access. Other utilities can occupy the easement provided they are on the very outside of it, and permission with drawings submitted to transmission department. 69 Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -10- Mr. Beavers inquired if homes could be built on easement. ❑ Mr. Burrack stated there should be no permanent habitable structures. ❑ Ms. Little noted the plat would need to reflect this information. Ozark Electric - Mike Phipps L Need 10' easement for street lights. 2. Crossings 127/128 to 48 and 49, need to take it and run straight to 49 and 50 and utility easement on lot line 49 and 50. 3. The 20' easement on 47 and 48 can be eliminated. 4. Lots 151 and 150 need crossing to 45 and 46, and 20' easement on 46 and 45 lot line. On Lot 72 s/w comer crossing on Township street to Lot 71 and start at edge of greenspace and continue to utility easement on the south boundary line. 5. At end of Township get a crossing at cul-de-sac for future use. Arkansas Western Gas - Rick Evans 1. Need same easements and crossing with Ozark Electric. 2. Like to see an easement between Lots 41 and 42 to 165 and 166. 3. Show a 20' easement on their 100' easement will work with SWEPCO. Recommendation: To put on the east side grant use for 20' per SWEPCO. Mr. Burrack that a letter to transmission company for joint easement for their file. TCA Cable - Kevin Leflar 1. Depending on pond may be able to join easement. Same easements and crossings as power companies. ❑ Mr. Beavers informed applicant to make sure Jim McCord, Mark Crandall, and David Jorgensen were aware of the April 22 deadline and that they met the ordinance, drainage right. If it is not right, will be thrown away. ❑ Ms. Little inquired about acquisition of ROW. Applicant stated they had given information to Fayetteville School District and had a meeting to walk through, and stated basically there was no problem. Another property owner, Hershey Garner, and owner had been in contact with him. ❑ Ms. Little stated staff would need the ROW information, as well as agreements or deeds ASAP. Prefer to have at Subdivision. ❑ Mr. Conklin inquired if the proposed plan was to have Township construction and completed for Phase I or all phases, and it was noted it would be completed when receive Plat I. Applicant would need to make sure proper notification has been done. ❑ Ms. Warrick where some lots intersect back to back, if they avoided putting extra pins it would make it clearer for adjoining property owners. She referred to Lots 127 and 128 south property lines and 118, 120, 137 and 138. Need to contact SW Bell for their comments. 76 • • • Technical Review Minutes April 16. 1998 Page -11- ❑ Ms. Warrick advised applicant revisions would be due at 10:00 a week from today everything requested at this meeting in order to proceed to Subdivision Committee. it Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -12- • • PLA 98-7.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (JAMES P FEELEY) 309 FLETCHER Submitted by James P. Feeley for property located at 309 Fletcher. The property is zoned R-1 Low-density Residential and contains approximately .39 acres. The applicant was represented by John Carpenter of REMAX. Planning: 1. Fletcher Avenue is classified as a Collector in this location on the Master Street Plan which totals 70 feet of right-of-way is needed, 35 feet from centerline is required for this project. Engineering: 1. According to the City atlas, water is not currently available to the proposed western lot. Water for the existing house is from the high pressure line east of Fletcher (see attached). The lot is in between the normal pressure plane on Olive and the higher pressure plane on Fletcher. Therefore, the applicant must contact the City's water department. David Jurgens 575-8387 to determine how water would be provided to the proposed lot. A short main extension along Dickson at the developer's expense may be required. SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack We have overhead electric on east Fletcher and south Dickson. When and if applicant were to build you need contact SWEPCO engineering. Arkansas Western Gas Company - Rick Evans Existing facilities are available if needed. TCA Cable - Kevin Leflar No comments. Ms. Warrick noted this project could be approved at this level, therefore, provide 3 copies of revisions. iZ Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -13- LS 98-15.00: LOT SPLIT (PRESTIGE PROPERTIES) MT. COMFORT ROADTIORTII AND ADJACENT TO MT. COMFORT CEMETERY Submitted by Engineering Services, Inc., on behalf of Prestige Properties for property located on Mt. Comfort Road north and adjacent to Mt. Comfort Cemetery. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 203.05 acres. Staff: Planning: 1. Mt. Comfort Road is classified as a minor arterial on the Master Street Plan. A total of 90 feet of right- of-way is needed, 45 feet from centerline is required for this project. 