HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-10-12 Minutes• Sidewalk and Trails City of Fayetteville Task Force Minutes Wednesday, October 12, 2005 City Administration Building, Room 326 Members present: Sam LaFoy, Cindy Kalke, Scott Mashburn; Craig Mauritson, Surrendera Singh; Kyle Cook and Laura Kelly. Public/5taff: Steve Hatfield, Terry Gulley and Carolyn Smith Meeting called ID order by Kyle Cook. Cindy Kalke made a motion to approve the August minutes. Laura Kelly gave a second and the motion passed. Discussion on Lake Wilson Cleanup covers goals and time. Our goals are building community education and awareness as we rake small rocks, realign trails, remove fences and work the trail around the lake. We may be able to do all or some of these things depending on the work force that show up. We need to invite organizations that have worked on the trail, such as Ozark cyclists and Boy Scouts. We discussed inviting the press and placing the invite on television and radio. Day: Saturday, November 12, 2005 Time: 9:00 to 1:00 The Sidewalk and Trails Task Force will provide coffee and snacks. Volunteers need to bring sadc lunches. The lunch is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. so participants can visit with each other, educate and relax. Terry Gulley gave an update on the construction of Lindsey Trail. This trail connects with the sidewalk on Joyce. It has been expanded from 4 feet to 10 feet wide and 950 feet in length and should be done by the end of the week. Parks and Recreation may help with the planting of trees along Lindsey Trail. Vantage Boulevard is an excellent connection for the 2 trails. Engineering is working to acquire 300 feet of right of way along N. Zion Rd. The transportation bond Issue will tle Into this. Terry Gulley gave an update on upcoming trail construction projects. 1. Town Branch 2. Beachwood to Razorback Rd. will need a bridge. 3. Momingside to Combs Park. 4. Lake Fayetteville, north shore site. This trail will extend from north of Lake Fayetteville, to Crossover Rd., to the botanical park. • 5. Skull Creek, we are seeking right of way, This Is a high priority trail we are aggressively pursuing however; the sewer building and bypass are affecting when and where we work on this trail. We need to pick and choose around the sewer lines. Later we will connect existing sections together. 6. Clabber Creek near Holt School and where the new Sam's Club Is going needs to be done in the summer. • Terry Gulley gave a handout on concrete construction year to date, covering sidewalks, curbs, driveways and access ramps. We are working on access by schools. If a citizen notices a problem and calls in we respond. Property owners have been helpful in getting sidewalks in. Laura Kelly discussed the Drivers Test Study Guide to acknowledge bicycles and the post cards for supporting these changes. Cindy Kalke reported there is a Light Rail Forum at the Springdale Convention Center for $45.00. The system is mapped, now we need to educate. A citizen asked if the sidewalks in her subdivision could be replaced with brick. Terry said brick is laid on sand. The sand shifts and becomes uneven. He is worried about people stumbling and difficulty for wheelchairs. The problem Is upkeep. Would it be ADA accessible? The property owners need to understand they would be responsible for repladng broken brick and keeping the sidewalks level This is a matter we will have to look into. Discussion took place regarding how to best educate the public and spread awareness about the City's trails. Ideas include water bill stuffers and telephone book ads. Meeting adjoumed.