HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-26 - Agendas - Final FAYETTEVI LLE •TNE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO : Policemen ' s Pension Board Members FROM : Traci Paul , City Clerk/Treasurer '11-:2 DATE : February 26 , 1997 SUBJECT : Special Policemen ' s Pension Board Meeting The next Policemen ' s Pension Board meeting is Thursday , February 27 , 1997 , at 1 : 00 p . m . , in room 326 of City Hall . The purpose of the special meeting is to discuss the proposed revisions to the investment policy . Attached , please find a copy of the revised investment policy and a copy of the letters that were mailed to each money manager . Attachments . .a 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 a CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS POLICEMEN ' S PENSION 6 RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY PURPOSE : The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines of the Policemen ' s Pension and Relief Fund Board in selecting assets for the Policemen ' s Pension and Relief ' Fund . I . Investment Objectives : A . To protect the Fund' s assets while insuring systematic and adequate funding of plan distributions and benefits to participants and their beneficiaries . B . To earn the highest possible total return ( capital appreciation plus current return ) , consistent with prudent levels of risk . C . The long -term goal is to realize wman, caTre.xagej annual abso± nbe rate of return yse3d nf` &$ on the Fund ' s total portfolio to satisfy actuarial projections . The Board expects the .total fund , as well as each component , ( ie : equity fund , balanced fund , fixed income fund , etc . ) to : 1 . Perform in the top one -third of an evaluation services universe using a . Standard & Poor ' s Index ; 2 . Achieve a net return equal to the S & P 500 rate of return for equities ; 3 . Achieve a net return , inclusive of fees , equal to the Shearson/Lehman Government /Corporate Bond Index for fixed income ; and 4 . Achieve a net return , inclusive. of . fees , at least equal to the combination of the S & P 500 and Shearson/Lehman Government /Corporate Bond Index for balanced funds . II . Investment Guidelines : A . Adherence to all applicable Arkansas Statutes is required , particularly A . C . A 24 - 10 - 401 through § 24 - 11 - 410 of 1987 as amended . B . Investments and reinvestment shall be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule as interpreted and defined by the Federal Employees Retirement Income Security Act ( ERISA) of 1974 . This rule states that in making investments , the fiduciary shall exercise the same judgement and • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS • POLICEMEN' S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY care which an institutional investor of ordinary prudence , discretion and intelligence exercises in the management of large investments entrusted to it , considering probable safety of capital as well as - probable income . C . If professional investment counsel is employed to execute transactions as a money manager , the following is required : 1 . Investment counsel may be comprised of more than one professional firm in order to segregate various duties and powers . 2 . Investment counsel shall be registered with the Arkansas Securities Department and/ or the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) . Proof of current registration shall be made annually to the Board . 3 . Investment counsel shall be retained under contract awarded on the basis of competitive bid . Award of the contract will not be required to be solely on the lowest bid . All contracts shall include a 30 day cancellation provision . 4 . The investment counsel shall have full power to hold , purchase , sell , assign , transfer or dispose of any of the moneys or investments of the fund so long as such activities are in accordance with the following guidelines : .... ... a . No more than z$ 125t of the ' fund' s total assets valued at cost may be invested in the equities of any one company or affiliated group of companies . ( Each telephone company issuer shall be considered a separate & distinct issuer ) . Equities purchased for the account will carry a minimum Standard & Poor ' s rating of " B- " with a weighted average of the equity portfolio being equal to a Standard & Poor ' s rating of " B+ " or better . b . No more than 11 % of the fund ' s total assets may be invested in any one debt security of any one issuer or intermediary . This does not apply to U . S . Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities . 