HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-04 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on Tuesday, June 4, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Rick Evans, Andy Calloway, and Mike Phipps STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Dawn Thomas, Jim Beavers, Rich Lane, Beth Sandeen, Nancy Dugwyler, Randy Allen, Mickey Jackson, and Janet Johns LS96-17 ROBERT DAUGHERTY THOMPSON CONSULTING - 1507 TRUCKER'S DRIVE The first item on the agenda was the lot split request for Robert Daugherty submitted by Thompson Consulting Engineers for property located at 1507 Trucker's Drive, west of Garland Avenue and south of Trucker's Drive. The property is zoned C-2 and contains approximately 10.23 acres. The request is for a total of two lots. Ms. Little requested 5' sidewalks along Highway 112 and Trucker's Drive as well as improvements to Truckers Drive. Mr. Thompson stated he was in receipt of the comment sheets from In House Plat Review. He requested a sidewalk waiver. Ms. Little stated the only reason a sidewalk could be waived along a state highway would be topographical reasons. She stated the lot split request would need to go to the Planning Commission for approval and determination as to whether or not the sidewalk could be waived. Ms. Little inquired as to the usage of the passageway behind tract two and Mr. Thompson explained that easement related to the truck terminal which was being leased and he was not sure as to why the survey reflected that access. Ms. Little requested verification of the location of the street light and Mr. Thompson said it was shown on the survey plat. Mr. Lane requested that the title block reflect plat page 248. Mr. Evans, with Arkansas Westem Gas, requested a 20' utility easement along Highway 112 and 20' utility easement on the south side of Truckers Drive. Mr. Calloway, with Southwestern Bell Telephone, had no requests. Mr. Beavers stated the 30' right of way as shown was adequate and he requested that the engineer submit a design on the widening of Truckers Drive. Ms. Little stated the city would participate with the developer in the paving. Ms. Little requested that the developer contact Mike Phipps, with Ozarks Electric, regarding his requirements. Ms. Little requested 37 revised plats by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. • • • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 2 LS96-18 TIMOTHY KLINGER 301 WEST MOUNTAIN The next item on the agenda was the lot split requested submitted by Timothy Klinger for property located at 301 West Mountain Street, north of Rock Street, west of Locust Street, and south of Mountain Street. The property is zoned R -O and contains approximately 0.60 acres. The request is for a total of two lots. Mr. Klinger stated he was selling the tract with the building and keeping the other tract. Mr. Little requested 60' total right of way on Rock Street (an additional 3' should be dedicated.) She requested 45' total right of way on Locust (an additional 5' right of way.) She requested a total of 55' right of way for Mountain Street (an additional 2.5' right of way.) She requested a 5' sidewalk on Rock Street. Discussion ensued and Ms. Little requested that the developer be able to verify the required right of way dedication. Ms. Little noted that if the property developed residentially, a $300 park fee would be assessed at the time of building permit issuance and she requested that same be noted on the plat page. Ms. Little requested that the existing water line along Locust Street be reflected on the survey as well as the existing sewer line along Rock and Locust Street. Ms. Little requested that a vicinity map be reflected on the survey as well as plat page number 523. Mr. Burrack, with SWEPCO, stated he had existing lines along Locust which are adjacent to or on the subject property and he requested that the right of way be resolved. Mr. Evans, with Arkansas Western Gas, stated he had existing lines in the right of way of Locust as well and he requested that the right of way issue be resolved. Ms. Little requested 37 revised surveys by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. 6) • • • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 3 LSD96-23 FAYETTEVILLE SENIOR CENTER AREA AGENCY ON AGING - 901 S COLLEGE The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Fayetteville Senior Center submitted by Engineering Design Associates on behalf of the Area Agency on Aging for property located at 901 S. College, south of 7th street and west of College Avenue. The property is zoned R-2 and contains approximately 6.855 acres. Ms. Little stated that two ADA, van accessible (8' wide with 8' aisle) parking spaces would be required. She noted that the two spaces could share the 8' aisle. Discussion ensued regarding the 4' concrete track with grass in the center and Ms. Hesse stated they served an aesthetic purpose as well as drainage and she noted they were not currently existing. Ms. Dugwyler stated that the parks department would maintain those. Ms. Sandeen stated the trees in the southeast parking area should avoid the water and sewer easement. Ms. Little stated the hydrant