HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-07-23 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on July 23, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Room 111, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Campbell, Andy Calloway, Rick Evans, Kevin Leflar, and Mike Phipps STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Jim Beavers, Mickey Jackson, Randy Allen, Chuck Rutherford, Nancy Dugwyler, Rich Lane, Dawn Thomas and Sharon Langley LS96-30 & 31: WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS BUNDRICK REVOCABLE TRUST - S OF WEST SALEM RD. & W OF NORTH SALEM RD. The first item was a request for two lot splits submitted by Thompson Consulting Engineers on behalf of Cathy Hall for the Bundrick Revocable Trust. The property is located south of West Salem Road and west of North Salem Road. The property is outside the city limits and contains approximately twenty (20) acres. The request is for two splits which will create a total of four lots due to the location of Washington County Road 94. Andy Calloway, Southwestern Bell Telephone, asked if the plat reflected the required changes after the County's review. He advised it did not appear his requested changes had been made. Ms. Little asked him to submit his changes for the city's record. T. D. Thompson advised Tract 1 had been approved as a_lot split on April 27, 1987 from Tract 2. He explained the only property to be split was south of the roadway. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little asked that plat page 245 be added to the title block. After discussion it was determined that, since both tracts would be over 3 acres, a letter from the State Health Department was not required. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Thompson stated he had not discussed with the owners the Master Street Plan requirement that a connection was required to Gypsum Road because he had just received staff comments the previous day. Ms. Little also pointed out the area where a right-of-way dedication would be required in order to make the connection. She noted there would be no sidewalk requirements since the property was outside the city limits. She also noted street lights every 300 feet could not be required since the property was in the county. Mr. Thompson advised it had been the owner's hope that an individual would purchase the property and construct a single family home on the property; but, if they had to install street lights and do drainage studies, etc. it would drive the price of the lots up and an individual would not be able to afford to purchase the lot. Ms. Little explained a lot split was a waiver of the subdivision regulations; that basically a lot split was a type of a development. She advised the waiver was of preliminary plat and final plat requirements; the improvements were not waived. There was discussion as to whether there were existing street lights on the west side of North Salem Road. Mr. Thompson advised he did not believe there were any street lights along that section of Salem. • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 2 Ms. Little stated Fire Chief Mickey Jackson had requested the water main be extended and a fire hydrant installed. Mr. Thompson pointed out the line was a 2 -inch main and would not support a fire hydrant. MIKE PHIPPS - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Phipps requested a 20 -foot easement along all property lines, with the easement between the tracts being 10 feet on each lot. KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE Mr. Leflar requested the same easement. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans also requested the same easement. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway also requested the same easement. Mr. Thompson advised the only water in the area came from the north on Salem Road and turned west along County Road 94 and it was a 2 -inch line. He stated Mike Price, the realtor on the development, had discussed the matter with City Engineer, Don Bunn, and Mr. Bunn had agreed to use the strip of land running south from County Road 94 for a service line. He advised that strip was a part of Tract 4 and he would provide a 20 -foot strip for the water line. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Beavers, Engineering, advised there was not a water line that would support a fire hydrant. Mr. Thompson pointed out Crystal Springs (the development to the east) had brought water in from the east and the lines were small. Mr. Beavers noted the Crystal Springs water lines did not go all the way to Salem Road. • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 3 LS96 32 & 33: WAIVER TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CLAUDE & NOLA LANGHAM - E OF ORCHARD RD., N OF COUNTY RD. 536 The next item was a request for two lot splits submitted by Thompson Consulting Engineers on behalf of Claude and Nola Langham (Langham's Acres) for property located east of Orchard Road and north of Washington County Road No. 536. The property is outside the city limits and contains approximately 3 acres The request is for two splits creating a total of three lots. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little requested Plat Plage 256 be shown on the title block; Health Department approval on the septic system; and rights-of-way be dimensioned from the centerline of the roadway. