HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-18 - Agendas - Final AGENDA POLICEMEN ' S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD January 18 , 1996 2 : 30 p . m . City Hall Room 326 1 . Approval of the minutes of the August 9 , special meeting and the October 19 , regular meeting . 2 . Old Business 3 . New Business A . Report from Mike Kirkland B . Report from Longer Investments C . Other 4 . Adjournment • FAYETTEVI LLE WE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO : Policemen ' s Pension Board Members FROM : Traci Paul , City Clerk/Treasurer TO DATE : January 12 , 1996 SUBJECT : Police Pension Board Meeting The next Police Pension Board meeting is Thursday , January 18 , 1996 , at 2 : 30 p . m . , in room 326 of City Hall . Attached , please find a copy of the agenda for the upcoming meeting , 'the minutes from the August 9 special meeting and the October 19 regular meeting , the pension list for February 1996 , and a letter from Elaine Longer . Attachment 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575.8323 MINUTES OF A POLICE PENSION BOARD MEETING A special meeting of the Police Pension Board was held on August 91 1995 , at 2 : 30 p . m . in room 326 of the City Administration Building , 113 West Mountain , Fayetteville , Arkansas . PRESENT : Mayor Fred Hanna , Eldon Roberts , Randy Bradley , Hollis Spencer , Dr . James Mashburn , City Clerk /Treasurer Traci Paul , and Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes . ABSENT : Jerry Friend CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hanna . BENEFIT INCREASES Roberts explained that in a letter from the Pension Review Board , the Fayetteville pension fund is noted as being eligible for benefit increases . Roberts stated the Pension Review Board changed the definition of actuarial soundness , which made Fayetteville ' s fund actuarially sound . Act 1197 of 1993 required everyone on the pension plan to • draw a minimum of $ 350 once the pension plan was actuarially sound . Nine people are eligible for an increase . An additional $ 681 . 72 will be paid out per month . Mashburn , seconded by Spencer , made a motion to increase the minimum benefit amount to $ 350 per month effective August 1 , 1995 . The motion passed unanimously . The Board discussed possible future benefit increases . Roberts stated it would cost approximately $ 40 , 400 per year to raise everyone to 55 % of salary . Any benefit increase would have to be approved by the actuary . If the plan cannot support the requested increase , it will be denied . PHYSICIAN MEMBER ELECTION Mayor Hanna stated Dr . Mashburn was the only applicant for the physician position on the Board . In answer to a question from Mayor Hanna , Paul stated the appointment does not have to be approved by the City Council . The other members of the Pension Board elect the physician member . Spencer , seconded by Roberts , made a motion to re - appoint Dr . Mashburn to serve another two year term on the Pension Board . • The motion passed unanimously . Mashburn explained that he feels privileged to serve on the Pension Board . OTHER BUSINESS GUARANTEE FUND Paul explained that she received a letter in the mail regarding a guarantee fund . Roberts stated the State has set aside $ 3 million to help finance plans that are insolvent . A form is being mailed to every police and fire pension system in the state. Cities are not qualified for the funds if they are not collecting one full mill . Fayetteville does not qualify . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3 : 15 p . m . • MINUTES OF A POLICE 4 PENSION BOARD MEETING A meeting of the Police Pension Board was held on October 19 , 1995 , at 2 : 30 p . m . in room 326 of the City Administration Building , 113 West Mountain , Fayetteville , Arkansas . PRESENT : Mayor Fred Hanna , Jerry Friend , Hollis Spencer , Dr . James Mashburn , City Clerk /Treasurer Traci Paul , and Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes . ABSENT : Eldon Roberts & Randy Bradley CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hanna . NEW BUSINESS INVESTMENT REPORTS LONGER INVESTMENT REPORT Elaine Longer distributed a portfolio appraisal dated September 30 , .1995 . In reviewing the Combined Account , Longer explained that as a percentage of the total assets that Longer manages , stocks are • 47 % .. Longer stated Treasury Bonds are 37 °1 . The fixed income portion , including corporate bonds , preferred stocks , CD ' s , and treasury comes to 53 % of total . The total market value of the portfolio on September 30 was $ 3 . 752 million . Annual income is $ 161 , 000 per year or 4 . 3 % on market value , about 4 . 8 % on book value . In the bond part of the portfolio , corporates are about 26 % and government bonds are 58 . 3 % . There are some bonds in the stock portfolio . Approximately 75 % of the portfolio is invested in stocks . The remainder is held in treasuries . The market value on the stock part of the portfolio is about $ 2 . 3 million . The actual equity is $ 1 . 7 million . The largest holdings in the stock portfolio are General Electric , AT&T , Philip Morris , Emerson Electric , Kennametal , and Watkins Johnson . Jerry Friend arrived . In reviewing the portfolio profile , Longer stated the price /earnings multiple on the portfolio based on trailing earnings is 20 . 3 times earnings , the return on equity is about 21 % , debt to capital is about 211 , expected return is 16 . 