location as shown was fine and Mr. Jackson inquired if the building would be sprinklered and Ms. Hesse stated that it would be. Ms. Little requested that the plat reflect the dimension of S. School from the centerline. Ms. Little requested an elevation drawing of the entrance structures. Discussion ensued. Regarding the grass paver parking, Ms. Little inquired as to how the individual spaces would be marked and Ms. Hesse stated that they would probably use concrete or brick pavers between the individual spaces. Discussion ensued regarding wider parking spaces to accommodate the senior's needs. Ms. Little stated the depth of the stall could remain at 17' with a 2' overhang and the proposed 10' width was acceptable. Regarding the trail beginning at the south parking lot, Ms. Little inquired if they plan a curb cut to access the trail and Ms. Hesse responded that the trail head was at the entrance and access was provided by a ramp. Ms. Hesse noted there was a 3' retaining wall along the south parking lot which would not allow access. Ms. Little recommended that if possible access should be provided from the parking lot. Regarding the dumpster, Ms. Hesse stated it was enclosed on three sides. Discussion ensued regarding the retaining wall along the main drive. Ms. Hesse explained, that the height varies and she stated she would include spot elevations on the revised plat. Ms. Little requested that the retaining wall be set back to whatever the height of the retaining wall is at any given section. Ms. Hesse explained that the design had incorporated a retaining wall to preserve as many trees as possible and the requested set back would result in losing several of the trees. Mr. Allen suggested that instead of setting back the retaining wall a roll curb could be allow space between the wall and pavement. Mr. Beavers stated the width of the roll curb should be 18". Mr. Lane requested that plat page 563 be reflected in the title block and he requested that icons for sidewalks and hydrants be included. Mr. Burrack, with SWEPCO, inquired regarding the required load capacity. Ms. Hesse stated she did not have that information at this time. Mr. Burrack inquired if the existing service would need to be maintained and Ms. Hesse stated they would not required maintenance of power to the existing structure. Mr. Burrack stated that since the subject property was owned by the City, the franchise agreement provides their right to occupy any of the property to provide service. He stated the service could be worked out at a later date with the electricians. Generally, he • • • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 4 stated they had overhead power on South College and they would provide service underground with the City providing conduit and concrete pads for the transformers at positions and locations to be determined. Mr. Lefler, with TCA Cable, requested a 20' perimeter utility easement and a 10' utility easement into any building requesting cable service. Mr. Evans, with Arkansas Western Gas, stated they had existing lines on the east side of south College and existing service under the road to the existing building. He stated they would work with the developer. Mr. Calloway expressed concern regarding the entrance structures and whether or not those would be in the easement. Further, Mr. Calloway stated that he would provide one point of service and the property owners would be required to bring service from there. Ms. Little requested 37 revised copies by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. o • a ,• Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 5 LSD96-25 GLENWOOD SHOPPING CENTER DON COZART/KEITH CEARLEY - SE CRN OF HWY 45 & 265 The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Glenwood Shopping Center submitted by CEI Engineering Associates on behalf of Don Cozart and Keith Cearley for property located at the southeast comer of Highway 45 and Highway 265. The property is zoned C-2 and contains approximately 14.74 acres. The request is for six splits which will create a total of eight lots. Ms. Little requested that the access lanes be marked "IN"/"OUT'P'LEFT TURN 4—." Discussion ensued regarding the fire lines and Mr. Cearley carefully explained and demonstrated the direction of the lines. Ms. Little stated there would be two points of connection to the 12" main south of the first access drive. Tie on and go 50' into the site then go north continuing the 12" line to just north of the north drive. Mr. Beavers stated it was okay to stay in process but engineering would have final approval on water line design. Mr. Jackson requested that the hydrant be moved it north to the island. Ms. Sandeen requested additional landscaping in the grocery store parking lot. Discussion ensued. Mr. Cearly stated there was ample landscaping based on the entire project and discussion ensued. Ms. Sandeen stated that they would require a waiver. Discussion ensued and Ms. Little clarified that the ordinance stipulated that interior landscaping was based on one tree per 10 spaces intended to break up the expanses of parking lots which could be grouped within parking lots, therefore, the ordinance requirements had been met on only half the site. Ms. Sandeen suggested that they add islands. Further, Ms. Sandeen required a statement or letter requesting a waiver or they could show more landscaping. Mr. Beavers expressed concern regarding the retaining wall and how the utilities would work. Mr. Cearley stated the sewer line would be 5' deep next to the retaining wall with about 4' separation between the edge of the footing and the sewer main and a 10' separation between sewer and water. Mr. Beavers stated the pressure from the footing would need to be taken into account and the effect that pressure would have on the sewer line. Mr. Cearley stated he would check on ajoint trench agreement providing minimum separation between lines. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not all of the structures would be ready for service at the same time. Mr. Cozart stated they planned to do all site improvements at one time by bringing service to each pad site and he further agreed to pave the entire site. Mr. Beavers noted that under the current ordinance, the site including the retaining wall would need to be 100% complete prior to issuance of a building permit. Mr. Beavers inquired if the retaining wall had been designed and Mr. Cearley stated it would be 15' maximum with reinforced concrete wall. He stated some of the smaller retaining wall along the front would be 3' maximum with keystone. He stated the sewer line was 4.5' from the edge of the footing. Mr. Beavers requested calculations on the wall's stability. Mr. Beavers requested calculations on the sound dampening wall as well as material and manufacturer data. Discussion ensued. Mr. Beavers requested a 12" waterline running the length of the property along Highway 265. Ms. Little stated that the trail resolution recently passed by the City Council required that a 6' trail be installed along Highway 45 and she stated the City would participate in paying for 1' of the trail. She stated the trail along Highway 265 would only need to be a 5' sidewalk. Ms. Little requested that the developer work with Chuck Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 6 Rutherford regarding the trails and sidewalks. Mr. Beavers requested that the oak trees be moved off the water line and Ms. Sandeen stated she would work with the developer on that request. Mr. Beavers requested documentation that the drainage was private and would be privately maintained. Ms. Little requested 50' right of way from the centerline of Highway 45. She requested a sidewalk along Highway 265 which may be located in the right of way but if that was not possible, it would have to be located on the property. Ms. Little requested that the adjoining property owners be checked and notification documentation be submitted to the Planning Office prior to Subdivision meeting of June 13, 1996. Discussion ensued. Ms. Little requested the approximate size of the restaurant in order to determine the amount of parking. Further, she stated that a provision should be included in the Protective Covenants for a shared parking agreement. Discussion ensued regarding site lighting. Mr. Cearley stated a Guardco manufactured fixture is proposed with a height of 41.5" to the fixture top. Ms. Little requested that those fixtures be shielded and directed downward in order to prevent light spread into adjacent residential area. Mr. Cearley stated he would provide information regarding those fixtures. Ms. Little requested that the legal description discrepancies be resolved as soon as possible. Discussion ensued. Ms. Thomas requested a diskette with the plan data for the Planning Office. Ms. Little stated that fees for the grading and drainage and tree preservation were due in the amount of $320. Mr. Beavers stated that Mr. Venable had expressed concern regarding the second entrance from the south and he requested that it be brought in at a 90° angle. Mr. Cearley stated there were some grading issues and the drive would be too steep if it were.a 90°angle. He stated they corrected it by providing a longer throat. Discussion ensued. Mr. Cearley stated they had approval from the AHTD department on the design. Ms. Little suggested widening of the radius and she further requested that a meeting be set to resolve that issue. Mr. Lane requested that the plat reflect the adjoining zoning. He requested that the center lane of the entry be "LEFT TURN ONLY/€." He requested that plat page 372 be added to the title block. Discussion ensued regarding improvements to Highway 265. Mr. Cearley stated the plan reflected additional right of way and they would pave that section. Mr. Beavers stated that would be coordinated with AHTD. Mr. Lefler, with TCA Cable, requested a 20' perimeter easement, and a 10' utility easement to any building requiring service. Mr. Burrack, with SWEPCO, inquired regarding easements as shown on Sheet 4 of the plat. Discussion ensued regarding code requirements, separation requirements, and the retaining wall. Mr. Burrack requested an expanded drawing showing the locations and placement of the utility lines. He also requested that bollards be considered to protect the meter area. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated that he had existing services and he recommended that the meters be located along the top of the wall. He requested conduit with 5' separation between the lines. He requested the load Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 7 information. Mr. Calloway with Southwestem Bell stated he had existing service and requested a minimum 5' separation. Discussion ensued regarding minimum separation requirements. Mr. Calloway suggested that the developer consideration 1 service point for every two stores. He requested that the developer contact him to resolve the service issues. He further stated that the sidewalk was encroaching into the 10' Southwestern Bell easement. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas requested a 20' perimeter easement. Mr. Burrack stated that the developer would be required to provide the conduit and pads in locations to be determined. Ms. Little requested 37 revised copies by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. She further stated that this item should be placed on the Technical Plat Review agenda of July 2 as an informational item only. • • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 8 LS96-19, LS96-20, LS96-21, LS96-22, LS96-23, LS96-24 - GLENWOOD SHOPPING CTR. DON COZART/KEITH CEARLEY - SE CRN OF HWY 45 AND HWY 265 This item was considered as a part of the large scale development submitted by CEI Engineering Associates on behalf of Don Cozart and Keith Cearley for property located at the southeast comer of Highway 45 and 265. The property is zoned C-2 and contains approximately 14.74 acres. The request is for six splits which will create a total of eight Tots. *This project has been through the concurrent plat process in order to divide the property into two tracts. Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 9 LSD96-24 - FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BLDG. FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS - 1001 STONE ST The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Fayetteville Public School Administration Building submitted by Hailey / Amirmoez & Associates on behalf of the Fayetteville Public School District for property located at 1001 Stone Street, north of Stone, west of Buchanan Street. The property is zoned P-1 and contains approximately 3.71 acres. Ms. Little stated a notice was published and same met the notification requirement. Ms. Sandeen stated the parking lot landscaping was not reflect in the plan. Ms. Little inquired regarding the method used to calculate parking and she stated that it should have been calculated at 1 per 500 square feet for classroom space, for offices, the parking is calculated at 1 per 300 square feet. Discussion ensued. Ms. Amirmoez stated there were 19 individual offices with 8 secretaries. She stated there were 5 work stations which are not occupied on a full time basis. She stated there were 36 employees and 5 of those were not full time occupants. Ms. Little noted the existing access drive would not be changed, but the paved road to the rear of the existing structure would be abandoned. She stated the buildings to the east would be removed in a future project. Ms. Little noted the existing building would remain and any parking associated with that building must be paved and landscaped. Mr. Milholland stated he would curb and gutter the east side entrance. Ms. Little stated that the school owns all the property surrounding this site but that the adjoining zones needed to be reflected on the plat. She requested a vicinity map. She requested that Stone Street be dimensioned from the centerline. She stated the sidewalk along Stone was existing and it should be on the plat. Ms. Little stated the new hydrant should be 400' from the existing one. Mr. Jackson inquired as to the type of construction and Ms. Amirmoez low bearing, steel stud, and brick veneer with trusses holding the roof up. She stated the building would be sprinklered. Mr. Beavers requested the plat reflect the dimensions of the drive. He requested a drainage report prior to Subdivision Committee meeting. He requested clarification as to where the existing water and sewer lines are located and where the proposed water and sewer lines would be located. Mr. Milholland stated there was an existing water main along Stone and the proposed to attach to that with a 6" line. Discussion ensued. Mr. Lane requested that plat page 522 be added to the title block. Mr. Lefler, with TCA Cable requested a 20' perimeter easement and 10' utility easement to any building requiring cable service. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO stated he had existing service to the existing structure but it needed to be relocated to the east side and serving from a central point. He stated service would be underground. Discussion ensued. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated he had existing service. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell Telephone requested that the adjoining property owners and lines be shown on the plat. He stated any relocation of facilities would be at the developers expense. He stated they would only Cry Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 10 serve one location and the developer would be responsible for running service from there. Discussion ensued. Mr. Franklin requested one ADA van accessible parking space and he cautioned them to watch the site distances. Ms. Little requested 37 revised plat by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 11 CP96-3 - OVERCREST COURT PUD MTM OF EL DORADO - E OF OLD WIRE, W OF OVERCREST The next item on the agenda was the concept plat for Overcrest Court PUD submitted by Houses, Inc. On behalf of M.T.M. of El Dorado L L D for property located east of old Wire Road and west of Overcrest Street. The property is zoned R -I and contains approximately 12.87 acres. The request is for a planned unit development with a total of 61 lots. Ms. Little inquired if they would consider changing the name of the project and Mr. House stated they were considering that but the name would not be "Amber Court" because the developer did not like that name. Discussion ensued regarding abandoning Hackberry and renaming the project similar to the street. Ms. Sandeen requested the tree preservation plan when the final grading and drainage plan are filed. Discussion ensued regarding locating the rare trees by survey. Ms. Sandeen noted that all rare trees (24" diameter and over) needed to be included in the tree survey. Mr Beavers requested that the water and sewer lines be reflected on the plat. He noted that detention will be required. Ms. Dugwyler stated the Parks Board had agreed to accept money in lieu of land dedication. The amount of park fees was $18,300. • Mr. Jackson requested a 6" minimum water main to connect to the existing mains a Hackberry and Overcrest and on Amber Street. He requested that the hydrant be located at intersection of lot 61 and lot 36. • Ms. Little stated the notification requirement for planned unit developments required notification to all adjacent property owners within 100'. She requested that the plat reflect the zoning of the adjoining properties as well as the subject property. She requested the topographical information be shown on the plat with 20' intervals. She stated 22' minimum two way streets were required under the ordinance. She requested trail access from the end of every culdesac and she stated the minimum radius for culdesac was 80' or the garage would need to be taken down to Amber Street. Discussion ensued regarding the culdesac radius. Mr. Beavers stated a waiver would required if the developer wished to reduce the culdesac radius. Ms. Thomas requested resolution of problems with closure of the legal description. Ms. Little requested the standard title block information. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO requested easements be shown at the back of the lot lines. He requested access to service the area. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Westem Gas stated they would work out easement locations with the developer during preliminary plat. Mr. Calloway with Southwestem Bell inquired as to whether or not these were zero lot lines and Mr. House stated some would be. Mr. Calloway suggested those lots might have one connect point and individual wiring from there. Ms. Little stated the street lights would be privately owned, operated, and maintained and those should be spaced at 300' intervals. Ms. Little requested 37 revised copies by noon, Monday, June 10, 1996. • ,• Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 12 PP96-5- HERITAGE VILLAGE, PH II C & B LAND AND CATTLE - N OF HWY 16, E OF 59TH The last item on the agenda was the preliminary plat for Heritage Village, Phase II submitted by Development Consultants, LLC on behalf of C & B Land and Cattle Company, Inc for property located north of Highway 16 and east of 59th Avenue. The property is zoned R-1.5 and contains approximately 17.36 acres with 24 proposed single family lots and 23 proposed duplex lots. Ms. Little requested that the plat identify the hydrant locations and she requested an additional hydrants on Estate Street. Further, she stated the name of"Estate Street" needed to be changed. She requested a hydrant at lot 115 and 116. Ms. Little requested that the 6" water line be changed to an 8" line on Plantation and the sewer line needed to be moved behind lots 139 and 141 to the front. Mr. Ray stated that due to topography, they objected to moving that line and discussion ensued. Mr. Ray stated it was an extraneous expense to move that and Mr. Beavers stated he would work with the developer on it. Ms. Little stated the sewer easement needed to be 20' in width. She requested the drainage easement be 20' in width. She stated the drainage easement between lot 122 and 123 must continue to the north property line and it must be separate from the 20' utility easement. Discussion ensued. Mr. Ray suggested a 25' utility easement in the steep areas along the street rather than try to service from the rear and further he agreed that the drainage easement would be separate from the utility easement. Ms. Little noted the Subdivision Committee would need to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding the width of the street. She noted the