HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-06 - Minutesi MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, August 6,1996 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Rick Evans, and Dennis Barrack STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Dawn Thomas, Rich Lane, Heather Woodruff, Jim Beavers, Beth Sandeen, Nancy Dugwyler, Cheryl Zotti, and Mickey Jackson LS 96-37 00: WAIVER TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS WARREN BEARD- S OF HWY 62 & W OF DENSMORE TRAIL The first item on the agenda was a lot split for Warren Beard for property located south of Hwy 62 and west of Dinsmore Trail. The property is zoned A-1, agricultural. The request was for one lot split creating a total of two tracts. The applicant was also requesting a conditional use permit which would allow a tandem lot on the newly created lot. Ms Little stated city staff had no specific comments. Mr. Beavers expressed concerns about service lines crossing property boundaries and requested a deeded piece of property for utilities. He also noted low water pressure problems on Hanshew. Ms. Little expressed concern about the deeded piece of property splitting tract A. Mr. Warren defended, it was the most feasible because of the two ponds located on the property, but stated he would consider an alternative. Ms. Little requested a 50' right-of-way on Hanshew. According to survey, there was a 25' right- of-way off the site to the east. Mr. Warren responded there was a water easement on the south side of the road and he had obtained a utility easement on the north side of the road. Ms. Little responded that nothing more would be required on the 50' total right-of-way. She requested that plat page 595 be added to the title block of the survey. She added no with improvements to Hanshew would be required and a $300 parks' fee would be assessed the building permit. • Mickey Jackson, Fire Dept., commented that, if they built a home on the site, they would have a Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 2 non -conforming situation. He explained they would not have fire protection because there was not a fire hydrant within 500 feet of the structure. Mr. Beavers said they needed to discuss if Mr. Warren needed to replace the existing 2" line with a 6" water line. Ms. Little did not require the addition of line, but put Mr. Warren on notice that he would not have fire protection. She also suggested that he contact neighbors and his father-in-law about adding larger lines for fire protection. She noted no sidewalks were required. Dennis Barrack, SWEPCO, stated that easements had been worked out and had no further comments. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, had no comments. Ms. Little stated the item would not go to the subdivision committee or planning commission, but would be approved at administration level. \4\ • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 3 PLA96-15.00: PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR KEATING N OF COLT SQUARE DR. & W OF GREEN ACRES DR. The second item was a property line adjustment for Keating for the property located north of Colt Square Dr. and west of Green Acres Dr. (Lots 9 & 10 of Colt Square). The property was zoned C-2 and contains approximately 1.56 acres The property line adjustment would change the orientation of these two lots. No representative for the item was present, but Ms Little stated that the item had been approved, but she wanted the utility companies to review it. Dennis Barrack, SWEPCO, stated the applicant had been in his office and he had no problem with the adjustment. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, responded he had no problem with the adjustment. Wfr Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 4 LS96-38- WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY -1542 E. 5TH ST.(N OF 5TH, W OF HAPPY HOLLOW) The third item was a request for one lot split submitted by Allen Reed on behalf of Habitat for Humanity and Dessie and Verna Shakelford for property located at 1542 E. 5th Street (north of 5th Street and west of Happy Hollow Road). Filed together with the lot split request is a conditional use request for a tandem lot and a request for a variance e from the required lot width. Ms Little explained the lot split would create a tandem lot and she noted both Tracts A and B were tandem lots and would require conditional use approval by the Planning Commission. She advised a 4' sidewalk on north side 5th Street was required, and expressed concerns about the slope along the street. She questioned Ms Shackleford if there was a house under construction. Ms. Shackleford stated they had one house under construction on lot 2 and there was a sidewalk along the south side of 5th street from Sequoyah Meadows to the cul-de-sac and all the way to Happy Hollow Road. In response to a question by Ms. Little, Ms. Shackleford advised problems in installing a sidewalk