HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07-08 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, July 8, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES Dennis Burrack and Andy Calloway PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Dawn Warrick, Mickey Jackson, Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, Nancy Dugwyler, Beth Sandeen, Chuck Rutherford and Sharon Langley PLA97-12 00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT - DON GINGER DON GINGER - N OF DOGWOOD LANE & W OF SEQUOYAH DRIVE The first item was a property line adjustment submitted by Don Ginger (pp 486) for property located north of Dogwood Lane and west of Sequoyah Drive, at 830 Dogwood Lane. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 0.248 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements:. Plat Information: Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: Lot Requirements: Other Requirements: Dedication of easement has been received. UTILITY: There were no utility comments. • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 2 PLA 97-13 00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT - TUNE CONSTRUCTION TUNE CONSTRUCTION - N OF NORTH ST.. E OF LEVERETT AVE. The next item was a property line adjustment submitted by Dennis Tune for properties located north of North Street and east of Leverett Avenue. The properties are zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial. Two tracts of land are being adjusted to combine with a third tract, creating one large parcel. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements: Plat Information: A vicinity map is required. Plat page 444 needs to be added to the title block. Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: Lot Requirements: Other Requirements: Comments: Is site currently vacant? Mr. Tune advised there were no improvements on the sites. UTILITIES• SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack - 973-2308 Mr. Burrack noted there were some existing lights on the site. Mr. Tune agreed and stated the property was currently being used as the storage yard. He noted the church would not take possession of the property until April, 1998. He advised the lights would be removed before the property was transferred. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway had no comments. Ido • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 3 LS97-20 00 WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CARLON BASSETT - E OF COLLEGE, N OF DAVIDSON The next item was a lot split (waiver of subdivision regulations) submitted by Alan Reid of Alan Reid & Associates on behalf of Carlon Bassett for property located east of College Avenue and north of Davidson Street at 614 North College Avenue. The property is zoned C -2/R-0, Thoroughfare Commercial and Residential -Office, and contains approximately 0.73 acres. Mr. Waymon White, Alan Reid & Associates, was present to answer any questions. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements: Plat Information: Adjacent zoning needs to be labeled on the plat. Since the zoning changes on the property, the zoning of the tract needs to be shown on the plat. The setbacks for the appropriate zoning needs to be shown on the plat. Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: Lot Requirements: Other Requirements: Screening is required between commercial uses and adjacent R -O property. Indicate floodway on lot split. Comments: Ms. Little advised staff was concerned about the square footage in the CEMS Building, wanting to be sure there was sufficient land going with the building to meet the parking requirements. She asked for the square footage of the building. Ms. Little also requested the ownership of the adjoining properties be checked for accuracy. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: 1. Field locate and show the existing sewer. The lines appear to be under the buildings. 2. Field locate and show the existing underground drainage culvert. Ms. Little asked if the drainage was in the floodplain area. Ms. Beavers stated it should be. ��I • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 4 Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks:. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: The driveway approach along College Avenue is broken and is unsafe for pedestrians. This driveway approach needs to be replaced and it needs to meet ADA guidelines. Mr. Rutherford also noted there was quite a bit of vegetation grown over the sidewalk which needed to be removed. Fire Department - Mickey Jackson - 575-8366 Mr. Jackson advised there was an existing deficiency due to the locations of the hydrants. A fire hydrant is needed at the northeast corner of College and Rebecca. UTILITIES: • SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack - 973-2308 In response to a question from Mr. Burrack, Mr. White stated the CEMS Building would be used as an auto repair shop. Mr. Burrack advised they had adequate facilities to serve the building. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway had no comments. • • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 5 LS97-16.10: WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ERIC & TAMMIE HARPER - S OF MT. COMFORT. W OF CR 877 The next item was a waiver of subdivision regulations request submitted by Eric and Tammie Harper for property located south of Mt. Comfort Road and west of County Road 877, at 2090 N. Sunshine. The property is located in the Growth Area and contains approximately 0.78 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements: Plat Information: Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: Lot Requirements: Approved by County Planning. Presumed to perc; data to be submitted as soon as it becomes available. Other Requirements:. Comments: Ms. Warrick noted the perc data had been received. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: Mr. Beavers advised the 10 -foot water line easement was a private easement for private service. He requested it be noted as such on the plat. UTILITIES: SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack - 973-2308 This property is served by Ozark Electric. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway had no comments. /N3 • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 6 LSD 97-15.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT -NORTH PARK PLACE, PHASE II SMITH -BROOKS INVESTMENTS - S OF FUTRALL. E OF WIMBERLY The next item was a large scale development for North Park Place, Phase II, (pp 212) submitted by Mel Milholland of Milholland Engineering Company on behalf of Smith -Brooks Investments for property located south of Futrall Drive and east of Wimberly Drive, at 3380 North Wimberly Drive. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains approximately 1.91 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Comments: No objections at this time. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. None Street Lights: Street lights in North Hills was via special agreement; the property owner owned and maintained the street lights. The street lights on this project needed to be standard. Other Comments: ADA spaces must have an 8 -foot wide aisle adjacent to the parking space. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement. Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Comments: Need proposed parking lot landscaping identified on plan; need tree preservation information of rare trees, location for storage, cement wash-out, etc., and tree protection specifications. tag • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 7 Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks:. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Millsap Road is a Collector Street. The sidewalk shall be a minimum 6 feet wide with a minimum 10 feet of greenspace on Millsap Road. Wimberly Drive is a local street. The sidewalk shall be a minimum 6 feet wide with a minimum 6 feet of greenspace. However, the sidewalk shall return next to the curb in front of the three healthy Red Maple trees. Sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Plat Information: Plat Requirements: Street Requirements: Futrall is a collector in this location, requiring a total of 70 feet of right-of- way; 35 feet from centerline is required. Reduce the size of curb cuts from 27 feet to 24 feet. Parking Requirements 1/200 for Sales = 90 plus 1/300 for Profession Office = 33, for a total of 123 allowed parking spaces. • Mr. Petrie advised the square footage for the two uses were incorrect on the plat and should be switched. Other Requirements: No free standing signs shown - will signage only be on the building? Mr. Petrie stated there were no plans for signage other than on the building. Ms. Warrick pointed out the setback reduction option was required for both streets. She advised she would provide the proper form to Mr. Petrie. Ms Little advised the project was exempted from the Overlay District subject to three conditions: (1) the lot was created prior to the overlay district; (2) the lot is an outlot of the North Hills Medical Park and (3) would be subject to the North Hills Medical Park covenants. She further stated the lot was still subject to the Commercial Design Standards. Mr. Harry Gray advised the subject tract had been a reserve tract of North Hills Medical park. Ms. Little stated there would be a conflict with the proposed plat and the covenants. She pointed out the City did not enforce the covenants but she had used the covenants as one of the basis from exempting the property from the Overlay District. She requested Mr. Petrie review the covenants. She also asked the name of the contact person for the North Hills Architectural Committee and also to give the City a copy of the committee's approval of the plans. I�� • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 8 Ms. Warrick advised any new utilities needed to be placed underground. She also stated the request for variances of sidewalks was noted on the plat. Commercial Design Standards: Site Development Standards: Fifteen -foot landscaping exclusive of dedicated right-of-way is required (can be reduced to 5 feet with landscaping). Trees are to be located one for every 30 feet within the landscaped area. The plat shows trees located every 40 - 50 feet along the street frontage. Mr. Beavers stated there was an existing 8 -inch water line in the right-of-way and they did not want trees to be planted over the water line. Location of mechanical/utility equipment needs to be shown on plat (this is required to be screened). Need engineer to provide coverage calculations to determine percentage of cover and percentage of greenspace. Variances requested: Setback reduction requested for both Futrall and Wimberly frontages. Sidewalks requested to be waived (as noted on plat). Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: (1) All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. (2) Request to be exempt from all sidewalks?-- why? (3) The easement labeled on your plat as "Abandoned 15' U.E." is shown as an active 10 ft. SWEPCO easement on our plat. Please verify. Water and Sewer: Fire protection requirements, including additional hydrants, per the Fire Chief's requests. Drainage and Grading: Refer to Engineering checklist. Addition grading and drainage information is required. The required information must be submitted to the Engineering office no later than the typical Monday morning deadline for plat corrections (July 14, 10:00 a.m.) or the proposal cannot continue in the process. • Grading - Provide all of the information required for a preliminary plan as specified in the ordinance including 161.08 C, F and I. • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 9 Drainage - Provide preliminary drainage basin maps/areas. Provide enough calculations to determine if the existing system is adequate or if detention will be required. Provide the calculations in the form and requirements of the criteria manual. Include the runoff generated off-site and coming onto the site, the runoff generated on site (which you have) and the total runoff exiting the site. Note that the criteria manual requires that you consider the upper basin fully developed for the post development flows. Is the existing inlet and 15 -inch pipe adequate? Will the proposed swale overload the curb and gutter? What happens to this flow as it progress downstream? For the other subbasin - is the existing inlet and 15 -inch pipe adequate? Fire Department - Mickey Jackson - 575-8366 Add fire hydrant at the rear entrance off of Futrall. Are there plans to sprinkle the building? It could be a requirement if designated as a mercantile (mercantiles above 15,000 square feet had to be sprinkled). Mr. Petrie advised he did not know if the building would be sprinkled. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack - 973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated he believed there was a letter attached to the North Hills plat in which SWEPCO agreed to abandon the easement crossing the property. He also pointed out the overhead power line running north -south across the property which fed North Hills. He stated there were two poles which could be used. He also noted there were guy wires holding the line continuing to the east He suggested options: (1) to participate in the cost of a free standing, non - guide stub pole; (2) moving another pole to the east and guying back into the property (in the area shown as parking on the plat). Mr. Petrie stated he believed the applicant had chosen the second option. In response to a question from Ms. Little; Mr. Burrack advised CMN Business Park (the subdivision to the east) was all underground service, being fed off of the overhead on the subject property. Ms. Little advised she needed to review the ordinance regarding underground utilities to see if the line would need to be placed underground as a condition of development. Mr Burrack stated he did not believe anyone could afford it. He pointed out the line was the major feeder for the entire area. • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 10 SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway had no comments. Ms. Little noted the applicant was also the owner of the adjoining property (where the Blue Cross/Blue Shield office was located). She stated it appeared there was a parking lot immediately behind the Blue Cross building, located on the undeveloped portion of the Washington Regional property. Mr. Petrie stated it was his understanding Blue Cross was renting the space. Ms. Little advised that had not been approved as a part of the large scale nor was there a permit on the parking lot. She requested the owner contact the office in order to resolve the problem. She further noted they needed to discuss cross access between the subject lot and the adjacent lot, especially since both properties had the same owner. Mr. Petrie stated he did not see any reason why they could not have cross access. • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 11 LSD97-6.10: LARGE SALE DEVELOPMENT - MEADOW BROOKS TIM LINDSEY - NOF STONE STREET. W OF SANG STREET The next item was a large scale development submitted by Tom Hopper of Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc., on behalf of Jim Lindsey for property located north of Stone Street and west of Stone Street. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 13.27 acres Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements: Also use previous comments as a guide. Mr. Hopper advised they had made all changes previously requested. Other Requirements: Locate all proposed signage on plat. Any new utilities shall be placed underground. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water: 1. The water main will not be allowed to go under the proposed keystone block wall. This would place a burden upon the City if maintenance or repairs were required in the future. 2. Minimum line size to be 8 -inch. 3. The proposed main may be required to extend to Stone and reinforce the existing 2 -inch line. 4. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chief's request. 5. Minimum easement (or combination of right-of-way and easement) widths shall be 20 feet. Sanitary Sewer: 1. Sewer capacity - Additional information concerning the capacity of this sewer was furnished by Grafton, Tull & Associates on March 25, 1997 which states that the capacity of the exiting 6 - inch sewer west of the intersection of Sang Street and Old Farmington Road is inadequate. C.T.A. proposed to replace approximately 881 feet of 6 -inch sewer with 8 -inch sewer. • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 12 Engineering will recommend that this sewer main replacement be the developer's responsibility and expense. 2. Sewer easements shall be a minimum of 230 feet in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Grading and drainage: 1. Additional information is required. The plans and preliminary drainage calculations do not address the 16 -unit apartment complex added in this revision at the southeast corner of Stone and Sang (new site). The information for the added 16 units along with the other requested grading and drainage information is required to allow review of the preliminary proposal and to prevent the development from being held up in the process. The required information must be submitted to the Engineering office no later than the typical Monday morning deadline for plat corrections (July 14, 10:00 a.m.) or the proposal cannot continue in the process. Mr. Hopper advised they had the calculations for the additional 16 units and they showed a 1.4 CFS increase. He stated the retention ponds would be adequate for the additional drainage. He further noted the plans would be submitted to Engineering by the deadline. 2 Also refer to the attached checklist for preliminary grading. Provide all of the information required by the ordinance for both sites. 3. Slope stability - The geotech firm of Grubs, Garner, Hoskyn has provided report to Crafton- Tull which details the requirements for slopes, cuts, fills, building foundations, benching of the fill, compaction The report provides a basis for the approval of the project. 4. With the exception of the gully, or wash, between buildings 8 and 2 the cuts and/or fills will be less than 15 feet. Therefore, terracing will not be required. Mr. Beavers advised Alderman Schaper did not agree with his interpretation of the ordinance. Mr. Hopper asked if anything could be done to address that prior to the Council meeting. Mr. Beavers stated he believed there should be a meeting with Mr. Schaper, Mr. Venable and staff. iy� • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 13 Mr. Lindsey stated he believed Mr. Schaper interpreted the full slope across the entire tract of land as being the distance on elevation where the ordinance said 15 feet. He pointed out the baseline would be 80 - 100 feet. He stated one of the items in the ordinance was to show the property was stable; he contended the property was stable and there were no cuts 15 feet in depth. 