2. All utilities shall be placed underground. ❑ Vicinity map must be oriented same direction as the plat. 3. Add plat page 284 to plat; flood plain reference on plat, ROW dimensioned from centerlines. It was noted the sliver where the fence line was reflected where the cemetery will end up with 12 feet and the other would be 85 feet. ❑ Ms. Little stated this would be handled through a lot line adjustment which is north and east of Mt. Comfort cemetery. Ozark Electric - Mike Phipps Mr. Phipps stated across Tract A and north through Tract B not a live line but do have a 30' utility easement. ❑ Ms. Little stated if there was an existing easement, this would need to be reflected on plat and recorded. She further stated Park land in Phase I would need to be shown on plat and would require a property line adjustment. ❑ Mr. Conklin inquired about the east/west master street plan and the collector? ❑ Ms. Little stated this would be addressed at subdivision. ❑ Ms. Warrick noted the creek need to be shown on the creek and ROW on the lot split Phase I needs it to match. Engineering: 1. The legal descriptions are incomplete. Provide the parent tract also. (Applicant noted this was on the plat) 2. The proposed 90 foot street right-of-way is subject to review when Tract A and B are presented for development. 3. Provide a copy of the City Council's agreement with Prestige Properties. (Mr. Venable has provided Mr. Beavers a copy). 4. How is access planned. It was noted apparently street would be from Mt. Comfort to Serenity Way. 5. How will water and sewer be provided to property? Applicant stated they are to provide water and sewer to the school per applicant. Would bury and furnish the line and school supply tap and bore the road. If the school still wanted to do that will do from either direction pending their request. ❑ Mr. Beavers stated when school brings through LSD this information would be required. 73 Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -14- 6. Detention may or may not be required. The applicant's engineer must provide required information for review at the time of further development on Tract A and/or Tract B 7. Show Mount Comfort Road on the plat as it exists south of the proposed Tract A. 8. All other comments, sanitary sewer, water, grading, streets will be made at the time of further development on tract A and/or tract B. Applicant stated Tract B will be four phases of subdivision, and they are obligated to bring an 8" to the corner of the property line. Ozark Electric - Mike Phipps No comments. Arkansas Western Gas - Rick Evans Will hold comments when project comes through as LSD. TCA Cable - Kevin Letlar Will hold comments when project comes through as LSD. 0 Ms. Warrick stated the applicant would need to provide revisions - (3) copies and this item could be approved at this level. 14 Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -15- J S 98-16 00• LOT SPLIT (ARBAUGH) 797 FOX HUNTER ROAD Submitted by Century 21 Robbins Realty on behalf of Carl D. and Darla Arbaugh for property located at 797 Fox Hunter Road. The property is in the planned growth area and contains approximately 31.45 acres. Sidewalks and Trails This property is outside the city limits. Sidewalks are not required Planning 1. Add plat page 453 to title block. 2. Must also include a legal description for the parent tract on this plat. 3. Fox Hunter Road is classified as a freeway/expressway in this location (east property line) a total of 110 feet of right-of-way is needed. A dedication of 55 feet from centerline is required for this project. 4. Fox Hunter Road on the north is classified as a minor arterial in this location. A total of 90 feet of right- of-way is needed, 45 feet from centerline is required for this project. 5. Tract 2 has very little frontage - this lot split request has been approved by Washington County Planning. The applicant was notified the county would be removing the curve presently on the subject property and the applicant stated they were aware this was being proposed. It would cut the corner of the lot. • Lot requirements Tract 2 has little frontage but has been approved by Washington County. No requirement for easement. Engineering: 1. The legal descriptions are incomplete. Provide the parent tract description also. 2. I have been told that Washington County is in the process of acquiring right-of-way to straighten out the curve at the northeast corner. Work has begun on the City property to the north. This will replace the two 90 degree curves No comments - access will be given back when road is changed. UTILITY COMPANIES Ozark Electric - Mike Phipps Tract 1 existing overhead 30' easement not recorded. If want relocated would not be charged if applicant wants it underground. TCA Cable - Kevin Leflar • Would get back with the applicant once he has had the opportunity to review this lot. -75 Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -16- • • ❑ Ms. Warrick noted because of size of project this could be taken care of and 3 copies and take care of administratively. 