HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07-22 - Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, July 22, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kent Thompson, Rick Evans, Mike Phipps, and Kevin Lefler. STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Dawn Warrick, Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, and Heather Woodruff. LS 97-22: LOT SPLIT (GRACE HUNT) The lot split was submitted by Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Grace Hunt for property located at 4039 Huntsville road (south side of Huntsville, west of Roberts Rd). The portion of the property which is in the City Limits is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. The request is to split 0.52 acres from a 5.81 acre tract Mr. Tom Henley represented the project. The following continents were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: No comments or objections. Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: • Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: 1� • • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 2 Comments: Huntsville Road is a principal arterial requiring a minimum 6' sidewalk with a minimum 10' greenspace. River Meadows Drive is under construction which is also adjacent to this lot River Meadows Drive is going to have curb and gutter, a 4' sidewalk with a 6' greenspace. The sidewalk on Huntsville Road will need to be constructed at the time sidewalks are built on River Meadows Drive. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. Street Lights: Street light is required at the corner of River Meadows Drive, if there are no existing street lights with 300'. Comments: Ms. Warrick suggested Mr. Henley check the plat to see if the subdivision had been required to install a light. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: One additional lot $300.00 fee. Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Add plat page 569 to title block, add flood plain reference to plat, and show R- 1 setbacks- 25' front setbacks adjacent to Huntsville and River Meadows Drive. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Huntsville is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan requiring a total of 110' of right-of-way- 55' from centerline is required for this lot split. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: Mr. Conklin noted the existing garage was in the setback. Ms. Warrick suggested to Mr. Henley that he notify his client that the garage was non- conforming and if it were ever destroyed or damaged it could not be reconstructed in the same place without a variance. The city limit location needed to be added to the plat. She believed it was 300 feet from the right-of-way. She asked if the applicant was only wanting one lot split. Mr. Henley did not believe the applicant wanted another lot split. He thought they had planned to add to the property to the east. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 • Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Oyu • • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 3 Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Water will be available after the construction of the new water main for Stone Bridge Meadows. Sewer -Preliminary: Sewer must be extended from the new Stone Bridge Meadows to service Tract B (unless special provisions are made for one or two houses on septic). The extension could be planned to coincide with the construction in Stone bridge Meadows. If so, verify that the lift station can accept additional flow. If tract B is to be developed, the sewer line may be extended to tract B at this time or, made very clear on the plat sewer service is not available. The extension of public sanitary sewer will be required prior to development of tract B. Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: Drainage will be reviewed at the time of development of Tract B. Street -Preliminary: Comments: Mr. Beavers asked if the sewer came to the existing manhole. Mr. Henley replied it did not. The applicant was on a septic system, however, they were investigating the possibility of hooking up to the manhole. If it did not work, they had agreed to extend the sewer from Stone bridge to tract B. He noted there was enough elevation to tie Tract A into the sewer line. Mr. Beavers stated there needed to be a note on plat stating there was not sewer available to tract B. He added they would have to annex Tract B before they could tie into sewer. Mr. Conklin noted a portion of tract 13 was in the City Limits. Mr. Beavers replied it was only 15 to 20% of the tract. Mr. Conklin asked if the County was okay with the size lot they were creating for tract A (referring to septic system). • Mr. Beavers stated the applicant needed to check with the county to see if the tract they were creating was not cutting off the septic system. 167 • • • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 4 UTILITIES SWEPCO- Kent Thompson -973-2308 No comments. Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps asked if there was room for an easement along River Meadows Drive. Ms. Warrick replied there was not enough room for an easement because there was only a 50' right of way. Mr. Phipps stated he could serve tract B from the existing easement in Stone bridge Meadows. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 No comments. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 No comment. Ms. Warrick stated 37 revised copies needed to be submitted by 10:00 Monday morning. S'? • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 5 LS 97-23.00: LOT SPLIT (JIM WATSON) The lot split was submitted by Jim Watson for property located at 2523 E Huntsville (south side of Huntsville, east of Crossover Road). The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. The request is to split 1.24 acres from an 8.81 acre tract. The project was represented by Lynn Farrell and Jim Watson. The following comments were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: No comments or objections Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: • Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: • Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Huntsville Road is a principle arterial requiring a minimum 6' sidewalk with a minimum of 10' greenspace. Sidewalk construction will be required at the time of development. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Street Lights: Comments: Mr. Franklin did not think the City should allow any more access to Hwy 16 at this location. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 6 Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Add plat page 566 to title block; add flood plain reference to plat; show layout of adjoining property esp.curbcuts; project site not accurately depicted on vicinity map; legal description of parent tract required- add to plat; Dimension right-of-way from centerline; label and dimension all easements; show C-2 building setbacks on plat; show Crossover on plat; show all existing structures on plat. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Highway 16 is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan requiring a total of 110' of right-of-way- 55' from centerline is required for this lot split. Show all curb cuts for this property. Shared access between tracts 1 and 2 appear to be possible. No additional curb cuts will be allowed with new tract- shared and cross access needs to be addressed with this lot split request. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements. Tract 2 will be required to go through the Large Scale Development process and must comply with the City's Commercial Design Standards ordinance. Ms. Warrick stated they needed to show all curb cuts. Mr. Farrell thought the majority of the items requested would be submitted during the large scale development phase because they had not been listed on the lot split check list. Ms. Little explained the check list got them into the process for review. During the review any additional items needed are added to the list. It would not keep them out of the process, but in order to get through the Subdivision meeting they would need to provide the information. In response to a question from Mr. Farrell, Ms. Warrick stated the entry would be the existing shared driveway. The drive could be a maximum of 24 feet. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 7 Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Water is available on Highway 16. Sewer -Preliminary: Sanitary sewer is not available to tract 2. Provide a utility easement 20-25 feet in width across the entire east side of tracts 1 and 2 for sanitary sewer to run from tract 2 across tract 1 to the existing 12 sanitary sewer south of the existing 36 sanitary sewer shown. The actual construction of the sanitary sewer to tract 2 can be part of the lot split or a requirement of the large scale development of tract 2. Preliminary Grading: Drainage, grading, and other utility concerns will be addressed at the time of development of tract 2 or additional development of tract 1 Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Comments: Show the existing sanitary sewer easement (15feet) over the existing 36 inch sewer line shown. Mr. Beavers asked the applicant to show the 15' easement over the sewer line. He added there needed to be a 25' easemetn for sewer and the other utilities running the entire lenght of the east boundary. Mr. Farrell stated they had planned to take the sewer from the south portion of tract 2 clown to tract 1. Mr. Farrell stated they had tried working with Creekside, but had not been successful. Mr. Beavers stated he would ask the Planning Commission to require the easement. Mr. Farrell questioned the City's ability to require an easement across their property to provide services for someone else. Mr. Beavers stated it would be required during the large scale development phase. He added the requirement was in the City's water and sewer standards. Mr. Farrell stated they were not concerned with the large scale. Ms. Little explained a lot split was the same as a subdivision and the City had an agreement with the utility companies to facilitate the expansion of utilities. Typically what the utility companies asked for during the Technical plat review was a perimeter easement of 20'. Mr. Farrell stated it would reduce the value of tract 2 Mr. Beavers stated he would ask for it at the Planning Commission meeting. The lu p • • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 8 Commissioners could agree or disagree. Ms. Little felt the easement would be granted. She added the applicant had the option to not do the lot split at this time. Mr. Beavers added the applicant would still have to provide the easement, even if Creekside was not located adjacent to them. Mr. Conklin asked if the City required drainage easements along the stream. He noted the flood plain covered 80% of tract 2. Ms. Little replied the site had been elevated. The applicant would need to provide elevation certificates. Mr. Conklin explained the applicant would need to provide documentation from FEMA. Ms. Little stated the applicant had not applied for documentation from FEMA. They would have to apply for it or meet the flood plain development standards. Mr. Conklin explained the only way to amend the flood plain map was to have FEMA approve it. Mr. Farrell asked about the floodplain standard. Ms. Little stated they would need to elevate their finished floor elevation 2' above the floodplain. An engineer would shoot the elevation and submit a form to the city. UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 No comments SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 Mr. Leflar requested a 20' on the east side of tract 1 and 2. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans stated the 20' easement along Hwy 16 needed to be shown on the plat. • Ms Warrick stated 37 revised copies would need to be submitted by 10:00 on Monday morning. lur • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 9 Ms. Little stated it included the easement research from the access and easement research from the Watson plat. I3 • • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 10 PP 97-6.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR STONEYKIRK SUBDIVISION The preliminary plat was submitted by Brian Ray of Development Consultants, Inc on behalf of Jeff Allen for property located north of Wheeler Road and east of County Road 708. The property is located in the county but within the City's growth area. The property contains 85.07 acres with 21 lots proposed. The following comments were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: The City does not and will not provide solid waste collection services to this subdivision. Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: not applicable Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Subdivision is outside the City Limits where sidewalks are not required. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. Street Lights: Comments: Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 • Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 11 Vehicle access to Park Land. Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Add plat page 240 to title block and dimension all rights of way from center lines. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: No connections or intersections with Master Street Plan. County approval of right-of-way as requested. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: Diskette of project is required as a part of application submittal. County conditions of approval: 1. Dedicate 40' from centerline rights-of-way along existing county roads. 2. Indicate a 50' surface radius and 60' right-of-way at the cul-de-sac turnaround. 3. Indicate a 60' drainage easement centered on the creek as specified in the drainage study. 4. Provide the correct scale on the plat (current plat shows two different scales) 5. Provide a 60' future right-of-way between lots 18 and 19, and a 30' future road right- of-way on the east property line of lot 16, connecting Wheeler Road and Weir Road. Ms. Warrick asked if all the land was developing as one phase. Mr. Ray stated it would all be one phase. They had discussed another cul-de-sac on the eastern ridge, however they were not doing that because the percolation rates would only support larger lots which would not be economically feasible to build. They had decided to subdivide the area. Ms. Warrick noted earlier submittals had twice the lots. Mr. Ray stated the poor percolation rates on the eastern ridge had decreased the number of lots. He added, they had preliminary approval from the County Health Department. Ms. Warrick read a letter from County Planning asking the Planning Commission to carefully consider the percolation rates. The project was located over a unconfined aquifer. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: RIC • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 12 Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: An 8 inch water line (deadened) will be required to the last fire hydrant. If fire hydrant spacings are changed the line beyond the last hydrant may be less than 8 inch diameter. Verify fire hydrant spacing, application and allow ability with Fire Chief Jackson. Note that the long service lines on lots 15-19 may require private booster pumps. Sewer -Preliminary: Septic approval to be by the Washington County Health Department. Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Street and drainage approval by the County. Comments. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Mr. Beavers stated the developer needed to visit with Mr. Jackson to see if fire hydrants were allowed. • Mr. Ray stated they had not decided if they were going to provide hydrants or not. The city would not maintain them and the developer would be responsible for them. • Mr. Beavers stated the applicant would have to make a decision before the construction documents were submitted. He informed, if they had fire hydrants, an 8 inch line would be required even though it was a 6 inch pipe. If they did not have hydrants a 6 inch pipe would be fine. He asked who the drainage easement would be dedicated to. Mr. Ray replied it would be dedicated to the County. They had requested it. Mr. Beavers asked if the county had talked about straighten a curve in the road. Mr. Ray stated they did not. Ms. Little stated people had complained about how dangerous the road was. Mr. Ray thought the area across the road would be difficult to develop and the property to the west had already developed. He thought something might be developed to the east which would impact the road. One of the agreements they had with the county was that they would be installing a double chip and seal along the length of their property inlieu of paving half of the road. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Ray stated they had not required any off site improvements. 