HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-05-20 - Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, May 20, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES Dennis Burrack, Andy Calloway, Mike Phipps, PRESENT: Rick Evans, and Kevin Lefler STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Dawn Warrick, Mickey Jackson, Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, Nancy Dugwyler, Chuck Rutherford, and Sharon Langley Item: Informational Item - Easement Plat for LSD 96-33.00 (WRMC Dialysis Center, pp 251) The large scale development was submitted by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers for property located north of Monte Painter Dr. and east of North Hills Blvd.. The property is zoned R -O, Residential - Office, and contains approximately 15.53 acres. The large scale development was approved by the Planning Commission on 10/28/96. • Mr. Burrack asked if the road relocation was addressed on the easement plat. • Ms. Warrick stated she did not believe it was. Mr. Lefler stated he had existing cable along the west side of the property (along North Hills Boulevard). He pointed out the easement was not shown. Ms. Little noted the cable could have been in the right-of-way. • Plat Review Meeting May 20, 1997 Page 2 • • Informational Item: PLA97-7.00: Property Line Adjustment (Bohnert, pp 204) was submitted by Scott Bronson of Bronson Title Company on behalf of Karlin Bohnert for property located north and east of Hugh Mount Road at 3456 Hugh Mount Road. The property is located in the Fayetteville Planning Area and contains 10 acres Ms. Warrick explained the applicant was property line adjusting 5 acres of the 10 -acre tract to the property owner to the south (Gleason property). Mr. Beavers pointed out that, if the house was located as shown, the septic field could be located on the property being sold. Ms. Warrick stated she would contact the attorney for the applicant. In response to a comment from Mr. Calloway, Ms. Little explained the Gleason property also had frontage on Hugh Mount Road. • Plat Review Meeting May 20, 1997 Page 3 • LS97-15.00: Lot Split (Miller, pp 298) was submitted by Alan Reid of Alan Reid & Associates on behalf of James Miller for property located south of Highway 45 and east of County Road 4346 at 5351 Mission Boulevard. The property is located in the Fayetteville Planning Area and contains 12.8 acres. Mr. Beavers stated he had discussed this split with Dave Jurgens, Water & Sewer Superintendent, and found a water main extension would be required. Mr. Reid stated the applicant was planning on running a main from Highway 45. In response to a comments from Mr. Calloway, Mr. Reid advised the only tracts being discussed at the meeting were the ones shown as 4 81 acres and 7.99 acres He explained he had shown the other tracts as information only. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Telephone, requested the 30 -foot access easement across the northern property line also be shown as a utility easement or a utility easement outside of the access easement. He also requested the same along the east side of the tract Mr. Reid explained he did not believe the utility easement could be within the access easement since the access easement had been court ordered. He added he would place a utility easement adjacent to the access easement. Mr. Beavers requested it be a general utility easement in case the water main needed to extend further to the south. Mr. Calloway stated he would prefer the utility easement be adjacent to the property line but he would accept an easement adjacent and parallel to the access easement. Ms. Little requested Mr. Reid check with the applicant regarding use of the access easement since there would be a total of 60 feet as easements. Mr. Lefler requested the same easements as Southwestern Bell Telephone. There were no other utility representative comments. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 4 LS97-16.00: Lot Split (Eric and Tammie Harper, pp 360) was submitted by the applicants for property located wet of Bridgeport and south of Sunshine Road (WC877) at 2090 N. Sunshine. The property is located in the Fayetteville Planning Area and contains 0.26 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443 3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement. Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: This property is outside the City Limits where sidewalks are not required. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Ms. Harper asked if they would be required to put in sidewalks if the property were to be annexed. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Ms. Harper advised her grandfather -in-law's property (of which the 0.26 is being split) was adjacent to the City Limits Ms. Little stated that any streets annexed into the city would probably be subject to sidewalks. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 5 Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Should 60 -foot right-of-way to lot be named by 9-1-1? Street Lights: None Comments: The plat needs a vicinity map. What lot is this lot being split from? Ms. Little explained that, should the applicants need to call for emergency service, it was much easier to find the house if the road had a name. She stated Ms. Harper could contact the county 9-1-1 coordinator regarding a street name and street marker. Ms Little also pointed out the surveyor needed to put a vicinity map on the plat together with putting on the legal description of the parent tract Ms. Warrick stated she had talked to Doug Hemmingway, the surveyor, and he was aware of what was needed. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Plat Information: Add plat page 360 to title block. Add floodplain reference to plat. Add legal description of the parent tract and of the two tracts created after the proposed split. Comments: Variance granted by County for lot without frontage on county road. This lot is too small for a septic system - it must have access to City sewer (see Engineering comments). Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: The atlas maps of the water and sewer indicate that neither the water or sewer is available to the property. If sewer is not available, the 0.26 acre lot is too small (too small for a septic system and County Health approval). Ms. Harper stated she had talked to the Water Department and they had told her water was available. She stated she would have to take the water line from the road up to the house. She also noted sewer lines crossed the property. Mr. Beavers explained those were transmission sewer lines and she would not be allowed to hook on to those lines. • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 6 Ms. Harper stated she was going before the City Council to receive permission to hook on to those sewer lines. Mr. Beavers stated that would need to be resolved before the City could sign off on the lot split. He explained that, if they needed a septic tank, they would need at least 11/2 acres. Ms. Harper agreed and stated that, if they were not able to hook onto the sewer or get annexed, they would get an easement for the septic. Mr. Beavers explained the septic would have to be on their property according to the Health Department. He once again stated all of the issues needed to be resolved before proceeding with the lot split. He stated Ms. Harper would need to talk to the Water Department regarding a long service line. He explained the Harpers would be responsible for extending the water main for approximately 900 feet which would cost approximately $20,000. Ms. Little noted there were no railings on the bridge. She advised that, if the property were annexed, she would like for the street superintendent to look at the bridge and make comments on what he might need in terms of maintenance. UTILITIES OZARK ELECTRIC- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps stated he needed to know if the road was going to be private, county or city. Ms. Little stated she believed it would be a private road. Mr. Phipps stated they would need to run the lines underground at a cost of $2.25 per foot. Ms. Harper advised there was already electric to the property. Arkansas Western Gas - Rick Evans - 521-5330 Mr. Evans stated that, if Ms. Harper wanted gas, they would work with her. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler had no comments. Mr. Beavers advised the sewer lines, water lines, etc. needed to be shown on the plat presented to the City Council. • Ms. Warrick advised the lot split would be held until the Harper's went to the Council • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 7 PP97-4.00: Preliminary Plat (Bois d'Arc, Phase II, pp 442) was submitted by Ron Petrie of Milholland Engineering on behalf of Julian and Jane Archer for property located east of Sang Avenue and south of Cleveland Street. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 24.7 acres Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443 3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad. Screening: Comments: The island makes it difficult for solid waste collection. If a car parks on road, it makes it impossible to service the rest of the street (on narrow streets). Ms. Warrick noted she had received basically the same comment from the Fire Chief. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Petrie advised the width of pavement on either side of the island was 12 or 14 feet. He noted the covenants would prohibit parking on the street. Ms. Little pointed out a garbage truck or fire truck could not enforce the covenants. She advised that, since two different city divisions had commented on the narrowness of the street, it would need to be widened. She recommended 22 feet but added that was open to receiving more technical data in favor of a narrower street She explained she had arrived at the 22 -foot figure by the width of a fire truck - 10 feet, plus one foot on each side, plus 10 feet for the width of a car - a total of 22 feet. Mr. Beavers noted the majority of the island was in Phase I which had already been approved. Ms. Little agreed but advised Phase I was not built. She pointed out the approval on Phase I was over a year old. Mr. Petrie stated there were some trees in the island which they wanted to save. He pointed out that, if a car was blocking the trash truck, then the trash just wouldn't be picked up. He stated a fire truck could use the other side of the island. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 8 Ms. Little advised they would need to have a separate meeting on the issue. Mickey Jackson pointed out a note on the plat stating a waiver had been granted for a 26 -foot wide street. Ms. Little explained that, at the time the original subdivision came through, the applicant had asked for a narrower street and the Planning Commission had granted a 26 -foot wide street. She pointed out there was now a street standard for a 28 -foot street. Mr. Petrie stated they would like to keep the 26 -foot street for conformity with Phase I. Ms. Little advised they would need to ask for a waiver from the Planning Commission. Mr. Petrie stated they had already received a waiver for the street width at the time Phase I was approved. Mr. Little reiterated the history of the subdivision: the entire subdivision was approved, then the applicant asked for phases (Phase I only), and then requested and received a waiver on the street width. She explained it would be safest for the applicant to request another waiver for Phase II She also noted the configuration of the lots in Phase I had changed substantially. Mr. Beavers stated he thought Phase I was included as an informational item only. He added he had been told they were looking at Phase II only. Ms Little pointed out the lots were not in the same configuration as approved and the street had also been changed. Mr. Beavers advised there had been several meetings regarding the subdivision and he had believed Phase I was resolved. Ms. Little stated she believed the applicant needed to go to the Planning Commission for approval of the entire subdivision, not just Phase II She pointed out Phase I of the subdivision was not built. Mr. Beavers contended the changes to Phase I were minor. Mr. Petrie stated Phase I was being shown in order to get comments from the utility companies. He advised they did not want to take Phase I back to the Planning Commission because it would slow down the development in getting Health Department approval. He stated Mr. Venable had explained only Phase 111 would need to go before the Planning Commission. • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 9 Ms. Little asked how the development would be slowed down if the City was processing Phase I. Mr. Beaver contended it would open up items previously approved, such as the island. Ms. Little asked if the engineer's plans were too far along to revise the width of the streets around the island. Mr. Petrie stated he would not say that; but his client wanted to save trees that would have to be removed if the street were widened. Ms. Little stated they could either resolve the problem by having the street widened since both the Solid Waste Division and Fire Department had advised they would not be able to get a truck through the area if there was a vehicle parked adjacent to the island, or take it to the Planning Commission for decision. She added staff would make known their belief the street needed to be widened. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Comments: Will discuss tree protection methods at time of pre -construction meeting. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Osage Bend is shown as a 26 -foot street and requires a minimum 4 foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 -foot greenspace on both sides of the street. Sang Avenue, at this location, is a local street and requires a minimum 4 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 -foot greenspace. Cleveland Street is a Collector and requires a minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 -foot greenspace. The sidewalk delineation in the legend needs to be changed to match the one on the drawing. Mr. Petrie disagreed with putting sidewalks on both sides of Osage Bend. Mr. Rutherford advised the requirements were from the sidewalk standards. He advised he • would work with the applicant on the location of the sidewalk. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 10 Mr. Petrie stated it was not a matter of placement of the sidewalk but of elevation. Mr. Rutherford advised there was a new street standard that required streets to be graded from right-of-way to right-of-way which should take care of any elevation problem for the sidewalk. Mr. Petrie contended the street was a "residential" street, not a "local" street. Ms. Little asked if the applicant disagreed with the placement of sidewalk on Cleveland or Sang. Mr. Petrie stated he did not. Ms. Little suggested he include a request for a sidewalk waiver together with the street width waiver. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Check with Jim Johnson to see if Osage Bend should be a street, avenue or circle (or maybe Just Osage Bend). Street Lights: Will street lights be standard 100W HPS fixtures owned and maintained by Ozark or SWEPCO? Move streetlight on Lot 15 across street to lot line between lots 18 and 19. Comments: Are the trees shown in the intersections at Cleveland and at Sang going to be removed? Trip generation report attached. Ms. Warrick stated she had talked to Mr. Johnson and Osage Bend would be fine. Mr. Petrie stated the streetlights would be installed and maintained by the Property Owners Association. Mr. Franklin advised the applicant would need to file a signed agreement. Mr. Petrie stated he believed the three trees at the intersections would be removed. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement:. Money in Lieu: Parks Advisory Board voted on 2-3-95 - $5,700 for 19 single family units Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 11 Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Comments: Label adjacent zoning. The symbol listed in the legend for sidewalks is not the one used on the plat. Dimension all rights-of-way from the centerline (Osage Bend, Cleveland and Sang). Street Requirements: Comments: Cleveland Street is classified s collector on the Master Street Plan requiring a total of 70 feet of right-of-way (35 feet from centerline is required for this project). Mr. Petrie advised they were showing 30 feet and he would revise the plat. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Comments: Will there by any signage for this subdivision? If yes, please locate on plate. Mr. Petrie stated the signage would be only on the decorative fence. Further comments from Planning were that any new utilities shall be placed underground and waiver for streets and sidewalks would need to be requested in written form to the Planning Commission. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water & Sewer -Preliminary: Acceptable for preliminary. We are currently reviewing Milholland's submittal for water and sewer construction for both phases. Streets -Preliminary: The design for the street will be in accordance with the current design requirements (approved by the Council August 6, 1996). • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 12 The requested waiver to allow tangents of less than 100 feet for reverse curves requires further consideration. Engineering will support the waiver to save trees only if safety is not compromised. The cobblestone decorative surface will not be accepted as a publicly maintained street. The rock wall being constructed must not interfere with sight distance and safety. Preliminary Grading & Drainage: Acceptable for preliminary only. Additional information and review will be required for both phases. The detention location is on the previously approved Phase I. Comments: The number of trees being shown to be saved may not work with the final construction plans. Saving trees will not be given a priority over public safety in the street/intersection design. Mr. Petrie advised the cobblestone street would be maintained by the Property Owners Association. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated there was existing underground utilities around the Waterman Woods Subdivision and those lots abutting Waterman Woods would be served by existing facilities. He added there were some existing underground facilities on the east side but none on the south side. He stated they would need to place facilities underground on the south side. He advised the easements appeared to be adequate. He went on to say that, under the Public Service Commission Rules, SWEPCO had flat rate energy available for only two types of streetlights: 100 watt high-pressure sodium and 175 watt mercury vapor. He explained any of the other size lights did not have the energy only provision so they would either need to have one of the two types of lights or services would have to be metered. He added that needed to be a part of the agreement between the city and developer as to the type of service available. Mr. Franklin stated he did not know what the City would be doing; each subdivision had its own type of lighting. Ms. Little asked if the charge could not be billed to the Property Owners Association. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 13 Mr. Franklin responded the accounting division of the city did not want to do that. He added he would have to do further research before coming up with an answer. Mr. Burrack suggested decorative lighting with one of the two types of bulbs approved. Mr. Franklin requested protective covenants be filed before a final plat was approved and, if there were special streetlights, they could be included in the covenants. Mr. Burrack advised he wanted to see the final plat before placing any of the facilities. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway stated his first comment was relative to the existing off-site easement and asked that it be shown on the plat. He advised he had no comments regarding the easements shown on lots 6-16 but, at the entrance of Osage Bend and Cleveland the quad shown needed to go beyond the street right-of-way. He further stated the same comment was applicable to Osage Bend and Sang. He then requested the following easements: at lot 17, at the north end a 25 -foot easement, on the west side it dropped into a 25 -foot utility easement and setback; on lot 18 on the west side a 25 -foot utility easement; then from lot 19 to lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 there was a mixture of utility and drainage easements which slid into a drainage easement. He requested a minimum of a 20 - foot utility easement beginning at the north property line of lot 19 and extending through the west property line of lot 2, then south between lots 1 and 2. He further stated they would not place any telephone facilities on the subject property until there was a final plat nor would they clear any easements of brush, trees, vegetation, etc. for the placement of those facilities. Mr. Petrie advised he was unsure of what, if any, drainage would be in the easement. He stated if there was any drainage, he would provide a separate 20 -foot utility easement. Arkansas Western Gas -Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans stated he had the same comments as SWEPCO and Southwestern Bell Telephone. He further advised they would not lay any lines until they had a final plat. He further stated the applicant would have to clear the easements. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler advised he had the same comments. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 14 LSD97-10.00: Large Scale Development (McDonald's, pp 372) was submitted by Rick Rogers of CEI Engineering and Associates on behalf of McDonald's for property located south of Highway 45 and east of Highway 265 (Glenwood Shopping Center). The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 0.718 acres. 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad - Screening: Comments: The plat indicates gates enclosing the containers. The Solid Waste Division does not open gates. The owner/manager will be responsible for ensuring gates are open prior to service date and time. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Highway 265 is a Principal Arterial Street. A minimum of a 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum of 10 -foot greenspace is required along Highway 265. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveways. This needs to be shown on the plans Sidewalks need to be shown in the legend. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: none Street Lights: None Comments: Trip generation attached to written comments in Planning files. • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 15 Parks -Nancy Dugwyler-114-3472 Land Dedication Requirement:. Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Ownership and zoning for property to the south across Highway 265 needs to be shown on the plat. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Parking is excessive - 16 spaces required/45 spaces proposed. Any new utilities shall be placed underground. Are they planning to lot line adjust9 All site lighting must be directed downward and away from any residential properties in the area. Mr. Rogers advised the previously approved large scale had shown 39 parking spaces; they were only increasing the approved amount of 2 spaces. He further advised they were not planning on any lot line adjustment. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated the underground plan had already been completed and submitted. He gave Mr. Rogers a copy of the plat and noted the location of a transformer was slightly different than shown on the site plan. Mr. Rogers stated the site plan had slightly changed and the building footprint extended into that area. After discussion and consideration of the site, it was determined the best location for the • transformer would be at the northeast corner of the development, behind the retaining wall. • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 16 SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway stated he had no comments regarding this development. He did, however, state he was not aware of any final plat being filed for the subdivision. Staff assured him a final plat had been filed but there had not been an easement plat filed as of yet; the easement plat would have to be filed prior to the issuance of a building permit. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler stated the easements shown were fine. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr Evans stated the easements shown were fine. He advised he would need to know the gas load on the building. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Concur that there are still problems with the proposed parking lot which must be resolved. Water -Preliminary: CEI, for Cozart, has submitted a revised water line plan which removes the deep water lien and the water line from under the retaining wall. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chief's requirements. Sewer -Preliminary: Verify that the proposed sewer tap will work. Mr. Beavers was not sure the sewer service can cross under the retaining wall at the corner as shown without crating problems with the wall and the new drainage being installed. Verify that the manhole lid is above the headwater depth for the box culvert. Mr. Rogers stated the top of the manhole was at elevation 83.58; the head water depth in the 50 - year event was calculated to be at 83.12. He advised the manhole was above head water depth for the box culvert. Mr. Beavers pointed out the sewer tap appeared to be going through some of the new drainage structure. Mr. Rogers advised he would look at it. Preliminary Grading & Drainage: The keystone wall design (by McGuire) received March 31 is • not approved until the rail issues are resolved. The lateral loads from the guard rail now being • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 17 proposed must be considered in the structural design of the wall. The effect of the guard rail post on the geotextile grid must also be considered by the retaining wall designer. The wall design refers to "hand rail integrated into retaining wall by others". The plan by CEI refers to "handrail by others". Who is this "others"? Which engineer is going to design the rail including the foundation or the connection to the wall? The wall must be designed for the required lateral loads. The surcharge load must also be checked with the revised parking. The back (east) retaining wall says "by others". By who? When? Mr. Rogers stated