HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-22 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Fayetteville Technical Plat Review Committee was held on April 22, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: OLD BUSINESS LS96-7 - RUTH TURNER RICK OSBORNE - 5465 WHEELER RD Dennis Burrack, Kevin Lefler, Rick Evans, Andy Calloway, and Mike Phipps. Alett Little, Rich Lane, Dawn Thomas, Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, Mickey Jackson, and Beth Sandeen The first item of old business was the lot split request submitted by Rick Osborne on behalf of Ruth Turner for property located at 5465 Wheeler Rd. The property is located in the county; the request is to create a total of two lots. This item was revised per staff comments and a new submittal was completed. Mr. Osborne stated the request was to facilitate transfer of property from the parents to the daughter. Ms. Little stated the tract contained 1.8 acres and she inquired if the applicant was aware that a collector street was proposed in the subject location according to the Master Street Plan. Mr. Osborne stated they were aware of same and Ms. Little requested that 40' right of way be dedicated along the west property to facilitate same. Mr. Osborne stated he would provide amended drawings including the following: • I. Legal description of the "parent" or original tract. 2. Dedication of the right of way along the west property line. 3. Plat Plage 280 in the title block. Mr. Beavers stated he would require a sketch on the location of the driveway prior to construction. Ms. Little stated the lot split would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda for May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS FP96-4 BRIDGEPORT ADDITION, PH II CREEKWOOD HILLS DEVELOPMENT CO. - S OF MT COMFORT W OF RUPPLE The next item on the agenda was the final plat for Bridgeport Addition, Phase 1I submitted by WBR Engineering on behalf of Creekwood Hills Development Co. for property located south of Mt. Comfort Rd. and west of Rupple Road. The property is zoned R-1 and containing 47 lots on 17.5 acres. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not park land had been dedicated for all phases. Ms. Dugwyler requested a deed for park land for Phase II and Phase III including a 20' right of way between lots 83 and 84. Further she noted the existing park land was equipped with a pavilion, volleyball and basketball court and she requested a letter detailing further park development including the pond on the south end. Mr. Rudasill stated the contact address as follows: Creekwood Development ATTN: Perry L. Butcher 116 West Walnut Rogers, Arkansas 72756 Mr. Beavers requested information on the proposed pond and Ms. Dugwyler stated the parks board had agreed that they could provide same within the park lands. Mr. Beavers stated he would review the information provide by Mr. Rudasill prior to planning commission. Ms. Little noted the plat should reflect the following: 1. Dimension of the street right of way. 2. Determination as to whether the developer would provide cash or a letter of credit on sidewalks for both sides of the street. 3. 25' general utility easement along the west property line as per the preliminary plat. 4. 20' drainage easement at lot 16. 5. Separate deed for 20' access easement to the park land. 6. 20' utility easement between lot 85 and lot 86. 7. Copy of protective covenants file marked with the book and page at the County. 8. Street names and addresses. 9. Plat page 400 in the title block. Mr. Jackson requested a hydrant be located at lot 108 as per the preliminary plat. Mr. Franklin requested a Tight on lot 83 in lieu of lot 82; a light at lot 79 in lieu of 78. Mr. Phipps stated the developer would provide the wiring and trench. Ms. Little noted that street lights needed to be complete prior to signing the final plat and Mr. Beavers stated he would add same to punch list. The developer stated the lights would be complete by the end of May. Mr. Calloway with Southwestem Bell requested that all off site utility easement be shown as well as all adjacent lot lines. He requested the 25' general utility easement along the west property line as per the preliminary plat. He requested crossings between lots 100 and 99 and lots 70 and 71 and one at the south property line from lot 75 to lot 74. 'DD • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 3 Ms. Little stated the final plat would be placed on the Subdivision Agenda for May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 4 FP96-5 PINE CREST ADDITION, PH III BMP DEVELOPMENT - E OF SALEM AND N OF FLORENCE The next item on the agenda was the final plat for Pine Crest Addition, Phase 11 submitted by Northwest Engineering on behalf of BMP Development for property located east of Salem Road and north of Florence. The property is zoned R-1.5 and contains 5 lots on approximately 1.96 acres. Ms. Little requested the plat reflect the following: 1. Plat of all the park land for Phases 1, II, & III of Pine Crest and also Pine Valley showing access easements. 2. Plat page 363 in the title block. 3. Sidewalks on both sides of the streets and show icon for same in the legend. 4. Note on the plat page that separate grading plans are required on lots 124 and 125. 