HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-11-19 - Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, November 19, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Andy Calloway, Kevin Lefler, and Mike Phipps STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Rich Lane, Dawn Warrick, Heather Woodruff, Chuck Rutherford, Beth Sandeen, Nancy Dugwler, and Mickey Jackson. Item: LS96-50.00: LOT SPLIT FOR PETROMARK Lot split was submitted by Jim Gabel for property located at the northwest corner of Crossover Road and Joyce Street. The property is zoned C-1 and contains approximately 2 acres. Comments from the following were presented: • STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 • Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: No Comments. Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: Sidewalks do not exist along Joyce Blvd at this location. However, the Engineering Department is asking for a contribution to the Joyce Blvd improvement project and the 8' multi use trail will be included. • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:2 Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: No Comments Street Lights: Comments: Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Show building setbacks and property zoning on plat. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Joyce and Crossover are classified as principle arterial streets on the Master Street Plan. Fifty-five feet from he centerline is required right-of-way dedication with sidewalks on both sides, at least 10 feet from the curb. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements. Tract 2 must go through Large Scale Development process. Contribution to Joyce Street -Engineering decision. Joint Access will be required. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping. Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Sewer -Preliminary: At Large Scale Development phase show how the proposed development (sign on the property says car wash) will access water and sewer. Water and sewer main extensions may be required. Preliminary Grading: • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:3 Preliminary Drainage: Provide Drainage report if tract 2 doesn't go through LSD approval process. Street -Preliminary: As per the Council's revised street requirements of September 96, the minimum right-of-way for a principal arterial is 110 feet. Therefore, provide a total of 55 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Joyce. (this ROW will be over the existing easement for our 36" water line.) Comments: Show how the trail along the north side of Joyce will work with the property and driveways at Large Scale Provide funds to the City for the improvements of Joyce Street equal to one-half of a standard City Street, drainage and walk/trail. The funds can be provided with the lot -split or as part of the LSD for tract 2. All improvements must meet the City's latest criteria. Ms. Little asked Mr. Beavers the purpose of the attached sheets. Mr. Beavers stated they were to show that they needed to decidew how this development would access the water and sewer in the event that they did not come back throught the large scale development process. He did not know if she was going to go along with his recommendation that they go through large scale. Ms. Little stated it would be a recommendation of the staff but , the decision would have to be made by the Subdivision Committee. She commented there was another carwash to the east of this development was also going to be a car wash, were they to be operated as one facility. Mr. Jim Gabel responded they would be separate. Ms. Little stated they needed to look at a way to get a drive way between the filling station and this parcel. Mr. Gabel stated Petromark and Mr. Ginger had already agreed to have access to both pieces of property. UTILITIES Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 No comment. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 No Comment. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 • No Comment. • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:4 • • Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Not present. The applicant will be responsible for contacting the gas company. Ms. Little asked if they had a question on perimeter easements. Mr. Phipps replied if it was going through large scale they would request them then. Mr. Calloway commented he thought there was an existing perimeter easement along the north side. Ms. Little stated they would pull the large scale development file for the Petromark project before Subdivision. She stated that 37 copies of the revised plat were due in the Planning office by 10:00 a.m. Monday November 25, 1996. lql • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:5 Item: LSD96-38.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT FOR HANNA WAREHOUSE The item was submitted by Northwest Engineers for property located north of 15th Street and west of Morningside Drive. The property is zoned I-1 and contains approximately 3-03 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location. No Dumpster Location indicated. The square area at the end of parking lot would be a good option. Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Move access drive 10' to north. 11 trees required. Add 6 trees to the 15' landscape area Screening requirement on all side property lines. Existing vegetation on west property line will provide screening if preserved. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks. a 6' concrete sidewalk continuous through the driveways shall be required. The continuous sidewalk through the driveway needs to be shown on the plans. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Street Lights: Will need one at property comer or driveway if no existing street lights are within • 300'. Comments: ADA spaces are OK. \q Z • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:6 Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Show zoning to the south. Add plat page 563 to the title block. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: Screening required on all sides. Will there be any free standing signs? No diskette submitted with application, one must be provided with revisions after Technical plat review. Show curb cut and swale to ditch on south side of street; driveways. Have provisions been made for truck traffic? • Ms. Little commented they were not really sure of the intended purpose for these buildings. 