had requested Mike McGuire address some of the issues by letter form and would forward that information to Mr. Beavers. Mr. Beavers stated he had written a letter to CEI asking more information on the various retaining walls but had not received an adequate reply. He asked if they could install and maintain the proposed drainage adjacent to the key -stone wall without interrupting the structural integrity of the reinforcing grid. Mr. Rogers advised the wall would be a split -placed block wall, approximately 2 feet tall Other Comments: The parking lot and dumpster locations are not on the McDonald's property - is this a problem. Is the 24 -foot - 13.66 -foot - 22 -foot entrance acceptable (southeast corner of lot). Mr. Rogers stated they were considering one-way traffic flow through the entrance. Ms. Warrick suggested a 24 - 10- 12 entry. Mr. Rogers asked if they were restricted to a lesser entrance width. Ms. Warrick explained 12 feet was standard with two out and one in with an island. Mr. Rogers explained they were considering one-way traffic flow around the restaurant. He further explained the proposed entry was a standard McDonald's entry and they would like to maintain the 22 feet. Ms. Warrick stated they could request a variance from the Planning Commission. Gary Brem, McDonalds, explained one of the issues was to provide enough drive for the loading trucks so they would not jump over the curb. He stated the trucks had a 55 -foot trailer. He pointed out the wider width of the drive helped with the radius of the turn. • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 18 There was discussion in reducing the size of the island. Ms. Little advised 15% of the site had to be in greenspace and she believed the islands were a part of the greenspace. She stated staff would accept an 18 -foot entrance without a waiver from the Planning Commission. She also requested a chart showing the greenspace percentage. She explained there were two different standards for greenspace: (1) interior landscaping of the parking lot and (2) no more than 85% of the site occupied by paved area, leaving 15% as landscaped. She noted staff did not normally count the internal parking lot landscaping as a part of the 15%. Mr. Rogers explained that, 'in calculating the greenspace, they had used a reasonable border for the development site which extended past the border of the lot. Ms. Little stated staff would look at the greenspace only on the McDonald's lot. Mr. Rogers stated the general concept of the landscape plan was consistent with the approved landscape plan for the shopping center. Street -Preliminary: Are the improvements to Highway 265 remaining a Glennwood requirement or transferring to McDonald's? Comments: Mr. Rogers advised the improvements to Highway 265 remained with Glennwood. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Rogers stated their sign was 75 square feet in size, 30 feet high. Ms. Little advised staff was questioning whether, at the time the shopping center went through large scale, outlots were approved for individual signs. She stated staff would research that question and inform Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rutherford advised the sidewalk over the flume (onto Highway 265) had to be a smooth concrete surface. Ms. Little advised that, in order to comply with the commercial design standards ordinance, the applicant would need to show the colors, elevation, types of materials, etc. Mr. Brem stated the building would be a split -face concrete block building with the block being painted. He advised they were willing to paint the block to blend with the brick. Ms. Little advised the block would need to match the brick. Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 19 Mr. Brem showed photographs of the new McDonald's in Lowell and stated they had planned something very similar. He pointed out the accent color would blend with the interior of the building. The roof was constructed of architectural grade dimensional shingle. Ms. Little asked if McDonald's would object to standing seam metal roofing. Mr. Brem stated they preferred not to do that if they had the option. Ms. Little explained that, at the time of approval of the shopping center, the following standards had been approved: "The primary building materials would be: brick, colored brick, stucco, textured concrete block. The roofs would be standing seam metal." She advised she did not know if different materials would be negotiable. She noted the standing seam roof would be a teal color (Everglade) and the brick (or concrete block) would need to match Acme 101 - Cinnamon Brown and the band pattern could be either peach or pine green. She further noted the flags shown would not be allowed. Ms. Warrick asked the plans for the play area. Mr. Brem stated construction was not planned; they had left the space for the owner to decide if he wanted the play area. Mr. Rogers noted the parking count ratio included the play area addition. Mr. Steve Tessier, McDonald's, asked, if they included the play area in their plans, how long the approval would be good. Ms. Little stated the approval was good for one year. • • • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 20 LSD97-11.00: Large Scale Development (May Construction, pp 213) was submitted by Brian Ray of Development Consultants on behalf of May Construction for property located at the southwest corner of Milisap and Plainview (Lot 15, CMN Business Park). The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commerical, and contains 1 37 acres. 