2 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS POLICEMEN' S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY C , Any fixed income securities shall carry an investment rating of "A" or better by Moody' s or "A" by Standard & Poor ' s . d . Short term investments shall consist of direct U . S . Government obligations such as U , S . Treasury Bills , repurchase agreements fully collateralized by U , S . Treasury issues , certificates of deposit not to exceed $ 100 , 000 at any national bank or federal savings and loan institution , and corporate issues of one year maturity or less . Funds may be held in good quality money market funds during periods of purchasing securities . e . Investments in international securities that are not exchange -traded American Depository Receipts shall be made only after securing . approval by the majority of the Board at ,a regularly scheduled meeting . E in aro_ da�-n__eFrith Arkansas 2 336 � _, • i no funds l t L _ J Repub± ± c of South ftfr ± ca which have not I adopted the " Statement of ilrincip � es of �3 . S . 5 . Investments and reinvestment shall be made only in accordance with the prudent investor rule , as interpreted by the Federal ERISA of 1974 . 6 , Investment counsel shall provide the Board a written investment policy and promptly provide the Board with subsequent policy changes in writing . The policy shall adhere to guidelines as set forth in this document . 7 . . Investment counsel shall file a written report with the Board , for the period since the last report, setting forth the following : a . All investments purchased and sold , all receipts and disbursements and any other transactions concerning the Fund ' s account on a monthly basis . 3 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , POLICEMEN ' S PENSION 6 RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY b . Cost and market value of all investment categories on a monthly basis . C . Current yield at market on a monthly basis . d . Total investment return of the total Fund as well as investment . return by asset category for the most recent quarter . This quarterly information should include year to date and previous year return figures . e . Average maturities of applicable securities on an annual basis . f . Comparison of actual asset allocation to established asset allocation guidelines on a quarterly basis . g . Short and long- term forecasts of economic conditions which have an impact on investments at • least quarterly . h . Projected earnings for the Fund for the next annual period at least quarterly . i . A list of all transactions fees as cents per share and percent of trade value and the total amount of transaction fees on a monthly and year to date basis . 8 . If the Board chooses to direct a specific investment activity , the investment counsel shall be so notified in writing . The Board must approve such action during a regularly scheduled meeting . 9 . The investment counsel shall select brokers to handle transactions on a competitive bid basis at least quarterly . A report of these bids and awards shall be submitted to the Board quarterly . III . Volatility and Liquidity : A . Consistent with the desire for adequate diversification , this investment policy is based upon 4 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS POLICEMEN' S PENSION S RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY the assumption that the volatility of the portfolio will be similar to that of the overall market . Consequently , it is expected that the volatility of the total portfolio , in aggregate , will be reasonably close to that of a weighted composite of market indexes ( e . g . Standard & Poors 500 index for stocks and Salomon Brothers Broad grade Index for bonds ) . B . While there is no immediate requirement for the investment managers to maintain liquid reserves for payment of pension benefits , the Board of Trustees will monitor the liquidity needs of the plan with the managers on at least an annual basis . IV . Asset Allocation/Diversification : A . The maximum allocation of investment categories shall be -4-�o a;0 for equities and the balance in fixed income and cash and cash equivalents . • B . A specific asset allocation shall be approved by the Board and shall be segregated as a percentage for equities , fixed income and cash equivalents . The specific asset allocation shall be reviewed at least semi - annually with the investment counsel . Any changes shall be transmitted to the investment counsel in writing . The allocation shall be within the following guidelines : 1 . Cash and Cash Equivalents : 18 �61 --z15o 4.1 25 Short term investments shall consist of obligations of the U . S . Government , U . S . Agencies and corporate issues of one to three year maturity or less , repurchase agreements , certificates of deposit and the highest two grades of commercial paper . Additionally , any good quality money market funds may be utilized . 