HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-12-31 - Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Wednesday December 31, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Johnny Boles, Mike Phipps, Kevin Lefler. STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Jim Beavers, Chuck Rutherford, Mickey Jackson, Beth Sandeen, Randy Allen, Dawn Warrick, and Heather Woodruff. ITEM ACTION TAKEN 1. PLA 98-1.00: (James Gaddy) Approved 2. LS 98-2.00: (Edward Fedoskey) Approved 3. LSD 98-1.00: (HMT of Fayetteville) Fwd to Subdivision PLA 98-1.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (JAMES GADDY) JAMES GADDY- N. OF HWY 45 & W. OF GULLEY ROAD Property line adjustment was submitted by George Faucette Realty for property located north of Hwy. 45 and west of Gulley Road. Washington County approved this property line adjustment on 12/15/97. The property is within the City Growth Area One parent tract contains approximately 17 04 acres and the second parent tract contains approximately 24.60 acres. The proposed adjustment would increase one tract from approximately 17.04 acres to approximately 25.05 acres and decrease another tract from approximately 24.60 acres to approximately 16.60 acres. No applicant representative was present. The following comments were presented: STAFF: Ms. Warrick stated the lot split was not being requested at this time, pending County approval. The property line adjustment would enlarge the northern most tract to 25 05 acres from approximately 17 acres. 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 • Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 2 Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Plat Information: A deed restriction was required to provide for future Master Street Plan street. Copies of signed deeds were required to be stamped " approved for recordation" by Planning Office prior to being filed with county. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Deed restriction for previous action required prior to approval need file marked copy for file. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 • Mr. Phipps stated there was existing overhead power line surrounding the property. He noted the 30' easement for the existing lines was not shown. He requested the easement be shown on the plat. • SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Not present. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler had no comment. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Johnny Boles had no comment. \\ Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 3 LS 98-2.00: LOT SPLIT (EDWARD FEDOSKEY) EDWARD FEDOSKEY- 3849 NORTH SALEM ROAD The lot split was submitted by Edward Fedosky for property located at 3849 North Salem Road. The property is within the City Growth Area and contains approximately 57.5 acres. The proposed split would create one tract of approximately 51 62 acres and one tract of approximately 5.51 acres. This is the first lot split request. The following comments were presented. STAFF: Ms. Warrick noted the lot split could be administratively approved. 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443 3400 Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: No sidewalks required; outside City Limits. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Plat Information: Add flood plain reference to plat. On revised plat add legal description of remainder tract (51.62 acres). Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Mr. Beaver stated the city's maps were not clear on the location of the water lines. 1 -le added the water meter would be required to be located at the road. A private service line with a private easement to the back lot would be required. Mr. Fedosky stated they were going to use a well and not city water. ,;J Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 4 UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps asked for the 10' utility easement and building setback to be increased from 10' to 20'. He also requested a 20' easement around the property. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 No representative present. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler requested the same easements as Ozark electric. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Boles had no comment. Ms. Warrick instructed the applicant to contact Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell for specific information about the telephone. Mr. Conklin asked the applicant if he had conducted a perk test for the septic system. Mr. Fedosky replied he had not tested the property, but all of the surrounding properties had septic tanks. Ms. Warrick added if the property did not perk, then the lot split would have to be reconfigured. She requested a revised plat with 28 copies. ��3 • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 5 LSD 98-2.