31 and Beta is about equal to the market which is the volatility of the • stock part of the portfolio . The Standard & Poor ' s rating is between an A and an A - . _ October 19 , 1995 • As a total , large cap companies which are greater than 5 million in Market Capitalization , make up 451 of the stock portfolio . Mid cap companies make up 461 and small cap companies make up 8 . 21 In the performance summary , equities are up about 281 through September 30 , 1995 . The fixed income portion of the portfolio is up approximately 111 . The total account , bonds and stocks included , net of all expenses is up about 17 . 41 . The average annual return in the stock part has come up to 111 . The total , including bonds is about 8 . 81 . Longer stated the total investment return has been approximately $ 555 , 797 for 1995 . The total investment return from account inception is $ 1 , 182 , 135 . Longer explained that the $ 555 , 797 looks like it represents half of the total return since Longer started managing the money . In a dollar amount basis , it does . The value of the portfolio is so much higher than previous years so the percentage return really makes a big impact dollar - wise . In terms of percentage performance , this year ' s return is only about 1 /4 to 1 / 3 of total . With the size of the portfolio , big percentages make a big difference in the dollars . • Longer explained that conservative management is still the way to go . Longer stated there are still reserves in the stock account that can be used if the market pulls back . In reviewing an analysis of the bond part of the portfolio , Longer stated the fixed income securities for the total portfolio yield about 7 . 11 on book value . The weighted average maturity on bonds is approximately 5 years . The average yield - to - maturity is 6 . 21 . Bonds as a percent of total portfolio is 51 . 41 . Fixed income securities maturing in three years or less is 29 . 51 of the total portfolio . Longer stated we came into 1995 with a fairly moderate valuation on the market . There was some relief on the interest rate side . Because interest rates are where they are , there is still no pressure from the interest rate side . Earnings this year are up about 211 with the market up about 251 . Valuation can still go higher and earnings can still go higher . It is possible that 1996 will be another good year . Longer stated the month of October causes concern . Congress is going to do battle this month . Raising the debt ceiling has to be done by November 14 . There should be a compromise by mid November . October 19 , 1995 In answer to a question from Mashburn , Longer explained that she would weight the odds that 801 you get a capital gains tax cut and 201 you do not . Longer stated preferential treatment for capital gains will probably be in the final budget plan . The House Bill calls for it to be retroactive to January 1 of 1995 exclusion of 500 of capital gains for tax purposes and indexing it to inflation . The Senate version calls for a 501 exclusion and making it retroactive to October 1 , 1995 . Longer explained she would rather have the indexing than the exclusion . In answer to a question from Mashburn , Longer stated if interest rates go up , stocks go down . Generally , if bonds are moving up it means interest rates are dropping . Friend asked if it would be difficult to do business if the Board decided they did not want to use certain companies . Longer stated it would be difficult . Friend explained he did not like to support the exportation of cheap cigarettes with no warnings . Longer stated the Board can write anything they choose into the policy . From an investment standpoint , restricting companies • does knock out certain stocks . Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes stated the Board has instructed to stay out of certain stocks before . Mayor Hanna suggested the Board pick the stocks that Longer should not participate in . Longer should not have to research affiliation between companies . Friend explained that he would do some research on certain stocks . Mayor Hanna reminded the Board they are making money for the Pension Fund . The Pension Fund could be paying disability to a smoker . Discussion ensued regarding Walmart stock . DEAN WITTER INVESTMENT REPORT Mike Kirkland , Dean Witter , stated the stock and bond market are working in the Funds favor . Looking at what the bonds have done in the last two years , Kirkland stated in January of 1994 the 30 -year treasury was at • 6 . 21 , in November of 1994 it was 8 . 11 and currently it is back down to 6 . 31 . October 19 , 1995 Kirkland suggested the Board discuss its cash needs through the spring . There is $ 51 , 900 in the money fund . It is yielding about 5 . 