HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-12-14 MinutesSidewalk and Trails City of Fayetteville Task Force Minutes Wednesday, December 14, 2005 City Administration Building, Room 326 Members present: Sam La Foy, Laura Kelly, Cindy Kalke Scott Mashburn, Celia Scott-Silkwood, Craig Mauritson, Kyle Cook. Public/Staff: Terry Gulley, Carolyn Smith, Chuck Rutherford, Marilyn Heffner. Meeting called to order by Kyle Cook. Scott Mashburn made a motion to approve the October minutes. Sam La Foy gave a second and the motion passed. Scott Mashburn gave a report on the Lake Wilson Trail Cleanup. The cleanup took place on Saturday, November 12, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m , with 26 people attending. People enjoyed the work, the camaraderie and the attention given to the trail. The trail now goes around the entire lake. Scott thanks everyone who made this event possible and hopes to get it on the calendar again for 2006. Scott introduced Marilyn Heifner who introduced Heritage Trails Partners. They work on historical trail systems accessible by foot, bicycle or car, such as the Trail of Tears, the Butterfield Stagecoach Trail and Civil War Troop movements. Their latest project is the signing for the Butterfield Stagecoach Trail, next, a brochure for the same trail. Terry Gulley gave an update on the Trail Construction Projects. The Lindsey Trail located near Joyce and Vantage is near completion. The north parking lot at Lake Fayetteville has 2 sections, both of which are being seeded. Work is continuing for a dirt trail to give an alternative for paved or dirt. The trail at Armstrong is half ready for clearing and half ready for base. This is a wide trail providing for paved trail as well as horseback riding. In the 10 1/2 weeks the Trail 1 • Program has been up and running there has been 1.15 miles of trail laid down. This time frame indudes training a new crew. The cost on Lindsey Trail came to $44.82 per foot. The price is lower than usual due to no bridges or lights. Terry looks forward to working on Indian Trail, Clabber Creek, Crowne Trail, Mudd Creek, Scull creek and Frisco Trail as weather and obtaining nght of way allows, or making sure Water and Sewer completes their job before going in to do that section of trail. Terry Gulley gave a handout on concrete construction year to date, covering sidewalks. Maple is close to completion. The sidewalks were formed by the sidewalk crew to maintain the historic look Of the area. There was a large pour for the new Solid Waste compound that came to about 1/4 acre. Next the sidewalk in front of City Hall will be replaced. It was reported by Terry Gulley that Steve Hatfield is not In attendance due to a funeral in the family and that he is leaving the City of Fayetteville. His last day will be December 27"'. He plans to work here locally in the trail industry He has been very instrumental to the city and we wish him well. There will be nationwide advertising for a certified landscape architect to head a progressive trails program. Other business — Steve Mashburn wanted to know why Steve Hatfield was moved from Parks to Engineering. Terry Gulley explained this change came from the mayor to give Steve a strong support system on design so he could use more time focusing on obtaining right of way for the trails. Steve had to educate the public about something that did not exist. Once a trail is built and people can use it and enjoy it they support it. Prior to that, it is a hard concept to comprehend Steve had to sell a concept to people, that was not tangible, and he was good at it. It is also takes a lot of time. That is why Steve was given the support of Engineering. Meeting adjourned. SIDEWALK & TRAILS TASK FORCE MEETING SIGN -IN SHEET LOCATION: Aka - DATE: 005 NAME r.5 1.6 7 9. Ta4t4t,i l 10. atni(-, 71'1Q24,wk, }'Son 11. k;,!t C.ofllc 12. 13. 14. 15. PHONE NUMBER / 4 9#-3153 49L/-3 4Sr 443 -'15 2_ 'TS -7-7/0C szi. a-c,t 9 s2s- W7( 527-?94ty