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (HMT OF FAYETTEVILLE) HMT OF FAYETTEVILLE. LLC- 216 & 248 WEST DICKSON STREET. The large scale development was submitted by Glenn Carter on behalf of HMT of Fayetteville for property located at 216 and 248 West Dickson Street. The property is zoned C-3, Central Commercial, and contains approximately 1.13 acres. The following comments were presented: Mr. Robert Sharp, Greg House, and Glen Carter represented the item. STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Container Location: Requested two, six cubic yard dumpsters placed along/fronting Thompson Street. Need to show dumpster location on plat. • Ms. Warrick added the dumpsters would need to be screened on three sides. Screening would also be required on all utility and mechanical equipment (roof mounted and/or ground mounted). • Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Trees onsite are insignificant; replacement canopy will exceed; no "rare" trees or species. Ms. Sandeen stated she would reserve the right to add additional comments at a later date. She added the landscaping would have to be coordinated with the street department and the sidewalks and trails coordinator. She added this development would be setting a standard for the planting of new trees along Dickson Street. More information was needed before the placement of the trees could be determined. Mr. Beavers opposed the trees located near the intersection, which would interfere with sight visibility. Ms. Sandeen felt the landscaping would have to be worked out towards the end of the project. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: The sidewalk along Dickson Street will have to be replaced because of the broken and unsafe conditions along Rollston and Thompson Ave. A new 6' sidewalk with a new curb and gutter will be required. A new box culvert will be required on Rollston Ave. The planting areas for the trees on Dickson Street will have to be approved by the Landscape Administrator. • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 6 • • The sidewalks shall be continuous through all driveways. The sidewalks shall be constructed to the City Standards with inspections required prior to the concrete pour. In response to concerns voiced by Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Robert Sharp replied they had applied for a variance with the Board of Adjustments. He had written a letter explaining the situation. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Dickson Street- 55' total, 27.5' from centerline. Dickson Street: collector which requires 70' of right-of-way, 35' from centerline. A lesser dedication of right-of-way for this street must be approved by the City Council. Rollston Street- 28' total, 14' from centerline. Rollston Street: Local which required 50' of right-of-way, 25' from centerline. Thompson Street: 15' total, 7.5' from centerline. Thompson Street: Local which requires 50' of right-of-way, 25' from centerline. Proposed The applicant has proposed additional right-of-way for Thompson Street only -from 7.5' to 12.5' from centerline which would create a total right-of-way of 20' for Thompson Street. If parallel parking were added to any of the affected streets, an additional 8' minimum of right- of-way width would be necessary. A standard parallel space is 8' wide and 22.5' in length. Parking issues The existing structures, The Grill and Restaurant on the Corner, utilize approximately 55 parking spaces currently. Planning staff determined this number based upon site visits and analysis of aerial photographs of the lots. Staff believes that the applicant has incorrectly calculated the number of spaces which will be required. Staff calculation of required spaces is as follows: Existing restaurants 55 Retail 74.2 Office 23.2 Residential 34 186.4 Credit 4.4 • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 7 • Required spaces 182.0 Applicant proposes to develop Deficient 102.0 80 Access issues A second access to Rollston should be provided. Site inspection reveals a current access to the north which is utilized even though it is on adjacent. In the event that the current pattern of circulation cannot be maintained, the second access could be located on the subject property. There are 65 proposed parking spaces on the lower level of parking and all of theses must enter and exit through only on access as currently proposed. On the second level of parking- accessed from Thompson Street, there are approximately half the number of parking spaces as there are on the first level. Since the second level contains about half the number of spaces that the lower level contains, one point of ingress/egress should suffice. Overhead Electric Lines If the applicant does not plan to place all overhead electric lines underground, an estimate must be provided and a waiver requested. Structural A structural analysis for the addition of a second and possibly third level to the existing structures as well as for the parking deck is requested. These structural analyses are important because they have a direct bearing on other decisions which will be made by the Planning Commission. Additional information concerning the proposed balconies/ overhangs is requested. Will any structure overhang the city right-of-way? Will any supports for overhangs be located within the city right-of-way or in the sidewalk? Any use of city right-of-way will require Council approval. Due to the elevation changes, grades and addition of storeys, a model is required in order for this project to be fully understood. Staff has had difficulty to interpreting the elevations and feels that a model is required in order for the Planning Commission to understand this project. • Floor plans for the third story must be added to the plat. • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 8 Service Vehicles The applicant needs to provide a letter which will address how the existing concrete loading area for the Grill will be replaced and how service and delivery will be accomplished for the development. Comments from the Solid Waste Division state that two- six cubic