7 lo Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -17- LSD 98-11 0• LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (EASZSIDE MIDDLE SCHOOL1 HIGHWAY 45 NORTH OF HUNTERS RIDGE Submitted by Milholland Company on behalf of Hailey/Amirmoez & Associates AIA for property located on Highway 45 north of Hunters Ridge. The property is zoned P-1, Institutional and contains approximately 16.93 acres. Traffic - Perry Franklin: 1. Street lights are required at intersections on Hwy 45 and every 300 feet along Hwy 45 in front of the school. 2. Check sight distance at exit and Hwy 45 (ITE method). 3. If warrants are met, the Traffic Division will make a request to the AHTD for a traffic signal at Hwy 45 and Whippoorwill Drive. There were 3 lanes indicated, a left, right and in lane. Applicant stated this was the original design one entrance into parking lot and was revised to prefer one way through the parking lot. ❑ Mr. Rutherford stated if there were a lot of cars then the other cars would block going on to other school on Hwy 45. ❑ Ms. Little indicated to put a turn lane for left turn, or require elementary to Township or through the Middle School. It was noted the padding area were for ramps. Solid Waste - Cheryl Zotti: This development does not show location of solid waste containers. The developer needs to dedicate space (concrete area) large enough to contain three (3), six (6) cubic yard containers. Our container maintenance form gives required area. Landscape -Beth Sandeen: Screening required between P-1 and R-1 zones. ❑ Ms. Little indicated on the plat it reflects information on adjacent property owner, no information recorded in courthouse, and stated she felt pretty certain it was Dr. Garner. Applicant stated the court could not find any documentation on those 20 acres. According to Ms. Sandeen she stated according to our codes screening requirements and are vague 160.118 and she would give a copy to the applicant. Buffer for residences and visual screening . Not specific to the function of the entire property. Sidewalks and Trails - Chuck Rutherford: 1. A 6 foot sidewalk is required along Highway 45. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway. However, the curb needs to be removed through the sidewalk. The curb needs to begin and end on each side of the sidewalk. 17 Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -18- 2. A sidewalk is recommended along the eastern street and along the driveway that enters off of this street going west to the school. 3. A sidewalk is also recommended along the entrance from the north The concern was consideration for the children walking through this area from point A to point B. ❑ Mr. Rutherford indicated areas where a sidewalk would need to be located and stated due to his dealings with parents and PTA of Root School, and their concern was how sidewalks get to the school and stop. Their comments were if there were more sidewalks they wouldn't have to drive them to school but they could walk. ❑ Mr. Beavers noted per ordinance, private streets meet ordinance and same for sidewalks and this would need clarified at Planning Commission. There was some discussion concerning the two lanes out and one in, and applicant was in agreement. It was also noted that when Township extended east they could loop out that way. Planning -Dawn Warrick: 1. 12 copies of color -rendered elevations are required for commercial design standards review. These materials were due upon submittal and must be included in the packet of revision items after this meeting in order for this project to remain in this development cycle. 2. Plat page needs to be changed to 372. 3. Need classroom area to determine appropriate parking requirement. • 4. Please verify that sign as proposed complies with City Sign Ordinance. 5. ALL utilities shall be located underground. Applicant stated early in process she had been told project would not fall under Commercial Design Standards. It was noted when doing industrial and it was a commercial type construction, this project would fall under Commercial Design Standards. Applicant stated she had already submitted the elevations and these would come back in a week, but she would bring before the Subdivision for the 30th. Would have to have it at that time. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson I have visited via phone with Laleh on this and all my present concerns have been addressed. Engineering - Jim Beavers: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (April 22 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: • 1. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. 2. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chiefs request. 