30' was pretty wide unless they were expecting heavy truck traffic. Mr. Kurt Jones replied there would be truck traffic in this because it was going to be a warehouse. Ms. Little commented if they were expecting truck traffic, it did not look like there was adequate circulation for them to get around. How would they get in and out? Mr. Jones replied they would have to back up. They had worked with Mr. Hanna as far as his needs and he thought it was adequate for them to get in and out. Ms. Little commented they would work it out at Subdivision. She stated they had questions about the drainage. They were asking for curb cut and swale on the ditch on the south side of the street. She asked what was opposite. Mr. Jones did not believe it was curbed in that area. Ms. Little stated they would need to know the entry way of the drives so they could look at the traffic. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 • Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: additional hydrant needed on the west side of entrance drive to property, Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:7 or if owner prefers it could be put at north end of parking lot between buildings Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Sewer -Preliminary: Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Comments: Fire protection, including additional mains and fire hydrants, shall meet the fire chiefs recommendations All improvements shall meet the City's latest criteria and are subject to additional review. Verify that the 30' entrance drive is allowable. After the LSD is approved, submit a final grading and drainage plan and show that the F.F. elevations are 2 feet above the 100 year flood plain. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack asked if they had determined what the actual usage of this would be. Mr. Jones stated it would be a warehouse with a small office space for the warehouse. Mr. Burrack asked what type of voltage they would need, three phase or single phase. Mr. Jones did not know, but he could find out. Mr. Burrack stated he did not show a good place to put anything, with the exception of the possible green area that was along the front of the buildings. On the back two building there was not a place shown for the installation of the facilities. What he would like to do was serve the two buildings with one transformer. They would have to have a space common between the buildings to do that. For oil filled transformers, the minimum distance from a noncombustible building was 5' and the transformer pad was 9', so they would need a minimum of 19' to place a three phase pad. He commented there might be enough room on the east side between the drive area and the property, but the secondary runs would be long. They could work out an area on the side. Mr. Jones suggested the area on the west side of the two buildings. • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:8 Mr. Burrack asked about the drainage. He had thought it was in the flood plain. Mr. Jones stated there was an existing ditch that ran down through there. It was on the FEMA insurance rate map as a zone X. It was a 500 year flood zone. Ms. Little asked the height of the transformer. Mr. Burrack stated it was almost 6'. Ms. Little stated it would need to meet setbacks. It would need to be at least 25' back from the road and would also have to meet side setbacks. Mr. Jones commented that would limit where it would go, because there was a 50' setback on one side because it was residential. The only area would be in the front area greenspace or behind the inter parking . Mr. Burrack asked if it was under the new ordinance for underground utilities. • Ms. Little replied it was under the underground ordinance. Mr. Burrack stated they would run 250' and anything over that would be charged to the developer. Ms. Little commented that underground utilities did not apply to industrial. Mr. Burrack asked if it was industrial or commercial. Ms. Little responded that question would have to be more fully addressed at the Subdivision level. The zoning was industrial, but the office use in there was complicating the issue. Mr. Burrack asked what Southwestern Bell would need for easements. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway stated they would need 20' around the perimeter. They would need to provide a conduit whereever they decided they wanted to attach to or enter the building. Mr. Burrack commented they could not be in the setback areas. They were looking at being between the buildings in the back or in the greenspace in the front. • Mr. Jones stated they needed to coordinate this with the owner and the utilities at the time. \h' Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:9 Mr. Burrack replied when this went out for the electrical bidding to let them know that service will not be on the east, north or the west side of the building. Ms. Little stated that the ordinance was for "new residential or commercial" developments. She added there was a special provision in case of hardships, including but not limited to financial, geological and environmental or regulatory unique to the subject property. The Planning Commission may grant a waiver on a permanent or temporary basis to allow the erection or construction, installation, maintenance or use of operational poles or overhead wires in associated overhead structures." She thought they might be able to use the hardship waiver. Mr. Jones suggested they wait until the Subdivision Committee to further discuss this. The offices were operational offices for the warehouses. They would not be leased separately. Mr. Calloway stated they could easily be converted into offices. They had look at it from that perspective too. Ms. Little commented they had not yet decided where they were going to place the pad transformer mount. She asked if they could make a temporary decision. Mr. Burrack replied it would have to be pad mounts on the south front or a pad mount back between the two buildings. They could set one there in the back to serve every thing from that point. Mr. Jones responded that would be the most desirable. Ms. Little stated they would put that as their tentative location. Mr. Jones stated they would not place it in the middle to block the drive. They would offset it in case they would want to put a drive in. Mr. Burrack stated that the installation of conduits and pads would be underneath the contracts that they usually signed with commercial and industrial customers He did not need that covered by an easement at this time. The contract would work as an easement when they did that. Mr. Calloway stated they would need a 20' utility easement along the west property line and let them provide conduit between the two buildings on the east and west side. Mr. Jones commented that was the center of the creek and asked if he would like it on the other side. Mr. Calloway replied there was vertically not clear landscape. They would have to take the • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:10 conduit to the southeast corner, although it would be workable to him. Ms. Little added there was also a screening requirement. Mr. Jones stated they were planning on screening using chainlink fence and vegetation. Ms. Little stated the staff did not feel that the commercial design standards applied to this building, but the Planning Commissioners might feel different and it might be an issue that should be discussed at the Subdivision Meeting. She advised him to discuss the possibility with the owner and be prepared to talk about it. She added that they would have a general discussion about that and underground utilities. Ms. Sandeen stated that if the commercial design standards did not apply then the 15' landscaping area would not be required. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler stated if they needed cable they would need conduits placed. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 No representative present. The applicant had the responsibility of contacting the company. • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:11 Item: LSD96-36.10: LARGE SCALE FOR CHAMBERLAND SQUARE APARTMENTS The item was submitted by Tim Risley and Associates for property located west of Shiloh Drive and south of Wedington Drive. The property is zoned R-2 and contains approximately 8.02 acres. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Mr Johnson commented they would have one address per building with individual apartment numbers for each unit. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: No comments; the owners will be required to establish a water account to which service could be charged. Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: No tree preservation information had been received by her office. Existing trees are shown on plan to be removed. Need application and fee to process. Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Mr. Johnson stated there would be some trees that would be removed. He would need to get that application. Ms. Little stated she would need more than an application. She would need a plan. She added they would need that fast. The fee would be $120. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: a minimum 6' sidewalk with a minimum 10' greenspace is required along Shiloh Drive. A 4' minimum sidewalk with 5' minimum greenspace is required on each side of the street. Ms. Little stated they had talked about this and they felt they could reduce the greenspace to 4' and still fit within their right-of-way. They felt there was a requirement for sidewalks on both sides of Jewell Road because of the population density. They were recommending sidewalks on • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:12 both sides. Mr. Johnson asked if the 4' previously approved sidewalk that was now 6'had been changed in the new ordinance. Ms. Little stated it had changed September 18. The requirement on Shiloh was 6' with a minimum 10' greenspace. Through the development they were also asking for a 4' sidewalk on both sides of the street, setback 4'. She added that would fit within his 40' right-of-way. Mr. Rutherford added they also needed to be shown continuous through the driveways. Mr. Johnson questioned the continuation of the sidewalks across the driveways. Mr. Rutherford explained the sidewalk couldn't change elevation, with a maximum 2% cross slop. They would slope all the streets up to the sidewalks with a concrete approach. Mr. Johnson asked if they were the same elevation as the top of the curb, could they make the turn in without curbs. Ms. Little explained the approach would taper down until it got to the point that the sidewalk crosses and there would not be any bumps as far the sidewalk being continuous. Mr..Johnson asked if they were allowed to ramp down. Mr. Beavers replied no, not according to the new ordinance. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Ms Little noticed the entry way signs looked to be out of the right-of-way. She added they must be out of the right-of-way, but the sidewalk would have to continue through them. Their recommendation was to make sure that the entry way signs were far enough back. Mr. Johnson stated they would be pushed back with the additional the sidewalk on that side. Ms Little stated the entry way signs looked okay because the sidewalks would end up in that location. Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Street name OK as shown. Street Lights: Move first street light west of Shiloh on Jewell Road west to the intersection. All other street lights okay as shown. Comments: ADA spaces okay as shown. Check with solid waste about dumpster locations and • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:13 truck access. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: $23,040 due prior to occupancy. Due at the time of issuance of building permit. Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Label 20' utility easement; building setbacks and utility easements on south, west and north sides of property. Label all right-of-way from centerline of Jewell Road and Shiloh Road. Show Layout of Adjacent property. Label adjoining zoning and property owners. Ms. Warrick stated the adjacent zoning had been shown on another page. Ms. Little stated they had found a setback error on the west side. This was R-2 property and a 20' setback is show and their setback in R-2 was 25'. One building could be corrected very easily, but another one would have to be moved. Mr. Johnson asked if it was being classified a side or rear yard. Ms. Little stated they had classified it as rear. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Shiloh is a collector requiring 70' right-of-way (35 feet from centerline). Parking to entry/exits offset may cause traffic problems especially at peak times for residents leaving and entering the complex. Mr. Johnson commented at the northeast corner they were at 45' from the centerline. He added they would get some dimensions on the plat. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: Survey and other pages do not match. See east property line dimensions. Mr. Johnson stated he had also found the error and it would be corrected on the next round of submissions. • Engineering concern was that additional drainage information was necessary. Move entrance signs behind sidewalks IP° • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:14 Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Final design subject to additional review. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chiefs request. Taps to the 36 inch DPP will not be allowed Minimum easement (or combination of easements and ROW) widths shall be 20'. Sewer -Preliminary: Final design subject to additional review. Minimum easement widths shall be 20 feet for lines to 10 feet in depth. Wider easements shall be required for lines over 10 feet in depth in accordance to the criteria Mr. Beavers gave Mr. Burrows. There is a sight discrepancy between our as -builds and the elevations shown for the existing manholes which needs to be clarified during the final design. Sewer lines will not be allowed in detention pond (s). Preliminary Grading. Provide a letter report from the drainage engineers Mickle, Wagner, Coleman, addressing the changes in the proposed development and the addition of Jewell Street. They would need a schematic of the proposed design by Monday at 10:00 a.m. with the specific questions answered on the drainage and the streets. Final drainage and grading plans and calculations are subject to additional review and compliance with ordinances. Drainage along the streets, north property line and the proposed detention pond require further review. Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Labe the proposed street and ROW widths. All street designs shall meet our latest criteria (Minimum Street Standards and the Stormwater Ordinance). Reversed crown streets are not allowed by our standards The designers should note the specific submittal requirements for the final design as detailed in the Street Standards Sidewalks on both sides of the street will be recommended to the Planning Commission. Comments: All improvements shall conform to the /city's current criteria and are subject to additional review. The water, sewer, streets and drainage were reviewed for general concept only and a separate final design must be formally submitted for approval after the development has been approved. Ms. Little informed that before they issued building permits they required an easement plat on the Large Scale. All of the easements that they decided on needed to be on a plat. When they came to get the building permit, they needed to bring the easement plat. After the project is completed they were to give the City a set of as-builts. If they matched the easement plat the City would then file the easement plat and he would be given a certificate of occupancy. 2a` • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:15 • • UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated they had an overhead power line on the north side as shown. They would be going underground. He had a tentative layout of how to put in electricity and would give him a copy. He asked if he had discussed points of service with the Inspection Dept In discussion with Inspections it had been indicated to him that there would be one point of service on the building unless there was a rated fire wall between various parts of the building. The drawing was showing two meters in two different places on each structure. This would not be permitted in the City of Fayetteville, according to Mr. Rakes. The location of transformer would have to be determined other than how he had them shown of the plat, but he would give him a layout of an easement. The easement needed to be a minimum of 15', but he would recommend 20'. He would imagine more than one utility in the easements as he had them laid out. He asked if the inner lighting would be City. Ms Little stated they would not be lit internally with the exception of those along the street. Mr. Burrack stated that the internal lights as shown would have to come from a house meter. Mr. Johnson stated they would be able to place it on one of the houses. Ms. Little asked the height of poles. Mr. Johnsons stated they would be 30'. Mr. Burrack stated that temporary power could be accessed on the north side of the project, If there was extensive cost involved it might be belled to the contractor. Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway requested the same crossings as TCA and an additional one along Shiloh. He would like to have a single point of service on each unit. His plan would be to run a cable all the way around the perimeter and come into each building Any place they were continuing into a building and going undemeath a sidewalk or asphalt they would require a conduit stubout. On the detention pond, did any of it encroach on the easement? Mr. Johnson stated it would not encroach on the easement. Mr. Calloway commented on the south side between units 3 and 6 and 1 and 3 the parking area looked like it protruded into the easements. He might want to leave room for them to get out. They might have to run conduit all the way to the clubhouse. toZ .x,03 Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:16 TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler stated they would also serve from the back and once they have determined the points of service he could do a design and would try and use the same easements as SWEPCO. On the west end they would need some conduit across the drive. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Ms. Little stated they would need all of their changes on 37 copies by Monday at 10.00am. She reminded them to get their public notice out on time. Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:17 Item: LSD96-39.00: LARGE SCALE FOR NEW SCHOOL ADDITION The item was submitted by Jorgenson and Associates for property located south of Sunbridge Drive and east of New School Place. The property is zoned R -O, Residential Office, and contains approximately 3.98 acres Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: No comment. Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: • Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements: Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: a 5' sidewalk with a 6' greenspace is required along New School Place. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the driveway and needs to be shown on the plans. Trails: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. Street Lights: Street light required at end of New School Place if not already in place. Comments: Ms. Little questioned his ADA spaces. Mr. Jorgensen stated they had none there now, but they thought they needed to place them in the • front near the main entry. He added they needed to check with the architect, Paul Wilhelms. • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:18 Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Label adjacent zoning. Add plat page 290 to title block; add sidewalks to legend; dimension right-of-way on New School Place from centerline; R -O zoning setback from right-of-way 30 feet; note: Buildings cover approximately 15% of lot area (60% cover is allowed). Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Twenty percent allowed over minimum requirement of 21 spaces -25. You will have to request a waiver to allow 31 spaces and provide justification for the Planning Commission. Ms. Little stated he would have to apply for a waiver for the 31 spaces and the 2 ADA spaces. Mr. Jorgensen stated he had spoken with the school and they had a problem with the parking at functions. Ms. Little stated he need to submit a letter explaining the situation. She asked if the circle drive would be one direction and to place arrows showing the direction. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: If parking waiver is necessary, will need to submit written description. Ms. Little reminded that utility service had to be underground. She commented the drive to the west was off the property. Mr. Jorgensen replied they were requesting a 15' access easement to accommodate the problem. Ms. Nettleship owned the property so there would be no problem with that. They already had the legal description written for the access easement. They would also get the easements Mr. Beavers was requesting at the same time. Ms. Little stated they would accept the access easement. She asked if it would be possible to lot line adjust to get the drive all on the property. She added they could approve that administratively. She asked how temporary the existing building was and if they could not assure the City that it was temporary (in some formal fashion) and would be removed at a certain time then they needed access for certain things, one of them would be access for emergency purposes. They needed a letter stating it was temporary and would be removed at the time this is constructed or they needed a way to access the building. She added they would need additional preliminary drainage information, by 10:00 Monday. It needed to address how the new parking 2Q4 • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:19 lot would drain. The total drainage area also needed to be calculated. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations. Add a hydrant at south side of entrance to proposed parking lot. Access for fire apparatus needs to be provided for existing "temporary" classroom building on east side of property if it will continue to be used. Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design. Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Sewer -Preliminary: Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: the final design of the drainage system is subject to further design and review. the additional preliminary drainage information is required prior to the deadline for changes to proceed to Subdivision Committee. Street -Preliminary: Comments: All improvements shall conform to the City's current criteria and are subject to additional review. Fire protection to meet the Fire Chief's request The preliminary drainage report needs further explanation; of drainage on the new parking lot. 15' drainage easement on lot 17, 20' drainage easement on the lot to the southwest . UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack stated there was existing service to the existing New School off the overhead line on the south side. They had built a new overhead line along side the basketball court and stopped behind the temporary building, so there was a point of service there. He believed it was going to be classified as one building and there would not be a fire wall. If it was one building, then the point of service as existing would be the point for this structure also. He suggested the architect get with him to determine if it was classified as two structures. If it was classified as two structures they did have the other point of service that had been run underground to the temporary building due west and there would be a point of service there that could be used. Mr. Jackson asked if the construction of the proposed new building the same of the existing building. Mr. Jorgensen believed they were of the same material. Zoe • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:20 Mr. Jackson stated it looked like they could go to 24,000 square feet without having a firewall. If they were going to expand again they would need to sprinkle, although it would be a good idea to do it anyway. Ms. Little stated they would plan on it being served as one building. If the architect finds out that it would have a fire wall and if could be served as two buildings then they would need to coordinate with SWEPCO. The one point of service will be from the south property line from the overhead line. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 No comments. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler asked for the electrical contractor to get with him. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Mr. Jorgensen asked if there was a utility easements along the south boundary that they had not picked up on because there was a power line that ran through there. Mr. Burrack believed it was on Mr. Tobins property, across the property line. He added it would not be a bad idea to add 5' across there, but he did not think there was any service at all on the north side of the property. The east side had been covered by another new easement, but he could show it as 15'. There was a survey stake by the drive, they took the easement 15' from there and went south from that survey point. Ms. Little stated they needed public notification for the Subdivision Committee meeting and an easement plat prior to the issuance of any building permit. Revision in by Monday at 10:00, 37 copies. • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:21 Item: PP96-8.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CANTERBURY PLACE The item was submitted by Northwest Engineers for property located north of Joyce Blvd and west of Crossover Road. The property is zoned R-1 and A-1 and contains approximately 20.19 acres with 23 lots proposed. Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 The street names that cannot be used are: Canterbury, Liuden, and Barrington. The short street at the north end of this project should have a separate name. Ms. Little stated they had talked about it and through Dr. Rudico property the connection should be Taliesien. She added they disagreed with the comment that the short street at the north end should have a separate name. They would like the one that was on the western most portion of the property to be one name all the way down. Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 • Cul-de-sac: No objections Street Width: Container Location: Container Pad: Screening: • Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications: Other Landscaping Requirements. Preliminary plat provides for adequate tree canopy %. Further details of tree preservation activity will be submitted with final grading/drainage plans for approval at that time. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: A minimum of 4' sidewalks continuous through the driveways are required on both sides of the streets. A minimum of 6' greenspace is required between the curb and sidewalk Trails: On Joyce Street there is a requirement for an 8' trail and a requirement for contribution to the construction of Joyce Street. Mr. Jones asked if a number had been pick out. 7,01 • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:22 Ms. Little asked Mr Beavers if they would be able to get the number before Subdivision Committee meeting. Mr. Beavers stated they would be looking for half of a standard street and the drainage required to handle it. Mr. Rutherford added the trail would also be added. Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names. Street Lights: Comments: Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: M Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Ms. Little stated when parks reviewed the project, they reviewed for 15 lot, it was now R-1 on the front portion and with 22 lots. Mr. Jones believed it worked out to half and acre, which was the size of lot 6. Ms. Little stated the owner to the west Dr. Huddleston was to approach his client, owners, about buying the other two lots. She though they should go ahead and dedicate the lot that was going to be for parks. Mr. Jones stated they were going to dedicate lot 6 to parks. He asked since they were giving away one lot they would only need park land for 21 lots. Ms. Little stated he did not have the count the lot that would be dedicated to parks. Ms. Dugwyler stated she needed 1.53 acres. Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 • Plat Information: Show all curb cuts within 300'. Add plat page 176 to title block. Show adjacent zoning. Street names need to be approved by 911 coordinator- names appear to conflict Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:23 with some existing street names. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: Dimension right-of-ways from centerline. Staff does not recommend that lot 19 have direct access to Joyce Blvd. New street requirements call for local streets to be 28' from residential streets to be 24' back of curb to back of curb. Ms. Little added they might need a 25' access easement or a joint access to lot 19. Mr. Jones asked if they could get the side road as residential streets. Ms. Little stated Mr. Clark had talked to her about the street not being constructed. If by the time they get to Planning Commission there was an offer on lots 5 and 7, an offer and an acceptance to purchase they would advance the idea. Without that they felt the street needed to be constructed. Mr. Jones stated regardless the right-of-way would be dedicated. He understood it the street was not constructed then the other side street could not be a residential street. • Mr. Beavers stated they would ask that the Planning Commission require sidewalks on both sides. • Mr. Jones informed that the inter lot would be owned by one person. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: Other requirements: Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Hydrant across from lots 5 and 6 needs to be moved to southeast side of intersection of Canterbury(St. name needs to be changed). Move hydrant at lot 21 between lots 3 and 9. Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Final design subject to additional review. The line shall be 8 inch along street "A" and the west portion of "B" and "E" to the northern property line. The 6 inch line • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:24 would be accepted for the eastern loop street. Refer to the City's standard specifications for water lines. Fire protection to meet Fire Chiefs request. Minimum easement widths shall be 20 feet. Mr. Beavers suggested that he plan to tap the existing 36 inch ductile iron line (north of Joyce) and not cross Joyce and tap the existing 8 inch line ( south side of Joyce). Mr. Jones asked why he wanted the 36" tapped. Mr. Beaver explained they would not have to go across Joyce. He though it would improve their systems knowing this line would be extended over the hill. Mr. Jones stated it would not be a problem to tap the 36" line. Sewer -Preliminary: Final design subject to additional review. Minimum easement widths shall be 20 feet and wider for sewer lines over 10 feet in depth Existing line cannot be vacated until the new line was in service. Preliminary Grading: Engineering was requesting the Planning Commission require a financial contribution from the developer for a portion of the drainage improvements for Joyce Street. Will need drainage report, questions on the southwest portion of property and its runoff. Need to calculate and show the 100 yr WSE for all drainage on construction plans. The people must be designed for 10 -year flows and the street or swale in combination with the system contain the 100 year flows. Refer to the criteria manual. The detention pond shall be designed and the design submitted as part of the preliminary report. Preliminary Drainage: Street -Preliminary: Engineering will suggest to the Planning Commission that they require all of the streets to be 28' with 50' ROW per the City's current Master Street Plan as amended 17,Sept. 96. Please show street improvements to Joyce on plat. Comments: All improvements shall meet the City's latest criteria. Engineering would request that the Planning Commission require a financial contribution from the developer for a portion of the street improvements for Joyce Street. Mr. Beavers added the sewer line would have to extend up the street to the north property line. Ms. Little stated there was a sight distance problem as Joyce currently exist. they were expecting this to be removed as part of the work that will be done on Joyce street. They would need to address the sight distance problem now, they needed to provide a letter addressing the problem. UTILITIES SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:25 Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 Mr. Phipps commented on the two street light on the interior one at Canterbury land and at the intersection., could they be moved outside the interior. He would need utility easements to get to them. If they were moved, he would need a 10' utility easement along the property line of lot 4 and 3. On lot 17 he would need a 20' easement on the south side. He would also need a 4" utility crossing from lots 21 and 20 to lots 1 and 2. It would need to be 36" deep subgrade. A 15' minimum utility easement between lots 1 and 2, they would prefer 20. A 10' utility easement for the street lights on lots 5 and 6. At the north end of Canterbury Lane a 4" utility crossing there, 36" subgrade. A 10' street light easement on lots 12 and 13. A 10' Street light easement of 15 and 16. SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway requested the same easements. He questioned the phasing, they would not clear easements. Mr. Jones stated both phases would be cleared at the same time. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 He would need a way to get to lot 23, they would need an easement between lots 14 and 15 and a conduit. The same easement along the south side of lot 23. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 Ms Little stated changes were due by Monday at 10:00. She reminded him not to forget the public notification. She advised him to phase it into two phases. • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:26 Item: FAST TRAX Comments from the following were presented: STAFF: 911 Coordinator -Jim Johnson -575-8380 Solid Waste Division- Cheryl Zotti-443-3400 Cul-de-sac: Street Width: Container Location: The current location of the dumpster does not allow a straight approach for service. They will have to relocate or screen in a manner that leaves the south end open. Container Pad: Screening: Comments; Solid waste division is not responsible for opening gates. we recommend three sided with no gates. Landscape Administrator- Beth Sandeen-575-8308 • Tree Preservation &/or Replacement: Rare Trees ID'd or Statement: Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Location for Storage, Cement Wash-out, etc.: Tree Protection Specifications. Other Landscaping Requirements: Add two trees minimum to parking lot interior. Change Sugar maple specification to 2" caliper. Avoid construction or planting near 8" water line. Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator- Chuck Rutherford -575-8291 Sidewalks: A 5' sidewalk exists along Wedington Drive. A 5' sidewalk with a 6' greenspace is required along Steamboat Drive. The sidewalk shall be continuous through the 40' driveway and needs to be shown on the plans. Ms. Little stated the driveway width was to wide and they needed to know what type of traffic is anticipated there. They would be looking for a divided entrance. Mr. Petrie replied that would have to do with the waiver on the front would be granted. Ms. Little stated the wavier would not be granted. It had been discussed at the Final Plat. The fact that it was being asked for would likely delay the entire project. • Mr. Petrie stated they would have to have a tanker in and out of the property and an island would cause problems. v#5 • • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:27 Ms. Little stated they could work on the radius there, and to be prepared for another drawing to come forward. Steamboat drive would have to be dedicated "public" at this time, which would be a problem for them because it was not on their property. She explained that when the finial plat was approved by the Planning Commission their requirement was that they would be dedicated at the time of development. They would have to work with the owner of the other property to that resolved. Trails. Location of Utilities, Easements, ROW: Comments: Traffic -Perry Franklin- 575-8228 Street Names: Street Lights: A street light should be located at the end of Steamboat Drive. Mr. Burrack stated that Clary development had already paid SWEPCO for the installation of the street lights. There was a letter in Engineering stating that and they would place them as they developed. Comments: Concerned about the curb cut on Wedington Drive being so close to traffic signal at Shiloh Drive that it might affect the level of service of the intersection. The ADA ramps are okay as shown. Parks -Nancy Dugwyler- 444-3472 Land Dedication Requirement: Money in Lieu: Vehicle access to Park Land: Pedestrian Access Easements: Drainage through Park: Planning -Dawn Warrick -575-8267 Plat Information: Show adjoining lot configuration within 300'. Ms. Little stated they needed to see any curb cuts within 300' of the site. Proposed & Existing Street rights of way and easements: No curb cuts will be allowed on Hwy 16. Hwy 16 right of way needs to be 110 feet, 55 feet from the centerline. They would need an additional 7.74 feet. Steamboat drive must be dedicated as a public street at this time. 5' sidewalks are required. Subdivision of Land: Site Specific Information: They would need to know the number of employees for the restaurant to calculate parking. They would need a total of 23 spaces plus the employee spaces. If it was less than 25 spaces they would need one ADA accessible space, if it was more they would need two ADA accessible spaces. Other requirements: Show overlay district boundary on site plan. Z'� • • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:28 Ms. Little commented they should make a note on the plat that the entire parcel is in the overlay district. On the variances requested: She question (A). Mr. Petrie replied that request had been removed from the plan. Ms. Little questioned B; from 250' to 151.64' to Steamboat drive. Mr. Petrie replied that from the centerline of the Hwy. Ms. Little stated that was from the private drive to Steamboat. Under overlay district they had to be 200' apart and 250' from the nearest intersection. From 250' to 169' off Steamboat from Wedington. From 250' to 214.81' off Shiloh from Wedington- they could not tell what that one was. Mr. Petrie explained the last one was not longer a request. Ms Little explained this was the overlay lay district, they were not likely to get approval for a pole mounted sign. In fact there were so many waivers requested she wondered why they were choosing this particular piece of property. This development was apparently not suitable for the area they were choosing. Mr. Williams stated that the highest and best use of the property was for a convenient store. Based on the location of the property in relation to Wedington, the Bypass, and the service road. There may be a secondary business that could operate in there, but the highest and best use for that would be a convenient store. Ms. Little stated this property had