HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-08 - Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, April 8, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Johnny Boels STAFF PRESENT: Tim Conklin, Beth Sandeen, Mickey Jackson, Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, and Heather Woodruff. Item: LSD 97-5.00: FAYETTEVILLE WAREHOUSE The large scale development was submitted by Northwest Engineers for property located north of Cato Springs Road and west of Garland Avenue. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial - Light Industrial, and contains 8.1 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: No solid waste services indicated on plat. Need to show dedicated spaces. Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Requested letter from engineer on 4-2-97 for Justification of rare tree removed and need for replacement canopy to be accepted. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: A minimum 6' sidewalk with a minimum 10' greenspace required along Garland Ave. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: ct4 • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 2 • Comments: Public access must be provided from the south property line to the north property line along Garland Avenue. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: If the street to the west from Pettigrew and Garland is a private drive, it should be labeled on the plat. Street Lights: None Comments: Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8262 Plat Information: Add plat page 599 to title block. Add floodplain reference to plat. Front building setback is 50' unless reduced with landscaping Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: City plats show that right-of-way on Garland is already 35' from centerline in this location which is the amount required to meet Master Street Plan Standards. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information. 1 parking space per 2,000 square feet is required for "warehousing and wholesale" (38.5 spaces) will any wholesale operations be based out this facility? Will any offices be associated with this development? Other requirements: Screening is required on the north adjacent to R-2 zoning. Will there be any signs located on the site? If yes, please locate. A diskette for this development was not submitted with original application material and is required with the submittal of revisions after plat review. Is there an off-site access agreement with the adjoining property owners where the entrance to this development is located? In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Grey stated the facility would be a warehouse. There were plans to build a 10X10 office space in each building. They had planned to have 1,500 to 10,000 square feet of warehouse area. He did not know if it would be wholesale, but they wanted like to make it available if someone wanted it. Mr. Ray Green, owner, stated they would like to have office space for each partition. Mr. Conklin responded the City had commercial design standards. He would have to speak with Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 3 Ms. Little to see how those standards would apply to the offices being incorporated into the warehouses. Mr. Gray stated Denny Becker would be the architect and would be the one to see that they meet all the requirements. Mr. Conklin stated screening would be required along the north side. Mr. Gray stated the creek was completely wooded and believed it would be adequate screening. Ms. Sandeen agreed the screening was adequate. Mr. Conklin stated they were not looking for any bridge improvements. Mr. Grey stated there was no problem with the construction of sidewalk on either side of the creek, but he did not know what would be involved in taking the sidewalk across the creek without a bridge. Mr. Rutherford stated he had been told the sidewalk would have to cross the creek. Mr. Beavers did not believe the sidewalk could cross the creek. In response to questions from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Gray stated Pettigrew did not extend to the west and it was gravel. The street was not maintained by the City. Mr. Gray asked if the right-of-way could be dedicated by the easement plat. Mr. Conklin stated the City's land agents had been asking for warranty deeds. Mr. Rutherford asked if there were going to be any driveways off Garland. Mr. Grey stated they would be off the private drive. They had planned to pave the private drive to the entrance along with the parking area and the area between the buildings. Mr. Conklin asked if the 80' distance between buildings was needed for trucks. Mr. Gray stated they needed the room to maneuver semi -trucks. Mr. Conklin stated he would need the base flood elevations for the buildings that were going to be partially in the floodplain. He added the requirement was for 2 feet above the base flood cife • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 4 elevation. In a commercial development the could provide engineering data showing it was going to be flood proof. He suggested moving them out of the flood plain, questioning problems with insuring the buildings. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Mr. Jackson asked what they would be storing in the warehouses. Mr. Green stated he did not know what would be stored int eh building. He stated that it could be a variety of things and that it was going to be leased. Mr. Jackson suggested a covenant in the lease agreements prohibiting any type of hazardous materials from being stored in the buildings. Otherwise he would change the occupancy classification to a hazardous occupancy, which would require sprinkling. He asked if the separation would be rated. Mr. Gray did not believe the intent was for firewall. Mr. Green believed they were going to be firewalls. Mr. Jackson stated they would need to go from the slab to the roof deck. He preferred the rated separations to be one hour. He added Mr. Rakes from Inspection could advise him on the requirements. The fire hydrant locations were not great, but they met the minimum requirements. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria (water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. Water -Preliminary: Existing water to serve the development- no extension required unless for fire protection. The existing water lines shown do not completely match our records. Are the locations shown based upon a field survey? Fire protection to meet the Fire Chiefs request. Sewer -Preliminary: there are several existing sewer lines as shown on the proposed LSD drawing. Our easements requirements have changed since these lines were constructed. The existing 15; easement should be replaced with a minimum of 20 feet due to the line sized and 1:1 • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 5 trench requirements. The sewer depth appears to vary from 6 to 12 feet. This will alter the building layout. Preliminary Grading: Detention will not be required. Final grading and drainage must be designed to prohibit site or channel erosion. Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Note that Garland is a collector. Our plat indicates 35 feet right-of-way existing- is this correct? Has the developer secured the rights to use the access shown? Engineering will recommend to the Planning Commission that the developer provide funds n lieu of improvements for Garland and the bridge based upon the rational nexus requirements in the ordinance. Comments: Mr. Beavers stated the city was requesting the developer change all existing 15' sewer easement to 20' easements. Mr. Gray did not believe that would be a problem. Mr. Conklin believed it would shift their buildings some. Mr. Gray agreed, but did not believe it would change the square footage. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated he was prepared to cross over Garland then dip down underground near the north edge of the existing drive. He would then cross in front of the south side of the building on the south of the dry wall The 30' utility easement would barely cover, he believed they would need additional easements on the south side of the drive through. Then he would place three or four transformers. Mr. Gray stated they had room to move the buildings back some. Mr. Burrack did not believe he would have to move the buildings back, with the exception of one. He suggested bringing the easement back even with ? He would need 12 %x feet. He asked if there was any requirement from the city for street lighting. Mr. Franklin believed there was existing lighting. • Mr. Burrack stated the electric would be underground. There was an overhead crossing now. He would place a new pole on the west side of Garland in the existing line and dip underground for ck$ • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 6 this development. Mr. Conklin advised that the developers verify with Randy Allen that Pettigrew was private or public. Interior lighting would need to shielded and directed downward for the adjoining residences. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 Requested by letter the same easements and considerations as the other utility companies. Arkansas Western Gas- Johnny Boels- Mr. Boels stated they would also be serving the building from the existing 30' easement. With the additional 10' that SWEPCO had requested to add to the south of the existing easement there should be enough room for the both of them. • Mr. Beavers asked if they had planned to add onto the existing water easement. • Mr. Boels stated they had planned to; to the south by 10'. Mr. Franklin stated there would need to be two ADA parking spaces. One space had to be van accessible. They could share the same isle. Re‘ • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 7 Item: LSD 97-6.00: MEADOW BROOKS APARTMENTS The Large Scale Development was submitted by Crafton, Tull and Associates, Inc.on behalf of Jim Lindsey for property located north of Old Farmington Road and west of Razorback Road. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 13.27 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: Mr. Conklin stated the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board had made a decision wether or not to take money or land for this item. The original proposal had been for 96 units. At the meeting the developer had presented 120 units and the board had agreed to accept money in lieu of land. He added the staff had looked at the 120 units during In -House. Mr. Kelso, CTA, added the only addition would be to add two buildings, one at each end of building 8 and 4. They would also extend the parking to accommodate them. • Mr. Conklin advised the park land decision would have to be approved by the City Council. There was an agenda session today at 4:30. Ms Dugwler was willing to try and get the item on the agenda for the next City Council meeting. Mr. Conklin felt uncomfortable allowing the project to continue in the process, with the change in units. • In response to Mr. Conklin concerns, Mr. Beavers stated the change would not effect his comments. Water, sewer, and drainage would stay the same regardless of the number of units. He did not believe they should be pulled out of the process. Mr. Kelso added when they figured the detention calculations, they had included the 120 units that was on the original drainage submittal. The tree preservation and all the other forms had been filled out for 120 units. Mr. Jackson asked if there were any connection between any of the parking lots. Mr Kelso explained the grade was too steep, 3.1, to allow a connection. Mr. Conklin believed the rest of the staff was comfortable enough to leave the item in the process. If they could not get the item on the City council agenda the item would need to be pulled from the process. The parks issue needed to be settled before it came before the Subdivision Committe meeting. 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 I00 Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 8 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: No objections or comments. Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Rare trees ID'd or statement, Location of utilities, easements, right-of-way, location of storage, cements wash-out, and tree protection specifications will be required to be shown on the Grading and drainage final plans; be prepared to discuss tree preservation methods and activities at the pre -construction meeting with city staff. Disperse tree in four additional parking lot islands for units 4-8 as shown on attached drawing. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: A minimum of 4' sidewalk with a minimum of 6' greenspace along Sang Street and Stone Street. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway entrance. The sidewalks and greenspace need to be shown on the plans. Sidewalks also need to be shown in the legend. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: none Street Lights: If there are no existing street lights, they will be required every 300' on public streets, at intersections and at the end of streets. They appear to be adequate as located on the plan. Comments: One ADA space in each parking lot should be van accessible (8' space with 8' aisle). Mr. Franklin questioned if the street lights were intended to be public street lighting or would it be private. Mr. Kelso believed all the street lights within the complex would be private. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 101 • • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 9 Land Dedication Requirement: The original scope of this project has changed. It will go back to the PRAB on April 7. Cannot anticipate vote of PRAB Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Label adjacent zoning (all sides). Adjoining property owners on the east (across Sang Street) need to be noted. Add plat page 520 to title block. Dimension all rights-of- way from centerline (Sang Street) Required setback on east and south (25') is correct, setback on north and west should be shown as 8' Note scale for all drawings (1 "-50'). Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Improve Sang Street- entire width - from entry drive south to intersection (show on plat). Dedicate right-of-way for Stone Street to the west property line (entire length of south property line) -shown. Dedicate right-of-way along Sang Street to equal 25' from centerline. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: In order to calculate required number of parking spaces, the number of bedrooms per building needs to be noted. 1 parking space per bedroom is required. Landscaping shown does not meet the interior landscaping requirements of the parking lot ordinance. Other requirements: Trash enclosures shall be screened on three sides. Will there be any signs for this development? Where will they be located? Any new utilities shall be placed underground. Need to discuss addressing with the 911 Addressing Coordinator. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Fire hydrant location was okay. He asked if it was feasible to run parking lots together. Mr. Kelso stated the grade would be over 20%. Mr. Beavers added they were limited to a 3:1 slope. Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Mr. Jackson commented it would be hard to get the fire trucks out of the parking lot. r�r • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 10 • Mr. Kelso stated they could take out some of the parking spaces if it would help. Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 General Comments: Also refer to the comments dated 19 March 1997 for the previous submittal 1. All designs are subject to the City's latest design criteria ( water, sewer, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not approval of public improvements and all improvements are subject to further review at the time construction plans are submitted. 2. In a previous meeting with staff, Tom Hopper and Mr. Lindsey (14 February 97) we discussed the street improvements, drainage, grading, water, and sewer. This pre -submittal meeting was helpful Two issues came of this meeting- slope stability and downstream sewer capacity. A. Slope stability- the geotech firm of Grubs, Garner, Hoskysn has provided a report to Crafton, Tull (CTA), which they have shared with the City, which details the requirements for slopes, cuts, fills, building foundations, benching of the up to 25 feet of fill, compaction... The report provides a sound basis for the approval the project. B. Sewer capacity of the downstream 6" sewer is questionable. Additional information concerning the capacity of this sewer was furnished by CTA on March 25, 1997 which stated that the capacity of the existing 6" sewer west of the intersections of Sang Street and Old Farmington Road is inadequate. CTA proposed to replace approximately 881 feet of 6 inch sewer with 8 inch sewer. Engineering will recommend that this sewer main replacement be the developer's responsibility and expense. Water -Preliminary: Minimum line size to be 8 inches. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chief s request. Minimum easement (or combination of ROW and easement) widths shall be 20 feet. Sewer -Preliminary: Refer to the comments above concerning capacity. Sewer easements shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width and wider as necessary for sewers deeper than 10 feet to provide a 1:1 trench slope. Preliminary Grading: A good preliminary drainage report has been provided. The detention ponds have been increased in size as requested. Slopes shall not exceed 3H:1V including the ponds. All drainage interior to the project, including the detention ponds, will be privately maintained. A formal agreement, per the Storm water Ordinance will be required. Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Based upon our previous meeting (14 Feb 97) my notes stated that the developer was going to improve the total width of Sang Street up to his entrance in lieu of one- half of a street the entire length of his property. Also I understand that ROW, but no improvements, would be required on Stone Street. Note the "standard" City street is currently 28 feet not 31 feet. Street design to be in accordance with the "minimum street standard" of August 1996. Comments: • Mr. Beavers stated the 881 feet of sewer line they were proposing to replace would be at the developers expense. He added the discharge out of the pond would have to looked at closely to t'03 • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 11 make sure there was not an erosion problem created. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated, because of the fill, he was going to run service from Sang Street to serve the buildings on the north side. There would be couple of radial above Stone Street. He did not know how they would get back down the hill after the fill was in. Coming across Sang Street, they had an overhead line running which would have to be upgrading. On the drive on the north side they were showing a 20' easement. Mr. Kelso noted the waterline was centered in the easement. They would have a 20' easement all the way across the front of the project. Mr. Burrack asked if the Water Department would be happy sharing the 20' utility easement. Mr. Boels stated they would have to be in the same utility easement. Mr. Burrack requested an additional 5' on the north side going across. He asked if the joint 25' building setback and easement was useable by them. He questioned what he could have in the building setback. He did not believe he could have anything above 3' in a building setback. Mr. Conklin stated that was by zoning ordinance. Mr. Burrack stated there would be single phase pad transformers. They would be at the 3' level. Mr. Conklin added anything over 30" in height would have to meet the setback. Mr. Burrack stated he would go up to the south edge of buildings one and two and ask for an easement going across to the middle between the building and the parking. They would place the transformers to the east of the water meters. He would need a 20' easement in the middle to the 25' building setback. He also asked for the same easement on building three on the east side, then turn west and go to the front of the buildings. In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, he added the transformers would be placed out of the setbacks. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 TCA Cable- Kevin Leflar- 521-7730 • Letter requesting same easements and considerations as other utility companies. • Technical Plat Review April 8, 1997 Page 12 • Arkansas Western Gas- Johnny Boels- 521-1141 Mr. Boles stated the easements Mr. Burrack had requested would work for him /0C