3. Meter location and backflow prevention to be approved during the final design process by Don Osbum. 18 Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -19- • • Sanitary Sewer: 1. Vehicular access must be provided to the "backyard" or off-site manholes. This requires surface acceptable to the water/sewer department. Indicate this on the proposed plat. 2. Public sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 ft. in width and wider as necessary for than 10 feet, or sewers off -set in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Grading: a trail or other sewers deeper 1. Incomplete - refer to the attached checklist as copied from section 161.08 of the ordinance. 2. The corrected plan must be provided by April 22. Drainage: 1. Very good preliminary report. Streets: Provide sight distance calculations and data for the proposed new intersection on Highway 45. I may request that the Planning Commission require that the new drive align with the existing public street, Hunters Ridge. Depends upon sight distance. 0 Ms. Warrick stated corrections were needed by 22nd or project would not proceed to Subdivision. Has to be on the grading plan. Adjacent property owners, soil types, everything in ordinance per council and city attorney. Expects to receive from Ron and will receive. SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack 1. Existing west/side 750' north Hwy 45 going to use underground. If applicant needed estimates on it cannot produce very fast. Mr. Burrack stated 10 to 15 % estimate to go forward with proposed project would be $20,000 +- 10%. 750 from 45 to north. 2. Provide conduits and pads provided by applicant. 3. Street lighting - down the highway. Have some lighting on the highway - need to show existing. Contact engineering when plans are available. Arkansas Western Gas - Rick Evans 1. Private gas line feeding elementary school, and then they would put another metered out there. TCA Cable - Rick Leflar Highway frontage would have to be relocated - no per Alett. Depending on point of entry a conduit would have to placed and any relocations would be at applicant's expense. SW Bell - Andy Calloway Contact them for information. Ms. Warrick noted 37 revisions needed by the April 22. 1 14 Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -20- Submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of John A. Griffin for property located on Lot 14, CMN Business Park north of Millsap road and west of Plainview Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare commercial and contains 1.9 acres. Solid Waste - Cheryl Zotti: We request that the area dedicated for a solid waste container be enlarged to allow for two containers, one solid waste and one recycling. Traffic - Perry Franklin: The islands are too big. Create an entire island due to inefficient for trees. Will talk with the architect. Engineering - Jim Beavers: Just provide the stub outs. Landscape- Beth Sandeen: 1. Please modify interior parking lot island on south side of building as shown on attached. • 2. Please specify tree species 3. Please use small/medium tree species along North side of property due to 8" ss. 4. Have obtained a waiver for insignificant amount of trees existing on site dated April 14, 1998. Ms. Sandeen stated she would work with owner and architect. Sidewalks and Trails - Chuck Rutherford: 1. Millsap Road is a Collector Street. A minimum 6 ft. sidewalk with a minimum 10 feet greenspace is required. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveways. 2. The curb needs to be removed through the sidewalk. 3. The curb needs to begin and end on each side of the sidewalk 4. There is not an existing 5 ft. sidewalk to the east of this project. It was noted a 5' ROW dedication on sidewalk existing to the west curve and match what is there. Planning - Dawn Warrick: 1. 12 copies of color -rendered elevations are required for commercial design standards review. These materials were due upon submittal and must be included in the packet of revision items after this meeting in order for this project to remain in this development cycle. 2. Add plat page 213 to title block. Show layout of property to the east (currently being developed). 3. Dedication of 5 foot right of way "easement" is necessary to meet MSP requirements. 4. Curb cuts onto Millsap are excessive - staff suggests one central curb cut. 5. Cross access to the east is required and has been provided for by the adjacent development - cross access • 6. to the south is also necessary. Configuration of parking stalls on the south side of the building must be reworked. 7. The islands are too large to allow vehicles to completely pull into the stalls. Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -21- All signage must be included on required elevations if wall mounted - separate elevations are required for any proposed free-standing signage. 