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Thompson stated County Road 536 was Rom Orchard Road. Ms. Little requested that be added to the plat. Mr. Thompson advised the County had requested the gravel road be paved, he had appealed the request and the appeal had been approved. Ms. Little also requested a better vicinity map. She noted Perry Franklin, Traffic, had requested street lights but, since the property was not within nor close to the city limits, she would waive that request. MIKE PHIPPS - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Phipps stated the utility easements shown were fine except the north property line of lot 1; he requested the easement be shown as 20 feet instead of 10. He also requested that, along the front of the lots the 25 -foot setback also be shown as a utility easement. KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE Mr. Leflar had no comments. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans had no comments. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Mr. Calloway requested the easements be labeled. • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 4 LS96-34, 35 & 36: WAIVER TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS MELANIE STAFFORD - N OF WEDINGTON, WEST OF 59TH AVE. The next item was a request for three lot splits submitted by Melanie Stafford for property located north of Wedington, west of 59th Avenue. The property is currently zoned A -I, Agriculture, although a request is in process to rezone to R -I, Low Density Residential. The property contains approximately 3.63 acres. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little advised Perry Franklin, Traffic, had noted the requirement for street lights at every intersection and one every 300 feet. She requested a better vicinity map on the survey. She advised there was a house on Tract 4 and questioned what the Sidewalk Coordinator, Chuck Rutherford, wanted to do about the sidewalk requirement. Mr. Rutherford stated the sidewalks would be required when the lots were developed and the sidewalk for the existing house (Tract 4) would be required when the first building permit was issued. Ms. Little advised the rezoning would have to be approved prior to the lot splits being approved due to the proposed lot sizes. She requested the plat page number be added to the plat. She noted the right-of-way along 59th would have to be 30 feet since the entire right-of-way needed to be 60 feet. She also advised there had been questions as to whether improvements to one half of 59th Avenue would be required. She stated she did not have an answer to that question nor was there a staff person available that would know the answer, so it would be elevated to third floor. She explained those improvements would be curb and gutter. She requested the property address be corrected. NANCY DUGWYLER - PARKS Nancy Dugwyler, Parks Department, advised the parks fees would be $900 ($300 per lot). Ms. Little noted Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief, had required a fire hydrant at 59th and Wedington prior to development of any of the property. Ms. Stafford asked if the hydrant was provided by the city. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE Chief Jackson stated it was the developer's responsibility to install the hydrant. He explained there were no hydrants in the area and therefore, the property had to be brought up.to city standards. He noted the hydrant installation would cost approximately $1,700. He explained they could put the hydrant close to the main in order to minimize the cost. JIM BEAVERS - ENGINEERING Mr. Beavers advised they would need a water line to serve Tots 1 and 2. He also noted they would need file a drainage plan, showing how the property would drain. He explained they would need to hire a professional engineer to determine there would be no negative impact for drainage. Ms. Stafford asked the size requirement for the water line. Mr. Beavers replied that, if the line were dead end, it would be a 6 -inch line. He suggested they have their engineer visit with his office. MIKE PHIPPS • OZARK ELECTRIC Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 5 Mr. Phipps requested a 20 -foot easement (10 feet on each side of the property line) between tracts 1 and 2 and a 20 - foot easement along 59th Street. Ms. Stafford pointed out a 20 -foot easement would run into the existing building. Mr. Phipps explained it would lust need to be along Tract 1 and 2. He pointed out the legend showed the gravel drive to be a utility easement. Ms. Stafford stated she believed it was an ingress/egress easement. Ms. Little suggested they talk to their surveyor to determine if there was really a utility easement at that location. Mr. Phipps stated he would like a 20 -foot easement at that location. KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE Mr. Leflar requested the same easements. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same easements. He also noted there was a 2 -inch high pressure line along the north side of Wedington with a blanket easement. He advised he would want to take the blanket easement to a 50 -foot easement. He stated they could make it a general easement. He asked if the 15 -foot easement shown was for water and sewer only, or a general easement. Mr. Beavers stated it could be a general easement. Mr. Evans requested they add 10 feet and make the easement 25 feet instead of 15. The applicant had questions regarding location of the street lights. He was instructed to contact Perry Franklin, Traffic. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested the same easements and a 20 -foot north and south easement between Tracts 3 and 4 (10 feet on each side of the property line) and 10 -foot on either side of the property line of Tract 2. Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 6 FP96-11: FINAL PLAT - COYOTE TRAIL SUBDIVISION CHARLES & SARA AGEE - W OF DEANE SOLOMAN RD., S OF COYOTE TRAIL The next item was a final plat for Coyote Trail Subdivision submitted by WBR Engineering on behalf of Charles and Sara Agee for property located west of Deane Soloman Road and south of Coyote Trail. The property is zoned R- 1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and contains approximately 5.65 acres with 16 proposed lots designated for two- family dwellings. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little noted the streetlights would be set upon payment and the payment had been remitted. She stated the tree preservation plan had been approved. Mr. Rudasill, WBR Engineering, advised the punch list had been completed. He noted they would need to bond out on improvements to Deane Soloman Road and the sidewalks. Ms. Little stated there was a requirement for sewer improvements in the amount of $200 per lot (per preliminary plat approval), payable before the final plat was signed. She noted the Traffic Department had objected to the use of a first name as a street name. She suggested the engineer coordinate with 9-1-1. She also stated the street light symbols had been difficult to read. She requested plat page 286 be added to the title block; that the vicinity map be better marked; that the street rights-of-way be dimensioned from the center line; sidewalks be added to the legend; and a waiver be requested for the length of the cul-de-sac. NANCY DUGWYLER - PARKS Ms. Dugwyler advised the cost would be $7,680.00 for 32 multi -family units. MIKE PHIPPS - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Phipps requested 10 -foot utility easements for the street lights: 5 feet on each side of lots 10 and 11 and 5 feet on each side of 13 and 14. KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE Mr. Leflar asked if the 10 -foot easement between lots 8 and 9 was a utility easement. Mr. Rudasill advised it was a sidewalk easement. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised the easements as shown were fine. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested the easement on the south property line of lots 1 and 16 be labeled. c9 Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 7 FP96-10: FINAL PLAT - ASHBROOK HILLS ADDITION JERRY & SHARON SWEETSER - N OF MAGNOLIA DR. & E OF AZALEA TERRACE The next item was a final plat for Ashbrook Hills Addition submitted by Kurt Jones, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Jerry and Sharon Sweetser for property located north of Magnolia Drive and east of Azalea Terrace. The property is zoned R -I, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 3.76 acres with 12 proposed lots. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little requested Plat Page 293 be added to the title block and all utility easements be labeled with dimensions. She noted the developer was required to install the sidewalks. NANCY DUGWYLER - PARKS Ms. Dugwyer advised the parks fees would be $3,600 for 12 single family units. None of the utility representatives had any comments. • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 8 PP96-6: PRELIMINARY PLAT - BRIDGEPORT SUBDIVISION, PHASE III CREEKWOOD HILLS DEVELOPMENT - S OF MT. COMFORT, E OF BRIDGEPORT DR. The next item was a preliminary plat for Bridgeport Subdivision, Phase III, submitted by WBR Engineering on behalf of Creekwood Hills Development Co. for property located south of Mt. Comfort Road and east of Bridgeport Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains approximately 5 25 acres with 15 proposed lots designated for single-family residents. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little advised there had been discussion as to whether the 4 -foot sidewalks with 4 feet of greenspace could be carried on out to the road. She noted there was an intervening property owner but he had purchased the property. She stated the City would work with the developer. She advised the Landscape Administrator had approved the tree preservation plan. She requested Plat Page 360 be added to the title block. She also requested sidewalks be added to the legend and that the street names be approved by the 9-1-1 Coordinator. She noted the applicant would have to request a waiver on the length of the cul-de-sac. She requested an 8' x 11 drawing for all park lands donated to the City. She asked the status of the pond. Mr. Rudasill advised he was waiting for design data on the soils from McClelland Engineering. Ms. Little stated a street light was required at the corner of Freedom Place and American Drive. She suggested the intersection might be better lit if the light was on the outlot. She requested Mr. Rudasill contact Perry Franklin, Traffic regarding the location of the light. She advised Mr. Franklin had requested the street light between lots 110 and 111 be moved to between 111 and 112 and move the light at lot 114 to between 116 and 117. BETH SANDEEN - LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR Ms. Sandeen advised she needed a tree waiver form since there were no trees on the tract. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE Chief Jackson requested the hydrant be moved from 110 and 111(0 between 112 and 113 or between 120 and 121. JIM BEAVERS - ENGINEERING Mr. Beavers noted they would have to comply the revised street design standards. He pointed out the sewer was existing but water was not. He also advised there was an approved grading plan. MIKE PHIPPS - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Phipps advised there was already power on site. He requested a 20 -foot utility easement all the way around the tract. Mr. Rudasill agreed and noted they would provide 10 -foot easements for the street lights. Mr. Phipps also requested a 20 -foot utility easement on the west side of the tract through lots 1 and 2 of Phase I. KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE Mr. Leflar asked if there was a 20 -foot easement to the north on the outlot. Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 9 Mr. Rudasill stated he believed that was for the sewer but he would check. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the off-site easement on lots 1, 2 and 3 be shown and also on lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. He requested the 20 -foot easement on the east side be increased to 25 feet since there was a sewer line. He requested 4 -inch crossing across American. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway also requested a 4 -inch crossing at the intersection of Bridgeport and American and across American at the back of lot 123 to the outlot. He requested a 20 -foot easement on the south boundary of the outlot. Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 10 LSD96-28: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - GARLAND SQUARE APARTMENTS ERC PROPERTIES - NORTHWEST CORNER OF GARLAND AND CATO SPRINGS The next item was a large scale development for Garland Square Apartments submitted by Hill Group Architects on behalf of ERC Properties for property located at the northwest corner of Garland Road and Cato Springs Road. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains approximately 4.06 acres with 56 dwelling units proposed. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE Chief Jackson requested two hydrants be added - one near Building 1 and one northeast of Building 5 or west of Building 4. Brenda Love, Hill Group Architects, advised they normally did a 6 -inch loop rather than the 8 -inch requested. She stated they would provide engineering information for the Fire Chief. Chief Jackson advised they could discuss it after he received the engineering data. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little noted the plans showed a 6 -foot sidewalk on Garland. She explained the City wanted a 4 -foot sidewalk on both Cato Springs and Garland, set back 4 feet from the curb. In response to a question from Ms. Love, Ms. Little advised the developer was required to construct the sidewalk. She added they could postpone installing the sidewalk for 270 days by giving the City a letter of credit worth 150% of the value of the sidewalk. NANCY DUGWYLER - PARKS Ms. Dugwyer advised that, based on 56 units, the parks fees would be $13,420, payable prior to the issuance of building permits. Ms. Little explained there would have to be a final review on both water and sewer. She advised there needed to be an internal discussion regarding improvements to Garland Street. She explained normally the developer would need to bring one-half of the street up to city street standards but, until there was an internal city discussion, she would not know what would be required of the developer. Ms. Love asked, if improvements were required, that the owner be able to contribute to the improvements rather than construct the improvements. Ms. Little stated the city generally required the developer to make the improvements. Mr. Beavers explained the Planning Commission would make the decision as to whether the improvements would be made by the developer or if he could pay into an improvement fund. JIM BEAVERS - ENGINEERING Mr. Beavers advised the city would not accept money in lieu on the drainage; they would expect the improvements. • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 11 Ms. Little asked that Plat Page 599 be added to the title block; that sidewalks be added to the legend; and all existing utility easements be dimensioned. She also noted a minimum of 4 A.D.A. parking spaces were required. Ms. Love advised their apartments would not be A.D.A. accessible and therefore, the parking spaces would not be necessary. Ms. Little explained the parking was tied to the zoning code and, under the parking requirements, one A.D.A. parking space was required for every 25 parking spaces. Ms. Love pointed out only one space would be needed for the office, the others would be unused. Ms. Little advised 4 A.D.A. spaces would be required, and one must be van accessible. She stated that, after discussion, the staff was supporting only one outlet. street lights were required at the corner of Garland and Cato Springs and every 300 feet; and any lighting on-site would be directed downward. BETH SANDEEN - LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR Ms. Sandeen advised an amended tree planting would be required. MIKE CAMPBELL - SWEPCO Mr. Campbell stated it was his understanding there had been discussion regarding placing utility easements under the parking lot on the interior. He requested a 20 -foot utility easement in the front of the buildings around the perimeter. Ms. Love stated they did not have the space to do that. Ms. Little explained the perimeter easements normally asked for by the utility representatives could not be given on the subject site since there would not be enough room. She suggested a 20 -foot easement up through the parking lot. Ms. Love stated they were willing to provide easements under the parking or in between the islands. Ms. Little pointed out the only easement under the parking would be just east of buildings 6, 7 and 8. Ms. Love stated they could provide easements in the 25 -foot setbacks and a 15 -foot easement on the north property line but the problem was the west property line. She stated the west utility easement could be 10 feet. Mr. Campbell stated he could make that work. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway expressed concern, noting that, if they needed to go into the easement at a future date, the developer would not want to pay the cost of digging up the asphalt. He added he did not see that it was the utility companies' problem that the developer was short of land. Ms. Love explained that, when the owner purchased the property, he had not been aware he would have to give additional land for right-of-way. She offered to sleeve under the parking lot for any of the utility companies. Mr. Calloway stated he would work with them. • KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 12 Mr. Leflar advised he would need conduit for those areas under pavement. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he would not need any conduit. He pointed out the building could be shifted 2 feet if no one was going in the easement to the west. Mr. Calloway re -enforced the request for the easement along Cato Springs Road and Garland. Rich Lane, Planning, pointed out they would need to request a waiver since they were asking for fewer parking spaces than required. Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 13 LSD96-27: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - COBB-VANTRESS TYSON FOODS, INC. - N OF 15TH ST., E OF BEECHWOOD The next item was a large scale development for Cobb-Vantress submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of Tyson Foods, Inc. for property located north of 15th Street and east of Beechwood Avenue. The property is zoned I- 2, Heavy Industrial, and contains approximately 6.40 acres The request is to expand the existing hatchery facility and to create additional parking spaces. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little noted the tree preservation waiver had just been received. Mr. Gray, Northwest Engineers, stated Chief Jackson had recommended an additional fire hydrant to be located at the main entrance on the north side. He asked if it could be placed at the northwest corner. After discussion, it was agreed to place the hydrant at the first bay on Beechwood inside the fence. Ms. Little requested Plat Page 559 be added to the title block; that all easements be dimensioned; and noted that at least one parking space needed to be A.D.A. van accessible. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Gray advised Beechwood was already curbed and guttered. MIKE CAMPBELL - SWEPCO Mr. Campbell noted there was a gas easement along the north property line. He asked if that could be changed to a general utility easement. Mr. Evans stated they had 50 feet - 25 feet on each side of the line. He stated they would share it. Mr. Campbell stated they had an existing overhead line at the present time. KEVIN LEFLAR - TCA CABLE Mr. Leflar had no comments. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway had no comments. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE Chief Jackson requested they move the hydrant to the southwest corner of the property (the north side of the entry). • • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 14 FP95 13: AMENDED FINAL PLAT - FIELDSTONE SUBDIVISION, PHASE III CASTLE DEVELOPMENT - N OF WEDINGTON, W OF RUPPLE RD. The next item was an amended final plat for Fieldstone Subdivision, Phase III, submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of Castle Development for property located north of Wedington, west of Rupple Road. The amendment is to change duplex lots to townhouse lots. Mr. Gray explained the original final plat had been set up for townhouse development and the amended plat Just split the duplex lots. JIM BEAVERS -ENGINEERING Mr. Beavers advised there was a Bill of Assurance regarding some paving which had yet to be completed. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested a l0 -foot off-site easement on the west be shown. None of the other utility representatives had any comments. • • • Technical Plat Review July 23, 1996 Page 15 LS96-8: WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ROBERT SCHMITT - 1754 & 1756 POINTER LANE The last item was a request for waiver of subdivision regulations submitted by Robert Schmitt for property located at 1754 and 1756 Pointer Lane (Lots 23A and 23B of Crossover Heights, Phase II). The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and the request is to create a total of two lots. Mr. Schmitt advised the house was already constructed with a two-hour fire wall. He also noted the parks fees had been paid. NANCY DUGWYLER - PARKS Ms. Dugwyer advised the applicant had paid for a duplex and was now making the property two single family homes, causing a difference of a additional $90. ALETT LITTLE - CITY PLANNER Ms. Little requested Plat Page 372 be added to the title block and a vicinity map be shown on the survey. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested the off-site easement on the north side be shown on the plat. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. U