31; . Through the end of the year an additional $ 8 , 000 from interest of the CD ' s will be going into the money fund . In the end of December of 1995 , there will be another $ 16 , 000 CD mature . The CD ' s that are left all mature next year , $ 114 , 000 in June and $ 90 , 000 in May . In answer to a question from Kirkland regarding the cash needs , Mayes stated the Board will be fine . In reviewing the Madison Account , Kirkland stated the account value at the end of 1994 was $ 1 , 446 , 982 . The account value as of the close on October 18 , 1995 , was $ 1 , 608 , 852 . That is up almost 12 % year to date . Madison has been fairly inactive . They are satisfied with keeping things status quo and letting the bond market help values and continue to collect the coupon . Kirkland stated TCW has participated in the technology area and the drug area . The bonds that they have got are in good shape . They are spread out through different sectors of the economy . TCW is up almost 19 % year to date . That value includes the deduction of the access fee that was taken out on October 18 . • Kirkland stated the value of the account at the end of 1994 was $ 1 , 483 , 310 . The account value as of the close on October 18 , 1995 , was $ 1 , 764 , 009 . This does not include any accrued interest from the bond that they have in the portfolio . The mix is 64 % stocks and 32 % bonds . They will continue to be conservative . In answer to a question from Mashburn , Kirkland explained he is managing approximately $ 3 , 647 , 000 for the fund . In answer to a question from Mayes , Kirkland stated the Fund has CD ' s maturing in December of 1995 and May and June of 1996 . STATE INSURANCE TURNBACK FUNDS Mayes stated the Pension Board has approximately $ 150 , 000 to transfer to either Longer Investments or Dean Witter to manage . Mayes stated the money is invested in a T - bill and it matures today or a week from today . T - bills are bringing 6 % - 7 % . Friend , seconded by Mashburn , made a motion to transfer the money to Longer Investments . The motion passed unanimously . MINUTES • Spencer , seconded by Friend , made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 20 regular meeting . The motion passed unanimously . October 19 , 1995 MAYES - COST BASIS SUMMARY Mayes distributed a cost basis summary and explained that the Fund is within the design parameters . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3 : 35 p . m . • • POLICE PENSION FUND FEBRUARY 1996 EMP# NAME GROSS FED. TAX ST. TAX NET 131 ARNOLD, RD 838.00 838.00 130 BAYLES, DON 760.73 760.73 107 BLACK, JOE P 539.44 539.44 120 BOWEN , J R 350.00 10.00 340.00 147 BRADLEY, GERALD 21345.47 300.00 45.47 2,000.00 139 BRADLEY, RANDALL 1 ,388.45 11388.45 101 BROOKS, BILL 728.22 728.22 109 COOPER, ADRIAN 350.00 350.00 111 DAY, LUCILLE 350.00 350.00 . 108 DENNIS, WARREN 666.51 666.51 125 FLOWERS, HAROLD 413.39 413.39 140 FOSTER, BILLIE D. 11563.71 100.00 20.00 1 ,443.71 145 HANNA, MARK 1 ,311 .73 120.00 35.00 1 , 156.73 124 HASKINS, RONALD 374.85 374.85 146 HUTCHENS, BERNICE 874.85 130.00 744.85 143 JOHNSON, CHARLES 1 , 176.74 36.70 1 , 140.04 103 JOHNSON, WENDELL 375.30 375.30 118 JONES, BOB 1 ,561 .67 1 ,581 .67 144 KILGORE, DONALD 980.73 19.72 961 .01 129 LAWSON, FORREST 751 .38 50.00 701 .36 114 LITTLE, LOYD F 350.00 350.00 119 LORCH , EARL 350.00 350.00 128 MCCAWLEY, LARRY 812. 19 70.00 742. 19 116 MCCHRISTIAN, MARIE 350.00 350.00 126 MCWHORTER, KAREN 485.02 485.02 136 MITCHELL, MICHAEL 1 , 104.75 150.00 954.75 141 MUELLER, ROSEMARY 989. 10 989. 10 112 MURPHY, JAKE 350.00 - 350.00 137 PERDUE, LARRY 1 , 113.09 100.00 10013.09 132 PHILLIPS, HOMER GENE 843.00 300.00 543.00 105 PRESTON , GEORGE DAVID 767.43 67.43 700.00 135 RICKMAN, LOREN 1 ,069.19 169.00 20.00 880. 19 104 RIGGINS, RAYMOND C 806.67 100.00 706.67 115 RITCHIE, LIZZIE 350.00 350.00 122 SKELTON , FRANK 398.70 398.70 123 SPENCER, HOLLIS 659.25 50.00 609.25 121 STOUT, WAYNE 415.25 415.25 133 SURLES, JERRY 1 ,304. 17 138.00 1 , 166. 17 142 TAYLOR, DENNIS 989. 10 60.00 15.00 914. 10 106 UPTON, FRANKLIN 506.58 10.00 496.58 110 WATTS, BEULAH 350.00 350.00 138 WILLIAMS, BOBBY 1 ,217.07 217.07 11000.00 134 WITT, DON 846.72 64.00 782.72 127 WOOD, PAUL J 757.62 757.62 --------------------------------- $34,906.07 $2,205.50 $191 .89 $32,508.68 LONGER INVESTMENTS ie M. Longer,C.F.A. INCORPORATED A REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR November 1 , 1995 Mr , Ben Mayes City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund 113 W . Mountain Fayetteville , AR 72701 Dear Ben : Please relay our appreciation to the members of the Fayetteville Police Pension Board for the additional $ 150 , 000 placed under the management of Longer Investments , Inc . this month . We appreciate our long-standing relationship with the Police Pension .. Board and • the confidence they have shown in Longer Investments , Inc . by - increasing the funds we manage on their behalf . As Kim indicated by phone today , these funds will be allocated to the stock account . If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance , please feel .free to call . Sincerely , ' C Elaine M . Longer , C . . A . President y �EML/pak RJECEIVED NOV 0, 2_, 1995 Offy CLERK'S OFFICE NOV 2 1995 P.O. Box 1269 / 18 East Center Street, Suite 201 / Fayetteville, AR 72701 / Telephone 501443-5851 / FAX 501 443-7129 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 1BENIPOLINV Policemen's Pension & Relief Fund Asset Allocation — Cost Basis December 31 , 1995 51 Cash & Fixed Percent Equivalent Income Equities Total Of (10 -25%) (15 -75%) (20-40%) Total f DEAN WITTER . ... ........ . _. .. .. . Dean Witter — #18786 $281 ,764 $0 $0 ! $281 ,769:: 4% Madison Invest.—#15178 129,266 1 ,482,352 0 I. 1 ,641 ,618 23% TCW — #18922 71 ,411 564,896 962.882 1 ,599,199,_ 23% 66% 53% 38% - TOTAL DEAN WITTER 482,441 2,047,248 962,882 34 ;511 92 49% 33% 46% 62% LONGER INVESTMENTS, INC. 240,350 1 ,756,665 11571 ,225 3568241 50%' 0% 1 % 0% CITY HELD INVESTMENTS 3,132 25,235 0 28361 096 • TOTAL FUND $725,923 $3,829,148, $2;534,108 $7089,1791 100% PERCENT OF TOTAL ?; 10% 54% 36% ; 100% • b�ArJ vJlTfr:: tZ I ER15 v ' ok- !s Thu Jan 18 10 : 31 : 56 1996 342 018786 049 END 1 / 17 / 96 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE ASSET ALLOCATION FOR DWR POSITIONS CASH + MMKT = 28 % EQUITIES = 0 % BONDS = 72 % OTHER = 0 % C . CUSTODIAL POSITIONS MARGINED/ DATE RENU QTY/YLD SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE POLICY # 1 / 17 -- 77 , 764 . 