HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-24 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF • TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW 62_Z407 • • A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, June12111997 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES John Boles, Anita Ford, and Mike Phipps PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Tim Conklin, Dawn Warrick, Mickey Jackson, Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, Nancy Dugwyler, Beth Sandeen, and Sharon Langley FP 97-3.00: FINAL PLAT - FIELDSTONE SUBDIVISION, PHASE IV CASTLE DEVELOPMENT - N OF WEDINGTON. W OF CARLSBAD TRACT The first item was a final plat for Fieldstone Subdivision, Phase IV (pp 300) submitted by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Castle Development for property located north of Wedington Drive and west of Carlsbad Trace. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 24.04 acres with 75 lots proposed. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Addressing: Provided a copy of addresses for engineer to add to the plat. Noted the street "Genoa" was misspelled. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443 3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: General Comments: No objections at this time. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement. Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Need replacement trees installed or post bond, letter of credit, etc. with City for 20 #5 Pin Oaks. Total money required if guarantee is used - $750 (20 trees and installation- $500 x 150% = $750). Also, please add signature block to plat. 12Z • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 2 Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Fieldstone was approved with five phases The sidewalks are 4 -foot wide with a 4 - foot greenspace on only one side of the street. It is now time to construct the sidewalk along Wedington adjacent t the Fieldstone Subdivision. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: None. Street Lights: Add one street light between lots 167 and 168. Comments: None. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: 75 units at $300.00 per unit. Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Comments: Under previous "Green Space" ordinance, the owner/developer had the option to pay or dedicate land. As in Phase III, the owner/developer wishes to pay money in lieu. Seventy-five single family units at $300 = $22,500. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements: At the time of submittal of a final plat, a final inspection must be scheduled before the corresponding Subdivision Committee meeting. If this project will not be ready for a final inspection, it cannot be processed at this time. Mr. Gray advised the final inspection had not been scheduled because they were not ready. He stated they would not be able to schedule the inspection prior to the next Subdivision meeting. Further Submittal Comments: All required improvements from Phase I, II and III must be complete before this Phase can be approved. Plat Information: Add signature block for Sidewalk & Trails Coordinator sign off Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: Lot Requirements: One lot has disappeared between the preliminary and the final plat. Ms. Warrick advised that was not of major concern. • Other Requirements: Add addresses to final plat for all lots. Any new utilities shall be placed underground. \1-3 Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 3 Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: 1. As part of the approval for the construction of Fieldstone, Phase IV, the City required that all outstanding issues in Phases I,11 and III be corrected. These corrections are required prior to the final plat of Phase IV. Refer to previous correspondence of April 12, 1996, September 30, 1996, and our meeting November 1, 1996. 2. What is the status of the off-site drainage? This is an integral part of the development. Mr. Gray advised Mr. Nottenkamper had a signed contract but he did not know when he would be starting the work. 3. A complete final inspection must be completed no later than the Wednesday morning prior to the Thursday Subdivision Committee meeting. (The final plat may be approved at the subdivision committee meeting). • 4. The final plat cannot/will not be signed by the City Engineer until all outstanding issues and all punch list items are resolved and all as-builts, construction costs and maintenance bonds are furnished. 5. Section 159.16 of the subdivision ordinances states that a final plat must include, in addition to other requirements: Drainage plan with proposed cuts and fills; location and size of utility lines. Based upon these requirements, shouldn't the final plat include: the water line, fire hydrants, sanitary sewer, storm drainage and overland swales? Mr. Gray stated he would not mind showing all of those items on the plat but would have to either go to two plats or enlarge the scale. After discussion, it was agreed the plat could go to a larger scale. 6. Add a note to the final plat that the drainage swales are not to be graded by the developer or the purchaser of the lot or the home builder/owner. The drainage swales must be maintained by the developer or the individual but not the City. Further, no fences will be allowed over the drainage easement which contains the overflow swale. 