HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-15 MinutesCity of Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Task Force Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 15, 2005 City Administration Building, Room 326 Members Present: Kyle Cook, Cynthia Kalke, Laura Kelly, Sam LaFoy, Scott Mashbum, Craig Mauritson, Celia Scott-Silkwood, Sean Trumbo Public / Staff: Ginny Apperson Terry Gulley, Steve Hatfi- o Gliet Richey, Chuck Rutherford, Kate Ward Meeting called to order by Kyle Cook. Craig Mauritson made a motion to approve LW April 2005 meetinn Trumbo gave a second and the motion Weald. 1. mutes; Sean Steve Hatfield and Laura Kelly initiated a discuss* sections and on -street linkages. Tit issue will be Ward 4 meeting on June 27, 2005 "i"" regarding street cross esented in detail during the i4 Steve Hatfield distributed some hand04Task Force members to look over and keep as refer ge materials. Orldf t t61'"` lTdouts included information from the "Bicycle Facjlf v le��ction Guicio and the ether Included Information from the "Bikeways?Manual�'r� • ri The Parks & Recreat every on- ttet3 Ink Transpo `ton 8 . of th e,linkages, si c seas has jieen conducting a detailed analysis of fn Kay of Fayetteville's Alternative eve JW riables must be considered during the planning s IaneGgiic4th, speed limit, traffic counts etc tytl Steve sub•?.ted that th ask Force members study the speed volume matrices included in ' icycle cility Selection Guide" handout. There was a briession held regarding the intention of the three foot outer lane expansion p +: sed for the arterial and collector streets included in the Transportation Improvement Plan. There was a need to clarify that the expansion would include a wide curb lane and not an actual bike lane. Laura Kelly pointed out the need for increased maintenance along streets with improved bicycle facilities. An increased number of cyclists will require additional street sweeping and removal of debris from the streets. Sidewalk & Trails Task Force Page 2 Meeting Minutes Kyle Cook suggested that the Task Force members review what is currently in the FATT plan with regard to on -street linkages and bring it before the Transportation Committee before presenting the renewed document to the City Council. Steve Hatfield will e-mail the spreadsheet, which contains the data collected In the above mentioned on -street linkage analysis, to all Task Force members tomorrow. The Sidewalk and Trails Task Force will then holka special meeting to discuss the document prior to the next Transportation „: rr iittee meeting. The special meeting has been scheduled on Wedng : a Terry Gulley gave an update on current sld Ilk construction. The Transportation Division has installed 10, T'B fee 'rtew sidewalTso far in 2005. Crews are currently working on 6 ';5 .; section of erd added on Block Ave. which connect•, f" Yt go Park. pm. tine 29, 2005 at 5:30 Ikhas recently been Upcoming sidewalk projg s include Ma.1 t , f drvtission Blvd. to College Ave. This area will r, cei.. proxima -1 2,600 feet of new sidewalk, in addition to new .and gu e , asphalt ouerlay, and driveway approaches. Sidewalk constructionFl�tcherAve. along with Sheryl Ave. from RolliggiHjlfs3Dr. to 5 ri The Tea sportation Diff"_'on is an schedule with a plan to meet or exceed their go rf 20,000 fe= new ewalk construction by the end of 2005. Steve Hatfiel - nounced'the Lake Fayetteville Trail Spillway Bridge Grand Opening which e_ be i' scheduled for June 30, 2005 at 4:30 pm. Meeting adjourned