HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-20 - Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on February 20, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kevin Lefler, Mike Phipps, Andy Calloway, Rick Evans, and Michael Campbell. STAFF PRESENT: Rich Lane, Janet Johns, Jim Beavers, Beth Sandeen, Alett Little, Randy Allen, and Nancy Dugwyler. PP96-1 - MARVIN GARDENS PH I (RESUBMITTAL) ROBERT WESTPHAL - S OF MEANDERING WAY, W OF CROSSOVER The first item on the agenda was the resubmitted preliminary plat for Marvin Gardens, phase I submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Robert Westphal for property located south of Meandering Way, west of Crossover Road and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. The property contains 10.024 acres with 25 proposed lots. Ms. Sandeen requested a tree preservation fee in the amount of $120.00. Mr. Jorgensen stated that prior to plat review, he had met with Ms. Little who suggested that the easternmost street which runs south be deleted from the plat Discussion ensued regarding a request from the Planning Commission at a prior hearing (see minutes of January 8, 1996) requesting that the concept plat include connections/stubouts. Mr. Jorgensen stated that in response to Ms. Little's suggestion he had amended the plat to reflect one additional lot. Due to the addition of one lot, Ms. Dugwyler stated the amended park fee amount was $7800.00. Ms. Little stated a waiver for the length of culdesac would be required. Ms. Little stated the street lights had been moved from one location to another. She stated the lights should be at the following locations: between lot 13/14; lot 26; and, lot 22/23. She stated easement dedication would need to reflect these changes. Mr. Lefler with TCA stated the plat as submitted was fine. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell requested a crossing between lots 15/16 at the back property line. He requested a quad with 4" casing. Ms. Little requested a street name on the stubout. Mr. Evans requested the same crossing as Southwestern Bell with a 4" casing. Mr. Franklin had no problem with plat as submitted. Mr. Jackson submitted a check list (see file) reflecting the plat was adequate. Mr. Beavers stated he was in receipt of the preliminary drainage plan and work on same was in progress. Ms. Little requested that the record reflect concerns from a citizen on Manor Drive regarding water run off and she further requested that Engineering pay particular attention to drainage calculations and controlling run off water in the subject area. • • • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Lane noted there was a questions as to how the water would get across Whispering Oaks and the velocity of water. Discussion ensued regarding drainage. Ms. Little stated the drainage in the subject area ran west to east except at Whispering Oaks where is ran south to north. She stated the intersection of Whispering Oaks and Marvins Garden would be complicated and requested that Engineering pay particular attention to same. Mr. Beavers stated it was his opinion that drainage issues were impertinent at preliminary plat stage. Ms. Little requested 37 copies of the revised plat by noon on Monday, February 26. • • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 3 LSD96-6 - DON COZART NW ENGINEERING - NE CRN MISSION & CROSSOVER The next item on the agenda was the large scale development plan for Don Cozart submitted by Northwest Engineering for property located at the northeast corner of Mission Boulevard and Crossover Road. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and the owner proposed a convenience store/restaurant. Mr. Gray stated the applicant proposed a convenience store with gas pumps and restaurant drive thru. He stated there were two existing drives and the applicant proposed to eliminate one of the drives. He stated a shared access drive would be located at the northwest corner. Ms. Little requested that the plat reflect all driveway locations across Highway 265 and Highway 45. She stated the information was necessary for alignment determinations. Ms. Little stated there was R-1 zoning to the east which should be noted on the plat. She stated special screening would be required in that area. Discussion ensued. Ms. Little inquired if the project name would remain Don Cozart Large Scale Development and Mr Cozart stated that it would remain the same. Ms. Little requested that the flood plain area be noted on the plat and that the elevation of the finished floor be shown as well. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not Highway 265 would be five lanes. Mr. Gray stated the developer would dedicate 50' right of way. Ms. Little requested that the sidewalk be shown all the way around the property including over the ditch. She requested that the applicant notify the highway department. Ms. Little stated that the uses needed to be stated in order to determine parking. Discussion ensued. Mr. Gray stated he had calculated parking at I space per 200 square feet. Further discussion ensued. Mr. Lefler with TCA Cable stated that if they wanted cable he would require conduit. Ms. Little inquired if there would crossings at the drives and Mr. Gray stated he would provide 4' conduit at the drives. Mr. Campbell with SWEPCO stated he had overhead service for property located to the north. He requested an easement adjacent to the retaining wall to maintain same. Ms. Little requested that the height of the retaining wall be noted. Discussion ensued regarding the retaining wall and the drainage and grading plan. Mr. Gray stated the wall would be 12-13'. Mr. Gray stated there was an existing 10' easement for water and sewer. Discussion ensued regarding the location of the easement and whether or not same was near the creek. Mr. Gray stated that half of the channel would be concrete. Mr. Gray stated he would work with SWEPCO to relocate the overhead line. • Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas stated he had an easement. He stated they would relocate within the 15' drive to the rear. He requested that the retaining wall should be built and filled in but not paved so they can do their • • • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 4 work. He stated they use a 2" plastic line. Mr. Gray asked if that would be acceptable with SWEPCO. Discussion ensued regarding the transformer location. Ms. Little stated the transformer could go between the buildings. She further stated that the electric and gas services would be in the easement provided at the 14' drive in the rear. Clarifying she stated the 14' drive would be a general utility easement from Highway 45 to the property line. Mr. Calloway requested a 15' general utility easement parallel to Highway 45 right of way and Highway 265 right of way. He expressed concern about serving the location and suggested that preliminarily they would set ajunction at the northwest corner. He stated any relocation costs would be at the expense of the developer. Mr. Jackson requested a hydrant at the drive on east side and requested that same be added to the legend. Ms. Sandeen stated the landscape plan was not acceptable and that a revised plan was due Monday or the project would not be forwarded She stated the replacement trees were insufficient in size. She stated screening would be required along the R-1 zone, and a guard rail would be required along the wall. Alternatively she suggested they used grass pavers to reduce the amount of asphalt. She requested that they protect any trees to be preserved from construction. She stated dogwoods would not be favorable. Mr. Franklin noted they could gain parking spaces by providing one 8' space, one 8' ramp separating another 8' space which would net a gain of 4'. He requested a light at the northwest comer of the driveway along Highway 265. Mr. Franklin expressed concern regarding traffic flow. Ms. Little inquired regarding the location of the underground gas tanks. She expressed concern regarding the tuming radii. Ms. Little inquired if the building to the north would have a drive thru restaurant and Mr. Cozart stated that it would. She requested the drive thru location and traffic flow be noted on the plat. Discussion ensued regarding the access to gas and food delivery trucks. Mr. Cozart stated he was negotiating with CITCO. Mr. Franklin requested that the tuming radius and canopy requirements meet the ITE Manual requirements. Ms. Little suggested that the Mr. Gray contact Mr. Franklin regarding his traffic flow requirements and canopy specifications. Ms. Little requested that the dumpster pad location be noted on the plat Ms. Little requested that the distance from the south drive to the intersection be double checked to make certain the distance met the requirement. Discussion ensued regarding peak hour traffic. Ms. Little noted there was no room to allow stacking of cars. Mr. Beavers requested the Highway Department be contacted regarding the distance from the southern drive to proposed expansion of the highway. Mr. Beavers requested final calculations on the retaining wall. Mr. Beavers inquired if the existing sewer line would serve the proposed project and Mr. Gray stated he would check. Mr. Lane stated parking requirements for retail uses were I space per 250 square feet. Discussion ensued. Mr. • • • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 5 Cozart stated he could obtain a shared parking agreement and would provide same to the Planning Department. Ms. Little suggested if there were 4 pumps located on the site it would improve maneuvering within the parking lot. Discussion ensued. Ms. Little noted there were sign issues and that the inspection department should be contacted. Further she requested 37 revised plats by Monday, February 26, 1996. • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 6 PP96-2 - DAVID LYLE (RESUBMITTAL) BAYYARI PROPERTIES - E HUNTSVILLE ROAD The next item on the agenda was the preliminary plat for David Lyle Subdivision submitted by Milholland Engineering on behalf of Bayyari Property for property located on East Huntsville Road. Ms. Little stated this project was resubmitted for approval of phasing. She stated they had changed the entryway and she requested additional information on the streetlights. Mr. Milholland stated the centerline of the entryway was moved