170 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 77 , 764 . 17 OXASH POS 1 OF 3 12 / 29 / 95 0 . 00 T/D 0 . 00 S /D 204 , 000 . 00 MKT 0 . 00 CSH SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL ONBANK & TR NY CD 7000 96JN21 N/O? 100 ? 24 , 000 24000 24000 UT389 GREENWOOD TR CD 8000 96MY08 N/O? 100 ? 90 , 000 90000 90000 YZ808 SEARS SVGS BK CD 8050 96JN19 N/O ? 100 ? 90 , 000 90000 90000 ZX137 • • • / bEAO VVIT7 7K USER15 Thu Jan 18 10 : 33 : 16 1996 A 342 015178 049 3 1 / 17 / 96 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSIO ASSET ALLOCATION FOR DWR POSITIONS toSH + MMKT = 8 % EQUITIES = 08 BONDS = 92 % OTHER = 08 C . CUSTODIAL POSITIONS MARGINED/ DATE RENU QTY/YLD SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE POLICY # 1 / 17 134 , 225 . 310 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 134 , 225 . 31 06CASH POS 1 OF 11 12 / 29 / 95 0 . 00 T/D 0 . 00 SID 1527 , 056 . 00 MKT 0 . 00 CSH SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL MORGA14- STANLEY 6750 03MH04 N/02103 1 / 4 ? 70 , 000 72275 70169 TB895 FORD CAP BV BE 9375 98JA01+A+ 71077 65 , 000 69550 73770 TC418 WMX TECHNOLOGIES 6375 03DERG-A+ 7101 3 / 87 70 , 000 70962 68992 TD967 INTL LEASE FIN 8875 01APRG N/O7112 7 / 8 ? 60 , 000 67725 70253 TG757 ALCAN ALUM CORP 7250 99DERG N/O? 1057 60 , 000 63000 64053 TH554 IBM CORP 6375 OOJN15 -A 7102 3 / 47 70 , 000 71925 67266 TK245 MARSHALL & ILSLEY 6375 03JLRG N/O? 100 3 / 87 60 , 000 60225 60173 TK611 US TSY NOTE 5875 04FB15 -N/0? 1027 300 , 000 306000 272592 TRC19 US TSY NOTE 5125 96MH31 -N/0 ? 99 7 / 8 ? 300 , 000 299625 299627 TRC40 US TSY NOTE 6250 OOMY31 N/07103 5 / 8 ? 235 , 000 243518 236654 TRD47 USER15 Thu Jan 18 10 : 33 : 24 1996 A 342 015178 049 END 1 / 17 / 96 3 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSIO O . CASH POS 11 OF 11 12 / 29 / 95 SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL TSY NOTE 650 96NV30 -N/0 ? 101 1 / 8 ? 200 , 000 202250 198783 823P1 /2 ` 3/- D VALUE � �� X73/ � T 13 . 88 MAM wi TrE� USER15 �rC (/J Thu Jan 18 10 : 32 : 30 1996 A 342 018922 049 3 1 / 17 / 96 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE ASSET ALLOCATION FOR DWR POSITIONS OSH + MMKT = 78 EQUITIES 608 BONDS = 338 OTHER = 08 C . CUSTODIAL POSITIONS MARGINED/ DATE RENU QTY/YLD SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE POLICY # 1 / 17 130 , 770 . 580 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 130 , 770 . 58 O . CASH POS 1 OF 49 1 / 12 / 96 49 . 00CR T/D 49 . 00CR S /D 1634 , 303 . 00 MKT 49 . 00CR CSH SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL AMERICAN STANDARD COMPANIES N/O 28 960 26880 28342 # ASD GUIDANT CORP N/O 41 1 / 4 11110 45787 31618 # GDT FIRST DATA CORP B 64 7 / 8 430 27896 27816 # FDC FLEET FINANCIAL GROUP INC NEW A 40 840 33600 33152 # FLT ORACLE CORP B 42 3 / 4 510 21802 22116 # ORCL LEAR SEATING CORP N/0 27 5 / 8 540 14917 16576 # LEA DEAN WITTER DISCOVER & CO N/O 48 5 / 8 831 40407 32189 # DWD BURLINGTON NO SANTA FE CP B 75 1 / 2 380 28690 27802 # BNI COLUMBIA/HCA HEALTHCARE CORP BRL 54 7 / 8 580 31827 23827 # COL FORD MTR CR 5625 98DE15+A+ ? 100 1 / 8 ? 84 , 000 84105 83848 TD942 USER15 Thu Jan 18 10 : 32 : 38 1996 A 342 018922 049 4 1 / 17 / 96 3 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE OCASH POS 11 OF 49 1 / 12 / 96 SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL CIFIC BELL 7125 26MHRG-AA- ? 105 1 / 8 ? 85 , 000 89356 85302 TJ412 CITICORP 6750 05AURG+A ? 103 5 / 8 ? 84 , 000 87045 81953 TK909 US TSY NOTE 7500 02MY15 -N/0? 111 1 / 8 ? 21 , 000 23336 22460 TRA23 US TSY BOND 7250 22AU15 -N/0? 114 3 / 4 ? 26 , 000 29835 24423 TRA51 US TSY NOTE 6750 99MY31 -N/0 ? 104 5 / 8 ? 24 , 000 25110 24264 TRC50 US TSY NOTE 5875 OOJN30 N/O ? 102 1 / 4 ? 66 , 000 67485 65040 TRD48 ALBERTSONS INC 3 * 31 3 / 4 550 17462 15966 # ABS AMERADA HESS CORP N 53 398 21094 20300 # AHC AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GP BRL 93 1 / 4 327 30492 20250 # AIG AT&T CORPORATION B 67 510 34170 25555 # T BOEING CO 4 * 76 3 / 8 318 24287 14190 # BA CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORP N 40 1 / 8 300 12037 16228 # CHA CHRYSLER CORP N 53 442 23426 18292 # C CIRCUS CIRCUS ENTERPRISES INC B 28 7 / 8 800 23100 24509 # CIR CITICORP BRL 69 3 / 8 342 23726 15248 # CCI DELTA AIRLINES B 70 7 / 8 349 24735 22216 # DAL f � b�AN WITfEl2 i USER15 �G Z Thu Jan 18 10 : 32 : 47 1996 A 342 018922 049 5 1 / 17 / 96 4 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE O , CASH POS 27 OF 49 1 / 12 / 96 0 SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL LT DISNEY CO DE B 59 1 / 2 380 22610 23160 # DIS FORD MOTOR CO B 27 3 /4 746 20701 18696 # F GENERAL MOTORS CORP CL E BRL 52 7 / 8 574 30350 20210 # GME HEWLETT PACKARD A 76 3 / 4 160 12280 13520 # HWP INTEL CORP B 50 808 40400 26033 # INTC IVAX CORP FLORIDA 4 * 26 11040 27040 28730 # IVX KIMBERLY CLARK CORP B 79 7 / 8 360 28755 29146 # KMB ELI LILLY & CO 4 * 51 3 / 4 520 26910 23186 # LLY MC DONALDS CORP N 46 3 / 8 292 13541 7938 # MCD MERCK & CO 5 * 65 1 /2 430 28165 17656 # MRK MERRILL LYNCH & CO INC N/O 54 7 / 8 399 21895 18279 # MER MOTOROLA INC A 49 1 / 2 490 24255 23734 # MOT NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 4 * 16 3 / 8 11132 18536 21016 # NSM OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP DE N 20 3 / 4 11270 26352 23924 # OXY PHELPS DODGE CORP 4 * 57 3 / 8 160 9180 10256 # PD PHILIP MORRIS CO INC A 91 350 31850 21454 # MO USER15 Thu Jan 18 10 : 32 : 55 1996 A 342 018922 049 END 1 / 17 / 96 5 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE O , CASH POS 43 OF 49 1 / 12 / 96 SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL CTER & GAMBLE B 86 1 / 4 340 29325 20502 # PG HLUMBERGER LTD N 67 260 17420 17158 # SLB TEXACO INC A 77 1 / 8 410 31621 27580 # TX TEXAS INSTRUMENTS - 3 * 45 3 / 4 640 29280 40203 # TXN WMX TECHNOLOGIES INC N 29 3 / 4 830 24692 25158 # WMX US TSY NOTE 6875 96OC31 -N/0 ? 