141 Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 13 Ms.Little stated she was uncomfortable about the curve and stated she would be meeting with the county to discuss it. Mr. Beavers commented some of the lots might have low water pressure and may need a private pump, but it would be at their expense. Mr. Ray stated the low water pressure was something to be expected in rural areas. Mr. Beaver stated the water meters would be at the right-of-way and they would be running 1100 feet of service line. He questioned if there would be any water at the end of the line. Mr. Ray responded he did not believe they would be able to construct a home on lot 17 and 18, it was too steep. Ms. Warrick commented the property lines between lots 16 and 17 and 15 did not show up very well and needed to be darkened. In response to Ms. Warrick reading the county requirements, Mr. Ray stated they had not agreed to the first condition of the right-of-way dedication. They had agreed to dedicate 40' from Mt. Comfort and 30' along Weir Road. Ms. Little stated they would have a meeting with county. She added the names of the streets needed to be added to the plat. Mr. Beaver questioned why the county was requiring right-of-way where it was too steep to build a street. Ms. Little suggested an alternative. Mr. Ray had no preference where the right-of-way was placed. Ms. Little thought they needed the discuss the road with the county. UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps asked if they had planned to install underground utilities. Mr. Ray stated they were not required to install underground utilities. Mr. Phipps stated they would need a 30' utility easement for overhead lines from the street right- • • • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 14 of -way and around the cul-de-sac. Lots 17 and 18, 16 and 15 a 30' utility easement, 15' each side of the property line. For county road 94, the west property line of lot 19, he would need a 30' utility easement as well as the north property line of lots 19 and 20. The east line of lot 21. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans stated they did not service that far out. Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 15 LSD 97-16.00: NORTHWEST MEDICAL IMAGING The project was represented by Ron Petrie The following comments were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac. No comments or objections. Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad. Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation 8c/or Replacement: No comments. Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Millsap is a collector street an requires a minimum 6' sidewalk with a minimum 10' greenspace. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway and needs to be shown that way on the plans with the sidewalk and greenspace width. The sidewalk needs to be shown in the legend. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. Street Lights: Comments: One ADA space must be van accessible with an 8' aisle. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: IU� Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 16 Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Label zoning to the south (A-1), dimension the Millsap Road right-of-way from centerline, label C-2 building setbacks on plat. Legal description loses, however, the location is not correct. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: 30' from centerline is the required right- of-way dedication for this project. No additional curb cuts will be allowed for the proposed future expansion of this facility. Cross access to the west is necessary at this time. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: show location of all signage on plat. Any new utilities will be placed underground. Other requirements: Twelve copies of a color rendered main facade elevation were required by ordinance at the time of project submittal for Commercial Design Standards review. Site development standards. Trees appear to be placed approximately 40' along the front landscaped area with the exception of the drainage easement along the east property line. Locate and screen mechanical/ utility equipment and trash dumpster site. Ms. Warrick asked if the applicant was seeking approval on the future expansion. Mr. Petrie stated his client was expecting to have to go thought he process again. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: The water meter should be relocated to the ROW line not relocated to the island. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chief's request. Sewer -Preliminary: Preliminary Grading: Refer to checklist for preliminary grading. Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: No street improvements to Millsap are requested. Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets, and 120 • Technical Plat Review July 22, 1997 Page 17 drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the item construction plans are submitted. In response to a question from Mr. Beavers, Mr. Petrie stated there were no handrails along the sidewalk. He added they had a detail they would add to the construction plans of the handrails with 6" centers. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Kent Thompson -973-2308 Mr. Thompson stated there was three phase power in the area . Service would be no problem. Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 • No comments Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans asked them to show the utility easements along the ditch. • Ms. Warrick stated once the right-of-way line was moved to include the dedication of the easement, it would change the building setback and they would need to move the back a few feet. Mr. Petrie agreed he would have to move the building anyway to provide the cross access. Ms. Warrick added they had met the requirements for submittal, but she cautioned the Commission may require additional information. The meeting adjourned 10:15. 171