2 . Fixed Income : i5 �01 :F 5 ¢ The quality of fixed income securities shall not be rated less than "A" by Moody ' s or Standard & 5 . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS POLICEMEN ' S PENSION 6 RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY Poor ' s . Any one issue shall not exceed 15 % of the fixed income portfolio at cost without Board approval . Only after the Board has approved any recommendation may the investment advisor take such action . Whenever possible , call protection shall be integrated into the portfolio to stabilize the current income and marketability of the portfolio . 3 . Equities : 26 % 8035 "a0 Managers shall have no restrictions as to the percentage of their diversification except as follows : Equity investments in any single issue shall not exceed 5 % of the cost value of the total equity portfolio . Private placements are permissible . C . The Board of Trustees recognizes the need for diversification of the plan assets in order to minimize • the risk of large losses . Consequently , the total portfolio will be structured to maintain high levels of diversification , consistent with prudent investment practices and with the Board ' s desire to stress the principle of preservation of capital . V . Monitoring the Performance of the Investment Process : A . At least semi - annually , the Board shall review its investment methodology , including the investment policy . B . A five ( 5 ) year time frame shall be used to evaluate real investment return . C . If an investment counsel is employed, the manager ' s performance shall be measured over a five ( 5 ) year time frame . Consideration shall be given for investment market conditions during the period and adherence to the Board ' s investment policy guidelines . If the Board so chooses , a review of the money manager ' s performance over the cycle shall be made by an independent third party . 6 • - CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS " POLICEMEN' S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY - D . Annually, the City Accounting Division shall prepare a schedule wh± ch computes the simpie weighted averaye investirtent rate of return which as required by the Arkansas Pension Review board for actuary information . E . The Board of Trustees may opt to employ a professional service " to perform regular investment performance analysis on the portfolio . Payment for this service can by made through directed commission business , which is an option that may be chosen . F . The Board of Trustees will meet a minimum of semi - annually with its investment counsel . At that time they will review : 1 . The counsels ' adherence to the policy guidelines ; 2 . Comparison of the counsels ' results against funds using similar policies ( in terms of the stock /bond ratio , diversification , . volatility, and style ) ; 3 . The opportunities available in both . the equity and bond markets ; and 4 . Material changes in the counsels ' organization ; such as philosophical and personnel changes . " VI . Communication and Review : Ongoing communication by phone , letter , or meeting will be accomplished as deemed necessary by either the investment counsel and/ or the Board of Trustees . A .review of the fund' s overall performance will be scheduled to occur quarterly ; and that review will be done in person . A copy of all trades will be sent by the money manager to the City Clerk ' s office to be distributed to the Board for information purposes only. The Board will look forward to specific investment ideas and how they should affect the 7 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS POLICEMEN ' S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY , portfolio ' s performance . Additionally , any communications concerning the outlook of the economy , business environment and other related matters would be information well received by the Board . • 8 FAYETTEVI LLE WE crry OF FAVErrEvOlE. ARKANSAS Ben R. Mayes, Administradte Services Dire= February 19, 1997 Mr. Jim Wood Dean Witter 112 W. Center, Suite 100 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Mr. Wood: Enclosed you will find a draft copy of the Investment Policy for the Policemen' s Pension & Relief