7. Change the easements labeled "UE" to drainage easements at lots 194/195, 167/168, and 66/67. • 8. The developer is reminded to check the requirements of 159.34, Guarantees in lieu of installed improvements. Bonding may be allowed of the asphalt, sidewalks and landscaping. • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 4 UTILITIES Ozark Electric- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps asked if there was a streetlight on lot 156. Mr. Gray stated there was. Mr. Phipps suggested moving it to 186/187. He pointed out the 10 -foot easement could be divided to a 5 foot easement on each lot. Arkansas Western Gas - Johnny Boles - 521-5330 Mr. Boles stated the easements shown were fine but did request the off-site easement be shown. TCA Cable - Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler provided the following written comments: All easements are fine as shown. Why do some road crossings show 1, 2 or 3 conduits? Shouldn't they be at least quads? Mr. Gray advised the crossings were as requested and approved on the preliminary plat. Ms. Warrick suggested Mr. Gray contact Mr. Lefler to see if he needed additional crossings. Mr. Gray stated they were already installed. Ms. Warrick pointed out the telephone representative was not present and, should the applicant want his comments, he would need to contact Andy Calloway. • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 5 LS97-18.00 & LSD 97-13.00: LOT SPLIT & LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT TOM JANUARY - N OF TOWNSHIP & W OF NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE The next two items were a lot split and Targe scale development submitted by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Tom January (pp 290) for property located north of Township and west of North College. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 3.07 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Comments: No objections at this time. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. None Street Lights: One street light required if there are none are located within 300 feet of the development. Other Comments: The ADA space is required to be a minimum 8 -foot parking space and 8 -foot aisle (van accessible). Eighteen wheel delivery trucks should be able to back into the unloading dock and maneuver inside the parking lot for exiting without blocking the heavy traffic on Highway 180 (Township Road). The lot split should allow enough room for the proper design of the parking lot. Mr. Gray stated he was sure the 18 -wheel trucks had room to maneuver inside the parking lot without blocking any traffic on Township. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Comments: Need to discuss variety of issues with engineer: (1) tree removal justification; (2) lv • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 6 problem with sewer line location and proposed trees for planting; (3) need 15 -foot landscape area exclusive of right-of-way; (4) screening of north property line if areas are zoned R -O. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Township Road is a minor arterial at this location. A minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 -foot greenspace will be required on Lots A and B at the time of development. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveways. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: In response to a question from Mr. Gray, Ms. Warrick advised the sidewalks should be shown on the plat for Tract B and a note on the plat that sidewalks were required at the time of development. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Plat Information: The elevation submitted indicates that the only signage on this site will be on the building - please verify. Mr. Gray advised Mr. January wanted to install a monument sign at the southeast corner. He stated that would be added to the revised plat. Ms. Warrick further noted a conditional use was required in a C-2 zoning district. She explained this was a separate application which had to be considered by the Planning Commission. Plat Requirements: What is the purpose of the 8 -foot concrete retaining wall located at the loading dock? Mr. Gray stated the loading dock was now going to be eliminated together with the retaining wall Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: Warehousing = 1/2,000 feet = 3 spaces; Office & Retail = 1/300 and 1/250 = 13 or 16 spaces, a total of 19 spaces required (20% allowed over = 4 spaces) or a total allowable maximum number of spaces - 23. Mr. Gray advised 19 spaces would be adequate. Ms. Warrick also asked if it would be possible to have the semi trucks circle the building rather • than backing up. • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 7 Mr. Gray stated he would discuss the matter with the owner. He noted the owner did want to pave a drive. Mr. Franklin was in favor of the circle drive. Ms. Warrick also asked about a shared drive with Tract B Mr. Gray stated he did not think it would be feasible to have a shared drive due to the topography. Ms. Warrick asked the grade difference. Mr. Gray stated the grade was not bad on Tract A but, as you moved east, the street was below the property by at least 3 feet. Ms. Warrick pointed out cross -access was desirable. She suggested stubbing out to the property line. • Mr. Gray stated they were planning the building on the flattest part of the property. He noted there would be 8-10 foot cuts. He added, at the corner of the parking area, there would be a 2 -3 - foot cut. He stated they could grade onto the other property, not knowing what would be placed there. Other Requirements: Screening is required on the north property line. Any new utilities shall be located underground. Show on the plat the location of any free standing signage for this project. Mr. Gray stated they would like to keep most of the vegetation. He asked Ms. Sandeen to look at what presently existed on the lot. He then asked about the stacking area. He explained he had always measured the stacking distance from the edge of the street so they knew what they were doing. He pointed out the right- of-way was a variable number Ms. Warrick stated staff was reasonably certain the roadway would be widened and, if they measured from the curb, by the time the roadway was widened there would be no stacking space. Mr. Gray stated he would work with staff on it. He advised he had a letter from the Highway Department with Harold Beavers anticipating either a 40 or 60 -foot street. • Ms. Sandeen pointed out they needed 15 feet of landscaping from the right-of-way. • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 8 Mr. Gray noted that could be reduced to 5 feet with berming. He advised he believed the intent of the stacking ordinance was to allow the stacking of 2 or 3 cars. Ms. Warrick then reviewed the Commercial Design Standards: 1. Utility equipment not shown on plats -- where will it be located? Screening is required. 