9. ALL utilities shall be located underground. • • She also noted require more dedication in order to meet the greenspace. Applicant stated anything more than 5' may be a concern. Per master street plan it is 35' from centerline. Where the island and curb and entry, there would be some problems. May have to be redesigned. The building is designed - could it face the front - applicant not sure. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson Add hydrant in rear parking lot. Dead end 8" line okay. Applicant inquired if hydrant in back would work. Mr. Jackson stated would need it to be sprinklered and mixed occupancy and talk to them, should be sprinklered. Information would need to be provided for Subdivision. Traffic - Perry Franklin The building is office space 2 -floor 29,000 sf upstairs which was mainly storage. The concerns not was the ROW issue and parking would need addressing. Curb cut issue and access - 1 should be sufficient would like to see that, and hopefully would help with the other issues. 1t was noted the electrical lines would be 12 Iry lines 3 wires on a pole along 45 south side crosses 45 700' and go underground . Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson Lines coming off mains need to be 8". Engineering - Jim Beavers: General: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (April 22 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: 1. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. 2. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. 3. Meter location and backflow prevention to be approved during the final design process by Don Osburn. Sanitary Sewer: Si Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -22- 1. Existing. It appears that the manhole must be raised and may require reconstruction. Note that in the event of future repairs to the sanitary sewer in the proposed parking lot and landscaping that the City will not be responsible to replace any landscaping or specialty items. 2. "Trees" will not be allowed within 10 feet on the sanitary sewer line - revise the landscape plan accordingly. Grading: 1. Incomplete - refer to the attached checklist as copied from section 161.08 of the ordinance. The corrected plan must be provided by April 22. Drainage: 1. Acceptable preliminary report. Streets: 1. The parking lot entrances do not comply with the requirements (throat lengths and drive widths) of section 160.117, "Off-street parking lot design." Drives coming off Millsap do not meet the requirements. Applicant will eliminate one to the west. 40' throat • requirement recommendation. • Commercial Design Standards 85 % calculation required. SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack Existing transformer between Manshire and will be point of entry with 3 phase service. Conduits be placed on west side and previously buried by Manshire. Between Lots 13 and 14 there would be 24' easement contains conduits. Be aware there are conduits with primary line. TCA Cable - Rick Leflar He stated cable can serve from same point of entrance. There is an overhead existing 24 kv 120 amp. Gas will call him and SW Bell need to contact. Millsap would have to cut or bore and reserve the right to review per Mr. Beavers and stated City had no policy. County and State do require. Bz Technical Review Minutes • April 1& 1998 Page -23- J SD 98-13.00: TARGE SCATDEVELOPMENT(ASSISTED CARE UNITS SOUTH OF LONGVIEW AND EAST OF 16 WEST Submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of Washington Regional Medical Services for property located south of Longview and east of Hwy 16. The property is zoned A-1 Agricultural and contains 39.202 acres. Traffic - Perry Franklin One ADA space must be van accessible (8' space and 8' aisle.) Solid Waste - Cheryl Zotti The plat does not clearly show dedicated space for solid waste services. In addition, to solid waste containers, there should be space dedicated for recycling containers. It looks as though the "stub -out" showing 25 feet width is the area; however, they should note on plat dedicated space. Landscaping - Beth Sandeen Please specify tree species. Sidewalks and Trails - Chuck Rutherford Longview Street is a Collector Street. This requires a minimum 6 feet sidewalk with a minimum 10 feet • greenspace on both sides of the street. The greenspace width needs to be shown. A sidewalk needs to be added to Wimberly Drive. • Issues addressed: 4. There was some concern about the sidewalks in North Hills and Mr. Jones stated he had a meeting set up with Dr. Romine in order to check the status of getting the sidewalks built. It was noted the requirement stated whichever came first, if the project came first that development would have been required to build sidewalks. 5. Mr. Jones stated the subject property does not front Wimberly Drive and stated there was a piece of property that North Hills owns between ROW of Wimberly and subject property. 