5. Street names and addresses 6. Building setbacks on all lots. 7. Label the easement at 124 and 125 continuing off site. 8. Street dimensions from right of way width. 9. All water and sewer lines should be shown. Ms. Little stated the final inspection was complete. Mr. Beavers requested the fmal plat reflect all improvements to the drainage including water and sewer. Mr. Jones stated he would provide as built plans prior to signing of the final plat. Ms. Little stated the Hamstring Creek Substation sewer charge would be calculated at $200 per lot. Additionally, she stated there was an assessment for Salem Road bridge. Further she noted these fees were assessed on a lot by lot basis. Ms. Sandeen stated the tree preservation was in compliance. Mr. Lefler with TCA Cable requested a 10' utility easement between lot 24 and 126. Mr. Jones noted that lot 24 had been sold and Mr. Lefler stated he would accept 10' utility easement between lots 125 and 126. Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 5 FP96-6 PINE VALLEY, PH IV RESCOM DEVELOPMENT - S OF MT COMFORT, W OF SHILOH The next item on the agenda was the final plat for Pine Valley, Phase IV submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of RESCOM Development, Inc. For property located south of Mt. Comfort Road and west of Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned R-2 and contains 8 lots on approximately 3 acres. Ms. Little stated no fmal inspection had been scheduled. Intense discussion ensued regarding whether or not the plat would continue in process. Ms. Little stated that as of January 1, 1996, no final plats would be accepted prior to a final inspection having been requested by the developer. The project was removed from the review cycle. Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 6 FP96-7 DOUBLETREE ESTATES, PH II LES HOWELL - MT COMFORT E OF DOUBLE SPRINGS RD The next item on the agenda was the final plat for Doubletree Estates, Phase 11 submitted by Jorgensen and Associates on behalf of Les Howell for property located on Mt. Comfort Road, east of Double Springs Road. The property is located in the county and contains 28 lots on 57.04 acres. Ms. Little requested the final plat reflect the following: 1. Plat page 280 added to the title block. 2. 40' right of way for collector street on the western boundary. Mr. Calloway requested that addresses be included on the final plats. • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 7 FP96-8 SAVANNA ESTATES, PH IV DUNNERSTOCK DEVELOPMENT, INC. - W OF CROSSOVER S OF SKILLERN The next item on the agenda was the final plat for Savanna Estates, Phase IV submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Dunnerstock Development, Inc. for property located west of Crossover and south of Skillern Road. The property is zoned R-1 and contains 33 lots on approximately 24.67 acres. Ms. Little noted that changes had been made subsequent to preliminary plat approval and this plat should have come back to the planning commission. She stated the plat would proceed to Subdivision Committee for a decision by Planning Commission members. Ms. Little requested the final plat reflect the following: 1. Plat page 295 added to the title block. 2. Letter of credit or cash for 4' sidewalk if same were not constructed. 3. Street names and addresses. 4. File marked copy of the protective covenants specifically stating that since the street lights were not standard the property owners association would maintain them. 5 4' sidewalks on both sides of the street. 6. Copy of the as built plan. 7. Street light crossing at Leewood Way. 8. 20' access and drainage easement to the east. Mr. Jorgensen noted the streets were paved up to Natchez Trace. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric stated he was 42' north from the south pin of lot 33 over to the west pin of lot 33. Discussion ensued regarding the location of the creek and whether or not there was adequate buildable area remaining on the lots. Mr. Calloway with Southwestem Bell requested the plat reflect all off site easements and lot lines, street names and addresses, and a service easements to provide for lots 17, 18, and 19. Ms. Little stated a waiver had been granted on the culdesac length (over 500') at preliminary plat approval. Discussion ensued regarding park land dedication. Mr. Jorgensen stated the land dedicated with Brookbury met the requirements. Ms. Little stated the number of lots had decreased and she requested that the park land issue be worked out prior to Subdivision Committee. Mr. Beavers requested that the drainage system, including the creek, be reflected on the plat. Ms. Little stated the plat would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda for May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 8 PP96-3 SEQUOYAH PRESERVE, PUD DAN AND DEBORAH COODY, E OF RODGERS DRIVE The next item on the agenda was the preliminary plat for Sequoyah Preserve, a planned urban development submitted by Carter Engineering on behalf of Dan and Deborah Coody for property located east of Rodgers Drive. The property is zoned R -I and contains I I lots on approximately 7.09 acres. Ms. Little stated the concept plat had been discussed prior to submission of a preliminary plat. She stated the project originally reflected a culdcsac but that had been changed to a looped