to the east in an effort to preserve trees. He stated the previously approved street light located in the island would need to be moved. Discussion of the light location ensued. Ms. Little suggested the light be located near the back of the second island. She stated the other light would be at the corner of Regency and Colonial. Mr. Milholland stated they would provide a 2" conduit for the light in the island. Ms. Little requested that the plat reflect R -O on the designated tracts and "R -S except where noted." Ms. Little stated the staff should recommend approval provided at final plat assurance for completion of Lawndale, Regency, and Colonial Drive. Additionally, she approval should be conditional upon provision of access to the park. Ms. Little requested that the applicant file a waiver for length of culdesac. Ms. Little requested that the adjoining property owners be reflect, specifically, Ozark Land Trust. Discussion ensued regarding the trust's involvement. She directed the applicant to make certain that the land trust was notified. Discussion ensued regarding notification to the Planning Office and Parks Department. Ms. Dugwyler requested notification. Ms. Little stated Cottonwood should be 31' to the intersection at Liberty Drive. Discussion ensued. Mr. Lefler with TCA Cable requested a crossings at lots 61/62, 34/47 at the property lines. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric requested two 4" conduits around lot 65. He requested a 12.5' utility easement around the perimeter. He requested a quad crossing at lot I and 2 in Phase II and at lots 102/103. He requested a quad crossing at the northwest corner of Regency Drive. Mr. Evans with Arkansas Western Gas requested an off site easement at the north side of the property. Discussion ensued regarding the existing sewer line. Ms. Little stated the building setback would include the off site utility easement and an additional 5' was given on the north side in the parkland. Discussion ensued. Mr. Calloway with Southwestern Bell requested a 16' utility easement between lots 83/82, 90/89, 79/80, 1 and 2, 103/104, and an easement with a single crossing at lot 107/108. Mr. Phipps with Ozarks Electric requested a street light easements between lots 37/38 and between 107/106. Additionally, Mr. Calloway requested a crossing adjacent to Highway 16 at Cottonwood to relocate the pole. Discussion ensued regarding the utility easement at the southwest corner. Ms. Little requested a 20' utility easement around the perimeter. Mr. Milholland stated there would be a 15' utility easement along both sides of the entrances. Mr. Calloway requested a 20' utility easement parallel to the north side of Highway 16. Mr. Calloway requested that drainage and utility easements be separate. Discussion ensued. Mr. Milholland assured Mr. Calloway that the • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 7 easements would be dedicated even if Phase 11 did not develop. Mr. Franklin requested street names be included on the plat. He requested street lights at Lawndale and Regency (lot 141/140), Cottonwood and Highway 16 East (east side), southeast corner of lot 41, and, one a 16' easements at lot 84/85. Ms. Dugwyler requested that the park land remain undisturbed and that no debris be allowed on the land. Mr. Jackson requested a hydrants at lot 50/51 instead of lot 54. He requested a hydrant at lot 124/125 and another hydrant at lot 140/141. Mr. Allen requested that drainage and utility easement be separate. He requested a drainage easements at lot 81/82 for sewer and a utility easement at lot 78/77. Ms. Sandeen requested a tree preservation fee before the plat continued to Subdivision Committee. Ms. Little inquired regarding signs and Mr. Bayarri stated the location of the sign would be at the entryway. Ms. Little requested a letter that the developer/property owners' association would coverage the maintenance. Ms. Little requested a vicinity map and she further requested at the streets across Highway 16 be shown for alignment purposes. • Ms. Little stated that the off site assessments would be prorated. • Mr. Lane requested that 5' contours be placed on the plat. • • • Minutes of Techinical Plat Review February 20, 1996 Page 8 FP96-3 - SUNBRIDGE EAST UA FOUNDATION - W OF VILLA N OF TOWNSHIP The last item on the agenda was the final plat for Sunbridge East submitted by Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of the UA Foundation, Inc. For property located west of Villa, north of Township and zoned R -O Residential Office, and C -I, Neighborhood Commercial. The property contains 13.027 acres with 5 proposed lots. Ms. Little requested a copy of the final inspection. She requested a sidewalk on Villa Boulevard. Mr. Calloway requested 20' easement across the north property line. Intense discussion ensued regarding promised easements and guarantees for same. Mr. Calloway requested a minimum 20' utility easement at lot 5 extending to the north property line. Ms. Little requested a 20' utility easement at lot 2, 3, and 4. Mr. Lane requested a notation on the plat stating the each lot was subject to large scale development approval. Meeting adjourning at 11:15 a.m.