101 1 / 4 ? 172 , 000 174150 179189 817F7 XEROX CORP N 136 5 / 8 237 32380 21042 # XRX /2 -31- f / I - 3 / - f. vRt- vE- �� Z/ 83, S9 `f /l 79z / � 78� Tzo . g70 LIAO LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED City of Fayetteville Police Pension Board Meeting January 18, 1996 3 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account December 31, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield COMMON STOCK 19600 AT & T 54.18 86,692.00 64.75 1035600.00 2.6 1 .320 23112.00 2.0 11000 ADT Limited 12.19 12,195.00 15.00 15,000.00 0.4 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Abbott Labs 41 .12 41 ,125.00 41 .62 412625.00 1 .0 0.840 840.00 2.0 1 ,300 Arrow Electronics 42.55 555311 . 14 43.00 559900.00 1 .4 0.000 0.00 0.0 15300 Barrick Gold Corp. 15.37 19,986.00 26.37 34,287.50 0.9 0. 120 156.00 0.5 1 ,000 Cemer Corp. 25.50 255500.00 20.50 20,500.00 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,250 Clayton Homes 13. 12 16,400.00 21 .37 262718.75 0.7 0.000 0.00 0.0 900 Compaq 39.48 35,535.96 48.00 43,200.00 1 .1 0.000 0.00 0.0 725 Diebold, Inc. 30.51 22,122.75 55.37 40,146.87 1 .0 0.960 696.00 1 .7 1 ,900 Dovatron International 31 . 15 592193.50 33.75 645125.00 1 .6 0.000 0.00 0.0 500 Dover Corp. 39.44 19,722.50 36.87 18,437.50 0.5 1 .040 520.00 2.8 1 ,400 Emerson Electric 55.07 77,100.12 81 .75 114,450.00 2.9 1 .960 2,744.00 2.4 1 ,000 Federal Signal 22.50 22,500.00 25.87 252875.00 0.7 0.500 500.00 1 .9 600 Gannett Inc. 61 .32 362792.00 61 .37 36,825.00 0.9 1 .240 744.00 2.0 1 ,625 General Electric 52.85 85.874.31 72.00 117,000.00 2.9 1 .840 2,990.00 2.6 1 ,300 General Nutrition 20.03 26,045.50 23.00 29,900.00 0.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Greentree Financial 27.69 27,695.00 26.37 26,375.00 0.7 0.250 250.00 0.9 1 ,000 Hanna, M. A. 28.25 28250.00 28.00 287000.00 0.7 0.580 580.00 2.1 400 Illinois Tool Works 37. 18 14,871 .44 59.00 23,600.00 0.6 0.680 272.00 1 .2 1 ,000 Ingersoll-Rand 38.32 38,320.00 35.12 35,125.00 0.9 0.740 740.00 2. 1 •. 2,000 International Rectifier 12.18 24,366. 18 25.00 50,000.00 1 .3 0.000 0.00 0.0 900 JLG Industries 10.23 9207.00 29.75 262775.00 0.7 0.060 54.00 0.2 1 ,500 Kennametal, Inc. 37.97 562962.50 31 .75 47,625.00 1 .2 0.600 900.00 1 .9 1 ,500 Mercury Finance 11 .26 16,882.86 13.25 19,875.00 0.5 0.300 450.00 2.3 500 Mobil Corp. 87.33 432665.00 111 .75 55,875.00 1 .4 3.700 1 ,850.00 3.3 1 ,000 Mueller Industries 22.58 22,580.00 29.25 29,250.00 0.7 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,600 Newell Cc Inc 20.93 33,492.00 25.87 41,400.00 1 .0 0.480 768.00 1 .9 700 Northern Trust Corp. 41 . 16 28,813.08 56.00 39,200.00 1 .0 1 .240 868.00 2.2 1 ,100 Periphonics Corp. 25.50 28,050.00 27.75 30525.00 0.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,300 Personnel Group of 14.60 18,980.00 14.62 19,012.50 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.0 America 1 ,500 Philip Morris 54.03 81 ,038.50 90.25 135,375.00 3.4 4.000 6,000.00 4.4 700 Robert Half International 27.62 19,337.50 41 .87 29,312.50 0.7 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 SofamorDanekGroup 25.35 25,350.00 28.37 28,375.00 0.7 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Starbucks Corp. 13.78 13,785.00 21 .00 212000.00 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Stewart & Stevenson 23.82 23,820.00 25.25 25,250.00 0.6 0.320 320.00 1 .3 1 ,400 Tyson Foods 22.67 31 ,744.46 26. 12 36,575.00 0.9 0.080 112.00 0.3 1 ,300 U. S. Filter Corp. 22. 12 28.762.50 26.62 34,612.50 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Utah Medical Products 17.39 17,392.50 19.81 19,812.50 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,500 Varian Associates 42.12 63.173.75 47.87 71 ,812.50 1 .8 0.280 420.00 0.6 2,000 VeriFone, Inc. 24.64 49.274.42 28.62 57,250.00 1 .4 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,200 WMX Technologies 28.52 34223.57 29.75 35,700.00 0.9 0.600 720.00 2.0 100 Watkins Johnson 45.24 72.380.50 43.75 70,000.00 1 .8 0.480 768.00 1 .1 500 Weyerhaeuser 40.00 20.000.00 4325 21 .625.00 0.5 1 .600 800.00 3.7 1 ,514,513.54 1 ,846,928. 12 46.5 27,174.00 1 .5 .• 1 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City ofFayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account December3l, 1995 Unit Total Market Market PM, Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield MUTUAL FUNDS 2,795.498 Vanguard Small 18.54 51 ,828.35 18.61 52,024.22 1 .3 0. 180 503.19 1 .0 Capitalization Stock Fund 513828.35 52,024.22 1 .3 503. 19 1 .0 CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 Philip Morris 100.54 1007543.50 106.62 106,625.00 2.7 9.250 9,250.00 8.7 (Non-callable) Rated A2/A 9.250 % Due 12-01-97 55,000 Pepsico (Non-callable) 99.31 54,618.30 101 .41 55,773.44 1 .4 6. 