street. Mr. Carter submitted a letter requesting a waiver of the two way street width from 22' to 18' and from the one way width of 14' to 12'. Ms. Thomas requested corrections to the legal description upon submission of the technical plat review revisions. Mr. Jackson noted that the dead end line would restrict water flow for fire protection and expressed concern over the narrowness of the street. Mr. Franklin requested a file marked copy of the protective covenants reflecting that the street lights were owned and maintained by the property owners association. Discussion ensued regarding billing for privately owned street lights and Mr. Burrack responded they would be metered. Concensus was that the city would not be responsible for payment of the light bill. Ms. Little requested the plat reflect the following: 1. Show all existing rights of way. 2. Dimension Rodgers Dr. from the centerline. 3. Show 4' sidewalks on one side of the street and around the looped street. Mr. Beavers stated he would address the water and sewer connections at Rodgers Drive with Mr. Carter at another time and further stated that even though street are to be private, street design should be in accordance with current engineering standards. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO requested a 15' utility easement to the north. He requested 10' easements running from the existing off site easement to serve lots 2 and 3 and lots 9 and 10. He requested a 15' utility easement at the south side of lot 11. He requested the dimension of the easement below lot 7 be shown. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell requested the easement and dimension of same to be extended around the perimeter. Ms. Little stated that PUD regulations did not allow utility easements to be incorporated into the green space buffer and therefore she would request that the green space be dimensioned from the perimeter easement back. Ms. Dugwyler stated park fees were in the amount of $3,300 based on I I lots Ms. Little stated the plat would be forwarded to the Subdivision Committee meeting of May 2, 1996, and that the requested waivers would be discussed at that meeting. • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 9 LSD96-I5 KMA BUSINESS CORNER CATACOMB, LLC - NE CORNER OF RUPPLE AND WEDINGTON The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for KMA Business Corner submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of CATACOMB, LLC for property located at the northeast comer of Rupple and Wedington. The property is zoned C-1 and contains approximately 2.29 acres. Ms. Little stated the use of the development would be retail and office. Further she requested that the plat reflect the following: . 40' right of way dedication for Rupple Road. 2. 5' sidewalk along both Wedington and Rupple Road. 3. Add plat page 400 to the title block. 4. Copy of the large scale plans on 3.5" diskette. 5. Screening of the dumpster pad. Discussion ensued regarding the City's plans for improvements to Rupple Road and the impact same would have on the subject development. Ms. Little noted that all trees had been removed from this site and Ms. Sandeen stated the replacement canopy was adequate. • Ms. Little stated that according to Fire Chief Jackson, due to the mercantile type use of the building a sprinkler system would be required. Mr. Gray stated one meter would service the entire complex. Further he stated he would provide a hydrant at the northwest corner and another at the drive. He stated the manhole would be moved and the sewer line would be shown correctly. Mr. Beavers noted the drainage report was very good and requested that the pond be moved closer to Wedington. Further he noted the detention pond would be private. Ms. Sandeen recommended that the screening material between the zones could be shrubbery reaching 6' in height within 2 years. Discussion ensued regarding the whether or not adequate throat length was correctly dimensioned at 40-60'. Mr. Gray stated he would adjust the throat length when a determination was made regarding the improvements to Rupple Road. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric requested a 25' perimeter easement. He requested information on the number of meters which would be required. Further he inquired as to whether or not the monument sign would be lighted and Mr. Gray responded he would provide a 4" crossing at Highway 16. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas requested that he be contacted when they determine what types of uses they would require. Additionally he requested the same easements and crossing as set forth above. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell requested the easements and crossing as set out above. • Ms. Little requested that approval of signs be obtained from the Inspection Department. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 10 She stated the subject plat would be placed on the Subdivision Committee meeting of May 2, 1996. a • Plat Review Minutes April23, 1996 Page I I LSD96-16 HILAND DAIRY HILAND DAIRY - 301 E 15TH The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Hiland Dairy submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of Hiland Dairy for property located at 301 East 15th Street. The property is zoned 1-1 and contains approximately 25.66 acres. Ms. Little requested the plat reflect the following: 1. Add plat page 602. 