2. Trash enclosure must be screened on three sides. 3. Shared access to the west should be provided. 4. The only signage shown is on the building - will there be any freestanding signs? She further noted the Fire Chief had requested an additional hydrant at or across Township from the proposed east entrance to the new store. Chief Jackson requested Mr. Gray suggest to the applicant the building be sprinkled. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water and Sewer: Water - existing. Sewer - Could the proposed sewer main extension be to the north and miss the 30 -inch tree? The minimum easement widths are 20 feet and must provide for a 1:1 trench slope from the bottom of the utility lines. Trees will not be permitted in the sewer easement. Fire protection to meet the requirements of the Fire Chief. Mr. Gray advised Mr. January had wanted to move the line away from the tree in order to save it. Ms. Sandeen also noted that, with the setback reduction, there would only be berms and shrubs or small trees. Mr. Gray stated they could move the sewer into the parking lot. Streets: Right-of-way dedication as shown is requested. Improvements to State Highway 180 are not requested. The entrances into the parking lot should be designed based upon the future widened street. Drainage and Grading: Refer to Engineering checklist. Addition grading and drainage information is required. The required information must be submitted to the Engineering office no later than the typical Monday morning deadline for plat corrections (June 30, 10:00 a.m.) or the proposal cannot continue in the process. • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 9 Grading - Provide all of the information required for a preliminary plan as specified in the ordinance including 161.08 C, F, I and O. Drainage - I agree that detention should not be required. Provide all of the material requested by the enclosed excerpt from the drainage criteria manual. Provide the off-site drainage basin(s). How did you determine 7.46 acres? Note that the manual requires that you treat the basin as fully developed for future flows, this could effect the proposed design of the swales and culverts. Provide a breakdown of the calculations per the manual - drainage onto the site, drainage generated on-site and the drainage exiting the site. Other: What is the 8 -foot retaining wall noted by the dock2 The parking lot does not allow the maneuvering of large trucks - please address. Mr. Conklin noted the sewer line crossed the creek (below grade) and asked Mr. Gray to provide documentation. UTILITIES Arkansas Western Gas - Johnny Boles - 521-5330 Mr. Boles requested the off-site gas easement parallel to the north property line be shown on the plat. He further noted that, depending upon the grading, if it was necessary to move the gas line at the front of the property, it would be at the applicant's cost. TCA Cable - Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler's written comments were: "I would asked for same easements and consideration as power and telephone companies. Also, please contact me for placement of conduit to building if cable t.v. is desired." Ms. Warrick also advised Mr. Gray would need to contact Andy Calloway at Southwestern Bell Telephone for his comments. SWEPCO - Anita Ford - 973-2308 Ms. Ford requested a 20 -foot perimeter easement and also a 10 -foot easement between Tract A and B and a 10 -foot easement on the Tract B side. She explained she was asking on behalf of Dennis Burrack and suggested Mr. Gray contact Mr. Burrack. Mr. Gray advised that, since the property was commercial with zero side setbacks, they would like to eliminate the easements between the tracts. • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 10 LSD97 -12,00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO SUPERIOR PROPERTIES PLUS - N OF HWY 62• W OF SANG The next item was a large scale development for Blockbuster Video (pp 559) submitted by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Superior Properties Plus for property located north of Highway 62, west of Sang Street, south of Old Farmington Road. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 1.15 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF• Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Comments: No objections at this time. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: None Street Lights: One street light required if there are none within 300 feet of development. Other Comments: At least one ADA space is required to be a minimum 8 -foot parking space and 8 -foot aisle (van accessible). Both ADA spaces can share the same aisle. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Sixth Street is a principle arterial at this location. A minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 -foot greenspace is required. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway. The existing asphalt sidewalk shall be removed. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Mr. Gray noted they would need state approval since the building adjoined a state highway. Planning- Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requirements: Two sets of mailing labels with names and addresses of all adjoining property owners are required as a part of the application submittal. The $120.00 fee for landscape plan review is required for this project. \Sb • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 11 Mr. Gray advised he would apply for a fee waiver form since there were no trees. Plat Information: Label adjacent zoning on plat. Add flood plain reference to plat. Legal description musts be of entire tract Show entire tract on vicinity map and highlight area being used for this project. Add C-2 setback to plat. Street Requirements: Highway 62 is classified as a principle arterial on the Master Street Plan requiring a total of 110 feet of right-of-way (55 feet from centerline is required for this project). Shared access to the east is appreciated. The curb cut in the southwest corner is too wide (24 feet maximum is allowed). Mr. Gray noted both to the east and west were shared drives. He further stated that, as far as the width of the curb cut at the southwest corner, it was an existing curb cut, it would be shared access and had been approved by the Highway Department. In response to a question from Mr. Gray, Ms. Warrick advised the Planning Commission would make the final decision as to the width of the drive. Parking Requirements: One/250 square feet is required for retail space. For 6,500 square feet, 26 spaces are required and 20% over is allowed (equaling 31 spaces). Forty spaces are shown, this is too many. Mr. Gray advised that would not be enough spaces. Ms. Warrick explained they could file for a parking variance. In response to a question from the applicant regarding the variance, Mr. Conklin suggested Blockbuster submit data from other stores showing the amount of parking used and also the number of employees per shift. Lot Requirements: This lot is not shown on city plats or on assessor's parcel maps. The applicant must show abstract of the property. We have to know how and when it was created. There is no record of a lot split. Mr. Gray explained they would be applying for a lot split in order to create the lot. Other Requirements: Any new utilities shall be placed underground. Ms. Warrick then reviewed the Commercial Design Standards: 127' • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 12 With the exception of an area which shows a flume for drainage, one tree per 30 feet in the landscaped area is shown on the landscape plan. Mechanical/utility equipment is not located on the plans - where will this be located? Trash enclosure must be screened on three sides. Mr. Gray advised the mechanical equipment would be on the roof screened by a parapet roof. Further Commercial Design Standards. Building materials are not clear or called out on elevations submitted for review. Fire Department - Mickey Jackson - 575-8365 Add hydrant at or across Highway 62 from the east entrance to this site. There was discussion regarding installing a private hydrant versus extending the water main. Mr. Gray stated he would look further into the best location for the hydrant. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drianage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Drainage and Grading: Is the existing 15 -foot drainage easement to the State or the City or private? Refer to engineering checklists. Additional grading and drainage information is required. The required information must be submitted to the Engineering office no later than the typical Monday morning deadline for plat corrections (June 30, 10:00 a.m.) or the proposal cannot continue in the process. Mr. Gray stated he believed the 15 -foot drainage easement was private but he could not find any written documentation. Grading - Provide all of the information required for a preliminary plan as specified in the ordinance including 161.08 C, F, I and 0. Drainage - Provide enough calculations to determine if the existing system is adequate or if detention will be required. Provide the calculations in the form and requirements of the criteria manual. Include the run off-site, runoff generated on-site and the total runoff exiting the site. Note that the criteria manual requires that you consider the upper basin fully developed for the post development flows. Mr. Conklin asked if there was existing overhead electric. 1.52 Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 13 The applicant advised the Sprint Tax building would be removed together with the electric running to the building. UTILITIES Arkansas Western Gas - Johnny Boles - 521-5330 Mr. Boles advised the easements shown were fine. SWEPCO - Anita Ford - 973-2308 Ms. Ford reviewed location of the underground lines but advised they would need a concrete pad for the transformer and would also need the conduit run. She requested a 10 -foot easement from the northeast corner along the east to the south property line. Mr. Gray advised he would review the plan with Mr. Burrack. TCA Cable - Kevin Lefler - Mr. Lefler's comments were read into the record: "I am asking for the same easements as the power and telephone company. Please contact me for exact placement of conduit if cable t.v. is desired." ��3 • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 14 PLA 997-11: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT - McDONALD'S McDONALD'S - SE CORNER OF HWY 265 & 45 (GLENNWOOD SHOPPING CENTER) The next item was a property line adjustment for McDonald's (pp 372) was submitted by Richard Rogers of CEI Engineering and Associates on behalf of the applicant for property located south of Highway 45 and east of Highway 265 (Glennwood Shopping Center). The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains .718 acres. Ms. Warrick advised the only staff comment received was from Engineering. Mr. Beavers asked if there was not a water line running across the property. He stated he wanted to be sure the easement for the water line was not omitted. Mr. Rogers stated all easements would remain the same. He stated he would prefer to finalize the plat without the easements being shown and then handle all the easements with an easement plat. • Ms. Warrick stated she believed that would be adequate. • UTILITIES: SWEPCO - Anita Ford - 973-2308 Ms. Ford asked if the transfer would remain in the same location. Mr. Rogers stated it would be moved. He advised Mr. Burrack and the owner agreed as to the location of the transformer. TCA Cable - Kevin Lefler - Mr. Lefler's comments were read into the record: "I would ask for same considerations as power and telephone." • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 15 • • PLA 97-10.