already been zoned. The property was zoned and he knew what the zoning was and the requirements relating to the zoning were when he decided to purchase the property. If it was an unzoned piece of property and he was talking about high efficient use that would be a legitament argument. Mr. Williams addressed the issue on the variance for the curb cut. His understanding of the ordinance was that a variance for a curb cut may be granted if competition dictates it. Ms. Little responded that was not the wording and read the ordinances provision for variances. Mr. Williams replied he had use the word competition and when she was describing it she use said " other similar types". There were convenient stores all along the bypass had direct access from the primary street. • Ms. Little stated they were non -conforming under the overlay district. and that was not grounds for asking for a variance. vb • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:29 Mr Williams explained that a convenient store was so competitive that it had to be easy to get in and out of . If they had to drive around the block you could not do business there. Ms. Little asked if he understood that when they did the final plat they went through this discussion with owner of the property. Mr. Williams stated he was not aware of the agreement that there would never be another variance granted. Ms. Little stated it was on the face of the final plat. Mr. Williams stated that his option that he took out to the property was prior to that being done. Ms. Little stated there was no lot until the final plat was filed. Mr. Williams explained when he was getting this ready, he made an option with him to buy this corner. It was drawn up, it might not have been approved. but he never saw anything on this deal that she was talking about until the other day when they faxed him a copy of the minutes. Ms. Little commented that his owner might have done him a disservice. She added the Planning Commission had already discussed curbcuts. They had already made the decision, and having to go back and have that same discussion would not be pleasant. Mr. Williams stated they based their application on the variance that the convenient store type business was such that they would have to have curb cut access to the primary street. Other convent stores in the area have access to the primary street. It put that particular location at a disadvantage. Ms Little stated Mr. Petrie would have to become very familiar with the section. He would have to give the documentation that it said and there were very specific things that it said they would have to prove in order to receive a variance. They could bring the variance forward, but the staff would not support it. They had several variances. They have parking lot on the northwest corner. In the overlay district the parking lot needed to be screened. She added 75% of site may be developed. Mr. Lane stated that as a requirement for Large Scale they had to submit a screen elevation, along with a site elevation and scale drawing of signage. There would also need to be a landscape plan. • Mr. Petrie asked if what they were showing now for landscaping was adequate. 4)1 • Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:30 Ms. Sandeen commented he was showing a 20' utility easement along the north side of the property. She asked why they would need so much easement space. Ms. Little clarified the easement was 10' on each side. Ms. Sandeen suggested they reduce the easement to 10' and get tree planting along the north side of the property. The landscape plan was fine, but would need to show trees in the greenspace. She cautioned him not to plant around the sewer. Ms. Little stated they would need the screening elevation, how the landscaping related to the building, what the view from the street would be. they would also need a discussion of lighting. Mr. Petrie responded that the lighting would be from the canopy on the pumps. There would also be lighting on the convenient store itself pointing downward. Ms. Little stated he needed to do his public notification for the Subdivision Committee meeting. On the dedication of the street, she realized it might take a little longer so they would not require that Monday, but they would need that by Wednesday before the Planning commission meeting. Mr. Lane added he needed to amend the plat to reflex the variances they were not asking for. Fire- Mickey Jackson -575-8364 Fire Hydrant Spacing: Fire Hydrant locations: Water Main Sizing: Water Main Looping: Water Main Location: General Street Design: Comments: Engineering- Jim Beavers- 444-3418 Water -Preliminary: Sewer -Preliminary: Preliminary Grading: Preliminary Drainage: Needed a preliminary design on drainage by Monday. Street -Preliminary: Comments: UTILITIES • SWEPCO- Dennis Burrack-973-2308 Mr. Burrack asked what type of serve would be needed. There was existing service on the east Techincal Plat Review November 19,1996 Page:31 side of the property and they would have to come from that point. He would have to come down the easement on the north side and down the west side by Steamboat to get to the street light they were going to install. Other than the 10' change on the north easements the other easements were satisfactory. Mr. Petrie stated when the architectural plans were drawn up he would give them a call so they would know what was needed. They would provide a conduit under the parking for everyone. Ozark Electric Cooperatives- Mike Phipps- 521-2900 SW Bell- Andy Calloway -442-3170 Mr. Calloway stated the easements were fine. Typically they recommend on a facility such as this two 2" conduits. They would come along the east property line with their service and can come across the north side. It was their option as to where they brought the conduits out. They could be joint with the power. He did not think it would be involved, but they have shown the underground telephone cables that ran along the west side of Shiloh and he was not sure where, but there was a large junction box there. Any of the new construction that would require relocation of those facilities would be at the owners expense. If there was any plans for automatic teller machines they would have to take the telephone service from that location into the same common point that was in the building. Ms Little added, if there was plans for that they would need to be on the large scale They would need 37 copies by Monday.. TCA Cable- Kevin Lefler- 521-7730 Mr. Lefler comment if they wanted cable they would need to get together to decide a route to the east side into a conduit. Arkansas Western Gas- Rick Evans- 521-1141 •