2. Show the adjoining property owners and zones. 3. 5' sidewalk on Highway 16. 4. Square footage of the existing building. Square footage of the expansion. 5. Dedication of 50' right of way along Highway 16 from the centerline Mr. Lane stated 43 parking spaces were required. Discussion ensued regarding bringing the existing lot up to the parking lot standards. Mr. Gray requested to consult with the Hiland Dairy representative before committing to same. Mr. Beavers noted this could affect the drainage and same should be addressed in the drainage report. Discussion ensued regarding the zone designation of the property to the west which had a house on the property and Mr. Lane noted if the subject parcel was zoned residential, screening would be required. • Mr. Gray stated the sewer would be privately owned and Mr. Beavers requested that the plat reflect where the line goes. • Mr. Jackson requested a fire hydrant in the rear unless the warehouses were sprinklered. Mr. Calloway requested a 20' utility easement parallel to Highway 16 right of way and a 15' utility easement parallel to the east property line. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO stated their existing facilities were adequate, however, if they were going to increase the load, they would be close to the capacity of the transformer. Mr. Beavers stated if there was a change to the parking lot the effect on drainage would need to addressed in the drainage report. Ms. Little stated the large scale development would be placed on Subdivision Agenda for May 2, 1996. • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 12 LSD96-13 TOWNSHIP SQUARE DWC COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES - NW CORNER OF TOWNSHIP & COLLEGE The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Township Square submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of DWC Commercial Properties for property located at the northwest corner of Township and College. The property is zoned C-2 and contains approximately 10.09 acres. The subject large scale development was related to the following lot split. Ms. Little expressed concern regarding the entrance onto College. She stated in a prior meeting they had requested a traffic study to determine if the right tum lane added to College Avenue at Township would prevent stacking to the point that it would not go past the Villa exit and they were not in receipt of same. She noted the plat reflected the right turn and upon review of same, it was noted that exiting from Villa going south would have more difficultly crossing the right turn lane and staff was not in favor of the arrangement. Further she stated they had discussed the possibility of the developer contributing to the construction of Sunbridge for an amount equal to 260' which would have been built with the right turn lane on College in lieu of same. She stated staff was in agreement on was no left turns entering or exiting from this location or right turn exit only. Discussion ensued. Mr. Jorgensen agreed that right turn exit only and right turn entrance only would be acceptible to the developer. He stated they were hesitant to perform a traffic study if they would not have access to College. He noted access from College to the mobile home park would not be feasible with their plan. Discussion ensued. Ms. Little stated it would be possible to go back to the original plan for an island if an additional entrance to Villa Mobile Home was provided. Mr. Jorgensen stated he did not see a place to locate another entrance to Villa Mobile Horne and Ms. Little clarified one could be constructed from Sunbridge. Discussion ensued regarding "Right Only" signs and double yellow lines to prevent left turns from Highway 71B.and Ms. Little was of the opinion that those measures would not be necessary because you simply cannot make left hand turns in the subject area. Mr. Jorgensen stated that the plan for a liquor store was not going forward. Ms. Little requested that the plat reflect the following: 1. Add plat page 290 to the title block. 2. Include a parking chart (relating to the lot split including calculations for each separate building.) 3. 50' right of way dimension from centerline of College. 4. 25' right of way dimension from centerline on Villa. 5. 5' sidewalk on Villa, College, and Township. 6. Include parking lot landscape plan. 7. Extend contour lines 1290 and 1295. 8. Show adjoining property owners and zones. 