HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-05 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE IP TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE • • A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on March 5, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Mike Phipps, Tom Mcllroy, and Randy Evans STAFF PRESENT: Alett Little, Rich Lane, Beth Sandeen, Janet Johns, Perry Franklin, Randy Allen, Nancy Dugwyler, Jim Beavers, and Mickey Jackson LSD96-11 - CRYSTAL SPRINGS SOFTBALL CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE - N OF SALEM, N OF MT COMFORT The first item on the agenda was the large scale development for Crystal Springs Softball Fields submitted by Dale Clark of Parks and Recreation Department on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located on North Salem Road, north of Mt. Comfort Road and zoned R -I, Low Density Residential and P-1, Institutional. Mr. Albert Green and Mr. Henard appeared for the applicant. Mr. Phipps stated there was existing three phase west of Salem and he stated they would serve overhead into the easement. He requested transformer locations and Mr. Green responded they were "redlined" on a plan submitted after plat review distribution. Mr. Franklin expressed concern regarding the west side street lights not adequately lighting the street and he inquired if the project could be served underground. Discussion ensued. Mr. Phipps stated it would require the developer to bore and cut Salem Road to achieve underground service but same could be coordinated between the city and county. Discussion ensued regarding the location of the water line easement. Mr. Phipps requested a 20' utility running from the center of the property west/east to the concession stand. Mr. Mcllroy with Southwestern Bell requested the same 20' utility easement running to the concession stand for a pay phone. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas requested the same 20' utility easement. Mr. Franklin inquired regarding parking and Ms. Dugwyler responded a shared parking agreement was in affect for the entire parking lot adjacent with the school. Discussion ensued regarding the easement shown on the east side of the property. Mr. Beavers requested that a determination be made as to what was in the easement. Mr. Beavers requested a wetlands determination. Discussion ensued and Ms. Little directed Mr. Green to contact the appropriate federal agencies. Mr. Beavers requested that the water main be extended to the property line and he requested a verification of the location of the sidewalk and curb. Mr. Green stated he had aligned with the existing curb Ms. Little requested that plat page 245 be added to the legend. She stated a conditional use application to be filed for parking in an R-1 zone and that the fee would be waived for same. She stated the "redlined" plat had the correct location of the dumpster. She requested that the plat reflect a 30' right of way from the centerline of Salem Road. • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Lane requested that the plat reflect the location of the entry to Salem Village on the west side of Salem Road. Ms. Little requested that the height of the lights be less than 35', directed downward, and be of a high pressure sodium type. Discussion ensued and Mr. Henard stated he would contact Ms. Little regarding same. Ms. Little requested 35 copies by noon on Monday. She stated notification by certified mail to the adjoining property owners would be required by March 14, 1996. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 3 LSD96-10 - FUELING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE - 1455 S HAPPY HOLLOW The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for the Fueling Facility Improvements submitted by Bill Oestreich on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located at 1455 S. Happy Hollow Road and zoned I- 2, General Industrial. Ms. Little stated the project involved replacement of the fuel tanks. Mr. Burrack inquired as to the location of the underground line and junction boxes. Mr. Oestreich stated he would remove the underground tanks and their pumps and replace with above ground tanks and move the pumps. Ms. Little stated the subject plat would stand approved and would not required approval by Planning Commission. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 4 LSD96-13 - NELMS AUTO PLAZA DON & MILLIE NELMS - HWY 71 AND 112 SOUTH OF 112 DRIVE IN The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Nelms Auto Plaza submitted by Development Consultants on behalf of Don & Millie Nelms for property located between Highway 71 and Highway 112, south of the 112 Drive In and zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Mr. Phipps Ozarks Electric stated he had power off Highway 112 and he would serve overhead from the northwest comer and then go underground. He requested Toad information, a 6" crossing at the entry buried to 36". He stated he would requested easement when the transformer location was determined. Mt. Mcllroy with Southwestern Bell stated they had fiber optics in the 25' easement to the east. He stated they would provide one point of service and the contractor could run service from there. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated he would provide one point of service and the contractor could run service from there. Discussion ensued regarding placing street lights in state highway right of way. Ms. Little directed Mr. Lane to schedule a meeting to discuss the issue. Mr. Franklin requested 3" conduit at the entry for a future traffic signal. Regarding parking, he stated required one van accessible space 16' in width. Mr. Jackson inquired if the buildings would be sprinklered. Mr. Dennis Moore with Commerce Construction stated the buildings would be of concrete construction. Discussion ensued. He recommended that they all be sprinklered but the body shop would be required to be sprinklered. Ms. Sandeen requested a revised landscape plan by noon on Monday. Mr. Lane requested a 5' sidewalk on the west property line and he stated same could be placed in the required 25' of green space. Discussion ensued. Mr. Lane stated the light poles should be less than 35' and directed downward. He requested a the plat reflect a table denoting paved and unpaved surfaces along with parking ratio table. Ms. Little requested that plat page 248 be added to the title block. She requested a name for the drive and she further requested the dimension from the center line of the bypass. Discussion ensued regarding the survey and Ms. Little requested resolution of the discrepancy between the AHTD's survey and the developers survey. Mr. Beavers requested the plat reflect the existing sewer easement which runs along Highway 112. He stated that trees/landscaping would not be allowed in the easements. He requested that the drive be designed to city street standards including a 5' sidewalk on one side. Discussion ensued regarding the sidewalk. Mr. Jackson requested that the hydrant remain in the current location. Ms. Little requested 37 copies of the site plan only and 15 copies of the tree preservation plan by noon on Monday. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 5 LSD96-9 - CARL CARPENTER MINI -STORAGE CARL CARPENTER - E OF S SCHOOL, S OF 15TH The next item on the agenda was the large scale development for Carl Carpenter Mini Storage submitted by Northwest Engineers on behalf of Carl Carpenter for property located east of South School Avenue, south of 15th Street and zoned 1-1, Light Industrial. Ms. Little requested that the sidewalk along Highway 16 be completed including the section which runs over the drainage ditch and the landscaping along same. Discussion ensued regarding a definite "contract and schedule" providing same immediately. Mr. Jones stated he would provide same. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO stated the 25' utility easement across the front would be adequate. Mr. Mcllroy with Southwestern Bell had no comment. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas had no comment. Mr. Franklin requested a street light if one was not located within 300' of this project. Mr. Allen expressed concern regarding the turning radii at the entry drive. Discussion ensued. Mr. Lane stated razor wire would not be allowed on the fence. He requested plat page 601 be added to the title block. He requested a "contract agreement" on the sidewalk (see above.) By memorandum, Mr. Lefler stated TCA had no problems with the plat as submitted. Ms. Sandeen requested the plat reflect the limits of construction line near preserved trees and she further requested that the plat reflect a storage/washout area. Discussion ensued regarding landscaping along the front of the subject property. Discussion ensued regarding the discrepancy between the floodway and flood plain as drawn on the plat. Mr. Jones stated he would correct same. Ms. Little requested that the street names on the vicinity map be enlarged for easier reading/locating. Discussion ensued regarding emergency access to the building in the rear. Mr. Jackson accepted a 6" SB2 drive. Ms. Little requested 37 copies by noon Monday. • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 6 LSD96-8 - MARKET COURT SHOPPING CENTER MATHIAS PROPERTIES - E OF N COLLEGE, S OF HAROLD The next item on the agenda was the large scale development submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Mathias Properties for property located east of North College Avenue, south of Harold Street and zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Discussion ensued regarding improvements to Harold Street as requested at the time the original development went through large scale development. Ms. Little requested that those issues be resolved. Mr. Hennelly stated the front of the buildings face College. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO stated there was joint electric service. He stated SWEPCO would serve the westernmost building from a service point along College. Mr. Hennelly stated he could delete one parking space at the northwest comer to locate a transformer. Discussion ensued regarding various options to serve the buildings. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric stated he would serve the building to the east would be served from the northeast corner of the property and he requested the transformer location and load information. He requested a 42" trench with a 4-6" conduit and same would be at the developers expense. Mr. Mcllroy with Southwestern Bell stated they would provide service to the eastern building off of North College. He requested conduit from the right of way line. Mr. Mcllroy inquired if the building to the west would adjoining the existing (Kmart) building and Mr. Hennelly stated if abutted the structure. He stated we would provide service from the northeast corner and he requested conduit. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Westem Gas stated he had an existing 3" line running along the front of the property. He stated he would serve the west building from the greenspace area and the east building would be served from there as well, Mr. Franklin requested that the entryway curb cut be lined up with the main aisle of the parking lot. Mr. Jackson requested a hydrant at the entry on Harold, water main installation, and he advised the buildings should be sprinklered. Mr. Jackson stated it would be ideal to loop the line. Mr. Franklin stated he would provide trip generation information and requested the nature of business in the proposed structures in order to compute same. Discussion ensued regarding joint access with IHOP parking and Mr. Hennelly stated that they would not barricade same. Mr. Lane requested that plat page 252 be added to the title block. He requested a joint access agreement be submitted to Planning as a condition of approval. Ms. Little requested a 25' right of way deed along Harold. Mr. Lane reminded the applicant that adjoining property owner notification would be due at Subdivision meeting. He requested the height of lights be under 35', directed downward and away from adjacent neighborhood. • By memorandum, Mr. Lefler stated there was cable along the south side of Harold Street and if cable was required he would need a 2" schedule 40 conduit from the building to an agreed point. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 7 Discussion ensued regarding the number of parking spaces. She stated they would have to comply with the parking ordinance including number of spaces and landscaping. She advised the developer to contact Ms. Sandeen. Mr. Beavers required improvement to the south side of Harold Street and requested that Mr. Hennelly contact him regarding same. He expressed concem regarding drainage and he further stated the drainage plan had not as yet been approved. Mr. Beavers requested 50' right of way along Harold dedicated by separate instrument. He requested 20' easement for the water line added for fire protection and he requested that the line be looped. Ms. Sandeen requested that Mr. Hennelly contact her regarding his landscaping plan. Ms. Little requested 37 copies by noon on March 11, 1996. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 8 LSD96-12 - FIRST PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD FIRST PENTECOSTAL - W OF MORNINGSIDE, N OF E 15TH The next item on the agenda was the large scale development submitted by Milholland Engineering on behalf of First Pentecostal Church of God for property located on the west side of Morningside Drive and north of East 15th Street. Ms. Little stated no conditional use would be required. She requested the plat reflect 50' dimension from the centerline of Highway 16. She requested 5' sidewalks along Highway 16 and Highway 45 and further stated she was aware that the developer wanted to request a delay in constructing same. Mr. Staggs stated he would have Mr. Milholland contact her regarding same. Mr. Burrack with SWEPCO stated there was an existing overhead line running along Morningside. He suggested underground service and stated a maintenance agreement between SWEPCO and the developer would be required. Mr. Mcllroy with Southwestern Bell stated service was existing. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated he had a 2" line on the west side of Momingside. He requested a 25' utility easement in the setback along Highway 16. Mr. Franklin stated there should be a street light at the intersection and one every 300'. He stated there would be two van accessible ADA spaces based on 12 total ADA spaces. Discussion ensued regarding various parking options. Ms. Sandeen required screening on the west property line. Ms. Sandeen stated she was aware the developer intended to pursue a waiver for same. Mr. Jackson requested they church bring the water line up to standard and locate a hydrant at the back of the lot. Ms. Little requested that the water line be located within the 20' easement. Discussion ensued regarding the type of construction. Ms. Little stated that no parking should be allowed in front of emergency exits. Mr. Lane requested that plat page 563 be added to the title block. Discussion ensued regarding landscaping in the easement. Mr. Lane requested the residential zone to the west be indicated on the plat and a parking table based on 1 space per 4 seats be included. Discussion ensued. Mr. Lane requested that the future parking area be removed from the subject plat. Mr. Beavers requested that the hydrant location and water lines be indicated on the plat. He stated the drainage would require a waiver on the detention pond. By memorandum, Mr. Lefler stated the plat was fine as distributed. Ms. Little requested 37 copies by noon on March 11, 1996 LS96-2 - MATHIAS PROPERTIES JORGENSEN & ASSOC - E OF N COLLEGE, S OF HAROLD The next item on the agenda was the lot split submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Mathias Properties • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 9 for property located east of North College Avenue and south of Harold Street and zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Mr. Hennelly stated he would provide the planning office with anoint parking agreement. There were no comments from utility representatives. • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 10 LS96-3 - TRAVIS & ANITA ULRICH SUSAN TODD - W OF 54TH, S OF TACKETT The next item on the agenda was the lot split submitted by Travis & Anita Ulrich on behalf of Susan Todd for property located west of 54th Street, south of Tackett Drive and zoned A-1, Agricultural and R-2, Medium Density Residential. Ms. Little requested that 30' of right of way be shown on the survey. There were no comments from the utility representatives. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 11 PLA96-4 - CHARLES & DEBBIE CLARK N OF FOREST VIEW, E OF UNIVERSITY The next item on the agenda was the property line adjustment submitted by Charles & Debbie Clark for property located north of Forest View Road and east of University. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not septic would be allowed on this size tract. Ms. Little stated that it would be determined by County Health Department. • • • Minutes from Technical Plat Review March 5, 1996 Page 12 PLA96-5 - CHARLES HICKS 10 WEST PROSPECT The last item on the agenda was the property line adjustment submitted by Charles Hicks for property located at 10 West Prospect and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Ms. Little stated they were adjusting lines to correct discrepancies in legal descriptions. There were no comments from the utility representatives. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.