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: This plat does not show dedicated space and pad for solid waste container. Screening: Ms. Warrick pointed out the area containing the pad. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Comments: Because of tree preservation efforts and existing 8 -inch sewer line along Milsap and Plainview and other easements and setback requirements, the landscaping as shown on plan dated 5-5-97 is adequate. Coordinate of sidewalk construction will be necessary with myself and Chuck Rutherford. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Milisap Road is a Collector street and requires a minimum 6 -foot sidewalk with a minimum 10 -foot greenspace. Plainview Avenue is a Local street and requires a minimum 6 - foot sidewalk with a minimum 6 -foot greenspace. Sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. None Street Lights: None Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 21 Comments: One ADA space must be van accessible (8 -foot space and 8 -foot aisle which can be shared by another ADA space. Trip generation report attached to written comments in Planning files. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement:. Money in Lieu - Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Label adjacent zoning. Show layout of adjoining property (especially curb cuts and intersections) within 300 feet. Dimension all rights-of-way from centerlines. Setback reduction option request form needs to be completed. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Streets: Dedication of additional right-of-way (as shown on plat) to equal 35 feet from centerline on Millsap Road brings this project into conformity with the Master Street Plan. Millsap is classified as a collector requiring a total of 70 feet of right-of-way. Comments: Setback reduction request form is needed. Will there be any freestanding signs located on this site: If yes, please locate on plat. Any new utilities shall be located underground. Mr. Ray stated there would be no freestanding signs due to the layout of the site. Ms. Warrick also requested cross access to the south and west with a stub out at the property lines. Mr. Ray stated that would cost them some parking spaces. He asked the width of the access drives. Ms. Warrick stated 24 feet was standard. Ms. Little stated they could accept 18 feet which would remove only 2 spaces. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations. Water Main Sizing: • Water Main Looping: Technical Plat Review • May 20, 1997 Page 22 Water Main Location: General Street Design. Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water & Sewer -Preliminary: Existing. Fire protection to meet the requirements of the Fire Chief. Streets -Preliminary: Existing. Drives scale 24 feet, please dimension. Preliminary Grading & Drainage: Preliminary report is accepted, concur that detention will not be required (refer to Milholland's drainage report for the CMN Commercial Subdivision). The grading plan will need to be revised and erosion control added when the construction plans are submitted. In response to a question from Mr. Beavers, Mr. Ray stated dedication of the additional 10 -foot • of right-of-way on Millsap affected the property by moving the building back; but, because there was an existing 30 -foot utility easement; they were only losing 5 feet. He added it was a matter of less greenspace and, since Millsap would not be widened in the foreseeable future, the greenspace was still there. Ms. Warrick requested the 5 feet between parking and property line be shown as landscaped. Mr. Ray stated they still did not know the exact colors that would be used for the building materials but would have the information by the Subdivision Committee meeting. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated that at the southwest corner of the lot utility stubouts were shown. He explained those were placed by Milholland when subdividing CMN. He advised they would be placing a 3-phase, pad mount transformer at that location in order to feed all three lots. He noted the applicant would be required to provide the concrete pad. Mr. Ray stated each lot contained approximately 25,000 square feet of building space. Mr. Burrack stated the transformer would be sized for usage on all three lots. • SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 • Technical Plat Review May 20, 1997 Page 23 Mr. Calloway had no comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler stated he also had a line at the southwest corner. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Evans advised he also had a line buried in the southwest corner of the lot. Chief Jackson asked the type of occupancy of the proposed building. Mr. Ray stated it would be high-end retail, with the possibility of a restaurant at the northeast corner. He noted there would be 6 occupants. In response to a question from Chief Jackson, Mr. Ray stated he did not know if the building would be sprinkled. Mr. Rutherford noted the sidewalk along Millsap could be changed to save trees; the sidewalk did not have to be a straight line. • The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. •