Fund. Please review it and note any questions and/or comments. This draft will be considered at the next meeting of the police pension board. • In addition, the board requests that you refer to Section IV concerning asset allocation and diversification. In order for the plan to achieve the asset allocation outlined in the policy, the board requests that your firm invest 100% of the funds held by Madison in Fixed Income securities. If you have any questions or comments, or if I can be of assistance to you, please call me at 575-8330. Sincerely, Ben R. Mayo Administrative Services Director Enclosures BRM/rlw • 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501675-8330 FAX 501575-8257 FAYETTEVILLE WE CFTV OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS Ben R. Mayes, Adminiseadve SerAoea Direm February 19, 1997 Mr. Mike Kirkland Morgan Keenan 41 Halsted Circle, Suite 5 Rogers, Arkansas 72756 Dear Mr. Kirkland: Enclosed you will find a draft copy of the Investment Policy for the Policemen' s Pension & Relief Fund. Please review it and note any questions and/or comments. This draft will be considered at the next meeting of the police pension board. • In addition, the board requests that you refer to Section IV concerning asset allocation and diversification. In order for the plan to achieve the asset allocation outlined in the policy, the board requests that your firm invest 25 to 50% of the funds under your management in Fixed Income securities and the remaining 50 to 75% in Equities. If you have any questions or comments, or if I can be of assistance to you, please call me at 575-8330. Sincerely, Ben R. Mayes Administrative Services Director Enclosures BRM/rlw 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501575-8330 FAX 501 5754257 FAYE 1 TEVILL •TME OITV OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS Ben R. Mayes, Administadve Servkee Dire= February 19, 1997 Ms. Elaine Longer Longer Investments 18 E. Center Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Ms. Longer: Enclosed you will find a draft copy of the Investment Policy for the Policemen's Pension & Relief Fund. Please review it and note any questions and/or comments. This draft will be considered at the next meeting of the police pension board. In addition, the board requests that you refer to Section IV concerning asset allocation and diversification. In order for the plan to achieve the asset allocation outlined in the policy, the board requests that your firm invest 35 to 65% of the funds under your management in Equity securities and the remainder in Fixed Income securities. If you have any questions or comments, or if I can be of assistance to you, please call me at 575-8330. Sincerely, -b ! V \X Ben R. Mayes v Administrative Services Director Enclosures BRM/rlw 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501575-9330 FAX 501 575-8257 FAYETTEVI LLE /'0 � � 1 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS �Q� ^ID O� February 14 , 1997 Mike Kirkland Morgan Keegan Company , Inc . # 1 Halsted Circle Suite 5 Rogers , AR 72756 Dear Mike : Members of the Police Pension Board have requested the following information . Please forward this information to the Board by February 26th if possible . Questions regarding this request should be directed to Eldon Roberts or Randy Bradley . • Missing statement for Acct . #47001946 - value $ 492 , 147 • Performance accounting for TCW from 12 - 31 - 95 to account transfer . • • Performance by manager / by account from November 1996 to December 31 , 1996 . • Reports for all transactions taken place from time of transfer for three accounts . Report regarding liquidation ,- repurchase of assets . • Summary of all fees and expenses paid to Dean Witter , TCW , Morgan Keegan and any other managers for 1996 . • List of fees and expenses to be paid going forward . Wrap fee ? Managers fee ? Rate of managers fee ? • Explanation of how you are paid . a Transaction summary for December 31 , 1995 through December 31 , 1996 . Thank you for your assistance . Sincerely , V/L Traci City er reasurer 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501-521 .7700 FAX 501 -575.8257 ECEIVEb ' • - OF i / r PS i , i = i i otiii FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS February 14 , 1997 Jim Wood Dean Witter 112 W . Center Street , Suite 100 Fayetteville , AR 72701 Dear Jim : Members of the Police Pension Board have requested the following information . Please forward this information to the Board by February 26th if possible . Questions regarding this request should be directed to Eldon Roberts or Randy Bradley . • Performance report for 1996 - net of expenses . • Fees and expenses going forward . • Transaction summary for the year . Thank you for your assistance . Sincerely , Traci Pau City Cl easurer 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501-521 -7700 FAX 501-575-8257 DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. D 112 West Center, Suite 100, FayetteviIIe, AR 72701 �1 Telephone (501) 575-1400 (800) 487-4880 February 26, 1997 Traci Paul City of Fayetteville 113 W Mountain Fayetteville AR 72701 Dear Traci: Per your request of February 14th: 1 . The performance for 1996 is in the enclosed annual report, tab 1 . 