6. There are currently 2 high pressure transmission gas lines there running diagonally North Hills and moved to right of way of bypass. 7. Developer would need to fmd out who will be responsible for the sidewalks, or this project may be required to build the sidewalks, and Mr. Jones would bring more information at the next meeting for review. Planning - Dawn Warrick 1. Ownership of southwest corner - no lot split has been requested or granted for this. Legal description should not "except" this 6.58 acres. Since Washington Regional Medical Center owns the property there would be a requirement for a legal lot split. Mr. Jones stated there was a survey done and filed. It was agreed the developer would remove the lines. Recommendation: 83 Technical Review Minutes April 16, 1998 Page -24- Ms. Warrick informed Mr. Jones to remove the less and except off the legal description and include it in the perimeter. 2. Three curb cuts into this facility appear to be excessive. Parking less than 1 per bed, and applicant could get additional information. It was noted the curb cuts are 100 feet wide between. Mr. Jones stated the purpose for the curb cuts was to allow the in and out circulation without going through the rest of the parking lot. 3. Need to discuss parking ratio. Mr. Jones stated he thought he submitted a waiver letter and would contact the developer and get additional information for parking. Ms. Warrick requested the waiver letter be provided at the Subdivision Meeting. 4. Any proposed signage must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. Mr. Jones would check with the developer regarding the proposed signage and have information available for the next meeting. There was a question regarding the Kenray Street because it was not shown on the vicinity map. Mr. Jones stated Burrell was a path, therefore, Kenray may be removed. Also may need to file for a vacation on Kenray by applicant, but noted there was an old house on that street. May need to look and check. Someone needs to talk to this would affect. Ms. Little stated Longview is on the master street plan and the location would have to be worked out and according to Mr. Venable this location had been discussed. Also there was a stub out and Kenray being shown, the Planning Commission would require a connection. City council would have to make a decision regarding putting up the cost for streets and this would need to go before City Council. Fire Chief - Mickey Jackson 1. Minimum 8" water line required - looped; minimum 2 hydrants - 1 front, 1 rear; sprinkler system required. 16" waterline is abandoned. Not sure where it is active DCI brought and abandoned on Lewis property. Engineering - Jim Beavers: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. All corrections and/or additional information are required to be provided no later than the standard deadline (April 22 this cycle) to continue to subdivision committee. Water: 1. Not shown - what is proposed? Show on the plat. Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -25- • • 2. An eight inch (minimum line) the entire length of the new street is requested. 3. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths for water lines shall be 20 feet. 4. Fire protection and fire hydrant locations to meet the Fire Chief's request. Sanitary Sewer: 1. Clarify the proposal. Is the intent to try and cross the creek to the existing 12 inch line? 2. If a creek crossing is proposed then additional drainage and water surface elevation calculations are required. 3. Indicate on the plat the proposed sanitary sewer improvements. 4. Vehicular access must be provided to any "backyard" or off-site manholes. 5. Public sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Grading: 1. Incomplete - refer to the enclosed checklist. Note that all corrections/additions are due by April 22 or the proposal will not go forward to the Subdivision Committee. Drainage: 1. Refer to the requirements of a preliminary report per Amendment No. 2 to the drainage criteria manual. Clarify and summarize the drainage on-site and off-site. (Refer to 1.2.5 page 1-3). 2. Clarify the drainage basin map, labels and symbols and how they are used in the report. Also, I would like to discuss the abstraction and lag values after plat review and further review the HEC -1 analysis. 3. During the final design and analysis determine the need for additional storm drainage to the east in the new street 4. One copy of the drainage calculations in the future (refer to amendment no. 2). Streets: The City Council must agree to any proposed cost -share of the collector street. Traditionally, the City has participated in the costs above a standard 28 feet (31 previously) street. Mr. Beavers stated some of the projects had not gone forth to the council because they had not gone to construction plan stage, and Mr. Beavers recommended this be done at the present time. If Mr. Jones submitted an estimate to Mr. Beavers and he would do the formal agenda to the council. 