HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-07 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, October 7, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: ITEMS: 1. PLA 97-21.00: Christina Redman 2. PLA 97-22.00: Nell Lance 3. PP 97-7.00: Preliminary Plat (Serenity Place) 4. LS 97-32.00: Lot Split for Wayne Keller 5. LS 97-33 00• Lot Split for Lot 9 Spring Park 6. LS 97-19.00: Lot Split (Dollar General) 7. LSD 97-14.00 Dollar General Dennis Burrack, Mike Phipps and Rick Evans Alett Little, Dawn Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jim Beavers, Mickey Jackson, Beth Sandeen, Chuck Rutherford and Sharon Langley ACTION TAKEN Informational Informational Informational Forwarded to Subdivision Administratively Approved Forwarded to Subdivision Forwarded to Subdivision PLA 97-21.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (CHRISTINA REDMAN) CHRISTINA REDMAN- 1872 SOUTH MALLEY WAGNON ROAD The property line adjustment was submitted by Leon Bland of Century 21 on behalf of Christina Redman for property located at 1872 South Malley Wagnon Road. The property is in the county but within the City Growth Area, and contains .40 acres. There were no staff nor utility comments. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 2 PLA 97-22.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (NELL LANCE) NELL LANCE- 1259 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE. The property line adjustment was submitted by Alan Reid and Associates on behalf of Nell Lance for property located at 1259 North Oakland Avenue. Property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. There were no staff nor utility comments. 2`r Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 3 PP 97-7.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT (SERENITY PLACE) PRESTIGE PROPERTIES- W. OF SALEM ROAD AND N. OF MT. COMFORT RD. The preliminary plat was submitted by Brian Moore of Engineering Services, Inc., on behalf of Prestige Properties for property located west of Salem Road and north of Mt. Comfort Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 30.04 acres. Ms. Thomas advised the plat had been substantially changed since it had been reviewed by the utility representatives. She noted there were no further staff comments. UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps advised he needed additional crossings: on the west side of Lot 1 to the west side of Lot 6; on the east side of Lot 5 to the east side of Lot 23; on the east side of Lot 70 to the east side of Lot 98; on the west side of Lot 69 to the west side of Lot 24; and from the south side of Lot 80 to the south side of Lot 51. He also requested a 20 -foot easement between Lots 51 and 52. Ms. Little suggested moving the proposed street light located at the southeast corner of Lot 79 to the easement between Lots 51 and 52. Mr. Phipps agreed. TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 Mr. Leflar had submitted written comments requesting the same crossings and easements as requested by the other utility representatives. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr Evans requested crossings from the west side of Lot 83 to the west side of Lot 84, from the east side of Lot 43 to the east side of Lot 44, and from the east side of Lot 47 to Lot 48; a 15 -foot easement between Lots 87 and 89 going to Lot 88 and a 15 -foot easement between Lots 94 and 96 going to Lot 95. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Ten feet of greenspace and a 6 -foot sidewalk on Serenity Way needed to be shown on the plat. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 4 Mr. Evans also noted a 15 -foot easements was shown on the west side of Lot 30 along with the sewer line. He pointed out the 20 -foot easement from Lot 24 could be extended up through Lot 31. He advised they would need at Least 25 feet of easement since the sewer line was included in the easement (at the back of Lot 30). ZSI Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 5 LS 97-32.00: LOT SPLIT (WAYNE KELLER) WAYNE KELLER- 3 NORTH DUNCAN AVENUE The lot split was submitted by Richard Alexander on behalf of Wayne Keller for property located at 3 North Duncan Avenue. The property is zoned R-3, High Density Residential, and contains approximately .28 acres This is the first lot split The following comments were presented: STAFF 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 No Comment. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443 3400 No Comment. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 No Comment. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Existing 4 -foot sidewalk Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 No Comment. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 No Comment. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Add plat page 483 to title block, add flood plain reference to plat, add R-3 setbacks to plat on both lots, and add project owner name to plat. • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 6 Proposed & Existing Street Rights -of -Way and Easements: Center Street is classified as a collector in this location requiring a total of 70 feet of right-of-way 35 feet from centerline. The existing curb cut along Center Street is not standard as it exists. Mr. Alexander explained that, for the applicant to dedicate 35 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Center Street, would cause the right-of-way to encroach into the house. Ms Little advised the Planning Commission and City Council could approve a lesser dedication of right-of-way. Site Specific Information. must know the number of bedrooms in the apartment building in order to determine parking requirements. Mr. Alexander advised there were 2 bedrooms planned in the proposed building and the existing structure contained 5 bedrooms. He noted there were currently 11 parking spaces. Other requirements: Variance approved by Board of Adjustments 9/15/97. See attached minutes from Board of Adjustments meeting for details of variance request. There is an error in the legal description for Parcel No. 1. Fire - Mickey Jackson -575-8364 No Comments. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary. Indicate how the apartment currently accesses water. A new water meter on California (Center) may be required. A private 10 -foot easement will need to be granted in order to provide water from Parcel 2 to Parcel 1. Sewer -Preliminary: Indicate how the west property will access sanitary sewer. Based upon our atlas, sanitary sewer is not available. Please see attached copy from our sanitary sewer atlas. Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: Street Preliminary: Should right-of-way for California (Center) be increased from 20 feet to 25 feet? UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack asked there were existing services. He requested the building setbacks be • designated as utility easements also. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 7 TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 Mr. Leflar's written comments requested the same easements as requested by Southwestern Bell. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 No Comments. Ms. Little advised lot splits could be approved at the Subdivision Committee level; however, since the applicant would be asking for a waiver on the width of the right-of-way on Center Street, the project would need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the waiver request would also be forwarded to the City Council. Mr. Alexander and Mr. Keller advised they would discuss the matter and decide exactly what they wanted to do prior to the Subdivision Committee meeting. 15'1 Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 8 LS 97-33.00: LOT SPLIT (LOT 9, SPRING PARK SUBDIVISION, PHASE III) CLARY DEVELOPMENT- 464 EAST JOYCE BOULEVARD The lot split was submitted by Paul Davis and Mark Rickett of Development Consultants on behalf of Clary Development for property located at 464 East Joyce Boulevard. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 12.77 acres This is the first lot split. The following comments were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 No Comment. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 No Comment. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 No Comment. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks- A 5 -foot sidewalk exists along Mall Lane and Joyce Boulevard; however, an access ramp needs to be built at the comer of Mall Lane and Joyce Boulevard. This is a requirement for the lot split. Mr. Rickett stated his client was not opposed to putting in the ramp. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 No Comment. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 No Comment. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Dimension right-of-way from centerline of Joyce Boulevard. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 9 Subdivision of Land: Split subject to no additional curb cut. Other requirements: No additional signage or curb cuts. Access ramps required at corner of Mall and Joyce. Mr. Rickett asked if the curb cuts could be discussed at the time of the large scale. He noted he was sure the client would like an additional curb cut but he did not currently know the location of the proposed curb cut. Ms. Little advised the Planning Commission could make the determination regarding any additional curb cuts. She explained the condition was listed in order to enable free flow on Joyce Street. She suggested a shared access to the property to the west and noted that could be considered at large scale. Ms. Thomas stated any new utilities would need to be placed underground but that could be discussed at the large scale stage. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 No Comment. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: water mains and fire hydrants around Service Merchandise were not accepted as public lines. Clarify this on the final plat for this area. Sewer -Preliminary: Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: It is understood that drainage will not be altered by this lot split and that the drainage requirements for parcel 2 will go through the City's formal design requirements at the time of development of parcel 2. Street -Preliminary: Comments: Mr. Beavers advised he had submitted a list of items never received for the Spring Park Subdivision and those items would need to be received prior to the plat going forward to Subdivision Committee. He stated he would met with Mr. Rickett and Mr. Davis to determine the location where the water line became private. In response to a question from Mr. Rickett, Mr. Beaver stated he was not sure of the location of the private water easement but believed it was at the northwest corner of the existing building. He further advised they would need to file an easement plat or final plat showing all of the easements. He noted the City had not received a copy of all of the easements from the previous development. ZS1 Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 10 Ms. Little requested the easements and lots all be shown on one mylar. Mr. Beavers reiterated that, all easements would need to be shown on one plat, prior to the lot split going forward to the Subdivision Committee meeting. Ms. Little also advised "Mall Lane" needed to be changed to "Mall Avenue" on all of the documents. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack advised there were facilities in place. He asked the developer contact SWEPCO when they knew the use of the property. He also noted it might be impossible to place the services underground since the land was solid rock. TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 Mr. Leflar had requested, by letter, the same easements and crossings as SWEPCO and Southwestern Bell. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans advised he also would have a difficult time placing service underground. He stated the current gas line was located with the water line. He asked that the existing 25 -foot easement be shown on the plat. He pointed out the location he believed contained the lines. Ms. Warrick advised the lot split could be approved administratively as soon as the revisions were made. ZS1 • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 11 LS 97-19.00: LOT SPLIT (DOLLAR GENERAL) RICH SRYGLEY-W. OF SCHOOL AVE. S. OF 15TH AND E. OF WEST AVE The lot split was submitted by Kurt Jones of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Rick Srygley and RWT, Inc. for property located west of School Avenue, south of 15th Street and east of West Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and the parent tract contains 1.51 acres The split will create two lots, .58 acres and .93 acres. The following comments were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 No Comments. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 No Comments. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 No Comments. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 No Comments. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 No Comments. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 No Comments. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Add plat page 601 to title block. Add flood plain reference to plat. Proposed & Existing Street rights-of-way and easements: Fifteenth Street is classified as a Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 12 Principle Arterial requiring a total of 110 feet of right-of-way (55 feet from centerline) - this affects tract A. West Street is a Local Street requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way (25 feet from centerline) - this affects tracts B and C. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: Any new utilities shall be located underground. Mr. Jones noted the abstract showed West Street as a private street. Ms. Little stated all city records showed West Street to be public. She further noted the City maintained the street and it was curbed and guttered. Mr. Jones noted 25 feet from the centerline would take the street to the back of the curb. Ms. Little stated he could meet the Master Street Plan requirement with the sidewalk being on the developer's property rather than city right-of-way or dedicate additional land for the sidewalk. Mr. Rutherford advised the requirement for West Street was a 6 -foot sidewalk with a 6 -foot greenspace. Mr. Jones asked if the sidewalk could be placed at the back of the utility easement, making a 4 - foot greenspace with a 6 -foot sidewalk. Mr. Rutherford stated that would need to be worked out with the Planning Commission; he did not have the authority to accept less than that required by ordinance. Ms. Little asked if he was proposing to make the utility easement public. Mr. Jones stated they would consider dedicating the easement; he would have an answer for staff by the Subdivision Committee. Ms. Warrick noted the dedication of the right-of-way along West Street did affect Tract C, which was owned by a different person. Mr. Jones stated he was in contact with that person and something could be worked out. He asked if the sidewalk would have to be constructed at the time of the lot split or if it was a part of the large scale development. Ms. Warrick stated that, since Tract C was still vacant, the sidewalk would be required on that • tract when it developed. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 13 Ms. Little noted Tract C would be subject to large scale development. Mr. Conklin asked if the Salvation Army had dedicated enough right-of-way on Salvation. Ms. Little stated they would have to check the width of the right-of-way. She also requested the three property owners be shown on the plat. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 No Comments. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 No Comments. UTILITIES There were no comments from the utility company representatives. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 14 LSD 97-14.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT (DOLLAR GENERAL) RICK SRYGLEY-W. OF SCHOOL AVE. S. OF 15TH AND E. OF WEST AVE. The large scale development was submitted by Kurt Jones of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Rick Srygley for property located west of School Avenue, south of 15th Street and east of West Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately .93 acres. The following comments were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 No Comments. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 No Comments. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: A minimum of four trees along front facade and 3 times as many shrubs as shown to screen the parking area Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Developer will be required to post guarantee for landscaping requirements prior to building permit request. Please label adjacent zoning. Comments: Landscaping plan, as approved by the Planning Commission, to be submitted to Landscape Administrator prior to issuance of building permit. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks. Fifteenth Street is a Principal Arterial and West Avenue is a local street. A minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 -foot of green space is required on 15th Street. A minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 -foot greenspace is required on West Avenue. Sidewalks shall be continuous through the driveways. This needs to be shown on the plans and will be required at the time of development. • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 15 Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Street Lights: Street light required if there are none within 300 feet. Comments: Mr. Jones noted they would probably have to install a street light along West Street. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 No Comments. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Label adjacent zoning, add plat page 601 to title block, add flood plain reference to plat, and show contours on plat. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Fifteenth Street requires 55 feet from centerline; West Street requires 25 feet from centerline. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: 30 parking spaces required for 7,500 square feet of retail- 29 provided • (2 ADA accessible). Other requirements: A diskette was required for this project at the time of submittal. Is the east elevation (provided) the same as the west? Will all signage be wall mounted as shown on the elevation? If a pole sign is planned, the plat must reflect both the elevation and the location of the pole sign. Any new utilities shall be located underground. Commercial Design Standards Review: Both 15th and West are considered "fronts" for this project- additional landscaping (4 additional trees) is required along West Street; Trash enclosure is not located on this plat -screening on 3 sides required; Utility/Mech. Equipment is not located on the plat- these must be screened (if roof mounted, must be completely screened from the public view); No shared or cross access is proposed. • Mr. Jones noted the east elevation would be screened by the existing Laundromat. He also asked if 55 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Fifteenth Street was really necessary. Ms. Warrick advised they could request a waiver from the Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Jones stated they could make 55 feet work. Ms. Warrick also noted they needed to tell the City what they had done with the facade to meet the Commercial Design Standards. Zu( • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 16 Mr. Srygley explained the front facade had been substantially changed from the normal Dollar General Store; columns had been added; brick had been placed over the metal; the canopy was drivet rather than metal; and the shutters had also been added (and could be added to the other side). Mr. Conklin asked if they had checked to see if the radius on the driveways was adequate. Mr. Jones stated he believed they would be fine but would look at it again. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Fire hydrant required at rear of property unless installed by Salvation Army. Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: • After discussion, it was determined a hydrant could be placed at the northeast corner of the • Dollar General Store tract. Chief Jackson also suggested that, when Tract C developed, they check with the Salvation Army regarding sharing the cost. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water -Preliminary: 1. There is an 8 -inch line in 15th Street. The Salvation Army plans include a new 8 -inch line along West Avenue. Timing is unknown. 2. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chief's request. Sewer -Preliminary: Preliminary Grading and Drainage: Do not agree with grading so that the increased runoff goes onto the property owners' to the southeast. It appears that a swale along the entire length of the parent tract should be provided. If not, then a detention pond for the increased flow will be required. Additional drainage calculations in the form required by our ordinance and criteria manual are required for review prior to the subdivision committee meeting. Street -Preliminary: Clarify the private vs. public aspect of West Avenue. Our records, from the Salvation Army LSD, indicate a public street. Comments: • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 17 Mr. Jones explained the property drained naturally to the southeast corner and they were showing the flow would continue in that direction. He pointed out their drainage would flow into Salvation Street. Mr. Beavers agreed but explained the timing on Salvation Street was unknown. Mr. Jones pointed areas were they could place detention if required by the City. Mr. Beavers requested more information on drainage to the south. Mr. Jones agreed to provide more detail on the drainage. He further advised there were currently no plans to develop Tract C; however, should it develop prior to the Salvation Army tract, the owners of Tract C would be responsible for extending the water main. He pointed out it was not needed for the Dollar General Store. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack advised they had single phase on West Street and two-phase on 15th Street. He stated there were a number of ground -mounted utilities setting at the northwest corner of Tract A which should be noted on the plat. He further stated that area could be very close to the landscapping area. Ms. Sandeen stated the landscapping area would be further back. She also recommended small trees on 15th Street due to overhead utility lines. Mr. Burrack advised everything would be underground from the existing overhead facilities and the developer would need to provide conduit and transformer pads. He further noted the easement could be worked out with a contract between SWEPCO and the property owner. TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 Mr. Leflar had requested the same easements and conduit has requested by SWEPCO and Southwestern Bell. He also noted they would need 2 -inch PVC if cable was desired. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans stated the Gas Company also had a line on the south side of 15th Street. He requested a 15 -foot easement (for future use) adjacent to the right-of-way. • • • Technical Plat Review October 7, 1997 Page 18 Ms. Little advised the easement should not conflict with the landscaping. It was determined the easement could be placed under the parking spaces so there would be no conflict. Mr. Evans stated they would serve the building from the northwest corner. He also noted there was an existing line on the west side of West Street. In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Jones stated he would revise the rendering to show the overhang on the building front. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. IA