yard dumpsters must be placed along Thompson in order to meet the requirements for trash pick up. Commercial Design Standards Additional information is requested regarding materials and colors. This may be provided in the form of a material sample board, or a detailed listing and description of the materials for the development. Screening- all mechanical and utility equipment (ground mounted or roof mounted) must be completely screened from the public view. • Other requirements: need additional information conceming proposed sign age (including elevations). All utilities shall be located underground. Mr. Beavers suggested the applicant appeal to the City Council on the right-of-way issue before proceeding. Mr. House replied he want to proceed with all of the issues at once. In response to questions from Mr. House, Ms. Warrick stated the structural analysis needed to insure that the existing structures could support the added additions. The staff needed to know if the project could work structurally. Mr. Conklin asked if the existing buildings were going to the taken down in order to construct the new additions. Mr. House stated the existing buildings would not have to be reconstructed. He was hoping the businesses could still conduct business during construction. Mr. Beavers stated he had heard Restaurant On The Corner was moving to the square Mr. House thought the owner of the restaurant was going to try and stay there. • Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 • • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 9 Comments: Both side streets are too narrow for the proposed development. The existing hydrant at Dickson and Rollston has inadequate flow and should be replaced with a new hydrant off the 12" main on Dickson. All buildings in this development should be sprinklered for maximum fire protection and best insurance rates. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General: 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets, and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. The existing and proposed ROW for Rollston and Thompson Streets needs further discussion at the Subdivision Committee meeting. Water: 1. Provide fire protection, including hydrants and main extensions, as requested by the Fire Chief (If an additional hydrant is requested by the Fire Chief, then the existing 4 inch water line must be upgraded by the developer to an 8 inch water main to the hydrant). 2. Minimum new easement (or combination of accessible ROW and easement) widths for waterlines shall be 20 feet. Minimum easement width when the water line is in a general utility easement or in a water and sewer easement will be 25 feet. Wider easements may be necessary to provide 1:1 trench slopes for water and sewer mains. Mr. Beaver stated the fire chief want to see the existing fire hydrant upgraded or replaced. The existing 4" line would have to be replaced with an 8" line to a hydrant. He added could be connected directly to the 12" line. Mr. Rutherford noted the existing hydrant was in the middle of the sidewalk. He noted ADA required a minimum of 3' on either side of the hydrant. In response to Mr. Rutherford's concems, Mr. Jackson stated a new hydrant could be placed across the street to the west. Sanitary Sewer: • 1. Provide a main extension along Rollston to serve "Building One". • • • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 10 2. Any new sanitary sewer easements (or combination of accessible ROW and easement) shall be a minimum of 20' in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet, or sewers offset in the easement, to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Mr. Beavers stated the developer would have to provide a sanitary sewer extension to serve Building One. There was no existing sewer for the building. In response to questions from Mr. House, Mr. Carter stated he had check the grades and the flow lines of the sewer at the manhole near the comer of Rollston and Dickson; it was not low enough for a gravity line. It would required a lift station. He asked if the development could be serviced as one building. Mr. Beavers replied the development could not be serviced as one building. A public main would have to service Building One. In response to questions from Mr. Beavers, Mr. Carter stated Building One was built over the parking. In response to questions from Mr. Beavers, Mr. House stated the use of the building would be mixed with both retail and residential uses. He added he considered the development to be one building because it was connected with one roof. Mr. Beavers asked for the retaining walls to be clarified All retaining walls and parking decks would be required to have rails around them. He added the calculations on the existing box - culvert were incomplete. He needed to verify that the existing rock culvert was acceptable. He asked Mr. Allen his opinion of the existing rock culvert. Mr. Randy Allen, Street Department, stated several sections of the rock culvert had collapsed creating large sink holes. Mr. Carter stated he had looked at the east end of the culvert, which was in good condition. Mr Beavers stated the developer needed to verify the structural capacity of the existing rock culvert. He added the culvert would be considered private drainage. Mr. House would be required to sign an agreement to maintain the culvert. He thought it would be a large liability to build a million dollar project over a hundred year old rock culvert. He felt the culvert