2. The fees and expenses going forward are based on account value - for the fourth r' O(� quarter was $2, 166. 17. The commissions paid in 1996 were $2,020. These commissions CYC 0 occur only wh n a security is bought or sold. Lx4 = 0i ,k � � -r aaao :::-% 1.0,(68Y -6�tW 3 . The ansaction summary is in the annual report in a appendik section. ego Please advise if more is needed. Thank you for allowing Dean Witter to service your investment needs. Sincerely, kJA/� Jes T. Wood ice President & Branch Manager JTW/hn Encl: Annual Report ., r .. � � � r � a � � a � M t > � ti ,r� - [r � Q ' � � O Zi ti Z e _ , Q `y' o � '. � � � z 1 0 �° 1 1 1 1 @ ) � ! @ \ . \ ~ � - = j / { a m [a \ ( ( ( § § - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ / & Z Q 3 ± R 2 & , fee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ k % k . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � @ \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - § ; e /@ ~ \ ƒ k \ 7 a ; a @ . { ± \ \�yM>v • § � ƒ 2 . \ . . § @ ° ` ® � ~ � 2 ( $ \ / . / ; . 2 @ l a I C s v L < Z � n O � V c a s° D N •y F U c c Q U � s cVy s = [n N ■ o a a T L r r N r r o O CN of 00 " �'- N 7 0 O �O oC TT N v I� O �N t� AO t1 7 00 � kn00 � C ON \O N O [r ^ C _ o _ � z a y -tt 00 a L U c u O � r 00 N CC N N M Vl ti i a �D r ca N C O Q Q 00 C� C\ a a a a a a a a a 0. J boEl o s T o y OU 0 '7 �: N 5ZE a `° o> > o a� .0 ❑ E i � F a � o °c y ° o c o o = a0i \ Obi V L O C O U 44 U 5 � ti o . w i L C 0Qz cN9 N N W y 5 ce Obi cN0 C = y b0 3 R .N vUN. 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Do 0 0 Cj 'C E N s ^ a. N c ❑ C b0 c u Got 'D O C b0 LO p iy. r U _ C r L C •C C w yL. c3 C ccitZ m C C U J O N � U n O to -7Z = L 2 t o c � tozz oE u " °-' r. c ?T L y s 3 D c c <: — y u ,�� •� c v c Q .yy- E`o 'o' vim, t6 vOi w O ` U 3 r U a o N '7 to n cD t L C U U O O .. 'C u U •b U N EN y U C U L C m C u`°. O 7 rCJ 'C =p G cb'.D E n y c .0 t) > o u to ❑ 'C r r. Oyi °rD _ c r c ti = E o F E ° F .° •u F o T y a E 3 c m buD i eun en d ° 3 �cc+J 'V } C E ! 3 C C L 6 Q y Q O Q h O Li. O 1 MADISON INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF - POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO February 28, 1997 Unit Total Market Pct. _ Quantity Security Cost _ Cast Price Value Assets Yield CORPORATE BONDS 50,006-CIcan Aluminum 106.76 64,053.55 101 .51 609907.20 3.5 6.6 7.250 % Due 12-15-99 70,000 IBM 96.09 67,266.05 99.75 699825.00 4.0 6.5 6.375 % Due 06-15-00 60,000 International Lease 117.08 70,246.20 107.50 649501 .80 3.7 6.8 Finance 8.675 % Due 04-15-01 60,000 Marshall & Ilsley 100.29 60,173.35 96.90 58,143.00 3.3 7.0 Corporation 6.375 % Due 07-15-03 80,000 American Home 108.73 86,980.74 106.08 84,868.00 4.9 6.9 - - - Products = .., -- _-, _- _ _ _ 7.900 % Due 02-15-05 65,000 Ford Motor Credit 107.54 69,901 .00 104.03 67,620.15 3.9 7.1 7.750 % Due 034545 70,000 Disney 96.69 67,665.35 98.37 689859.00 4.0 7.0 6.750 % Due 03-30-06 75,000 Morgan Stanley 98.72 74,043.75 98.52 739887.00 4.2 7.1 6.875 % Due 03-01-07 Accrued Interest 8,691 .38 0.5 5609349.99 557,302.53 32.0 6.9 GOVERNMENT BONDS 210;U00_J:S:Treasury Notes 99.61 209,175.02 99.91 209,803.12 12.1 5.7 5.625 % Due 01 -31 -98 235,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 100.70 2369654.69 99.97 234,926.56 13.5 6.3 6.250 % Due 05-31 -00 285,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 98.32 280,214.08 96.44 274,846.87 15.8 6.3 5.250 % Due 01 -31 -01 200,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 90.86 181 ,728.13 96.62 1939250.00 11 .1 6.5 5.875 % Due 02-15-04 135,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 97.69 131 ,880.48 99.69 134,578.12 7.7 6.5 6.500 % Due 08-15-05 Accrued Interest 60439.60 0.4 19039,652.40 11053,844.29 60.6 6.2 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS mash-Equiv Money Market Fund 128,140.98 128,140.98 7.4 4.7 128,140.98 128,140.98 7.4 4.7 TOTAL PORTFOLIO"'""`' � _ `Y1;728,143:37P 7391287:80l100:0�"6:3