9. Add sidewalk icon to title block. Mr. Franklin requested street lights every 300' along Township and he stated that any relocation costs for existing facilities, (i.e., traffic signals and sensors) would be at the developers expense. Ms. Little requested a traffic study prior to Planning Commission meeting. • Mr. Jackson requested the existing 8" line be looped with the main connecting at the corner of Township and Highway 71. • • • Plat Review Minutes April23, 1996 Page 13 Mr. Beavers requested that the plat reflect which water lines are existing and which lines are proposed. Further, he requested that all discrepancies be resolved. Discussion ensued regarding the Sunbridge extension and the time frame involved with constructing same. Ms. Little stated that approval from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for proposed improvements on Highway 71 Business (College) and Highway 180 (Township) would be required. Ms. Sandeen stated she was in receipt of the tree preservation plan and she requested a parking lot landscape plan. She stated they proposed to preserve 17% of the canopy. Further, she requested a letter documenting the reasons to clear trees. Mr. Lane noted the New School property adjoined the subject tract and he stated if they were zoned residentially, screening would be required Mr. Burrack presented a plat of all existing facilities showing SWEPCO underground facilities. Discussion ensued regarding the necessity of maintaining service to adjoining properties. He stated he needed the entrance locations and he stated the developer would be responsible for providing the necessary conduits, vaults, pads, etc. He inquired if the plans included separate buildings and Mr. Jorgensen stated they would be separate. Mr. Burrack requested a 10' easement running north and south to serve Albertsons and he stated the other facilities would be served on contract. Mr. Burrack inquired regarding height of proposed signs as SWEPCO had overhead facilities in the area, and Ms. Little stated the plan showed 2 monument signs and 1 pole sign. Mr. Lefler with TCA Cable stated if they needed cable, the developer would be responsible for providing the conduit. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell stated there was an existing 20' utility easement beginning on the northwest property line of parcel 3 and running east to the southwest property line at lot 4 of Sunbridge and he requested that the easement be carried out Villa. He stated there was an existing 20' utility easement parallel to Villa and he requested that it continue to parallel College Avenue to Township and south to the property line. He stated they had overhead facilities along Township and any relocation costs of same would be the developer's expense. He stated they had major underground conduit and manhole run on the west side of North College and any adjustment or relocation of same would also be at the developer's expense. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated he had a line which runs with SWEPCO's to serve adjoining property owners which he planned to retire when Nelms vacates the property. Ms. Little stated the large scale development would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda of May 2, 1996. U • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 14 LS96-5 LOT SPLIT FOR TOWNSHIP SQUARE DWC COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES - NW CRN OF TOWNSHIP & COLLEGE The next item on the agenda was the lot split submitted by Jorgensen & Assoc. On behalf of DWC Commercial Properties in conjunction with the preceding large scale development for Township Square for property located at the northwest corner of Township and College. The property is zoned C-2 and the request is for a total of three lots. (See comments above for LSD96-13.) Ms. Little stated the lot split request would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda for May 2, 1996. • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 15 LSD96-17 MOLLY COURT GLENN SOWDER - 1035 N. GREGG AVENUE The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Molly Court resubmitted by Glenn Sowder for property located at 1035 N. Gregg Avenue. The property is zoned R-2 and contains approximately 2 4 acres. In response to an inquiry from Ms. Little, Mr. Sowder explained changes to his prior submission including the difference in building orientation, and size and number of buildings. Mr. Sowder stated the total number of units was 43. Ms. Little stated Parks Department did not receive this submission and she inquired if the earlier project had been submitted to them. Discussion ensued. Ms. Thomas provided the file and Ms. Little read the PRAB minutes (no date) accepting money in lieu of land dedication in the amount of $7,200 based on 40 units. Ms. Dugwyler stated the corrected amount of parks fees was $7,740 based on 43 units at $180 per unit. Ms. Little requested the plat reflect the following changes: 1. Add plat page 444 to the title block. 2. Dimension all streets from the centerline to right of way. 3. Add icons for hydrants and sidewalks to the legend. 4. Show adjoining property owners and zones. 5. Show a maximum of 62 parking spaces. 6. Dedication of 40' right of way from the centerline of both Gregg and North Street. 7. Add flood plain panel numbers. Mr. Franklin stated that at least one of the parking spaces should be ADA van accessible Discussion ensued regarding dumpster locations and Mr. Sowder stated he would coordinate the same with solid waste and the amended plats would reflect that determination. Mr. Beavers requested the plat accurately reflect the existing facilities. He stated he had received the drainage report which indicated the run off would increase by a minimum of 50% which would require detention under ordinance. Further, he stated he needed the location of the proposed detention facility. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed use of "turf block" and the effect same would have on drainage flows. Mr. Beavers requested definitive figures on the drainage issues. Ms. Sandeen requested the plat reflect `limits of constructions" lines. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO stated he would require transformers be placed in the service point area and setback 3' from the curb. Mr. Lefler with TCA Cable stated the plat was okay and he requested the developer contact him when he was ready to prewire. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell requested a 15' utility easement running parallel to North Street and Gregg Street. Ms. Little stated the large scale development would be placed on the Subdivision Agenda of May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April23, 1996 Page 16 LSD96-18 CREEKSIDE PLAZA CROSSOVER ASSOCIATES - NE CRN OF CROSSOVER & HWY 16 The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Creekside Plaza submitted by Engineering Services, Inc. on behalf of Crossover Associates for property located at the northeast corner of Crossover and Highway 16. The property is zoned C-2 and contains approximately 2.56 acres. Ms. Little requested the plat be amended to reflect the following: 1. Add plat page 566 to the title block. 2. Minimum of 40' for throat clearance along Crossover and Highway 16. 3. Revise plat so that the 2 parking bays at the southwest corner of the site are combined and the exit is moved north to provide the 40' throat length. 4. Show one ADA van accessible parking space. 5. Show 50' right of way on Highway 265 and Highway 16. 6. Add sidewalk icon to the legend. 7. Submit request from variance of the sign ordinance to allow 2 signs. 8. Submission of adjoining property owner notification certified mail, return receipts. 9. Show the retaining wall height. Discussion ensued regarding proposed AHTD improvements in the subject area. Ms. Little noted the parking area was congested and allowance for sight distances should be considered in the parking landscape plan. Discussion ensued regarding the throat length and sight distances. Ms. Little suggested that they consider moving the northwestern most building to the east to provide adequate circulation and safety. Mr. Jackson required either the building be sprinklered or a four hour wall be constructed under code. Mr. Beavers requested one lift station. Discussion ensued regarding the height of the retaining wall and it was noted that there are setback requirements from the adjacent property to the retaining wall. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric stated proposed lift station would need 3 phase power and he requested the developer provide transformer with 6" conduit. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell stated that paving behind the building presented problems if maintenance of the lines was necessary. Further, he requested conduit to facilitate same. He stated there was a Southwestern Bell purchased easement along the north property line and he stated that should be vacated. He requested a 20' utility easement running north and south along Highway 265. He advised one inside terminal. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated he would lay the line after construction of the retaining wall. Ms. Little stated the large scale development would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda of May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 17 PLA96-8 WADE BISHOP 1663 THORNHILL The next item on the agenda was the property line adjustment request submitted by Wade Bishop for property located at 1663 Thomhill. The property is zoned R-1. Ms. Little stated the request was to move the east property line 10' to the east. Utility representatives had no comments and Ms. Little stated the request would be approved subsequent to this meeting. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 18 PLA96-9 ERIC & ELIZABETH BRYAN OLIVE ST. BETWEEN DAVIDSON AND SPRING The next item on the agenda was the property line adjustment request submitted by Eric and Elizabeth Bryan for property located on Olive Street between Davidson Street and Spring Street. The property is zoned R-2. Mr. Beavers requested a 20' easement for the 12" water line. Discussion ensued. Further, Mr. Beavers requested that the survey reflect the appropriate title block and surveyors seal. Utility representatives had no comments and Ms. Little stated the request would be approved upon amendment to the survey and dedication of the easements as reflected above. • • • Plat Review Minutes April23, 1996 Page 19 LS96-8 ROBERT SCHMITT 1754 & 1756 POINTER LANE The next item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by Robert Schmitt for property located at 1754 & 1756 Point Lane (lots 23A & 23B) of Crossover Heights, Phase II. The property is zoned R-2, the request is to create a total of two lots. No representative was present for this project and it was removed from the agenda. Mr. Schmitt or his representative will have to appear before the Plat Review Committee before this item can go forward. Planning staff will advise Mr. Schmitt of this requirement. 60 • • • Plat Review Minutes April23, 1996 Page 20 LS96-9 - CALVIN BILDERBACK 3293 ADAMS STREET The next item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by Thompson Consulting Engineers on behalf of Calvin Bilderback for property located at 3293 Adams Street. The property is located in the county, and the request is to create a total of four lots. Ms. Little stated they had received notification of county approval. She requested a better vicinity map be reflected on the survey prior to Planning Commission meeting. Further she stated the lot split request would be placed on the Subdivision Committee Agenda for May 2, 1996. 