would depend on whether there were any trees. Ms. Little responded she did not remember seeing any large trees, but did see a steep grade. Ms. Shackleford asked if the sidewalk could be waived. Ms Little responded that, if it was a topography issue, the Planning Commission could consider it when they considered the conditional use for the tandem lots. Mr. Rutherford said he would go look at the site again, but stated that the ordinance called for sidewalks on both sides. Ms. Little then requested plat page 526 be added to the survey. Mickey Jackson commented the site had no water. Ms Little asked how lot 2 was being served. Mr. Beavers stated that there was a 2" line, but was not adequate for a hydrant. Mr. Jackson recommended that a hydrant be placed at 5th and Sherman. Mr. Reed asked if existing hydrants were close enough, stating there were 2, one at west end, the • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 5 other at the north side, in the apartment complex to the west. Mr. Jackson stated he did not know, but advised there had to a hydrant within 400' of the closest point on the lot and 500' to the most distant point of the building. Ms Little stated the houses would be for low income people and was concerned about the cost difference of fire insurance for the residence. Mr. Beavers stated insurance companies used different hydrant requirements and did not think there would be any adverse effects. Ms Little commented the city usually waived processing fees for Habitat for Humanity and asked Parks if they would also. Ms Dugwyler stated they would also waive Parks fees. Ms Little said the city would disregard the requirement for 25' of right-of-way and approve existing 20' right-of-way saying she did not believe the street would ever be widened. Mr. Beavers agreed with her decision. Ms Little stated water was not available for lots A or B without extending a water main, and fire protection was not available. Mr. Beavers also stated sewer was not available and both water and sewer would have to be extended. Ms. Shackleford stated there was sewer on the south side of the street. Mr. Beavers explained a main and a man hole would have to be extended to service both lots. Ms. Shackleford stated that they had tapped into lines for lot 2. Mr. Beavers responded she would have to run aline to service Tracts A and B because service lines could not cross property boundaries and an easement would be required. Ms. Little asked if it would have to be a deeded piece of property or just an easement. Mr. Beavers stated it could be an easement, but it would have to be dedicated to the city. He noted it would need to be a minimum of 20 feet. ,aa • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 6 Ms Little suggested they place the easement between lots 2 and 3 for the convenience of all the other utilities. Mr. Beavers said he had no preference where they ran the lines but stated the water would have to be extended back to the properties. He also stated concerns that fire protect was not available and the existing 2" line should be upgraded to a 6" or 8" prior to the houses being built. Ms Little added this was an urban situation and there was adequate pressure for the line. Mr. Beavers added that Jan Simco had been visiting with him about the city paying for the line, but did not know how firm she was on it, because it would be $20,000 + . He stated his recommendation would be a requirement. Ms. Shackleford asked if they could start building in September and have the lines extended in the next calender year because Ms Simco would have funds available then. Mr. Beavers stated the line would have to be in before the houses were occupied. • Ms. Shackleford agreed and stated it took at least 6 months to build a house because they only worked on Saturdays. Mr. Beavers thought that January or February would work out. Ms. Little questioned what would happen if Community Development funds were not available asking if Habitat would be able to take on the responsibility. Mr. Beavers stated he did not have the authority to obligate funds, but did comment the city was doing a 50/50 cost share on Lafayette St. for an existing situation very similar to this situation. Ms. Shackleford stated she had been talking to HUD regional office trying to get extra money. Dennis Barrack, Swepco, stated that Ozark Electric would be servicing them and referred them to Mike Phipps. Ms. Little stated there was no telephone representative present and, the applicant would need to contact Andy Callaway. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, requested an easement between lot 2 and 3 going north to lot A and B and at least 15' of the 20' building setback along south side of A and B be a utility easement. He added that, if water and sewer were on the same easement, it would have to be • widened up to 25'. Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 7 Ms Little questioned how easement should be split between the two lots. Mr. Evans responded that it made no difference. Mr. Reed stated there was already a house on lot 2, and they would try to get as much off of lot 2 because they were losing 25' off lot 3 for the access. �0� • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 8 PP96-6.00: AMBERCREST COURT, P.U.D. E OF OLD WIRE & W OF HACKBERRY DR The next item was presented by Jorgensen & Assoc. On behalf of MTM of El Dorado, L L C for property located east of Old Wire and west of Hackberry Dr. The property was zoned R-1 and contains approximately 12.84 acres. Ms. Little stated the Solid Waste Dept. would not support the preliminary plat without a 40' minimum turning radius on each cul-de-sac. Ms. Zotti advised although the cal -de -sac were short, their shape and size would make servicing difficult. She stated the cul-de-sacs needed the standard 40' radius. Mr. House said he did not have a dumpster situation in mind, but a cart system, which people could wheel their refuge to the receptacle area with trash cans. He explained the recepical area would be hidden with landscaping set back from the corner. He added they would have a strict covenant addressing the issue of not having curb side service. He added this has been done in other communities. Ms. Little responded only residents of tandem lots were required to bring refuge to the public streets, adding the city did not require the access to be paved, which would make it difficult for trucks to service. Mr. House commented there were other subdivisions in town which did not have full cul-de- sac's and he would prefer staying with the smaller courts. He explained that, when he laid out the courts with 80' diameters, he lost about 4 lots at the end of each cul-de-sac Mr. Beavers stated Solid Waste, Traffic, and Engineering did not support the proposed design and did not consider it a debatable issue. He advised it was a public health and safety issue and questioned if this was some thing the planning commission had the authority to override. Ms. Little answered the Planning Commission did have the authority for all the subdivision requirements. She stated this item would be elevated to Planning Commission level. Ms. Thomas reviewed staff comments: Parks fees would be $18,600 for 62 units at $300 each: plat page 370 needed to be on the title block; street lights and fire hydrants needed to be added to legend and labeled; and open spaces needed to be hatched. She asked if they had calculated the green space. Mr. Carter replied 39% was 4.41 and they had 41.8%. VP • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 9 Ms. Thompson noted sidewalks needed to be added to the legend. Mr. House asked if a sidewalk on one side of street would be adequate. Mr. Rutherford answered sidewalks on both sides would be required on Hackberry Dr. with a 4' green space and a 4' side walk and the smaller streets would only be required to have sidewalks on one side. Ms. Thomas commented all streets needed to be named. Ms. Little explained the deadline for naming streets was immediately.. She commented that rerouting the existing sewer would make some lots unbuildable. Mr. Beavers commented they would have to reroute the sewer lines to get them out of the back yards. Ms. Little questioned where Amber Drive ended and Hackberry began. She suggested the whole thing would have to be named Amber, explaining there werea number of residents on Amber and only two on Hackberry. Shecommented all street signs and traffic control signs must meet city and federal standards, and all street names should be on the plat and approved by Jim Johnson. She questioned if Mr. House was planning on having standard street lights. Mr. Barrack advised that, if they chose a non-standard street light, the developer would be responsible for installation and maintenance of lights; the city would pick up the energy charges. Ms. Little informed Mr. House street lights were required at each intersection on every street. In response to a question from Mr. House, Ms. Little anything over 30" in height must be at least 25' from the set back line of intersection. Mr. Beavers added water and sewer were subject to review and the line size might or might not be acceptable, noting the minimum sewer and water easement would be 20' in width. Mr. Carter questioned if he could use the easement north of the curb. Mr. Beavers replied it would not be a problem. He reminded Mr. Carter they had discussed running lines down the middle of the court, but if a line broke, the city would only repair a private street with a cold patch. Mr. Beavers stated Dave Jergans, Water & Sewer, prefered to have lines down the middle of • private streets if Mr. House was willing to accept responsibility for repairs 1� Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 10 Mr. House replied he would accept the responsibility. Mr. Beaver asked about the approximate size of the retention pond and if revisions on the