5. Retaining walls are a component of the grading plan and thus the design calculations for the proposed keystone walls must be submitted for review with the final construction grading plan. Safety on top of the retaining walls must be addressed. Engineering will require a rail which meets or exceeds the SSBC requirements for rails on balconies (lateral loads, maximum openings of 6 inches, etc.). The rail must be designed and the wall designed to accommodate the added lateral loads. 6. A good preliminary drainage report has been provided for the 96 units. Drainage calculations/report in accordance with the ordinance and criteria manual are also required for the new 16 -unit site. • 7. The final design must include additional information on the discharge structures including velocities and downstream channel erosion. 8. Finished slopes shall not exceed 3H:1 V including the ponds. 9 All drainage interior to the project, including the detention ponds, will be privately maintained. A formal agreement, per the Stormwater Ordinance will be required. Streets: Based upon previous meetings, the developer is going to improve the total width of Sang Street up to his entrance in lieu of one-half of a street the entire length of his property. Also, I understood that right-of-way, but no improvements, would be required on Stone Street. Street design to be in accordance with the"Minimum Street Standards" of August, 1996. Ms. Little also cautioned the applicant regarding notification of the adjoining property owners on the 16 -unit apartment. She also noted the applicant needed to visit with staff regarding the setbacks in R-2. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks. • Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: S� • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 14 Comments: Stone Street and Sang Street are local streets. There shall be a minimum 4 -foot sidewalk with a minimum of 6 feet of greenspace along Sang Street and Stone Street. The sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. The sidewalk shall also be built on the east side of Sang Street between Maine Street and Stone Street. Sidewalks shall be constructed on Stone Street and Sang Street for the 16-plex apartment building. The sidewalks need to be better defined on the plat. Further, there would be a sidewalk in front of the Ward property but not in front of the Jackson property. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: None Street Lights: Street lights are okay as shown. Are street light standard SWEPCO street lights? Other Comments: At least one ADA space in each parking area must be van accessible with an 8 - foot aisle and 8 -foot parking stall. Trip generation report included. Mr. Hopper stated they would be standard SWEPCO street lights. Ms. Little also noted that, at the last Planning Commission meeting, a 20 -foot right-of-way had been required north of the entrance. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Comments: No objections or comments at this time. If dumpster screening contains gates, the Solid Waste Division will not open gates -- will be the responsibility of apartment manager. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Comments: Need worksheet application reflecting percentage of canopy preserved. Will discuss tree protection methods at pre -construction meeting. Parks Department - Nancy Dugwyler - 14-3472 General Comments: Park Board determined money in lieu on April 7, 1997, City Council approved waiver on April 15, 1997. 112 units at $240. per unit equals $26,880. lS7- • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 15 Fire Department - Mickey Jackson - 575-8366 A larger turn -around area is required on the main drive by Building 4. Installation of a hydrant to service the new 16 -unit building. Mr. Hopper agreed to provide additional space. UTILITIES: SWEPCO - Dennis Burrack - 973-2308 Mr. Burrack noted the easements were as had been previously requested. He noted the service wold have to be from the front. Mr. Hopper noted there was 15 feet behind the buildings. Mr. Burrack stated they would then provide service behind the buildings. He asked if they would require interior lighting. • Mr. Hopper stated they would require interior lighting. • Mr. Burrack stated the street lights, if underground, would be $595.00 per unit for installation but there would be no charge if they were overhead. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway requested the building setbacks on the 16 -unit building be shown as utility easements. He reviewed the installation plan and requested sleeves whenever the line crossed the parking area or sidewalks. 153 • • • Technical Plat Review July 8, 1997 Page 16 LS97-21.00 WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS- BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO SUPERIOR PROPERTIES PLUS - N OF HWY 62. W OF SANG The last item was a lot split (waiver of subdivision regulations) for Blockbuster Video (pp 559) submitted by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Superior Properties Plus for property located north of Highway 62, west of Sang Street, south of Old Farmington Road The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 1.15 acres. Ms. Little noted there were no plats for the lot split. Mr. Gray stated it had been his understanding the large scale development plat could be used for the lot split. Ms. Little explained that for lot splits they needed three legal descriptions -- the parent tract and then the legal of the two lots. The utility representatives advised they had reviewed the tract from the large scale development plat. Ms. Little requested the plat show that the applicant was requesting both a lot split and a large scale and that all three legal descriptions be shown on the plat. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.