HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-11 MinutesSteve Hatfield - Sidewalk and Trails Meeting. June.doc _ - Page. l City of Fayetteville Sidewalk and Trails Advisory Committee Minutes Wednesday, June 11, 2003 City Administration Building, Room 326 Members present: Richanl Covey, Nancy Allen, Kyle Cook, Bob Davis, Laura Kelly Public/Staff: Steve Hatfield, Terry Gulley, Ginny Apperson, Chuck Rutherford, Celia Scott-Silkwood, John McLarty, Scott Mashburn Meeting called to order by Bob Davis. Nancy Allen made a motion to approve the May minutes, Kyle Cook gave a second and the motion passed. Bob Davis initiated the comment and review of the Master Trails Plan draft. Steve Hatfield reported that no major changes have taken place. He addressed some minor printing errors in Chapter 4. The entire plan will be made available for public viewing on the interne,. The plan will go in front of the Parks and Recreations Board next month. It will also go to the Planning Commission, as well as the City Council. Steve Hatfield opened up the floor for comments pertaining to the Master Traits Plan draft. Laura Kelly expressed her appreciation for the addition of the education component of the plan. She also made suggestions for some minor terminology changes. Laura emphasized the importance of bicycle driver education. Steve reported that the Executive Summary should be completed and e-mailed to all committee members within approximately one week. John McLarty initiated some brief discussion of on -street linkages and the ability of the plan to be amended in the future to include new linkages. It was decided to include in the plait the process that one must follow to present an amendment for adoption. When the process is finalized, it will be e-mailed to each member of the committee. The Master Trails Plan will tentatively be presented to the Parks Board next month, followed by the Planning Commission, and then the City CounciL Laura Kelly initiated discussion regarding the avenues available for citizens to comment on and provide input to the Master Trails Plan. There will be resources available on the intemet and the webpage will include a link for citizens to e-mail Steve Hatfield directly. Comment forms may also be made available at the Fayetteville Public Library. Steve Hatfield - Sidewalk and Trails Meeting - June.doc ._ .y ... . Page 2 Sidewalk & Toils Advisory Committee Muting Minutes Page 2 Laura Kelly made a motion for the committee's approval for the adoption of the Master Trails Plan. Nancy Allen gave a second and the motion passed. Steve Hatfield reported that the East Mud Creek Trail Access is progressing nicely. As of June 10, 2003, twelve loads of topsoil have been hauled This will be followed by spreading seed and straw. Benches have been purchased end will be installed within the week. There are three benches with backs and three without backs. Steve is working on buying some additional benches that have arms on them. A contractor will soon begin to install fencing, and at that point East Mud Creek should be ready to open. Steve Hatfield reported that the West Mud Creek Trail construction and bidding documents are almost complete. The plans will be submitted to the state by June 13, 2003. Pending the state's review, bidding can begin. An update was given on the Center Prairie Trail. This went before the Parks Board last month and land dedication off of Center St was approved. There is an outstanding contract with a local firm, which will be doing the drainage engineering for the Center Prairie Trail. Steve Hatfield reported that there will be a strong connection from the Center Prairie Trail to the northwest corner of the new Fayetteville Public Library site. The time frame for construction of this trail will be very similar to that of the West Mud Creek Trail. Steve gave an update on Lake Fayetteville Trail Spillway Bridge. There is a consultant, out of Little Rock, under contract. The kick-off meeting will be held June 12, 2003. During the meeting they will look at location and design issues. Bob Davis raised the question of the estimated cost of the project. Steve gave an estimate of anticipated costs in the range of approximately 5300,000. Bob Davis initiated a review of the changes to the committee resolution. The number of voting members will be reduced from eleven to eight. The number of non=voting members will remain as seven. Richard Covey initiated discussion regarding the group being called a task force rather than a committee. There were concerns that the words "task force" came with the implication that the group's purpose was temporary. Bob explained the reasoning behind the name, in that a task force is designed to accomplish a specific goal thus enabling the group to move on to the next task. Laura Kelly made a motion to add amending the Sidewalk and Trails Master Plans to the purpose of the task force, including a sentence stating that amendments are to be forwarded to the City Council for adoption, to imply an ongoing necessity for the group. The motion passed. Kyle Cook made a motion to accept the entire Committee Resolution draft. Laura Kelly gave a second and the motion passed. • Sidewalk & Trails Advisory Committee Mating Minutes Page 3 Terry Gulley gave an update of sidewalk construction. Some cost shares have been completed on Forest Ave., and we arc currently working on Katherine Ave. Work should begin on Rolling Hills Dr, by the end of next week. Terry also introduced Ginny Apperson, an Operations Assistant from the Transportation Division, who will be taking minutes for the Sidewalk and Trails Advisory Committee meetings. Scott Mashburn addressed the committee regarding the need, within the city limits of Fayetteville, for outlets designed for equestrian use. He emphasized the multi -use capacity of such a trail, pointing out that nature lovers, mountain bl1c drivers, as well as walkers could enjoy it as well. Scott pointed out the economic and environmental benefits of developing areas designed for equestrians. Meeting adjourned. S1,4e *TN: 15 (d//03 N--� 'P 5w// *uhburkt LAURA CELLY CovaY _CELLA bark- 5iutwvcrb 06, l `icLrt YSon N OLAr. )(e T Sty/ 7( . 5/x/.3-95?/ 521-4619 14-41-2 -2-2.6 3 1-7 Z� 'ter 3 77/Z L1L40 - 5S31,0 48/41-3419f 718 7,C 8?