2. The alignment should be further discussed at the Subdivision Committee meeting (try to Kenray? To Plainview extension?). 3. Extend the box culvert and ROW as necessary, to allow the sidewalk to continue with a greenspace or setback. Mr. Beavers stated when corrections are submitted it would need to reflect water and sewer proposal. Mr. Jones stated their plans were to put the sewer back to 12" and may have to construct short main. He stated he would review the waterline due to the fact he was not aware the 16" line was abandoned. Aeo Technical Review Minutes • April 16, 1998 Page -26- Mr. Jones confirmed the proposed building is a single story building with square footage 36,700. Put grading plan on the sheet. Developer would need to show vicinity map, property line, name of owner and developer on the grading plan. It was recommended it could be Page 1 and 2 of grading. Mr. Beavers informed Mr. Jones it is a technicality and Planning Commission would require. Mr. Jones stated he would submit the drainage on the final and this should not affect the building at the present time. Mr. Beavers noted the developer submitted a pre -development and post -development flow total, but the requirement asks for the flow entering the site, the flow generated on the site, and the flow leaving the site. SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack 1. Mr. Burrack reflected where there is a major feeder line and it runs on the west side of the east boundary line of subject property. 2. Along the north side each property line point that was shown has an underground 12 Iry line. To get to the bottom of it using the same dollar amounts pc foot would be $450 to $550,000 to bury the power lines. Mr. Jones stated the applicant may request a waiver. • 3. Mr. Burrack stated at 6th and School a waiver was granted. This was the same kind of line which Staffmark was required to put underground, and if this was waived, then someone would need to contact Mr. Brewer. • 4. Mr. Burrack stated they would be installing conduits as part of Brewer's new building and additional monies would be put in bond with the City. 5. Also require an estimate from Mr. Burrack for additional underground lines on the subject property. 6. Mr. Burrack stated on the east side they would have to dip underground or switch in order to serve this development. 7. Owner/developer would be required to provide conduits and transformer pads at a location specified by developer. Ozark Electric would pull wires up to 250 feet and charge for the installed cost of wire pass. TCA Cable - Kevin Leflar Mr. Leflar stated if the lines were to go underground, then developer would have to provide conduits for the entire run from the developer. The conduits would be 4". Ms. Warrick stated to have 37 copies of revisions for Subdivision. 2 Technical Review Minutes • April16, 1998 Page -27- • LS 98-14.00: .OT SP .IT ( RL M. O BO Nl 688 MCCLINTON STREET AND 1015 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE Submitted by Carl M. Osborn, Successor Trustee for property located at 688 McClinton Street and 1015 Morningside Drive. The property is zoned R-2 and contains .62 acres. Staff Comments: Sidewalks and Trails - Chuck Rutherford A 4 ft. sidewalk already exists along Morningside Drive. However, (a 6 ft x 4 ft) section of sidewalk needs to be replaced because it is a safety hazard. It was stated prior to the split being approved this would have to be done by Mr. Osborn. Carl Osborn appeared before the Technical Plat Review Committee: Planning - Dawn Warrick 1. Add flood plain reference to plat. 2. Amend building setbacks - west setback for tract B is 8', not 20'. 3. Morningside Drive is classified as a collector on the Master Street Plan - dedication of 35 feet from centerline is required for this project. The shed 12x8 shed in the rear of current house lot would need to be moved to meet setback. The house would be close to setback line, but as along as it was not over setback, it should be okay per Ms. Warrick. 0 Ms. Warrick asked surveyor to measure from the porch line towards the street 25 feet which would make in compliance with setback requirements. Engineering - Jim Beavers No comments for: water, sanitary sewer, grading, drainage. The need to increase the right-of-way to 35 feet from the centerline of Morningside needs to be discussed. SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack Mr. Burrack stated they currently have existing facilities serving the overhead power line on Morningside and do not have a structure on this piece of property and lines do overhang. TCA CABLE - Kevin Leflar No comments. Ms. Warrick asked Mr. Osborn to bring revised plat and bring 37 copies by 10:00 by April 20. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. S7