should be replaced. Mr. House question why the culvert would become private. Mr. Beavers explained there was no existing easement for the culvert. • • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 11 In response to questions from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Beavers replied the drainage would have to be designed for a 100 year flood. Part of the drainage could be over ground with a pipe designed for a minimum 10 year flood. Mr. Carter felt the current capacity of the culvert was for a 15-20 year storm. If the current culvert was replaced with a pipe, then the 100 year storm requirement could be met easily. He did not believe the site could handle much overland flow. Mr. Allen recommended the culvert be replaced with a new pipe. Mr. Beavers asked for inlets to be added near the driveways. Grading: 1. Also refer to the attached checklists. 2. The need for, and use of retaining walls need to be clarified. Label all of the proposed walls. The retaining wall design shall required formal calculations. 3. Retaining walls and elevated parking will require guard rails and handrails designed to the more stringent of the SSBC or AASHTO standards. 4. The existing ditch cannot have side slopes steeper than 3H:1 V. Drainage: 1. The calculation for the existing box culverts are incomplete. Refer to chapters 3 and 4 of the Drainage Criteria Manual. "Mannings" alone is not acceptable for culvert calculations. 2. Verify the structural capacity for the existing rock culvert if it is retained. 3. All drainage outside of public ROW will be privately maintained. 4. Add drainage inlets and pipe at both the Rollston driveway and the Thompson Driveway to pick up the storm water runoff. In response to questions from Mr. Jackson, Mr. House stated that they had planned to sprinkle the commercial areas. They had not sprinkled the residential areas in other projects. Mr. Jackson replied he could not tell with the information provided, what the code would be required to be sprinkled. He preferred to sprinkle the entire complex. He suggested Mr. House do a comparison study on the cost of insurance verses the cost of installing sprinklers. He would e. D Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 12 like to see as much of the building sprinkled as possible. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dermis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated there was an existing platform station on Thompson Street that would have to be removed. The overhead service which was servicing the restaurants would end at the platform station. The restaurants and the house were using common house current. The square footage proposed for this development could not serviced by single phase. A three phase transformer would be required. The two existing restaurants would have to be converted from 12240 to 12208, which would be the voltage used for the complex. He added all service would be from one point of service. The location of the service would have to established by the Fire Chief and the Inspections Department. Each building could have a separate meter, however they would have to be located in one place, which would allow the service to be disconnected in case of a fire. He asked if three phase would be required for Building One. Mr. House thought some of the space would be retail. He asked if a normal shop would require three-phase. Mr. Burrack replied normal commercial shops could be serviced with single phase. In response to questions from Mr. House Mr. Burrack stated there were all three phase of the primarily on Thompson. Two phase was available off Rollston, which was not capable of servicing a pad mounting transformer. Lines would have to be rebuilt on Rollston. He stated the overhead services would be taken down and underground service would be provided for this development. The developer would have to provide conduit and transformer pads. Mr. Carter asked if the current proposed location for the transformer pad was okay. Mr. Burrack replied if the pad was not covered then they could reach out 12'. The flood plain would need to be considered. Mr. Conklin asked Mr. House if he planned to change the portion of the square footage of retail and residential. Ms. Warrick stated the staff's concerns were the parking ratios. Mr. House thought they might have less retail than proposed. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 • Technical Plat Review December 31, 1997 Page 13 TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler stated some of the overhead services would need to be relocated, which would be at the developer's expense. He felt they needed to meet on site to discuss the location of the conduits. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Boles noted the distribution line servicing the existing restaurants were located and feed off Thompson Street. There were not distribution systems on Rollston Avenue. No decision had been made on whether the existing system would be allowed to stay in its present location. He would need to meet on site to discuss the location of the lines. Any relocation would be at the developer's expense. There was a possibility that the entire project would have to be metered off Thompson Street. Mr. Burrack questioned the street lighting. Mr. House replied some of the lighting would be done off of the building. • Ms. Warrick added Mr. Franklin would be commenting on the street lighting. She added 37 revised copies would be need Wednesday 10:00 am. •