6.77 • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 21 LS96-10 - R.J. MERRYSHIP PROPERTY MGMT 730 MISSION BLVD The next item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by Richard Alexander on behalf of R.J. Merryship Property Management for property located at 730 Mission Blvd. The property is zoned R-1, the request is for a total of three lots. Ms. Little informed the applicant that park fees were applicable on this project. She requested the survey reflect a vicinity map. Discussion ensued regarding the location of the right of way for Fallin and the location of the property boundaries. Ms. Little requested the amendment to the survey: 1. Driveway dimensions. 2. Water easement on Mission. 3. Survey should note no access will be allowed on Rockwood. Discussion ensued regarding the water line. Mr. Alexander stated there was a 30" water line and Mr. Beavers stated they would only allow taps onto 8" or 16" lines. Mr. Beavers requested a 15' easement for the sewer manhole and he noted that improvements to Fallin may be • required upon completion of the site review. • Mr. Beavers requested a drainage plan. Ms. Little noted the file of the billing address for park fees and stated the amount of park fees due was $900. She also requested a joint access agreement. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell requested a 20' easement parallel to Fallin and Mission and Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas requested the same easement. Ms. Little stated the lot split request would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda of May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 22 LS96-11 - LINDA DINGLEDINE HIGHWAY 62 WEST The next item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by Linda Dingledine for property located on Highway 62 West. The property is zoned C-2 and the request is for a total of three lots. Ms. Little requested the survey reflect the following: 1. Street names and vicinity map. 2. 50' right of way dimension from the centerline along Highway 62. 3. Water line/easement along south side of Highway 62. 4. Creek and flood plain locations and dimensions. 5. Show all easements including the 30' sewer easement. Mr. Beavers requested a preliminary drainage report Intense discussion ensued regarding easement dedication. Consensus was to reserve easement request until the individual tracts came through large scale development process. Mr. Calloway requested a 20' utility easement parallel to Highway 62 across the entire south property line, a utility easement on • the west side matching the width of the drainage/utility easement dedicated by Magnolia Crossing, and a 20' utility easement on the east side of tracts two and three. Further he requested the survey reflect all off site utility easements. Discussion ensued regarding the checklist requirements for submission of lot split requests. Ms. Little stated the lot split request would be placed on the Subdivision Committee Agenda for May 2, 1996. • • • Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 23 LS96-12 - SPENCER AND MARTHA ALBRIGHT 2004 BRENT LANE The next item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by George Faucette on behalf of Spencer and Martha Albright for property located at 2004 Brent Lane. The property is zoned R- 1 and the request is for a total of three lots. Mr. Franklin requested street lights at the end of Brent and Lisa Lanes if they were not already existing. Ms. Little requested that Brent Lane be brought up to a standard culdesac. Ms. Little stated the billing address for park fees in the amount of $900 (3 lots @ $300 per unit) was as follows: Spencer and Martha Albright 1907 Winwood Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 Mr. Jackson requested that a hydrant be installed at the east end of Brent Lane prior to issuance of building permits. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the City would participate. Mr. Beavers requested a preliminary drainage letter. Further he requested that the water line along Lisa Lane be extended to lot 3 in order to provide water service and he suggested that Mr. Faucette work same out with Mr. Jurgens. Discussion ensued. Mr. Burrack requested all easements be shown on the survey. Discussion ensued. Ms. Little stated the lot split request would be placed on the Subdivision Committee agenda for May 2, 1996. cissi Plat Review Minutes April 23, 1996 Page 24 LS96-13 WANDA SIMS 4015 E HUNTSVILLE The last item on the agenda was the lot split request submitted by Wanda Sims for property located at 4015 E. Huntsville Road. The subject property is part in the city and part in the county and the request is to create two lots. Ms. Sims stated she was currently on septic system and Ms. Little requested confirmation from the County Health that the septic system would be allowed on the reduced acreage of the lot. Mr. Beavers stated he would make County Health approval a condition of approval. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.