grading plans had been made. Mr. Carter answered the revisions had not been made. Mr. Beavers added that a neighbor was concerned about loosing some Large trees in the existing swale and questioned if the area would be smaller than shown. Mr. Carter believed the area would be smaller. Mr. Beavers expressed concerns of neighbors about the entry pillars. Mr. House responded they had moved the pillars back to the west. Mr. Beavers questioned if they were on city right -of -away. • Ms Little answered they did not allow pillars on city right-of-way. Mr. House responded he thought the distance was too great to achieve the effect he wanted, but the entry was not a big issue. Mr. Beavers commented both private and public streets would have to comply with city standards. He stated he disagreed with trash bins, and would recommend the bins not be allowed, because of sight distance and potential traffic problems. Dennis Burrack, SWEPCO, after looking at lot sizes, asked if he would have zero lot clearance. Mr. Carter explained there would be 10' between them. Mr. Burrack commented he tried to lay out an underground loop around the circle; but, with the short easements there was no way to get a loop through the development. Mr. Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, added if they serviced the sewer down middle of street he could service from the front, if they could get some easements off the side. He cautioned the gas meters would be in front. Mr Burrack added they would need at least a 20' easement for utilities. • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 11 Mr. Carter asked what would be required for sewer. Mr. Beavers responded they would need 30'. Mr. Burrack explained water and electric lines needed to be a certain distance from each other and there might be clearance problems. Mr. Beavers added that in areas where grade did not allow for sewers there would be 20-25' sewer easement, between with no fences or houses over easements. Ms. Little commented the utility easements needed more work. Mr. Burrack added he could not lay anything out because of size of lots and not knowing lot clearances. Ms. Little stated the project was not ready to go forward until the utility problems were worked out. She also cautioned that utility easement could not be counted toward the green space requirement. • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 12 PP95-23.30: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MARVIN GARDENS, PHASE I S OF MEANDERING WAY & W OF CROSSOVER -ROBERT WESTPHAL The next item on the agenda was a resubmittal the preliminary plat for Marvin Gardens submitted by Jorgenson & Associates on behalf of Robert Westphal for the property located south of Meandering Way and west of Crossover. The property was zoned R-1 and contains approximately 18.49 acres Ms. Little commentedthe proposed plat had changed considerably from the previous lay out. Ms. Little a 4' sidewalk with a 4' green space would be required on both sides of the street and needed to shown on the plan, adding the handicap ramps would not be required as long as the slope was 5% or less. Mr. Beavers pointed out there was a storm sewer and sanitary sewer conflict at lot 37.a better grading plan and pointed out a possible drafting error on lots 38,39,40. Ms Little added temp cul-de-sacs would not be required on the streets which were only one lot deep; would be needed at the end of Marvin Gardens, Summerset, andScarlet. She confirmed the ends had to be outside the subdivision. She stated a regular curb would be required all the way to the property line. She advised Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Coordinator, had to approve the names. She noted street lights required at every intersection, and at the end of every street and at 300' intervals. She rquested plat page 410 be added to the title block. She asked to see, location to Ridgly Drive in relation to the subject development including the right-of-way. Ms. Little also commented they needed an off site easement for sewer line. Mr. Carter responded he thought there was an existing easement. Ms. Little commented existing easements and the rest of the surrounding property owners needed to be shown on the plat. She advised public notification would be necessary. She noted Parks fees would be $11,700. Mr. Beavers questioned if Ridgely would tie together. Ms Little added the Planning Commission would not allow any more phases, until there was a tie-in to Ridgely. Mr. Jackson commented the hydrant on lot 13 needed to be moved to the intersection and a hydrant needed to be added between lots 10 & 11. \\\ • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 13 Mr. Burrack, SWEPCO, commented the easements needed dimensions, stating he assumed the easements were 10' on each side or 20' total. He asked if the easements would be by separate instrument. Mr. Carter responded if they did not currently exist they would by separate instrument.. Mr. Burrack added he and the other utilities would need some crossing at each end of Scarlet and additional crossings to lots 34 & 35. Mr. Carter suggested placing a crossing from lot 1 to lot 40. Mr. Burrack commented he thought there was already one there, if the sewer would be moved from back to the front lots. Mr. Beaver confirmed it had been a request. Mr. Burrack continued that, if they were not moved from the back lots, he would need additional easements. • Mr. Carter asked if 20' would be enough to include the sewer. • Mr. Burrack responded they would need 25'. He requested a 15' easement between lots 30 &31 Mr. Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, had the same comments on easements. His only additional comment was that the detention pond was not placed over the easements. Mr. Evans added he needed a 20' easement between lot 25 & 27 going to lot 26. \\1J Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 14 PP96-7.00: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR DEERFIELD PLACE GORDON WILKINS -HUNTSVILLE RD. & W OF MALLY WAGNON RD. The next item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Deerfield Place submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Gordon Wilkins for property located north of Huntsville Rd. and West of Mally Wagnon Rd. The property was zoned R -O and R -I and contains approximately 11.72 acres. Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, requeste a 20' easement on the north side of Hwy 16 across from Deerfield Way coming into subdivision; all other easements were fine. He stated he needed an easement between 26-24 to lot 25 to cross the retention pond, at the northeast corner. Ms Little questioned if the street names had been approved and added they needed to check with Jim Johnson. She also commented they needed a 4' sidewalk with a 4' green space on both sides of Country Ridge and Deerfield Way and along the R -O lots, the sidewalks needed to be 5'. In response to comments from Chief Jackson, Ms. Little stated the streets should be named South Deerfield Way and East Deerfield Way. She continued the subdivision name would have to be changed if Deerfield Way turned out to be an unusable name. Mr. Beavers commented the water line might be an 8" loop line. Mr. Carter responded the loop had been discussed and he felt it was his respondsablity to extend line along the front of the subdivision, but felt connecting the loop to Hwy 16 was the city's responsibility. Mr. Beavers agreed, but advised the city might ask Mr. House to connect with Hwy 16 and the city rememburse him. He added, the line inside the subdivision it would probably be an. 8" and not a 6". He stated the new water line specifications required a grid of 8" line be established. Ms. Little stated she believed there would be an off site assessment for street construction on Molly Wagnon Rd. Mr. Beavers added final grades would follow existing grades and requested any major cuts or fills be shown. Ms. Little and cautioned Mr. Carter do his notification properly. She also noted, street lights were required at every intersection and at 300' intervals. • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 15 Ms. Thomas commented the drainage fees had been paid. She further stated the developer was also requesting a conditional use on 3 lots Mr. Carter stated the developer was requesting a conditional use on lots 8,17, and 29 for duplexes. Ms. Little stated they needed to add plat page 571. She expressed concern about Deerpath Estates and Deerfield Place being confused in a 911 situation. Ms. Little stated Jim Johnson would make the decision as to the name of the subdivision and to check with him. She said they would need an additional 10' right--of-way on Hwy 16 E, increasing it to 50' of right-of-way. She stated the city was allowed to require improves to state hwy as a condition of rezoning, but stated she did not think it would generate enough traffic to require a turning lane. She stated the retention pond on lot 17 would not be allowed on the right- of-way. Mr. Beavers advised the pond would not be necessary. Ms. Little cautioned on R -O lots the setbacks were 30'; and a 15' side setback between R -O and R-1 Tots. She requested a notation on the plat that the pond area would be used as a storage area, parking, etc. Mr. Beavers commented he thought the pond needed to be one of the first thing built and, if it was used as a truck wash out it would have to cleaned up and restored to original condition before he turned it over to the city. Mr.Carter questioned if he needed to find a new area for delivery and storage. Ms. Little advised he needed to find a new area for storage, delivery and wash out. Mr. Beavers commented on the grading plan and advised they were requiring a min of 50' of temperay gravel type access drives off of 16 Hwy and Molly Wagonan to keep truck from tracking mud onto the street. Ms Little moved on to comments from