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT -NORTH HILLS MEDICAL CENTER NORTH HILLS MEDICAL CENTER - N OF FUTRALL DR & E OF NORTH HILLS BLVD. The next item was an informational item for a property line adjustment submitted by George Faucette of Faucette Realty on behalf of North Hills Medical Center (pp 212) for property located north of Futrall Drive and east of North Hills Blvd. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 1.90 acres. Ms. Warrick stated this item had been administratively approved. Ther were no staff or utility comments. • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 16 LSD 97- & LS 97-: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - DOLLAR GENERAL STORE DOLLAR GENERAL STORE - S OF 15TH STREET, E OF WEST STREET The next item was a large scale development and lot split for the Dollar General Store submitted by Harry Gray on behalf of Rick Seygley for property located south of 15th Street, east of West Street. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Comments: No comments. • Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Street Lights: Other Comments: Are there extra parking spaces? ADA parking needs to be revised. Mr. Gray advised there was approximately 6,000 square feet of sales area and 1,600 square feet of warehouse and office. Mr. Franklin noted the parking seemed very tight and he was concerned about the two 90 degree spaces at the end. He pointed out there was no room for those two spaces to back out. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Fifteenth Street is a principle arterial and West Avenue is a local street. A minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 -foot greenspace is required on 15th Street and a minimum 6 - foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 -foot greenspace is required on West Avenue. Sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. Mr. Gray pointed out West Avenue was a private street. Mr. Rutherford stated a sidewalk was required for Salvation Army on West Avenue. • Mr. Gray stated he would need to see the Salvation Army plat to see where the subject property was located in relation to the Salvation Army property. 17'9 • • • Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 17 Ms. Warrick asked when the tract was created. She explained there had been problems in the area with illegal lot splits. Mr. Gray explained that was why he was asking for the lot split; in order to clean up the illegal lot splits. He stated it was his understanding that Cy Carney, Sr., owned all of the property in trust and had deeded it to three different heirs; the property was transferred to those heirs without lot splits; then, some of the heirs had further split and transferred property without lot splits. Ms. Warrick requested a good overview of the property and where the subject tract came from. Planning- Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Submittal Requriements: Plat Information: Adjacent zoning, adjacent property owners, plat page, flood plain reference, legal description. Street Requirements: Parking Requirements: The parking spaces at the northernmost area need a backing area. The northeastern parking space will need to be eliminated. Lot Requirements: Other Requirements: Colored elevations of the proposed front facade. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: There is water and sewer both at 15th Street. The 20 -foot radius seemed small with semi trucks making deliveries. Drainage and Grading: Grading - Drainage - Mr. Beavers noted West Street was a private street from 15th Street to Salvation. Mr. Gray stated that, in his research of the property, he had found a 30 -foot private access easement granted in the 1960's. He added, that as a part of the agreement, each party had agreed if either one of the property owners wanted to make the street public, they would give adequate right-of-way to do so. He pointed out, however, that there were now numerous property owners along the private easement and he didn't know if any of them would want to make the easement a public street. In response to a question from Ms. Warrick, Mr. Gray stated the main facade would be to the north (facing 15th Street) and the parking would be at the front with employee parking being to the rear of the building. \V Technical Plat Review June 24, 1997 Page 18 Mr. Gray stated there was water and sewer along 15th Street. He pointed out the south line of the tract was the north line of the sewer easement, allowing sewer to Tract C. He asked if the Salvation Army would be extending the water line, noting if they did, water would then be available to Tract C Mr. Beavers advised the main and a manhole would have to be extended to the store. Fire Department - Mickey Jackson - 575-8365 Chief Jackson advised there was an existing hydrant at 15th and West and the Salvation Army would be putting in a hydrant which would cover the rear of the subject property. UTILITIES SWEPCO - Anita Ford - 973-2308 Ms. Ford asked about the existing easements. She suggested Mr. Gray contact Mr. Burrack at SWEPCO. • Mr. Gray advised he wanted the lot split problems worked out prior forwarding the large scale. He stated the lot split was more important at this point. He reviewed the history of the property. Ms. Warrick advised neither the lot split nor the large scale were ready to be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. • 1��