125 3,368.75 6.0 Rated A/A l 6.125 % Due 01-15-98 140,000 Wal-Mart Stores 101 .83 142,565.75 102.66 1432718.75 3.6 6.500 9,100.00 6.3 (Non-callable) Rated AAI/AA 6.500 % Due 06-01-03 75,000 J.P. Morgan 9990 74,925.75 95.25 71,437.50 1 .8 5.750 4,312.50 6.0 (Non-callable) Rated AA2/AA+ • 5.750 % Due 10-15-08 Accrued interest 3.992.95 0. 1 372,653.30 381 ,547.64 9.6 26,031 .25 6.9 GOVERNMENTBONDS 200,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.94 199,884.00 100.50 2017000.00 5. 1 6. 125 12,250.00 6.1 6.125 % Due 07-31-96 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.96 99,958.00 101 .75 101 ,750.00 2.6 7.250 7,250.00 7.1 7.250 % Due 11-30-96 225,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.89 224,751 .75 102. 19 229,921 .87 5.8 7.500 16,875.00 7.3 7.500 % Due 12-31-96 150,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.94 149,910.50 103.78 1557671 .87 3.9 7.375 11 ,062.50 7.1 7.375 % Due 11-15-97 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.36 99,359.37 101 .41 101 ,406.25 2.6 6.000 62000.00 5.9 6.000 % Due 11 -30-97 75,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.99 74995.25 100.12 75,093.75 1 .9 5.250 32937.50 5.2 5.250 % Due 12-31 -97 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.56 49,781 .50 103.47 51 ,734.37 1 .3 6.250 3,125.00 6.0 6.250 % Due 08-31.00 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.00 99,000.00 111 .87 111 ,875.00 2.8 8.000 8,000.00 7.2 8.000 % Due 05-15-01 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 101 .50 101 ,500.00 104.94 104,937.50 2.6 6.375 6,375.00 6.1 6.375 % Due 08-15-02 155,000 U. S. Treasury Note 98.34 152.425.98 111 .00 172,050.00 4.3 7.250 11 ,237.50 6.5 7.250 % Due 05-15-04 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.97 49,984.38 115.78 57,890.62 1 .5 7.875 3,937.50 6.8 7.875 % Due 11-15-04 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.87 497937.50 106.50 53,250.00 1 .3 6.500 3,250.00 6.1 6.500 % Due 08-15-05 2 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account December31, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.83 49,914.06 102.78 51,390.62 1 .3 6.250 3,125.00 6. 1 6.250 % Due 08-15-23 Accrued Interest 16,441 .46 0.4 1 ,401 ,402.30 1 ,4841413.33 37.3 965425.00 6.6 GOVERNMENT AGENCY 60,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 100.06 60,035.00 101 .22 %731 .25 1 .5 7.350 4,410.00 7.3 (Call 6-14-96 @ 100) 7.350 % Due 06-14-05 Accrued Interest 208.25 0.0 602035.00 60,939.50 1 .5 42410.00 7.3 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Dividends Accrued 3,906.50 31906.50 0.1 0.000 0.00 0.0 Money Market 44.415.16 44,415.16 1 .1 4.940 22194. 11 4.9 48,321 .66 48,321 .66 1 .2 2,194. 11 4.5 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 100,000.00 100.00 100,000.00 2.5 8.300 8,300.00 8.3 • Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2.96 8.300 % Due 01-02-96 Accrued Interest 668.61 0.0 100,000.00 100,668.61 2.5 8,300.00 8.3 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 395489754.15 30749843.09 100.0 X 1659037.55 4.2 x • 3 j Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account December 31, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield COMMON STOCK 12600 AT & T 54. 18 86,692.00 64.75 103,600.00 4.1 1 .320 2,112.00 2.0 1 ,000 ADT Limited 12. 19 12,195.00 15.00 15,000.00 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Abbott Labs 41 .12 412125.00 41 .62 41 ,625.00 1 .7 0.840 840.00 2.0 1 ,300 Arrow Electronics 42.55 55,311 .14 43.00 55,900.00 2.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,300 Barrick Gold Corp. 15.37 197986.00 26.37 34287.50 1 .4 0. 120 156.00 0.5 1 ,000 Cerner Corp. 25.50 25,500.00 20.50 202500.00 0.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,250 Clayton Homes 13.12 16,400.00 21 .37 26,718.75 1 .1 0.000 0.00 0.0 900 Compaq 39.48 35,535.96 48.00 43200.00 1 .7 0.000 0.00 0.0 725 Diebold, Inc. 30.51 22,122.75 55.37 40,146.87 1 .6 0.960 696.00 1 .7 1 ,900 Dovatron International 31 .15 59;193.50 33.75 64.125.00 2.6 0.000 0.00 0.0 500 Dover Corp. 39.44 19,722.50 36.87 18,437.50 0.7 1 .040 - 520.00 2.8 1 ,400 Emerson Electric 55.07 77,100. 12 81 .75 114,450.00 4.6 1 .960 29744.00 2.4 1 ,000 Federal Signal 22.50 22.500.00 25.87 25,875.00 1 .0 0.500 500.00 1 .9 600 Gannett Inc. 61 .32 36,792.00 61 .37 36,825.00 1 .5 1 .240 744.00 2.0 1 ,625 General Electric 52.85 85,874.31 72.00 117,000.00 4.7 1 .840 22990.00 2.6 1 ,300 General Nutrition 20.03 26,045.50 23.00 29,900.00 1 .2 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Greentroc Financial 27.69 27,695.00 26.37 26,375.00 1 . 1 0.250 250.00 0.9 1,000 Hanna, M. A. 28.25 28250.00 28.00 282000.00 1 .1 0.580 580.00 2.1 400 Illinois Tool Works 37.18 14.871 .44 59.00 23,600.00 0.9 0.680 272.00 1 .2 • 1 ,000 Ingersoll-Rand 38.32 38,320.00 35. 12 35,125.00 1 .4 0.740 740.00 2.1 2,000 International Rectifier 12.18 24,366. 18 25.00 50,000.00 2.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 900 JLG Industries 10.23 9207.00 29.75 262775.00 1 .1 0.060 54.00 0.2 1 ,500 Kennametal, Inc. 37.97 56,962.50 31 .75 47,625.00 1 .9 0.600 900.00 1 .9 1 ,500 Mercury Finance 11 .26 - 16,882.86 13.25 197875.00 0.8 0.300 450.00 2.3 500 Mobil Corp. 87.33 43,665.00 111 .75 55,875.00 2.2 3.700 1 ,850.00 3.3 1 ,000 Muellerindustries 22.58 22,580.00 29.25 29250.00 1 .2 0.000 0.00 0.0 1.,600 Newell Co Inc 20.93 333492.00 25.87 41 ,400.00 1 .6 0.480 768.00 1 .9 700 Northern Trust Corp. 41 .16 28,813.08 56.00 397200.00 1 .6 1 .240 868.00 2.2 1,100 Periphonics Corp. 25.50 28,050.00 27.75 305525.00 12 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,300 Personnel Group of 14.60 18,980.00 14.62 19,012.50 0.