Fire Dept, stating the conversation about water line needed to be completed with engineering. She said the fire hydrant between lots 29 and 30 needed to move up to the intersection of Hwy 16 and the entry and the hydrant between lots 18 and 19 needed to be moved to the intersection of West Country Ridge and Molly Wagnon. The Parks Dept advised the green space fees would be $8,100 for 27 lots single family or $8,820 • for 23 single family and 8 multi -family. • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 16 Ms. little commented there would not be a green space fee for lots 1 & 30 but added that, if an was residence constructed on either of the sites a fee would be assessed at the time a building permit was issued. \\c Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 17 LSD 96-29.00: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT FOR ARKANSAS BOOK SERVICE STERLING ANDERS-W OF SHILOH DR. & S OF MT. COMFORT RD. The last item on the agenda was a large scale development for Arkansas Book Service, submitted by Engineering Services, Inc. on behalf of Sterling Anders for property located west of Shiloh Dr. and south of Mt. Comfort Rd. The property was zoned I-1 and contains approximately 6.14 acres Ms. Little began by presenting comments from Perry Franklin, at least one space must be hadndicap van accessible. She questioned if they were planning on restrip existing parking. Mr. Brian Moore replied they would if they had too. Ms Little replied hadicaped parking might be difficult with thepresent layout, but suggested they speak with Perry Franklin.. She stated plat page 363 needed to be added to title block and North Shiloh Drive needed to be dimension from the center line. Mr. Beavers questioned the exemption from the overlay district and the parking variance request. Ms. Little explained the property was exempt from the overlay district. Mr. Moore expressed his belief the number of parking spaces they have were adequate. Ms Little pointed out they were asking for less than what was required. She stated they needed what required and also what they proposed. She then revieved tha parking lot ordinance. Ms Little continued by stating part of surrounding area was single family homes and the city would require screen between industrial and residential areas. She asked what they proposed to use. Mr. Moore stated he was planning on continuing what they had done previously, junipers which reached 25' in height. Ms Little stated the flood plain maps needed to be checked and the panel number needed to put on drawings. She commented there needed to be a street light at the entry. She stated there would be no need for street improvements but notes on landscaping needed to be added to the plat for future reference. Chief Jackson stated the existing hydrant had been installed in during second phase, soley to augment the sprinkler system. There needed to be a hydrant for manual fire fighting and did not think one hydrant would be adequate for such a large building. He recommended a hydrant close to the front. He also stated it would be a good idea to connect into the 36" water line so all • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 18 hydrants would not be on the same line. His other comment was the wall connecting the proposed building to the existing building needed to be a 4 -hour wall and stated the addition would have to be sprinkled. Mr. Moore advised that when the previous phase had been reviewed, they had installed 8" concrete walls and had discussed hydrant location at that time. He stated it had been the developer's belief, at that time, that the hydrant location was final and it would be the last hydrant they would have to add to the site, explainning it had cost approximately $25,000. He pointed out the owner had cut back the square footage to below the orginial 40,000 square feet in order to stay in compliance with the location of the existing fire hydrant. Ms. Little questioned if the extension of the 8" water main was the majority of the cost the hydrant. Mr. Moore replied it was. Ms. Little explained it would not be the same expense. Since it would just be the cost of the hydrant plus a short piece of line toward the front. Mr. Jackson stated there was so much space in the building that, if a fire ever got away from the sprinkler system, there would be excessively long fire lines to do manual fire fighting. He stated it would take 3 or more fire truck to fight a fire. Mr. Beavers suggesting tapping into existing 8" line. He explained the extension to service the sprinkler system would have to be submitted to him for review and the backflow prevention submitted to Don Osburn. He also noted the drainage and grading plan was not adequate for construction. Ms Little commented she supported their request for a waiver on the parking and requested they could do away with some of the pavement. The meeting adjourned. \\1 • • • Plat Review Minutes August 6, 1996 Page 19 •