standard was 27' for a residential street. She stated the plat needed to reflect the sidewalks. She stated detention would not be required. She stated the developer needed to check the affect of the increase runoff onto the Ball's property, the Zidrow property, and the Frederick property. Discussion ensued. Mr. Beavers requested that the entrance be fixed. Mr. Ray explained the situation and agreed to provide a remedy for same. Ms. Little requested proof of notification. Ms. Little requested that the plat reflect all lots requiring individual grading permits due to slopes greater than 20%. Mr. Beavers stated the final plat should contain the grading permit information and it was not normally required at the preliminary plat stage because the drainage was not designed. Discussion ensued regarding lot 122. Ms. Little noted that it was a large lot and inquired if it was a duplex lot. Mr. Ray stated it was not a duplex lot. Ms. Little inquired if the Frederick's had access to 5I st Avenue or Sunshine Road and Mr. Ray responded that they did have access. Ms. Little requested that sidewalks be added to the legend. Discussion ensued regarding the temporary culdesac at the end of Plantation and Ms. Dugwyler inquired if the developer was planning to build the culdesac permanently on the subdivision's property or permanently on the park's property. Mr. Ray stated he would consult the property owner for a determination. 69 • • • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 13 Ms. Little requested a copy of the protective covenants and she stated those should address duplexes. Discussion ensued and Ms. Little stated that during discussion of the rezoning of the subject property it was understood that this was an affordable housing subdivision for single family dwellings. Ms. Little requested the flood plain panel number in the title block. Ms. Little inquired as to the demarcation of the Barr's property line along the west side and Mr. Ray stated that was a part of phase 1. Ms. Little stated 4.25 acres was dedicated as park land. She stated the drainage easement between lot 136 and 137 would be access to the park land as well. Mr. Lane requested that plat page 397 be included in the title block. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric requested the following crossings: 4" cross at the end of Plantation Avenue at 36" subgrade depth. He requested a crossing between lots 124 and 125 to lots 117 and 118. He requested a 3" crossing from lots 118 and 119 to lots 101 and 102. He requested a 3" crossing from Tots 117 and 116 to lots 103 and 104. He requested a 3" crossing from lots 113 and 112 to lots 106 and 107. He requested a 3" crossing from lots 111 and 110 to lots 109 and 108. Mr. Phipps stated those should be quad for all utilities to go in. He requested a 4" crossing from lot 110 to Tots 147 and 146. He stated the easement at lots 146 and 147 running east and west should be designated as a 20' utility easement. He requested a 15' utility easement (7.5' each side) running north and south at lots 118 and 117. He requested a 10' street light easement to serve lots 121 and 122, another 10' street light easement to service lots 127 and 128, and another 10' street lights easement to serve lots 137 and 136. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Westem Gas requested the same crossings as Ozarks Electric and he requested a 4" casing from lots 113 and 114 to lots 132 and 131. He requested a 15' utility easement between lots 113 and 114. He requested a 20' easement at the north end of lot 142 and a general utility easement on the west side of lot 141. Mr. Ray stated that lot 105 would be unbuildable due to the cemetery. Mr. Allen requested that the drainage regulations be checked conceming culdesac. Mr. Franklin requested a street light at lot 119. Ms. Little requested 37 revised plats by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. • • • Technical Plat Review June 4, 1996 Page 14 LS96-20 - HOWELL TRUMBO 1200 BLOCK SIXTH STREET The last item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by Howell Trumbo for property located in the 1200 Block of Sixth Street. The property contains 6.49 acres and is zoned C-2 and the request is to create a total of three lots. Intense discussion ensued regarding consideration of this item. Ms. Little stated this item was received the day the agenda was distributed and since there was only one meeting in July, it was necessary to handle this item as an addendum to this agenda. Mr. Beavers requested that the survey reflect all water and sewer lines and he requested a preliminary drainage report meeting the current requirements under the drainage ordinance. Mr. Beavers stated the fire hydrant was shown to be inactive and discussion ensued. Ms. Little inquired if the developer could be required to remove the hydrant and Mr. Beavers stated he would check on it. Mr. Beavers stated the right of way on Highway 62 should be 50' from the centerline. Discussion ensued regarding the discrepancy in the street named Rochier and Garland. Ms: Little requested 37 revised copies by noon on Monday, June 10, 1996. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.