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 America 1 ,500 Philip Morris 54.03 81 ,038.50 90.25 135,375.00 5.4 4.000 61000.00 4.4 700 Robert Half International 27.62 19,337.50 41 .87 29,312.50 1 .2 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Sofamor Danek Group 25.35 25,350.00 28.37 28375.00 1 . 1 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Starbucks Corp. 13.78 13,785.00 21 .00 21 .000.00 0.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Stewart & Stevenson 23.82 23,820.00 25.25 25250.00 1 .0 0.320 320.00 1 .3 1 ,400 Tyson Foods 22.67 31 .744.46 26.12 36,575.00 1 .5 0.080 112.00 0.3 1 ,300 U. S. Filter Corp. 22.12 28,762.50 26.62 34,612.50 1 .4 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,000 Utah Medical Products 1739 17392.50 19.81 19,812.50 0.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 1 ,500 Varian Associates 42. 12 63,173.75 47.87 71 ,812.50 2.9 0.280 420.00 0.6 2.000 VeriFone, Inc. 24.64 49274.42 28.62 57250.00 2.3 0.000 0.00 0.0 1200 WMX Technologies 28.52 34223.57 29.75 35,700.00 1 .4 0.600 720.00 2.0 1 ,600 Watkins Johnson 4524 72.380.50 43.75 70,000.00 2.8 0.480 768.00 1 . 1 500 Weyerhaeuser 40.00 20,000.00 43.25 21 ,625.00 0.9 1 .600 800.00 3.7 1 ,514,513 .54 11846,928. 12 73.6 27,174.00 1 .5 1 �4 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account December 31, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield MUTUALFUNDS 2,795.498 Vanguard Small 18.54 517828.35 18.61 52,024.22 2. 1 0.180 503.19 1 .0 Capitalization Stock Fund 513828.35 525024.22 2. 1 503. 19 1 .0 GOVERNMENTBONDS 125,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.88 124,853.75 102.19 1277734.37 5. 1 7.500 9,375.00 7.3 7.500 % Due 12-31-96 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.96 49,978.50 103.78 51 ,890.62 2. 1 7.375 32687.50 7.1 7.375 % Due 11-15-97 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.36 99,359.37 101 .41 101 ,406.25 4.0 6.000 6,1100.00 5.9 6.000 % Due 11-30-97 MONO U. S. Treasury Note 101 .50 101 ,500.00 104.94 104,937.50 4.2 6.375 6}75.00 6.1 6.375 % Due 08-15-02 110,000 U. S. Treasury Note 97.95 107,747.48 111 .00 122,100.00 4.9 7.250 75975.00 6.5 7.250 % Due 05.15-04 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.97 49,984.38 115.78 57,890.62 2.3 7.875 3,937.50 6.8 7.875 % Due 11-15-04 Accrued Interest 4,901 .67 0.2 _ 533,423.48 5705861 .04 22.7 37,350.00 6.6 *SH AND EQUIVALENTS Dividends Accrued 3.906.50 3,906.50 0.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 Money Market 36.759.76 36.759.76 1 .5 4.940 1 ,815.93 4.9 40,666.26 40,666.26 1 .6 11815.93 4.5 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 2,1401431.63 2,510,479.64 100.0 66,843.12 2.7 • 2 .1 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account Deceraber3l, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 Philip Morris 100.54 100,543.50 106.62 106,625.00 7.3 9.250 99250.00 8.7 (Non-callable) Rated A2/A 9.250 % Due 12-01-97 55,000 Pepsico (Non-callable) 99.31 54,618.30 101 .41 552773.44 3.8 6.125 33368.75 6.0 Rated A/A 1 6.125 % Due 01 -15-98 140,000 Wal-Mart Stores 101 .83 141565.75 102.66 143,718.75 9.8 6.500 91100.00 6.3 (Non-callable) Rated AAI/AA 6.500 % Due 06-01-03 75,000 J.P. Morgan 99.90 742925.75 95.25 71 ,437.50 4.9 5.750 4,312.50 6.0 (Non-callable) Rated AA2/AA+ 5.750 % Due 10-15-08 Accrued Interest 3.992.95 0.3 372,653.30 381 ,547.64 26. 1 26,031 .25 6.9 �OVERNMENTBONDS 2003000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.94 199,884.00 100.50 2010000.00 13.7 6. 125 12,250.00 6.1 6.125 % Due 07-31-96 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.96 99,958.00 101 .75 101 ,750.00 6.9 7.250 72250.00 7. 1 7.250 % Due 11-30-96 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.90 99,898.00 102.19 1022187.50 7.0 7.500 73500.00 7.3 7.500 % Due 12-31 -96 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.93 99932.00 103.78 103.781 .25 7.1 7.375 7,375.00 7.1 7.375 % Due 11-15-97 75,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.99 74,99525 100.12 75,093.75 5.1 5.250 3,937.50 5.2 5250 % Due 12-31-97 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.56 49.781 .50 103.47 51 ,734.37 3.5 6.250 35125.00 6.0 6.250 % Due 08-31-00 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.00 99.000.00 111 .87 1111875.00 7.6 8.000 8,000.00 7.2 8.000 % Due 05-15-01 45,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.29 44,678.50 111 .00 49.950.00 3.4 7.250 3,262.50 6.5 7.250 % Due 05-15-04 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.87 49.937.50 106.50 53,250.00 3.6 6.500 3,250.00 6.1 6.500 % Due 08-15-05 50,000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.83 49,914.06 102.78 51 ,390.62 3.5 6.250 3,125.00 6. 1 6.250 % Due 08-15-23 Accred Interest 11 ,539.79 0.8 8677978.81 913,552.29 62.4 599075.00 6.5 GOVERNMENT AGENCY 60,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 100.06 60,035.00 101 .22 60,731 .25 4.1 7.350 4,410.00 7.3 (Call 6-14-96 (x3100) 7.350 % Due 06-14-05 1 $yr J Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account December3l, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield Accrued Interest 208.25 0.0 60,035.00 609939.50 4.2 4,410.00 7.3 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market 7 655.40 7 655.40 0.5 4.940 378.18 4.9 71655.40 7,655.40 0.5 378. 18 4.9 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 100,000.00 100.00 100,000.00 6.8 8.300 8,300.00 8.3 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300 % Due 01-02-96 Accrued Interest 668.61 0.0 1002000.00 100,668.61 6.9 83300.00 8.3 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 19408,322.51 19464j63.44 100.0 98,194.43 6.8 • • 2 w' City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Largest Holdings December 31 , 1995 Percent of Percent of Equity Portfolio Total Portfolio (Historical Cost) (Historical Coso AT & T 4 . 1 % 2 .4% General Electric 4.0% 2 .4% Philip Morris 3 . 8% 2 . 3% Emerson Electric 3 . 6% 2 .2% Watkins Johnson 3 .4% 2 .0% Varian 3 .0% 1 . 8% Dovatron 2 . 8% 1 .7% City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund • Portfolio Parameters December 31, 1995 Price/Earnings Multiple 19.8X Return on Equity 20.2% Debt to Capital Ratio 22.2% Expected Return 15.7% Beta 1 .08 Standard & Poor's Rating A- • Market Capitalization (Percent of Equities) Large Cap. (Greater than $5 Billion) 41 .3% Mid Cap. ($400 Million - $5 Billion) 47 .7% Small Cap. (Less than $400 Million) 11 .0% 1995 REALIZED GAINS $80,437 .43 a '11mw8gg3 "2', 0 .e000000000 � 00000 � 000000000 � oo � 00 � � 0000O000O N m2� o6o25088a 00003 0006 00 eo88 75258 08002i 88. 0 g000O000OO oo0o0 006000000000 , odd 66 Odd OOo 1 � � � � S� X � ��p•1 (y0(�r��11 � � pO�Op�� ((p�pp �app�pp�1 � X1p01 p� � � t�q � � � 1p�� pp� X � �1{�p � � � � X1�1�� 1(1((�mpp� � ry�1y � �gX1qpp � � � � 0 EOb � 1,•ZSrNmINN rt� NI� 1� QN � NN170NNN N17 fNVN � I"1NPO1pN � NlOPNN � � � � OON 17 p � � 0000000GGO0000000G00000000000 — OCOOOOOCCO00 ' a>> mU �a: ��yA1 � ���pp � � � � 8�$j (t�ppx �: � � � � � yp�yp��:�1 � ��1yy � p�pxpp�pp (yxy1�J�1o�_ �{��{yppypp�pp�� lp�p1�0pp�ppx � � � � � p_�p�� ��p•1f�fpp1�N1pp � � � � 17 '4r', o1 � � 4 � 2Y � x1� NV1ryn1•IQ � 09. NON010 Cln NOONr � NN � O] QQO � QOH jONO000000CCO00000CCOOGOOCGO00GOt•10000 � G000 � 00 1bbppbN1fp� N � �p1 O1.1nN � . 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U`mSU�o' c� owBaL°1cm� `cm� t9om� cpcx1md - d xnc LLA c �y_mmm — zmEmau Ec NcoxNm' wrmEd50 m?3c 6w LL � 77 1c oo 3-m cmdmCa -6 dO mc o c W � y np a2m � t2E ; z rc u ` cc $ cvE9c _ cao ' c dmmm .2 oo —m °>E � Eg � m 'SNd � m mm ,co zmmom88Ei�mcLmmn City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Performance Summary December 31 , 1995 Etc uities Fixed Income Total 1990 -4.0% 7.7% -0.4% 1991 39.2% 16.7% 28.0% 1992 -2. 1 % 6. 1% 0. 8% 1993 11 .3% 7.4% 9.2% 1994 -7.6% -5 .0% -5.6% 1995 27.8% X 15.0% )(� 19.5% K Cumulative Return 71 .9% 56.5% 58.3% Average Annual Return 10.3% 8.5% 8.8% • July 26, 1990 Inception- 1995 to-Date Beginning Value $3, 1961692 $ 0503354 Deposits $ 1501000 $ 133701000 Withdrawals $0 $0 Net Income $ 1325773 $433 ,415 Change in Accrued Income ($2,425) $21 ,311 Realized Gains $80,437 $394,985 Change in Unrealized Gains $417,365 $404,778 Ending Value $339745843 $319743843 �( Total Investment Return $628,151 X $1 ,2549489 X Returns are reported net of all fees and expenses. i City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Portfolio Income and Yield December 31 , 1995 Annual Yield on Income Book Value Fixed Income $ 135, 166 7 .0% Securities Only Total Portfolio $165,038 4.7% Weighted Average Maturity 4.65 Years Weighted Average Yield-to-Maturity 7.00% • Weighted Average Duration 3.57 Bonds as a percent of total portfolio = 51 .0% Fixed income securities maturing in three years or less: 28 . 5% of total portfolio N �A Longer Investments, Incorporated INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Conibined Account From 01-01-95 Through 12-31-95 Trade Settle Security Amount COMMON STOCK 01 -09-95 01 -09-95 Abbott Labs 190.00 01 -09-95 01 -09-95 Superior Industry International 45.00 01 -23-95 01 -23-95 Werner Enterpri ses 25.00 01 -26-95 01 -26-95 Claire's Stores 30.00 02.02-95 02-02-95 Amoco 300.00 02-06-95 02-06-95 Rollins, Inc. 154.00 02-10-95 02-10-95 Briggs & Stratton 250.00 02-10-95 02-10-95 USX-U. S. Steel Group 275.00 02-13-95 02-13-95 Diebold, Inc. 174.00 02-13-95 02-13-95 Emerson Electric 516.00 02- 13-95 02-13-95 Newell Cc Inc 100.00 02- 17-95 02-17-95 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 423.00 02-21 -95 02-21 -95 Inco, Ltd. 80.00 02-23-95 02-23-95 Barefoot, Inc. 30.00 02-23-95 02-23-95 CML Group, Inc. 20.00 03-01 -95 03-01 -95 General Electric 727.75 03-06-95 03-06-95 Genuine Parts 441 .00 03-06-95 03-06-95 Placer Dome, Inc. 75.00 03-06-95 03-06-95 Varian Associates 49.00 03-09-95 03-09-95 Chrysler Corp. 200.00 03-09-95 03-09-95 Philip Morris 17237.50 03.09-95 03-09-95 Philip Morris 15.00 03-09-95 03-09-95 Motorola, Inc. 50.00 03-15-95 03-15-95 Tyson Foods 20.00 03-27-95 03-27-95 Illinois Tool Works 60.00 03-27-95 03-27-95 Mole% Inc 6.25 03-27-95 03-27-95 AT & T 330.00 03-28-95 03-28-95 Air Products and Chemicals 122.50 04-03-95 04-03-95 Bristol Myers Squibb 740.00 04-07-95 04-07-95 Superior Industry International 27.00 04-13-95 04-13-95 Southwestern Energy 60.00 04-25-95 04-25-95 Inco, Ltd. 80.00 05-01 -95 05-01 -95 Federal Signal 125.00 05-01 -95 05-01 -95 Weyerhaeuser 320.00 05-02-95 05-02-95 AMP 230.00 05-04-95 05-04-95 Rollins, Inc. 98.00 05-08-95 05-08-95 IVAX Corp. 40.00 05-08-95 05-08-95 Mobil Corp. 462.50 05-09-95 05-09-95 Mercury Finance 90.00 05-11 -95 05-11 -95 USX-U. S. Steel Group 275.00 05- 15-95 05-15-95 Diebold, Inc. 174.00 05- 15-95 05-15-95 Emerson Elecuic 408.50 05- 15-95 05-15-95 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 517A0 05- 15-95 05- 15-95 Newell Co Inc 120.00 1